Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 15, 1850, Image 3

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    Remarkable Phenomena. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.
A heavy thunder storm visited Newark on Fri- I -----
day evening. The lightning struck the spire of 1 School Teachers Wanted.
the South Baptist Church, shivering the timbers ! Five School 'repellent, to teach the Public
at the top, and tearing of a part of the Out-iide tin - Schools of Union Township. Applicants are re
severing. The choir was practising in the church
(inked to teach all branches of kaiglish education
stunned . e A
lady sift me ing at a window in Cotta
ral of the mbers were momentarily
commonly taught in country schools. Application
street had her hand paralyzed by the same shoc k
to be made to the tuidersigned, on or before the
. e
Three workmen in a blacksmith shop were knock-
first of November.
WM. PIIEASANT, President,
*A down and stunned. A housein High street was 1
Of Board of school Directors.
also struck by the same clap. A correspondent
1 , Union Township, Oct. 15, 1850.-3 t.
of the Newark Advertiser says, in reference to this !
last instance: _ I LATE. &ND IMPORTANT NEWS!
The con doctor seemed entirely ion small for so
tremendous a chargeof electric fluid, which come
quently scattered from it to other conductors iu the
neighborhood, in the unusual globularform—balls
of fire bursting through the wall of a partition in THE "noise and confusion" attendant uron
the attic, and rolling about the floor in the presence the election, having subsided, the public
of the frightened occupants, in a most extraonli- will now have time to visit the PEOPLE'S
nary manner. Several of such balls also seemed i CHEAP CLOT lIING STORE, which has just
to tall on the roof outside, and to roll thence into ' been supplied with the largest; most beautiful,
the garden. But the most remarkable effects of a nd , cheapest assortment of READY MADE
the fightning were exhibited in the parlor, where
cLoTnlyo ever brought to Huntingdon,
were assembled several gentleman and ladies.— I
in part of Dress and Frock Coats,
The tremendous crash of the thunder startled every I consisting
; Overcoats and Cloaks, Sack Coats, Pants and
one, and immediately a portion of the charge, pas-
Vests of the latest and richest patterns. The
sing apparently down a flue in the centre of the !
house, darted through the room, filling the air with , remarkably LOW PRICES at which Clothing
an insupportable sulphuric odor, and scattering can and will be sold at the People's Cheap Store,
several of the sante fearful red hot balls, two of cannot fail to attract purchasers.
which seortehed one gentleman severely, and an- THE FANCY DEPARTMENT embraces
other singed off a great part of one lady's dress, every variety of Shirts, Collars, Suspenders,
while the shock had thrown several of them togeth- Hosiery, Caps,Umbrellas, Flannel Shirts and
er in a corner of the room. The electric fluid files ! Drawers, Handkerchief's, Gloves, &c. &c.
struck, overturned, and emptied a full cake basket : REGULAR CUSTOM WORK attended to as
and broke several strings of the piano -forte, before usual. A large assortment of beautiful Cloths,
accomplishing its fearful circuit. It then left a Cassimeres and Vesting constantly on hand, at
sorely terrified group, though all sincerely thank- the PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE, which will
ful that no lives were lost.' be made up to order, at short notice, and in the
very best style of workmanship.
Revolting Murder. GREAT INDUCEMENTS are offered to
ALBANY, October 2. purchasers. Those who visit SNYDER'S estab
lishment, and examine his magnificent stock of
10 years, children of G
On Saturday morning lust, two little boys, 6 and
Goods for the Fell and Winter Trade, will be
George Lester, who were
visiting their uncle, David Lester, of New Scot-
; convinced that it is the interest ofevery man,
land in this county, left house for the purpose • who studies Economy, or who values his appear
ance in society, to purchase his Clothing at the
of playing. After they had been absent about an !
hour, 1111 s. Lester, their aunt, went out to look for ; PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE.
them, but could not find them. Nothing strange ' 0 come, come away,
was thought of their absence, but it being prolong- No longer delay,
efl, their relatives became alarmed. Search was 'Tis time to prepare for the Fall.
ngain made, hut without success. Morning came Some thick clothing bay,
amd yet the children did not appear. The neigh- For cool weather is nigh,
hors were aroused, and a party of 200 or 300 corn- I So repair to SN enna's Cheap Hall l
rimmed a search. All etthrts were unsuccessful. I Good Clothing you'll find,
On Sunday morning, Monday, and Tuesday, the i 'flint's just to your mind,
search was prosecuted, without obtaining the i And CHEAP as good Clothing can be.
slightest clue of their whereabouts. This morning Then Caine one and nII,
they again commenced searching, and about one To the People's Cheap Hall, .
o'clock the body of the youngest was discovered And purchase good clothing of me.
near a creek within sixty rods of the house, in a JACOB SNYDER.
gully, covered with leaves, and a heavy stone res- Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1850.
stag on his head and chest. The place had been
frequently crossed while prosecuting . the search,
Lit nothing calculated to excite suspicions was any
where visible. When our informant left the scene
of this fiendish murder, no trace Inulbeen obtain
of the eldest child. Great excitement prevails in
the neighborhood, and who has committed the deed
or what led to its committal, is enveloped in it pain
ful mystery.
The Nightingale% Cage.
The decorations of the suit of rooms at the Re
vere Utilise which Jenny Lind occupies cost Shir
t, en thousand dollars 1 In the parlor are two splcn
d.d minors Ind a thousand dollar piano. The
toilet chamber attached to the parlor is lined with
rose-colored French cambric, canopied, and front
the centre is sumended a lantern of stained glass.
The passage fee the parlor to the bed chamber
is lined with silk, simiLtr iu color to that of the
dressing-room. The bed chamber itself has been
furnished anew throughout, and is most magnif
icent. Even the lock of the door is of silver, and
is ornamented, and inscribed with a quotation from
scripture t "He that both pity hat the poor lendeth
to the Lord, and that winch he with given will lie
pay him again."
Rave Case,—.Great Excitement.
Dimon., Oct. 9.—A nem.° has been arrested
here, under the new hew, and its has created great
excitement. Hundreds of negroes are armed, end
threatening to rescue the prisoner, whose examin
ation takes place to-morrow.
Drrnotr, Oct. Io.—The examination of the
fugitive Slave took place to-day. Scott's Guards,
Gray's Guards, and United States Troops accom-
Nnied the prisoner to the Court Room, with heed
ed muskets. No attempts of rescue were made by
the negroes, who had collected about the jail in
hundreds. Seine stones and bricks were thrown
at the Marshal's carriage. The twig° was sent to
jail fbr a week to wait for evidence.
A DOL'IILE EXECUTION.—Foote and McCaffrey
the former convicted of the murder of a young
girl, his adopted sister, and the hitter of the mur
der of two elderly people named Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, were executed on Wednesday, at New Ha
ven, (Ct.) They were both hung on the same
platform. The scaffold was so constructed that
when the Sheriff came down, as he stepped on the
last step, the platform gave way, and the mur
derers tAlabout ten feet, breaking their necks in
lowa Election.
The 'lowa Statesman, (Democrat) concedes the
election of Mr. Miller, Whig, to Congress, by a
majority of about 100.
On Thursday, 26th ult., by Rev. S. IL Reed,
Fnitzmn, IG . MiSS JANE EWING, both
of Huntingdon county.
On the 6th inst., by the same, Mr. Wu. Cnee,
to Miss LAURA JOHNSTON, Loth of ClCllliieldeo.
rtEOUGE GOVIN has just received and
opened the largest and most splendid assort
ment of ['ALL AND WINTER GOODS ever
offered to the people of Huntingdon county, and
is prepared to sell at such remarkably LOW
PRICES as must induce everybody to buy.
His stock has been selected with great care,
with a view to cheapness and good quality, and
comprises, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French,
Belgian and Fancy cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans,
Oregon and Tweed cloths, Vestings, Flannels,
and Drillings, and a variety of cotton goods tor
/manner wear; Mouslin de Leine., Alpaccas,
French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawls and Handker
chiefs, Merinos, Calicoes of the newest styles
and at low prices, Earlston, French, Scotch and
Domestic Gingliams sod Bulzorines, French and
Irish Linens, Bed Tickings, Muslins, Sheetings,
llaving heretofore been honored by a large
patronage from the Lattice, he has procured the
most elegant assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
ever brought to the interior of the State. Also
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Queens
ware, and a great variety of goods of all kinds.
In short he is prepared to offer Griiat Bargains
to those who favor him with their custom. All
ire invited to call and judge for theniselves,—
PIIILAUELPHIA, Oct. 12, 1850. llt afibrds him pleasure to exhibit his goods at
The Flour market continues quiet ; standard all lime'
shipping brands are held at $4.84 per barrel; 4. I Cl - All kinds of country produce taken in
87k for Brandywine, and $5 25 fur extra. Sales exchange for goods,
to - the bakers and retailers at $4.811a5 fur conunon Oct. 15, 1850.
and select brands, and $5,25a5.50 for extra.
Rye Flour is scarce and in demand ; small sales Slx Cents Reward!
at $3a3.12i. DAN away from the subscriber, in Peters
Sales of 2a300 bids Corn Meal at $3 per bbl. IL barg, Huntingdon county, on the 21th of
Grain—Prices of Wheat are steady, and the do- August, a Mulatto Servant Girl, named Harriet
mend moderate. Sales of 4a5000 bushels common Magraw. She is about 15 years of age, rather
and prime Red nt $1a1.05 and White at sloBal.lo tall and good looking. All persons are warned
per bushel. I against harboring said runaway. The above re-
Corn—Sales of 3a400 bushels Yellow at 63in64c ward will be paid to any person who will de
afloat, and some inferior at 63 cts. liver her to me again
A cargo of Southern Oats sold at 37} eta per
bush, and some Pennaylvania at 41 clis.
Philadelphia Bates of Discount.
Philadelphia Banks • • pariLehanon,
Pittsburg, parphambersburg,
Germantown par Gettysburg, • • •
Chester County • • • • par i bliddleton, • • • •
Delaware County,• • • par Carlisle,
Montgomery C 0.,• • • par i klarrisburg
Northumberland • •par i llonesdale, 14
Col. Bridge C 0.,• • • •parl Wyominl, par
Beading parl:rto Bank,
Lancaster, par yaynesburg,
Doylestown ptu;Schttylkill Baven, • • • par
Easton pan West Brunch par
Bucks County, pall:teller Notes I.
Brownsville per i l " . new issue •• 1
Pottsville pa State Scrip, 4
Washington, i Pittsburg City Scrip • • 10
York, tAllegheny City, 25
Danville, par!Allegheny County, • • •20
"'Now the hurly hurly's done,
Now. the battle's lost and woo:"
SHADE GAP, Huvrimonos COUNTY, Pa.—
Rec. J. Y. .11VGinnes, A. ill., and J. li. TY.
M'Ginnes, A. M., Principals. The Winter
Session will commence on the first Wednesday
of November, 1850, to continue five months,—
The course of instruction embraces all the
branches necessary to prepare young men either
for the higher classes in College,'or for the stu
dies of a profession, and the active business of
life. The Academy building is new, commo
dious, and in every way adapted to the accom
modation of a large number of boarders. The
location is distinguished for its healthfulness,
and the moral and religious character 01 the sur
rounding community. It is easy of access, be
ing on the stage route connecting Chambersburg
wall the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry.
Tanms PEP. SESSTON.—For Orthography,
Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra
phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso
phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, &c.,
$8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin languages,
$l2; French and German, each $5. Boarding,
exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week.—
For reference, or further particulars, address
Shade Gap, Oct. 15, 18.30.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concer•
ned, that the following named persons have
settled their accounts in the Blister's Office
at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will
be presented for confirmation and allowance at
an Orphan's Court, to be held at Htliitim don,
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednes
day the 13th, day of November next, to wit :
1. Isaac Moreland, administrator of Thomas
Moreland, late of Springfield township, dee'd,
2. James Chamberlain, administrator of Mar
tin Gates, late of Franklin township, dec'd.
3. James Gillam, administrator of Dr. John
Rankin, late of Barren township, deed.
.1. James Stewart and George Wilson, admin
i,trators of David Jackson, late of Jackson town
ship d?e'd..
5. Joseph Park and William Crotsly, ailtninis
tr.tors of John Miller, late of Cass township,
6. John Owens, Esq., administrator of David
Garrett, late of the borough of Birmingham
7. Daniel Massy, administrator of Mathias
Lightner, late of Barree township, deed.
A. William Mitchell, administrator of• James
Mitchell, late of :fell township, dec'd.
11. James S. Reed, administrator of James
Ramsey, late of the Borough of Alexandria
M. F. CAMPBELL, Register,
Registers office,
Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1850.
Petersburg, Oct. VI, 1050.-3 t.—pd.
EMAINING in the Post Office, at Ilunting•
don, October let, 1850.
A Lott Mrs Nancy
Ayres Miss J. B. Loydd Miss Mary A
Ayres Miss Site
Artist Daguerrean Mahoney John 2
Matthew George
Burnside Col. Jas. Montgomery Mr
Bond Mrs. Ann M. M'Cuc John 3
Bogg Elizabeth M'Cabe Wm
Bale Washington M'Corkell Alex
Bullock Jacob Muudorf Wm.
Brady Miss Amy 2 Morningstar Mann
Birckhead Sarni. J % M'Cue Adam
Baum Jno,
Moyer Mr
C M'Donnell Jtunes
Cowden Chas. 2 Montgomery Henry E
Corbin Jno. MArsimil Wesley
Crowin Jno. Miller Miss Mary A
Canlbrt Jesse M'Kelip Hobert
Campbell Hobert E. Aluerakeu Joseph
Couch Mr. D. Whittler Joseph
Connoy Mary Jane Martin Josephs.
Chappel John Myna' Woe
Calebs Mr. Miller H E
Corbit Michael N P
Cox Mr. Norton E A
Coleburn Vlm. Pierce J A
Conway Win. Q n
D Quin Edward 2
Davenport Wm. Esq. Roark. William
Donne) C. W. 0. Refl.& Campbell
Denniston John F S
Dnoy James Shepherd John
DuAr'Col 1) 2 Sankey JailllCS
Dougherty John Seliwier Margret
Dunne Thomas Stern Jacob
Dooley Thomas Shedaker E G
F Store Main Louisa
Fetterly Jacob Sower C ll 2
Fuireheld Rev Edward Smith Patrick
Farrell• Bryan, Smith Lient Adam
Foster James Smith Sarah .1
lintel Henry Stitrer ‘Vni 3
Flynn John Stewart Alex
G. Silent:Mt Abraham
Glaspy Margaret Stiles Miss Frances E
Gill John 1) Spanogle S L
Green John A Stewart John
Glasgo B F Md Stewart Mary
Good James S Smiley John
Graley Patrick Stouffer Isace
Glaspy Elizabeth Scofield Nathan
Goodin' E 11 lltirtznnm Wm
II Snyder tunic
Hoist John Savage Catharine
Hight Mrs Mary Stonchniker Wet.
"lodges John Scott George
liampshire N Scott J IL
Hammel James 2 Starks Miss Margaret
Harris Eli Stile It
'fawn Michael Swctzer James '
Harris Wellington 2 Sculley Byword
}lselin Fraser Capt Shire Miss Mary Jano
Hutchison James Sterns Simnel
Harper John L Stitt Alexander
' Harter Frederick T
' Hires Miss Mary Thomas Wm
' Haley John Thompson John
I Tisdale Charles
• Irvin James Taylor Isaac
Trevor Airs. Ann
Thomas .1 E
Town John
Jane David
Jackson Mrs Juno
Jones Jcssc
Johnston Dan J
Vandyke henry
Wert'lner Michael
Wolvert Oil
Walsh Rev .1
White Miss Ellen M
Walls John 2
Wen Dr Francis
Walters Ilat•cCV
Wood R NV
When Jacob
Kitts Josiah
Krug Michael
Kingman 11 J
Keyser John S
Kinney John 12
Kemp Miss Mary 2
Kelly James
Keller John
Kuntz Jacob
Kepler & Silver
Wariid Harriet
Legrever Jacob Wall Rebecca
Lightner J Wittman J
Persons enquiring for letters on the above list ;
will please say they are advertised.
Cr Two cents in addition to the regular post.
age charged on advertised letters.
Oct. 15, 1850.—at.
who is the Owner ?
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, about
the last of August, a RED STEER, with a
few white spots on his face, supposed to be about
three years old. The owner is requested to call,
prove propety, pay charges, and take it away.
Oct. 15, 1100.—St. REUBEN DUFF.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of the county of Bunting
don, to distribute the balance in the bands of
Ann Talley, surviving Administrator of the Es
tate of SAMUEL. MYTON, late or West town
ship, dec'd., also the balance in the hands of
William Myton, Samuel Myton and Jas. Stew
art, Administrators sit JOHN W. MYTON, de
ceased, (who was, in his life-time, one of the
Administrators of the said Samuel Myton, de
ceased,) belonging to the estate of the said Sam
uel Myton, dec'd., amongst those entitled to
receive the same, hereby gives notice that he
will attend for the purpose above mentioned, on
FRIDAY, the let day of Novrmber nert, at his
office in the Borough of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, when and where all
persons interested may attend if they think pro
per. JOHN HEED, Auditor.
Oct. 1, 1850.-1 t.
Auditor's Notice.
rfillE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
J. Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to
distribute the balance in the hands of John Hirst
Administrator of the Estate of ELIZABE'I II
WILSON, lute of Barree township, in the coon=
ty of Huntingdon, deceased, amongst those en
titled to receive the souse, hereby gives notice
that he will attend, for the purpose above men
tioned, at his office in the Borough al Hunting
don, on Sat urday the 2d day of Novena, next,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said ddy, when
and where all persons interested may attend if
they think proper
JOHN REED, Auditor,
Oct. 1, 1850.—.5t.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to
public sale, on the premises, at 1 o'clock, on
Friday, Navem/c lot, 18511, A TRACT OF WEL!.
CtILTIyATED LAND, late the estate of Anthony 3.
Stewart, dec'd., situate in Morris township,
Huntingdon county, one mile west from Water
street, (formerly known as the Squire Dean pro
perty,) containing 192 Areas, be the same more
or less, adjoining lands of William llileman, Su
sannah klarnish, Adam Focht, and others; hav
ing thereon a two story house, log barn, and
other small buildings, orchard of fruit trees, and
several strong springs of limestone water.
. .
It is a valuable and desirable property, being
of the best quality of limestone soil and hand
somely situated.
Timms OF SALL—One third of the purchase
money to be paid upon confirmation of the sale,
the balance in two equal annual payments with
interest from the confirmation of sale, to be se
cured by bonds and mortgages of the purchaser.
By order of the Court,
M. F. CAMPUELL, Clerk.
Sept. '2 I, 1890
Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No.
55, North ['bird Street.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 1S caret
cases, $3O and over; Silver Lever Watches, full
jeweled, $ll3 and over ;
Silver Lepine, jeweled,
$ll and over ; Save; Qatari, Watches, $2 to
$10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2 ; Gold Pencils,
warranted, $1 and ace,.
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des
cription of Jewelry in like proportion. Ire
would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon
county, that he has enlarged his establishment,
and greatly increased his already extensive stork
of goods, which he now for sale at such
prices that will strike terror to all competitors.
Call and see me; I will charge you nothin. , for
looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors
North of our friend Hirst's City lintel.
No. 55, North Tiled Sreet.
Philadelphia, Sept. 17, 18)0.
• -
JOHN STOMP: & SONS, importers and deal
ers in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 4t ant/. Second Street, Philadelphia.—
Have received by late arrivals from France, a
large and very desirable assortment of CALL
MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be
Bonnet Velvets of all colors in variety of prices
as Satins "
Corded V.d,,ts 4t < ti
Fivired, weter'd and corded Bonnet Gen,
Bonnet and Cap Ribbon,, a large assortment.
French and Arneri,an Flowers.
Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Bud:rams, f , :e
toz,etber with a splendid assortment of Par.
is Fancy Feathers.
The above goods were selected by one of the
firm in France, and will be sold at the very
lowest market prices.
Phila.,. Sept. 17, 1810.-Im.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county will he exposed to
public sale on the premises, on Saturday, the
19th day of October next, at 1 o'elo , k, I'. M.
Two lots in the I'orou4ll of Alexandria, each
fronting sixty feet on Fr - ont street, and extend
ing back at right angles to said street two hun
dred feet to an alley, the Pennsylvania Cam&
dividing and rumng through them, adjoining a
lot of Nicholas Cresswell on the east, and a lot
of Israel Grafurs, Esq., on the west; being lots
No. 33 and No. 31 in the plan of said borough,
and having thereon erected a two story brick
house, a log house, aad a Ironic stable, late the
property of John P. Dean, dec'd.
Ter, of Hole.—One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
the bolter in two equal annual payments, with
interest Irons the confirmation of the sale to be
secured by the bonds nod mortgage of the pur
chaser. By order of the Court,
M. P. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
September 17, 181 n.
Valuable Property at Public Sale
I 'HE subscribers will sell at public sale, onthe
1, on Thursday the 7th day of Nov
next,nt 1 o'clock, P. M.a Tractof Land, contain
ing 287 acres, more or less, situate and lying in
Penn Township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
lands of John & Benjamin Grove, hinds of Jane
Steel and others, about 200 acres of which is
.cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the
buildings thereon erected are a good two story
Log Dwelling .House, well finished, Log Bank
Barn, &c. There is also a good apple orchard
on the premises, an excellent spring of never
failing water near the house, and the tract gen
erally is well supplied with water, The said
tract of land is owned 'uy the estate of Samuel
Steel and Jane Steel jointly. The said Jane
Steel will attend on the day of sale herself, or
by her agent, James Entrekin, Esq., for the
purpose of ratifying and confirming sale of said
land. Ts:Rms.—One third of the purchase mo.
ney to be paid on confirmation of sale ; the oth
er two thirds to be paid in yearly payments of
five hundred (killers each, with interest thereon
from confirmation of sole, to be paid annually.
Payments to be secured by bond and mortgage
of purchaser. JAMES GWIN,
J?,:e'e.t. of Samuel Steel, der's!.
Sept. 17, 1850.—ts.
Sheriff's Sale.
1111QY a writ of Fiore Facial, to one directed, will be
exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 19th
day oftciol,or neat, it I lo'clock in the liorenoon,
at the how, of I lenry Selfridge, in Jackson town
ship, I lautingdou coact•, the following property:
All that piece, parrel, or tract of land situate in
Jackson township, I luntingilon county, containing
about 100 acres Inure or less, adjoining lands of
Ilenry Lee, Henry Baker, and others, having
thereon erected two log dowelling houses and fiume
barn; alnatt (10 acres cleared.
Also, one other tract of land sitnate in Jackson
township, county aforesaid, containing about 100
acres inure or less, adjoining lands of Ilenry Lee,
Joseph Heilley and others, haoiug thereon erected
a log dowelling horse owl cabin barn ; about forty
acres cleared. Seized and taken under execution
110 the property or.laitat, Franks, nthn to, he of lby
111. (21:1)\VNt IV Eli, ,tiherij):
Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, ,
Sept. 17, 1850.
BYvirtue of on order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale, at the Court House, is Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 211th of October, 1850, a TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Brady township, in said
county, containing 188 acres more or less, ad
joining lands of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, Jas.
her, Jas. M'Donald and others. The said tract
of land lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, with
in a convenient distance of the Penna. Railroad
and canal, and is, well timbered, which renders
it very valuable, 'and offers a very profitable
speculation to purchasers.
The above tract will be sold whole, or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
TERMS.—The half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation or sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be sc
oured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Administrator of John Wiley, deed.
Sept. 10, 1830.—ts.
IN any quantity, and of all the various patterns
the market affords, may bu obtained at No.
3i North 3d Street, six doors north of the City
Hotel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash prices.
Clocks purchased at The above establishment
may be depended upon as being good and dura
ble time keepers, or the money refunded incase
of the failure of any Clock to perform according
to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is
the time, and here is the place for bargains, and
although I do not pretend to sell Clocks far less
than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does
not admit of complaint on the part of the closest
buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex
elusively fur cash.
No. 55, North Third Street, Philade lphia
Sept. 10, 1050.—tf.
• ' • • 4 :I
• •
10 7. #
17. I Tt .". .: 1 1111rV
Ahead of all others with New Clothing!
iO undersigned
'lveirtrkld and are
rn„ openingit ar , .t ando splendid
assortment of ALL AND WINTER CLOTH
ING ever brought to Huntingdon. Our new
stock consists of black, blue, green and brown
Frock and Dress Coats, from $0 to $l2, worth
more, money; black, brown, drab and blue Over
Coats and Sack Coats, from 52,50 to $l2, worth
$1.5; a line assortment of Business Coats, Pea
Jackets, black Satin and Figured Vests, cassi
mere and casuist Pants, Shirts, Suspenders,
Gloves, Stocks, Trunks and Carpet Bags, all o
which will be sold at auction prices,
Also, the latest styles of NEW YORK HATS
and BOSTON LOOTS, the superior quality and
low prices of which have astonished the world,
dumb (minded Queen Victoria, and brought oft their Thrones to purchase from us.—
Purehase rs should BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS
who ask five prices to their clothing, and who
a ll o w themselves to be beat down to two prices.
Such a system is certainly not in aecordance
with fair dealing, and will not lie practised at
the Hall of Fashion, as long as purchasers are
opvieklto the "five price" system.
;le IlAr.t. or FASRION liag, after an eilstenee
of throe year t, 'ion a character for , ellireir good
and fashionable dot hinrr CITEAP, and it will en-
leavor to keep np that character, by selling at
•rk•rnua arm, ro PRICES. :3, is:3o.-1,33. B. &W. SNARE
_ _
Lic,ri,GDo. co, '\7 ' l,
txttA T an Orphans' Court, held at
Iluntingdmi in and for the said
▪ -Ciii r oci
11::. county, on the second Mon:l4y and
• 12th day of August, A. D. 1850,
be fore the Ilon. George Taylor, Es
quire, President, and James Gain
and John Stewart, Esquires, Associates, Judges
of our said Court :
On motion of Thomas P. Campbi 11, Esq., the
Court granted a Rule on the heirs and legal re
ruesentatives 01 Philip F. Shoop, late of Tell
township, in the county of Huntingdon, dee'd,
to come into Court on the first day of Novem
ber :erm next, and accept or refuse to take the
real estate of the said deceased, at the valuation
thereof by the Inquisition returned into the of
fice of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, to wit:
$395. And order, that personal notice be giv
en to those residing in the county, or by wri.
Ling left at their respective places of abode, and
by publication in one newspaper published in
said county, for lour weeks, and a copy of said
notice to be forwarded by mail to the Post Office
most convenient to the parties residing out of
the county, whose residence is known..
From the record certified under 'seal of said
Court, at Huntingdon, this 30th day of August,
Sept. 10, 1550.-11.
NT, °TICE is hereby given, that Letters Tes
lv have been granted to the under
signed, on the estate of Ilksny L. KEISTEIt,
late of Springlield township, deceased Persons
knowing themselves indebted will come forward
and make payment, and all those having claims
will present them l'or settlement.
Sept. 3, ISiiii.—.l3t.—sl,7s pd.
T)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
j) of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to, on Sat, rdaa, the 26tIt day of Oc
tober nr,, A TRACT OF LAND, late the es
tate of War. Ewixu , dee'd., situate in \Vest and
Banee townships, adjoining lands of John Stry
ker, Dr. Mordeeai Massey, Robert Mas,ey, Jas.
Ewing's heirs, and others, containing 226 acres
more or less, a large part of which is cleared,
and in a good state of cultivation, with an apple
Orchard of good fruit thereon, and a two story
stone DWELLING HOUSE, and n large frame
(link Barn, thereon erected. Also acorn crib,
wagon shed, spring house, and other buildings.
'fhe above is situate in a fine settlement, and
the land is of the best quality, and is one of the
best farms in Huntingdon county.
Teams uu SAI.E.—One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the silic—
one third in one year thereafter, with interest—
and the remaining third at and immediately after
the death of the widow of said deceased, the in
terest thereon to be pici to the said widow an
rurally and regularly during her tile, the whole
to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the
By the Court. M. F. Camenstr„ Clerk.
Attendance given by
JAMES EWING, Administrator.
Sept. 10, 187.0.-4 s.
Dissolution of Partnership. •
T"Epartnership heretofore existing between
Elijn c. Giltnm & Wm. J. Franks, in the
Mercantile business, in Saulsburg, Etarree town
ship, Hunt. co., was dissolved by mutual con
sent on the 2d day of September, MO. The
books and accounts are lett in the hands of Wm.
J. Franks, at the old stand, where all indebted
aro requested to call and settle innwiliately.
Sept. 2 I. 1850.-3t.
NoncE is hereby given that the books, notes
and unsettled accounts of the subscribers
are in the hands of DAvin SNARE, E-(1., of Hun
tingdon, for settlement. All persons interested
will please call at his office without delay, and
thereby save cods.
Sept. 17, 1910.-7 t.—pl.
DB; J. H. ti TO EROAD,
AVING located permitr,titly at Mill Creek,
otters his professional services to that com
munity. All calls trusted to his care will receive
his utmost attention.
Mill CrPplc, Sept. 21,
Administrator's Notice.
1 ETTEKSM Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
PATRICK Lana, late of Walker township, Hun
tingdon county, deed. All persons knowing
themselves indebted are requested to make pay
ment immediately,and those having claims will
present them, properly authenticated, for set-
ilement. JOHN KER,
Sept. 10, 1850.-6 t. Administrator,
11 . WINE for invalids, for sale by
Oct. 1, 1850. H. W. SMITH.
THE undersigned respectfully infomis the cit.
izens of Huntingdon that he has opened an
Auction Room in the brick building next door to
the Huntingdon Book Store, in which will be
held sales on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY
evenings of each week, and also on SATITE.
DAY AFTERNOONS. Sales to commence at
2 o'clock. HORACE W. SMITH.
October 1, 1810.--tf. •
!1_ site tin. Pennsylvania Railroad Warehouse,
The subscribers would respectfully inform
their friends and the, citizen, of the borough and
county of truntmgdon, thst they have opened
their Warehouse, and now offer for sale the lar
gest and most varied assortment of Housz,
HOLD FURNITURE ever nIP-red for sate in
this community. nod at the lovr,st prices. Per.
• suns desiring any article in the turnituir line,
trum tl.e CIILAPEsI' tO till MOST COSTLY, are re
spectfully until to come alai examine their
stock. The following comp ices a part t G.reh
Anil Malmgniiy ane Seat Parlor, d.rnom and
Rocking Chairs, C a lure., assortment ßc of Windsor,
Boston, 011iee and Nursery Choirs, Settees,
Breakfast and Dining Tables, Card Tables, Bo
realis, Wash and Work Stands, Bedsteads of alt
kinds, Looking Glasses, Ladies' Work roxes,
and.other articles of Furniture too numerous to
They 'would also inrorm the piddle that they
will furnish to order all kinds of Soros, Sola
chairs, Marble•top Dressite4 Bureaus, do Centre
'Fables, (10. op.•tt or enclosed Wash Stands, Ma
}mealy Bedsteads, of every style, and of the
be!! qual,ty.
Every article of Furniture widish they sell
they will warrant to be good. Come than and
save your (4) per cent., by purchasin g at our
establishment. J. M. CUNNINGHAM,
N. B.—Cebinet makers con he supplied with
all sorts of VellOl,Pl, and at ouch reduced prices
as 1,11 astonish thorn. Call and see.
itt. 11.4,11.
Saddle, Ilatiwas & Trunk Mauufacturerm,
THE umFersigned are now associated
.in the
1 above business, iii the old stand hereto ore
occupied by Win. Olde;ow, in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of T. Read &Son. Every
thing in their line will be f . 1111431.C11 on the
shortest notice, and on torms 41 7 cannot fail to
suit all. They manufacture the mint of their
work themselves, and. can therefore assure the
public that every article twill Le am& in the beet
and most durable manner.
Cr A lar4e a.rortnient of superior SAD.
DLES,I?EADY MADE, always on hand.
11id.,, and country produce, geni:rally,
taken in evchan,te for work.
Wm. Ghasnow returns thanks for the liberal
patronage het eterore rxten , !ed to him, and hopes
that hi, old patrons will contihne to p , tronize
ll' new flew. Wll. GLA . ,CIONV,
Angs=t ISf;1. WM. .1. tr:TLEL.
NIEW LIVILIIILI I—lt is a Well known fact
11 that the public have hcvn imposed upon by
Liveries in this place; therefore I wolf,' res
pectfully announce to the cit,zeos of Poutinedon
IMO vicinity, that I have the 131:ST SADDLE,
CARRIAGE AND LI v uonsrs ever kept
in a Livery in this place, and will accommodate
all who may favor me with their custom, at the
most reasonable rates.
I hope by strict attention to my buAiness, and
an endeavor to ple:rm 011, 1 , 3 it and receive a
liberal share of public o;.:ronecc,
Sept. 17, ISSO
Another Arrival at the “Lierhant."
1 CENT SII:CAIe, beautiful Pall style of
Calico., Nimbus, floots
l ona Shoes, Car., &c., which will be i1i,p0,•,1 of
at the name Fiat, which have ri tiia
“Elephant" provorldul as I.,:ug, by La, the
cheapest store in town.
October .1, 1530.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber Lying in IVuter street, Hun
tingdon county, will p:eaie cull and 11.1,0 pay
ment on or before the Ist day of November
next, and all persons having claims against me,
will present the same for settlermut immedi•
utely. cmus-HAN FOLK.
Water Street, Oct. 1, 15•50.--111•
Administrator's Notice.
ETTE RS or Ad min term ion have been grant-
I j ea to the undersigned, upon the estate of
JOHN RUTTER, late or Cromwell town.
ship, Huntingdon county, dePd. All persons
knowing themselves indebted, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims, will present them, properly withent:ea.
tea, fur settlement.
Oct. 1, IS5O.—Gt. Admintstrators
pAE Mto the subseriber. its
Toil township. about the Ist or July last, a
white and red spitted COW, supposed to he
about 8 }ears old, with a swallow foci on left
ear, and a notch on under side of same (in,—
The owner is requested to roll, prove property,
pay charges, and take it sway, oth• rwise the
Cow will be disposed or iwo,rdi, to law.
Huntingdon, September 17, 1850. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the Laws at the
late session of ti e Penn's. Leeislatore havu
been received at this ethce, and are ready to be
delivered to those who are by law entitled to
receive them.
THEO. 11. CIZEMER, Prothonotary,
Alimandria Foundry and Tin Shop,
Env: Stoves, Ca“ings, Spout
ing, can be bought cheaper than at
any other place
July 0, 1850.
H. M. 11411ILDEA,
August 13, :850,-3m.
/ \NE TON Bern Ohio Grindstones, for sale
j by J. & W. SAXTON.
Jul• 3, 1851.
CI AIiSAPA RI LL A, a flue articlo, for sale at
0 Marks' Confectionary. Play 21.
JUSTICE OP THE PEACE.-0:11ce in Main
street, Huntingdon, Pu.
ARIETY of articles too numerous to men-
V tion ter sale at Cunningham's Grocery and
eonfoctionary "Head Qnsrters.”
T. SCOTT has this morning, (Aug. 12,)
al • received front Philadelphia an additional as
sortment of Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry,
&c. lie is enabled to sell this stock at much
reduced prices. Call at his new establislonent
3 doors west of T. Read & Son's lints Store,
and satisfy yourselves. [Aug. 13, 1850.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of
Offloe at the Huntingdon Book Store.
Authorized Agent.
July 23, 1810,
A N assortment of Pittsburg Glassware just
ft received by J. & W. SAXTON.