Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 17, 1850, Image 3

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    'Now Or Never.
The second Tuesday of Oettibr;says the Daily
News, is rapidly approaching, and it behoves now
every Whig to arouse to a full sense of his duty,
and to delay not a day longerin uniting with those
already engaged in organising our forces and pre
paring for the strum* that is before us. There
is no time now to be lost. But one brief month
remains for the work that hat yet been hardly be
gun. That the issues involved in the next elec
tion, and the offices then to be filled, are of such a
character as to induce every Whig to feel a deep
concern for the success of the Whigparty, we need
hardly state. Why, then, is there not more activ
ity throughout the State? why not more concert
of action and hearty co-operation in the work of
organization to achieve the triumph within oar
reach? We can succeed, if we will. Who among
the Whigs of Pennsylvania, if singled out, would
not be ashamed to acknowledge that he had not
the will? Surely if there ever was ft time when
there Were incentives to do our duty that time is
now. Blessed with a wise and patriotic Whig
chief magistrate of the nation, and a noble and un
swerving Whig Governor of the Oommonwealth,
it shotild ire their enthusiastic delight as it is their
undoubted duty, to rally in their support, and once
more wheel the old Keystone into the Whig line.
But there are other incentives to action besides
those. We have good and true men presented for
our support for the State offices—men who are
Whigs in feeling and sentiment, who are capable
and thithfal, and who deserve the cordial, yea, en
thusiastic support of the entire Whig party of the
State. Why, then, not be active ? Why hesitate ?
Why delay to organize? Remember, Whigs,
now is the time—now or never.
Jenny Lind.
Tickets for the choice seats to the first Concert
given in New York, by Jenny Lind, the Swedish
Nightingale, were put up at auction, and a hatter
named GENIN, proved himself to be the biggest
fool in the crowd by paying $225 for the first
choice. The second choice of seats brought $25;
the third $l5, &c.
The first Concert came off on Wednesday night
last. The receipts were upwards of $27,000, and
the audience so electrified with the music of the
fair songstress that they seemed to regard the
pleasure as "dirt cheap." To add to the enthusi
asm, Barnum came forward before the audience
dispersed and announced that the charming Jenny
had given the whole of her share of the receipts,
amounting to upwards of $lO,OOO, to various so
cieties and public charities, of which the Fire De
partment receives $3,000, the Musical Fund So
ciety $2,000, and various other societies $5OO
each. She seems to be an apt pupil, and is fast
learning Barnum's ways.
organs in Westmoreland refuse to support the no
mination of Mr. Snodgrass for Congress. In Bed
ford county, a resolution endorsing the nomination
was toted down three to one. There is great dis
satisfaction in all the counties of the district.
67 6 The government of Chili has adopted the
reciprocity measure of this country and Englund,
respecting navigation, and have abolished the gov
eminent monopoly of tobacco, which is expected to
increase the demand for the article from this country.
TREASON IN TEXAS.-II is said that the Joint
Committee in the Legislature have reported a bill
raising three thousand men to march against San
ta Fe, and take forcible possession of New Mexico.
No danger we presiune.
or The Susquehanna Railroad, from York to
Baltimore, has suffered greatly by the flood. All
through York county the destruction on farms,
county bridges, roads, &e., has been immense.
MUMMY WHEAT.- , -There is now flowering in
the garden of the Prince's park a very fine yucca
gloriosa. There is also growing there some mum
my wheat. It has seven curs or more on one
sutlk, similar to that described in Pharaoh's
dream, (Gen. xli., 5.) The grains from which it
was raised were taken out of a mummy, in the
lielfast•Museum, five or six years ago. how sur
prising that the principle of life should thus be
preserved two thousand or three thousand years!
How interesting that we should thus have brought
into life again the kind of wheat grown in the days
of Joseph and Pharaoh, three thousand five hun
dred years ago.—English paper.
of Berks county nominated their county ticket On
Saturday last. J. Glancy Jones was nominated
for Congress. The Convention instructed the
Senators and Representatives of Berks county not
to vote for Simon Cameron, for U. S. Senator, in
More Threats of Disti
WAKIIINGTON, Sept. 12.—The Southern Press
newspaper, published in this city, still predicts
disunion and nullification in the States of Georgia,
Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and S. Carolina.
The rumor that the American flag had been
trampled upon at Charleston, turns out, as might
have been expected, to be a hoax.
PUJI,DELPHIA, Sept. 14, 1850,
FLorn.—Float has a limited demand, and fresh
ground can be had at $5. Sales for city use at
$5 12 a 51. Extra Flour $5 75 $7.
RYE FLOUR.-Sales of Penna. at $3.
CORY MEAL—Is held at $2 943.
WHEAT—Is in fair supply; sales of Southern
and Penna. red at $1 02 a 1 03; prime white at
$1 11.
CORN—Is steady at 65 a 66 ets. for good yd.
low; white is worth 62c.
l'ennsilvania RYE is firm at 65 cts per. bush.
OATu—Arc in fair request; sales of prime
Penns. from 40 to 41 eta.; 5000 bushels Southern
sold at 37 a 38 eta.
WHISKEY - Barrels are held at 27 eta.; and
hhds at the same price.
At Harrisburg, on the 10th inst., by the Hey.
WIG. It. Dewitt, Col. Auouerue K. CORNYN, of
this Borough, to Miss ELIZA H. JACOBS, of the
former place.
NOTICE is hereby given that the books, notes
and unsettled accounts of the subscribers
are in the hands of DAVID SNARE, Esq., of Hun
tingdon, fur settlement. All persons interested
will please call at his office without delay, rnd
thereby save costs.
Sept. 17, 1830.-3 t.—pd.
At the solicitations of numerous friends throu
ghout the country, I am a candidate for the of
fice of Sheriff at the ensuing election, and res
pectfully ask the suffrages of my fellow citizens
for that office. If elected I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of the office faithfully.
West township, July 23, 1850.
AT the solicitation of a large number of my fel
-1- low citizens, loffer myself as a candidate for
the State Senate, at the approaching election, in
the District composed of the counties of Hunt
ingdon, Blair and Cambria.
Sept. 18, 1850.—te.—pd.
AND HUNTINGDON.-At the solicitation of
many friends, I offer myself to you as an INDE
ercNrissy candidate for ASSEMBLY, and if elected,
pledge myself to discharge the duties of said of
fice with fidelity.
Yellow Springs, Blair Co., t .
Sept. 17, 1850.
INGDON AND BLAIL-At the solicitation of
many of my friends, I offer myself to your consid
eration as an INDEPENDENT candidate for ASSEM
BLY, and if elected, pledge myself to discharge the
duties of said office with fidelity.
Tell township, Sept. 17, 1850.—pd.
TO the Independent Voters of Huntingdon coun
ty.—Being pressed by my friends throughout
the county, I offer myself as an Independent can
didare for the office of County Commissioner, and
respectfully solicit your suffrages. Should Ibe so
fortunate as to be elected, I will endeavor to dis
charge the duties honestly and faithfully.
Huntingdon, Sept. 17, 1850.—pd.
FELLOW CITIZENS.-1 hereby offer myselfas
candidate for County Surveyor, at the ensuing
election, and respectfully solicit your support.
Sept. 17, 1850.
ITOU will meet in full uniform on your usual
parade ground, in front of the Court House,
on Saturday next, 21st inst., at 4 o'clock, P. M.,
precisely, for drill.
A Court of Appeal will be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on Satur
day, 28th inst. By order of the Captain.
THE semi-annual Exhibition of Milnwood Acad
will take place, in the new Academy
Hall, on Wednesday the 25th inst. The parents
and patrons of the Institution, and the community
generally, are respectfully invited to he present.—
Exercises to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. M., pre
cisely. N. B.—A Band of Music is expected to
be in attendance.
Shade Gap, Sept. 17, 1850.
Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No.
55, North fhird Street.
Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS caret
cases, $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, full
jeweled, $l6 and over; Silver Lepine, jeweled,
$ll and over; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to
$10; Gold Pencils, $1 to $l2; Gold Pencils,
warranted, $1 and ovet
_ .
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des
cription of Jewelry in like proportion. He
would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon
county, that he has enlarged his establishment,
and greatly increased his already extensive stock
of goods, which he now offers for sale at such
prices that will strike terror to all competitors.
Call and see me; I will charge you nothing for
looking. Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors
North of our friend Hirst's City Hotel.
No. 55, North Third Street.
PhiladelPhig, Sept. 17, 1850.
Huntingdon, September 17, MO.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Laws of the
late session of the Penn's. Legislature have
been received at this office, and are ready to be
delivered to thou who are by law entitled to
receivg, the*
THEO. H. CREMER, Prothonotary.
NEW LIVERY I—l t is a well known fact
that the public have been imposed upon by
Liveries in this place; therefore I would res
pectfully announce to the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity, that I have the BEST SADDLE,
.a Livery in this place, and will accommodate
all who may favor me with their custom, at the
most reasonable rates.
I hope by strict attention to my business, and
an endeavor to please all, to merit and receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
Sept. 17, 1850.—t(.
MBE Volunteers composing the 4th Brigade,
14th D., will parade for REVIEW, at Mount
Union, on Wednesday, the 16th day of October, at
10 o'clock, A. M. . . .
In obedience to Division Orders, the commis
sioned officers of the Brigade will appear in parade
with crape upon their left arm, and the flags will
be clothed in mourning, as a mark of respect for
our late Chief Magistrate, ZACIIARY TAYLOR.
The attention of the officers of the Brigade is
also directed to "Orders No. 2," requiring the Un
dress uniform of the Army to be worn, as best
suited to the present organization of the military
of the State.
iii order of Brig. Gen. GEO. W. SPEER.
Sept. 17, 1850.-2 t.
THE Companies composing the Ist Battalion,
4th Brigade, 14th Division, will parade for
Inspection, at Mount Union, on Thursday the 17th
day of October—arms and accoutrements in com
plete order. The other companies of the Brigade
not attached to the Ist Battalion, will also be in
spected at the same time and place.
Brig. Insp. 4th B. 14th D.
Sept. 17, 1850.-2 t.
THE Volunteers composing the Ist Battalion,
4th Brig. 14th Div.,will meet atMouht Union
on Tuesday the 15tH day of October, in full uniform,
prepared for four days Camp dam
By order of Major CHAS. Miciwcy.
A. W. CLARKSON,Adjutant.
Sept. 17, 1850.-2 t
A N assortment of Pittsburg Glassware just
received by J. Ai W. SAXTON.
May 7, ISSA.
JOHN STONE & SONS, importers and
ers in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods,
No. 45 Soria Second Street, Philadelphia.—
Have received by late arrivals from France, a
large and very desirable assortment of FA LL
MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be
Bonnet Velvets of all colors in variety of prices.
Corded Velvets 6' CC
Figured, water'd and corded Bonnet Goods.
Bonnet and Cep Ribbons, a large assortment.
French and Amerimri Fl owers.
Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Buckram., &c.
&c., together with a splendid assortment of Par
is Fancy Feathers.
The above goods were selected by one of the
firm in France, and will be sold at the very
lowest market prices.
Philada., Sept. 17, 1850.-Im.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to
public sale on the Pre lees, on Saturday, the
19th day of October neji at 1 o'cloPk, P. M.
Two lots in the Borough of Alexandria, each
fronting sixty feet on Frost street, and extend
ing back at right angles to said street two hun
dred feet to an alley, the Pennsylvania Canal
dividing and runing through them, adjoining a
lot of Nicholas Cresswell on the east, and a lot
of Israel Grafius, Esq., on the west; being lots
No. 33 and No. 31 in the plan of said borough,
and having thereon erected a two story brick
house, a log house, and a frame stable, late the
property of John P. Dean, dec'd.
• 2 rWs of Sale.—One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale,
the balance in two equal annual payments, with
interest from the confirmation of the sale to be
secured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur
chaser. By order of the Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
September 17, IMO.
Valuable Property at Public Sale.
THE subscribers will sell at public sale, on the
1 premises, on Thursday the 7th day of Nov.
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. a Tract of Land, contain
ing 287 acres, more or less, situate and lying in
Perin Township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
lands of John & Benjamin Grove, lands of Jane
Steel and others, about 200 acres of which is I
cleared and in a good state of cultivation, thel
buildings thereon erected are a good two story
Log Dwelling House, well finished, Log Bank
Barn, &c. There is also a good apple orchard
on the premises, an excellent spring of never
failing water near the house, and the tract gen
erally is well supplied with water. The said
tract of land is owned by the estate of Samuel
Steel and Jane Steel jointly. The said Jane
Steel will attend on the dry of sale herself, or
by her agent, James Entrekin, Esq., for the
purpose of ratifying and confirming sale of said
lead. Tenors.—One third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on confirmation of sale ; the oth
er two thirds to be paid in yearly payments of
five hundred dollars each, with interest thereon
from confirmation of sale, to be paid annually.
Payments to be secured by bond and mortgage
of purchaser. JAMES GWIN,
Ex'', of Samuel Steel, deed.
Sept. 17, 1850.—ts.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY a writ of Piece Facies, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 19th
day of October next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon,
at the house of Henry Selfridge, in Jackson town
ship, Huntingdon county, the following property:
All that piece, parcel, or tract of land situate in
Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing
about 100 acres more or less, adjoining lands of
Henry Lee, Henry Baker, and others, having
thereon erected two log dwelling houses and frame
bans ; about 60 acres cleared.
Also, one other tract of land situate in Jackson
township, county aforesaid, containing about 100
acres more or less, adjoining lands of Henry Lee,
Joseph Haley and others, having thereon erected
a log dwelling house and cabin barn; about forty
acres clearest. Seized and taken under execution
as the property of James Franks, and to be sold by
M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon,
Sept. 17, 1850.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale, at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 26th of October, 1850, a TRACT
OF LAND, situate in Brady township, in said
county, containing 188 acres more or less, ad
joining lands of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, Jas.
Ker, Jas. M'Donald and others. The said tract
of land lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, with
in a convenient distance of the Penna. Railroad
and canal, and is well timbered, which renders
it very valuable, and offers a very profitable
speculation to purchasers.
The above tract will be sold whole, or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
Teams.—The half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CA311.13E1.1., Clerk.
Attendance given by
Administrator of John Wiley, dec'd.
dept. 10, 1850.—ts.
IN any quantity, and of all the various patterns
the market affords, may be obtained at No.
55 North 3d Street, six doors north of the City
Hotel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash prices.
Clocks purchased at the above establishment
may be depended upon as being good and dura
ble time keepers, or the money refunded in case
of the failure of any Clock to perform according
to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is
the time, and here is the place for bargains, and
although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less
than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does
not admit of complaint on the part of the closest
'sayer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex
elusively fur cash.
No. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia
Sept. 10, 1850.—tf.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
PATRICK LANG, late of Walker township, Hun
tingdon county, dec'd. All persons knowing
themselves indebted are requested to make pay
ment immediately, and those having claims will
present them, properly authenticated, for set
tlement. JOHN KER,
Sept. 10, 18.50.-ot.
ALL persons having claims against the Pion
eer Boat and Stage Company, will please
present them for settlement previous to the first
day of October next, to
WM. COLDER, Harrisdurg.
S. STILES, Huntingdon.
Sept. 3, 350.—at.
to an Act of the General Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An act relating to the elections of this
Commonwealth," approved the second day of July
A. D. 1839, I, M. CROWNOVER, nigh Sheriff
of the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Penn
sylvania, do hereby make known and give notice
to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a Gen
eral Election will be held in said county of Hun
tingdon, on the SECOND TUESDAY (Bth day)
OF OCTOBER, 1850, at which time State and
County officers, as follows, will he elected:
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Canal Commis
sioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PEESON to fill the office of Auditor General
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Surveyor Gen
eral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON to represent the counties of Hun
tingdon, Blair, Centre, Juniata and Mifflin, in the
Congress of the United States.
ONE PERSON to represent the counties of Hun
tingdon, Blair and Cumbria, in the Senate of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Two PERSONS to represent the counties of Hun
tingdon and Blair, in the I louse of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON to till the office of Sheriff of the
county of Huntingdon.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of Commissioner
of the county of Huntingdon.
ONE PERSON to fill the office of District Attor
ney of the county of Huntingdon.
n - •
ONE PERSON fill the °thee of County Survey
or of the county of Iluntingdon.
ONE PERSON to till the ;Ace of Auditor of the
county of Huntingdon.
Also, at the time aforesaid, an election will be
held for the purpose of deciding upon the adoption
or rejection of the proposed tuuendment of the
Constitution of this Commonwealth, relating to
the election of Judges by the People, which has
been agreed to by a majority of the members elect
ed to each House of the Legislature, at two suc
cessive sessions of the same.
WHEREAS, a joint resolution to amend the Con
stitution of this Commonwealth, in the second sec
tion sof the fifth article thereof, by providing for
the election of the Judges of this Commonwealth
by the people, has been agreed to by a majority of
the members elected to each House of the Legis
lature, at two successive sessions of the same:
And whereas, the Constitution of the said Com
monwealth requires that any amendment so agreed
upon shall be submitted to the people in such man
ner, and at such time, at least three months after
being so agreed to by the two Houses, as the Le
gislature shall prescribe:
And whereto, by an act of the General Assem
bly of the State, passed on the 9th day of April,
A. D. one thousand eight hundred an fifty, it is •
provided "that for the purpose of ascertaining the
sense of the citizens of this Commonwealth, in re
gard to the adoption or rejection of the said amend
ment, the Governor of. this Commonwealth shall
issue a writ of election directed to the Suerill of
each and every county of this Commonwealth,
commanding them to give notice in the tonal man
ner, that an election wilt be held in each of the
townships, wards and districts therein, on the sec
' and Tuesday in October, in the year of our Lord
1350, for the purpose of deciding upon the adoption
or rejection of the said amendment; which said
lelection shall be held at the places, and be opened
and closed at the time at and within which the
general elections of this Commonwealth are held,
opened and closed:"
'Now, therefore, in obedience to the requirements
of the Constitution, and in accordance with the
true intent and meaning of the said Oct of General
Assembly of this Commonwealth, I, M. CROW Y.
OVER, Sheriff of Huntingdon county, give notice
• that ti.o election will be held aceording to the terms
of the Constitution, and provisions of the Act of
the General Assembly aforesaid, in each of the
townships, wards and districts therein, on the sec
ond Tuesday in October, in the year of our Lord
1850, for the purpOse of deciding upon the adop
tion or rejection of the said amendment.
And the freemen of the county of Huntingdon
are authorized to vote at said election tickets ei
ther printed or written, or partly printed and partly
written, labelled on the outside "AMENDMENT, S '
and those who are favorable to said amendment,
stay express their desire by voting each a written
or printed, or partly written and partly printed 1.11-
lot, containing on the inside the words, 'for the
amendment," and those wins are opposed to such
amendment may express their opposition by vo
ting each a similar ballot, containing on the inside
thereof the words, "against the amendment."
ALso, at the time athresaid, an election will be
held for the purpose of deciding for or against the
erection of a Poor House by the county of Hun
In pursuance of said Act, I also hereby make
known and give notice, that the places of holding
the aforesaid general election in the several elec
tion districts within the said county, are as follows:
Ist district, composed of Henderson townshilb
and all that part of Walker township not in the
16th district, at the Court House iu the Boroicth
of Huntingdon.
2,1 district, composed of Dublin township, at the
house of Matthew Taylor, in said township. •
Sit district, composed ofi so much of Warriors
mark township us is not included in the 19th dis
trict, at the school house adjoining the town of
4th district, composed of the township of Hope
well, at the house of Henry Zimmerman, near En
trekin's new mill, in said township.
sth district, composed of the township of Barre°,
at the house of James Livingston (formerly John
Harper), in the town of Saulsbury, in said tp.
6th district, composed of the township of Shirley,
at the house of D. Fraker, in Shirleysburg.
7th district, composed of Porter and Walker
townships, and so much of West township as is in
cluded in the tollowing boundaries, to wit: begin
ning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman's
farm on the bank of the little Juniata river, at the
lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a north
easterly direction to the most southerly part of the
thrill owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40
degrees west to the top of Tussey's mountain, to
intersect the line of Franklin township, thence a
long said line to little Juniata river, thence down
the same to the place of beginning, at the public
school house opposite the German Ref. Church, in
the Borough of Alexandria.
Bth district, composed of the township of Frank
lin, at the house of Jacob Menem now occupied
by Geo. W. Menem, in said township.
9th district, composed of Tell township, nt the
Union School House, near the Union Meeting
House, in said township.
10th district, composed of Springfield township,
at the school house near Hugh Madden's, in said
11th district, composed of Union tp., at the school
house near Ezekiel Corbin's in said township.
12th district, composed of Brady, township, at
the mill of James Lane, in said township.
13th district, composed of Morris township, at
the house now occupied by Abrahiun Moyer, (Inn'
keeper,) lute Alex. Lowry, Jr., in the village of
Waterstreet, in said township.
14th district, composed of that part of West tp.
not included in the 7th district, at the public school
house on the firm now owned by Miles Lewis,
(formerly owned by James Louis, ) in said tp.
15th district, composed of that part of Walker
township lying southwest of a line commencing
opposite David Corbin's house, at the Union tp.
line, thence in a straight line, including said Cur
bin's house to the corner of Porter township, ou
the Huntingdon and Woodcock valley road, at the
house of Jacob Magahy, iu said tp.
16th district, composed of the township of Tod,
at the Green School House in said tp.
17th district, composed of that part of West tp.
en the south-east side of Warrior ridge, beginning
at the line of West and Henderson townships, at
the toot of said Ridge, to the line of Bence town
ship, thence by the • division line of Barre. and
West townships to the inumnit of Stone mountain,
to intersect the• line of Henderson and West town
ships, thence by said line to place of beginning, at
the house now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on
Murry's Run.
18th district, composed of Cromwell tp., at the
house now occupied by David Etnire, Orbisonia.
19th district, composed of the Borough of Birm
ingham, with the several tracts of bind near toand
attached to the same, now owned and occupied by
Thos. M. Owens, John K. M'Calian, A. Rober
son, John Gensimer and Wm. Gensimer, situate
in the township of Warriorsmark, at the public
school house in said Borough.
20th district, composed of Cass township, at the
public school house in Cassville, in said tp.
21st district, composed of Jackson township, at
the house of Robert Barr, now occupied by John
Hirst, at McAleary's Fort, in said tp.
22d district, composed of Clay township, at the
house of Joshua Shore, at the Three Springs, in
said township.
23d district, composed of Penis TO111181111), nt the
school house on the farm of Jacob Brumbaugh, in
said t!,wnship.
- .
I also make knovrii and give notice, as in and
by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am di
rected, "that every person, excepting justices of
the peace, who shall hold any Office or appointment
of profit or trust under the government of the U.
or of this State, or of any city or incorpo
rated district, whether a commissioned officer or
agent, who is or shall be employed under the le
gislative, executive, or the jiulieiary department
of this State, or of the U. States, or any city or
incorporated district, and also, that every member
of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of
the select or common council of any city, com
missioners of ally incorporated district, is by law
incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any
such election, shall be then eligible to any office
to be then voted for."
Also, that in the 4th section of the act of As
sembly entitled "Act relating to executions and litr
other purposes," approved April 16,1840. it is en
acted that the aforesaid 13th section "shall not be
consumed as to prevent any militia officer or bor
ough officer from serving as judge, inspector, or
clerk, of any general or special election in this
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 61th
section in the act aforesaid, the judges of the Axe
said distlicts shall respectively take charge of the
certificate or return of the election of their respec
tive districts, and produce them at a meeting of
one judge from each district, at the Court House
in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the third day
atter the day of the election, being for the present
year on FRIDAY, the 11th of October next, then
and there to do mid perform the duties required
by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge
by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to
attend said meeting of judges, then the certificate
of return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one
of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said
district, and shall do and perform the ditties re
quited of said judge unable to attend.
Also, in the section of said act, it is enact
ed that "every general and special election shall
be opened between the hours of eight and ten in
the forenoon, and shall continue without interrup
tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed."
Given under toy hand ut Huntingdon the 9th day
of September, 1850, and of the Independence of
the United States the seventy-fourth.
Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, to.
September 10, 1830. S
tu t , AT an - Orphans' Court, held et
st' . ""!... il. Huntingdon, in and for the said
•Zia county, on the second Monday and
~., ' . 12th day of August, A. D. 1850,
' '''.r ." " 4 7, c .:.,. ' before the Hon . George Taylor,
quire, President, and James Gwin
and John Stewart, Esquires, Associates, Judges
of our said Court :
On motion of Thomas P. Campbell, Esq., the
Court granted a Rule on the heirs and legal re
presentatives of Philip P. Shoop, late of Tell
township, in the county vf Huntingdon, dee'd,
to come into Court on the first day of Novem
ber :erm next, and accept or refuse to take the
real estate of the said deceased, at the valuation
thereof by the Inquisition retUrneil into the of
fice of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, to wit:
$395. And ordered that personal notice be giv
en to those residing in the county, or by wri
ting left at their respective places of abode, and
by publication in one newspaper published in
said county, for four weeks, and a copy of said
notice to be forwarded by mail to the Post Office
most convenient to the parties residing out of
the county, whose residenceis known.
_ _
Prom the record certified under seal of said
Court, at Huntingdon, this 30th day of August,
A. D. 1950. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Sept. 10, 1850.—tt.
NOTICE. is hereby given, that Letters Tes
tamentary have been granted to the under
signed, on the estate of HENRY L. KamTaft,
late of Springfield township, deceased. Persons
knowing themselves indebted will come forward
and make payment, and all those having claims
will present them for settlement.
Sept. 3, 1850.-6 L—51,75 pd.
DI virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
D of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
public sale, on Saturday, the 20th day of Oc
tober next, A TRACT OF LAND, late the es
tate of WM. EWING, dec'd., situate in West and
Barree townships, adjoining lands or John Stry
ker, Dr. Mordecai Massey, Robert Massey, Jas.
Ewing's heirs, and others, containing 9126 acres
more or less, a large part of which is cleated,
and in a good state of cultivation, with an apple
Orchard of good fruit thereon, and a two story
stone DWELLING HOUSE, and a large frame
Bank Barn, thereon erected. Also a corn crib,
wagon shed, spring house, and other buildings.
. .
The above is situate in a fine settlement, and
the land is of the best quality, and is one of the
best farms in Huntingdon county.
Timms OF SALE.—One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale.—
one third in one year thereafter, with interest—
and the remaining third at and immediately after
the death of the widow of said deceased, the in
terest thereon to be paid to the said widow an
coolly and regularly during her life, the whole
to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the
By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL. Clerk.
Attendance given by
JAMES EWING, Administrator.
Sept. 10, 1050.—ts.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
SIMISON HIONT, late of Henderson township,
Huntingdon county, deceased. Those knowing
themselves indebted are requested to make im
mediate payment; and those having claims will
present them for settlement.
AMOS CLARK, Administrator.
Tod township, Aug. 20, 1850.-6 t.
JUSTICE OF THE PEAC E.—Of fi ce in Main
street, Huntingdon, Pa.
- •
Ahead of all others with New Clothingl
r i ntw nn o d grt d ne ha lL e .e j s u t st aZ"m iv os e t d 47e d n a d r i:
ING ever broteght to Huntingdon. Our new
stock consists of black, blue, green and brown
Frock and Dress Coats, from $6 to $l2, worth
more money; black, brown, drab and blue Over
Coats and Sack Coats, from $2,50 to $l2, worth
$l2; a fine assortment of Business Coats, Pea
black Satin and Figured Vests, cassi
mere and cassinet Pants, Shirts, Suspenders,
Gloves, Stocks, 'franks and Carpet Bags, alt of
which will be sold at auction prices.
Also, the latest styles of NEW YORK HATS
and BOSTON BOOTS, the superior qublity and
low prices of which have astonished the world,
dumb founded Queen Victoria, and brought
Kings oft' their Thrones to purchase front us.—
Purchasers should BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS
who ark five prices lo.• their clothing, and who
allow themselves to be beat down to two prices.
Such a system is certainly not in accordance
with liiir dealing, and will not be practised at
the Hall of Fashion, as long as purchasers are
opposed to the ' , live price" system.
The Hata, or FASHION hes, after en existence
of three years, won a character for selling good
and fashionable clothing c0g..., and it Will en
deavor to keep tin that character, by gelling at
Sept. 3, 1850.—.301. B. &W. SNARE
Saddle, Sarum & Trunk Manufacturers.
THE undersigned are now associated in the
1 above business, iii the old stand heretorore
occupied by Wm. Glasgow, in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every
thing in their line will be furnished on the
shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to
suit all. They manufacture the most of their
work themselves, and can therefore assure the
public that every article will be made in the beet
and must durable manner.
(11" A large assortment of stiperior SAD
DLES, READY MADE, always on hand.
0:7 - Hides, and country produce, generally,
taken in exchange for work.
WM. GLASGOW returns thanks far the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes
that his old patrons will continue to patronize
the new firm. Witt. GLASGOW,
August 27, 1850. WM. J. STEEL.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
ABRAHAM Moose, late of Warriorsmaek town
ship, Huntingdon county, dec'd. All persons
knowing themselves indebted, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims, will present them, properly authentica
ted, for settlement. DAVID MOORE,
Aug. 20, 1820.-ot. Administrator.
THE Farm belonging to the estate of John
M'Curtney, deceased, situated in Hender.
son township, Huntingdon county, is offered for
rent. This Farm contains about 180 acres of
land, 130 acres of which is cleared, and in a
good state of cultivation. There is a good two
story log dwelling house, bank Barn, and other
buildings on the premises. This property is
one of the most desirable, for farming purposes,
in Huntingdon county, and Will be tented on
reasonable terms.
Proposals will be received from this time un
til the Ist of November next, by the undersign
ed, or by Won. F. M'Cartney, living on the
place. Possession will be given on the lot of
April 1851..
August 27, 1850.-6 t. Ezeritersz
Proposals for Building a Bridge.
SEALED Proposals will be received at the
Commissioners' office, at Huntingdon, for
the building of the Bridge across Raystown
Branch, at Hawn's Fording, on Friday the 20th
of September next. The plan and specification
of the said bridge to be seen at any time after
the Ist of September. I. GREENLAND,
August 27, 1850
PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be exposed to public
sale, at the Hotel of Thomas Wallace, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, Sept.
18th, and at Harrisburg on Tuesday Sept. 24th,
1850, at Maj. Sanders' Rail Ruud Hotel, oppo
site the Depot, the entire stock of the Pioneer
Packet Boat and Stage company, consisting of
Packet Boats, with all the Furniture complete.
about SIXTY HORSES and Harness, %%ether
with a Blacksmith Shop and Tools, and a varie
ty of other articles connected with the line.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., at
each place, when conditions will be made known
by the undersigned. WILLIANI COLDER,
JOIIN Mtenttert,
August 27, 1850.
site the Pennsylvania Railroad Warehouse,
Huntingdon, Pa.
The subscribers would respectfully inform
their friends and the citisens of the borough and
county of Huntingdon, that they have opened
their Warehouse, and now offer for sale the lar
gest and most varied assortment of HOUSE
HOLD FURNITURE ever offered for sale in
this community, and at the lowest prices. Per
sons desiring any article in the furniture line,
from tl.e CHEAPEST to the MOST COSTLY, are re
spectfully invited to come and examine their
stock. The following comprises a part Birch
and Mahognny Cane Seat Parlor, Bed-reom and
Rocking Chairs, a large assortment of Windsor,
Boston, Office and Nursery Chairs, Settees,
Breakfast and Dining Tables, Card Tables, Bu
reau., Wash and Work Stands, Bedsteads of all
kinds, Looking Glasses, Ladies' Work Boxes,
and other articles of Furniture too numerous to
They would also inform the public that they
will furnish to order all kinds of Sofas, Sofa
chairs, Marble-top Dressing Bureaus, do Centre
Tables, do. open or enclosed Wash Stands, Ma
hogany Bedsteads, of every style, and of the
best quality.
Ev'ery article of Furniture which they sell
they will warrant to be good. Conte then and
save your 50 per cent., by purchasing at our
establishment. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, ,
N. B.—Cabinet makers can be supplied with
all sorts of Veneers, and at such reduced prices
as wilt astonish them. Call and see. •
Huntingdon, Sept. 3, 1850
arrived and for sale by
July 2, tS3O. J. & W. SAXTON.