Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 24, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, Sept. 24, 1850.
Tan "11UNTDI0DON JOUUNAL" is published at
the following rates, via :
If paid in advance, per annum, $1,'75
If paid during the year, ....... • ••• • • • •2,00
If paid after the expiration of the year, -•2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in iulvance, • • •1,50
Tea above Terms will he adhered to inall cases.
No subscription will be taken Sur a less periodthan
Mx month., and no paper will he discontinued un
til all arrearagee are paid, unites at the option of
the publieherr.
CANAL commissiomen,
JOSHUA 'DUNGAN, of Bucks Co.
HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union.
JOS. HENDERSON, of Washington
U. A. 31 9 BIURTRIE, of Blair Co.
WILLIAM B. SMITH, of Hunt. Co.
SETH IL M'CIJNE, of Blair Co.
WM IL ZEIGLER, of Huntingdon.
BENJAMIN LEAS, of Shirley.
.1. SEWELL STEWART, of Hunt.
State of the Thermometer.
7 A. M.
2 Y. if ,
Monday Sept. 16,• •5G 69 55
Tuesday " 17, •50 69 54
Wednes. " 18, •56 69 64
Thursday l' 19,•• •• 62 72 58
Friday " 20, •• 51 70 54
Saturday ". 21, •• 48 71 58
Sunday, " 22,• •54 76 62
To the Independent Voters of Hun
tingdon County.
HAV/IFO been strongly urged by numerous friends
from all parts of the county, to offer myself
n an Independenteandidate for the office of Sher
iff, at the approaching election, and considering the
almost universal desire to have an Independent
candidate as sufficient justification for my course,
I have acceded to their wishes, and announce my
self to you as a candidate for that office, pledging
myself, if elected, to discharge its ditties with fi
delity and humanity. JUAN warrTAKER.
August 20, 1850.—pd. It.
The Whigs of Huntingdon Borough and vicini
ty are requested to assemble at the Court House,
at the ringing of the bell, for the purpose of ma
king arrangements to receive Gov. JOHNSTON,
who will arrive in the evening train of Cars from
Harrisburg. Let there be a GENERAL RALLY
of the Wings of the Borough, and give our distin
guished Whig Governor an enthusiastic, heart
warm "Welcome to Old Huntingdon."
The Governor will address his fellow-citizens at
the Court House, ales his arrival, and the people
of all parties are respectfully invited to attend.
By order of the Whig County Committee.
JAS. CLARK, Chairman.
er We are indebted to Hem. 8. CALvn for a
valuable pablic document.
Cottage Post Office, in this county, discon
tinued a few months since, has been re-established,
and WE. WALKER appointed Postmaster.
Whig Organization.
It is high time that the work of thorough OR
GANIZATION in the Whig ranks should be com
menced. The time is short, and what is to be
done must be done quickly. So little excitement
exists in the political world, that it is much to be
feared there will bee small vote pulled at the com
ing election. Awl when this happens, we have
generally observed, to our sorrow, that the billing
off on the Whig side is usually about double that
of our opponents. Let us go to work then, imme
diately, to effect a party ORGANIZATION that will
ensure the attendance of every Whig voter at the
polls, and the triumphant election of the WHOLE
WHIG TICKET. Rouse yourselves, Whigs!
VICTORY can only be IVOR by EXERTION! Let
there be Energy, Organization and Action on the
part of our Whig brethren, everywhere! Impor
tant issues are involved in the coming eontest, and
every Whig is expected to do his DUTY. VIM
"once more unto the breach—dear friends, once
stone !" Let us give "a long pull, a strong pull,
and a pull altogether," and on the second Tues
day of October next, the Whig flag will again float
in triumph over "old Huntingdon !"
"Awake !—arouse !—the standard flies,
High sounds the bugle cull;
The voice of hattle's on the breeze,
Anouee, Wince—ONE AND ALL!"
Military Encampment.
A military encampment is to come off at Mount
Union, in this county, on the 15th of October.—
Extensive arrangements arc being made, and a
number of fine looking companies are expected to
be in attendance. It will no doubt be a splendid
affair, and attract crowds of people from different
parts of the county. We learn that the "Hunt
ingdon Guards" expect to attend, and to be ac
companied by the Huntingdon Band.
Locorocomm.—Starving American mechanics
and feeding British paupers ! If you like it, vote
for Farman, the Free Trade candidate.
Duty of the Friends of Free Labor.
There never was a time, perhaps, in the politi
cal history of Pennsylvania, when it was more im
portant for the friends of AMERICAN INTERESTS
to discharge their duty faithfully. The issues in
volved in the coming-election are of immense im
portance ; and every man who has the welfare and
prosperity of eur gootiold Commonwealth at heart,
should participate actively in the campaign, and
leave nothing undone that would contribute to the
success of the Whig Ticket. The Free Traders
are making a desperate effort to elect Andy Park
er to Congress; and every scheme which the in
genuity of these political tricksters can invent, will
be brought to. bear in, his favor. This man Park
er, who, on several occasions, insulted the Whigs
of this district, by stigmatising theut as "TO
RIES," in the open and avowed ENEMY.OF
AMERICAN INTERESTS, and bitterly hew&
to every measure that will ameliorate the condition of
the Laboring masses! Whigs! Tariff men! Are
you willing that such a man, holding such doe.
trines, should mis-represent the "Iron District" in
Congress I If not, then we urge you to go to
work at once to secure the election of Dr. JOHN
M'CULLOCII, who has ever been the zealous
advocato of the PROTECTIVE POLICY, .d
of every other measure that would advance the
interests aids native State, and improve thc con
dition of the toiling industrial masses. Ile is as
much the friend of the poverty-stricken tenant of
the humble cabin, as of the lordly proprietor of the
most gorgeously decorated mansion in the land.—
With him, wealth makes no distinction; he treats
every man As A MAN, and in this way has secured
the respect and confidence of all classes. Ile is,
too, a Whig of the right stripe—a Pennsylvania
Whig, a Northern Whig, a National Whig, with
whom the People of this district can safely entrust
their interests in the National Legislature. Dr.
M'Cum.octi is emphatically "the main f,,r the
TIMES, the man for the Paormi," and if our Whig
friends do their duty, the result will prove that he
is also " the man for VICTORY I"
But there are other issues of great importance.
Much depends upon the political complexion of,
the next Legislature. A UNITED STATES.
SENATOR is to elect, and this of itself should
induce every friend of Pennsylvania to go to work
to prevent,if possible, the election of an enemy to
the great interests of our Iron-botutd Common
wealth. If the Locofocos sneered in electing a
majority in the next Legislature, they will elect a
FREE TRADE navocater awl. ENE AT TO HOME
LABOU to the United States Scant. Pennsylva
nia has long enough been misrepresented by a
cipher, and her interests too long neglected, in the.
highest and• most important legishttive body in the
Government. The great Tariff interests of the
Keystone State require that a good sterling, RE
LIABLE TARIFF WHIG should fill the seat so
9 P. Y .
long worse than uselessly occupied by Mr. Stur
geon. But to secure. a Whig U. S. s , Cuator, it is
necessary to have a WHIG LEGISLATURE.
Another important duty to be performed by the
next Legislature, is Apportioning the State into
Congressional districts. With a Locofoco major
ity, the people cannot expect justice. The reck
less course of that party in regard to Apportioning
the State, last session, is sufficient to convince ev
ery one that the same system of gerrymander will
be attempted again. Thousands of the tax-payers
will be disfranchised, and the State districted in
such a way as to secure a majority in favor of the
ruinous policy of FREE TRADE, of which the
Locofoco leaders are the sworn advocates.
To prevent so disastrous a result, we must have
a WHIG LEGISLATURE! This we can secure
if the proper efforts are made. Then let us all go
to work unitedly, heartily, and with a first resolve
to win the day. Our candidates, Messrs. SMITH
and M'CUNE, for Assembly, arid M'MUItTRIE
for Senator, are men of intelligence and unbend
ing integrity, who understand the interests of the
People, and will legislate as true friends of Penn
sylvania should do. Then let all go to work at
; once, with a determination not to cease their ex
ertions, nor ground their weapons, until the battle
is fought, the victory won, and the glorious Amer
BOR floats is triumph over every portion of our
time-honored Commonwealth.
A Rich Entertainment.
There is every indication of a serious outbreak
between the rival factions of Locofocoisin in this
county. From present appearances, we should''
not be surprised if it resulted in a regular "knock
down And drag out" fight, with "gromul and lofty
tumbling by the whole company" of these cele
brated political vaulters. The friends of Messrs.
MADDEN and MILLER are justly indignant at the
TRICKERY and FRAUD resorted to by one set
of the Locofoco wire-workers in this place, to get
them out of the way; and the friends of Mr. SPEED
are equally indignant at the attempt of another
faction to choke him on; after being regularly set
tled upon by the famous "Committee of five;"
while the little faction who preferred the renegade
Whig, Whittaker, finding themselves completely
"headed," their candidate repudiated, and all their
schemes thwarted, are driven to desperation, and
in their reckless indignation strike right and left
like an irritated blind rattle-snake in dog days.—
We hope the "harmonious Democracy" may have
"a good time of it." As we predicted, the efforts
of these political tricksters to create discord in the
Whig ranks, have recoiled upon themselves.
They are now engaged in a triangular fight, which
is as disgusting to the respectable members of,
their own party, as it is amusing to the Whigs.—
'The entertainment "opens rich," and rare sport
may be anticipated before the close of the cam
paign. All we have to say is—
"lay on Macduff,
And cursed be him who first cries hold! enough."
Murder in Hollidaysburg.
A colored man named Alexander Edmondson,
of McVeytown, was killed at Hollidaysburg on
Tuesday last, by Alexander Hutchinson, a boat
man. They got into some difficulty, when the lat
ter seized a loaded musket and shot Edmondson
through the body. Hutchinson is now iti' jail.
gir We have cheering news from Blair, Mifflin,
Centre and Juniata. M'Cutt.ocit will sweep the
district like a whirlwind. Parker's Free Trade
doctrines don't "take," in the Iron district. The
Whig battle cry is M'Culloch and Protection!
Another Richmond in the Field!
"They wire in and wire out,
And leave the people still in doubt,
Whether the snake that made the track
Was going north or coining back."
It is really amusing to witness the gyrations of
the Locofoco tricksters in this Borough. They
"wheel about and turn about" with such astonish
ing rapidity, that it is difficult to keep pace with
their evolutions. We have endeavored, in vain,
to keep the run of the movements of these skilful
political thimble-riggers. "Here it is, there it is--
now yon see it, now you don't see it." Lastweek
we thought they had finally concluded their ar
rangements, and that the contest for Si. riff was
narrowed down to ZEIGLER and WHITTAKER.-
But in the language of the old song, "doubtful
things are veryuncertain." The result shows that
we were mistaken. The political cards have been
shuffled again, and a new trump is turned up!—
Whittaker has been entirely abandoned, and' "an
other Richmond" enters the field, in the person of
Mr. Romer SPEER, ns the regular Loaofoco cau
cus nominee, in opposition to Mr. Zesoena. The
"bargain and sale" entered into between the Loco
Foco tricksters in this place, and Whittaker, is
utterly repudiated by the "Democracy" of the
country. They are not willing to trust a man who
turned TRAITOR to his own party, fur the sake
of political preferment. Such be the fate of all
political traitors !
Whittaker having been abandoned by the Loco
Focos, the contest will be between ZEIGLER and
SPEER. Personally, we have not a word to say
against Mr. Speer. We believe he is a very clev
er man, but no more clever or capable than his
Whig opponent. It is useless for us to urge upon
our Whig friends the importance of sustaining the
regular Whignominee, Mr. ZEIGLER. All see it,
feel it, know it ; anti we look forward with confi
dence to the result. All the tricks of our oppo
nents to slip in another Loraine° Sheriff; will prove
abortive. Confident of the justness of our cause,
and the superiority of our candidates, we antici
pate the election of the WHOLE WHIG TICK
ET by a majority that win annihilate Locofocoism,
and send the Guerrillas back to their secret hiding•
places, covered with confusion and disgrace!
The Tariff Candidate.
The nomination of Dr. Jonx M'Cuizeorti far
Congress, is everywhere throughout the District
responded to with enthusiastic unanimity by the
friends of FREE LABOR, of all parties. Die
popularity,. personally and politically, is unbound
ed--overlcaping all party barriers, and sweeping
down all opposition. Dr. M'Cut..toen is a man
who wins the esteem , and respect of alt who snake'
Isis personal acquaintance. Possessing, as he does,
superior talents, energy, and perseverance, he will
make a faithful and efficient Representative of the
"Iron district" in the Halls of our National Legis-
Ware. lle is the tirm friend °film toiling masses—
the' zealous advocate of PROTECTION TO AM
ERICAN LABOR—and if elected, will do all iu
his power to secure such modffiCations of vhe.pres
ent Tariff I% will effectually protect off the great
interests of our good old Commonwealth.
TARIFF MEN of the 17th district ! It now re
maim with you to make another demonstration,
and let the enemies of Pennsylvania know thatyou
are determined upon this question. Arouse, then,
Farmers, Mechanics, and Laboring men of Old
Huntingdon—gather all under the truc•AMEnICAN
banner, and let your united voices go up in favor
of AMERICAN INTERESTS! Remember the base
Locofoeo SWINDLE of 1844—remember the insults,
injuries, and deceptions which have been heaped
upon you by the leaders of the Free Trade party—
remember your nur v to yourselves and your coun
try—and then rally in the majesty of your strength
and go in a united mass for M'Cem.ocu AND
The Whole Whig Ticket.
We cannot too frequently urge upon our Whig
friends the importance of sustaining their PARTY
ORGANIZATION, and strictly adhering to REGULAR
NOMINATIONS, at all times, and under all circum
stances. The next election will be an important
one, and it will require the utmost union, harmo
ny, and concentration of effort on the mut of the
Whigs to carry the State. Every attempt at dis
organization should be indignantly frowned down,
and the disorganisers held up as
-"fixed figures for the time of scorn
To point Ills slow uninovilq; finger at."
"Principles, not men," should be the motto of
every true Whig, and the man who would barter
away his principles, and sell himself to the enemy
with the hope of obtaining a paltry office, digraces
thename of Whig, and is unworthy the support of
all honorable men. We are confident that such
political traitoriam will not be tolerated in Hun
tingdon county. The Whigs of this county are
intelligent, high-minded, patriotic men, who are
governed by principle, and cmmot be seduced from
their allegiance to the Whig party, by the cun
ningly devised tales and artful tricks of unprinci
pled "rule or ruin" politicians. They are fully
aware of the important issues at stake, and will
TICKET! The prospects never were more flatter
ing, and our friends abroad may rest assured that
old Huntingdon will he "right side up" in October.
Whigs, Can You Vote for Hinz?
A correspondent of the Juniata Sentinel charges
Parker, the British Free Trade candidate for Con
gress, with having declared in effect, at a meeting
in Miffiintown, a few years ago, that "the Whigs
of the present day were TORIES, and the enemies
of their country t"
Mr. Parker made a similar declaration in this
place, a few years since. This then is the GREAT
man who is held up as liberal and national in his
feelings—who loves self less and country more!—
' Ono who would he willing, nevertheless, to bow
the knee to SLAVERY, andas strongly advocate its
extension, as he now does the Pauper Labor of
Europe! Yes, this is the man who solicits Whig
rotes to elect him to Congress, though ho but lately
esteemed them no better than TORIES! Whigs
of old Huntingdon, mark the libeler!
eir The Native American State Convention
met last week and nominated for Canal Commis
sioner, Dr. Jacob Dewees, of Montgomery; for
Surveyor General, Kimbel Cleaver, of Schuylkill;
for Auditor General, E. S. Neale, of Allegheny.
Charles E. Kinkead, Esq.
This gentleman called upon us, personally, a few
days since, and declared; most emphatically, that
there was no arrangement between him and the
Locofocos to the effect that, if elected; he. was to
vote for the Locofoco candidate for U. S. Senator
—that he had given no such pledge, and that if
successful' he would be a Whig and act with the
Whigs as heretofore. He admitted taus, howev
er, that the Locofocos demanded such a pledge as
we charged him with having given, refusing to
support him upon any other grounds; and that he
Lad so informed' a gentleman of this county who
imparted the fact to us. He persisted, however,
in the declaration that he refused to give the re
quired pledge. We have no desire to do injustice
to Mr. Kinkead, and would he glad to believe his
statement to be true; forhis ungenerous opposition
to the regular Whig ticket is bad enough, and suf
ficient, of itself, to render his position very equivo
cal, to say she least. We feel confident, that in
view of the issues at stake; no Whig who is a
Whig front principle, will support him' or any oth
er guerrilla. The overwhelming defeafdhat awaits
Charles E. Kinkead, will convince him that he has
made a bad political mistake in volunteering
against the Whig party. Ambition is sometimes
a very dangerous thing—especially that kind' of
"Vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself,
And fulls on the other:side."
The:Next Legislature.
It is possible the next Legitlature will be called
upon to district the State foe members of Congress
for ten years—it will certainly be called upon to
elect aU. S. Senator. Our principles—the prin
ciples of the State, require that this representative
should be a Tariff man, a reliable Tariff man—and
such men are only found among Whigs. Such
kind of Tariff men as Mr. Sturgeon, who attribute
the depression in manufactures to over productions,
will not answer. But we want a real Tariff man,
and the people should see to it that we have one of
the right kind'.
These are the hasty considerations which appeal
to the judgment of the people—the freemen—as
well as the Whigs generally. In view of the pen
dency of the great question—the Tariff question—
every officer in the• State to be elected this fall
should be a Whig. They are the• only protectors
to be relied upon when this question is up.
How important, therefore, that Wm. B. gsnrit,
Saris R. M'Cume and R. A. lirMeirrinc, should
be elected. They are all gentlemen ofability and
sterling integrity, and the important questions
coining up for tie• edible of the next Legisliiture;
renders their election not only a political triumph,
but vitally important to the great interests of
Pennsylvania and the' Union:
Whig MUM at Cassville.
There•will be.o. grand Whig Rally at Cassville
to-morrow. The•news that " OLD BILL JOHN
STON" is to be there, has spread like wild-fire
through the country, and we anticipate an immense
gathering of the People on that occasion, to receive
him. We understand that our Cassville friends,
(who always do things about right,) are making
preparations to give Gov. Jotcsaron a cordial mid
enthusiastic welcome. We advise everybody to
turn out, as they may never have another oppor
tunity of seeing and hearing the best Governor
Pennsylvania has ever had.
Gov. JOHNSTON will leave hero to-morrow
morning for Cassville, accompanied by a large
number of the Whigs of this place, and will arrive
there about noon. Ile will be met by a military
and civic procession a few miles this side of Cass
vile, and escorted into the town. The meeting
will take•place•at 1 o'clock, P. M.
"An Eloquent ALppeal.,r
We invite the attention of our Whig friends to
the Address of the Lancaster Whig Committee, on
the first page of to-day's Journal.. It sets forth the
several State issues pending in durcondugcontest,
and eloquently enforces their importance: We
trust they will be seriously considered by all. our
Whig friends, and have the effect of arousing them
to. prompt and rigorous ACTION ! With a proper
effort, we can achieve another glorious triumph.—
A FULL WHIG TOTH !it all that is wanting to• se ,
cure the election of the State. and County Whig
Tickets. Thee wake up, friends, arid prepare• fie
ACTION! See to it, that every Whig vote in your
respective districts is deposited in the ballet box.
Let nothing prevent you from faithfully discharg
ing your whole duty, and a brilliant victory will
crown your patriotic labors.
The Latest Movement.
The Locofoco managers held another caucus on
Saturday evening, which resulted in the declina
tion of in favor of Mr. Si-rca, who is
now regarded as the• regular Locofoco nominee for
Sherift Things have , now assnmed a tangible
shape, and the people CRII , act and vote knowingly
and understandingly. Whittaker has been entire
ly abandoned by the Locofocos who bargained with
him to run against the Whig ticket—all the Origi
nal Locofoco candidates havebeen "choked ofi"—
and we will have an open field and a fair fight be
tween the regular party candidates, ZEIGLER and
SPEER. Of course Mr. ZEIGLER will be elected
by a large majority.
Pepper it into Them.
Friend CLARK, of the Huntingdon , Journal, is
kept busy between the Locofocos and some rene
gade Whigs, in his district, whoa are hose enough
to oppose the regularly nominated ticket bee:lista
the Convention didn't see proper to elect them.--
They are, however, only showing the wisdom of
the Convention in passing them by. Pepper it into
the pitiful creatures, Clark.—Lebanon Cormier.
far We will endeavor to do "the pitiful crea
turoi" justice, friend Worrn, on the principle
that "one renegade is worse than ten Turks." If
we arc not mistaken in the "signs of the times,"
the People will "pepper it into them" most eAbc
tunny, on the second Tuesday of October.
Railroad Bridge Broke Down.
A small Railroad bridge near Bell's Furnace,
between Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg, broke
down on Tuesday evening last, after the evening
train had passed over it. No injury was sustained.
The bridge it is said, was put up in a "hurry" by
a contractor who wanted to get through with his
work. In consequence of this break, the trains
were out of time for a few days, but all's right now.
McConnellsburg has been fixed upon as the
County seat of Fulton county. Thirteen thousand
dollars was raised by the citizens for the erection
of the public buildings.
Locofocoism and Slavery against
the Free Labor of the North 2
Notwithstanding the concessions made to the
South in the passage of the Texas Boundary, and
Fugitive Slave Bills, and establishing Senatorial
Governments for New Mexico and Utah, without
the anti-slavery Proviso, the representatives of
Locofocoism and Slavery have again united in
Congress to crush the Free Labor of the North !
On the 14th instant, an effort was mad's, in the
NOUS° of Representatives, to procure a modifica
tion of the Tariff, with a view to protecting the in
terests in this country, now so' seriously affected
by the operations of the Tariff of 1846. The ques
tion was brought up by the introduction of a report
from the Committee of Ways and Means adverse
Many alteration of the Tariff laws, and (Adoring
it to be inexpedient now to take any action. on the
Mr. Vinton offbred a substitute instructing the
Committee to bring in a bill, requiring the apprais
ers in appraising all goods, waxes and merchandise,
imported thirty days after the passage of this act,
into any port of the United. States, to adopt the
average market value of similar articles, in the
principal ports of the United States, during the
year ending 30th June, 1846, under such regula
tions, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, as shell prevent frau& and under valtu
ations, and secure a uniform valuation throughout
the United Stater.•
Mr. Phelps moved that the whole subject be laid
upon the table, which was lost—yeas 93; nays 94.
The vote was then taken upon the substitute of
Mr. Vinton,. which was lost—yeas 93, nays 96.
The Locofocos, with four exceptions, voted
against this amendment, and every Whig but two,
Messrs. Clingman and Caldwell, from N. Caroli
na, voted for it. And even Aar Democrats from
Pennsylvania, viz :—Messrs. Dimmick, Mann, Mc-
Lanahan and Ross—voted against it! Thus de
claring themselves against any further protection
of the great Coal and Iron interests of the State.
Their votes in favor of the amendment, or even•
the votes of but two of them, would , have• secured
its passage; and have given Pennsylvania the pro
tection she so much needs. But as their party has
frequently done before, they basely deserted the
interests of their State, and stood, side by side with.
the Salve Divers of the South.
After the defeat of Mr. Vinton's proposition, the
question was taken on the resolution of Mr.
Toombs, declaring it inevedient to vac any ac
tion upon the subject, and decided in the negative
—yeas 91, nay, M
Mr. Brooks moved to roconsider,WA rs view of
introducing a resolution, which he sent to the
Clerk's table to be read. The resolution provided
for the appoinhnent of a committee of seven to sit
during the recess of Congress, and gather infor
mation in relation to the operations of . the Tariff
with power to send for persons and papers.
Mr. Thompson of Miss., moved to lay the mo
tion to reconsider on the table, which was carried
—yeas 93, nays 92.
This ended the contest, and consigned the whole
matter to the tomb of the capulets.
P. S. We learn that Mr. Stevens has given
notice of his intention to offer another bill in the
ArrFral of Amein Bey.
The Turkish Commissioner and his suite landed
in new York on the 13th inst. He was dressed in
a blue frock coat, white pants, a red scull cap,
epaulette, and wore a rich order of diamonds.—
Amin Bey is the name of this representative of!
the Ottoman Porte. yle• was received with much
ceremony at Castle• Garden, by a committee ap
pointed by the common council for that purpose.
An address from the•mayor was interpreted for
him, in which. the protection of Kossuth and his
compatriots was mentioned as evidence of the kind-
ness of the Sultan's heart.. The turk replied in
the most becoming manner, saying that Colt by
his great tire , arm Morse by chaining the lightning,
and others by their great inventions, had rendered
his Sultan. familiar with American genius, and
=dined him anxious to become more so. He
remained is New York a few days, as the guest of
the city, and then proceeded to Washington.
A Full Whig Vote.
We hope our Whig friends in this county will
adopt measures to secure a FULL VOTE in every
election. district. Let not a single Whig voter be
overlooked—see that all are on the ground on the
day of the election, and that every Whig vote is
polled. Let nothing keep any of you at home.—
Should it rain, tons out like. TRUE MEN and bntve
the "pelting of the pittiless storm." The issues
involved are of immense importance—the country
calls upon every ratriotto do his duty, and shame
to hint who falters ! Let all go to work with cheer
ful hearts and a fixed determination to get out a
Pura. Wino VOTE, and the whole Whig Ticket
will be triumphantly elected.
Intense Excitement.
Friday last was a throng day in Huntingdon.—
The Circus attracted an immense crowd of coun
try people; and the extensive pavilion was crowd
ed to its utmosteapacity, both in the afternoon and
evening. When the whistle of the Locomotive
WAS heard, in the evening, there was a general
rush of men, women and children to the Depot, to
witness, for the first time, the arrival of the Cars;
and the puffing of the "Iron Horse" created the
most intense curiosity and excitement. The "en
tertainment" at the Depot was decidedly rich, and
far eclipsed the Circus, "Fiery Dragon" and all !
Two Men Rine&
The watchman of the railroad bridge at Peters
burg, was killed on Tuesday last, by the locomo
tive, and another man is said to have been killed
on the same day, at lltincannon. Both these men
were on the track, owe of them we believe asleep,
and the other perhaps not sober. It is really as
tonishing that any one should he so fool-hardy as
to make a railroad, with trains passing up or down
every few hours, a place for taking a nap.
fir A matt has been discovered in Kentucky,
who takes a great many newspapers and always
pays for them irr advance. Theprintees of sever
al' States are already arranging to contributchlocks
of marble, for his monument I
A VOLUME IN A LINE.—At a temperance cele
bration in Tennessee, a little lad appeared in the
procession, bearing a flag on which was inscribed :
" All's right when daddy's sober :"
The Foreign Grain Market.
The Washington Republic commends to the
careful perusal of those farmers of the Union who
ore anxiously looking fir• the realization of Mr.
Secretary Walker's promises of a European mar
ket that was to "go on increasing" from the time
when time "potato rot" enabled us to export to the
amount of some twenty or thirty millions of dol
lars' worth grain, the following paragraph which
we take from the London Examiner of the 10th
ultimo :
The Emperor of Russia has ordered the forma
dun of five or six lines of road connecting the south
of Russia with Oi'emu, in order that the immense'
quantity of corn produced in this fertile and almost
virgin soil may ho more readily transported for
export. "It is expected," says a Russian cor
respondent, "that in a few years the markets of En
' rope will be so overflooded with Russian corn that all
competition will be impossible."
Russia, it is well known, can produce enough to
supply all that will be needed in Great Britain at
lower rates than it can he raised in the United
States, and if the project spoken of above is once'
accomplished, that Empire can deliver Wheat' its
England at from 50 cents to $1 per bushel—and
should prices rule here at the latter figure, export'
it to the United States. In such case, we ask any
intelligent &miner, WllO.llO44irCS a fair renumeratims
for his labor, whether a protective• tariff would not
better suit his views than the free trade doctrine.
now advocated by darkamfoco party? One dol
lar per bushel fur wheat is low enough—in fact,
for nmeh less than that the* American flintier can
not raise it—yet ASDREIV Plturisn, the loeofoeo
candidate for Congress, would tell you, should
such a state of things arise as is referred to above,
that it will not do to put a tariff,. wheat, because
his policy is to bay where we can bay cheapest, no.
matter how the article is produced, whether by
slave, serf, or pauper labor. On the other hand,
Joux IWCum.ocu would say, put on such a duty
as will protect the farmer against ruinous compe
tition, and enable him to pay fair rates to the men
who labor for him:. That is Site iltsut—aml he
OVCCTE them let the voters decide.
Col. R. A. ill'Murtrie.
The Locofocos have abandoned the idea of pre
;seining a regularly nominated candidate-against
Col. ISl'Muttrutm They will, no.doula, says the
Blair County Whi . g, endeavor to rally their scat
tered forces upon Col. M'DowELL, who has im
nouneeil himself On AA , " intiopendent" candidate ;
but us gooif a Locofocotts can be found in the dis
trict. It is scarcely necessary to tell the people of
this district who Cob Aninumok: is. He is known
throughout its !kits, as' a tuna of great energy of
character, commanding talents, and an obliging
neighbor and citizen.. his has been born and rais
ed within its bottueh, well, acquainted with the
wants mut diversified interests of each and every
,section, mar cannot Iftifi to command. the respect
and confidence of those• whom he will, certainly,
be the Representative of.
To our Whig friend's, we can give every assu
rance, as to his soundness on the political ques
tions of thellity, and his ability to sustain them on
the floor of the Senate. lie is the warm, devoted,
and faithful friend of our excellent Governor; and
the admirer and supporter of the adminbtration of
President Fillmore. What more do we want in a
candidate? Should lie not get our suffrages?—
Most certainly. Then Whigs, and honest demo
crats, rutty to the support of Col. M'Murtrie. Wo
have every assurance that he will pol 1 more than
his full party vote in this county. If other por
tions of the district do their duty, Which we con
fidently believe they will, his majority cannot fall
short of halve hundred. Do yotir duty, Whigs,
and we will distance his independent, Locofoeo
Three Thousand Hungarians.
Alexander LL KACS, (pronounceilmeats, nearly)
a member of the revolutionary Congress of Hun
gary, and. a Commissary of the Hungarian Army,
arrived in New York a lbw days since, from Hun
gary via England, totaling left for the Great West
where he designs to reside. Ile is empowered to
purchase a large tract of land for 300 u of his coun
trymen from Central Hungary; We learn front
the Journal of Commerce that Mr. LVHACS is one
of the eleven persons outlawed by General WIN
DISHORATZ, in DeCelllher, 1848, when be entered
Hungary at the head of the Austrian. army. Af
ter the overthrow of the Hungarian army, Mr.
LruAcs hept himself secreted in Hungary until
last March, when he effected his escape. Ile is
now, thank Heaven, beyond the reach of Austrian
vengence. The settlement which he proposes to
found, would be a desirable acquisition to any
community. It is not absolutely essential that the
land should be all in one tract provided that two
or more parcels he not many miles assunder.
Jenny Lind , s Generosity.
The generosity of Jenny Lind captivates all
hearts. In addition to the ten thousand dollars
which she recently gave to benevolent societies in
New York, the Tribune states that she has already
e xpended upward of $2500 in private charity shwa
she reached the United States, and that she had
appropriated the entire net results of her visit to•
America, however large they may be, to the estab
lishment and endowment of a system of free
schools iu Norway, and Sweden. Just before lea
ving the Irving House, she presented a splendid
diamond brest-pin to D. D. Howard, proprietor of
that establishment. Jenny is certainly the most
munificent of all the great artists who have here
tofore visited this country.
Hon. A H. IL Stuart.
We are sincerely gratified In being able to an
nounce the appointment of the Hon. A. 11. Ii
Stuart of Virginia as Secretary of the Home De
partment, and his acceptance of the same. Mr.
Stuart was formerly a representative in Congress
from Virginia, and during the, period of his servi
ces in that body made several very able speeches
fit favor of the Protective Policy. He is an able
man and a true and unswerving Whig. A better
selection could not well have been made.
Imo' Our subscribers on the Trough Creek route
arc informed that their papers are mailed regularly.
If they do not receive them, it is owing entirely to
the carelessness of some of the Postmasters on the
route, who had better attend to their. business, or
we will agility to Uncle Sam for redress.
girThe " Wider Cure Journal" and the "Ameri
can Phrenological Journal," for September, have
been received. !loth are excellent numbers of two
most excellent and highly popular works.