A 'Crimea WITTIUIIT A BIBITOP.—The Special Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 'which was held in New York last week adjourned Mace die, after it three days seseten, in which it was found impossible to elect a provisional Bishop for the New York diocese. The diocese remains therefore without an acting Bishop for another year. MAIIItIED. On the, sth inst., by the Rev. Win. R. Mills, Licut. ROBERT WOODS, to Miss ADAZILLA Flowtil, all of this place. - Oh, whit a large, delicious, entire pound-cake accompanied the above. The truth is, ii revived our spirits this dull weather, just to look at it,. to say nothing about the eating part. Language fails no to properly return thanks to the happy maple, for this generous remembrance of the Printer.— May long life, unalloyed happiness, unbounded prosperity be their portion through life. To friend Woods, we must say that his unyielding patriotism deserves nil praise. After gallantly serving his country as a Lieutenant in the late war with Mex ico, he now, as a good citizen, stands up for the union like a man. . THE MARKETS. Pitri..ADLLritia, I)cc. 7, 1850. The inquiry for Flour is .limited, and the only sales reported aro small lots for city consumption at $4.8l #a4,94 for common and select brands, and ss;l2ias, 50 for extra. lit 'Rye Flour and Corn Meal no transactions; the former is in demand at $3,75 but the latter is dull nt $2,75 per bid. 'There is a moderate inquiry for Wheat and prices are steady; sales of 3000 bushels good white at including a - clibice lot at 112ic., and red at 105 c. por bushel. A stile of 1000 bushels Rye at 77c. Corn is in limited demand; sales of 2000 bushels new yellow at 55a57e. Oats are in demand nt for mer rates. Whiskey—Demand limited and prices of bbls. and hints are unsettled. MONEY pIATTEIM. Philadelphia Dates of Discount. CORIWCTED WEEKLT. Philallelpli in Banks. , paq..ebanon, par Pittsburg, par Chambershurg, • I Germantown par i Gettysburg, Chester County,• • • • parlMiddleton, Delaware County, • • • par Carlisle, Montgomery Co., • • • par Harrisburg Northumberland . • • • parlllonesdale, 1 Col. Bridge Co., • • . • par:Wyoming par Bondi% par Erie Bank, 1 Lancaster, par:Waynesburg ' li Doylestown parScliuylkill flaven,• • • par Easton . , par West Branch par Bucks County, pan Relief Notes , 11 Brownsville part 4 ' 4 ' new issue • 1 Pottsville par,State Scrip, Washington, f Pittsburg City Scrip • • 15 York, ilAllegheny City, 20 Danville. pariillegliony County, • • • 20 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Magazines. GRACE W. SMITH will furnish the prin cipal Magazines, (including Harper's, Gra ham, &c.,) at $2 50 per annum, thereby saving no small sum as there is no postage to be paid. [Dec. 10, 1850. Military Ball, ON THE EIOIITII OF JANUARY, 185 L A Military Ball trill take place in Huntingdon 11, on Watuesdag Evening the Bth of Junuarg, 1851. Tickets, 82 50. T. B. CASItIiELL, JACOB SNIDER, R. C. MCGILL, JOHN MCCONNELL, War. LEWIS, GEO. GARIIETSON, JOHN C. MURRY, J. S. AFFRICA, JOHN B. GRIFFITH, JOHN H. EASTON, JOHN AFFRIOA, A. WESTBROOK, JAs. D. MCKINNET, Committee of dbrangement. Dee. 10, 1850. Extra Family Flour, OV the celebrated Crownover Brand, for sale by PEIOGTAL & BOGGS. ALSO, superior Mackerel at unusually low rotes. Every day brings something now" to this pop ular establishment, in the way of rich and rare goods, and as everybody deals there, we tire sur prised that all their relations do not follow suit. Another arrival hourly expected of Boots and Shoes, Bay State Long Shawls, Paramattas, Bro cades, &c. &c. [Dee. 10. Are you Insured TF not, insure your property at once in the Cum j. berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company. Apply to GEO. W. SPEER, Agent, 13ridgeport, Pa. VID GLOVES, of a new and superior style, .1.1 tbr sale by SPEER & IRONS, Dec. 10,2t.1 Bridgeport, Pa. P's Superior Cloth, for Overcoats, for sale by SPEER & IRONS, Bridgeport, Pa, Dec. 10,-2t] BLANKETS, of every quality, for sale by SPEER & IRONS, Bridgeport, Pa Dec. 10,-2t) LONG SHAWLS, a superior article, for sale by SPEER & laotts, Auditor's Notice. rrinE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the 1 Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, to ascertain and report leins against the real estate of Philip F. Shoop, late of Tell township, dce'd, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that ho will attend to the duties of his said appointment on Saturday, the 4th day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Dec. 10, 1850.-4 t Administrator's Notice. Estate of GEORGE GARNER, Dec'd. LETTERS of Administration have been gran ted to the undersigned upon the estate of GEORGE GARNER, late of Penn township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. All persons know. leg themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims well please present them for settlement. HENRY GARNER, SOLOMON GARNER, Dec. 10, 1850.-3 t. Administrators. PUBLIC SALE. TE subscriber will offer at public sale, in the village of Shade Gap, on Wednesday, the 18th of DeComber, 1850, the well known TAVERN STAND now in the tenure of Henry Crouse. The buildings are large and commodi ous, witn the necessarystablins and outhouses. Terms allele easy to suit the purchaser. If not sold on that day, it will then be offered for runt at public outcry Skids Gap, Doe. 10, 1880.—te B. X. BLAtR Real Effatt'at Public Sale. On Trtursneir, Dec. 20, 1850. WILL be exposed to public sale,•on the pre mitres, in the Bormigh of Alexendria,'in Huntingdon: county, on Thursday, the 26th of December, 1850, the following real estate, late the property of John Scott, dee'd., vie lst. , ‘-A CORNER LOT extending tram Main street to the Jurinta river, :laving thereon erec ted a two story log house, weatherboard front, and a back building plastered; and the well known TANNERY which has bees carried on for upwards of 30 years, with an excellent ran of custom. The lot runs from the bridge cross log theliver, and is the most favorable locution in the Borough for business. The shops are two story log and frame, and also a frame bark 7 mill house. There are thrge handlers, two bates, and one lime in the beam shop, twenty,six lay nanny Vats, two double latches, and one pool.— In the currying shop is a large and splendidly finished stone table, which will be sold with the 1 premises. Bork can be gotten in abundance, ' and the facilities fur reaching market ore that leather ran nt all times he converted into cash in the city, anal this offers a good opportu nity for any person wishing to invest in this now profitable business,_ 2,1.—;-Lot No. 51 in the plan of said town, - situate on Second street, on the public square, .having thereon a two story FRAME PLAST. ERED HOUSE. 3d.—Lot No. 7 in the new town plot, front ing on the ennui, having thereon,a two story frame plastered 1) WELMN G HOUSE, kitchen, and a large &ache stable. pa" Terms made known on day of, sale. G .lf l ) eO lN . W SC . O S T CO I I7, Ekeeutors. Dee. 10, 1850.—ts. Valuable Real Estate arPublic Sale, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1851. WILL be offered qt public sale, on Tuesday, the 14th day ofJanuary next, at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, the fol lowing described TRACT OF LAND, in Hen derson township, in said county, containing Three Hundred Acres be the same more or legs, adjoining lands or J ohn Silknitter on the east, Rolland Evans on the south, William Coutch on the north, and Bell on the west, having thereon erected a two story square Log D'vELLING HOUSE, and a cabin Burn, with a never-failing spring of water at the door, fifty acres of which are cleared, with a thriving AP PLE ORCHARD thereon. A large portion of the remainder is 'welt set with White and Yel low PINE TIMBER. Murray's Run .passes through said land, on which there is a good site for a SAW MILL, rendering it, on the whole, a desirable property for a man of enterprise with some capital. Tana,, or SAJ.E.—,One half of the purchase money to be paid in hand, the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be se• cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. MARY ANN BOWERS, Surviving Executrix of Sarah Cole, de'c'd. Dec. 10, 1850.—t5.1 Auditor's Notice. • Estate of JOHN YOCUM, Deed. rrITE undersigned Auditors, appointed to -1-dis tribute the money in the hands of Andrew S. Harrison, Administrator of JOHN YOCUM, late of Walker township, dec'd., will meet for that purpose, at the office of John Reed, Esq., in the Boiough of Huntingdon, on Saturday, the 28th of December, 1850, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when and where all persons interested can at tend, if they see proper. . . JACOB MILLER, THOS. FISHER,: Auditors JOHN REED, Dec. 10, 1810.-3 t. Orphans' Court Sale. ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1851. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public vendee or outcry, on the prem ises, on Saturday, the 4th day of January, 1851, the following described piece or parcel of land, situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon coun ty, containing 37 acres 102 perches, and allow ances, be the same mare or less ' adjoining lands late of Josiah Ball, dec., Cornelius Davis, dec., and John Marsh and others, on which is erected a log house and stable, and about ten acres clear ed thereon. TERMS OF SALE.-One half of the purchase money to be , paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue one year thereafter, to be secured by the bonds and mortgave of the purchaser. By the Court. M. T. CA3II•IIELL, Clerk. Attendance given by GEORGE KOPS, Adinlnistrator. Dee. 10, 1850.—ts. Orphans' Court Sale. ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1851 BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, on the premises, on Friday, the 10th day of January, 1851, the following described piece or parcel of land, sit uate in Union township, lluntingdon county, containing 200 Acres, or less, adjoining lands of John Chilcote on the north, Arnhem Wright on the west, Henry Dell on the south, and lands now occupied on the east by Amos Smith, on which is erected a story-and-a-half log House and Kitchen, and cabin Barn, a small Orchard, about 50 acres cleared thereon. TR/OIS or SALE.—Oue bailor the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue one year thereafter, to be secu red by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance given by ENOCH CHILCOTE, Adm'r. Dec. 10, . 1850 —tit . INQUEST. EAtate of LEONARD STEPTER, Dec'd. rrilE heirs of Leonard Steller, late of Jackson township, Huntingdon county, deceased, are hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Or phans' Court of said county, an Inquest to make partition and valuation of the real estate of the said deceased, will be held on the 2d day of January 1851, on the premises, situate in Jack son and Barree townships insaidcounty. WM. B: ZEIGLER, Sheriff. December 3,1850.-3 t. Santa Fe Warehouse. FOR• SALE OR RENT, a large Warehouse and Store-room, dwelling * house and stable, also a Tavern stand, situate at Mount Union, Huntingdon county, all now doing a good busi ness, end likely to increase, it being the :learnt point fora large portion of Huntingdon and Bed ford counties to get their produce on the canal and railroad. Possession given on the first of April next. Apply to the subscriber in Hill Valley. JOHN BREWSTER. December 3, ISso.—pd. 1713" Hollidaysburg Register insert to amount or it I. nail ehnr, this otliCp. EXPRESS AGENCY. DAMS & have established an Express 4 Office in Huntingdon, in charge of Horace - Smith, at the H.lntingdon Book Store. All packages left with him will be carefully attend• e 4 to. [June 4, 1950. PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE REAL! ESTATE. THE subscrner will offer for sale, on Saturrbry the 21st tf , Derctabci, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a LOT OP GROUND, situated in Shatersville, Morris township, Huntingdon county, on which is erected two excellent DWELLING HOUSES, the one being a now two story STONE HOUSE, the other a one and a half story frame house.— Any person wishing to examine the property, con do so by calling on Robert - Kinkead, Esq., who 1 resides on the premises. An indisputable title will be given and terms of ' sale made known on day of sale by JAS. M. EINNEAD. Nov. 26, 1850. QTRATS.—Came to the residente 'of the sub- Ferilwr, shout the l st of October, a 13R I NI )I.E HEIFFER, a BRINDLE STEER, and BLACK STEER, with a white forehead, supposed to be &kit a year and a half old.. They are about one age, with a piece off the left car, and a slit in the right ear. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take them affray, otherwise they wilt he disposed of timed- Mg to - law. GEORGE A. HEATON. Nov. 26, 1850. SHERIFF' Arn HAIL C BESS t,r. 'S NOTICE. In thp Court of Com mon Pleas of Hunting don county. Writ de Partition de ITARDMAN Pima.. Fac lend. VUIIE said Hardman Philips, and all other per sons interested, are hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ de partition° facienda, issu ed out of the said Court, and tome directed, I will on WEDNESDA 1,, the Bth day of January next. take with me twelve free, honest, and. lawful nice of my bailiwick, upon that certain tract of land situate in West township, in the said coun ty, bounded by Shaver's creek, and lauds new or late of John Crawford, Jacob Neff, Benjamin Brubaker, J. Neff, and the Frankstown branch of the Juniata river, surveyed. on a warrant granted to Samuel Anderson, bearing date the oth April, 178-I, and then and there, as in the said writ commanded, the said tract of land with the appurtenances, having respect - to the true value thereof, into two equal parts cause to be parted and divided, and one equal pert of the said tract of land, (the whole into two equal parts to be parted and divided) unto the said Abraham . c resswell, and the remaining one e qual part of the said tract of land, (the whole into two equal parts to be parted and divided) unto the said Hardman Philips, to he held by them in severalty, will then.and there be as• signed and delivered Recording to the command of the said writ, and the laws of this.Commen. wealth.__ W.M. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Nov. 20, 1820.-6 t. MILL AND FARM FOR SALE. MBE subscriber will sell, at private sale, the MERCHANT MILL AND FARM now oc cupied by &mita Hoekenberrv, in Wells town ship, Fulton (formerly Bedford) county. The MILL was erected 'only a few years ago; has three run of stones, a twenty fOot over shot water wheel, and has all the modern improvements. The whole of the machinery being in complete order. - The FARM consists of 90 Acres, about on half of which is cleared and in cultivation. ...... As the undersigned resides at a distaneeLfrom this property, and his engagements will not admit of - his giving it 'proper attention, ho will sell it at A DARGAIN, and make the payments easy--say one-fourth or one-third in hand, and the hahmee in from six to ten annual payments. Possession given on the Ist of April next. For further particulars call on the subscriber, in Mercersburg, Franklin county; G. W. 11. Sipe, near the premises, or Win. Donis, Esq., Hunt ingdon. JAMES O. CARSON. Mercersburg, Nov. 19, 1850. GT "Centre Democrat" insert natal first of January, 1851, and charge this office. NEFF & MILLER ALWAYS AHEAD! TAE great amount of WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWEL,RY, and Fancy Articles, daily at NEFF & MILLER'S, is the best evidence that thee sell the most fashionable, best and clwapea in Huntingdon, and that the principle of dealing with all upon fair terms, gives satisfaction. "They arc THIS !)AY opening the Lar gest anti Best Assortment of WATCH ES and dywaliur, &e., ever brought to Hunting don. Cull and sec them. They onlyask a small advance on cost for goods, and not two prices, as at other places. • WAR goods sold WARRANTED TO SE AS RE ritEsENTED. Don't forget the cheap comer. Nov. 5, 1850. NEFF & MLLE% HUNTINGDON MARBLE WORKS. THE subscriber has just returned from the city, 1 where he purchased at large and well assorted lot of MAIIBLE, which he offers to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjoining' comities, at prices which: cannot fail to suit all who may want either MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD AN]) FOOT STONES, or any work usually done in an estab lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any work in his line, would do well to give the subscriber a call, as he is determined not to he outdone by any other establishment, either in material or work manship, on the Juniata. Slop near the upper end of Main street, noddy opposite the Presbyterian church. It. 0. STEWART. Huntingdon, Nov. 10, 1850.-3 m. GREAT Improvement in llaguerreotypeing VAN LOAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at all times. with great certainty—as well in stormy as clear weather—which are justly pronounced by artists and scietitic men, UNRIVALLED, for depth of tone and softness of light and shade. By working themselves, they not only produce pictures which are GOOD AND CHEAP l l but by far the best and cheapest which can he produced at any other establishment. Their charge for pictures in hand- SUM improved cases, lunge from ONE DOLLAR to three dollars, depending on the size of the pic ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at other establishments, for pictures of equal size— but of inferior quality. Their GALLERY OF POR TRAITS, consisting of some hundreds, embraces collection of DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS worthy the attention of visitors to their rooms, which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES. The collection which they had deposited in the exhibition of the Franklin Institute, was constant ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who were loud in their praise of the artists' skill. To guard against every possibility of mistake, they guarantee every picture to be of the best ma tennis, and unless it is - entirely satisfactory to the customer, NO CIIAIME IS MADE. or When visiting the diiaaltheir rooms, whether you wish a Daguerreotypo or not. The admission is free, and you will be pleased with yuur visit. Don't forget the number, 118 Chesnut street, a few doors below Fourth. Philadelphia, Nor. 19, 1850. RARE AND EXCELLENT!' SCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW ELRY aro going °limpidly, at the low rates at which he sells. His stock is new, large and well selected, and people find it advantageous to call with him before making purchases elsewhere. Nor. 111 Mt. THE ELEPHANT AGAIN i, . • kir ,y ‘. 1 , 4 1 ;iitr; - : • PEIGIITAL & BOGGS, IjAVE just received another tremendous ad -11 dition to their previous heavy stock. They have everything now that is required tosuit the wants of this community. Splendid Excelsior De Loins, at 1.24 cts. per yard.. Superb llnram7itta Cloths, at 132 1 ¢ ets. - Unequalled •Brocades, at all prices. Rich Irish Poplins, at 36 and 73 etc. Calicoes, from 3 to 12t eta. French Oiled Ginghams, at l2i ct. Damask-de Lains, richly figured, at 23 etc. Heal Conestoga Slaeetingsi 91 etc. Oriental and Bay State Shawls, at all prices. Heavy Yard wide Mastitis, at 6 and 8 etc. Real "Jane Lind' , Cloths, at 12i. Satinetts, at 37, 30, 62 and 73 cts. Tweeds at 23, 31 and 37 cts. Hardware, Queensware, Boots & Shoes, Paints, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, at their former low prices. Indeed, everything can be had at this popular Bazar, 25 per cent. lower than else where, and ell that is required to eonvinee the community that the “ELEPIIAN'I"' is the place for cheap and good goods, is for them to call, when an examination will . 'satisfy them that money can be saved by patronizing this es tablishment.. Nov. 5, 1850. WESTERN LAM) AGENCY. A CAMPBELL, Land Agent at Lasalle, 11-1li• 1li• lias opened ageneral Land Agency for j . Middle and Northern Illinois, and Southern Wis cousiu, where he will attend to the purehase and salo of Improved atidtninaproved Lan4 payment of • Taxes, Locution of Mexican Land Warrants, Isnaking selections for those who may be entitled to Bounty Lands under the lute act of Congress, and I . generally to all business connected with a general Land Agency. . liming completed imangonents whereby per ! sons whiting to procure lauds in this fertile and rapidly improving portion of the West, can do so at the minimum price of 51,1*4 per acre, without the expense and risk of travelling there, any per son who may pay to my Agent, James Maguire, at rluntingdon, else suns of two huudred , dollars, will have one quarter section (160 acres) entered its their name, (or us they may direct) for which they will receive the patent front the •general Land Office at Washington city, its their nuns, clear of all charges. According to existing laws those 'awls are not tax able for 5 years front the.dade of the entry. Sat isfactory scctwity w ill be given for all performances on Any part, and tot the refunding of the amount of the purchase, with 6 per cent., at the expiration of five years, to any person who may thou be dis satisfied with the location. The canal front Chicago to Lasalle, at the head of Steam-boat Navigation on the Illinois River, the Railroad fron t , Chicago to Galena, which is now in proCesi of construction,.and tbe.Railroad from Chicago to 'lock Nand, qtr the Mississippi river, now completed to Aurora, some 30 miles west of Chicago, will pass through this country from East to West, and the great Central Railroad front Galena to the mouth of the Ohio river, pass es through it from North to South, for the con struction of which the late Congress appropriated a large amount of land, thereby securing, beyond doubt, its speedy compictimi ; and till`, IS no iluobt ill the mind of any person well informed upon the subject, but Chicago will Is ...tweeted with all the Atlantic Cities by Railroad, in the course of front two to four years from this tittle, thereby enabling litmilies to emigrate to this country in the short spare of from three to flair days, tirom any portion of the East, without the riskof travelling by steam twat. Persons wishing to procure desirable homes for themselves and thtnilies, will do well to make application soon, as the amount of public Loads is limited, and is being taken up rapidly by actual settlers. Any information desired, can be obtained from ISAAC FISHER, Esq., Huntingdon, ht. REFERENCES . . KESSLER & BROTHER, Mill Creek, Huntingdon County, Pa. Alionnte & DOnsty, Huntingdon, Pa. S. S. BLAin, Esq., Hillidayslitog, Pa. 6,,ir Letters c' muec'ted with the 1111,411 CM may be addressed to A. CAMPBELL, Peru P. o:La salle Co.; (let. 29, 1850.-3 m. • Valuable Property at Private Sales THE subscriber will sell his farm at private sale, situated in Kishacoquil las valley, about three miles west of Allenville, adjoining lands of C. & Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and others, containin g 142 acres, about 125 acres of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.— The remainder is well timbered. The improve ments are a large two story Stone House, good Log Barn, good Spring at the door, good Spring House, and all other necessary out-buildings,— A first rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit, and only six miles from the Pa. Canal and Central Railroad. This farm is laid off in fifteen fields, with running water in every field, and a running stream through the barn yard. This farm will be sold reasonable; as the subscriber is desirous of emigrating to the wes'. Oct. 22, 1850. JACOB MUSSER. Valuable Property at Private Sale. FARMS AM) TIMBER LAND, I , HE subscriber ollbrs at private sale, the fol lowing described valuable Farms and Timber Land, situated in Kishacoquillas Valley, n county, Pa., one of the richest Agricultural valleys in the State of Pennsylvania. No. 1, contains 120 Acres of first rate Limestone land, in good state of cultivation, with a Brick House, Frame Barn, and other buildings thereon erected. No. 2, contains 82 Acres, with a House, Barn and Saw Mill thereon erected. A beautiful Orchard of fruit trees, and a never failing well of water at the door. No. 3, contains 230 Acres, with House, Barn, and two tenant Houses thereon erected.— About 40 acres cleared, and the rest well thn bored. No. 4, is a tract of beautiful and valuable CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND. The above valuable property will be sold whole or in lots to suit purchasers. For further particu lars, terms, &c., address the subscriber, at Allen vine, Mifflin county, Pu, JAMES FLEMLNG. Nov: 19, 11390.--3 L—pd. MAGNIFICENT ATTRACTION! rpHE CROWDS who dully visit the splendid cu -1 tablishment of NF,EF & MILL, R, say that they have the very best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES &JEWELRY in town, Theirstuek Is unrivalled, and from the low rates at which they sell, they are beyond the reach of competition. Nov. 12, 1850: HAIVICL lIiUCA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-6flice ja Main eireet, Huntingdon, Pa. FRANCISCUS% ADVEHTSMENTS. LEWISTOWN, PA. 'I l'aluts, OH, Glass, Putty, &c. A T - the lowest prices for cask—Pure White Lead at $2 per keg. Flaxseed Oil at $1 per.gal,-- Spirits of Turpentine at Wets. per gal. Putty at 6 et,. per pound. Whiting ut.3 ets. per pound. Litharge at 10 ets. per lb. /5 boxes Windsor GLASS, from Balo to 28a 30,.assorted qualities. 8 dizen Paint Brushes and Sash Tools. 100 lbs. GLUE, 100 lbs. fled Lend,, 30 " 'Chrome Tallow, 100 " Venitian lied, 50' " " Green, 23 " Terra. Cent,, 25 " Plain Green, 25 " Sugar of Lead, 10 " En. Vermillion, '23 " Spanish Brown. With an assortment of all kinds of Paints, &c., suitable for Painters, Housebuilders, &c., which are warranted of good qualitY,' always on hand at P. G. PRANCISCUS'S. 'Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1850. Vernon Air-tight Cooking Stoves. Iriy h n e etZte 7 gett ' i l m7Co s o i ll s ig of L he ,.. g e e s hi p g a i t i : anted in 1850, which is considered by all to he in valuable in its economy of fuel, and Min do as much work as the largest sized Hathaway Sttive, at the low price of $l6 to s2s,•with Kitchen Companion complete, with Tin and Hollow-ware, at $l6 ; Norton's Minerva Stove at $l5 st,slB; Nos. 2 a 3 Air-tight parlor Stoves at $5,56 a $7,50, the handsomest pattern in use. Cast Iron Stoves ; $9 to $10; 7,9 a 10 plate Stoves, $3,50 to $lO, • As we wish to close out our stock of Saves, we will sell, fur each, bargains. F. CT. FRAN(.! isc us. _ Lewistown, Nov. 5; 1850. Solar Lard Lamps. 0111:1{CItES, Public Buildings, &c., can be sop plied with Scalar bard Lamps of any style and quality, as low as calm be purchased in Philadel phia, warranted to give satistliction, or be return ed within a rea,miable time. 14 pair Lard Lamps, new awl fashionable styles. 8 ‘• Ilattging •• " 6 " Side " " 6 " Hanging Latnna, fur Eaniphene. 6 " Side 2 dozen Lamps for burning Fluid, with no as sortment of. chimneys, hinnies & Fixtures, Glbes, Wicks, &e. at F. G. FIZANCISCUS'S. Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1950. Leather and Shoe Finding Store. I HAVE' always on hand a large and well assort -1- ed stock of all kinds of Morocco Binding and Lining Skins, Kip, Upper, Sole, French and coun try Calf Skins, Pegs, Shoe Kilt, &e. to he sold lower. q uin the lowest, by Nov. 5, I tzso. F. G. FP ANCISC l'S. AMOST beautiful assortment of Tent and Tu ble Cutlery—the toast beautiful ever offered bere--liallard's Ivory handle setts of 51 pieces Ivory du.; Desert knives, a new and good ankh; low fox cash, at NOV. 5, 1850, P. G. FRANCISCUS'S. - D O M CK and Sporting Powder, Safety Fuse' r . 1 - 4, idast:nr4 at Nov. 5. 18.0. T. G. Vittxrvicurs, ruts IN of various sizeA, at :3 :oat ets. per lb. at Nov. 5.' F. G. Fic 4\('1•,1('1:1:'!1. GLASS! GLASS!! GLASS!!! of till sizes at lowest Bash prices, by Nov. 5, 1850. F. O. Fa.m.ozets. Brad,, Spikes, at $1,25, and perhaps a little lower for cash, at • Nov. 5 1850. F. O. PaAxepsct-s'A. MIN; Block, ditto, Speller, Zinc, Rivets, Iron. Wire ) from 6 to 25, always on hand, it Nov. 5, 1850. P. G. FIRANCISCUS'B. r AMP lIENE , Oil, and Burning Fluid, of best quality, always fur sale, pure and fresh, by .Nov. 5. F. G. FRAM:IW., 200 Packages Saddlery, at reduced prices.- 100 packages Coach Ware. The largest assortment of .these goods always on hand. Nov. 5. F. 0. FRANCISCI.B. • TUSCARORA ACADEMY. Tll.lSi r l a .. utp ; i t llin g institution is situated in Tns ro y,,lliniata county, I'a., eight miles south-west of Alilllintown, and six miles lirom the Perryville station on the Penn's. Railroad. Itlas been in successful operation for more than twelve years, and is believed to be equal to any Academy in the State in affording facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough 'academical edification, either for business - or for college. Be ing situated in a very pleasant neighborhood in the eonntry, the pupils arc removed front these temptations to idleness, dissipation and vice, which arc tint bate of similar institutions itt town ; and the whole surrounding vicinity will vie with any place in the State for het/MA/am, and tier the high tone of morality pervading the community. The buildings ' recently, have beer, greatly im proved, and are large, appropriate and commodi ous, constructed according to the latest and most approved models of school architecture; and are' believed to combine all the essential requisites for the. advantage and convenience of both learner and teacher. Pupils from a distance are required to , board in the Academy with the Principals; but if I it is desired hr the parents, good boarding may be obtained in the neighborhood. TERMS: For Boarding, (per week,) Washing, (per quarter, of 11 weeks) For Red, (per quarter of 11 woeks,)• • Fur Incideutal, " TERMS OF TUITION: For Tuition in Lacm, Greek, and Mathematics, (per quarter, , , $6,00 Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Econonty, Book-keeping, Bot any, History, tic. &c., 4,50 Ar,tinnotic, English Grammar, Geography, Reading, Writing, &c., (per quarter,)• • • .8,00 Light, Books and Stationery are found by the Pupil, and may be obtained at the stores in the neighborhood. There are no extra charges what ever. The academical year is divided into two sessions of 22 weeks each; and each session into two quar ters of 11 weeks earls. One quarter must be paid in advance, wheat the Pupil enters; and all bills must be paid off' Fuji:qv he leaves the Acialculy otherwise seven per cent. on the whole bill far the quarter will be added. No deduction for absence' during the quarter, unless caused by sickness. The Principals have both bceh constantly enga ged in teaching, for upwards of twelve years, and can furnish the very best testimonials, both of their own scholarship and ability, anti also of the thoroughness, success and accuracy of their mode of teaching. They will both give their exclusiro and undivided attention to their pupils, and will also he assisted by other competent instructors; and they therethre hope to enjoy the confidence of the pith - - lie, and to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. The Vacations occur in April and October. There is also a Private Bearding House belong ing to the Academy,. at which several young men may board themselves at about hatithe above rates. Address all communications (post paid) to the "Academia P. 0." DAVIT) WILSON, A. M. DAVID LAUGHLIN, A. B. Principals. Tuscarora Valley, Juniata Co., Pa., November 5,1850.9 t. N. B.—Pupils froth a distance can always find a ready conveyance aom Mifflin or Perryville up to the Academy, by applying to any of the Hotels ih either place. CIARSAPARILLA, a fine article, for eale a 13 Marla.' Caafeetiortay. [Mar 21. .. Auditor's Noticer. Estate 4f GEORGE BUCHANAN. Dec'd. rpHE undersigned Auditor, appointed to dis• tribute the balance in the bands of William Buchanan, surviving acting Administrator of GEORGE BUCHANAN, late of Hopewell township, dec'd., bmong the heirs of said de• ceased, will attend, for that purpose, at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, tha 31st day of December inst. at 10 o'cl•pck, a. at. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Dec. 3, 18.50.--it. Auditor's Notice. FAtate of ALEXANDER RAMSEY, Dec'd. THE undersigned. Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of, the county of Hunting. don, to ascertain and repPrt rienAr&c, figains , thereat estate of ALEXANDER RAMSEY, late of Springfield deed., hereLy gives notice to all persons interested, thst he Will attend to the dutic,, 01; the said appointment on Friday, the 27th day of December, A. D. 1850, at IQ o'clock, A. M. at his office, in the Borough of Huntingdon, when and where di person, interested ,may attend. JOAN ItE4D, Auditor, Dec. 3, 1830.—,1t. T , , E LADIES are' respectfully invited to examine the now and splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, now offered for sale at tho Bridgeport Stare, by ' Nov. 20.-25 • MIER & IRONS. CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, compri -L.!, sing every description, for either Ladies or flew/metes wear, now opening and for,sale cheap fr emit or country produce, at the Bridgeport Store. SPIER tit Nun•. 26.-2 t, Jenny Lind Concert Scarfs, Shawls, and indeed every article of seasonable Goods tin• Ladies weer, fur sale by acv. SPEEII:& IRONS. WANTED, in ex 'hangs 1 . 9 r goods, at cash pri. ces, 10.0ofi 11, RAGS, 2,0013 bulb. RYE, 10,001) lbs. RUTTER, 1,000 brightls . CORN.— Enquire of SPEER & IRONS. Nov. 26-41. MILNIVOOD ACADEMY. TIOARDINU SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. Sneutt 0.5 COENT I', Pa.— Rev. J. Y. .111'671,,,,, A.. 17., (444 J. R. fr. llPOinne, A. liT. , rrbicipars. The Wintor Session will commence on the first Wednesday of Norember, ISSO, to continue live months.— The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the stu dies of a profession, and the active business of life. The Academy building is new, comrno.. dious, and in - every 'nay adapted to the accom modation of a Targn number of boarders. Th• location is distinguished for its healthfulness, and the moral and religious character •f the our rounding community. It is easy of access,Ara ing on the stage route connecting Chambersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. TER NIS Pee SESSION.— For Orthography, Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra• phy, Grammar, Composition, Natnral Philoso phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, dre., Su; :11athematics, Greek and Latin languages, $l2; French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and. tight, $1,25 per week. For reference,. or further particulars, address JAMES Y. IWGINNES. Shale Gap, Oct. 1.5, 1850, "STAND FROM UNDER 1" TOR fear you will be crushed by the avalancheof Fall and winter Goods which J. & W. SAXTON have just received and opened •for public inspeetion and purchase, et their store in Iluntinodon, so celebrated for their clicapnes. and variety. the erowds assembling et their store daily, are only equalled by the numbers nightly rushing for seats at a jenny Lind Concert! We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establish- Ment in the country. if you don't believe this `assertion, "just drop in, you von't intrude," and verily it by examining qual,ties and prices. To enumerate in detail all the articles we hays for sale, would occupy too much space in the paper, to the exclusion of "marriages," always so interesting to Ihe fairer portion of'our nu • . merous customers'!" We will mention but a few. We have For the Ladies, (first in our es. teem, and "first in the heart, of their country. men,") Long Shawls, Thibet Shawls, French Merino, Alpacas, Bonnet Ribbon, Cash- Mere de Lanes 'Jenny Lind Cloth, Ladies' and Children's Mulls, &c. &c. with every desirables article of DRESS GOODS. . D The Ladies will not forget that their de partment is confined to the store on the corner, opposite Coots' Hotel. .BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of the above article. FRESP: GROCERIES, of which we have the very Lest, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. Err We will receive and store Grain, also, and pay the highest market prices, and it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient place to unload Grain in and about town. .1. &. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1850. $1,25 • •1,50 • • 1,00 N. S. LAWItENC. -77 Agent for the sale of Soathern Manufacturing.- Company's Writing Paper. WAREHOUSE No. 3, Mr:cou ST. PHILADELPHIA. 200 CASES of the above superior Palms now in store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, consisling in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 Ibs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and 'white, plain and ru:ed. SuperfineCommerciall'oets, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and ilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Cnps and Letters, plain and rifled, blue end white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Stipertine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Buth Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Pr.pers and Envelopes. c , Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri ces. A lso, 1000 reatni white end assorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorts' Tis sue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assort, '4 blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hardw a • pers &c, • July 03-Im. VARIETY of 'articles too numerous to men tion for sale at Cunningham's Grocery. .04 confectionary . 4 11e5(1 Quarters."