An Heroic Wile Throe men of bully reputation went into the house of a gentleman in Paris, Ky., and asked his %ifs where he was, avowing their business to be to tie him up and whip him for slapping the child of one of their chums. She replied that he was in bls shop. They went off, and she followed them into the shop unperceived, and picked up a mallet and chisel. One of the men drew a knife and pis tol and advanced to the husband, who cornered, calling murder. The lady, however, advanced with necessary speed, and dealt the assailant a blow with the mallet upon the shoulder, dislocated it and silenced him. The second was met by the wo man, and a blow with the same instrument, dealt with such force on the forehead as to break the skull, put hint hors de combat. The heroine turn ed to her husband, and Mond him tussling with the third on the floor. She went to work upon this third gentleman's head as delibeately as circum stances allowed, and soon succeeded in relieving her husband from all fear of "murder', at his hands. All the gentlemen assailants had to be packed! home. Going to Bed Sober. The last number of the Knickerbocker has a good anecdote of a man who rarely failed to go to bed intoxicated, and disturbing his wife during the whole night. Upon its being charged by a friend that he never went to bed sober, he indignantly denied the impeachment, and gave the incidents of one particular night in proof: "Pretty soon after I got into my bed, my wife said, "Why, husband, what is the matter with you? You act strangely!" "There's nothing the matter with me," said I, "nothing at all."— "I'm sure there is," said she, "you don't act natu ral at all. Shan't I get up and•get somothing•for you I" And up she got, lighted a candle, and came to the bedside to look at me, shading the light with her hand. "I KNEW there Was some thing strange about you," she said, "why, roe ABE BOBER !" "Now, this is a fact, and my wife will swear to it; so don't you slander me any more by saying that I haven't been to bed sober in six months— 'cause I have !" THE RIOT ON TUE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. —The Greensburg Argus gives full particulars of the late grand battle at "Packsaddle Valley," be tween-the 'Far Ups' and 'Far Downs.' It appears that the party of one side went from the neighbor hood of Greensburg, and met an equal number of the other side front Johnstown. They encounter ed in the "Packsaddle Valley," and after firing one or two rounds, with their guns and pistols "got mixed up," as the paper states, and then used the butts oftheir guns. Several were killed and wound ed on both sides. The Johnstown party retreated. The Argus says, "Judge Knox gave the case to the Grand Jury, at the opening of the COUrt on Monday last, but we are not au-are that anything has come to the konwledge of the officers of tke law to warrant ar rests." This is rather curious, certainly. Persons kill ed and wounded on boils sides, and yet the officers can find nothing to warrant arrests. They should purchase bettor spectacles, then, for justice's sake.. —Pittsburg Disyatch. Apprentices, The following excellent advice we take from the columns of a valuable cotemporary. It is good, and worthy of being treasured up by our young men who aro engaged in learning trades, in order to make themselvs useful in utter life, ornaments to society, and good citizens: "Many of the apprentices of the present day arc serving out their times as a mere task, without aiming at proficiency in their trade. Tens of thou sands a c only living—staying—with their masters satified with doing as little as possible to advance his interests. In this age of competition, it is ne cessary for every mechanic to be a good workman, in order to get along well in the world. But bow few seem sumulated with a suitable ambition to lead them to success. Bow few spend any oftheir spare time in considering the difficulties to be sur mounted in their vocation—in studying the science of their calling, &in le.,rning the wants aud peculi arities of the world with which they will soon have to mingle. How few seek to improve their mor als, and extend the measure of mental comprehen sion, by reading good books t Bow many ever stop to think, as they loaf away their spare time in shops, stores, on the streets and other customary places of resort, that education—mind—is the most certain passport to success its business, respect in society, and usefulness in their country? Boys apprentices, young journeymen, do you ever reflect on these things :" Menotti IN SCHUYLKILL HAVEN -We learn front the Miners' Jotrnal that a shocking tragedy was enacted in the borough of Schuylkill Haven, on Thursday of last week. It occurred in open day light ; thout 12 o'clock. A man named Pifer stabbed his wife with a . knife in the left breast caus ing almost instant death. Ile then placed her in bed with their two children and left the house.— The lifeless woman was afterwards discovered by some of the reighbors at rated by the crying of the children. Pifer has not been heard of since. In toxication is said to have been the cause of the hoc-. rible deed. The woman was young and generally respected. Tho case has produced much excite ment among the citizens. tir The census of the city of Cincinnati has been completed. The entire population is now 116,078. In 1840 it was 46,382, showing an in crease of 64,697 in the last ten years. This is cer tainly a very extraordinary increase, and ono that has but few parallels in the Union. The Chroni cle says that the population of Cincinnati exceeds that of St. Louis by 36,000, and falls but 25,000 below that of New Orleans. MARRIED. On the 26th ult., by Rev. Wm. R. Mills, Mr. Jonx DECKER and Mitt ELIZABETH KEMPLE, both of this Borough. On the 2461, of September, by Rev. Wm. Mills, Mr. JAMES WOOD and Miss ELIZA. JANE NASH, both of this Borough. DIED. On the 15th ult., at the residence of her son, (Anton Loveall,) its Cass township, Mrs. RUTH Lovesu, aged 82 years and 20 days. On the 18th ult., at the residence of her son, (Nicholas Corbin,) in Cass township, Mrs. MART Consists, aged 78, sister of Mrs. Ruth Lorcall. On the 24th ult., at his residence in Case town ship, Mr. Amos LOTEALL, son of Zechariah and Ruth LoveaLl, aged 17 years. The deceased left I !Ong family to mourn hip untimely death. THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29, 1850. The Flour market continues quiet. Shipping brands are aimed at $4,81 per bbl., but there is no inquiry for export.. The sales for city consump tion are limited at. $4,87 to $5,50 for common and extra brands. Rye Flour continues very scarce. The last sale was at $3,75.. Corn Meal is not in quired after. It is offered at $2,75 per bbl. The demand for Wheat continues quite moder ate, but prices are unchanged. Sales of 6,000 bushels Southern and Pennsylvania rcdat $1,04 a $1,05, and white at $l,ll Rye is lower. Soles at 81 a 82c. Corn is in limited request at former prices. Outs are steady nt 39c. for Southeni and 42c. for Pennsylvania. Whiskey is dull. Sales in bbls. at 20, and hhds. at 28c. MONEY MATTERS. Philadelphia Bates of Iliseetrato CORRECTED WEEKLY. Philadelphia Banks • • patiLebanon, par Pittsburg, pat4Chambersburg, 3 Germantown par Gettysburg, Chester County,• • • •par Middleton, Delaware County,• • • par Carlisle, Montgomery Co., • • • par Harrisburg Northumberland • • • •par Honesdale, 11 Cob Bridge Co., • • • •par Wyoming par Reading par Erie Bank, 14 Lancaster, Doylestown IntiN l intitven,...p i tit Easton pa West Branch par Bucks County, par Relief Notes .. 1 ti 0 Brownsville p " new issue • 1 Portofino pa :State Scrip, Washington, ( Pittsburg City Scrip • • 15 York, ilAllegheny City, 20 Danville. parkilegheny County, • • •20 COUNTERFIT9.-Pottsville, Pa., is infestediwith a gang of men and women, who arc engaged in passing counterfeit money. Several persons have recently been arr.ted for passing counterfeit $5 bills on the Lebanon and Delaware Banks. EMBEZZLMG FUNDEL-The Grand Jury of Hartford county, Maryland, have presented the following persons for embezzling funds of the Havre do Grace Bank MeSeß Y. Beach, orNew York, charged with embezzling $10,000; Henry Beach, of N. Y., $10,000; J. Hollister, Buffalo, $10,000; Nathaniel Jenkins, of Ohio, $10,000; John P. Gay, of Ohio, $10,000; Ezra Collins, of Havre de Grace, $lO,OOO. Governor Thomas will inunediately issue his requisition for the persons thus indicted. Forgery. litonmoNn, Nov. 25.—Folger P. Lovegrove, a lawyer from Baltimore, was arrested here to-day, on a charge of forgery on the Chesapeake Bank, Md. It appeats that ho left Baltimore on Satur day morning, after having been detected in a for gery for $BOO, and that since then, the Chesapeake Bank dinebtered that he had obtained CM from the Bank, on a forged cheek, and had him arrest ed. Ile now awaits the requisition of the Gover nor of Maryland. . (Er The appropriations made at the late session of Congress are thus officially announced Civil, diplomatic & miscellaneous, $9,388,388 32 Military and fortifications, 9,340,825 45 Indian dcpartinent, includin*naval, revolutionary & other pensions, 4,537,573 81 Naval service, 10,413,135 47 Post Office Department, 5,447,589 82 In fulfilment of treaty with Mexico, 3,360,000 00 $43,488,509 77 INCREASE OF GOLD AND SILVER.-It is estima ted that the gold and silver imported into the Uni ted States, trots various parts of the world, over and above the exports, during the last three years, amounts to one hundred millions of dollars. NEW ADVERTISEMENTi: INQUEST. Estate of LEONARD STEITER, Dee'd. rpHE heirs of Leonard Steller, late of Jackson 1 . township, Huntingdon county, deceased, are hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Or phans' Court of said county, an Inquest to make partition and valuation of the real estate of the said deceased, will be held on the 2d day of January 1831, on the premises, situate in Jack son and Barree townships in said county. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. December 3,1850.-3 t. Santa Fe Warehouse. FOR SALE OR RENT, a large Warehouse and Store-room, dwelling house and stable, also a Tavern stand, situate at Mount Union, Huntingdon county, all now doing a good busi ness, and likely to increase, it being the nearest point for a large portion of Huntingdon and Bed ford counties to get their produce on the canal and railroad. Possession given on the first of April next. Apply to the subscriber in Hill Valley. JOHN BREWSTER. December 3, 1850.—pd. 07 Hollidaysburg Register insert to amount of $l, and charge this office. Auditor's Notice. Estate of GEORGE BUCHANAN. Dec'd. rpHE undersigned Auditor, appointed to dia l- tribute the balance in the hands of William Buchanan, surviving acting Administrator of GEORGE BUCHANAN, late of Hopewell township, dec'd.,among the heirs of said de ceased, will attend, for that purpose, at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 31st day of December inat. at 10 o'clock, A. M. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Dec. 3,1830.-4 t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of ALEXANDER 12AMSEY, Dec'd. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of the county of Hunting don, to ascertain and report liens, &c., against the real estate of ALEXANDER RAMSEY, late of Springfield township, deed., hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend to the duties of the said appointment on Friday, the 27th day of December, A. D. 1850, et 10 o'clock, A. M. at his office, in the Borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. Dec. 3, 1850.-41. THE LADIES are respectfully invited to examine the new and splendid assortment of DRESS GOODS, now offered for sale at the Bridgeport Store, by Nov. 26.-2 t SPEER & IRONS. 151 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES, coutpri -1-, slug every description, for either Lathes or Gentlemen's wear, now opening and for sale cheap for cash or country produce, at the Bridgeport Store. SPEER & IRONS. Nov. 26.-2 t. J enny Lind Concert Scarfs, Shawls, and indeed every article of seasonable Goods for Ladies' wear, for sale by Nov. 26-2 t. SPEER & IRONS. WANTED, in exchange for goods, at cash pri ' ces, 10,000 lbs. RAGS, 2,000 bush. RYE, 10,000 lbt. BUTTER, 1,000 bushels CORN.— Enquire of [PEER & IRONS. bor. 26--2 t. PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscrilier will offer for sale, on Saturday 1 the aim of December, at 10 o'clock, A. M. a LOT OF GROUND, situated in Shatfersville, Morris township, Huntingdon county, on which is erected two excellent DWELLING HOUSES, the one being a new two story STONE HOUSE, the other a one and a half story frame house.— Any person wishing to examine the property, can do so by calling on Robert Kinkead, Esq., who resides on the premises. An indisputable title will he given and terms of sate made known on dayof!alcby._____ 'JAS. BCIUNKEAD. Nov. 26, 1850. STRAYS.—Came to the residence of the sub scriber, about the let of October, a BRINDLE BEIFFER, a BRINDLE STEER, and BLACK STEER, with a white forehead, supposed to be about a year and a half old. They are about one age, with a piece off the left ear, and a slit in the right ear. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of accord ing to law. GEORGE A. BEATON. Nov. 26, 1850. SHERIFF' ABRAHAM CRESSWELL 1 8 NOTICE. In the Court of Corn mon Pleas of Hunting iloacounty. Writ de Partition de HARDMAN Pitturs. Facienda. IrHE said Hardman Philips, and all other per sons interested, are hereby notified, that. in pursuance of a writ de partitione facienda, issu ed put of the said Court, and to me directed, I will on WEDNESDAV, the Bth day of January next. take with me twelve free, honest, and lawful men of my bailiwick, upon that certain tract of land situate in West township, in the said coun ty, bounded by Shaver's creek, and lands now or late of John Crawford, Jacob Neff, Benjamin Brubaker, J. Neff, and the Frankstown branch of the Juniata river, surveyed on a warrant granted to Samuel Anderson, bearing date the 9th April, 1781, and then and there, as in the said writ commanded, the said tract of land with the appurtenances ; having respect to the true value thereof, into two equal parts cause to be parted and divided, and one equal part of the maid tract of land, (the whole into two equal parts to be parted and divided) unto the said Abraham Cresswelf, and the remaining one e qual part of the said tract of land, (the whole into two equal parts to be parted and divided) unto the said Hardman Philips, to be held by them in severalty, will then and there be as signed and delivered according to the command of the said writ, and the laws of this Common wealth. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff: Nov. 26, 1820.-6 t. MILL AND FARM }Olt SALE. THE subscriber will sell, at private sale, the MERCHANT MILL AND FARM now oc cupied by Samuel Hockenberry, in Wells town ship, Fulton (formerly Bedford) county. The MILL was erected only a few years ago ; has three run of stones, a twenty foot over shot water wheel, and has all the modern improvements. The whole of the machinery being iu complete order. The FARM consists of 90 Acres, about one half of which is cleared and in cultivation. As the undersigned resides at a distance from this property, and his engagements will not admit of his giving it proper attention, ho will sell it at A BARGAIN; and make the payments easy—say one-fourth or one-third in hand, and the balance in from six to ten annual payments. Possession given on the Ist of April next. For further particulars call on the subscriber, in Mereersburg, Franklin county; G. W. B. Sipe, near the premises, or Wm. Dorris, Esq., - Bunt- JAMES 0. CARSON. in l (n. Mereersburg, Nov. 19, 1850. Ire "Centre Denioeroo insert until first of January, 1851, and charge this office. NEFF & MILLER ALWAYS AHEAD! THE great amount of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and Fancy Articles, sold daily at NEFF & MILLER'S, is the best evidence that they sell the most fashionable, beat and cheapest in Huntingdon, and that the principle of dealing with all•upon fair terms, gives satisfaction. Cr They are THIS DAY opening the Lar gest and Best Assortment of WATCH ES and JEWELRY, &c., ever brought to Hinting don. Call and see them. They only ask a small advance on cost for goods, and not two prices, as at oilier places. Ire-All goods sold WARRANTED TO DE AS RE PRESENTED. Don't forget the cheap corner. Nov. 5, 1850. NEFF & MILLER. HUNTINGDON MARBLE WORKS. milE subscriber has just returned from the city, where he purchased a large and well assorted lot of MARBLE, which ho oilers to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices which cannot fail to suit all who may want either MONUMENTS, TOMBS, BEAD AND FOOT STONES, or any work usually done in an estab lishment of this kind. Persons wishing any work in his line, would do well to give the subscriber a call, as he is determined sot to be outdone by any other establishment, either in material or work manship, on the Juniata. W' Shop near the upper cud of Main street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian church. R. G. STEWART. Huntingdon, Nov. 19, 1850.-3 m. GREAT Improvement in Daguerreotypeingl VAN WAN & CO., No. 118, Chesnut street, Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in their art, enabled themselves to take pictures at all times, with great certainty—as well in stormy as clear weather—which are justly pronounced by artists and scietitie men, uNntvaLLEo, for depth of tone and softness of light and shade. liy working themselves ' they not only produce pictures which arc GOOD AND CHEAP !! but by Sir the best and cheapest which can be produced at any other establishment. Their charge for pictures in hand some improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR to three dollars, depending on the size of the pic ture, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at other establishments, for pictures of equal size— but of inferior quality. Their GALLERY Ow Pon- TRAITS, consisting of some hundreds, embraces a collection of DIS fINGUISH ED AMERICANS worthy the attention of visiters to their rooms, which arc OPEN AT ALL TIMES. The collection which they had deposited in the exhibition of the Franklin Institute, was constant ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who were loud in their praise of the artists' skill. To guard against every possibility of mistake, they guarantee every picture to be of the best ma terials, and unless it is entirely satisfactory to the customer, NO CHARGE IS MADE. •ZW: - When visiting the city call at their rooms, whet icr you wish a Daguerreotype or not. The admission is free, and you will be pleased with your visit. Don't forget the number, 118 Chesnut street, a few doors below Fourth. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1850. RARE AND EXCELLENT! SCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW ELRY are going oft rapidly, at the low rates at which ho sells. His stock is now, large and well selected, and people find it advantageous to call with him Wore making purchases elsewhere. Nov. 19, 1850, THE- ELEPHANT AGAIN I • ;;I: 4, 51-„,„ ).,N l ,'' ;p •,; :-••• Y)1 „P i 4l *, PEIGIITAL O. BOGGS, HAVE just received another tremendous ad dition to their previous heavy stock. They have everything now that is required tosuit the wants of this community. _ _ Splendid Excelelor De Lains, at 121 cis. per yard. Superb Paramatta Cloths, at 62i cts. Unequalled Brocades, at all prices. Rich Irish Poplins, at 56 and 75 cts. Calicoes, from 3 to 121 cts. French Oiled Ginghams, at l2i c t. Damask de Lains, richly figured, at 25 cts. Real Conestoga Sheetings, 91 cts. Oriental and Bay State Shawls, at all prices. Heavy Yard wide Muslin,, at 6 and 8 eta. Real "Jane Lind , ' Cloths, at 121. Satinetts, at 37, 50, 62 and 75 cts. Tweeds at 25, 31 and 37 cts. Hardware, Queesasware , Boots & Shoes, Paints, Drugs and Dye Stuffs, at their former low prices. . . Indeed, everything can be had at this popular Bazar, 25 per cent. lower than else where, and all that is required to convince the community that the "ELEPHANT" is the place for cheap and good goods, is for them to call, when an examination will satisfy them that money can be saved by patronizing this es tablishment. Nov. 5, 1850. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. ACAMPBELL, Land Agent at Lasalle, I - • linois, has opened ageneral Land Agency for Middle and Northern Illinois, and Southern Wis consin, where he will attend to the purchase and sale of Improved and Unimproved Lands, payment of Taxes, Location of Mexican Land Warrants, making selections for those who may be entitled to Bounty Lands under the late act of Congress, and generally to all business connected with a general Land Agency. Having completed arrangements whereby per sons wishing to procure lands in this fertile and rapidly improving portion of the West, can do so at the minimum price of $1,25 per acre, without the expense and risk of travelling there, any per , son who stay pay to my Agent, James Maguire, at Huntingdon, the sum of two hundred dollars,l will have one quarter section (160 acres) entered in their name, (or as they may direct) for which they will receive the patrol from the general Land Office at Washington city, in their niune, clear of all charges. According to existing laws those lands arc not tax able fur 5 years from the slate of the entry. Sat isfactory security will he given for all performances on my part, and for the refunding of the amount of the purchme, with 6 per cent., at the expiration of five years, to any person who may then be dis satisfied with the location. The canal from Chicago to Lasalle, at the head of Steam-boat Navigation on the Illinois River, the Railroad from Chicago to Galena, which is • now in process of construction, and the Railroad from Chicago to Rock Island, on the Mississippi river, now completed to Aurora, sonic 30 miles west of Chicago, will puss through this country from East to West, and the great Central Railroad from Thslena to the mouth of the Ohio river, pass es through it from North to South, for the con struction of which the late Congress appropriated a large amount of land, thereby securing, beyond doubt, its speedy completion ; and there is no doubt in the mind of any person well informed upon the subject, but Chicago will be connected with all the Atlantic Cities byßailrond, in the course of from two to four years from this time, thereby enabling families to emigrate to this country in the short spare of from three to four days, from any portion of the East, without the risk of travelling by steam boat. Persons wishing to procure desirable homes for themselves and families, will do well to make application soon, as the amount of public lands is limited, and is being taken up tepidly by actual settlers. Any information desired, can be obtained from ISAAC FISHER, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. REFERENCES KESSLER & BROTHER, Mill Crock, Huntingdon County, Pa. MAOI/31RE & DOWIET Huntingdon, Pa. S. S. BLAIR, Esq., dollidaysburg, Pa. tut iffirssLerttoerslonetet ELL, Peru P. 73.ayLbac., suite Co., Illinois. Oct. 29, 1850.-3 m. Valuable Property at Private Sale. rivit subscriber will sell his farm at private -11 sale, situated in Kishacoquillas valley, about three miles west of Allenville, adjoining lands of C. & Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and others, containing 142 acres, about 123 acres of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.— The remainder is well timbered. The improve ments are a large two story Stone /louse, good Log Barn, good Spring a: the door, good Spring House, and all other necessary out-buildings.— A first rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit, and only six miles from the Pa. Canal and Central Railroad. This farm is laid off in fifteen fields, with running water in every field, and a running stream through the barn yard. This farm will be sold censorable, as the subscriber is desirous of emigrating to the west. Oct. 22, 1850. JACOB MUSSER. Valuable Property at Private Sale. FARMS AND TIMBER LAND, priE subscriber o ff ers at private sale, the ful -1 lowing described valuable Farina and Timber Land, situated in Hishaemmillas Valley, n county, Pa., one of the richest Agricultural valleys in the State of Penssyl rattle. No. 1, contains 120 Acres of first rate Limestone land, is 6. ,; state of cultivation, with a Brick House, Frame Jan', and other buildings thereon erected. No. 2, contains 82 Acres, with a House, Barn and Saw Mill thereon erected. A beautiful Orchard of fruit trees, and a never failing well of water at the door. No. 3, contains 2SO Acres, with House, Barn, and two tenant Houses thereon erected.— About 40 acres cleared, and the rest well timbered. NO. 4, is a tract of beautiful and valuable CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND. The above valuable property will be sold whole or in lots to suit purchasers. For further portico lays, terms, &c., address the subscriber, at Allen ville, Mifflin county, Pa. Nov. 19, 11330.-9t.-14 JAMES FLEMING. MAGNIFICENT ATTRACTION! THE CROWDS who daily visit the splendid es tablishment of NEFF & MILLER, say that they have the very best and cheapest assortment of WA'T'CHES &J.EWELRY in town. Their stock is unrivalled, and front the low rates at which they sell, they are beyond the reach of competition. Nov. 12, 1850. AN assortment of Pittsburg Glassware jus rieVlved br S. & W. SAXTON,. FRINtIRCFS'S ADVERTISEMENTS. LEWISTOW N, PA. Paints, OH, Glass, Putty, &c., AT the lowest prices for cash.—Pure White Lead at $2 per keg. Flaxseed Oil at $l, per gal.— Spirits of Turpentine at 50 eta. per gal. Putty at 6* eta. per pound. Whiting at 3 ets. per pound. Labarge at 10 ets. per lb. 76 boxes Windsor GLASS, from 8410 to 28a 30, assorted qualities. 8 dozen Paint Brushes anti Seal, Tools. 100 lbs. GLUE, 100 lbs. Red Load, 50 " Chrome Yellow, 100 " Venitian Red, 50 " " Green, 25 " Terra Cena, 25 " Plain Green, 25 " Sugar of Lead, 10 " En. Vermillion, 25 " Spanish Brown. With an assortment of all kinds of Paints, &c., suitable for Painters, Housebuilders, &c., which are warranted of good quality, always on. hand at F. G. FRANCISCUS'S. Lewistown, Nov. 5, 1850. nrnon Air-tight Cooking Stoves. WE have just received three sizes of thesehigh ly celebrated Premium Cooking Stoves, pat ented in 1850, which is considered by all to be in valuable in its economy of fuel, and can do as much work as the largest sized Hathaway Stove, nt the low price of $l6 to $25, with Kitchen Companion complete, with Tin an! Hollow-ware, at $lB Norton's Minerva Stove at $l5 a $18; Nos. 2 a 3 Air-tight parlor Stoves at $5. $6 a $7,50, the handsomest pattern in use. Cast Iron Stoves, $9 to $10; 7, 9 a 10 plate Stoves, 63,50 to $lO. As we wish to close out our stock of Stoves, we will sell, fur cash, bargains. . . P.G.' . FRANCISCUS. Lewistown, Nor. 5, 1850. Solar Lard Lamps. CiIURCHES, Public Buildings, dm., can be sup plied with Solar Lard Lamps of any styleand quality, as low in; can be purchased in Philadel phia, warranted to give satisfaction, or be return .' within a reasonable time. 14 pair Lard Latups, pew and &Mk:amble styles, 8 " Hanging " " a .4 6 " Side " 6 " Hanging Lamps, fax Ciunpiteue. 6 " Side " 2 dozen Lamps for burning Fink), with an as sortment of Chimneys, Shades & Fixtures, Globes, Wicks, &c. at F. G. FRANCISCUS'S. Lewistown, Nor. 5, 1850. Leather and Shoe Finding Store. IHAVE always on head a large and well assort ed stock of all kinds of Morocco Binding and Lining Skins, Nip, Upper, Sole, French and coun try Calf Skins, Pegs, Shoe Kitt, &c. to be sold lower than the lowest, by Nov. 5, lB5O. F. G. FRANCISCTJS. AMOST beautiful assortment of Tett and Ta- Me Cutlery—the most beautiful ever offered here—Ballard's Ivory handle setts of 5l pieces; Ivory do.; Desert knives, a newand good article, low for cash, at Nov. 5, 1850. F. C. FRANCISCDS'S. ROCK and Sporting Powder, Safety Fuse for blasting, at Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FRAwciscvs'x, IRON of various sizes, at 3 and n eta. per lb. at Nov. 5. F. G. FRANCISCUS'S. CILASS! GLASS!! GLASS!!! of all siacs at lowest midi...prices, by Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FBA:MMUS. NAILS, BradSi.SpikCS, at $4,25, and perhaps a little lower for cash, at Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. PRANCISCUS'S. Block, ditto, Spclter, Vim, Rivets, Iron Wire, from 6 to 25, always oh hand, at Nov. 5, 1850. F. G. FitAxciscra's. fIAMPIIENE, Oil, and Burning Fluid, of best quality, always fur sale, pure and fresh, by Nov. 5. F. G. FRAI4CISCUS. 200 Packages Saddlery, at reduced prices.- 100 packages Couch Ware. The largest assortment of these goods always on band. Nov. 5. 'l. 0. FRANCISCUS. TUSCARORA ACADEMY. THIS flourishing institution is situated in Tug carom Valley, Juniata county, Pa., eight miles south-west of Manila.. and six miles from the Perryville station on the l'enn'a. Railroad. It has been in successful operation fur more than twelve years, and is believed to he equal to any Academy in the State in affording facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough academical education, either fur business or for college. Be ing situated in a very pleasant neighborhood in the country, the pupils are removed from those temptations to idleness, dissipation and vice, which are the bane of similar institutions in town; and the whole surrottnding vicinity will vie with any place in the State for healthfidnege, and for the high tonf uirrality pervading the co= 1111 l I'hc buildings, recently, have been greatly im proved, and are large, appropriate and commodi ous, constructed according to the latest and most approved models of school architecture; and arc believed to combine all the essential requisites for the advantage and convenience of both learnerand teacher. Pupils from a distance are required to board in the Academy with the Principals; but if it is desired by the parents, good boarding may be obtained iu the neighborhood. • TERMS For Boarding, (per weelc,). Washing, (per quarter, of 11 weeks,) 1,50 For lied, (per quarter of 11 weeks,) 1,00 For Incidental, " 25 TERMS OF TUITION: For Tuition in Latin, Greek, and Mathematics, (per quarter,) $6,00 Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Political Economy, Book-keeping, Bot any, History, Ste. &c., 4,50 Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Reading, Writing, &c., (per quarter,)• • • •3,00 Light, Books and Stationery are found by the Pupil, and may be obtained at the stores in the neighborhood. There are no extra charges what ever. The academical year is divided into two sessions of 22 weeks each; and each session into two quar ters of II weeks each. ifir One quarter must be paid in advance, when the Pupil enters; and all hills must be paid off before he leaves Me Academy; otherwise seven per mut. on the whole bill for the quarter will be added. No deduction for absence ,during•!lie quarter, unless caused by sickness. - , The Principals have both been constantly enga ged in teaching, for upwards of twelve years, and can furnish the very best testimonials, both of their own scholarship and ability, and also of the thoroughness, success and accuracy of their mode of teaching. They will both give their exclusive and undivided (Mennen to their pupils, and will also be assisted by other competent instructors ; and they therefore hope to enjoy the confidence of the pub lic, and to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. The Vacations occur in April and October. There is also a Private Boarding House belong ing to the Academy, at which several young men may hoard themselves at about half the above rates. Address all communications (post paid) to the "Academia P. O." DAVID WILSON, A. M. DAVID LAUGHLIN, A, B. Jiincipaa. Tuscarora Valley, Juniata Co., Pe., November 5, 1850,-9t. N. B.—Pupils ken a distance non always find a ready conveyance from Militia or Perryville up to the Academy, by applying to any of the Hotels in either pima. CIARSAPARILLA, a fine article, for sale a Starke Coßfettionery. 04.7 LATE AND IMPORTANT NEWS!. "Now the burly burly's done, , Now the battles lost and won. ' THE "noise and confusion" attendant uron the election, having subsided, the public will now have time to visit the PEOPLE'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, which Les just been supplied with the largest, most beautiful, and cheapest assortment of READY MADE CLOYELING ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Overcoats and Cloaks, Sack Coats, Pants sad Vests of the latest and richest putteins. The remarkably LOW PRICES at which Clothing can and will be sold at the People's Cheap Store, cannot fail to attract purchasers. THE FANCY DEPARTMENT embraces every variety of Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Caps, Umbrellas, Flannel Shirts and, Drawers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c. REGULAR C USTOII,I WOR K attended to as usual. A large assortment of beautiful Cloths, Cassinteres god Vestings constantly on hand, at the PEOPLE'S C , HF.AP STORE, which will be made up to.order,.at short notice, and in the very best style of workmanship. GREAT INDTJCENIF.NTS are offered to purchasers. Those who visit So roast's estab bstituent, end examine his magnificent stock of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade, will be convinced that it is the interest of every man, who studies Economy, or who values his appear ance in society, to purchase his Clothing at the Peortes ClltAr &rose. O come, come away, No longer delay, 'Tis time to prepare for the. Fall. Some thick clothing boy, For cool weather is nigh, So repair to SNYDLICS Cheap Hall ! Good Clothing you'll find, That's just to your mind, And cum as good Clothing can be. Then come one and all, To the People's Cheap Hall, And purchase good clothing of me. JACOB SNYDER Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1850. LATEST ARRIVAL I G EORGE GWIN has just received and opened the largest and most splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ever offered to the people of Huntingdon county, and is prepared to sell at such remarkably LOW PRICES as must induce everybody to buy. His stock has been selected with great care, with a view to cheapness and good quality, and comprises, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Oregon and Tweed cloths, Vestings, Flannels. and Drillings, and a variety of cotton goods for summer wear; :Muslin de Laines, Alpaccas, French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawls and Handker chiefs, Merinos, Calicoes of the newest styles and at low prices, Enrlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams and Balxorines, French and Irish Linens, Bed Ttckings, Muslins, Sheeting:. &c. Having heretofore been honored by a large patronage from the Ladies, he has procured the most elegant assortment of ladecJ' Dress Goode ever brought to the interior of the State. Also Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Queens ware, and a treat variety of goods of all kinds. In short he is prepared to offer Great Bargains to those who favor him with their custom. All are invited to call and judge for themselves.— It alTords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. 0.7 - All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. 1850, "STAND FROM UNDER I" FOR fear you will be crushedby the avalanche of Fall and winter Goods which 1- 1k W S.A r XTON have just received and opened for public inspection and purchase, at their store in Huntingdon, so celebrated for their cheapness and variety. The erowds assembling at their store daily, are only equalled by the numbers nightly rushing for scats at a Jenny Lind Concert! We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establish ment in the country. If you don't believe this assertion, "just drop in, you won't intrude," and verify it by examining qualities and prices. To enumerate in detail all the articles we have for sale, would occupy too much space in the paper, to the exclusion of “marriages," always so Interesting to the fairer portion of our nu merous customers. We will mention but a few. We have For the Ladies, (first in our es teem, and "first in the hearts of their country. men,") Long Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Silks, French Merino, Alpacas, Bonnet Ribbon, Cash mere de Lanes, Jenny Lind Cloth, Ladies' and Children's Mutt's, &c. &c. with every desirable article of DRESS ,GOODS. 0:7 - The Ladies • will not forget that their de. partment is eonfinetrto the store on the corner. opposite Clouts' Note!. BOUTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A splendid ossortment of the above article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have tho very best, and will sell at a very smell advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. 11.7" We will. receive and store Groin, also. and pay the highest market prices, and it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient ptace to unload Grain in and about town. J. &. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 24), 1830. 41,25 ➢IILNWOOD ACADEMY. WARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. SPADE GAP, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, Rev. J. V. M'Ginnes, A. ItiL , and J. 11. W'. M'Ginnes A. M., Prineilyals. The Winter Session will commence on :he first Wednesday of November, 1850, to continue five months.— The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the stu dies of a profession, and the active business of life. The Academy building is new, comma-. dious, and in every way adopted to the accom• modation of a large number of boarders. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness, and the moral and religious character of the sur rounding community. It is easy of access, be ing on the stage route connecting Chombersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. Ten,. run SESSION..— For Orthography. Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, &c.. $8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin languages, $l2; French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week. For reference, or further particulars. address JAMES Y. M'GINNES. Shade Gap, Oct. 15, MO, “Music Uatb Charms►” E QMITII has hot received, nt th7llantingdos Li Book Store, a choice assortment of MUSIC BOXES, VIOLINS, at CCOHDEANS and GUI TARS, with Preceptors. These instruments are of 8 superior quality, and produce a "concord of sweet sounds" that fall upon the ear "Like the sweet south upon a hank of violets, Stealing and giving odor." VARIETY of articles too nutnerons to men tion for gale at Connitighate. Grocery confectionary "head Q u arters," GEO. GWIN,