lasyrell,fflawaietr. - M1,21 - 2 -7 . 44,71 . 1 MTW00 n 7 1 . "A1t1 7 775 77 ? : , 4111 . ("•-• " Ico -'' . o I' l T , '-Ter ,, ,,•••..;. • • •',.(• 111 , - C l I A A , ) A ' V ; • / foWs BY JAS. CLARK. CHOICE POETRY From the New York Tribune. "LET THERE BE LIGHT." A FREE SCITOOL BONO, BY Oro. W. 11117NGAY. When moonless and unbroken night O'er earth, in waves of darkness rolled, Jelicivith said, "Lot rgEti: nr. Lain," situ 111.950 on clouds ofguld, Anil MO:int:tins Smiled beneath its rays, 'Mille streams ran shouting to the sea, And Turks am, to hail the day, With their first song fur light so free. The rose bell up its fragrant head, And kissed with balmy lips the air— The soaring eagle sky-ward sped, To greet the sun, in glory there. Sweet strains of joy from wood and sod— From silver lake and blooming Went up for light—(the smile of God)— That shines for all, forever free. As fihines the sun, o'er nil the earth, Dispelling darkness with its rays, May science smile, at every hearth, The clowning light of better days. God grant that binding scales ntay fall Prom envious eyes that will not see, Then light will shiuc in'hut curl hull, Abd Education will be free. "Let there be liylie? n!or.4fil the land, Free as the sun in yonder sky, Thou filthy vice, with leprous hand, And crime, with gangreenod heart, shall die. "Let there be light," and caste shall cease, Front shore to shore, prom sea to sea, And rosy plenty, smiling peace, Shall most abound whore light is free. MISCELLANEOUS ANECDOTE OF GEN. TANLOU. As everything relating to the late President is invested with n melancholy interest, we extract the following front the Philadelphia Bulletin: A glazier and painter, well known in the city to the resident population, was one morning passing through the Presidential grounds, and having no ver seen the General, wee of course ignorant of his person. However, while in the act of passing the portals of the eastern wicket gates, he encoun tered a plainly .dressed gentleman, who, intently gazing upon the garden belonging to the Execu tive mansion, lot lint divorce the approach of the painter until ho had rudely come in contact with him, "Where the—aro your eyes?" exclaited the latter. "Can't you see where you're going? { ' "Pardon me," replied the unconscious intruder; "but the fitet is," he added, with a good humored smile, tens wonderift whether the garden there was as forward as other gardens in the city, nad did not notice your proxiinity until I had encoun tered. you." "Cmph," observed the.painter, "do you suppose the garden of a President would look as fine its our common gardens? I rattier think not." "I do not see why," continued the strange gentle man, "for I work it myself, mid take the best care of it." "Olt, then, yon aro the old fellow's gar dener, are you?" inquired the painter, "Now, tell me, is he as surly as people say of hint? I should like to see the old codger." "IVell, my friend," remarked the interrogated, '•I do not know what people say of his disposition, but if it will gratify you to be made personally acquainted with him, permit sue to introduce myself—Gen. Taylor et your service . "You—you General Taylor?" ejaculated the painter, with delighted eyes, and grasping his hands more tightly.: "Oh,i—d :" and with that he took to his heels, never Stopping until he was far enough from the scene of the:in troduction. The General enjoyed the joke hugely ; but ei-er after contended that the painter would snake a'butl soldier. Ilis simplicity of character had long previously passed into a proverb, and this was but another exemplification of it. In his domestic habits ho was equally 'free from those rigid fonns of estab lished discipline that mark the social schools of the day, bat which were unknoWn forty years ago.— Ile acted the rational man, and avoided those fri volous and absurd innovations, as tending to rub life of half its happiness. These unaffected traits surrounded him with an enchanting something, which chile it struck as peculiar to the eye, only increased, not, our respect solely,: but our love, fur the man. Ills hunumity also soared above re proach—lofty as his heart u ns generous. The Home of Taste.' How easy it is to be neat—to be clean ! How easy to arrange the'reorns with the most graceful propriety. How easy' it is to invest our houses with the truest elogrtnce. Elegance resides not with the upholster or the draper; it is not in the mosaics, the 'meetings,. the rose wood, the mahog any, the candelabra, or the marble ornaments; it exists in the spirit presiding over the chambers of the dwelling. Contentment smut always be most graceful; it sheds serenity over the scene of its abode rit transforms n waste into a garden. The home lighted by these hitimittiOns of a nobler and brighter life may be wanting in inch which the discontented desire; but to its inhabitants it will be a place, far outeieing the oriental in brilliancy and glory. SENSIBII Yeung Indy says they may talk am 'mttch- us - they' please •abour the virthe of the galvanic ring, but fur her part' she huloiveil that the welling ring is thq Aupat Rotont, ,c4r!i, for the .itelte,s of Atli piing ludicT,... '66 - -td.4flit , ain, that is a' crack article," 'mid a store keefteiltrYltututly iturrinkser, • "Oh," said "if the thing is cracked, I duu'l want it." FIRST SIGHT OF JERUSALEM. PROM TIIR DLAILIN UNIVERSITY DrAGAZINE. Taken ns a whole, Jerusalem is one of the most ill-built, complicated Eastern towns I ever visited. Large portions of the Ilill'of Acre are completely 'mote, and cucuridtered with ruins. The Hill of Zion, literally, as prophecy foretold it, "is plough ed as a field," the streets are dirty and unusually narrow; in many of them you melt large flights of steps exceedingly difficult to mount or descend on horseback ; the buildings aro for the most part mean and squalid. The streets, after night fall, are wholly in the poSsession of the Turkish sen tinels end hurtles of proWling dogs; the latter, for tunately for the inhabitants, acting ns public scan . eugets. fly tiny, within the walls, there is little moro than one unvarying scene of lifeless inactivity; without the gates the picture is still moro lonely; a stray fellah, a few women fetching water from .Siloam, a stealthy .Jew or wandering Bcdawec, comprise the chief objects to be met with in our solitary walks. It is association that sustains the interest of the traveller; he Jives amongst recol lections of the past; the past sheds a halo round the present, gilding the desolate and th•cary pros poet with some faint reflection of the brightness of by-gone days, till memory, fondly dwelling on the page which chronicles the history of God's pecu liar peoplmcalls ,to her side the aid of busy fancy. Imagination, with. a touch, peoples the, solitudes, restores the palaces, and =lies glad the mourning "ways of Zion." • Koethat the stranger must fall back on associa tion alone to deriv'e enjoyment front his visit to the Holy City. As the eye becomes accustomed to the surrounding scenery, his rambles in the city and its neighborhood become every day more in teresting and *Using. It is pleasant to seek shel ter from the noon-day heat, and rest beside "the, waters of :Montt that go softly," or wander in the shady gorge of Himmon, prying into the deserted caves and countless sepulchral chambers that pierce i r the rocky ,skirts of the Hill of Evil Council. The Mount of Olives, too, barren and bare as it appear ed on our first Arrival. at Jerusalem, now as.the Spring advanced, put on its verdant vernal cloth- I lag; the fig trees were in leaf, and the pomegran ate, budded, the pcnsile crimson peeping through 1 the pale green foliage ; the olives had put forth their delicate and fragile blossoms, while the 'close green sward licaeatli was enamelled with wild flow ers. Then it was indeed pleasant, at early dawn, to climb the hill-side, or seated on the walls of the little mosque, to watch the sun rise from behind the mountain range of Moab, the gloomy outline streaked with the first faint light of day, the thin gray mist of morning yet hanging on the bosom of the sullen lake below ; and now the craggy heights of the desert of Judah are tinted with the purple light, while Bethany still slumbers amidst her sere ',Mills and olive groves: The call to prayer re sounds from the distant minaret—you turn, and the sacred city lies like a map beneath you—the dome of the grent mosque is flashing in the sunlight the Septilehre of David, on thb far off verge of Zion, reflects the rising beams--the massive build ings of the Armenian convent stand out from the clear horizon, and as the eye wanders from the old gray tower of Hippiens, along the heights of Act-a, She Latin convent, the, Monte of the Holy Sepul 'clue, the cupolas and minarets of the mosques are gleaming in the radiance of new-born day; still it shade lingers over the deep heti of Kedron, as if dusky, night unwillingly abandons the dreary val ley of the dead. Whet en expanse of view front this crest of Olivet The eye can range from Pis-' gals to the distant heights of Mispah, embracing at a glance mountain and lake, desert stud solitude, the cultivated field, and the abode of busy man;' but now, the dear-toned music of the convent bells fall on the car, dark specs on the flat roofs of hou ses move to and fro; the sleeping city is awake. But it is pleasant; above all, as evening falls,' to sit and meditate beneath the gnarled old olives of Gethsemane, and to think on One who "oft-times resorted thither with his disciples ;" here was the scone of his sore conflict and agony; from this same consecrated spot he calmly marked the wary stops of Judas, an descending with "his band of mon and officers," he led them down that winding path above there, and crossed the brook of Ken ron, whose murmuring stream was crimsoned in the torch-light, as if the conscious waters blushed for the base ingratitude of man. Yes, it is pleas ant to think of Him, resting where Ho rested— treading the Very ground He trod—pleasant and most profitable. The thoughts to which these sa cred scenes give birth, should be gravels on the "living tabletS of the heart," for then we walk not with the memories of the past—we walk witlt God. CALIFORNIA.—Edwin Bell, Esq., formerly ed itor of the Hagerstown Torch Light, writing from Sun Francisco to a friend in Virginia, says— "l; regret [should this ever reach you] that I cannot give you such encouragement no I shall be expected to give. Sincerely and frankly, I can not adviso you to come here. You may succeed, or you may fail, the failures being ten to one in proportion to the success ; The groat mass would be glad to ge home, Willey had money enough to carry them hack, I know you well, and I hove uu indistinct knowledge. of things here, and ifyon wish my advice, will tell you to stay iyherq yen are, and be content with your lot." Cl7l - Tri 11 1 11 :1 11 Writing from Cat:tonna says : it is an cAigant country. :rite heti bugs are as big as Ilitiitar put. , alltile the flcai ;11;0 used for crosting srseka with--oneliiii; and they tire over, with two Ott their hacks. A country girl in writing home about the "Polka," says the 'timing is not. much, but the "hugging is"buttyettly." That Toting inds should certainly bc dieted ! HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1850. lELJNAWAY MATCHES. lom Tut NEW YORK ORGAN. Our readers mast have noticed before now that the tone of remark mid fi•cling with which clandes tine marriages are commented upon in conversation and by the press generally, is ono oflevity and un disguised satisfaction. It is commonly regarded as one of the best jokes, if a foolish daughter of fifteen M. sixteen years of age succeeds hi outwit ting father and mother and runs off with a com parative stronger. Editorial wit is taxed to its ex tremest capability to render rediculous the distress and anxiety of the bereaved father, as he follows his wandering child. And if fortune favOrs the runaways, and the knot is tied before the parent eau interpose a warning word, the general joy is rapturous. It is a triumph of young lobe over stern, unsympathising, tyranical house-hold au thority, which calls for the merriest celebration.— Or, if the idea should occur to any one that all is not quite right in such cavalier treatment of parents it is soon apologized for by the sage observation,' that young folks will be young folks. Take it all in all a stranger to our manners and customs would be likely to infer that parental rule and council implied something very dreadful and oppressive and that the young ladies of the 11001 were held iu home bondage of the Most unjust and ungenermtl character. At the risk of being regarded as very sill fash ioned, we shall nevertheless acknowledge that we rarely can see anything of the nature of a good joke in a clandestine or. runaway wedding.• We confess to a feeling of sadness and evil foreboding when we hear that a young girl who is a mere child has made up her mind to repudiate the love dnd anxious care of the mother who bore her, and of the father who had cherished her as his life ; that she had turned her face away from the alter of home, from the nest of her infancy, and put herself into the bands of a man whom her parents dam not trust. . We need hardly remark that marriage is the great event of woman's life, from which all other events take their coloring. If she err here, her whole life is one of unavailing penance, or scalding tears, of sharp blighting Borrow. She cannot go back and undo her fault ; she dare not look to the future, for it is all fiessolato to her. These things being so it follows that a young lady should yield her hoe and heart only after the most prudent and cantimis.forethought. She should avail herself of thomisdom and experience of those who love her, and above.all, of her parents, and, after, all she will feel that the chances are sufficiently numerous that she may still snake an unwise choice. But in most clandestine marriages, the girl is a child, ignorant of the world; without experience; deficient in judgement; her mind probably filled with false notions mid fanciful day-dreams, derived from novels and romances. She meets a young man at a party, or a ball, or, no matter where, who seems interested in her, and she is flattered by his 4parent admiration. No conducts her home; calls on her. the next day;. repeats his call, and they aro thenceforth in love, if they wore not at the first glance. They have become the Romeo and Juliet of what is a play in the outset Sat a tra-. gedy in its close. The incompetence of the young girl to estimate the character of her lover is pert:vett) , apparent to every one but herself. It is enough fOr her that he appears to love her sincerely and ardently. He prOposes marriage to her, and is probably accepted without vat:volc° to parents. He entreats that nu early day may be nained for their mien. If there is any doubt of her parents' concurrence, this is granted, too; and if parental objections threaten to interpose, an elopement iathe next question ag itated and agreed to. They are consoled'by the thought that there is something romantic in a Bum way match ; and that suet' things are ratherpraised than condemned; and besides, after it is all over it trinket be difficult to make up with father and mother. A reflecting woman would see that the young man who suer for her love without the sanction of her parents, gives prima Judei evidence that something is wrong ,about him; something that shuns the light and fears investigation. A woman in her right mind would say "My parents I know and confide in ; they Jove. me and my hap phiess ; their lot is bound up with mine, so that if I err, they , will be wretched. They shall be my counsellors. I will not trust my own too partial eye to investigate any lover's character, and I will refer to thorn." Such would be any prudent girl's course, and such a course would seldom, if over, end in an elopement. But such is not the course of that large class of young girls onus figure in runawaymatches. And the consequence is that such girls ration easy prey to the thousands of genteel good looking loaf ers, worthless, portionless and heartless vagrants who -ontrive to keep up a respectable exterior by preying upon society. While we write these lines we think of the mul titudes of once young, thoughtless girls, who hail fhllen into such hands mid found after a few months of married life, their'terrible mistake. They sea wines it is too late—they nestles when there is no remedy fur it, that they have plunged into an abyss of Misery; instead of stopping into a heaven of earthly bliss, and new , •Casting thchnselves ones more upon the parental bosom, exclaim in a con cert .of agony "Would to God wq had, .never watulned hence I" er "Papa, have giins got legs?" "No, Jamett.'+ "I low do tl,cy kick; thch ti rduinq... Alikp :ova tikiy kick with their breeches. irsr.Sam Slick lap that goTtiTigin have is s me what liko guttipg *Oa. nu more a 4iLtr Slit. woreitv 3x0W4,t0• TIM GMTY'S BEEF STORY. On a trip up the Tennessee'river, Jim and his crew got out of meat. They.could. not think it fair play to.he without meat in .a cane country, where there were so many fat cattle. So as usual they selected the best andihttest beef they could that They obtained one that would weigh about seven hundred pounds, which was neatly dressed and taken on hoard. About three hours afterwards, fourteen men came down to the boat with rifles, charging Jim with having stolen a beef. Jim did not show tight. The crew paid no attention to what was going on —some were sitting on the running boards, with their feet dangling in the water—several were ing upon deck on blankets—every one seemed dull and stupefied. Jim was seated on the bow of the boat, his head resting on his hand, when he was again assailed. "I say, your men have been stealing the best beef in all these parts." "There must be some mistake," replied Jim very quietly. "Yes, yes, we know there are strangers here, on this very boat—they have beef on board, and we will have it off." "The boat is open, go look for yourselves, gen tlemen, but you will find a mistake sartin—bet go and sati.,fy yourselves•on that point." "That we will," said they, "and in an instant have the beef." • •• So at it they Went I first having placed three men .48 a guard, to see that the crew did not ploy some trick. The others mode a search by rolling mid re-rolling everything in th bovt, and still no beef wt* foiled. One fellow declared that they had left no place unscarehed, where the four quarters of a cat could he hid, let. alone a big ox. The same gravity was preserved by Jim. He wished the giintlemen to be "perfectly satisfied." The fact was, while the crew was skinning the beef, one of them discovered a man watching them from behind a tret They took no notice of it, but when they came to the boat, they told Jim.— Up scratched his head a little while, and tLenpre pared for just such a visit as he received. He placed the four quarters of beef on the deck of the boat, and spread the bide over them—on this he spread all she blankets, and four men lay down on these blankets. Jim, as before stated, was on the bow of the boat, continually wishing the gentlemen to be satisfied, "but they would find a mistake, sartiu." .As the beef limiters proceeded with their search Jim continued to urge upon them the importance of a strict search. "Look about and be satisfied, gentlemen—look where you please—but there is one thing I must ask of you, not to disturb them there sick men.— We buried two yesterday with the small pox, and them there four men arc very sick—very sick, in deed, gentlemen, and I must beg of you nut to dis turb them. It is always the worst thing you can do to disturb a sick mau, especially if he be near • his last—it kind o' makes the blood fly to the head to be disturbed," &c, But long before Jim bad closed his speech ho had no listeners. If ever there were pale faces, fallen jaws, and ghastly looks among a set of men, it was about that time and place. They moved elf without speaking a word; and thus Jim lost his visitors and kept the beef. CMPR rncot 'ME "ALBANY DIVITIVRAN."- Good men may change—had men don't. Time wi!l tarnish the hest of steel—but who ever saw brass rust? A scamp 'may join the church forty times, but you will never learn him to fore go the luxury of cheating. The only habits a rogue changes when he experiences religion are those made by his tailor • The 'best crop a man can raise; after all, is a crop of children ; provided he only - educates them properly. WO known friend of ours who derives a revenue of sixteen hundred dollars from four boys, which is a better yield than . any farm in the country turns in. Asa matter of money, therefore, matrimony is among the most productive pursuits that men and; women can engage in A FAIR NM RENCC.-Tltat when you see a man and woman walking a great ways apart, they are husband and wife. WI7 'a people are courting, they are rolled up into' Inc another like n pair of gloves.— Many them, howeVer, and they repel each other, as do each particular hair on the head of him who has an electrifying machine attached to his cassi meres Nine o'elocl , is never so long a-cotn ing as when a girl is sitting up for her bean. To make moments holirs; all that is necessary is to mix them with.a little jealousy MEN aro as easily Con& as cat-fish. All that's required is a difference in your bait. If you would notch a yoUng•Man for instance bait with a petticoat. if yen are oiler an old Sinner, fasten on your hook a doubloon AN Norman/v.—. Bill give me a bite of apple and I will show you my sore toe." Of course Bill did It—for such on overture could not be resisted. A Czrtr, REQUEST.—An old lady observing a sailor go by her door, and supposing it to be her Billy, cried' out to him, 'Dilly where is my cow gone?' The sailor replied, in a contemptuots manner, 'gono to the d—l, for what I know.' 'Well, as you Oro going that way,' said the old woman, wish you would just let down the bars.' 0 - If life be a ba . ttic, how mad must he he who fails to arm himself for the contest. If life be a sterns, how infatuated is he who sleeps while his bark driven amid unknown Witter's: If life he a pilgrimage, how all:wise is who strays from the right road nor seek, to retara until the tWllight shailoas gather route! his patinray. 114 , We have :welt the ttuttlgtapit of tlµ bla,k• sittith uh..) the Largeness of SouL Belfislmess is too common in our world. We do not feel that our neighbor has a claim upon us, and we a claim upon him. We are all sensitive enough about our own interests, but blind to those of others; and if we all knew and felt the mutual relationship by which society is interwoven togeth er, and could recognize the nearness of interest which exists between us, human society would be unlike what it is at present. Ile generous tong around you; the example will haven reflex power, and at some future time it may tell powerfully up on your life. Let the influence of your whole soul be felt in fitvor of a noble benificenee—deal justly but whenever occasion offers do not be backward to assist the deserving. It matters not that you never received such assistance—it would have been like water to your thirsty soul; and then it is in your power to give it to another. Your good deeds may tell on a coaling generation. The man and woman who tossed coppers to the poor student in the streets of Erfur had little thought they were aiding hint who should be the agent in sending a thunderbolt into the Vatican which would shiver the foundations of the papal throne, and rend the night of despotism and gloom. When a faithful Sunday school teacher invited the ragged Sabbath breaker into the doors of the Sunday school, and gave him decent garments, he littlo thought he Was laying the train by which the millions in Chi na would receive the Bible through the hands of a Morrison. ,Atul when George house, of, whom Franklin speaks in his personal narrative, brought, the "eonntryman with his five shillings," he knew not that the printer was only the earthly devetope ment of one of the greatest philosophers of modern times. - Be noble, be generous—and yon tiny live to know that you have cheered another Franklin, and multiplied your influence as did Geo. House, in his hands—for as Franklin observes, the grati tude he felt towards House, often made him more ready than perhaps ho would otherwise have been to assist young beginners. Jokes upon Scripture. It is very common with some persons, to raise a laugh by means of some ludicrous story connec ted with a text of Scripture. Sometimes it is a play on the words, a pun ; at other times, a blun der; and not seldom, downright impiety. Wlutt ever he its form, oven when lightest, it is no to vial offence, leading as it does to prattle eon , tempt of God's word. Those who practise this, have never been celebrated for genuine wit. The laughter which.they call forth is provoked solely by the unexpected contrast between the solemn words of Scripture and some droll idea. There is no real wit in the case ; and the flattest persons in society are most remarkable for these attempts. The evils arising from this practice are greater titan appear at first. It leads, in general, to ir reverence for Scripture. No man would jest with the dying words of his father or mother ;*yet the words of God arc quite , as solemn. When we have heard a comic or vulgar tale connected with a text of Scripture, such is the power of associa tion, that we never hear the text afterwards with out thinking of ajest. The effect of this is obvi , out. lie who is much engaged in flats kind of false-wit, will come at length to have a large por tion of holy Scripture spotted over by his unclean fancy. Beware of jesting with sacred things. Shun the eotnpany of any one who practises this, as you would shun a loathsome disease. Frown upon every attempt to provoke your smile by such means.—Christain Messenger. Salting Straw. As the period is at hand for thrashing out grain it might be well to remark—particularly to those living in a region where the hay crop was short— and the use of the straw for fodder becomes impor tant—that a great inducement to animals to eat it freely, is to salt it in moving away in the barn, or in stacking. The animal requirement for salt "will canoe them to eat freely of straw every day ; pro wired their hay is not salted, and they are not pro vided for otherwise. A large amount of straw may, by this course, be made available for sustain ing animals, and an extra conversion into manure ' he produced. It is a had practice to salt all hay put into the barn, as the animal economy only requires it at stated periods. In salting hay, only the poorer and coarser sort should be served, and when all their food is thus prepared, animals are apt to loathe it and sometimes it produces scours. When straw is properly salted, the animals should be fed with hay, allowod free access to tho straw stacks, or have it fed out once u day.— What they do not oat goes into manure, and forms litter for the animals, and an absorbent for the li quid droppings. Smoking Potatoes. A Correspondent of the Cultivator, writing (*rota Green Bay, Wisconsin, says have been in formed by a gentleman of lay acquaintance, that ho stopped his potatoes from rotting by smoking them. After the potatoes were dug and placed in the cellar, (an out door cellar) he built a smoke and coiainned it eight or ton days, when the aba ci] parts dried up, and the'test of the potato re mained good and sound 'throughout the winter.— The remedy was discovered by placing tire iu on uudnishod cellar to prevent the vegetables from timing—immediately atter which it was found that the potatoes stopped rotting. 110 soys be lots tried the experiment for throo years past, and he hos never known it to fail.t' •14 1 . CARP: Glia.s.--.15'011, iorreet creature •Why, I think the would du, if the—' 'lf wi tit, Trunk 'lf .sl,c eat ortioy,!' VOL. XV.--NO. 45. A Rich Love Letter. The following admirable hit at those love-sick swains who indulge in an extravagant prodigality of honeyed . words awl hyperbolic phrases, when addressing their duiciocas, we take fana the Aber deco (Miss.) Imiependent. Such a rich piece of literature should be preserved: Arun., Ist, }no, Most trancentlent and egregious Miss: Would that my pen were dipped in the dyes of the rainbow, plucked from the wing of an angel and mended with the prayer of an infants wit I then I might expect to paint the burning briginnesofthat flame which thy thrilling eloquence has enkindled. Thou sunbeam of sentiment! soft moon-light •of modesty ! thy voice is as gentle as the first stirring of an -infant's dream—thy step light as the silken footed zephyr which fanned with the wing of per fume the new-born paradise—thine eyes are two brilliants, stolen from a seraphic crown•-thy lips are riven rose buds, moistened by the honey dew of affection—thy words are like drops of amber— thy teeth are snow flakes sot in a bed of verbena. Sweet spirit of camphor, double distilled essence of hontorpathy, sOurkrout of my hopes, sauce of my thoughts, buttermilk raisin's of my fancy, tiger filly of innocence, logwited of perfection—thou art the julep of my dreams, ginger-pop of my walking visions, and -cherry bounce of my recollections.— Then nit as harmless as a tiger, handsome as au elephant, melodious as the lion, meek as the hye na, spotted as theleopaol, bright as the struggling snrezing snn-light, massing the mortal cracks atm old barn loft, or a greened streak of blue lightening churned to consistency in the milky way, pepper ed with a shower of turnip tops, comets, and per coon roots front the crust of eternity. The onion - of the Soul ! pickled pumpkins ! preserved crab of the garden llesperide. Thy glance is as melting as old butter in =Muer time—thou art a drop of water froth the cup ofthe gods, or the juice of a rotten pine apple. GREGORY. Courting by Book, A gentleman sends to the lady of his affections, in another part of the country, a Bible, with the leaf turned down at Romans, Chapter 1, from the 9th to the 12th verses: "For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son, that without coos in I mako mention of you always in my prayers, tasking request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of Cod to come to you, for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift to the end that you may be established. That is, that I may be comforted together with you, by the mutual faith both of you mid me." In return for which the lady transmits a Bible to her lover, with the 18th verse of the 14th Chapter of St. Luke, Marked t "I pray thee have me excused." Perjury and 'Marriage Brokerage: It seems that marriage brolterage in a small way, as well as perjury, has been Perpetrated in Cin cinnati, Henry Weis had a sister thirty-five, and quite deaf, and through the agency of a Mr. and Mrs. ;Winston, who were to receive twenty-five dollars therefor, James Weil, aged twenty-five, agreed to marry her for two hundred dollars and the fttrniturc of a house. On these terms the rear ringe was solemnized. Subsequently a difficulty arose between the parties, and the brother claimed the furniture, and swore it was his. Tho husband proved the contract, and the brother has boon hold to bail on the charge of perjury. • Cr The Queen of England has been visiting the peasantry and delighting her subjects by her condescending manners. She lately went into the cottage of an old woman who was smoking a pipo ; Am brought the Queen a stool and began to enter tain her royal visitor. On another occasion, the Queen wont to another farm house, spoke very freely to the "gude wife" and children, and final ly took a "drop out of the bottle" to the good health of the fitrmer and his family. n, is said that fifteen hundred fugitive slaves, from various parts of the South, have concentrated in the neighborhood of Cazenovia in ;cow York. Er" Why did Adam bite the rtpple ?" ticked Sabbath School mistress of a bright little fellow of six years old. Cause raid the pupil, 'he hadn't gut as knife to cut it with. tar One of the hairs left in the •hoad-hrush of Miss Lind at Now York, has keen sold for Oman thousand fire hundred and seventy-seven dollars and seventy-Ill'e cents. "Cheap enough far such goods." : inr There is a negro woman in Walter minty Texas, 110 years of age. It is a remarkable fact that the oldest persons in the Southern States,ac cording to the census now being taken, are either nogroes or mulattoes. GUNERAL SCOTT.—The Whigs of Michig,ait, at their recent State Convention, adopted resolu tions in favor of Major Gononil Winfield Scott, at dm Whig candidate for Prosident in lito canvas,: of 1852. • eirA clicatuueo burnt into a Bowl of tours af ter ►te had hoard the statement of hie coitneil,...ex claiming,,..l did not think 1 had sulfured half so much till 1 heercl it this day." ! Californizt must he tho pinee fur needle W 61.11. A seamsteßs Arrlteslo her hi other in St. Lucie, that she gets sixteen dollar for making it Inay's plain dress. 434 - - Amin Bey has rtutlori4e(l the editor of the Boston Christian Watelimail to sat tlAht ho Its. lint orw wifo, tar Never ex . peet auatLitil t ~u 4 ;Nit will have to weep over disuppititittelit.