For the Huntingdon Journal. Mount UniOri Encampment , _ _ , k Ma. EDITOR.-After what has appeared in the Ledger, of the 21st inst., in regard to a military encampment, recently held at Mt. Union, in this County, I deem it my duty, as a member of one of the companies composing the encampment, to make a statement of facts relative to the matter, lest by our hitherto silence, and what has emana ted from the pens of one or two individuals with prejudiced minds, an unfavorable impression may be produced in the minds of the community. 'rho encampment it is tree, comparatively speak ing, was small, only four companies being in at tendance, but this circumstance had no tendency to frustrate the object of our assemblage. The military rules and regulations of soldiers quartered ',II such occasions, were strictly observed and en liseed. And systematic battalion exercise was had every &yet regular hours, in connection with which there was daily company drill. So that, as regards acquisition of knowledge in military sci once, I think ho' Soldier-returned home dissatisfied. I I The greatest good feeling pervaded the entire bounds, anti no disorderly conduct was exhibited at any time. When on duty, every member was orderly and attentive, and all the officers 'faithfully discharged their duty. A goodly number of the ,oldiers boarded themselves in their tents; the rest boarded at Mr. Hollidal's Hotel, a few steps from the ground. But all were required to lodge in their tents, without reference either to rank or standing. This gave us a faint idea of a soldier's life, but it appealed to be perfectly congenial with the feelings of all. But notwithstanding the rigid ity and exactness of the rules by which we were governed, I never saw a set of men whet enjoyed themselves more, on any occasion, than did the soldiers of our recent encampment. Our next encampment will occur at this place, sometime during the coming Spring, when a great number of companies will be present; and if the writer of the Ledger can make it convenient to at tend, we certainly will not overlook hint in the presentation of our arms, in honor of the very high reputation he has acquired in our section of the country, by his recent effort in our behalf. All the author said is a tissue of lies. There were no companies present uniformed as ho described them. True, we are not dandies, nor city gentlemen, but we are honest and work for our living. Huntingdon, Oct. 25, 1850. • s. e. 0. A New STATE.—The Green Bay Advocate says that the people of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are agitating the project of separation from the State, awl the formation of a new State. MARRIED. On the 24th inst., in this place, by the Rev. L. P. Hawes, Rev. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Pastor of the Presbyterian church, in Alexandria, to Miss MAR GARET A. Minix, At ihnTislinrg, on the 20th inst., Rec. J. H. Coit, Mr. ELISHA PECK, of Tioga county, to Miss REBECCA UARRETSON, of York county. On the 17th inst., by Bev. J. F. Mesick, Trrrs TAYLOR Won Tit, Esq., Editor of the "Lebanon Courier," to Miss MARY ELLEN, daughter of Dr. J. W. Wiestling, of Harrisburg. [We congratulate friend' WORTH on the above happy event, and give him a most cordial welcome into the ranks of married blessedness. We may also congratulate the citizens of Lebanon on the hope they may now reasonably entertain of an in r Mtn of I Vora in their most worthy little county.] DIED. At Duncan's Island, of Consumption, on the 20th inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH DUNCAN, wife of Dr. Thomas Duncan, in the 27th year of her age. [How true it is, that "afflictions never come singly." But a few months since, death entered the family of Dr. Duncan, and his widowed mother was taken from him; soon after, he followed his four children to their last lonely resting place, and now we are called upon to record this last and heaviest affliction. In the midst of his sore afflic tions, however, the grief-stricken husband has the sweet consolation of knowing, that though the cold winds sweep unfeelingly over the lonely resting places of the loved and lost, their happy spirits have soared aloft to a better world, where "the weary arc at rest," and where they will tune-their golden harps, and forever sing praises to Dim who is "the fairest among ten thousand." MOSEY MATTERS. Philadelphia Bates of Discount. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Philadelphia Banks • • par Lebanon, par Pittsburg, par Chinn bersburg, Germantown Pat t icttysburg, Chester County, • • • • par Middleton, Delaware County, • • • par Carlisle, Montgomery Co., • • • pan! larrisburg Northumberland •• • • piu'llunesdale, 11 Col. Bridge Co, • • • •parl Wyoming par Reading par Erie Bank, I lancaster, par,' Waynesburg, Doylestown par Schuylkill Haven, • • • par Easton purl West Branch par Bucks County, par Belief Notes . 11 ro Bwnsville part " " new Issue • 1 Pottsville pan , State Scrip, Washington, 4 Pittsburg City Scrip • • 10 York, :, . Allegheny City, 25 Danville, pari Allegheny County,• • • 20 New Counterfeit. Lancaster Bank Pa,-s's, Relief, new issue.— The engraving is pretty fair and the general ap pearance of the note, with the exception of the pa per which looks as if varnished, quite good. They may however, be easily detected by observing that some of the letters of — Lancaster" touch the flow ers around the medallion at the left of the vignette, whilst in the genuine there is a considerableapace between all the letters anti the medallion. The letters in the names of the Engravers are not all of the same size iu the counterfeits. Farmers' Bank of Lancaster, Lancaster, Pa,-2's Roliot May be detected by noticing that the "o" at termination of "C 0.," m name of Engravers, nearly touches the "N" commencing New York on the bad note, whereas in the genuine the two let ters are some distance apart. THE MARKETS. --- PHILADELPHIA, Oct 26, 1850. The Flour market is quiet. A sale of 1000 bbls. a good brand, tit $4,87i and 200 bbls. west ern at same price. Sides to Ihe trade for $4,87 a $5, for continuo and select brands, and $2,25 a $5,50 fur extra. In Rye Flour and Corn Meal no transactions hate been reported. Grain--There is but a limited amount of Wheat oftbring, and prices steady; sales of prime Red at 61,05, and White at $1,12 per bush. Rye scarce —we quota Southern at 68 a 69 eta. Corn is scarce, and sales of Yellow have been made at 65 cents, at which price it is in demand. Oata dull at former rates-41 to 42 cts. Fins llf COLIIMIIii.—A fire broke out in Co lumbia, Pa., on Saturday afternoon, in a stable at the rear of the Columbia Batik. Seven or eight stables were burned. The Lancaster firemen went to their assistance. The fire was the work of an incendiary. TUNNELLING THE ALPS.—A Turin letter to the editor of the London times, says; "I am told that the great project of piercing the Mount Cenis for a monster tunnel, has been abandoned, and that a new line, connecting Liaise with the subsisting railroad from Genoa to Turin Is under consider ation." SEW AD ERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. MISS MARY A. MILLER, respectfully an nounces to the Ladies of Huntingdon, that she has just returned from the city with a splendid assortment of MILLINERY GOODS and FAN CY ARTICLES, of the very latest, richest and most fashionable styles. She invites the Ladies to call and examine her beautiful and fashionable BONNETS, and TRIMMINGS, and splendid as sortment of FANCY GOODS, as front the extent and variety of her stock, she feels confident of be ing able to please, both as to quality and price. air THE MILLINERY BUSINESS is car ried on in all its various branches, and all orders will be thankfully received and attended to with promptness. Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1850.-3 t. DR. M. STUART, HAVING located in Huntingdon, offers his pro fessional verviees to the citizens of the town and vicinity. Office in the new brick row, oppo site Dr. Henderson's. Oct. 20, 1850.—at. "Music Hath Charms." ;IMITH has just received, at the Huntingdon Book Store, a choice assortment of MUSIC BOXES, VIOLINS, ACCORDEANS and GUI TARS, with Preceptors. These instruments are of a superior quality, am! produce a "concord of sweet sounds' , that hill upon the ear "Like the sweet south upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odor." Oct. 29, 1850. "STAND FROM UNDER I" FOR fear you will be crushed by the avalanche of Fall and winter Goods which J. & W. SAXTON have just received and opened for public inspection and purchase, at their store in Huntingdon, so celebrated for their cheapness and variety. The crowds assembling at their store daily, are only equalled by the numbers nightly rushing for seats at a Jenny Lind Concert I We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establish ment in the country. If you don't believe this assertion, "just drop in, you won't intrude," and verify it by examining qualities and prices. To enumerate in detail all the articles we have for sale. would occupy too much space in the paper, to the exclusion of "marriages," always so interesting to the fairer portion of our nu merous customers. We will mention but a few. We have For the Ladies, (first in our es teem, and "first in the hearts of their country men,") Long Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Silks, French Merino, Alpacas, Bonnet Ribbon, Cash mere de Lanes, Jenny Lind Cloth, Ladies' and Children's M u ffs, &c. &c. with every desirable article of DRESS GOODS. B7* - The Ladies will not forget that their de partment is confined to the store on the corner, opposite Coats' Hotel. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of the above article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have the very best, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine ter yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. 3" We will receive and store Grain, also, and pay the highest market prices, and it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient place to unload Grain in and about town. J. &. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1820. SALT AND PLASTER for ante by J. Sr W. SAXTON. [Oct. 29, 1830. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. ACAMPBELL, Land Agent at Lasalle, II • linois, has opened a general Land Agency for Middle and Northern Illinois, and Southern Wis consin, where he will attend to the purchase and sale of Improved and Unimproved Lands, payment of Taxes, Location of Mexican Land Warrants, making selections for those who may he entitled to Bounty Lands under the late act of Congress, and generally to all business connected with a general Land Agency. . Having completed arrangements whereby per sons wishing - to procure lands in this fertile and rapidly improving portion of the West, can do so at the minimum price of $1,25 per acre, without the expense and risk of travelling there, any per son who may pay to my Agent, James Maguire, at Huntingdon, the sum of two hundred dollars, will have one quarter section (160 acres) entered in their name, (or as they may direct) for which they will receive the patent from the general Laud Of#ce at Washington city, in their name, clear of all charges. According to existing laws those lands are not tax able for 5 years from the date of the entry. Sat isfactory security will be given for all performances an my part, Lind' for the retimtling of the amount of the purchase, with 6 per cent., at the expiration of five years, to any person who may then be dis satisfied with the location. The canal from Chicago to Lasalle, at the head of Steam-boat Navigation on the Illinois River, the Railroad from Chicago to Galena, which is now in process of construction, and the Railroad from Chicago to Rock Island, on the Mississippi river, now completed to Aurora, some 30 miles west of Chicago, will pass through this country front East to West, and the great Central Raiiroad from Galena to the mouth of the Ohio river, pass es through it from North to South, for the con struction of which the late Congress appropriated a large amount of lend, thereby securing, beyond doubt, its speedy completion ; and there is no doubt in the mind of any person well informed upon the subject, but Chicago will be connected with all the Atlantic Cities by Railroad, in the course of from two to four years from this time, thereby enabling thmilies to emigrate to this country in the short space of from three to four days, from any portion of the East, without the riskof travelling by steam boat. Persons wishing to procure desirable homes for themselves and families, will do well to make application soon, as the amount of public lands is limited, and is being taken up tepidly by actual settlers. Any information desired, can be obtained from ISAAC FISHER, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. REFERENCES: KESSLER & BROTHER, Mill Creek, Huntingdon County, Pa. ALtotrum & DORBRY, Huntingdon, Pa. S. S. BLAIR, Esq., Hollidaysburg, Pa. Letters connected with the business may be addressed to A. CAMPBELL, Peru I'. 0. La salle Co., Illinois. Oct. 29, 1850.-3 m. VARIETY of articles too numerous to men tion for sale at Cunntlighalls's Grocery and sontectionary "Head Quarters." 4 GOOD ARTICLE of BRANDY and PORT WINE for invalids, for sale by ct. 1, MO. R. W. SMITH. Administrator's Notice. P.TTERSoi Administration have been grant ed to the undersigned, upon the Estate of Peter Showalter, sr. late of Penn township,Hun tingdon county, dec'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make pay ment immediately, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for set tlement. JACOB SHOWALTER, A8'.31., STATES, Oct. 29, 1850.-9 t.—pd. Administrators. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration have been gran ted-1-4 to the undersigned upon the estate of ANDREW M'NEAL, late of Morris township, deceased. All persons knowing themselves in debted are requeQted to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement, ASIITON R. M'NEAL, PERRY MOORE, Oct. 22, 1850.—pd. ; Administrators. Valuable Property at Private bale. TIDE subscriber will sell his farm at private sale, situated in Kishaeoquillas valley, about three miles . west of A Ilenville, adjoining lands of C. &Daniel Yoder, Samuel King and °there., containing 142 acres, about 125 acres of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.— The remainder is well tinibered. The improve ments are a large two story Stene House, good Log Barn, good Spring at .the door, good Spring House, and all other necessary out-buildings.— A first rate Apple Orchard of choice fruit, and only six miles from the Pa. Canal and Central Railroad. This farm is laid off in fifteen fields, with running, water in every field, and a running stream through the barn yard. This farm will be sold rens), able, as the subscriber is desirous of emigrating to the wes.. Oct. 22, 1850. JOSEPH MUSSER. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. to me directed, will be exposed to sale on Monday the 11th day of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M,, at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, at public out-cry, the following de scribed property, viz: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, con taining about 100 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Henry Shunkwiler, John and William Smith, and others, having a two story log house and log barn thereon erected, from 40 to 60 a cres cleared, some fruit trees on the premises. I Seized, taker in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Beightal. ALSO—AII that certain tract or parcel of land lying on Stone Mountain, in Jackson township, containing 437 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Kobert Cummins and others warranted in the name of Jonathan Priestly, having no in, provement thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F. A. Jen nings. ALSO—AII defendant's right, title and inter est, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in I3arree township, Hunt ingdon county, containing about 100 acres more or less, adjoining lands of Alexander Livingston, Joshua Greer and others, having thereon erected a small log house, log horn, having about 00 or 60 acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Living ston. ALSO—AII thatcertain parcel or tract of land situate in West township, containing about 150 acres more or less, adjoining Janus of John Stry ker, John Neff, and others, having thereon erect ed a two story brick dwelling house, frame barn, about 110 acres cleared, a good young apple or chard on the premises. Also, all that certain parcel or tract of land situate in West township adjoining lands of Mark M'Donald, Robt, Moore and others, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, barn, part cleared, being the same tract of land purchased by defendant from John Lang. Also, all that certain tract of unseated land situate in West township, lying along Tussey Mountain, adjoining Dorsey's heirs, John Land and others. Also, all that certain unseated tract of land situate in Huntingdon county, containing 300 acres, lying along Tussey Mountain, adjoining the a bove mentioned tract and others. Also, one other tract of unseated land situate in containing about 200 acres, lying along Tussey Mountain, adjoining the above mention ed tract and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Edwin F. Sho enherger. ALSO—AII that certain piece or lot of ground situate in Tod township, Huntingdon county, containing 15 acres more or less, adjoining lands of Edward Anderson, Henry Roods having there on erected a two story log house, store house and frame stable, all cleared. Also, 150 acres of unseated land situate in same township, ad joining lands of Philip I3arnitt, Jesse Cook and David Blair,Esq. Seized, taken in execution, and to be ld as the property of John P. Baker. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Farina, will be sold on the day aforesaid, a tract of un seated land, in Jackson or Barree township, sur veyed inisame of John Wright, containing 401 acres, adjoining Jonathan Priestly, Jonathan Austin and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Proctor Cad willader, Mitch., Cadwallader, and Anna Maria Cadwallader, heirs of the late John Cad wallader, dec'd. - - ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of John Wood in and to that certain lot of ground situate in the Borough or Birmingham, Warriors mark township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lot of Jacob Yeager, fronting on Tyrone street, 66 feet and running back 166 feet to Vineyard alley, being No. 18 on the plan of said Borough, having a one and a half story frame plastered dwelling house thereon erected. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff. Oct. 22, 1830.-4 s. PROCLAMATION. W HEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of Aug. A. D. 1850, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Com mon Please, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliver{' of the 20th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria, and the Hon. James Gwin and John Stewart, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death - and other offences, crimes and misde meanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated fur crimes aforesaid —.l am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole baliwick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and- Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court blouse in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 11th day) of November next, and those who will prosecute the said pris oners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace. Coronors and Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respect fully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 12th day of October in the year of our Lord 1850, and the 74th year of American Independence. MATTHEW CROWNOVER, Sb'ff. October 22, 1820. PROCLAMATION. W unricss, bye precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the coon• ty of Huntingdon, bearing test, the 24th of Aug., 1830, 1 am commanded to make Public Procla mation throughout my whole baliwiek, •hat a court of Common Pleas, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the Monday (and 18th day) of Nov., A. D., 1850, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which remains undetermined before the said Judges, when and whom all jurors, witnesses nod sutl ers, in the trial oral{ inane are required. Dated at Huntingdon the 12th of October, in the year of our Lord 1850, and the 74th year of American Independence. M. CItOWNOVI:Is, Sheriff. • October 22, 1850. LAIL AM) IMPURTANT NEWS! .•Now the, burly burly's done ) Now the battle's lost and won." THE"noise and contusion" attendant 'iron the election, having subsided, the public will now have time to visit the PEOPLE'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, which has just been supplied with the largest, most beautiful, aiid cheapest assortment ot READY MADE CLOTHIMi ever brought to Huntingdon, coneisting in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Overcoats and Cloaks Sack Coats, Pants and Vests of the latest an d richest putterns. The remarkably LOW PRICES at which Clothing can and will be sold at the People's Cheap Store, cannot fail to 'Menet purchasers. THE FANCY DEPARTMENT embraces every variety of Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Caps, Umbrellas, Flannel Skirts and Drawers, Handkerchiefs, Gloves &c. &c. REGULAR CUSTOM WORleattended to as usual. A large assortment of beautiful Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings constantly on hand, at the PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE, which will be made up to order, at short notice, and in the very best style of workmanship. GREAT INDUCEMENTS are offered to purchasers. Those who visit SNYDER'S estab lishment, and examine his magnificent stork of Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade, will be convinced that it is the interest of every man, who studies E; onomy, or.who values his appear ance in society, to purchase his Clothing ut the PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE.. 0 come, caine away, No longer delay, 'Tis time to prepare for the Fall. Some thick clothing buy, For cool weather is nigh, So repair to Ss YDEIt'S Cheap Hall! Good Clothing you'll find, That's just to your mind, And CHEAP as good Clothing can be. Then come one and all, To the People's Cheap llall, And purchase good clothing of one. JACOB SNYDER. Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1850. MILNWOOD ACADEMY. IiOARDINt." SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. SHADE GAP, HUNTINUDON COI 'NT V, PA.— Rev. J. Y. APGintte.g, A. 211., unit J. 11. Ir. IPPGinnes, A. M., Principals. The Winter Session will commence on the first Wednesday of November, 1850, to continue five mouths.— The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the stu dies of a profession, and the active business of life. The Academy building is new, commo dious, and in every way adapted to the accom modation ot a large number of boarders... The location is distinguished for its healthfulness, and the moral and religious character of the sur rounding community. It is easy of access, be ing on the stage route connecting Chambersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. TEEMS PER SESSION,— For Orthography, Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, &c., $8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin languages, $l2; French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week.— For reference, or further particulars, address JAMES Y. M'GINNES. Shade Gap, Oct. 15, 1850. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to ail persons concer• ned, that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance at an Orphan's Court, to be held at Huntin. don, in and for the county of Huntingdon,. Wednes day the 13th, day of November next, to wig: 1. Isaac Moreland, administrator oh Thomas Moreland, late of Springfield township, dec'd. 2. James Chamberlain, administrator of Mar tin Gates, late of Franklin township, dec'd. 3. James Gillam, administrator of Dr. John Rankin, late of Barree township, deed. -I. James Stewart .d George Wilson, admin istrators of David Jackson, late of Jackson town ship dec'd. 5. Joseph Park and william Crotsly, adminis trators of John Miller, late of Cass township, dec'd. 6. John Owens, Esq.,administrator of David Garrett, late of the orough of Birmingham dee'd. 7. Daniel Massey, administrator of Mathias Lightner, late of Barree township, dee'd. 8. William Mitchell, administrator of James Mitchell, late of 'l' ell township, ilec'd. 9. James S. Reed, administrator of James Ramsey, late of the Borough of Alexandria dec'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register, Resisters office, Hul'aingdon, Oct. 15, 1850 LATEST ARRIVAL' GEORGE GWIN has just received and opened the largest and most splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS V:ver offered to the people of Huntingdon coi , ..ity, and is prepared to sell at such remar n gably LOW PRICES as must induce everv; i ody to buy. His stock has been setcteCl with great care, with a view to cheaimess and good quality, and comprises, in ;:art, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian airl4 Fancy cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Ore,, , en and Tweed cloths, Vestings, Flannels, and Drillings, and a variety of cotton goods for summer wear; Mouslin de Laines, Alpaccas, French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawls and Handker chieis, Merinos, Calicoes of the newest styles and at low prices, Earlston, French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Bed Tickings, Muslins, Sheetings, &c. Having heretofore been honored by a large patronage irom the Ladies ' he hiss procured the most elegant assortment of Lathes' Dress Goods ever brought to the interior 01 the State. Also Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Queens ware, and a great variety of goods of all kinds. In short he is prepared to offer Or-at Bargains to those who favor him with their custom. All are invited to call and judge for themselves.— It affords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. C1(7" All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. 0rt.15, -1850 G}O. GWIN D. PI. GILDEA, SURGEON DENTIST AND JEWELER Nrzasnumg, HUNTINGDON C 01,3 Y. August 13, :6g0,-2m. LIST OF LETTERS, REMAININO in the Post Office, et Hunting. don, October let, 1850. A Lott Mrs Nancy Ayres Miss J. B. Loydd Miss Mary A Ayres Miss Site DI Artist Daguerrean Mahoney John 2 13 Matthew George Burnside Col. Jas. Montgomery Mr Bond Mrs. Ann M. M'Cue John 3 Bugg Elizabeth M'Calie Wm Bale Washington M'Corkell Alex Bullock Jacob Muudorl Win Brady Miss Amv 2 Morningstar Adam Birckhead Sand. J. M'Cue Adam Baum Jno. Moyer Mr C WDonnell James Cowden Chas. 2 Montgomery Henry L Corbin Jo,. Marshall Wesley Cronin Jim. Miller Miss Mary A Canfort Jesse M'Kalip Hobert Campbell Robert E. Ma eruken Joseph elMell Mr. D. M'Miller Joseph Curilloy Mary Jane Martin Josepha (.' happel John. Myna' Wm Calebs Mr. Miller li E Curbit Michael N P Cox Mr. Norton E A Coleburn Win. Pierce J A Conway Wm. Q U 11) Quin Edusard 2 Davenport Win. Esq. ]tourk William Donne! C. W. 0. Thus di Campbell Denniston John T 14 Dutly James Shepherd John Duff Col I) 2 Sankey James I Mugherty John Schwier Margret Dunne 'llamas Stern Jacob Dooley Thomas Shedaker E 0 F Storolmtin Louisa Fetterly Jacob Sourer C G 2 Faireheld Rev Edward Smith Patrick Farrell llryan, Smith Lient Adam Foster James Smith Sarah J Hotel Henry Stitzer Wm 3 Flvntt Julia Stewart Alex G Slienefelt Abraham Waspy. Margaret Stiles Miss Frances E Gill John I) Spam& S L Green John A Stewart John Glasgo B F Mil Stewart Mary Good James S Smiley John Grille)* Patrick Stottllbr lance Llitspy Elizabeth Scofield Natlum Goodin' E 11_ Ilurtzman Wm Snyder Louis Iloist John Savage Catharine Iligl.t Mrs Mary Stoneliraker Wm. Hodges John Scott George 1 Itunpshire N Scott .1 11 Ilanimel James 2 Starks Miss Margaret Harris Eli Stitz It Hawn Michael Sweeter James Harris Wellington 2 Scallcv Bymard Ilaclin Frazer Copt Shive Miss Mary Jane Ilatchison James Sterns Samuel harper John I, Stitt Alexander I tarter Frederick T llires Mi,s Ma•y Thomas Wm Haley John Thompson John I Tisdale Charles Irvin James Taylor Isaac J Trever Mrs, Ann Jane David Thomas J E Jackson Mrs Jane Town John loses Jesse V Johnston Dan J Vandyke Henry If W Kirts Josiah Worthier Michael Krug Michael Wolverton Chas Kingman II J Walsh Ilvv J Keyser John S White Miss Ell en m Kinney John It Walls John 2 Kemp Miss Mary 2 Well I/r Francis Kelly Janes IV illiams Curlott Keller John Walters Harvey Kurtz Jacob Wood It \V Kepler& Stiver When Jacob L Warfel Harriet Leg,•rever Jacob Wall Rebecca Lightner J G Wittman J (I Persons enquiring for letters on the above list will please say they are advertised. civ 'Two cents in addition to the regular post. age charged an advertised letters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. Oct. 15, 1850.—dt. Who is the Owner ? CA ME to the premises of the subscriber, about the last of August, a RED STEER, with a few white spots on his face, supposed to be about three years old. The owner is requested to call, prove propety, pay charges, and take it away. Oct. 15, 1850.-3 t. REUBEN DUFF. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of the county of Hunting don, to distribute the balance in the humid of Anti Tolley, surviving Administrator of the Es tate of SAMUEL MYTON, lute of West town ship, deed., also the balance in the hands of William Myton, Samuel Myton and Jas. Stew art, Administrators of JOHN W. MYTON, de ceased, (who was, in his life-time, one of the Administrators of the said Samuel Myton, de reased,) belonging to the estate of the said Sam uel Myton, dec'd., amongst those entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that be will attend l'or the purpose above mentioned, on FRIDAY, the lAt day of November new, at his ofliee in the Borough of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think pro per. JOHN REED, Auditor. Oct. 1,1830.-5 t Auditor's Notice, Z EE undersigned Auditor, uPP.;:ated by the Orphans Coutt of Uuntinl;imil county, to distribute the balance in tie:, ', nin th ; o f John fJjest Administrator of the listate of ELIZA fIEI Et WILSON, lute of '..;arree township, in the coun ty of deceased, amongst those en titled to receive the same, hereby gives notice that :in will attend, Mr the purpose above men ,owned, at his office in the borough of Hunting don, on Saturday the day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when and where all persons interested spay attend if they think proper. . . JOHN REED, Auditor, Oct. 1, 1850.—.5t. School Teachers Wanted. Five School Teachers, to teach the Public Schools of Union Township. Applicants are re quired to teach all brunches of English education commonly taught in country schools. Application to be made to the undersigned, on or before the first of November. WM. PHEASANT, President, Of Board of school Directors. Union Township, Oct. 15, 1850.-3 t. Six Cents Reward! R AN away from the subscriber, in Peters burg, Huntingdon county, on the 2ith of August, a Mulatto Servant Girl, named Harriet Magraw. She is about 15 years of age, rather tall and good looking. All persons are warned against harboring said runaway. The above re ward will be paid to any person who will de-' liver her to me again. JNO. IRVINE. Petersburg, Oct. 15, 1850.-3 t.---pl. State Mutual Wire Insurance Co. of Ihnutsuirno, PA. Office at the Huntingdon Book Store. HORACE W. SMITH, July 23, 1830. Authorized Apra SNARE'S STEAM LINE .41kg544051 , cra4ll, 7- , " 1~ 4 I~ Ahead of all others wigs 11ew Clothing! T HE undersigned have just received and are now opening the largest and most splendid assortment of P ALL AND WINTER CLOTH ING ever brought to Huntingdon. Our new stock consists of black, blue, green and hi ow:i Frock and Dress Coats, from $0 to $l2, we, t. more money ; black, brown, drab and bine I • Coats and Sack Coats, iron $2,50 to isl,2. $l5; a fine assortment of Business e. . Jackets, black Satin and Figured V • • • mere and eassmet Pants. Sh.rts, Gloves, Stocks, Trunks and Carpet 1;ao,, all 0 which will be sold at auction prices. Mao, the latest styles of NEW YORK HATS and BOSTON BOOTS, the superior quality and low prices Cl MM.!) have astonished the world, dumb forrnlrd Queen Victoria, and brought Kirgs off their Thrones to purchase from Purchasers should BE WA RE OF IMPOSTERS who ask five prices ro their clothing, aril who allow themselves to be beat down to two prices. Such a system is certainly not in accordance with fair dealing, and will not be practised at the Hall of Fashion, ns leng as purchasers are opposed to the "five price" system. The HAr.s. or EssnioN has, after an existence of three years. won a character for selling good and fashionable clothing Cll. r, and it will en deavor to keep up that character, by selling at FURTH. IMUCCED PRICES. Sept. 3 1850.-3 m. B. &W. SNARE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT oapHANs , couar SALE. RI Y virtue elan order of the Or plian7s Court of 17 Huntingdon county, there will be'exposed to public sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock, on Friday, November 141, 1850, A TRACT OF WELL ceurivATEu LAND, late the estate of Anthony j. Stewart, (We'll., situate in Morris township, Huntingdon county, one mile west rum Water street, (formerly known as the Squire pro 11 pie perty,) containing l!ig Acorn, be the same n,ore or less, adjoining lands of William Hilemen, Su sannah Harnish, Adam Focht, uml others; hav ing thereon a two story house, log barn, and other small buildings, orchard of fruit trees, and several strong springs of limestone water. It is a valuable and desirable property, being of the best quality of limestone soil and hand somely situated. TRILAIS ne SALE -One third of the purchase money to be paid upon confirmation of the sale, the balance in two equal annual payments with interest from the confirmation of sale, to be se cured by bands and mirtgages of the purchaser. By order of the Court, 31. F. Cniartiant, Clesk. DAVID STEW ART, L. G. MTINGER, Adair, Sept. 24, 1830 CHEAP AND GOOD WATCHES, - EWELRY AND SILVER WARE, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. X 53, North fhird Street. Gold Lever Witiehes, full jeweled, 19 caret eases, $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches. kill jeweled, $l6 and over; Silver Lepine,kwel,d, $ll and over; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to $10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2; Geld Pencils, warranted, $1 and over. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des cription of Jewelry in like provort:on. He would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon county. that he has enlarged his establishment, and greatly increased his already extensive stock of good, which he now offers for sale at such prices that will strike terror to all competitors. Call and see me; I will charge you nothing for looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors North of our friend Hirst's City Hotel. THOS, READ, Jr. . 55, tVo , th Third Street. Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 1850. FALL lIIILLINI3II GOODS, TOIIN STONE & SONS, importers and deal ers in Silks, Ribbon.; and Mlllnery Goods, No. Ci &mat Second Street, Plaltutelphia.— Have received by late arrivals from France, a large and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be 'found Bonnet Velvets of all colors in variety of prices Satins , t Corded Velvets , t as u • • . _.„ •• Figured, water'd and corded Bonnet Goods. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortincht. French and Ameri,un Laces, Bonnet Tabs, CtoWns, Brickrnms; &c., togetl , er with a splendid assortment of Par is Fanny Feathers. The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest market prices. Phil:lda., Sept. 17, I' vr0 lin • Valuable Pl:,ilerly at PUblle Sale. 'llE subscribers Will sell at public sale, on tiie, on Thursday the 71k day of Nov next, at 1 O ' clock, P.JM.aTractnt Land, contain ing "°iacres, more or IeSS, situate and lying in l'enn Township, Huntingdon county, adjoining Lords of .fohn & Benjarnin (drove, lands of Jane Steel awl others, about On acres of which is cleared and in a griod state of eultivatioi:, the buildings thereon erected ore a 4,oud two story Log Dwelling IlMise, well finished, Log Dank &c. There is also a good apple orchard on the premises, no excellent spring of never failing water near the house, and the tract gen erally. is well supplied With water. The said tract of land is owned by the estate of Samuel Steel and jane Steel jointly. The said Jane Steel will attend on the day of sale herself, or by her agent, James Entrekin, Esq., for the purpose of ratifying and confirming sale of said land. TEsms.—.-One third of the purchase mo ney to b. paid on etinfirmation of sale ; the oth er, two thirds to be paid in yearly payments of five hundred dollars each, with interest thereon from etinfamation of sale, to be paid annually. Payments to be secured by bond and mortgage df purchaser. JAMES GIVIN, GEO. A. STEEL, Er'r3. ,Yamuel Sept. 17, 1810.—ts. Mr guile It issolution of Partnership. T HE. partnership heretofore existing between Elijah C. Gillairt Kt Wm. J. Franks, in tho Mercantile business, in Saulshure, Baru, town ship, Hunt. en., was dissolved by mutual con sent on the Ltd day of September, MO. The books and accounts are lett in the hands of Wm. J. Franks, at the otil stand, where all indebted are requested to call and settle immediately. ELIJAH C. GI LLAM, WM. J. FRANKS. Sept. 21, 1850.-34. NOTICE. NNOTICE is hereby given that the books, notes and unsettl,l accounts of tha subscribers are in the hands nf p %v v ., sNAR, 17,: q ., of Hun tingdon, fur settlement. All persons interested will please call at his office without delay, and thereby save posts. ORLADY & DEAN Sept. 17 1 1810.-31.—pt.