Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 26, 1850, Image 1

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l a f t t
' .ZA
Ahead of all others with New Clothing!
THE undersigned have just receive(' and are
now opening the largest and most splendid
INC; ever brought to Huntingdon. Our new
stock consists of black, blue, green and brown
Frock and Dress Coats, from $0 to $l2, worth
more money ; black, brown, drab and blue Over
Coats and Sack Coats, l'rom $2,50 to $l2, worth
SP; a line assortment of Business Coats, Pea
Jackets, black Satin and Figured Vests, cassi.
mere and cassinet Pants, Shirts, Suspenders,
Gloves, Stocks, Trunks and Carpet Bags, all of
which will be sold at auction prices.
Also, the latest styles of Nl'.W YORK HATS
and BOSTON BOOTS, the superior quality and
low prices of which have astonished the world,
dumb founded Queen Victoria, and brought
Kings off their Thrones to purchase from us.—
Purchasers should BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS
who itk Mitt prices for their clothing, and who
allow themselves to be beat down to two prices.
Such a system is certainly not in accordance
with fair dealing, and will not be practised at
the Hall of Fashion, as long as purchasers nre
opposed to the "live price" system.
The HALL of FASItION has, after an existence
of three years, won a character for selling good
and fashionable clothing cuss,, and it will en
deavor to keep op that character, by selling at
Sept. .3, 1850.-3 m. B. &W. SNARE.
'IDEMAINING in the Post Office, at Hunting-
Jul don, October Ist, 1850.
Ayres Miss J. B.
Ayres Miss Silo
Artist Daguerrean
Burnside Col. Jas.
Bond Mrs. Ann M.
Bogg Elizabeth
Balo Washington
Bullock Jacob
Brady Miss Amy 2
Birekhead Saml. J.
Baum Jug.
Lott Mrs Nancy
Loydd Miss Mary A
Mahoney John 2
Matthew Geowi
M'Cuc John 3
M'Cnhc Win
M'Corkcll Alex
Mundorf Win
Morningstar Adam
M'Cuc Adam
Moyer Mr
M'ltonnell James
Montgomery Hem, I,
Marshall NV,lcy
Miller Miss Alii;sy A
!Alialip Hobert
Macraken Joseph
M'Miller Joseph
Martin Josephs
Myton Wet
Miller H E
111 P
Norton N A
Pierce J A
Quin Edward 2
Roark 'William
Elm & Campbell
Cowden Chas. 2
Corbin Jim.
Crowin Juo.
Conlon Jesse
Campbell Robert E.
Comb Mr. D.
Connoy Mary Jane
Chappel .John
Corbit Michael
Cox Mr.
Coleburn Wm.
Conway Win.
tpxenport Wm. E,q.
Donne' 'C. W. 0.
Denniston John T
Duffy James
Duff Col n 2
Dougherty John
Dunne Thomas
Dooley Thomas
Shepherd John
Sankey .Tunes
Schwier 3 , llargret
Stern Jacob
Shedeker E G
F Storohntin Louisa
Fetterly Jacob Sower C G 2
Faireheld Hey Edward Smith Pntriek
Farrell Bryan, Smith Lieut Adam
Foster James - Smith Sandy J
/Intel Henry Stiteer Win 3
Flynn John Stewart Alex
Shenefelt Abraham
Stiles Miss Frances E
Spanoglo S L•
Stewart John
Stewart Mary
Smiley John
Stonlkr lance
Scofield Nathan
ITurtitiOnt IVfn
Waspy Margaret I
Gill John 1)
Green John A
Maw. B
Good - James S
Grainy Patrick
Glaspy Elizabeth
Goodlin E B
Snyder Louis
Hoist John
Hight Mrs Mary
Hodges John
Hampshire N
Hammel James 2
Harris Eli
Hawn Michael
Harris Wellington 2
Haan Frazer Capt
Hutchison James
Harper John L
Hurter Frederick
liirOs Mini Mary
Haley John
Irvin James
Savage Catharine
Stonebrakor Wm.
Scott licorge
Scott .1 11
Starks Miss Margaret
Wits R
Swetzer JAM.
Sidra Miss Mary Jane
Sterns Samuel
Stitt Alexander
Thomas \VW'
Thompson John
Tisilalo Charles
Taylor Isaac
Trerer Mrs, Ann
Thomas J L
Town John
Jackson Mrs Jane
Jones Jesse
Johnston Dun J
Kirts Josiah
'Krug Michael
Kingman II .1
Keyser John S
Kinney John It
Kemp Miss Mary 2
Kelly Jautes
Keller John
Kurt. Jacob
Kepler at Stiver
Vandyke Henry
Werdner Michael
Wolverton Chas
Vali+ Rev J
White Mies Ellen M
Walls John 2
Wou 1)r Francis
Williams Corlett
IVahers Ilarvey
Wood It W
When Jncob
L Warfel Harriet
Legrever Jacob Wall ltubeeea
41,ightuerJ G Wittniag.J G
Persons enquiring for letters oh the above list,
will pleaio.say they are advertised:
ifg'Two cents in addition to the regular post
age charged on advertised letters.
Oct.. 15, 1850.-3 t.
and JEWELRY, nt Pliihtdelphis prices.
Just received at cull's Chug? .Igl,l 7 eby ,s . tors, throe
dvcrii i ?s'esi of T. Head & Son's store. The public
are itspeeVnlly solicited to al and See.
August 121,
The golden rays of a.suinmer afternoon were
streaming through the wlndons of a quiet apart
ment where every thing was the picture of order
ly icpose. .Gentle and noiselessly it glides,
the glossy old chairs, polished by years of care;
fluttering with flickering gleam on the boob cases,
by the fire and the Antique China vases on the
mantel, and even eoqueting with sparkles of ibuci
ful gaiety aver the titre of the perpendicular sem
•bre old clock, which though at times apparently
coaxed almost to the verge of a smile, still continu
ed its inevitable tick as for a century before.
On the hearth rag lay outstretched a great lazy
looking Maltese cat evidently enjoying the golden
beam that fell upon his sober aides and sleepily
opening and Aiming his greet green eyes as if lost
in luxurious contemplation.
But the, most characteristic figure in the whole
picture, was that of an aged women, who sat qui
etly rocking to and fro, in g great chair by the
side of a large round table covered with books.—
There was a quiet beauty in that placid thee—that
silvery hair brushed neatly snider the snowy border
of the cap. Every line in that furrowed fime,,told
some tale of sorrow, long assuaged and passions
hushed to rest; as on the (Win ocean shore the
golden furrowed sends show traces of storms and
fluctuations long past.
Ou the round green covered , table besides her
lay the quiet companion of her age, the large bible
whose pages like the gates of the celestial city,
were not shut all day; a few old standard books,
and the pleasant rippling, knitting, whose dreamy
irresponsible monotony is the best music of age.
A tier girlish form was seated by the table—the
dress bonnet had fallen back ou her shoulders,. the
soft checks were suffused end earnest,_ the long
lashes and the veiled eyes were eloquent of subdued
feeling as she read aloud from the letter in her
band. It was front 'our harry'—a name to both
of them comprising all that was dear and valued on
earth, for he was 'the only son dills mother, and
she was a widow'—yet has he not been always an
only one; flower after flower on the tree of her life
had bloomed and died, and gradually as waters cut
off from many channels, the streams of love had
centered deeper in this last and only one. •
And in truth Barry Sergeant Was allthat a mo
ther might deSire or be proud of. Generous, high
winded, witty and talented, and with a strong and
noble phygical development, he seemed born to
command the love of women. The only 'trouble
with him sus in common parlance that he was too
clever a fellow—he was too social; too impressible
too versatile, too attractive, and too much in de
mand for his own good. Ile always drew compa
ny about him a's honey draws flies, and was indis-:
pensable every where, and to every body, and it
needs a steady head and flint nerves for such an
one to escape ruin. •
I Larry's course in college, tho' brilliant in schol
arship had been critical and perilous., I - Ia was a
decided favorite with the faculty and students, it
yet required a great deal of hard winking and adroit
management on the part of his instructors to bring
him through without any infringtuent of college
laws, and proprieties, not .that he ever meant the
least harm in his life, but that some extra gener
ous impulse, some Quixotic generosity was alWays
tumbling him neck and heels into somebody's
scraps, and making hint part and parcel in every
piece of mischief that was going'on.
With all this premised, there is' no need to say
that Hurry was a special favorite with the ladies ;
in truth, it was a confessed fact aunong his acquaint
tutees, that whereas dozens of creditable, respee
table, well to do young men, might besiege female
hearts wills every proper formality, waiting at the
gates, and watching at the posts of the doors in vain
yet before' hint all gates and passages' seemed to
fly open of their own accord; nevertheless, there
was in his native village one quiet maiden, who
only held in her hand the key that could unlock
Iris heart in return, and carried silently in her heart
the spell that could fetter that brilliant restless
spirit; tutd she it wasof the thoughtful brow and
down-east eyes whom we saw in our picture ben
ding over the letter with his mother.
That mother IlinTy loved to idolatry. Site was
to his mind an impersonation of till that was love
ly, in womanhood, hallowed and sainted by age,
by wisdom, by sorrow, and his love for her was a
beautiful union of protective tenderness, with Veil
' oration ' and to his Ellen it seemed the Lest and
most sacred evidence of the nobleness of his na
tore, and of the worth of the heart which he had
pledged to her.
Nevertheless, there was a danger overhanging
the heads of three; a little cloud, no bigger than
a man's hand rising in the horizon of their hopes,
yet destined to burst upon them dark and dreadful
in a future day.
In those scenes of college hilarity where Harry
had been so indispensable, the bright poetic wine
cup had freely circulated, and often amid the flush
of conversation and the genial excitement ofthe
hour, he had drank freer anddeeper than was best.
Ho said, it is true, that he cured nothing for It,
that it was nothing to him, that it never affected
him, and all those things that young men always
say, when the cup of Circe is beginning its work
with them. .Friends were annoyed, became anx
ious, remonstrated,' but he laughed at their fears,
• and insisted on knowinghimeelf best. At lastwith
• n sudden start and shiver of his moral nature, he
'was awoke to a dreadful perception of his danger,
and resolved on decided and determinate resistance.
During this period Ito came to Cincinnati to estab-
Halt himself in Mediums, and as at this time the
temperance veformation was in full tide of SUCCC.
there, he found everything to strengthen his reso
lution temperance meetings and speeclic, were
all the mode—young men of the first.
its patrons and supporters; wine was quite
vocative and seemed really in danger of being vo
ted out of society. In such a turn of affairs, to
seize a temperance pledge and keep it became an
easy thing.; temptation was scarce presented or
felt, he was offered the glass in no social circle, tact
its attraction nowhere, and flattered himself that he
had escaped so great a danger so easily and so
His usual fortune of social popularity followed
him and his visiting circle became full as large
and impertant as a young man with any thing else
to do need desire. He was diligent in his appli
cation to business, began to he mentionedwith np,-
probation I,y the magnates as a rising young man,
and had prospects daily nearing of competence and
home, and all that man desires; visions alas, nev
er to be realized.
For after a while, the tide that had risen' so high
began imperceptibly, to decline. Men that lied
made eloquent speeches on temperance had now
other things to look to; 'fastidious persons thought
that matters had been carried too far, and ladies
declared that it was old and threadbare, and getting
to be cant and stuff, and the ever ready wine cop
was gliding back into Many a circle, as if on sober
second thoughts, the community was convinced
that it was a friend:unjustly belied.
There is no point' in the history of reform, either
in communities or individuals so dangerous us that
where danger seems entirely past. As long as
man thinks his health failing, he watches, he diets,
and will undergo the most heroic self denial; but
let him once set himself down . as cured, and how
readily does lie fall hack 'to one soft indulgent loth-'
it after another, all tending torah' everything that
he has before done.
So in communities; let intemperance rage and
young men go to ruin by dozens, and the very evil
inspires the remedy; but when the trumpet has
been sounded and the battle set in array, and the
victory only said and sung in speeches and news
paper paragraphs, and temperance odes and pro
cessions, then conies the return wave ; people cry
enough, the community vastly satisfied, lay down
to sleep, on its laurels, and then collies the boupof,
But let not the man, who has once been swept
down the stream ofiotemperate excitement almost
to the verge of ruin, dream of any point of secu
rity forilim. Be is like one who has awakened in
the rapids of Niagara, and with straining oar aml
mild prayers to heaven, forced his boat upward into
smoother water, where the draft of the consent
seems to cease and the banks smile mid all looks
beautiful, and weary from rowing, lays by his oar
to rest and dream; he knows not that under that
smooth water still glides a current, that while he
dreams, is imperceptibly but surely hurrying bins
back whence there is no return.
Harry WaS just in this perilous point ;.he view
ed danger as long past, his self-confidence was ful
ly restored, and in his security, he began to neg
lect those lighter out-works of caution which he
must still guard who dues not mean, at last to sur
render the citadel.
PART 11.
'Now girls and boys,' said Mrs. G. to her Boris
and danghters, who were sitting round a centre ta
ble covered with notes of invitations, all the on
ihninarret dotalra of a party—'whut shall we have
on . Friday night—tea--colli,—lenamade—wine
of course not.'
'And why not wine, - mamma 7 said the young la
dies.--`the people are beginning to have
bud wine at Mrs. A's. and Mrs. (Ps.'
'Well your papa thinks it won't de..—the boys
are members of the temperance.society, and I don't
think, girls, it will do myself:.
There are ninny good sort of people by the by .
who always few moral questions in this'Atyle of
phraseology—not what is right, but what will 'do.
The girls made an appropriate reply to this view
of the subject by showing that Mrs. A. and Mts.
B. had done the thing and nobody seemed to make
any talk.
'The boys,' who thus far in the conversation hail
been thoughtfully nipping their boots with their.
canes, now interposed and said that they Would
rather not hate wine if it wouldn't look shabby.
'But it will look shabby,' said Wes 'Fanny.
'Lemons you know are scarce to lie got for any
price, and as for lemonade made of Ow, it's pos
itively vulgar and detestable. It tastes just like
cream of tartar and spirits of turpentine.'
'For my part, said Emma, never did see the
harm of wine, even when people were making the
most fuss about it—to he sure rum and brandy and
all that are bad, but wine—'
'And so convenient to get,' said Fanny, and no
decent you 4 min ever gets drunk at parties, so
it can't do any harm ; besides one must have some
thing, and as I said it will look shabby not to have
Now there is no imputation that young men are
so much afraid of, especially, tYom the lips of la
dies, as that of shabbiness, and as it happened in
this case as most others that the young ladies were
the most efficient talkers, the question. was finally
carried on their side.
Mrs. G. Wits a mild sod motile'
the one fitted to inspire young men
and that home fooling which all men
somewhere, I for houso was a freer
social, for most of the young people,
ttmce, and Harry was a favorite demo
During the height of the tempo]
halters and brothers had given it'
decided support, and Mrs. G. alwa•
tcil for tii3:;.;',,,xiinoyeinetit t synip
in their. endeavors. The great limit
often incident iu the gentloness of
of self reliant print-irk. lice virtu,
nose she'loved gre‘•
cold towards a good cause, tlMy found no sustain
ing power in her, and those who were relying on
her judgment and opinions insensibly controlled
them. Notwithstanding she a woman that al
ways acquired a great influence over young men,
and Harry had loved and revered her with some
thing of the same sentiment that he cherished to
wards his mother.
It was the most brilliant party of the season.
Everything was got up in faultless taste, end
Mrs. G. was in the very spirit of it. The girls were
looking beautifully, the rooms were splendid, there
was enough and not too much of light,.and warmth,
and every hotly was' doing their best to please and
be cheerful.' Harry was more brilliant titan anal,
and in fact outdid himself; wit and mind wore the
spirit of the boor.
'Just taste this tokey,' said one of the sisters to
him, 'it has just been seat us from Europe, and
is said to be a genuine article.' •
'You know not in that line,' said Harry
laughing and rolbring.
'Why not ?' said another young lady, taking a
'Oh the temperance pledge .you know—l um
one (.f the pillars of the order, u very apostle, it
will never do for me:
Tshaw I those temperance pledges ore like the
proverb, 'something musty,' FRid a gay' girl.
'Well, hut• you said you had a headache the lie
ginning of'thc evening, and you really•look pato ;
you certainly need it as it medicine said Fanny.
'l'll leave it to linunal, end she turned to Mrs.
G. who stood gaily entertaining a group•of young
people. .
'Nothing more likely replied she [oily. • I think
Hurry you have looked pale lately, a glass orwine
might do you good.'
Mad Mrs. G--,--known all of Harry's past his
tory and temptations, and .Lund she not bean in
just the inconsiderate state that very good ladies
sometimes get into at a party, she would sooner
have sacrificed her right hand than to have thrown,
this observation into the Hales, but she did, mid
they turned the, balance for him. 'You shall. ho
my, doctor,' be said laughing. and coloring he
.the ,glass and where was the harm? . One
glass of wine kills aohody, and yet if a man fells
and knows that in that glass he sacrifices princi
ple and conscience, .every drop may ,be poison to
the soul and body.
Harry felt at that very time that agreat internal
barrier had. given way, nor was that glass the wily
eye that evening, another and another and maul,
er followed, his spirit rose with the mild and fe
. vcrish gaiety incident to his excitable tempera-
I molt, and what had been began its society of la
sties was completed late at night iu the gentle
man's saloon.
Nobody ever knew
.or thought, or recognized,
that one party had forever undone young man,
and yet so it was. Front that night his struggle
of moral resistance 1.5 rittally impcicrd, 114,( that
he yielded at once and without deeper to etlints
anitstruggks, gradnally each. struggle grew
weaker, each reform Aorter, each rt,ohn he, knoso
inefficient, yet at the close of the evening all thy,
friends, mother, brother, and-sister, flattered the,.
selves that everything 1,01 gone cot t, wcll that
the next week .lira. 11. thought that it tv,add
give wino at the party heenn, Mr, (1. had done
it last week, and no hunt had come of it.
In about a year ailor the legal to
and Impala the luthits of 'their p. , ung fvh.nd, and
all con,eiou,ly W won Car how such a lieu oung
luau shuuld '6O led aStlei.
Ham' wassif t Ilecitlud aml desperate nature, hi,
atlections and his laurol,ensa IVZIgCIi IL tierce war
with the terrible tyrant. The.tutulness had pos
sessed him, and when at lea! all hope died out he
.determined ic avoid the anguish and sham.: of a
drunkard's lite by a suicide', demi.
Then. came to the tretnidily. heart-stricken
mother and beloved one, a mild ineoherolt letter
of threwell, and he disappeared from among the
In the samequiet Parlor, where the sunrise still
streams through flickering biaves, it now rested en
the polished sides and glittering plate Mitt coffin;
there at last lay the wearrat rest, the soft shining
gray hair was still gleaming so Wane,- but deeper
furrows on the worn, cheek and'a
.weary heavy
langour over the pale peaceful face told that Ow,
grey hairs had been brought down in sorrow to
the grave. Sadder still was the store on the cloud
less check and lip: of the young creature bending
in quiet despair over her ;poor Ellen k her Ws
thread woven with those two beloved ones! w L is
broken !
And may all tliis happen? nay does it not hap
pen? just such things happen to young men among
us every day, and do they not lead in a thousand
ways to sorrows just like those?
And is there not a responsibility on all that
say they ought to be guardians of the safety and pu
rity of the other aex, to avoid setting before them
the temptation to which so often and so fatally
manhood has yielded ! What is a paltry consider
ation of fashion, compared to the safety of sons,
r /
26', 1850.
le of her um 11
Your Mother.--To
You dl know the divine comnamil—"l toner thy
father and thy twitlicr." An undutiful chibl is an
odious character, yet but fewcoma_ , people show
the respect and obedienee to their parents that is
hemming and hcantithl. yOu ever sit nnd re
count the days and nights orate; tail, anti neitiety
you cost yourle6thetl l iAd l j.hrt ever try to mealt
ime dm love tha4 lantMactlyoar infancy and guided
your youth 1 Did you ever think about how much
inure you noon your mother than you will be able
to repay? . If so, did you ever vex o• disobey her
If you did it is main outs common magnitude, :ind
a shame which should entice you burn every time
you think of it. It is a sin that is sure to bring its
reward in this world. I never knew an undutiful
daughter muke a happy wife or mother. The reel
ing that prompts any tine to tin makind to at mother
will make her who indulges it, wretched fir
If you should love your. mother, you little dream
11.0 W the memory every unkind look, or unduti
ful word, every ncvlert of• her wishes, will haunt
yon. 1 could never tell you how I sometimes 11,0, 1 1
in remembering imtanceit,of neglect to my mother
Mill yet thanks to her care, Iliad the name aiming
a vial eldld. She told me, shortly before she died
that I had never vexed her by any act of disobe
dience, stint I would not resign the memory of her
approbation fin• the plaudits of a world, even though
I knew it was her love that hid the faults, and ming-
Mika all that was' good. I know; many things I
' might have done to add to her happiness and repay
her care that I did not do; but the grave has cut
oil' all import.itc to rectify mistakes or atone for
neglects. Never, never lay up for yourself the
memory tit an unkiudness to your mother. If she
'is afflicted, how can you possibly get tired of wai
ting upon her ? Iluw mu you trust any cane else
to take your place ;liana her ? No one could have
filled her plac•c to your peevish billowy and troub
lesome childhood. When she is in her usual
health, remember she is not so young and active
as she once was. Wait upon her. If she tenets
anything, bring it to her, not bemuse she could
not get it herself, but to show that 'you are think
ing about lacy, and love to wait on her. No teat
to how active and healthy she may he, or holy
much she tiny love to wait, she will love to have
you do any little thing thaetvill show yon are think
ing of her.
One thing awed, never call either of your par
ents "old mail," or "old WLT11:111." This is rude
and undutithl. There' should hue something sacred,
something peculiar, in the word that desipates
pcu•cnts. The tone of voice in whilehtlley nrend,
dres'se,l, should He affectionate tind'ittsilettftd.—
A slant slaty at:wormnu a child 'to a parent,falls
very harshly on the ear aanyperson who has any
idea of filial duty.' Be sure; girls, that you cacti
win for yourselves the none of a dutititl daughter.
It is much• easier ti, bd ti good daughter than a
goad rvifb br, :Maher, litM she who fails in this , first
most simple relation, need neverhopo to tin tutoth
cr'u•cll. Make her y,,,ll,olltident the seem t yoa
Clare not till her is It dangerous secret,' and one
that likely to I vim; pan smvow. The hdnrs
you spend with her, will not liring you regret,Und
volt should love her' so well that it WOUI . IIIIOVbe
kit n in t nisinn,nt to give up the happieSt tarty to
remain with her.
nit unloved and ludo viva you will live and die;
if you do not lore and honor your father and moth
er,— Lcqatat Childtpa's laya:4,,
A 5EN.:,11,2 pito r t SE:C:3OI . LE 1).11t-
I: E t a meeting recetitlyrifthe colored people,
ill rclutiim to the fugitive elate how, nfter the ex-,
citetuctit Lad hceit wrought up to the highest pitch
,thd overt uir i c vrncyetuly to
. g o out utpl cut the'
throat, of all the white j c ploin tile city, roge"nittl
" :Nfy rvientl , , I 11,16 1 : we 'are ;:wine u little, ton
fast in tlis mutter. We talk about arming our
-60 Yeti Itlitl late, Itht it 14 - Wear, to
ate, MX Itretlerlit' (lac de la,. ti:: ,an do
Would Li• to tile a thild fitgitive to get
out aide way of tient slave catchers. For, now
suppose, my bretlerite; &it we had tt tirst rate
tight, anti get OW] Of }kit: iilgiliVCS clear, Wald I . tat:
00 or get killed in tie 'ml,, now in toy o
pinion dat'woulti he it game. It' pears to
me now (Lit ;tint exactly ale way to save niggars
We pdincide with • tlli3 aal,.ed • gen tiotuan.—
llombn Mail.'
Tar CIIOLAU IN Janstc.t.---We have intelli
gence frofn Kingston, Junto, fo the 29th ult. The
eholora.wasecimmitting.fearftil ravages, ',arming
off whole fitmiliciti and basinciss of nil kinds was
auspeMied. In Port 'Royal, fully one-sixth of the
population have fallen victims. In Kingston, the
deaths have exceeded 360 by the official report
made every morning by the Board of Health ; bat
this return it is generally beleived does not contain
one-half the number which baa Wien victims to
the sad distemper. In St. Catharines, the mor
tality has been awful, and the deaths average a
bout forty to fifty ti tlay. '
Sharp Shooting.
The clerk or a steamboat oflieemunseil himself
greatly at the expanse of a Catholic priest, whose
prof ssion be pretended not to know. Among a
number or impudent questions, he stoked the fol
lowing very simple one t
Old yeti tell Me thaditiercuee lmtween u. Cath
olic .priest and a jaekl". •
"No, sir," replied the priest. •
is ,lavevy
alws cliSt.oltll
polite sock
and let (WC
/till:l'S 1111111 j.
CaligC Of their
.2.1 ill thought
lull giy. sun!'
, P Well," said the elork,"I'llttll you. Thu one
wears tthe cross on the breast, the other on. his
• 4 ‘ Vary well," replied the priest, cooly; 'ienn
volt tell me the dillerence r•bettroetrtt stettutl+tt
elerk will the ionweitred adult:a of IvliielLyott have
jut been speaking P •
No, sir ; 'whet is it ?"
down South.
een Ilefhied a
11114 i uP , it+
• " I cnn ,liscovvr untie at till." fulthetl tltc irtic,t.
VOL. XV.--NO. 46.
• .
floe pleasant a thing it is to have one friend to
cL nn min go and unbosom- one feelings when.
ill, world is liarsh'aith us; and darkness has set
tled ole tlw litirface of nature. A t.stal a tinie,
heart to counsel' and advise with us—that,,wilir
manifest feellagnral - nympathy..—is.. nboven price.
The ontgasliiugs of hive end tenderness reeire and
cheer its—drive away sadness front the hosoleh and
brighten the heavens again. • ado who.has ono to
whom he can. go in the hour of tulversity, can tegv..i
er be wholly east down, can never be driven to.
despair. ! The world, dark as it may sontetimes
he, will always contain.onebright.spiA—heaugful
spot—it will gro.vlrighter, and brighter,
stricken heart partakes of the fullness of joy end
is (n,( down no . more forever.
Cost of War.
Give me the money . that has beco lent in war,
and I will purchase every foot of mod upon th,e•
globe. I will clothe wear In:in, woman and child
in an attire of whichqueeuxwould betT
;womb I. will baihl a school house on, every hill
side, and in every valley over the whole earth.; . l
will build an aeittlemy in every town, and endow'
it; a college in every State, and fill it with able .
professor::; I will crolVII every hill with a pltMe of
Avon , l , ip, consecrated to the promulgation of the'
Gospel of peace ; 1 will
.support in every pulpit an
'able tocher of righteousness, so that on every
Sabbath morning, the ,chime on one hill shoulil
answer to the chime on tinOtlmr, round the earth's
wide circumference; and the voice of prayer, and
the song of praise, slmuld ascend like a universal
holuegast to llcuvem—RVits
llurtnrrioN ,or A Y.IF Ji.33. —As the Yankees,
are coating no little excitement, in the, -mauler
cid, political, and military world,.. I hope niy defi
nition of a real genuine node litokee may _not be
'considered a false
A real gesaviae Yankee is fail of animatipn chuck,
ed by inealeratlen, guiard lic cletenniaatiau taut
sapperted by education.
lie Lois vonoratiou correuteil by toleration, with
a love of approbation und emulation; and when
reduced to a state of aggrayation, can 1139T111110 the
most profound ilissinmintion tar the purpose of en-,
illation, always eninitine.l, if possible with spec
A reallive ;Yankee, just atught, will be found
not iu: the fulluwing lunlitjc, :
He is sell-denying, self-relying, always trying,
awl into everything
He is aluver of piety, propr:ety, neforirty toot
the temperatice• society,
lle is a -tlenggiug,gaggin, hloggieg„ striving,
swopping, jostling; hustling, wrestling, tuueical,
fostrononiletil, poetical, philosophical nod
eotnieal eort uf.charucter, whose nuinifest destine
is to;spreatl eiviltsution to the reututest corner of
the, earth, with au always on the lookout fur the
main cluatee..
and nature's Clod smite
propitiously upon the union that is sweetened' Ity
love and sanctified, 4• the law. 'The sphere of our
affeetiotts)e 'enlarged, and our plensures take
derrange. Wu become more important and re ,
speetettatoong tutu and existence itself is &Mb;
lv enjoyed with our softer self. Islisfortune loses
Writs anguish beneath the soothing influence of
her smiles, and triumph is inore. triumphant when
shaved wills her. • Without her, what would be
man? A roving and restless hieing, driven et
pleasure by romantic - speculation, owl cheated in
to misery by futile hopes; thempktictim to Inte
rned passion, and the disappoi n ted pursue, .of
fruitless joys. Bin with het he awakens to a hew
life. •Be ibliews a path wider and nobler than the
mirror: road to self aggrandisementhat is emit
tered with more fragant flowers aud illuminated
with a clesttwr light:
.ANyKWA.IO , .-A fellow the other eveniti,c, , , Of
Sas temper:um:in, g•screwcd his coinage to the
sticking point," as Shakspear says, and actually
dared to "pop the question" to a young holy, who
in iteeoriliince With custom, of course, immediate
ly fainted. In his hurry and agitation, lie seized
a bottle of ink, mistaking it fur 0 ,logre, and dash
ed its contents in her face and over her mots -white
dress. Of course she immediately ••came to," and
the aWliwnril fellow 100 l the felicity 'of being kick
ed out of the !muse by her Pig brother: "There's
many a slip 'twist the cup and the lip."'
Ktss COTI LIM NS. --1110 'editor •or the "Whultor
Journal"—n very obstinate sort of a ltebeloe--
learns that "Professors oCDancine in New York
have recently introduced a new style oCcotillun.
called the "Kiss cotillon," the peculiar feature of
which is that you kiss the lady as you swing cor
tiers. The editor is a crusty' sort of person, who
, never danecs,,hot says he )vuuld not mind waiving
his objectiOns to the must:molt so far as to "swing
corners," now aud then, in this coti lion ! gel
fiat scampi : • •
WA lady NshAiit C,Artastc:C the vocabulary
of names for her nutucrous daughters, named the
last "Aim-so-1 4 011W' -
} —Di,. e ast s..mew•hgro, the times .are, SO
hard that till) . 4110Wii" cannot cyan 'tag, their ad
dresses tho"gals.'?
CiT' , .Wheii 1 tin a man," is the poetry of child
hood ; "Idler I WM young," is the poetry of old
T' Tont Ili d sttys the more Seotchnten,lhat
are horn, the sooner lye will he without lierrings.
GRA18811011•IIic • IN W111,A1..-111C Fieti6ll.lts
ham (Va.) 'Reporter learns front an Vmpetjrneeti
farina on kittnottlianoel, Elroy, that the grogokinii
pens lucre attneked the wheat er..ti in thurotimitigity,
t ind etttett'it to the avuml in inane 11