( REAP ANTI GOelb WATCHES, ROOK AND STATIONARY D) WELIIY ANL) SILVER WARE, at the rim-1E subscriber informs the citizt Pailadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No, tingdon and vicinity, that he has I, North l'hird Street. , the room forsierly occupied by W. (laid hlver Watches, full jeweled, 18 caret M'Murtrie, as a store, nearly oppw :saes, $;10 and over ; Silver Lever Watches, toll ney's Hotel, and having made arrangt jeweled, SIG and over ; Silver Lepine, jeweled, the Philadelphia merchants, to hay , 511 and over; Silver Qoartier Watches, 95 to on hand, upon commission, the ful $10; Geld Pencils, $1 to $l2 ; Gold Pencils, ' eral assortment warranted, 91 and over. Jiloptk Books, consisting of Ledge Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des- Books, Receipt, Pass Books, and Ju cription of Jewelry in like proportion. lie j eta. Also every description of writ would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon paper, white arid colored pastebom county, that he has enlarged his establishment, perforated bristol board, tissue pap( and greatly increased his already extensive stock Mank Deeds, black, blue and rt of goods, which he now offers for sale at such powder, quills, wafers, inkstands, prices that will strike terror to all competitors. sand and sand boxes, lead pencils, int Call and see me; I will charge you nothing for water colors, slates and slate pencils. looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors Soreet Boas of every description, of late e• North of our friend Hirst's City Hotel. ditions, kept constantly on hand. THOS. READ, Jr. barge Family Biblex, Pocket Bibles and Tes- No. 56, Nara Thin! Street. taments, hymn, psalm and prayer books. Phis, Sept. 17, 18.50. Parity Note Paper anal Envelops, of every variety, albums, portfolios, pocket-books, an . Heals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax, visiting cards, bead purses, pe knives and ev ery variety of fancy goods. Novels, song hooks, music books and instru ments, miscellaneous works, Sec. P,icprinery, consisting of extracts for hand kerchiefs, soaps, shaving cream, cologne, &c. Also Segars of the choicest brands, an assort ment of superior chewing Tobacco, &c. March 26, 1850.. HORACE W. SMITH. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. Phiiadel FOR SALE. Avaluable farm and tract of land situate on the Big Aughwick Creek, in Huntingdon county, containing by the official draft 227 acres, hat b 7 subsequent re-surveys has been found to sontam a large excess over the official quantity, originally surveyed in pursuance of a warrant lit the name of David Franks, and is now in the occupancy of Simon Gratz. A good part of the waet is improved bottom land of first rate quali ty, and is well worth the attention of persons wishing to purchase a good farm. It is but about one and a half miles from Orbisonia, four miles from Shirleysburg—within about eight miles from the Pennsylvania Canal and the same dis tance from the Pennsylvania. Rail Road and is is the immediate neighborhood of several Iron Works. For further information and particulars, apply to Miles & Dorris, Attorneys at Law in She Borough of Huntingdon. J. GEO. MILES, Attorney is fart for Joseph Gratz and Jacob Gratz, Trustees for the heirs of Michael Gratz, dec'd. Judy 23, 1850. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! I N any quantity, and of all the various patterns the market affords, may be obtained at No. 33 North 3d Street, six doors north of the City Motel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash prices. Clocks purchased at the above establishment may bs depended upon its being good and dura ble time keepers, or the money refunded incase of the failure of any Clock to perform according to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is the time, and here is the place for bargains, and although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does not aelin:t of complaint on the part of the closest buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ea diusialsly fur dark THOS. READ, Jr. Yu. 35 , Nora TA ird Strut, Philadelphia 10, ism —tf. GLASGOW At, STEEL, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacturers. IHE undersigned are now associated in the : above business, in the old stand heretofore ...pied by Wm. Glasgow, in Main street, near ir opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every thing in their line will be furnished on the -honest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to sail all. They manufacture the most of their work themselves, arid can therefore assure the public that avery article will be made in the bent mid mast durable manner. OCT A large assortment of superior SAD n LEM, READ T MA DE, always on hand. Hide , ' sad country pittance, generally, taken in exchange for work. Wm. Gi.ssorlw returns thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes :hat his old patrons will continue to patronize the new firm. WM. GLASGOW, August 27, MO. WM. J. STEEL. IMPOSITION STOPPRD I VEIV lAVERIt t—lt is a well known fact • that the public have been imposed upon by Liveries in this place; therefore I would res pectfully announce to the citizens of Huntine.ilon and vicinity, that I have the REST SADDLE, fIARRIAGE AND BUGGY HORSES ever kept in a Livery in this place, and will accommodate all who may favor ice with their custom, at the moat reasonable eaten. I hope by strict attention to my busineas, and to endeavor to please all, to me rit and receive a banal share of public patronage. JOSEPH 0. STEWART. Sept. 17, 1850.—tf. AUCTION IMRE! rpitE undersigned respectfully infolms the cit isens of Huntingdon that he has opened an Auction Room in the brick building next door to the Huntingdon Book Store, is which will be held sale. on Mq:DNESDAY and SATURDAY evenings of each week, and. also oat SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS. Sales- to commence at o'clock. HO-RACE. W. SMITH. October 1, 18.50.—t1. Millinery and Fancy Store, MRS. SARAH KULP, from Philadelphia, reapectEttlly informs the Ladies, that she has opened a store in the Borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite Costs' lintel, for The sale of Bonnets, 'trimmings' and Fancy articles.— She invites the Ladies to colt at her eidabdistis meat, and examine her stock. her Bonnetsase el the latest fashion. Also, bleaching and pre sing done on reasonable terms and at short no se. [June 18, 1850.—tf. Administrator's Notice, TI.:T TER of Administration haveheen grant. A act to the undersigned, upon the estate of JOHN RUTTER, late of Cromwell town ship, Huntingdon county, ilec'd. MI persons knowing themselves indebted, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims, will present them, properly authentica ted, for settlement. BENEDICT STEVENS, WILLIAM RUTTER, Oct. I, 18.50.—et. AdmintBtraturs, EXPRESS AGENCY. 41DAMS & Co. bnve established an Express Office in Huntingdon, in charge of Horace . Smith, at the flontlngdon Book Store. All packages left with him will be carefully attend ed to. [June 4, 1850. DANIZI. AFRICA, T USTICF7Oi THEHEM:E.—office in Main 4J *trio*, Huntingdon, Pa. Administiator's Netic,e. r ETTERS of Administration have been gran ted to the undersigned upon the estate of ANDREW M'NEAL, late of Morris township, deceased. All persons knowing themselves in debted are requested to rpake immediate pay nest, and those having claims will present them ..ropsrly authenticated for settlement. ASIITON R. M'NEAL,'. PERRY MOORE, Oct. 21, 1850.—pd. Administrators. 'state Mutual Fire 'lnsurance Co. of IlAuttisnrso, Pc. Office at the Iluethistam, Book Store. IIO.RACF. W. sNerni, July 21, 18511. Authoriied Agent. t N a‘git,nent of Pittsburg Ulasswele jiu retnnvett by J. & W. SAXTON. rpHE subscriber wishes to inform the public in general, that he is now fully prepared to do Castings of all kinds, and will keep on hand a General Assorlinent of Castings, consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal staves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castings, consisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Rolling Mill and Forge castings, Window Grates for cellars, Lintlea and sills for houses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article In onr line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coon try produce and old metal in exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal. I3J - Castings of all kinds will be kept at the shop of Wm. B. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E. corner of Market Square, Huntingdon. All orders addressed to R. G. M'Gill will be promptly attended to R. C. M'GILL Huntingdon, May 20,1850. NEW FEATURE! CI RAND EXHIBITION !—Aderittortre Free!. kl Lovers of the beautiful should not fail to call immediately at the store of Dorsey & Ma guire, who have just received a splendid assort ment of new arid cheap Goods, which they are offering, as usual, at very low prices. Their stock comprises everything that the wants of the people require, and Is made up, in part, of the most extensive vsriety of Ladies' and Gen tlemen's Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, &c. We neither wish to boast or deceive, in re gard to the superior quality or the low prices of our goods, and hence invite the public to ccrine and examine for themselves. . . . . . Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attantion to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. June .1, 1850. DORSET & MAGUIRE. "IIitIMAS JACKSON, TMOMAII E. FRANKLIN, Blair county. Lancaster county . . DAVID Z,VMUlrritin, WILLIAM Huntingdon co. Lancaster county. A.l Mk, Gagnmi, Then'''. R. BRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central Penn'a. Banking House, 1 - A F BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on Atle gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite the Poet Office, Hol lidaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact busi. finale. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savings institutions. Transient de posites received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1830. N. S. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southern illanufitrturing Company'olVriting Pape•. WARKHOCSE No. 3, MINO“ Sr. PIIII.ADELPIIIA. 200 store , of the a n a d b 'Ly r e superiorsal e the P a t p r :r e at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, I'l, 15, and 1G lbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. _ Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and rued. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and tine Counting-!louse Ceps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and tided, Moe snit white. Extra super Cong res. Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sninon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Poses, ruled sad plain, 1344.1 and white, vatious qualities and pi ece. Also, WOO reams white and ;resorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Beards, white and assorts' Tis sue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorts blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Itardw e • pc!, &c. July 23—Ins. COFFEE at I2i cents.—An excellent article just received and for sale at J. & W. SAX TOlll stove. !Way 7, 111140. SADDLES AND HARNESS. respectfully inform the pubic that they are prepared to carry on in. all its various broaches, Saddle and Harness Making, and are ready to furnish their custom ers with all kinds of Valices, Trunks, and car pet bags, Plush, llogsLin, and Tub Side Saddles (from the cheapest to the best.) Also Shatter Saddres, wagon mid carriago Harness, Bridles, collars, whips, Sse. LEA'f Ilk:11.. , --Having a Tannery in the im mediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are pre pared to furnish all who favor them with their custom, at their saddle and harness shop, with Leather of all kinds, of superior quality and fin ish, which will be disposed of cheap for cash or country produce. The highest price in trade paid fur beef and calf hides, bark, &c. Huntingdon, May 20, 1532. Iy. • - ' THIS excellent compound, which neve, ._ ribly troubled with cramps in my legs—indeed in the cure of Fever and Ague, is for sale I can't describe all my sufferiiie * s for so long a , it the proprietor's scents, Rem, Itc Sox, IL time. I could do O business for the last ten juniingitoti; 1. . G. K 1,57.1.., Mill Creek; J. years, nor had I a single good night's sleep for H. o'rEisica, Water Street. the last five years. I never could find any relief 07 ". WHAT IS TOE VATTF.R. worn IfE DOCV/111 worth mentioning, until last November, when I , What Is the „ ins , of this sallow complexion, met with the Extract of American Oil, and to ' ;jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the my no little surprise I got relieved of all in a side and shoul der, weariness of body, bitter taste short time and to this day. I respectfully in in the mouth? Such Is the inquiry, and such vite all who choose , to eall and see me upon the the symptom of many a sufferer. It is the matter; such I can tell touch more. • I can say liver which is affected,.and the Cholagogue is it has done Wonders on others around me in Va- the remedy, always sticcessfili „ ring it.— rious complaints. If ever an article was put • . Fry it, and judge for yourselves. For sale by out honestly, this is one. I know it sells rap- _Dove named. agents. idly here. No family in the land will be with- " th 1 7..“ ;;: " T " ;;,, 1 ,„ Am T. ue 00 it when they once know its use. ! tortured front day to day with this horrible A j°l" 13 " 1 "" n • I gue, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has. become a burden to him, from the racking par oxysms of an intermittent, and whoseconfidence in human aid is destroyed by the failure of rein-. edies to produce the minised relief. Such has been the situation of thqusands who are now re joicing in all the blessings of health, from the, use of Dr. Osgood's Indian Cholagogue. In no instance does it fail to effect a speedy and per manent cure. For sale 1,1 above named agents. 'How few who think aright among the thinking few ; How many never think, but only think they do.' fL -7 " Tue sentiment implied in the above ex clamation is on no subject more fully exemplifi ed than on that of health. But few give it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it with the observation and good sense which mat ters of minor consequence receive. As obser vation teaches the fart that Hr. Osgood's Indian Cholagogne,is a never failing remedy in Fever and Ague, good sense would surely indicate its prompt and immediate-use. For sale by the a bove named agents. [July 9, ISSO. Ili NT Murch 11, 1850 I do hereby Certify to the following facto : That I have suffered for five years past with pain in my back, spine and kidnies, and never received any relief but by bleeding, for a few days only. Last November I got a bottle of the Extract of American Oil, I used it inward ly, and to my surprise it removed the complaint in a sliort time. From what I have seen and heard of its wondrous effects upon others in des perate cases, I can freely recommend tcand be lieve it to be worth all the humbugs in the land, and do believe it will do all for What ft is so highly recommended. C. Cool's. LEWISTOWN, March 1830. I never before gave a certificate, but this give with a clear conscience for the benefit of sufferers like myself. I suffered with the Ery sipelas or St. Antony's Fire, mixed with Tet ter, so pronounced by my doctor, for 12 years. The suffering I endured is beyond description. At times all my hair came cavity head. During this time I had no relief for more than a few days at a time. Last October 1 got a bottle - or the Extract of American Oil, used it inwardly and outwardly, and to my great astonishment and my neighbors, I got clear of it in a short time, and to this time I have noticed its won drous effects on other desperate complaints. I do assure my friends and the public that it is indeed a wonile7ful thing for many complaints. ' I invite all whochoose to visit me in Lewistown. My maiden name was Nancy Magarky, now Widow NAsey Fixes. CO' The American Oilfor Sale by A. S. HARRISON, Huntingdon, General Agent for Huntingdon county. Those who wish a supply of the medicine will call on hem. . . Also for sale by Samuel Utley, Alexandria, Huntingdon county; Catharine Hart, Lewis town, Minna county; John B. Given, M'Con nelstown; Daniel Decker, M'Veytown ; Mays S. Harrison, Shirleysburg. [Aug. 20.-Iy. Encourage Your Own Mechanics I nWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully. announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the old stand. for merly occupied by Adams & Boat. a few doors Nest of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau ches, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage' making, of the very best kind of material, and in the latest and most approved style. They have on hand now several Buggies and Rockaways, finished in the latest Style. They have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange fur work,. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict..at tention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, under the new firm: We 'have some sec ond hand work which is of n good quality, which we will sell right. Give us a call. We will sell low for cash. Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1850. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollidaysburg, and about one mile north west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county, After the 2 Ist day of May, the LOTS in said Tows will be open to the itublief4r sale. It is well knows that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other Shops and are now huildint; the same. The Rail Road wine opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large etnount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requia:. ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of the Rail Road Company. Early application will secure Lots at a low price. For further information apply to C. H. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE, Hollidaysburg. June .1 18:10—tf. To Farmers and Men of ilusinesS. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. THE subscriber ottirs, at the lowest rates, in J. any quantity to suit purchasers, Genuine Peruvian Guano, and every variety of Sperm, Whale, Lard and Tanners' Uils. Manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and consumers, are invited to call. GEORGE W. RIDGWAY, No. 37 North Wharves, the first OIL Scour. below Race street, Philadelphia. August 13, 1850.-3 m. Alexandria Foundry and Tin Shop, wmatE Stoves, Ploughs, Castings, Spout ing, &c., can be bought cheaper then at soy other place. July 9, 1890. ROBERT GRAFILT9 m. & J. M. ROWE, ANU F AC T U ItERS in in Brooms, Baskets, walk removed to the large store f by Messrs. Seller & Davis, opened an extensive stock of made BROOMS and WOOD they are now selling at the era vices. A full ttesortment of Bristol Cordage, &c., constantly on hay Na. l It, North Third stree Race, Phila. [July • - • DR. .1. 1). STONC HAVlNO,locutol permanent oilers his professional ser munity. All calls trusted to hit Ids utmost attention. Mill Cre'ele, Sept. 41, tFOG VS Pi i TQW I , I gEIN i 7-7:: Most ExTRAOR PINA HY .MEDI. CINE IN THE WORLD. R two cured hundred vi and cii y thousand s e f a i c.s utin i t i l ers ei o n ris ll s, two years. It cures Scrofula, Stubborn Ulcers, Effects of Mercury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas; Rheumatism, ConSumption, General Debility, Costiveness, Skin Diseases, ,Liver Complaint, Dropsy and Gout, Ringworms, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Cancers and Tumors. 0 The great beauty of this medicine is, that it never injures the constitution, and is always beneficial, even to the most dentate, and is the only medicine ever djscovered that creates new, pure and rich . blood,'etul that reaclfes the bone. Thousands are ready to testify to its many vir tues. GaIZAT SPRINI: AND SI,INIKIt MEnteiNr..—Ev ery person should take a bottle spring and to regulate the system and drive nut all iMpu cities. TAKE CARE OF YOUR. CIIIILDREN.-One bottle of Dr. S. P. Towneend's Extract of Sarsaparilla will cleanse the system of .4 child. READ .THE This la to certify that my child was afflicted with a horrible disease in the face, (which re sisted the efforts of my family ,physician,) and was entirely cured by half a bottle of Dr. S. P. 'fownsend's Sarsaparilla. IVu.r.iAsr Worm. Uniontown, Fayette co. Pa., July 3, 1830. This is to certify that we have sold Dr. ToWnsentrs Sarsaparilla for many years, and • consider it a very valuable medicine, many every person who may le premonitory mires httving been effected. in our .vicinity. A symptoms of this fatal disease, not to delay one yoting 'man by the name of Westley Rothrork, hour, but to call upon•Dr Schneck immediately of this place, Was cured of the scrofula, (having his skill in the treatment of this complaint, and large lumps it, his neck,) by Meuse of one bottle• • prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs Tuns ' ' by means of his Stethescope, added to toy . own ITuntingden, Pa., July 3, 1850. - mirncu'ous cure, fully satialesme, that had I ear- NOTICE.—The public are notified that Dr. per submitted myself to his care4.l should have S. I'. Townsend's Extract of Sarsapatilla will ',coped mueh' suffering ; but restrained by doubts in future be ma nuf a ctured tinder the direction of and suspicion, whirl, make us all naturally skep. James R. Chilton, Chemist, whose name, in timid in regard to the virttioe of a meditine :when connection with that of Dr. S. P. T owns end , first introduced. I resisted the importunities of wilt Int upon Poch bottle, to prevent fraud. my friends till almost too late ; and yielded only Sold Wholesale anti lietailoot 123 Chestnut St. as a lust resort, resolved to "kill or cure." To Philod.; by JENKINS.& SIIAIY, sole Agents • for to reboil all order. ;In d a I- those afflicted as 1 have been, again let me may, hesitate no longer, my own case is presented to cations for APencies should be addressed. you as convincing evidence, that when all else And by Tiros. READ & SON, Huntingdon • fails our lasi hop Cassvflle. e is in Dr, Schneek's Pulmonic Cuss. Rrrz, Lewistown; Rem, , gr,u Syr:P. havoalso for the satisfaction of those r4ug. I. `" *homey be stranger.; to nte, appended to this cel litigate the names of gentlemen well known in the walke of public and private life, and whose standing in Society admits of no cavil or doubt in regard to their testimony. CHARLES 'G. JOIIN'SON, .We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and vicinity, aro' well acguainied with Mr. Johnson, and know him to havo been afflicted ns he states above. We also know that he used.Schnock's Pulmonic Syrup, and hive curly reaaou. to be lieve, that to this medicine he ewes his preserve: lion front a 'premature grave: The known in tegrity and posi.ion in society of Mr. Johnson however is n sufficient guarantee to the public of the truth of this statement. LEWIS 'l'. PRATT, t'ract's LEWIS M. NV HA lITON, Merchant. 1:11 CSTEI3 SI'URDE YANT. Coo I dealer JOHN W. DRAY, Merchant. JAMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the Presbyterian Church. S. B. HOL'I', Hotel, Burlington. JAMES R. 500:11`, Book agent. A. L. PACKER, Coal - agent. WtS'PAR C. PARSONS, at E: lloussol's Laboratery, 44 Prune street,Philadelphin, 111-tsiol,S;evienther 24, 1849. Prepared and until by J. H Scluteck Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coa Phila.and by ~ I`lStmoxxes,ljuntingdon. - 0; & 5,,,,n4:11 , n, WaterstigO, Sret*iteet !WWI LLl.o4olpruce Creek, Moons & Swoors. Alexandria. Ksasii.cit & BIM., 'Cret k, and by agents generally throughout tho United States. 7fSr, IV . ' YAIWKILLER rm.; ‘vospcit OF Tut: AGE. ,-0 Iromitym. Aso EXTEI,M, grid discovery and valuable Medicine. Every fum• ily should have a bottle in eases of sudden sick ',so,' 'lt cities Cholera, Bowel Complaints, Di arrheen, Cholie, Fever and Agne,-B.lieumatism, Piles, Pain in the Head, Dyspepsia, Bruises, Burns, &e. . ' ,•. 1114. TILE EVIDENCE. This certifies that I have for beveral months used Mr. Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer in my family In several cases for which it is recom mended, and find it a very useful family medi cine.A 'Mosso./ _ . . Pastor of the 2d Baptist church, Fall River, TIS111 . 16(j MarthesVineyard, This may certify thdt I have used Davis' Vain Killer with great success, iv cases of cholera infautum, common bowel complaints, bronchitis, coughs, colds, &c., and would cheerfully recom mend it as a valuable family medicine. JAMES C. BOOMER, Pastor of the Baptist Church. Friend Davis :—This may certify' that I still use the Pain Killer in m y family. N.ty health has been so good for three or four months past, that 1 have but little pr no use for it, and would still recommend it to the public. RICHARD S., PF:CKIIAM. Fall River, ad month, 17th, 1815. For dale by JENKINS & SHAW, 127 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. General Wholesale Agents for Eastern Penn ‘uom all orders end applications um Eaetern Pennsylvania should ocas Retno & SONy Hllnti.l.l4lon; Lewistown, and READ & [Aug. 13, 1830.-6 m. . , MILLER, DENTI S TS, PA. from S to N.A..M.' and 2,t0 6 W. Corner of HillnntlMoutgorn ----JA_(w 1 .1:9-& 18511. loilf hArtiFs.DaF. , Gown fur sale J. tz.: W. llomony, Golden Syn.') lolass sus;c lAuttoy, &c., constantly for Confectionary. [May 21. f ivott4 11 t, of Bristol, who seas r fired in the last stage by two skilful ply- :ued from death's dour Pultnonic Syrup—hat winter; His case was the most respectable low names are eppentl rd Read ! and be cob tilmonary Syrup is the isumption. orts eounly, Pa . 21,1849. , , DeatStr,—T net induced frbiti a sense of justice towards you, RS well as duty to the public, to make known one of the tenet hopelent and extraordinary cure., in my own person, that you have ever had the pleasure to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to por tray, in'truthful colors, my concerning disease, and the remarkable chance which Selineck 'a Pulinonary ..,yrup effected in an short a time. ' watt taken some time previous to December IB4S, with a heavy cold, producing incuanant coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the right ride, pains in the back, under the right shoulder; having heavy night sweats,high fever. &c., which made me so nervous and restless , as to produce utter prostration. AII these afflictions Increased with ouch violence, that on the 4th of January lest I sent for my Wally physician• lie attended me faithfully, andprescrihed ever, thing that,medical skill could suggest, but willtont ef fect. I found myself gradually growing vrmse, and my hopes of recovery lessening as my dia. .ease increased. My cough became distressing ; TH'E MARRIED WOMAN'S' my pains severe; and, extremely debilitated, 1 . lost all ambition in life, and gave up to mei.- Private Medical Campanian:. choly dew elision. My physician examined me., raorassea.oe DIFEASES or woman. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, and informed me I had en allots, on the upper ! part of my liver and lower part alone of my lungs. Twentieth Edition. 18mo., pp. 230. Price, 01.00. ' Notwithatending all this skill, I grew worse, but . THIS WORK IS INTENDED ESPECIAL• with that tenacity with which we all cling to m e , LY 808. THE MARRIED, or those n r concluded l ate nothingutlone and c o iled'l anae7i:i:sl Imp o rtant tihich I b:k° 7 ''e:"cu"iY in a nsugphyjei;n,whofoil;corciredi e everyejae—t ea ife, the her the with my owe, and pronooffeed my case on cx- am either. budding into womanhood, or the one in tretnely critical one. lie thought 1 was in im- the decline oft years, in whom nature contemplates an important change--mr discover the onuses, symp. minent dangor--..ying my diaettpe .‘ was one the coma and the most efflcicrit• remedies and most cm , to seldom if ever cured." All this tim was en „ hi ! n ode o f core , m ever y com pl a i n t t o w hich b e e during sufferings that made life burdensome ;ex . a ie subject. peritoicing greet pain in coughing; ex preterit Tito revelations contained in its pagoshave proved ling front a pint to a quart of nan , COUS Matt, a blessing to thousends, as the innumerable lettere aver, 21 lion't,t, and grntlnally rinki ny tinder the received by the . actives iii ( a w t h ,, ich he is penuitted.by the weal - wine pr ogress of my disease. At this stage writers to Publish) .„ .„,,„:: „ nno .„. of my i loess, my friend. in Hi auggented SICKLY AN. the tont of. Ha neck's l'utinome Syrup, but know Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, O. ins the many expedients resorted to for the pur- "DAvvog, May 1; 1847. pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes- " DR. A. M. MAURICEAU—M d y Dear Sir:' The Hated. My friends, however, insisting, was MW Priva ad ono te M e d ical address, came P Companion' for upon to try its virtues. commenced !inf o", which I h i r e d . I wou ld n o t h a ve t rou bled you with taking the Hyrup about the first of March, end they; few lines, but that lam impelled by a sense used several bottles before I had any confidence of gratitude, fur myself and wife, to give utterance in it. 1 then began to experience a,change for to our sincere and heartfelt emotions, the better, and continued it till I had consumed "My wife has been perceptibly stoking for some three ten bottles, when I was 'so far relieve(' as to be Y m e irsu r lf r ering e' sl7, , p " o g n we tlin Thc lre e Ifirheearngrd great able to visit Dr. Schneek in Philadelphia. He' confinement; every aucceldlive ono more and more examined me, and pronounced my right lung af- debilitaredPand mutated her, putting her life in im leered, but in n healing coalition. He recent- mincnt dariger,aud wltfeh vent, en the last occasion, inended the further. use.of the Syrup, svLicti r inevitabeide I andr s e u . l i T ne ose d d !ht . % t i o s m n e e f i o n gvamwr iat. continued till I consumed 1.. p bottl es , a nd found At thief lime (now about two months) I beard your myself once more restored t i healtb. I trill fur book highly spokon of. as containing some matters ther add, that the consulting physician, secingt he reaching my rose. On its reccaVttand'Pornsal, lean action of the medicine, fully improved its use To give the reader some idea of the severity I not exp a ter to youth() relief it m ator r ti t m o i dis ,, tr i zsed on ILl n r i r l i g n- tli t a h t e te r I g ts re i a ' discovery of M. my wife, Delia of my case, and the rapid Cure affected by the meant( provided a remedy. It opened a pmspact to Hy rup;l will state that my usual weight in me which I little conceived was possible. No recut health wt. 177 pounds, which was finally re- n ftm ial;e d n e t d n y r on atin fo n r c i r r Z g er 4, l ,TY the ducell hy my sufierings to but 121 pounds. Yet, mining to us the matten contained in The Married on the 11" of this month, (September,} I weigh- woman'. Private Medical Compenion.' But fen ed 174 pounds,thus gaining inn few months 53this, ere another year would have passed over my pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest ' head, in all human•probability my wife would have weight. • -Itie-ntot in my mywertocohyey, i n the • been in her grave; and nay children lekmotherlesa." short space of this certificate, the convincing Extract from a Letter. proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particulars' Competence and Elnalth. of the as,oniting afflictions through which I have ' "LANCASTER, PA , Oct. 24, 1847. passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to I "Mr DEAR. 810, I knew you will have the Lind• cull on me, at !Bristol, oppesite Pratt's hotel, I " er l s i r ie l l b e ' e n w o ,:t d m g : I c i ,r ni n .P. e l. 'X; ~, , ,1 11 -3 shall take pleasure in detailing s very particular. th e o t t ii,,, m f ona fed tin d a tr o yon i n bee In conclusion, I doom it my duty to urge upon I ing made known certain matter., Remained in your - have th I most invaluable , MarrieftWoralina Private Meilicalk Pricp sl,no per boltle,or $5,00 per boil tloz N0v.20, 1849.-Iy. • .......- 1)111t1; California Gold wedding rings for sale Iry , NEFF & MILLER. Head Quarters • TrIOR Groceries 00(1 Confeelionaries.—Jons -1 1 -454, 61,41.1- -has just received a elloico ittneleoPiStbeodiel;ttottectiodaries, :T -epee:fatly invites his customers and-the politic 1,. crone and examine his assortment. rap 20. Miflp Beef and cheese Inc sale at the cheap Groeety and, confeetiunits - y estahlishndeuf COFFKE) •Ata, Stig,r supply. jot opened and (0, sale heie' Grocery and confectionary store. MARRIAGE : WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY., THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! MANY and many a wife endures years of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate and help. embittering her life, that of her husband, and , hazarding the flouts welfare of her (+flatten, arising from nausea which, if known, would have tipared.the saffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the hus band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties bar-• ing their origin in the mind being weighed doWn and' harassed in consequence of the sickness of the corn• panion of his bosom. How important that the causes should be known to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful and harrowing consequences to the health end hap piness of both may be avoided t Life is too short and' health too precious to admit any portion of the one to be spent without the full enjoyment of the other. The timely possession of a little work entitled as• follows has been the means of saving the health and the life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUEMICP copies have been sold since the first edition was la— sued. . . The author haw been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of those who have • been twits publiCation for all they hold dear (that at may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and who have favored him with thousands- of letters of oncomlum, sumo of•which are annexed' to the adver• tisentent. ..... . Companion.' It has been worth its weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will ace that 1 can not do to too warmly, when 1 inform you of the 'extent to which l' hove, through it, been benefited. I will state my situation when I obtained your book through the inereateuriosity I look upon it on one of the most intonate events of my life. I hod been married some ten years, end woe the father of seven children. I was lime straggling unceasingly to the end that I might gain R modernte competency, hot the toth. of my utmost exertions at the end left me !about where I was et the beginning of each yen,. ; and Oita only, with the most stinted economy, sal. cing with barely the necessariee of life. Finally, this constant effort wan beginning to have its effect upon my health I felt ICILY capable to endure its contina. awe. while I felt the necessity of perseverance. "This constant, unceasing struggle on my part was imperative, in Fonsequence of the prostnited conili• Coal of my wife (with meanie.] intermission) Mr 'six years, Much of the time confined to her bed, and off 1 , 00010 incapable of taking the chnrge nod manage ment of hougeliold nllbirs. Fier condition arose fmn causes of which I was ignorant. Oh! what wool, I have tett bed I the elx y ears to live over Again . What hi my wife have given to have been spared the long anys and still longer nights prostrate On a teed of sickness l— all of which would hove teen avoided, had I then aeon a copy of THE MARKIKO WOXAte9 MEDIC•I. Coarsmon." From a Physician. • DANGEROUS DELIVERIES, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &C. How many are auffering from abstraction or Irreg. %Amities peculiar to' the female system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are Ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking 'medical advicel How. ninny Roller from prolapsns • Wert (frilling of the womb), or from fluor-al/ma (wenk neaq doullty, &c., ate )! How many are in constant agony for many months preceding confinement I flow natty have difficult if not dangerone deliveries, and whose live. are jeopnrded during Poch titAe, will find is its pages the means of prevention, amelioration, and relief g.rtract from a Letter. To those just Illartled.—" Had I knOwn!" PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29, 1947. " Dn. A. M. M anat.:AU : Had 1 known of the Ira portant matter. treated of in 'The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion' mine years ago, how mach misery' I might have escaped ! I have suffluvul years from cames whicli you point out in your book, without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and Mutat my case treated of. I trust every female will avail h eraelf of the inthrmation contained in its pages." Letters are daily received of'thia character, utter, censary to present. To those yet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating rts to the pmpriety of incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, Hal importance of being possessed of the rave/alined vett tabled in thew pages, so intimately involving their future happiness, can not be appreciated. It is, of coarse, impracticable to convey mere folly the various subjeets treated of, as they ;ere of a na ture strictly intended fur the rnarrl, or those con templating marriage; neither is ;necessary, since it is every one's duty to become possessed of know'• edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth er, or a sister, may be subject, can he obviated. 1111' Copies will be sent tee Mall free of Postai. to Om Vorelsores. On the roePiptppf Ono Dodlar, TILE MAR- Rff; PA NION' is sent (mailed free) to any partof tho United States. All letters most be post-paid (except them containing a remittance), gad addressed to Dr. A. t 4. MAU ItIC.It AV, Bo g 1224, New York City. Publishing Office, No. ItMLiberty it.. New York. fiver 20,006 (!ebtett have been sent by MAIL. within tineo tuopthe with .perfuet safety and eel, tniuty. For sale by HORACE W• SMITH