BY JAS. CLARK. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. FELLOW•CITTZENA OE THE gENATE, AM, OF . TITE HOUSE OF HEPEEMEItTATIVES, Being suddently called, in the midst:, of the last session of Congress, by a painful dispensation of Divine Providence, to the responsible station which I now hold! contented myself with such tommuni- Cations to the Legislature as the exigency of the. moment seemed to require. The country AVM shrouded in mourning for the loss of its venerated Chief Ma,gistrate, and all hearts were penetrated with grief. Neither the time nor the occasion ap peared to require or to justify, on my part, any general expression of political opinions, or any an nouncement of the principles which womb! govern me in the discharge of the duties to the perfor mance of which 1 had been so unexpectedly called. I trust, therefore that it may not be deemed inap propriate, if I avail myself of this opportunity of the re-assembling of Congress to make known my sentiments, in a general manner, in regard to the policy which ought to be pursued by the Govern ment, both in its intercourse with foreign nations, and in its management and administration of inter nal affairs. Nations, like individuals in a stateof nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights, and owing certain duties to each other, arising from their necessary and unavoidable relations; which rights and duties there is no common human au thority to protect and enforce. Still, they are rights and duties, binding in morals, in conscience, and in honor, although there is no tribunal to which an injured party eau appeal but the disinterested judgment of mankind, and ultimately the arbitra ment of the sword. Among the acknowledged rights of nations is that which each possesses ofestablishing that form of government which it may deem most conducive to the happiness and prosperity of its own citizens; of changing that form, us circumstances may re quire; and of managing its internal affitirs accord ing to its own will. The people of the United States claim this right for themselves, and they readily concede it to others. Hence it becomes an imperative duty not to interfere in the government of internal policy of others nations; and, although we may sympathize with the unfortunate or the op pressed, everywhere, in their struggles for freedom our principles forbid us from taking any part in such foreign contests. We make no wars to pro mote or to prevent successions to thrones; to main tain any theory of a balance of power; or to sup press the actual government which any country chooses to establish for itself. We instigate no re volutions, nor suffer any hostile military expedi tions to be fitted out in the United States to invade tie territory or provinces of a friendly nation. The great law of morality ought to have a national, as well as a personal and individual, application. We should act towards other nations as we wish diem to act towards its; and justice and conscience should form the rule of conduct between governments, in stead of mere power, self-interest, or the desire of aggrandizement. To maintain a strict neutrality in foreign wars, to cultivate friendly relations, to reciprocate every noble and generous act, and to , perform punctually and scrupulously every treaty obligation—these are the ditties which we owe to other States, and by the performance of which we best entitle ourselves to like treatment from them; or if that, in any case, he refused, we can enforce otte own rights with justice and a clear conscience. In our domestic policy, the Constitution will be my its ; and in questions of doubt, I shall look for as interpretation to the judicial decisions of that tribunal, which was established to expound it, and to the imago of the Government, sanctioned by the acquiescence of the country. I regard all its provisions as equally binding. In all its parts it is the will of the people, expressed in the most sol emn form, and the constituted authorities are but agents to carry that wilt into effect. Every pow- er which it has grunted is to he exercised for the public good ; but no pretence of utility, homiest con viction, even, of what Might he expedient, can jus tify the assumption of any power not granted. The powers conferred upon the Government and their distribution to the several departments, arc as clearly expressed in that sacred instrument us the imperfection of human language will allow; and I , deem it my first duty, not to question its wisdom,' add to its provisions, evade its requirements, or nullify its cbmtnands. Ilion you, fellow-citizens, ns the representatives of the States and the people, is wisely devolved the legislative power. I shall comply with my duty, in laying before you, from time to finis, any infor mation calculated to enable you to discharge your high and responsible trust, for the benefit of our sommon constituents. My opinions will he frankly expressed upon the leading subjects of legislation; and if, which I do not anticipate, ant- act should pass the two Houses of Congress which should appear to me unconsti tutional, or an encroachment on the just powers of other departments, or with provisions hastily adop ted, and likely to produce consequences injurious and unforseen, I should not shrink from the duty of returning it to you, with my reasons, fur your further consideration. Beyond the due perfor mance of these constitutionall obligations, both toy respect for the legislature and my sense of propriety will restrain me from any attempt to control orin fluenc• your proceedings. With you is the power, the honor, and the responsibility of the legislation of the country. The Government of the United States is a lim ited Government. It is confined to the exercise of powers expressly granted, and such others as may be necessary for carrying those powers into effect ; and it is at all times an especial duty to guard against any infringement on the just rights of the States. Over the objects and subjects intrusted to Congress, its legislative authority is supreme.— But here that authority ceases, and every citizen who truly loves the Constitution, and desires the continuence of its existence and its blessings, will resolutely and firmly resist any interference in those domestic aftitirs which the Constitution has clearly and unequivocally left to the exclusive au thority of the States. And every such citizen will also deprecate useless irritation atnong the several members °film Union, and all reproach and erimi nation tending to alienate one portion of the coun try from another. The beauty of our system of Govenintent consists, and its safety and durability must consist, in avoiding mutual collisions, and encroachments, and in the regular separate action of all, while each is revolving in its own distinct orbit. The Constitution has made it the duty of the President to take care that the laws be titithfully executed. In a Government like ours, in which all laws are passed by a majotity of the represen tatives of the people, and these representatives are chosen for such short periods, that any injurious or obnoxious law can very soon be repealed, it would appear unlikely that any great numbers should lie timnd ready to resist the execution of the laws. But it must be borne in mind that the coun try is extensive, that there may he local interests or prejudices rendering a law odious in ono part which is not so in another, and that the thought less and inconsiderate, misled by their passions, or their imaginations, may be Induced madly to resist each laws as they disapprove. Such persona r' s show recollect char, without law, there can be no real practical liberty; that, when law is trampled under foot, tyranny roles, whether it appears in the form of n military despotism or of popular vio lence. The law is the only sure protection of the weak and the only efficient restraint upon the strong. When impartially and faithfully aministered,. none is beneath its protection, and none above its con trol You, gentlemen, and the country may be snowed; that to the utmost of my ability, and to the extent of the power vested in me, I shall at all times, and in all places, take care that the laws be faithfully excented. In the discharge of this duty solemnly unposed upon me by the Constitution, and by my oath of office, I shall shrink from no responsibility, and shall endeavor to meet events as they may arise, with firmness, as well as with prudence and discretion. The appointing power is one of the most delicate with which the Executive is invested. I regard it as a sacred trust, to be exercised with the sole view of advancing the prosperity and happiness of the people. It Anil be my effort to elevate the stan dard of official employment, by selecting for places of importance individuals fitted for the posts to which they are assigns, by their know. integrity talents, and virtues. In so extensive a country, with so great a population, and where few persons appointed to office can be known to the appointing power, mistakes will sometimes unavoidably hap pen, and unfortunate appointments be made, not withstanding the greatest care. In such eases, the power of removal may be properly exercised ; and neglect of duty or malfeasance in office will be no more tolerated in individuals appointed by myself than in those almnae(' by others. I an Nippy in being ithle to say that no unfavor able change tn our foreign relations has taken place since the message at the opening of the last session of Congress. We are at peace with all nations, and we enjoy in nn eminent degree the blessings of that peace, in n pmsperous and growing com merce, and in all the forms of amicable national intercourse. The unexampled growth of the coun try, the present amount of its population ' and its ample means of self-protection, assure for it the respect of all nations ; while it is trusted that its character for justice, and a regard to the rights of other States, will cause that respect to be readily and cheerfully paid. . A convention was negotiated between the United States nod Great Briton!, in April last, far facili tating and protecting the const ruction an ship ca nal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ' and for other purposes. This instrument has since been ratified by the contracting parties, the exchange of ratifications has been effectea, and proclamation thereof has been duly made. In addition to the stipulations contained in this convention, two other objects remain to he accom plished between the contracting powers. First, the designation and establishment of a free port nt each end of the canal. Second, an ngreement fixing the distance from the shore within which belligerent maritime ope rations shall not he carried on. On these points there is little doubt that the two governments will come to an understanding. The company of citizens of the 'Coked States who have aquired front the State of Nicaragua the privilege of constructing a ship canal between the two oceans, through the territory of that State, hare made progress in their preliminary arrange ments. The treaty between the United States and Grdat Britain, of the 19th of April last, above re ferred to, being now in operation, it is to be hoped that the guaranties which it offers will be sufficient to secure the completion of the work with all practi cable expedition. It is obvious that this result would be indefinitely postponed, if any other than peaceable measures, for she purpose of harmoni zing conflicting claims to territory in that quarter, should be adopted. It will consequently be my endeavor to cause any further negotiations on the part of this Government, which may be requisite for the purpose, to he so conducted as to bring them to a speedy and successful close. Some unavoidable delay has occurred, arising from distance and the difficulty of intercourse be tween this Government and that of Nicaragua? butt, as inteligence has just been received of the appointment of an Envoy Extraordinary and Min ister Plenipotentiary of that Government to reside at Washington, whose arrival may soon be ex pected, it is hoped thud no further impediments will he experienced in the prompt transaction of business between the two Governments. Citizens of the United States have undertaken the connexion of the two oceans by means of a railroad across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec,'unde• grants of the Mexican Government to a citizen of that Republic. It is understood that a thorough survey of the coarse of the communication is in preparation, mud there is every reason to expect that it trill be prosecuted with characteristic ener gy, especially when that Government shall have consented to such stipulations with the government of the United States as may be necessary to im part a feeling of security to those who may embark their property in the enterprise. Negotiations aro pending for the accomplishment of that object, and a hope is confidently entertained that, when the Government of Mexico shall become duly sensible of the advantages which that country cannot fail to derive from the work, awl learn that the Gov ernment of the United States desires that the right of sovereignty of Mexico in the Isthmus shall re main unimpaired, the stipulations refibrred to trill be agreed to wkh alacrity. By the last advices ti•sun Mexico it would ap pear, however, that that Government entertains strong objections to some of the stipulations which the parties concerned in the project of tho railroad deem necessary for their protection and •security. Further consideration, it is to be hoped, or some modification of terms, may yet reconcile the dif ferences existing between the two Govermnents in this respect. Fresh instructions have recently bee► given to the Minister of the United States in Mexico, who is prosecuting the subject with promptitude and ability. Although the negotiations with Portugal, for the payment of claims of the citizens of the United States against the Government, have not yet re sulted in a formal treaty, yet a propositon made by the Government of Portugal for the final ad justment and payment of those claims, has recent ly been accepted on the part of the United States. It gives me pleasure to say that Mr. Clay, to whom the negotiation on the part of the United States had been entrusted, discharged the duties of his appointment with ability and discretion, act ing always within the the instructions of his Gov ernment. It is expected that a regular convention will he immediately negotiated for carrying the agree ment between the two Governments into effect. Tho commisioner appointed under the act of Congress for carrying into effect the convention with Brazil, of the 27th of January, 1849, has en tered upon the performance of the duties imposed upon him by that net. It is hoped that those duties may be completed within the time which it pro senbes. The documents, however, which the im perial Government, by the third article of conven tion, stipulates to furnish to the Government of the United States, have not yet been received. As it Is presumed that those documents will be essen- HUNTINGDON, PA., 'TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1850 L tial for the correct disposition of the claims, it may become necessary for Congress to extend the pe riod limited for the duration of the commission.— The sum stipulated by the 4th article of the con , vention to be paid to this Government haS been received. The collection in the ports of the United States of discriminating duties upon the vessels of Chili and their cargoes has been suspended, pursuant to the provisions of the act of Congress of the 24th of May, 1828. It is to be hoped that this measure will impart a fresh impulse to the commerce be tween the two counties, which of late, and especi ally since our acquisition of California, has, to the mutual advantage of the parties, been much aug mented. Peruvian guano has become so desirable an ar ticle to the agricultural interest of the United States that it is the duty of the Government to employ all the means properly in its power for the purpose of causing that article to be imported into the country at a reasonable price. Nothing will be omitted on my part towards accomplishing this de ' sirable cud. lam persuaded that in removing any restraints on this traffic, the Peruvian government wilt promote its own best interests, while it will afibnl a proof of a friendly disposition towards this country, which will be duly appreciated. The treaty between the United States and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, which has recently been made public, will it is believed, have a beneficial effect upon the relations between the two countries. The relations between those parts of the Island of St. Domingo, which were formerly colonies of Spain and France, respectively, are still in an un settled condition. The proximity of that Island to the United States, and the delicate questions in volved in the existing controversy there render it desirable that it should be permanently & speedily adjusted. The interests of humanity and of gene ral commerce also demand this ; and as intima tions of the sane sentiment have been received from other Governments, it is hoped that some plan may soon be devised to effect the object in a manner likely to give general satisfaction. The Government of the United States will not fail, by the exercise of all proper friendly offices, to do all in its power to put an end to the destructive war which has raged between the different parts of the Island, and to secure to them both the benefits of peace and commerce. I refer you to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury for a detailed statement of the finances. The total receipts into the Treasury for the vear ending 30th June last, were forty-seven millions four hundred twenty-one thousand seven hundred and forty eight dollars and ninety cents, ($47,421,- 748,90.) The total expenditures during the same period were forty three millions two thousand one hun dred and sixty-eight dollars and ninety cent5(43,002,168 (43,002,168 90.) The public debt has been reduced, since the last annual report from the Treasury Department, four hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and seventy-six dollars and seventy-nine cents, (495,- 276 79.) By the 10th section of tl et 4 of 28th January, ik 1847, the proceeds of the sales of the public lands were pledged for the interest and principal of the public debt. The great amount of those lands subsequently granted by Congress for military bounties, will, it is believed, very nearly supply the public demand for several years to come, and but little reliance can therefore be placed ou that hitherto fruitful source of revenue. Aside from the permanent annual expenditures, which have necessarilylargely increased, a portion of the public debt, amounting to eight million sev enty-five thousand nine hundred' and eighty-six dollars and fitly-nine cents, ($8,075,986 59) tenet be provided for within the next two fiscal years. It is most desirable that these accruing demands should be met without resorting to new loans. All experience has demonstrated the wisdom and policy of raising a large portion of revenue for the support of Government from duties on goods imported. The power to lay these duties is un questionable, and its chief object, of course, is to replenish the treasury. But it; in doing this, an incidental advantage may be gained by encoura ging the industry of our own citizens, it is our duty to avail ourselves of that advantage. A duty laid upon an article which cannot be produced in this country—such as tea or coffee— adds to the cost of the article, and is chiefly or wholly paid by the consumer. But a duty laid upon an article which may be produced hpre, stim ulates the skill and industry of our own country to produce the same article, which is brought into the market in competition with the foreign article, and the importer is thus compelled to reduce his price to that at which the domestic article can be sold, thereby throwing a part of the duty upon the pro ducer of the foreign article. The continuance of this process creates the skill, and invites the capi , sal, which finally enables us to produce the article much cheaper than it could have been procured from abroad, thereby benofitting both the produ cer and the consumer at house. The consequence of this is, that the artisan, and the agriculturalist, are brought together, each affords a ready market for the produce of the other, the whole country be comes prosperous ; and the ability to produce every necessary of Mb renders us independent iu war as well as in peace. A high iariff can never he permanent, It will cause dissatisfaction, and will be changed. It ex cludes competition, and thereby invites the invest ment of capital in manufactures to such excess, that when changed it brings distress, bankruptcy, and ruin, upon all who have been misled by its faithless protection. What the manufficturer wants is uniformity and permanency, that he may feel a confidence that ho is not to be ruined by sudden changes. But to make a tariff smiths-in and per manent, it is not only necessary that the law should not be altered, list that the duty should not fluctu ate. To ctlbet this, all duties should be specific, wherever the nature of the article is such as to ad mit of it. Ad valorem duties fluctuate with the price, and otter strong temptations to fraud and perjury. Specific duties, on the contrary, are equal and uniform in all ports, and at all times, and oiler a strong inducement to the importer to bring the best article, as he pays no more duty up on that, than upon one of inferior quality. I there fore strongly recommend a modification of the pre sent tariff, which has prostrated some of our most important and necessary manufactures, and that specific duties be imposed sufficient to raise the re quisite revenue, making such discrimination in th vor of the industrial pursuits of our owu country as to encourage home production, without excluding foreign competition. It is also important that an unfortunate provision in the present tariff, whirls imposes a much higher duty upon the raw material that enters into our manuthetures than upon the manuthetured article, should be remedied. The pipers accompanying the report of the Se cretary of the Treasury, will disclose frauds at tempted upon the revenue, in variety and amount so great, as to justify the conclusion that it is im possible, under any system of ad valorem duties levied upon the foreign cost or value of tho arti cles, to secure an honest observance and an effec tual administration of the laws. The fraudulent devices to evade the law, which have been (leteetcd by the vigilance °idle appraisers, Mare no room to doubt that simile impositions not discovered, to a large amount, have been successfully practised, Since the enactment of the law now in force. This state of things has already had a prejudicial influ ence upon those engaged in threign commerce.— It has a tendency to drive the honest trailer from the business of importing, and to throw that im portant branch of employment into the hands of unscrupulous and dishonest men, who are alike re gardless of law and the obligations of an oath.— By these means, the plain intentions of Congress, as expressed in the law, are daily defeated. Every motive of policy and duty, therefore, impel me to ask the earnest attention of Congress to this sub ject. If Congress should deem it utiniso to at -1 tempt any important changes in the system of le vying ditties, at this session, it will beconie indis pensable to the protection of the revenue that such remedies, as, in the judgement of Congress, may mitigate the evils complained of, should be at once applied. As before stated, specific duties would, in my opinion, afford the most perfect remedy for this evil; hut if you should not concur in this view, then, as a partial remedy, I beg leave respectfully to recommend that, instead of taking the invoice of the article abroad as a means of determining its value here, the correctness of which invoice it is in many cases impossible to verify, the law be so changed as to require a home valuation or apprai sal, to be regulated in such tnanner as to give, as far as practicable, uniformity in the several ports. There being no mint in California, I am inform ed that the laborers in the mines are compelled to dispose of their gold dust at a large discount.— This appears to me to he a heavy and unjust tax upon the labor of those employed in extracting this precious metal; and I doubt not you will be disposed, at the earliest period possible, to relieve them from it by the establishment of a mint. In the meantime, as an assayer's office is established there, I would respectfully submit, for your con sideration, the propriety of author izing gold bul lion, which has been assayed and stamped, to be received in payment of Government dues. I can not conceive that the treasury would suffer any loss by such a provision, which will at once raise bullion to its par value, and thereby save (if I inn rightly informed) many millions of dollars to the laborers, which are now paid in brokerage to con vert this precious metal into available funds. This discount upon .their hard earnings is a heavy tax, and every effort should be made by the govern ment to relieve them from so great a burden. . . -...—... More than three-fourths of oar population are engaged in the cultivation of the soil. The com mercial, manufacturing and navigating interests are all, to a Brest extent, dependent on the agri cultural. It is, therefore, the most important in terest of the nation, and has a just claim to the tbstering care and protection of the government, so far as they can be extended consistently with the provisions of the Constitution. As this cannot be done by the ordinary modes of legislation, I res pectfully recommend the establishment of an Ag ricultural Bureau, to be charged with the _duty of giving to this leading branch of American industry the encouragement wbleh stV4well deserves. In view of the immense mineral resources of our coun try, provision should also be made for the employ ment of a competent mineralogist and chemist, who should be required, under the direction of the head of the bureau, to collect specimens of the va rious minerals of our country, and to ascertain, by careful analysis, their respective elements and properties, and their adaptation to useful purpos es. He should also be required to examine and report upon the qualities of different soils, mid the manures best calculated to improve their product iveness. By publishing the results of such expe riments, with suitable explanations, and by the collection and distribution of rare seeds and plants with instructions as to the best system of cultiva tion, much may be done to promote this great nit : tional interest. In compliance with the act of Congress, passed on the 23d of May, 1850, providing, among other things, for taking the seventh census, a superin tendent was appointed, and all other measures a dopted, which were deemed necessary to ensure the prompt and faithful performance of that duty. The appropriation :fficady made will, it is believed, be sufficient to de!'r.ty the whole expense of the work; but further legislation may be necessary in regard to the compensation of .some of the mar shals of the Territories. It will also be proper to make provision by law, at an early day, for the! publication of such abstracts of the returns, as the Public interests may require. The unprecedented growth of our Territories on ' the Pacific in wealth and population, and the con sequent increase of their social anti commercial relations with the Atlantic States, seem to render it the duty of the government to use all its consti tutional power to improve the means of intercourse with them. The importance of opening "a lino of communication, the best and most expeditions of which the nature of the country will admit," be tween the valley of the Mississippi and the Pacific, was brought to your notice by my predecessor, in his annual message; and as the reasons which he presented in favor of the measure still exist in full force, I beg leave to call your attention to them, and to repeat the recommendations then made by him. The uncertainty which exists in regard to the validity of land titles in California, is a subject which demands your early consideration. Large bodies of land in that State are claimed under grants said to have been made by authority of the Spanish and Mexican Governments. Many of these have not been perfected, others have been revoked, and some are believed to be fraudulent. But until they shall have been judicially investiga ted, they will continue to retard the settlement and improvement of the country. I, therefore, res pectfully recommend, that provision be made, by law, for the appointment of commissioners to ex amine all such claims, with a view to their final adjustment. I also beg leave to call your attention to the 'propriety of extending, at an early day, our system of land laws, with such modifications an may be necessary over the State of California and the ter ritories of Utah and New Mexico. The mineral lands of California will, of course, form an excep tion to any general system which may be adopted. Various methods of disposing of them have been suggested. I was at first inclined to thvor the system of leasing, as it seemed to promise the largest revenues to the government and to afford the best security against monopolies; but further reflection, and our experience in leasing the lead mines and selling lands upon credit, have brought my mind to the conclusion that there would be great difficulty iu collecting the rents, and that the relation of debtor and creditor, between the citi zens and the government, would be attended with many mischievous consequences. 1 therefore re commend that, instead of retaining the mineral lauds under the permanent control of the govern went, they be divided into small parcels and sold, under such restrictions, s.a to quantity and time, RS will manse the best price, and guard most effec tually against combinations of capitalists to obtain monopolies. The annexation of Texas, and the acquisition of CaWenn° and New Mexico, have given increased ° t * ittrl'‘‘qr A „7/ importune° to our Indian relations. The various tribes brought under our jurisdiction by these en largements of our boundaries arc estimated to run brnee n population of one hundred and twenty-four thousand. Texas and New Mexico are surrounded by pow erful tribes of Indians, who are a solute of con stant terror and annoyance to the inhabitimis.— Separating into small predatory bands, and always mounted, thq, overrun the country, devastating farms, destroying crops, driving off whole herdsof cattle, and occasionally tnurdering the inhabitants orcarrying them into captivity. The great rondo leading into the country are infested with than, whereby - travelling is rendered extremely danger ous, and immigration is almost entirely arrestot. ' The Mexican frontier, which, by the 11th article of the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, we are bound to protect against thu Indians within our border, is exposed to these incursions equally with one own. The military force stationed in that coun try, (although forming a large , proportion of the army,) is represented as ent irely' inadequate to our own protection mid the fulfilment of our treaty stipulations with Mexico. The prinrip:d dMicien cy is in cavalry, and I recommend that Congress should, at as early a period at practicable, provide for the raising of one or more regiments of ntount- ed men. For further suggestions on this snbject, end oth ers connected with our domestic interests, and the defence of our frontiers, I refer you to the reports of the Secretary of the Interior and of the Secre tary of War. I commend also to your favorable consideration the suggestion contained in the last-mentioned re port, and in the letter of the generid-in-chief, re lative to the establishment of an asylum for the relief of disabled and destitute soldiers. This sub ject appeals so strongly to your sympathies, that it would be superfluous in me to say anythh.g more than barely to express my cordial approbation of the proposed object. The Navy continues to give protection to our commerce and other national interests in the dif ferent quarters of' the globe, and, wish the excep tion of n single steamer on the Sentient Lakes, the vessels in commission are distributed in six different squadrons. The report of the head of that department will exhibit the services of these squadrons, and of the several vessels employed in earls during the past year. It is a source of gratification that, while they have been'constantly prepared for anv hostile emergency, they have everywherethet with tin re spect and courtesy, due as well to the dignity as to the peaceful dispositions and just purposes of the nation. The two brigantines accepted by the Govern ment from a generous citizen of Now York, e o placed under the command of en officer of the Na vy, to proceed to the Arctic seas in quest of the British commander, Sir John Franklin, and his companions, in compliance with the act of Con gress, approved in May last, had, wba•o last heard from, penetrated into a high northern latitude; hut the success of this noble and humane enter prise is yet uncertain. I Invite your attention to the view of our pres ent naval establishment and resources, presented in the report of the Secretary of the Navy, and the suggestions therein made for its improvement, to gether with the naval policy recommended for the security of our Pacific Coast, and the protection and extension of our commerce with Eastern Asia. Our facilities for a large• participation in the trade of the East, by means of our recent settlements on the shores of the Pacific, aro too obvious to be overlooked or disregarded. The 'questions in relation to rank in the nrmy and navy, and relative rank between officers of the two branches of the service, presented to the Executive by certain resolutions of the House of Representatives, at the last session of Congress, have been submitted to a board of officers in earls brands of the service, and their report may be ex peeled at an early day. I also earnestly recommend the enactment of a law authorising officers of the army and navy to he retired from the service when incompetent for its vigorous and active duties, taking care to make suitable provision fur those who have faithfully served their country, and awarding distinctions, by retaining in appropriate commands those who have been particularly conspicuous for gallantry and good conduct. While the obligation of the coun try to maintain and honor those who, to the ex clusion (stuffier pursuits, have devoted themselves to its arduous service, this obligation should not be permitted to interfere with the efficiency of the service itself. • I am gratified in being able to state, that the estimate of expenditures for the navy in the ensu ing year, are less, by more than one million of dol lars, than those of the present, excepting the ap propriation which may become necessary for the construction of a dock on the coast of the Pacific, propositions for which arc now being considered, and on which a special report may be expected early in your present session. There is en evident justness in the suggestion of the same report, that appropriations for the naval service proper, should be separated flora those for fixed and permanent objects, such es building dockland navy yards, and the fixtures attached; and from the extraordinary objects under the care of the Department, which, however important, are not essentially naval. A revision" of the code for the government of the navy seems to require the immediate console ration of Congress. Its system of crimes and punishments had undergone no change for half a century, until the last session, though its defects have been often and ably pointed out, and the ab olition of a particular species of corporeal punish ment, which then took place, without providing any substitute, has left the service in a state of defec tiveness, which calls for prompt correction. I therefore recommend that the whole subject be re vised, without delay, and such a system establish ed for the enforcement ordiscipline, us shall be at once humane and effectual. The accompanying report of the Postmaster General, presents a satislitetory view of the opera dons aml condition of that department. At the close of the last fiscal vear, the length of the inland mail routes in the United States (not embracing the service in Oregon and California) was one hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred anti seventy-two miles ; the annual trans portation thereon tbrty-six million five hundred and Petty one thousand four hundred and twenty three miles ; and the annual cost of spelt transpor tation two millions seven hundred mid twenty-four thousand four hundred and twenty-six dollars. The increase of the annual transportation over that of the preceding year, was three millions nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-four miles, and the increase in cost was three hundrt d and forty-two thousand four hundred and forty dollars. The number of poet offices in the United States on the first day of July lust, was eighteen thousand four hundred and seventeen—being an increase of sixteen hundred and seventy during the preeeding year. The gross revenues of the Department for the fiscal year ending June 30th, MO, amounted to five millions five hundred and fifty-two thousand VOL. XV.---NO. 48. I nine hundred nod seseuty-one dollars end fort? eight cents, including the annual appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars for the flanked mat ter of the departments, end excluding the foreign postages collected for and payable to the British Government The expenditures for the sonic period were five udllions two hundred and twelve thousand nine hundred and fifty-three dollars and forty-three cents —leaving a halanee of revenue over expenditures. of throe hundred and forty thousand and eighteen dollars and live cents. I am happy to find that the fiscal condition of the Department is such us to justify the Postman• ter General is reccommending the reduction of our inland letter postage to three cents the single letter when prepaid, and five cents when not prepaid.— He also recommends that the prepaid rate shall be reduced to two cents whenever the revenues of the Department, after the reduction ; shall exceed its expenditures by more than fire percent. for two consecutive years; that the postage upon Califor nia and other letters sent by our ocean steamers shall be much reduced, and tbkkt the rates of post age on newspapers, paunpidets, periodicals, and other printed matter shall be modified, and sumo reduction thereon made. It cannot be doubted that the proposed reduc tions will, for the present, diminish the revenues of the Department. It is believed that the deficien cy, after the surplus already accumulated shall he exhausted, tufty be inmost wholly met either by abolishing the existing privileges of sending free mutter through the mails, or by pitying out of the Treasury to the Post Office Department a sum equivalent to the poste.„, of which it is deprived by such privileges. The lest is supposed to be the preferable mode, and will, if not entirely, so near ly supply that deficiency as to make any further ap propriation that may be tintud necessary so ineon_ siderable as to thim nu obstacle to the proposed reductions. I entertain no doubt of the authority of Congress to make appropriations for leading objects in that class &public works comprising what are usually called works of internal improvements. This au thority, 1 suppose to be derived chiefly front thu power of regulating commerce with foreign na tions, and among the States, and the power of laying and collecting imposts. Where commerce is to be carried on, and imposts collected, there must be ports and harbors, as well as wharves aid custom houses. If ships, laden with valuable car goes, approach the shore, or suit along the CORO, light-houses are necessary, at suitable points, for the protection of life and property. Other facili ties and securities fur commerce and navigation, are hardly less important; and those clauses of tl Constitution, therefore, to which I have referred, have received, from the origin of the government, a liberal end beneficial construction. Not only have light houses, buovs, and beacons, been estab lished, and floating lights maintained, bat harbors have been cleared and improved, piers construct ed, and even breakwaters fur the safety of ship ping, and sea-walls, to protect harbors from being filled up, .d rendered Useless by the action of the ocean, have been erected at very great expense.--, And this construction of the Constitution appears the more reasonable from the consideration, that if these works of such evident importance and util ity, are not to be accomplished by Congress, they, cannot lie accomplished at all. By the adoption of the Constitution, the several States voluntarily Parted with the power of collecting duties of im post in their own ports; and it is not to be expect ed that they should raise money by internal taxa tion, direct or indirect, for the benefit of that com merce, the revenues derived from which do not, either in whole or in part, go into their own trea suries. Nor do I perceive tiny difference between the power of Congress to make appropriations for objects of this kind on the ocean, mid the power to make appropriations thr similar objects oil lakes mid rivers, wherever they tire largo enough to bear on their waters an extensive traffic. The unigni , ficent Mississippi • and its tributaries, and the vast lakes of the north and the north-west, appear to me to fall within the exercise of the power, as justly and as clearly as the Ocean and the Cuff of Mexico. It is a mistake to regard expenditures judiciously made for these objects, as expenditures for local purposes. The position, or site of thu work, is necessarily local; but its utility is gener al. A ship canal around the Falls of St. Mary, of less than a mile in length, though local in its con struction, would yet be national in its purpose and its benefits, as it would remove the only obstrue, tion to a navigation of more than a thousand utiles, affecting several States, as well as our commercial relations with Canada. .So, too, the Breakwater at the mouth of the Delaware is erected, not for the exclusive benefit of the States bordering ou the bay and river of that name, but for that of the whole coastwise navigation of the United States, and, to a considerable extent also, of foreign cool ineree. If a ship be lost on the bar at the entrance of a southern port, for want of sufficient depth of water, it is very likely to be a northern ship ; and if a steiunboat be stink in any part of the Missis sippi, on account of its channel not having been properly cleared of obstructions, it may be a boat belonging to either of eight or ten States. I may add, as somewhat remarkable, that among till the • I • thirtv-ono States, there is none that is not, to a greater or less extent, hounded by the Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico, or our of die great Lakes, or sonic navigable river. In fulfilling our constitutional ditties, fellow-eiti-' sent, on this subject, as in carrying into effect all other powers conferred by the Constitution, we should consider ourselves as deliberating and for one and the same country, and bear con stantly in mind, that our regard and our duty are duo, not to a particular part only, but to the whole. I therefore recommit,' that appropriations be made for completing such works ns have peen al ready begun, sad for comencing such others as may , seem to the wisdom of Congress to be of public and general importance. The difficulties and delays, incident to the settle.' ment of private claims by Co gress amount in ma ny cases to a denial ofjustice. 'There is retl6oll to , apprehend that many unfortunate creditors of the Government have thereby been unavoidab:,y ruin ed. Congress has so mucL business of a p u bli c character that it is tmpossible it should give mach attention to mere private claims, and their aect ululation is now 80 groat that many claimants must despair of even being able to obtain a hearing. It may well be doubted whether Congress, from the nature of its organization, is properly constitu ted to decide upon such cases. It it impossible. that each member should examine the merits of every aloha on which he is compelled to vote ; and it is preposterous to ask a judge to decide a CM which he has never beard. Such decisions may, and frequently must du injustire either to the elai taunt or the Government and I perceive no better remedy for this growing evil than the establish. ment of some tribunal to adjudicate upon such elan.. 1 beg leave, thereof, most respectfully, to recommend that provision be made by law fur the appointment of a commission to settle all private , claims agilinst the United States; and, as an as parte hearing must in all contested cases ?e unsatisfactory, I also recotnmend eitt appointmerf of a Solicitor, whose duty it shall he to represent the Government before such commission, and pro,