Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 03, 1850, Image 1

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Little Children Love One Another.
A little girl with a happy look, .
Sat slowly reading re ponderous bool4
All bound with velvet and edged with gold;
And its weight was more than the child could hold.
Yet dearly she loved to ponder it o'er,
And every day she prized it more 3
For it said'—and she looked at her smilingmethcr,
It said, "Little children love one another."
She thought it was beautiful in the book,
And the lesson home to her heart she took;
She walked her way with a trusting grace,
And a dove-like look in her meek young fine,
'Which said just as plain as words could say,
The Holy Bible I must obey;
So, mother, I'll be kind to my darling brother,
For "little children should love one another."
I'm sorry he's naughty, and will not play,
But I'll love him still, for I think the way
To make him gentle and kind to me,
Will be better shown, if I let him see,
I strive to do what I think is right;
And thus when we kneel in prayer to-night,
I will clasp my arms around my brother,
And say, "Little children love one another."
The little girl did as her Bible taught,
And pleasant, indeed, was the change it wrought
For the Boy looked up in glad surprise,
To meet the light of her loving eyes ;
His heart was full—ho could not speak—
But he pressed a kiss on his sister's cheek;
And God looked down on the happy mother,
Whose "Little children loved one another."
On the 22d of May, 1841, a batteim of the mil
itary colony, established at Novogorod, was drawn
up on the public ground adjoining the extensive
barracks, constructed in the most ancient and soli
tary portion &the city, near the de of St So
In front of the ranks stood Gen. a tall Irian
of fifty, remarkable for his erect carriage, meagre
ness, sallow complexion, and largo gray, restless
oyes. Ile was known throughout the camp for his
bravery, of which he had given many brilliant proofs•
in the campaigns of Turkey. and Persia ; it was
clear that domestic infelicities had soured his tem
per, or that his heart heti become hardened by the
frequent applications of a discipline, degrading in
its nature and often horrible in its eftbets. Gen.
L— had become a terror to the soldiers, and
scarcely a day passed in whirls his command was
not signalized by acts of such severity Its well de
served to be called ferocious.
It was known that this amt cherished a profound
attachment for a young girl, the daughter of an old
companion in arms, killed in battle. Ile adopted
the orphan child, brought her up with care; and
never allowed her to he separated fret,, him. And
she, though grateful for the kindness of her father,
by adoption, was not the less governed by an irre
sistible feeling of constraint when in his presence,
the result of his stern brevity of speech, imperious
manlier, and cold severity of aspect. She was
known among the troops by the expressive name
of Solowieva (Nightengale,) given to her in rec
ognition of the grace with which she sang the wild
pathetic ballads of the Schtvoniatas.
Solowieva, to please the General, appeared at
the reviews. One day she was sitting at a window
of the General's quarters, in a room on the ground
floor, whence her eye ranged along the extended
ranks—and a bright flush overspread her ffintures
as her glance rested fora moment on the handsome
features of a young surgeon-major, Ivan Polovoi,
whose manly form was set off to a rare advantage
by the simple uniform of his military gristle.
Gen. L. passed and re-passed along the front line
of the battalion without au single word, butt with n
frowning brow and un angry expression on his fea
tures, for he perceived that some of the men were
absent. Sudduntly was heard the slow and muf
fled heat of a drum, and front the extremity of the
plain was seen advancing a baud of soldiers, each
carrying in his hand one of those lung rods whirls
are still used in the Russian service as the tool of
a hateful punishment. At this sight the General
turned in amazement to his aids, and in a voice of
thunder demanded who had given the order, and
who was to be the victim.
A sergeant conspicuous by his scarred and livid
countenance, darted before the General, snatched
from him his sword, struck him on the face, and
eolly answered, " You."'
At these words an electric shock seemed to pass
along the ranks anti a gleans of hate lighted up the
habitually passionless features of the men. By a
spontaneous movement, the officers advanced front
the line to the rosette of their commander; but in
a moment they were seized, thrown to the ground
and menaced by half a score of bayonets.
Ivan was alone exempted, for his humanity had
won for him the affection of the troops. A grena
dier who stood near him, whispered in his ear,
"Whether the uightengale sings or remains silent,
do not move. A word, a single step, and you are
Recovering from his stupor, Gen. L. grasped
with each hand ono of the bayonets pointed at his
breast, turned them aside with a powerful effort,
and cried out, with a ferocious glance along the
Rue, "To your knees, vile brutes, and !leg for mer
cy, or there will not be skin enough ou yuur backs
to expiate for you crimes."
A savage chuckle was the answer to this threat
and the sergeant, with frightful tranquility, which
indicated &settled purpose, said—
"'Every one of us knows the doom that awaits
film, and is prepared to sacrifice his life. When
your sentence is fulfilled, we shall go before Gem.
Susotf, the, Governor of Novogord ; we shalt lay at
his feet your sword, belt, orders and what remains
of your body, and we shall say to him, "Gem L.
was a tiger; we have slain him ; hero are our wea
pons, we await our punishment." And thus say
ing, the sergeant toro away the General's epau
lettes and trampled theta under his feet.
" These decorations belong not to you," he con
tinued ; "4 knot should be borne by the execution
er.. Remember the soldier Batskofi; scourged with
rods for having been- a. moment too late in presen
ting arms. Remember the old subalteran, who,
for a spot on his uniform was ordered by yottfrom
the ranks, and. struck upon the face with your whit ,
until the broodran down his cheeks. The unhap
py nutn, frantic with rage and pain lifted his hand
in resistance, and fur this he was flogged, and sent
maimed and dying to Siberia."
Tho sergeant., while he spoke, had continued,
with a terrible composdre, 63 strip. the General of
his belt, his coat, and his under garments.
" That subaltern, like ntyself, bore the name of
Guedenoff; we were born in the same oovel—he
was my brother." -
Spite of his indomitable firmness, the General
could not refrain from shuddering as he listened
to the fearful accusation', so ercament he its calm
.simplicity, so passionless in its brevity. As for
Solowitwa, she had looked on at first with vague
wonder, unable to comprehend the scene that pas
sed before her; but when she saw the General de
prived of his sword, his uniform' mrn away, his form
exposed—then she began to perceive the purpose
of his assailants, and to understand that he was
doomed to receive . the degrading punishment he
had so offen inflicted. Seined With horror, she
rose to her feet, clasped her bands in supplication
and shrieked in tenor and despair.
Ivan had till this moment stood motionless and
silent, but he could not resist the anguish of her he
loved. He forgot the stern excitement of the lov
ed, the hopelessness of his interference; and made
a step forward; but the loud riug of a musket was
heard—lvan threw up his arms, tamed on his heel
convulsively, and full to the ground a corpse. The
bullet had pierced his heart. • .
A &untie soldier stepped forward from the
rank,, lifted the body, and- bearing it to the win
dow where' Solowicvi► stood, he threw, it at her
feet, and said,."Nightengale, this belongs to you."
White as Marble, she gazed upon the cross of
her lover, bent towards it, wiped the bloody fore
head with her handkerchief, gave forth one terrible
cry, and fell by ifs side.
Meantime Gen. L. had been bestial to a gun car
riage, dragged through the ranks, and scourged
with rods, the torture of which was but the begin
ning of his punishment. Ho had scarcely reached
the exit rinity of the line, when it voice exelaimcd,
"To the ovut
The unhappy General, half dead with agony,
heard the words, and knew their horrid meaning.
One hundred voices repeated, "To the oven !"
A mortal paleness overspread his featrtres; his
courage gave tray; he groaned and begged for
mercy. But the hurrahs of the battalion drowned
his voice, :nal Guedonotf, approaching him once,
replied : "I too, begged fur mercy, when my broth
' fell (lying with the blows you ordered."
We will not pursue the hideous details of the
scene that followed, only adding that Gen. L. and
the superior officers of the battalion, shut up in
ovens, which the vengeful soldiers took care to
heat slowly, were literally baked alive.
This crime presented a frightffil originality,and
it was deemed meet its expiation should be like
wise. The tidingS were borne to the Emperor,
and eight days afterwarns several battalions of ar
tillery marched through the streets of the ancient
Russian capital; they had been preeectled by a
major -general, who had won for himself in the
Polish campaign the title of Warsaw Executioner.
One of his aids appeared at the barracks of the
mutineers, and ordered them to parade the next
morning, in fittigue dress awl without their wea
pons in the small square at the western end of the
city. They replied by their invariable KAUACHO,
(good,) put on their long gray coats and round
caps, and oiled moustaches as for an ordinary field
day; then, pale, silent, and with white lips, but
keeping perfect order in their ranks, they Craver
sod the city between two tiles of Cossacks, follow
ed by the 'terrified gaze of the inhabitants. Ott
their arrival in the square, they posted themselves
in solemn columns, noiselessly and without con
The drums beat—the bells of the churches pea
led forth a solemn clung—and the batteries of can- .
non, planted in the avenues that led into the square
opened upon them a deadly tire of grape shut.—
Each discharge was succeeded by a shout, a mul
titudinous groan, with which .were mingled the
wild songs of those who prided themselves on dy
ing like men who knew no fear. Three the
fire was kept up ; and when at the dose,llk exe
cutioners of this awful sentence traversed the place
through a lake of blood, they found hut five whom
the grape shot had not reached—among these was
the sergeant, Guedonotf. They all perished under
the murderous blow of the knout. The sergeant
maintained his firmness and composure to the end.
Stretched on the fatal plank, he seemed uncon
scious of the lash that tore his bleeding flesh,
and addressing the executioner, he coolly asked it
his allotted number of blows would soon be com
" They are finished now," said the executioner.
"So much the better, replieii litiedenoti, "fur
I aM very hungry."
GENnuous Kts:.—The heart of the generous
man is like the clouds of heaven, which drop upon
the fruits, herbage, and flowers : the heart of the
ungrateful is like a desert of sand, which swallows
with greediness the showers that loU, but buried:
them in its bosom and produceth nothing.
Crown the Teacher..
The faithful teacher, on every plan, has much
to do and Much to endure. He must be contented
to labor and bo ill rewarded ; he must be willing
to see his pupils increase while he decreases; and
even to seo the world, whose movements he has
accelerated, leaving him behind. No mutter; the
school of life lasts not long, and its best rewards
are reserved till school is over.
When Jupiter offered the print to him who was
most useful to mankind; the Court of Olympus
was crowded with callnpetitors. The warrior boast
ed of his patriotism—but Jupiter thundered ; the
rich man boasted of his muniticenre—and Jupiter
showed him a widow's mite ; the 'Pontiff held up
the keys of heaven—and Jupiter pushed the doors
wide open; the painter boasted' his power to girt
life to inanimate canvass—and Jupiter breathed
aloud in derision; the sculptor boasted of snaking
Gods that contended with the immortals for hu
man homage—Jupiter frowned; the orator boast
ed of his power •to sway a nation with his voice—
and Jupiter marshaled the obedient hosts of hear
'en with a tied ; the poet spoke of his power to
move even the Gods by praise—Jupiter blushsd ;
the magician claimed to practice the only human
science that had been transported to heaven—Ju
piter hesitated; when, seeing a venerable man
looking with intense interest upon the group of
competitors, but presenting no claim,
"What art thou'?" said the monarch.
"Only a spectator," said the grey-leaded sage.
"All those were once my papi&P
"Crown him ! crown him!" said Jupiter, "crown
the faithful teacher with immortality, and make
room for him at my right hand."
From the Portland Transcript.
The tewelative
Octember 14, 1850.
Gentlemen—l shall sidle ! I know I than, I
feel it coming on ! Hewn= natnr ! what times
we live in ! Arter the battleS of
hail been fort, it did seem as though this country
had ris to its highest climb-axe, hat the ways of
providence, an the progress of dimocrucy is in ,
screw-table. The passage of the Fewgative Slave
Bill is the knee plus ultry of the significant en
dewranee of free principles. Father, Kernel Pe
abody an others here who used to rave so • agin'
Daniel Webster, ealliu hint it blewlite, federal ab
erlishunist, shnout hozauers to his mune—
tnagnyfyin Win above eherrybitua, saraphints, gib
crafters au neaw-jerewsalims,
The titet Is—this here bill takes in llornby—
wal, it does: Nothing but deddycation, inderpen
dent day, cattle show and gineral trainin ever
went ahead out. A meetin has bin held, at which
it was resolved to present Mr. Webster with tew
bushels best shesangers, ono dittow dates, one
herril cyder, and the liberty of the town, us s sort
of half-penny token of the respeetabelity we feel
fur hint. Parson Spuggins—aour new minister—
made about the most feelinist speech at the meetin
I ever seed. Ile said that niggers was the atom
ernashun of desserts-shun spoken of in Paul's
Epistol to rentyteuk, an had no more business a
breatbin the free onmitty - gated air of liberty,. than
the divil had in pandymongia or any other good
place. Ile said that now this bill was tally passed,
vctowed and become a law of the land, it was the
bounden (lowly of every good cittyzen to catch as'
many niggers as he could, more speshally, as gov
ernment offered a reward of forty-tew dollars a,
head. This here, said he, is something like; says
he, whets the crow bill an the bounty on bears or
premituns at cattle shows—to this. Verily, eon
tittered the reverend gentleman, this here is a
bringin about of Serlpter, which says the hethin
shall be given to the lest for a inhenytance fore,
or. Amen, seder !
The meetin broke tep with three cheers for the
Constitashon, Gineral Jackson, and Daniel Web
Next mornin, afore it was cleverly light, &titer
an 1, who'd laid our plans over night,started arter
a nigger who lived jest over. the Mown line. He
was a clever old critter, morn half a doctor an a
first rate nuns. Ik'd oilers turn twat at any time
a night, in any weather, if anybody was sick and
wanted his sarvices—every body liked him, spesh
ally our folks. Many's the time lie's come clear
over through the deep snow, an watched with me,
while I had the rebillious fever. An when tither
had that great sore on his leg, caused by twirl bit
by the old sow when he got drunk at Kermit Pea
body's treat an fell into the hog pen—then the old
nigger tended and nursed him as though he'd been
hit own son. Ho made all sorts of mint jcwlips an
intments, an like to have got drowned over in ce
dar swamp—where he went arter red wilier bark
to make arb drink for him. But, as father said,
what was all this to the Constitushun sin the glo
rious perladinm of free instertuslms? The gin
oral Court said that niggers was uusurcumsised
paging as didn't belong nowhere, and then lastly,
but not leastly, the forty dollars l We'd have
catchall him if he'd bin our grandfather and grand-
soother tew.
When we got to the old man's house, the sun
was jist a risin over Bethel hill, and the nigger was
iliggin his tutors. I went up on Ono side of him,
an 'labor on 'tother, as still as mice. When close
to him Mier shouted—hooray ! and lit on him like
a jute bug, while I grabbed him by the wool—
roarin out—don't you strike, you cussed nigger!
Every blow you strikes us hits the constitushunan
wounds the - starspangled perladium of bowman
rights—says I, a puffin away till the old critter
yelled like an injine.
We tied him up like a bundle of skrewed hay,
I brat him hum, and shot him up in the tater arch.
But now we've got hint, we don't exactly know
• what to do with him or where to carry hint to get
the bounty. Some says we 441 have to wait till
the Legislatur sets, others that we can get it out of
the Custom lutouse, post orfis, or any other public
instertooshun. Some says that no will have to
carry the nigger on with us tight, others say we
only need carry. his skulp! Will yow—squire
Gould—or squire Elwell jest enquire into this an
let me know at met; becawse we wears the mo
ney powerful
Every body envies father's en my luck in killin'
ten birds with one stone—sarvin the government
and air n in the hatanty: Every body in exsitcd,
too, and nigger hnntin is the great staple commo
dity in Ilornby. Eeujest the hull tole of the
"Hornby Falanks," is flout on dewty. They've•
started up a nierlatew man and his wife who lived
in aour tenon better than twenty years—an at the
last accounts had drov them intow a swamp which
the "Wanks" had sirroounded an mean to star,
the ongodly habit soot. Cap'n Wiggin,
commands, swears that if patmtism, grog and val
ler kin dew it, he's baound tew have the varmints
ded or alive, an that he'll stan by Webster an the
Constertooshun as long as the supplies bold aunt.
Jim Kyor and Ephe Linity brunt in a prisner yes
terday, which they tuk atter a hard battle, in
which EON, lost the better part of his nose, and
Jim tew aids teeth. He was a queer lookin
ger. He was black enough, but his hair was strait
as a paound of candles. Nevertheless they was
offered* thirty dollars for him by Deacon Winin,
on speculation, but wouldn't take it. Afore night,
however, they was sorry they didn't, for the nigger
turned ante to be deacon Wiggin's own son ! He
had been burnin a coal pit, and was black as the
Ilse of spades, us shake-spier says. Everything is
in kermotion! I hav'nt time to write more. So,
"ipsy rule addious," as the Spunyards say,
and which meats "mom him bye-"
P. S.—Aour nigger is yarmoosed! The door
of the tater arch was pad-locked, but the hinges
was tether; the cuss cut cm oft, and streaked,
chcatin falter an I stout of forty-tew dollars we
worked hard for. Dew send the paper you puts
this in rite on to Daniel, prehaps he'll consider
sour case is hard and make up pail of the loSs.—
Tell him ever so little• won't come amiss, father's
OEM old, and there's not another nigger in these
parts to kiteh.
I go back to the age of Jesus Christland I anti
immediAtelyistruel„ with the commencement and
rapid progress of ante' most remarkable revolution
in the annals of the world. • I see a new religion,
of a character altogether its own, which bore no
.likeness of any past or exi=ting faith, spreading its
aim years 'through all civilized - nations; and in
trodweing a new era, a new state of society a
change of the human mind, which has broadly dis
tinguished all following ages. Here is a plain fact,
which the skeptic will not deny, however he may
explain it. I see this religion issuing front an ob
scure, despised, hated people—its founder haul di
ed upon the cross, a mode of punishment as dis
graceful as the pillory or gallows of thp present
day. Its teachers were poor men, without rank,
office, or education; taken from the fishing boats
and other occupations which had never furnished
teachers to mankind.
I sets these men beginning their work on the
spot where their master's blood had been shed, us
of a common malefitetor; and I hear them sum
moning first his murderers, and then all nations
and all ranks—the sovereign on the throne, the
priest in the temple, the great and the learned as
well as the poor and the ignorant—to renounce
the faith and the worship which had been hallow
ed by the veneration of all ages, and to take the
yoke of their crucified Lord. I see passion and
prejudice, the sword of the magistrate, the curse of
the priest, the scorn oldie philosopher, and the fit
ry of the populace, join to crush this common en
emy ; and yet, without a human weapon, and in
opposition to all bunion power, I see the humblest
Apostles of Jesus winning their way, over-power
ing prejudice, breaking the ranks of their opposers
changing enemies into friends, and carrying into
the bounds of civilization, and even into half-civ
ilized regions, a religion which has contributed to
advance society more than all other causes combi
ned.-1-Tht. CILAUNING.
Tkealth.--Xecessity of Sleep.
Nothing is so hurtful both to the infest and body
as want of sleep. Deprived of the necessary por
tion, the person gets wan, emaciated and listless,
and very soon fulls into bad health; the spirit be
comes entirely broken, and the fire of even the
must ardent disposition is quenched. Nor is this
law peculiar to the htunan race, for it operates
with similar power upon the lower animals, and,
deprives them of much of their natural ferocity.—
An illustration adds fact is allbrded in the train
ing of wild elephants. These animals, when first
caught, are studiously prevented from sleeping—
in consequence of which, they become, in a few
days, Comparatively mild and harmless. Restless
ness, when long protracted, may terminate iu de
lirium, or 'confirmed insanity; and, in many dis
eases, it is the most obstinate symptom we have
to struggle against. By it alone, all the existing
bad symptoms are aggravated; and as soon as we
can succeed in overcoming it, everything disagree
able and dangerous frequently wears away, and
the person is restored to health.
CrA vagabond looking fellow, but with some
wit nevertheless, was bronght before a Magistrate
at Stourbridge, last week, on the charge of steal
ing turnips. After making some droll remark, he
Was asked by the magistrate : "But didn't you
take the turnips found in you pocket?" Prison
your worship, certainly not. I went to
sloop in the field among the turnips, and the three
you found in my pocket grew in them while I lay,
the heat of my body causing them• to shoot faster
than ordinary. I steal turnips, your worship, I'd
scorn the action?"
r .
An Incident at the Battle of Bran
The hero of the following thrilling story was a
stoat blacksmith—ay, an humble blacksmith—but
his stout frame, hardened by toil, throbbed with
as generous an impulse of freedom as ever beat in
the bosom of a Lafayette, or throbbed in the heart
or mad Anthony Wayne.
Et was in the full tide of the retreat, that a fol
lower of the American camp, who had at least
shonldered a cart-whip in his country's service,
was driving a baggage-wagon from the battle-field
while some short distance I.hind a body of Con
tinentals were rushing forward with a troop of the
British in close pursuit.
The wagon had arrived at a narrow point of the
by-road leading to the south,,where two high banks
of rocks ate 4 crags arising on either side, afforded
just space enough for the passage of his wagon,
and not an inch more.
His eye was arrested by the sight of a stout,
muscular man, some forty years of age, extended
at the foot of a tree at the very opening of this
pass. He was clad in the coarse attire of a me
chanic: His coat'had been flung aside, and, with
the shirt sleeves rolled up from his muscular arm,
he lay extended on the turf, with his rifle in his
grasp, while the blood streamed in a torrent from
his right leg, broken at the knee by a cannon ball.
The wagoner's sympathies were aroused by the
sight—he would have paused in the very instant
of his flight, and placed the wounded blacksmith
in his wagon,but the stout-hearted mechanic re
"Ili not get into your wagon," he exclaimed,
in his rough may, "but I'll tell you what I will do.
Do yon see yonder cherry-tree on the top of that
rock that hangs over the road ? Do you think you
could lift a man of my build up there? For you
see, neighbor," he continued, while the blood flow
ed front his wound, "I never meddled with them
Britishers mail they came trtunpling over this val
ley, and burned my house down. And now I'm
all riddled to pieces, and I habit got no morethan
fifteen minutes life in me. But I've got three balls
in my cartridge box, and so
• just prop me up agin
that cherry-tree, and I'll give 'cut the whole three
shots, and then I'll die."
The wagoder started his horses ahead, and then
with a sudden effort of strength, dragged the
blacksmith along the sod to the foot of the cherry
tree surmountidg the rock by the road-side.
In a moment his back was propped against the
tree, his face was to the advancing troopers, and
while his shattered kg hung over the bank, the
wagoner rushed on his way, while the blacksmith
very cooly proceeded to load his rifle.
It was not long before a body of American sol
diers rushed by with the British in pursuit. The
blacksmith greeted them with a shout, and then
raising his rifle to his shoulder, he picked the lore li
most from 1,,; steed; with the exclamation, "that's
for General Washington !" In a moment the rifle
was loaded—again it was fired—and the pursuing
British rode over the body of another fallen Mil-
cer. "That's for myself!" cried the blacksmith..
And then, with a hand strong with the feeling of
coining death, the sturdy freeman again loaded—
again raised his rifle. Be fired his last shot, and
as another British soldier kissed the sod, a tear
quivered in the eye of the (lying hero. "And that,"
he cried with a husky voice, which strengthened
into a loud shout—"und that's for Mad Anthony
Long after the battle was past, the body was
discovered propped against the tree, with the fea
tures frozen in death, smiling grimly, while the
tight hand grasped the never-failing ride.
And thus died one of the tho used brave me
chanic heroes of the Revolution; brave in the
lamer of battle, undaunted in the hour of retreat,
and undismayed in the hour of death.
A Conscientious Dog.
My father had a dog of the spaniel breed, whose
name was Ponto. Now, Ponto, though decided
ly waggish in one point, had given evidehce of be
ing more religions than many of his less canine
neighbors. True, he would never turn "the other
check ;" and consequently, White ho had a good
character with the Peace Society, he was scouted
by the non-resistants. But Ponto was always reg
ular at dumb, and, iu one instance at least, gave
evidence that lie went there with an idea thatiton
esty and religion had some connection with each
other. Ho was safe enough in this notion, for a
more honest dog than he never barked. Ponto
always walked into church with rho family,
Ire iuvar;:ddy took his seat on the lower attic of,
the sacred desk ; and noun but the oldest its the
congregation remembered when his seat was va
I night to have remarked sooner, that Ponto had
but one enemy in the wide world; and who was
that, but the deacon of the church, and our next
door neighbor: I forgot the tattoo—perhaps some
slander ogainst Ponto in the days of his puppyhood
when, it must be confessed, he was too much ad
dicted to fun to comport with a deaconish idea of
propriety. Be that as it may, Ponto growled at
nobody but Deacon Drury, and the deacon threw
a stone at nothing so furiously as at Pontm
either exemplified the golden rule towards the oth
er, it was Ponto. So things stood at a certain
time when the good pastor was culled away for a
long journey. But, parson or no parson, the flint
ily all went to church, us usual, the following Sab
bath ; and none with a longer face or more gra
cious step than Ponto. His accustomed sent was
taken; and, when the congregation rose fur the
early morning prayer, Porto rose with the rest—
as he. had always dune—and stood with closed eyes
and open ears, waiting fur the tirst word of suppli
cation. To the utter astonishment of no one but
the sanohnonious Punta), that word came in the
voice of his old enemy, the plum deacon ! If the
VOL. XV.---NO. 47.
big Bible 'had fallen on Ponto's tail, he could not
have looked fur the cause with a more rapid glance
than he cast upward to the. pulpit. Ile fixed Lis
eyes on the thee of the Deacon, as if to be sure of
the sacrilege; and then, with a look of pions hor
ror I shall never forget, and' a step as fast as the
sanctity of the place would allow, be passed out of
the house, and took a by-path home across the
field. From that day forth, as long as Foote lived
he could never be flattered or exhorted to enter•
the church-door again; and, whenever from ncee.
sity he.passed,it on week-days, it was With a look.
that said, to all that knew hint as I did, "If Dea
-1 con Drury prays, the church may count Pont°
antong the backsliders."
Hints to School-blasters.
Under this head it correspondent of the Adver
tiser has the following remarks, which are well
worthy of attention.:
"Be not sarcastic, Some teachers have a nat
ural tendency to say things which cut through
boy's heart like a knife. A scholar makes some
mistakes ; instead of a simple reproof, comes a
tone of ridicule. The boy feels wronged. One is
stung into revengeful p.assiou, another crushed
with despair. Ido not think a child should ever
be mimicked, even for 'a drawling tone, without
explaining beforehand that it is not for ridicule,
but to show in what the fault colorists ; while that
seprelting sarcasm whirls some teachers use should
be whole abolished. It tendi to call up Lad pas
sions, and to engender bad feelings in the. child's
mind .towards the teacher and all that he does.
"A teacher, in Prder that he may exert amoral
and spiritual influence should be familiar and gen
tle. There. ii, ao doubt, a dignity that is essen
tial in the schoolroom, but it need not partake of
ARCOGANCE. True dignity must always be cou
sleeted wills simplicity. Children are keen obser
vers and they either shrink from artificial austerity
or smile at it as absurd. A teacher • who would
walk about his school, with a domineering manner,
might talk about moral and spiritual truth until he
was weary, sad do little goad. To produce much
good, a teacher must win the lOve and confidence
of the children ; and to do this, he should, in his
manners be natural sad gentle.
"Sty with the tone of the voice. If a teacher it
sharp and crabbed in his speech, if lie calls out
with dogmatical otifhoriiN, he shuts up the hearts of
the scholars, and the spell is broken they will
not listen to the voice of the charmer, chars ho
!vet so wisely.
"A subdued manner, and a low, kind tone, NV 1:1
cork wonders.. Souse always speak in the impera -
ice mood. 'Filth boy, second diciehn, bring your
nook this way.' Another says : 'Master A—,
will you bring me your book?'
"Now both boys know they are to obey; but
one does with some degree of scorn what the othe r
does cheerfully. Who would not rather be asked
than ordered 7"—filonily Monitor.
The nether garment was first worn in the bifur
cated form by the women of ancient Judah. How
far it resembles tho modem trousers we have no
de nite information; but the fact is worth keeping
in mind that women were the original wearers of
trowsers. The exclusive claim which man su per
maintitinB to the use of this garment, is
founded upon no principle amoral or social poli
cy. It is an arbitrary claim, without a solitary
argument to support it, not oven that of prior
usage. Nature ne•crintesded that the sexes should
be distinguished by apparel. The beard which
she assigned solely to man, is the natural token of
Iris sex. But man effeminates himself, contrary
to the evident pm•pose of nature, by shaving off
his beard ; and then, lest his sex should be mista
ken, he arrogates to himself a particular form of
' dress, the wearing of which by the female sex ho
declares to be a grave misdemeanor.
Common sense teaches us that the dress which is
newt convenient, and best adopted to our wants
evil circumstances, is the dress most proper for us
to wear. Surely a case can be imagined in which
the superiority of the male attire is not palpable.—
I am cognizant of no reason why women should
not wear this stress. If girls were aenstomed to it
front MI early age, we would see fewer delicately
formed women, mid none with over-lapped ribs.—
Miss Weber.
Very Last of the Mohicans.
Joe Seobasin, a Penobscot Italian, not long since
was sued for the sum of $6, by a white man, before
Squire Johnson. On the day of the trial, Jon
made his appearance and rendered the requisite
amount, for debt and costs, and demand a receipt
in full.
" Why Joe, it is unusual, it is unnecessary," said
the squire,
"Oh yes, we want 'ma receipt sorban."
" I tell you Job, that a receipt will do no good."
" Sartain, Squire, I want 'em."
"What do you want it for, Joe."
"Oh, sp'ose me die and go to heaven—then they
say, well Joe Seobasin, you owe any man now ?
Then me say not. Very well, did you pay 'um
Ben Saunders ?" "O yes, me pay 'um." Well,
then, show 'tun receipt." Then me have to go off
down and ruu all over to hunt up Squire
• Johnson.
Riddle's Dying Testimony.
Mr. Edward Riddle, an aged Christian in Hulli
remarked a few days before his death to ono pre
sent, "Some may suppose, that a person at my
time of life, and after so long =king a proltission
of religion, has nollting to do but to die and go to
heaven, but I find that I hare a, touch need to 4 go
to God, through Christ, as it , inner, at the laid
hour as at the. beginning. The blood of °briar,
the death of CibrAst, his victory andttll
.ii, tkeiis arts
Inv ground of faith, hope, pot C dwrii
is the sumo need of hint to he the Finis ter of my
titith, as there was to be the Author of it."