Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 03, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, Dec, 3, 1850.
Tin "IIeXTINGDON Jounsia." is published at
the following rates, viz
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,15
IC paid duriug the year, 2,00
V paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50
To Clubs of Ave or more, in advance,• • • 1,50
Tits above Terms will he adhered to in all cases.
)io subscription will be taken for a less period than
see months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
.ke publisher.
lir We expect to lay the President's Message
before our rcade, next week. It will be transmit
ted to Congress to-day, should there he a quorum.
SMITH has just received at his store—which may
be fairly denominated the Depot of Law, Litem
tyre, Fine Arts and Fancy Articles—a lot of mag
nificent Pictures, enclosed in elegant gilt frames.
Those wanting anything either in the Book line,
or the beautiful, should call in at Smith's.
Ifir The HUNTLYGDON Boise BAND paraded
with the "Guards," for the first time, on Saturday
last, and favored our citizens with several pieces
of most "eloquently discoursed music." For the
short time this Band has been in existence, they
have made rapid progress in the "art divine," and
we predict that in a very short time, the Hunting
don Brass Band will be one of the BEST, as it is
now one of the most handsomely uniformed Bands
in the State. Every lover of good music should
take pride in sustaining the enterprising and public
spirited gentlemen who have incurred so mu;11
expense in getting up this Band.
eir The very erudite and witty editor of the
Globe, charges us with being "strongly inclined to
favor the most ultra abolition doctrines," because
we are opposed to some of the features of the Fu
gitive Slave Law! When our intellectual neigh
bor can bring his mind into a proper conditionoto
discriminate between Modification and Resistance,
in regard to that law, we may take time to attend
to him. For the present, we can only say, that
"it wrenches us terribly to kick at nothing."
or JANES Fox, Esq., the newly elected Dis
trict Attorney of Dauphin county, though quite a
young man, has already acquired an enviable dis
tinction at the llarrisburg Bar—one of the first in
point of talent in the State. At the recent trial of
Milligan, indicted for setting fire to the Clark's
Ferry Bridge, Mr. Fox, says the Harrisburg Tel
egraph, "concluded the cause on the part of the
Commonwealth, in an argument of great force and
vigor, and exhibited a power of acute analysis
which is rarely excelled."
Foreign, News.
The steamer Europa arrived at Halifax on
Wednesday last. The news is not very important.
Cotton has declined. The Flour and Grain
market remains unchanged.
Louis Napoleon has scut a long message to the
Assembly, which has given general satisfaction.—
Re disclaims all personal ambition.
The renewed misundcrstandingbetween Prussia
and Austria is confirmed. All Germany is arm
ing. Austria and Bavaria are in arms. Prussia
has drawn the first blood—their troops occupied
the village of Byolzell, upon which the Austrians
advanced with their swords sheathed, but were at
once fired upon, and several of their number were
wounded; the shuts were returned, and the Prus
sians finally evacuated the place, carrying off their
wounded with them.
France, England and Russia have offered to me
diate on the German question. The latest accounts
are more peaceable, although in Vienna, war is
now looked upon us certain.
The no-Popery cry is down in England. They
feel ashamed at having been frightened at Catholic
Hierarchy on paper; it appears that there are only
half a million of Catholics in all England, and but
eight millions in all Ireland, Canada and Australia.
- Movement.—A bill has been introduced into
the Legislature of North Carolina, laying a tax
upon all articles manufactured at the North, and
brought into that State for sale. The law is to
remain in force until the Fugitive Slave Bill is
faithfully carried into effect throughout the United
States, and until all the Territories of the United
States aro opened to the people of North Carolina
to carry thither any species of property they may
think proper. The act is to be transmitted to the
Governors of the other Southern States, with the
request that similar laws be passed in each State.
Dtarnzastwo.—We learn front the Register,
that Mr. Jixea O'NEIL, of Hollidaysburg, died in
that place on Sunday morning last, from the effects
of injury, received the evening previous, on the
Portage Railroad. Ile was a car-man on the road,
and accidentally fell upon the railing, and the car
wheels of a train he had in charge passed over one
of his legs, nearly severing it from his body. He
objected to amputation at first, but on the follow
ing morning the operation was performed, but ho
Dank under it and died soon am,
igir The Union Star has hoisted tho flag of old
Chippewa mid Jimmy Jones for President and Vice
President. Coi. M'Oxitz, of the Juniata Sen
tinel, says this ticket could not be boat; its which
opinion we moor.
Warrnui ticorT.—Tho Saco (Maine) Unio
eomes out in favor of General Scott as the Whig
sandidate for President in 1832. The Boston At
ki remarks that there is reason to believe that 0
large majority of tho Whigs of Maine favor the
aomjaation of the Hero of Lundy's Lane and the
Conqueror of Mexico.
sr President Fillmore has boon elooted a lifo
member of the American Sunday School Union,
by the payment of the required rubscription for
membership by the children of a Ellindity School
in Rochester, 'Yew Tort.
Congress.--Sound Advice.
The New York Tribune, a paper opposed to Sla
very in all its forms, throws out the following
sound advice to the Northern members of Congress.
We believe, with the Tribune, that no good can
come from agitating the slavery question this
"Nine-tenths of all the sectional ill-feeling and
jealousy which pervade the country and threaten
the stability of the 'Union, are generated by Con
gressional speeches, which the people pay some
$B,OOO per day to find listeners for, (dog cheap at
that!) and then some fifty dollars per column to
three Washington papers for publishing. Ali the
"pro-Slavery" and "Abolition" hatred and fun•
that are generated by operations out of Congress,
bear no proportion to those which are directly
incited by inflammatory Congressional Speeches.
We speak thus seasonably, to urge those who
concur in this view to unite in a concerted effort
to have all manner of Slavery and anti-Slavery
discussion in either House postponed to the third
month of the present session. Should any Mem
ber see fit to submit a proposition affecting Sla
very, let it be voted on in perfect silence, without
excitement or agitation of any kind. But we trust
the commencement of agitation as this subject
will be left to the Propagandists of Slavery. We
of the contrary part can certainly afford to leave
the argument where it now stands; while who re
ally expects any favorable artists from the present
Congress? Now we would very much like an es
sential modification of the Fugitive Slave Law,
but we do not believe any good can be achieved
by thrusting that subject, at the outset, upon the
consideration of the very Congress which passed
the law. We would give much to ace the Boun
dary of Texas straightened; but is there a ration
al probability that such a result can now be se
cured? As to Revery in the Territories, we say,
Resist at all hazards any attempt to place it there;
but let us, while maintaning perfect candor with
regard to this subject, not needlessly and perhaps
tel call upon Congress to meddle with
it so long as inaction shall appear to subserve our
purpose. Ile is not the most effective champion
of Free Soil in Congress who makes the most ado
about it.
The Session now at hand, is inflexibly a short
one—barely ninety days in duration. Of these,
the first thirty are generally trifled away, as we
trust they will not now be. We want far cheaper
Postage both for letters and periodicals ; a correc
tion at least of some of the grosser and snore gla
ring absurdities of the present Tariff; the Freedom
of the Public Lands to Actual Settlers under con
ditions fatal to speculation; the Retrenchment of
Congressional Mileage, and other wasteful items
of Public Expenditure; and some more efficient
aid than has of late years been given to River and
Harbor improvements. Three months seems to
us a short period for the accomplishment of these
Reforms; but let us have these first, and Slavery
(if at all) afterwards. We do hope that an under
standing will be had nmong , the advocates of Ac
tion and Progress, to give such measures as we
have indicated the precedence, and let the merits
and demerits of Slavery in its various phases wait
their turn. They have occupied the fore-ground
quite long enough, let them take their turn in the
A Portrait and a Quettiolt.
A New-York Correspondent of the Washington
Union gives the following explanation of the elec
tion of J. H. Hobart Haws (Whig) to Congress
from the most anti-Whig District of New York.
" On the morning of the Election it appeared
that certain rowdies in the Sixth Ward were dis
satisfied because the friends of Marsh had not sent
a $l,OOO or so to be squandered in drink mid pres
ents in the Ward. They at once started the name
of a news-boy, of course under the legal age, and
labored so actively that, by the close of the Polls
some 580 ignorant or vicious men had been indu
ced to vote for him. The Sixth is the Five Points'
Ward, and in it there are MO/ e idle ignorant and vi
cious persons than in any other part of this or tiny
other city in the United States. It is not wonderful
therefore that they succeeded in collectingfrom Me
grog-shops, stews and other such cribs of that locality,
a force of this kind, and thus compassed the defeat
of onr nominee."
—This "idle, ignorant and vicious" population
you observe, all belongs to what vaunts itself "the
Democracy." They are all hail-fellows of The
Union and its correspondent on great National
questions. "Collecting from the grog-slops, stews
and other such cribs of that locality," five hundred
and eighty votes, does not seem to have set the
Whig ticket back any—and hence The Union's
sorrows. Had those denizens of "grog-shops,
stews and other such cribs of that locality," all vo
ted as The Union man supposes they naturally
should, Mr. Marsh would have been elected.—
Now we do not question the fact, but we would like
to understand the philosophy. By what tic of in
terest or sympathy are all those "idle, ignorant and
vicious" denizens of grogeries, brothels and other
haunts of vice and debauchery naturally attached
to The Union's "Democracy?" Will anybody an
swer l—N. Y. Tribune.
Returning Californians.
About one thousand persons were on the Isth
mus when the last steamers were ready to sail, on
their return home from California. Three hun
dred and fifty were taken on board the Crescent
City, and five hundred on board of the Pacific, a
smaller steamer, on which they were absolutely
packed in bulk, and for nearly ono day before
reaching Havana, were without provisions and
water. Of the Crescent City's passengers who
arrived at Now York on Thursday night, a num
ber are said to be sick of Chagres fever; others,
worn out with their hardships in California, are
not only sick, but absolutely pennyless, and will
have to depend upon the charity of strangers for
means to reach their various homes. Of all the
Crescent City's possengers, perhaps not more than
twenty or thirty have gained anything by their
California trip, while hundreds of others have not
only lost all, but are ruined in constitution.
)lose TRI/jll THAN PerTIIT.—An old picture
roprosonts a king to State with a label, "1 rule for
aU." A bishop with the legend, "I pray for all."
A soldier with the motto, "I fight for all," and a
farmer drawing forth reluctantly a purse, with the
inscription, "I pay fur all."
EATIXO Timis ENENzEB.—Tho Choctaw In
telligences says that a battle has occurred between
the Wichetaw and Tonkeway Indians. The Tonk
ewsys roasted and eat one of their enemies. They
are said to be inclined to cannibalism and look a ith
fond eyes upon those who are fat and sleek.
Speech of ffon. John M. Clstyton.
Below we give the speech of Hon. J . 0111,1 H.
1 1 CLAYTON, in relation to Gen. Scorn, spoken of
in our last. It was delivered at the compliment
ary dinner given to Mr. Clayton, by the Whigs of
Delaware. It will, we know, be read with pleas
ure by the numerous friends of the old Hero, in
this county. There is more in the history of Gon.
Scott to stir up the feelings of every true Ameri
can heart, than in that of any other man now liv
ing. His whole life has been one scene of patri
otic service and devotion to his country.
But to the srßech of Mr. Clayton, who, being
loudly called to say something in relation to Gen.
Scott, rose and said :
FELLOW CITIZENS: I CIO not intend on an occa
sion like this, to make a political speech; but as I
have been requested by my friend' front Pennsyl
vania to give my opinion of Gem Scott end of his
services tohis country, and as you have seconded
the request so warmly and earnestly, I cannot re
fnse to do ses,
I have lived to honor one gallant sokffer of my
country, and I hope to live to do justice to anoth
er. The memory of Taylor is embalmed in the
hearts of his countrymen and elicit voice has con
secrated his name in tones louder and more em
phatic than were ever uttered ha token of their af
fectionate remembrance of any of their illustrious
dead except the Father of his country himself.
There still lives a hero worthy of the highest hon
ors n nation's gratitude can bestow ; and that hero
is the Conqueror of Menke (loud applause.)—
Winfield Scott, whose name will never perish while
a history of his country is preserved. (Burst of
applause, long continued.)
I do not design at this time entering into the
brilliant career of this gallant soldier; but 'cannot
help remembering you of some of the leading acts
of his extraordinary life.
He commenced his career as a soldier in the
war of 1812. He was distiniptislied, in the first in
instance, by his exertions at the battle of Queen
stows, where he resisted, fur along time the effints
of's superior force, but he was at length overwhel
med, taken prisoner ' and carried into the British
Possessions. With him was the gallant band that
had fought by his side, marry of whom were Irish
men. While on board the vessel which was carry
ing him to the British North Atnerican Po,ses
sions, he heard of an extraordinary movement.—
He went on deck and found a British officer cul
ling the names of the soldiers of the American nr
my, in order to ascertain who among them were
Irishmen from their "brogue," so that, in pursu
ance of the British doctrine, they might be punish
ed. Gen. Scott instantly ordered every American
soldier on deck to be Silent. They obeyed him.—
Thirty odd Irishmen, however, had been ascertain
ed by the British to be such from the replies which
they gave to questions put to them. Scott was
shortly afterwards exchanged for a British officer,
and then he fought the battles of Chippewa Plains
and Niagara. In those battles many prisoners sur
rendered to his troops, and he immediately gave
notice to the British authorities that if they touch
ed a hair of the head of a single Irishman who had
fought under the standard ofthe United States, for
every Irish life so taken an English life should pay
the forfeit; and that a bloody retaliation would be
exacted by the troops under his command. (Ap
plause.) The result was that all those prisoners
were surrendered in exchange for British prison
ers captured by Scott on the never to be forgotten
plains of Chippewa and Niagara.
In the last of these battles, that of Niagara, he
lost two horses, which were killed under him; and
at the close of the engagement, perhaps five min
utes before the action terminated, he receive,/ a
British musket ball through one of his shoulders,
which laid him prostrate on the earth. He was
dragged behind a tree and left for dead. I shall
say nothing at this time of his actions in the war
against the Sac and Fox Indians, nothing of his
distinguished services on the northern frontier to
prevent the illegal incursion of our own citizens
into the British Canadian possessions. But on the
present occasion, whets called on so emphatically,
I cannot forbear calling to your attention that this
was the man who seconded the gallant Taylor in
Mexico, and covered Isis own brows with tuifading
laurels at Vera Cruz, at Cerro Gordo, at Cheru
busco, at Molino del Rey, at Chapultepec, and in
the very heart of the Mexican Requblie. lle gai
ned the splendid title of the "Conqueror of Mexi
co ;" but he deserves the stilt prouder one of TUE
LOYAL CITIZEN, faithful, even when wronged, to
his country and her laws,—fititliful under the out
rage of ingratitude mid the instigation of revenge
(Great applause.)
When in the city of Mexico, after having con
quered the enemies of his country, after having
brought the Mexican power completely in subjec
tion to the American arms, an unexampled
nity was &lbw) tint. Be was called upon to re
i sign his command in the presence of' an army of
thirty thousand tnen, flushed wills conquest, and
devoted to their leader, at a distance of more than
a thousand stiles from home. In obedience to the
bare word of an executive officer of this govern
ment, at that distance, he resigned his command;
thus sustaining by his example the laws of his
country, and exhibiting a speeitnen of submission
to those laws, and honor and obedience to the in
stitutions of his countrv, rarely parallelled in his ,
tory, and such as would have made is Greek or a
Roman immortal. (Apptatise.) 'nits was an ex
ample on Isis part, worthy of the fiune aft Belisa ,
rius, and of a greater than Belsarius. The Spar
tan epithet at Thermopylae has stirred the heart and
thrilled the nerves for hundreds of years that are
passed, "Go, stntnger, and tell the Lacedtemonians
that we died here in obedience to the laws." The
spectacle of an American General, after such a
train of victories, at the head of such an artny,
every honest heart in which was devoted to their
chieftbtin not only surrendering his office but sub
mitting to a court martial, then believed to be pack
ed for the purpose of degrading him, was an evi
dence of devotion and sacrifice, and submission to
the laws of his country, under the strongest possi
ble temptations to resist them, rivalling the exam
ple of Washington himself at the must brilliant pe
riod of his litb, when he resigned the command of
his country's armies, and laid his victorious sword
at the feet of an American Congress. [Tompes
ttulusapplasse. _ _
Fellow Citizens I dwell not upon these events
which have so recently occurred; I dwell not upon
events, with which you are all familiar, I dwell
not upon the battles which he fought ; but I would
ask, where is the State in the American Union
whose sons have not been led to victory under his
banner, and who have not shed their blood under
the flag that he commanded? (Applause.) Where
is that unknown part of the territory of the United
States, where rur American people is found residing
in which—with such a man as Winfield Scott to
enforce the laws to which he himself has furnish
ed so striking au example of obedience—toy man
would dare to resist, or even think of resisting thein
Why, South Carolina herself won her proudest
trophies under his lead. Not a son of her Pelmet- '
to regiment, not ono of all the gallant children of
that State, would dare raise his parricidal arm in
opposition to the "Father of the Army of the Uni
ted States"—the Ilero who has shown that the
greatest glory is patriotism, and that the tritest
honor, as well as the best of omens, is "to draw the
sword for our country." (Great applause."
I need not assure you, my fellow citizens, that I
have not said thus much for the purpose of intro
ducing the name of Geu. Scott here for any polit
ical purpose; but in justice to him, knowing bins as
I do well, appreciating him as I do, as one of the
most distinguished patriots and ono of the greatest
warriors of the age, I could not upon this occasion
say less than I have said in obedience to the call
with which I have been honorej.
Mr. CLAYTON resumed his scat timid great
Cleorgfa True to the tnion.
The National Intelligences of Thursday last an
nounces the receipt of a despatch from the editors
of the Journal and Messenger, at Macon, contain
ing the welcome news of the decisive success of the
friends of the Union against its adversaries at the
election which took place throughout the State of
Georgia on Monday last, for members of the State
Convention, called, by the Governor; for purpose'
of resistance to the action of Congress in regard to
the admission of the State of California into the
Union. Sufficient information has reached Macon
to establish the fact that the Union party have car
ried the State by an overwhelming majority,
amounting to perhaps thirty thousand ! In fifty
three counties heard from, the Disunionists have
carried but six, and those by very small majorities;
the other counties send Union Delegates by major
ities of from 100 1.1,300 votes. "There is no
use," adds the despatch, "in knocking at the 6bber
any more."
It is only a very few days ago, rare ks the Na
tional fattßigencer upon this cheering news, that
we lied news of the dispersion and flight of the
"Southern Convention" from Nashville, atter re
vealing its designs so plainly as to convince the
most incredulous of those Southern friends of ours,
who. were disposed to turn a deaf ear to our early
warnings, of the deadly aims of its projectors
against the Constitution and Government of the
United States. And now we have an answer from
the State of Georgia, in a voice loud enough to
have come from "the thunder's mouth," to the
proposition whieh has been made to her to take the
initial step in the proposed revolt against the Un
ion. In the speech of Mr. RIIETT, but two months
ago, be gave his hearers and the world to believe
that the heart of Georgia was as dead to the value
of the Union as his own has long avowedly been ;
concluding his demonstration on this point in these
memorable terms: "Georgia will lead oft' ; South
Carolina will go with her," Thanks to the na
tional spirit of her People, rising with the occasion
above all the lower elements of party controversy,
Georgia has resisted the appeal and rebuked the
tempter, whose counsels would have seduced her
to her own ruin. Georgia will not "lead oft
Whether the State of South Carolina, haling to
find a leader, either in Georgia, or in Virginia or
Kentucky—equally sought to be corrupted, but
equally loyal—willpersist in a project, by the suc
cess of which, were success possible, she would un
questionably gain nothing, but lose a great deal, is
a problem yet to be solved.
Prussia and Austria,
The Prussian and Austrian troops have had a
"brush," which may lead to a more serious con
flict though all continental Europe is deeply inter
ested in preventing the relighting of the flames of
war. Another war, it is predicted, will bankrupt
the Austrian State, and cause a repudiation of its
1 liabilities. The Austrian liabilities in 1849 were
£103,500,000 sterling. The income for nine months
was £7,000,000, and the expenditures £16,000,-
000, Deficit £9,000,000. The army cost in that
period, £4,500,000. There is a floating debt of
£22,500,000, which the State owes the Bank.—
The paper money is stated to amount to £34,500,-
000, sterling ; and as the tiank is said to have £3,-
1)00,000, of bullion, it appears that £31,000,000, is
tunprotected. During the Ilungarian war, the
Austrian army numbered 500,000 men. That num
has not since been decreased, but it is evident that
so large an army cannot be kept up on so brittle is
state of finances.
Prussia is better able to stand the brunt of a
fight; her national debt is about £20,000,000,
mortgaged on the State domains and crown lands,
the value of which, according to a very moderate
official calculation, is £55,000,000. The income
of the government is £14,000,000, of which the
army of 200,000 men costs less than one fourth or
£3,100,000. Prussia has a loan 0fX3,000,000 al
ready raised for the present year, to meet the de
mands which the eventualities of the German
question were likely to make upon the War Office
Monarches are more cautious of rushing into war
than they used to be, and one at this period be
tween Prussia and Anstalt', would undo much of
the work which the combined offorts ofthe crown
ed heads have endeavored to accomplish in the last
year or two.—Ledger.
Glad to See It.
There seems to be a disposition among the lead
ing benvocrats of the State to favor a reasonable
advance of Tariff on Iron. We hope it will be
granted. A duty of 40 per cent was offered on
iron to Pennsylvania, in 1846, by free traders, but
she would not accept it. A prosperous iron trade
will make a prosperous cold trade, so that about all
that is required at present is a suitable duty on iron.
There are peculiar advantages attending the man
ufacture of iron. The ore in the bank, sufficient
for a ton of iron is worth but a few dollars, hut
when wrought into bur iron is worth $6O. The
greater part of this advance goes to the laborers of
the country; and a laborer in this country will con
sume twice as much of our agricultural produce as
a laborer will who makes our iron in England.--
Pottstown Ledger. •
If the Ledger and other of the Locofoco presses
had advocated this doctrine some months ago, in
stead of using all manner of means to thwart the
efforts of the Whigs in securing such a regulation,
we might now be enjoying the desired protection,
anal a prosperous trade iu both coal and iron. It
is high time for those "leading democrats" to be
opening their eyes.—Miners' Journal.
of Babylon, Illinois, was struck by lightning a few
weeks sMee and wns left dead to all external ap
pearance, but his wife, a shrewd woman, took a
bucket of cold water and poured it on his breast,
when he revived and is doing well. Let no one
forget the efficiency of cold water in cases like this
COL. JOUNSON.-The Legislature of Kentucky
is about to erect u monument to the memory of.
Col. Richert' M. Johnson. The members of the
Legislature were affected to tears by a eulogy on
the old hero by one of their number.
igir The editor of the Columbus (Ga.) Sentinel
exhibits his patriotism and breeding in the follow
ing chaste language, addressed to a cotemporary:
"We frankly tell you that so far as we are con
cerned, we despise the Union, and hate the North
as we do hell itself."
sir The Easton Argus, a Locofoco paper, has
the following gentle hint:—
"The papers have commenced puffing Colonel
Snowden again. WI:Ile he was in office the bore
ceased. Never wan smaller calibre better puffed."
Destruction of the Union.
The Newark Advertiser asks, "who could stand
against the maledictions which would be showered
upon the man who should dare to cut down the
great and noble Elm which has adorned the centre
of "Boston Common" for so many generations ;
upon which the fathers, grand-fathers, and great
grand-fathers of the present race have gazed, quite
back to the time when the Indian nestled under its
svide•spread branches! What barbarous savage
has ever dared to strike the axe into the trunk of
any one of those mighty Cedars of Lebanon which
may have waved their then young limbs over the
sacred form of the blessed Redeemer of mankind?
Is the Constitution of the United States of Amer--
eat—if not yet quite so venerable for age—less
powerful for good, less entitled to oar love and
veneration for its origin and its extensive over
shadowing proteetion ? Those trees of such im
posing grandeur have been nourished by the rain
and dews of Heaven fur centuries past; the Con
stitution and Union of our country were watered
by the tears of our fathers, and nourishes! by their
blood. Can time or eternity wash out the statist of
ignominy which shall darken the names of those
base mew, who shall ever raise an arm to wound
these sacred monuments of the patriotism, wisdom
and heroism of the founders of the American Re
public—a name, if parricides do not prevent it—
destined to outshine, if not outlive, the glory of
either Greecian or Roman fame ! With the disso
lution of the Union, our very name will become
extinct; and the events and exploits, of which we
are now no justly proud, will be related of a na
tion (the United States) which will then exist no
longer on the earth."
Mississippi Lftiaahlre.
An extra session of the Mississippi Legislature,
convened by Gov. Quitman, commenced at Jack
son, on the 19th inst. Several incendiary resolu
tions were offered and put down. A resolution
approving of Gon. Davis's course and condemning
that of Senator Foote, was offered by Mr. Nash,
in the House, but up to the 22d, nothing had been
done with it. A resolution was adopted by the
Senate to submit the question of holding a State
Convention. Mississippi is clearly °posed to any
of the extreme measures recommended by Gov.
Quitman. On the 20th Senator Foote delivered a
speech at Jackson, which excited the utmost enthu
siasm in favor of the Union. lie intends to speak
on the subject in every county of the State.
The House of Representatives passed! by a ma
jority of 30 to 37, a resolution censuring General
Foote for sustaining the comptOmise bills.
Free ■oil in Michigan.
To show the feeling of the people, and their in
dependence of party leaders, in Michigan, the New
York Evening Post (Locofoco) gives a history of
the late canvass in one district, as a specimen of
the whole State. It says
• "The member of Congress from Detroit, Alex.
W. Buell, who voted for the Fugitive Slave Law,
reluctantly, it is said, at the special desire and
earnest persuasion of Gen. Cass, who had not the
courage to veto himself on the question of its final
passage, is ignominiously defeated, and a Whig is
sent to Congress in his place, from a district in
which the Democrats have always had a majority.
Buell was beaten in spite of the greatest aims of
Cass and his friends to prevent it. To reward
his instrument for the sacrifice of his conscience
to his persuasions, Cass went through all Duoll's
district, addressing the people in his fayor."
SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—An accident with loss of
life, occurred in N. Woodberry township, in this
county, on the morning of the 3d inst., at the resi
! donee of Mr. John Stonerook, under the following
circumstances. Mr. Stonerook took into his house
and placed upon the mouth of the kitchen store a
pan tilled with spirits of turpentine and tar for the
purpose of heating, when the same became hot and
caught lire. In attempting to take it from the
room in this situation, he was compelled to drop it
on the floor, when it spread in a sheet aflame, and
flilled the room with smoke to almost suffocation.
The mother and two or three children were pres
ent at the time, one of whom—a little girl—took
fire from the blaze and was so badly bunted that
she died on the evening of the same day. In at
, tempting to deaden the flames the mother was se
riously burned.—Blair Co. Whig.
Eletiien in California.
The election for Clerk of the Supreme Court,
Attorney General, Senators, members of Assembly
&c. &c. took place in California on the 7th of Oc
tober. The returns indicate that the Whigs have
elected their candidate for Superintendent of pub
lic Instruction, and the Democrats the Attorney
General and Clerk of the Supremo Court. The
vote for the location of the seat of government is
largely in favor of Vallejo, instead of San Jose.—
The Legi,laturo as far as heard from stands—
' Whigs B—Democrats 4. As this body is compo
sed of but 16 members the Whigs will undoubted
ly have a majority. For members of the Assem
bly the Whigs have elected 9 its far as beard from
awl the Democrats 2.
ington correspondent of a New York paper says :
"It was decided iu Cabinet meeting to-day, that
Governor's Island, at New York, shall be the place
where the next World's Convention will be held
in May 1852. The goods, and wares, and objects
of art exhibited, are to be sold at the option of the
exhibitors, and the building in which they are to
be exhibited will be considered a Bonded Ware
house. The duties are to be paid when the articles
are sold, and enter into consumption or use ; and
no charges aro to be made in case they arc re-ex
The Massachusetts Marsha/.
Attorney General Crittenden, at the request of
the President, has investigated the charge made
against Charles Devens, jr., U. S. Marshal for the
district of Massachusetts, for failing to serve the
warrant for the arrest of the fugitive Craft. The
Attorney General thinks that there appears no
cause to wamtnt censure or dismissal, though
more activity and energy might well have been
expected on tho part of the Marshal in the dis
charge of his duties.
(Sr The trial of the Virginians charged with riot
in connection with tho Slav) difficulties at Harris
burg some months since came off last week and re
sulted iu Choir acquittal.
A KILLING lksprzsa.-151r. John Marsh, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday of last week, killed
at his establishment in that city four hundred hogs
in the short space of fifty-six minutes.
The Fugitive Slave Law.
The subjoined letter is from a Locoloco member
of our Legislature :
WAnnEtt, Oct. 20, 1350,
Gm/4min :—Owing to absence from home I did
not receive, till last miring, your note inviting
me to address the citizens of Mercer, on the 20th
'AI.., in opposition to the "Fugitive Slave Law."
I regret that it will be out of my power to attend.
Although I would not encourage disobedience
to the injunctions of that statute, while it remains
the law of the land, I cannot look upon many of
its provisions with any degree of approval. In
order to enforce with gvent rigor one &tale of the
Constitution—a clause always repugnant to the
sentiments of the free 4itates—it practically nulli
ties, in all cases to which it extends, two ether pro
visions of that instrument—provisions that have
ever been regarded ne the surest protection to in
dividual rights and liberty, and the strongest bar
rier against government oppression. It creates a
swarm of federal officers, whose solo duty it is to
rivet again the broken fetters of the slave, and re
scents with double fees a derision adverse to free
dom. It imposes upon our Marshals odious, and
often impossible duties, and visite a failure, how
ever excusable or unavoidable; with heavy pea
allies. It requires all citizens,. when miffed upotr„
to join in the slave hunt, and; at the National ex
pense, returning the captive fugitive to a master'
from whose bondage, in many instances, his own
ill usage and entelty h ad driven him.
While 1 regard late Act in this light, I wool&
not impugn the motives of those Northern mem—
bers who gave it their' support. Doubtless they
were patriotic. • They hoped in this to allay ex—
citement and avoid the danger of dissolution.—
Should it fail to have this effect, they no doubt
will be found With others, asking a repeal; or such
a modification a the bill, as, while it shall secure
to our Southern brethren their cons titutionalrights,
it shall also allow the alleged slave a constitutional
trial. Tours, Respectfully,
This question has often been debated; and it has
been asserted that a Mormon was restricted to one
wife, like all good christians. But a correspond
ent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, who writes from.
the Great Salt Lake, puts a different face upon
the nuttier. lie says:—
"An impression exists abroad respecting the
number of wives which each Mormon is allowed,
and which it may not be amiss to make a few re
marks upon. A'have made inquiry of those who
know, and find that each member, as well as the
head of the church, is privileged to have as many
wives as he can decently support—that is, if all
parties concerned are agreed—and to each he has
to be formally married in accordance with the law.
I have not a word to say in defence of this odious
and demoralizing feature, but merely state facts."
rItOGRESIL-When women become politicians
and statesmen, says dm Newark Adveriiser As rec
ommended and demanded by the Worcester Con
vention, there will he so many holm in do Con
vention to bo mended, that those in our stockings
will have to go without darti . n . st. In the progress
of improvement, we shall ell, no doubt, Minerva
like, spring into the world full grown voter s: but
for the pros who is to rock the cradle 1 When
woman oh, upon the jury, and stand sentry on
our night pc, e, we shall hear no more, of course,
of the meta of the people. The popular cry will then
be, Hurrah for the people's mistresses I
the Southern cotton factories are closing up as
well as those at the North. The reason for this is
said to be the high price of cotton, which will not
justify further purchases for manufacture. And
yet, marvellous as it may seem, English factories
are able to buy the material and work it up with
the expense of transportation ; re-shipment, &c.,
added to the original cost, While those where the
cotton is first sold are compelled to stop. The
fact speaks for itself.
CFA gentleman in the habit of occasionally
using intoxicating drinks, took up an able temper
ance address, and sat down in his family to peruse
it. Ito read it through, without saying a word,
when he exclaimed, "this man is a fool, or I aml"
Ile read it again, and when he had finished it a
second time, he exclaimed, "This man is a fool,
or lam t!' A third time lie read it with still great
er care, and as he finished the last sentence et
claimed, "lain the fool t" and never tasted a drop
of ardent spirits afterwards.
Cr It is stated that the Henry Clay Fnrnace,
at Columbia, l'a., and the Donegal Furnace, at
Marietta, Pa., hare stopped operations, in conse
quence of the nnremunorative price of pig metal.
LUCKT.—Tho Cincinnati Commercial says that
Henry —, who left for California with a com
pany from that city, returned a few days ago, with
about $15,000, which he saved. Ho was a poor
laborer previous to leaving, and worked for $5 per
week at Niles foundry.
New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Led-
ger, says:—
"There was a kind of Whig caucus in a town
Hotel, on Saturday evening, ut which rumor says,
it was resolved to push Horace Greeley for U. S.
Senator. I give you the story forwhut it is worth.
It creates some talk in certain circles."
A WAY TIIEY lIATE.—SOIEO of the women at
Jenny Lind's lust Concert in Boston, fainted, and
wore taken into her apartment, where they recei
ved her personal attention. It was well that this
was not announced at the time, or half the man
would have fainted too.
.some sensible person says, truly, that a per
son who tries to raise himself by scandalizing oth
ers might just as well set down on a wheelbarrow,
and try to wheel himself.
We" The new and splendid steamer Conneticut,
just placed on the Boston and New York route,
via Norwich, on her first trip on Monday night had
on hoard six newly married couple! The Union is
safe !
sErA grape vino in Pennsylvania, growing
round no apple tree, has this year apples growing
upon it which resemble the grape externally. A
similar occurrence is reported at Cumberland Mb.
An apple tree in Winthrop, Me., has borne Bart
lett, Seckel, and St. Michael pears this year, pro
duced from scions grafted into it.
Cil'Major Hobbie, the First Assistant Post Mas
ter Generial, leaves the Department this seek, and
has been appointed General Superintendent of the
Mails at Panama, with a liberal salary.
Itia'Dr. John Hastings, of San Francisco, charg.
ed Mayor Bigelow, of Sacramcnto city, $4,000 fur
attending to the wounds ho received in the riot.—
Dr. Bowie charged $5OO for consulting!