THE JOURNAL. CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY TRUTH, HUNTINGDON, PA, Tuesday Morning, Sept. 3, 1850. TEAMS OF PUBLICATION: THE "HUNTINOUON JOURNAL" is published at the following rates, viz: If paid in advance, per annum, 01,75 If paid during the year, 2,00 If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • •1,50 THE above Terms will be adhered to in all eases. No subscription will be taken km a less period than six months, and no paper will he discontinued un til all arreurages are paid, unless at the option Of the publisher. IVIRG STATE TICKET FOR IMO. CANAL COMMISSIONER, JOSHUA DUNGAN, of Bucks Co. AUDITOR GENERAL, HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union. SURVEYOR GENERAL, JOS. HENDERSON, of Washington WHIG DISTRICT TICKET. STATE SENATE, B. A. 111 9 1111.111TRIE, of Blair Co. ASSEMBLY, WILLIAM B. SMITH, of Hunt. Co. SETH B. IMMUNE, of Blair Co. WHIG COUNTY TICKET. 8 lIERIFF, WM B. ZEIGLER, of Huntingdon. COMMISSIONER, BENJAMIN LEAS, of Shirley. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, J. SEWELL STEWART, of Hunt. COUNTY SURVEYOR, WILLIAM CHRIST], of Porter. AUDLTOR, KENZIE L. GREEN, of Clay State of the Thermometer. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. 3t, Monday Aug. 26, • • • •70 "4 62 Tuesday " 27,•• • •62 72 60 Wednes. " 28,••••52 72 59 Thursday" 2 ),• •• 54 79 66 Friday " 80, • •62 81 70 Saturday " 91,••••70 78 74 Sunday, Sept. 1,••••77 88 69 To the Independent Voters of Hun tingdon County. HAVING been strongly urged by numerous friends 1.1. from all parts of the county, to Mier myself as an Independent candidate for the office of Sher iff, at the approaching election, and considering the almost universal desire to have an Independent candidate as sufficient justification fur my course, I have acceded to their wishes, awl anuouncemy self to you as a candidate for that office, pledging myself, if elected, to discharge its duties with fi delity and humanity. JOHN WHITTAKER. August 20, 1850.—pd. te. e - See new advertisements. "THE TATTLER."—We invite attention to a short article on the first page, with the above title. Gir Hon. T. STEVENS has our thanks for a copy of a recent very able siteeeh delivered by himself. Cr Dr. Webster was executed on Friday last, Au account will be found in another column. IN' "TAYLOR'S U. S. MONEY REPORTER, AND COIN EXAMINER," is for sule by H. W. Smith.— It is a valuable publication foe business men.— Price 25 cents. gar GODEY'S LADY'S Boos, for September, is before um, and is an excellent number. Godey is making his Lady's Book the most popular Maga zine in the country. He has the ladies on hisside, and that secures his success despiteall opposition. Whig Candidate for State Senate. By reference to the proceedings of the Whig Senatorial Conference, it will be seen that Col. R. A. M'llnwritin, of Hollidaysburg, is the Whig nominee for State Senate. We would, of course, have preferred a candidate from ottr own county., but as the choice has fallen on one eminently qual ified and strictly honest, and withal an unflinching Whig, we are content, and will give our hearty support to the nominee. The Hollidaysburg Re gister, in announcing the nomination of Colonel M' Murtrie, says :—"ln honoring Blair county with the candidate, the gallant Whigs of the other counties of the District place us under the pro foundest obligations, and have excited, on every hand, the liveliest sentiments of gratitude. The contest, it is true, was somewhat protracted—each county adhering to its man with a noble devotion —yet the utmost good feeling prevailed throughout, find the Conferees parted with assurances of a faithful and zealous support of the choice made. Col. M'ltlywram, the nominee, we have only time to say, is a gentleman eminently worthy of the honor. Ile is a man of unimpeachable moral character, is honest and competent, and a steady, unswerving Whig. In every battle of the party he has done a yeoman's service, and has the ability to advocate and defend the cause with force and effect. Free from connexion with clique or fac tion, and fairly nominated, be comes before the people in a most satisfaetory manner, and may fairly claim thd cordial and hearty support of every Whig in the district; and we have confidence that this will be extended to him. In his own county, we feel assured that he will rung a strong vote; and we have no reason to doubt the fidelity of the Whigs of Huntingdon and Cambria. His election we therefore regard as certain. But for the honor of the county, the district, the Whig cause, and the encouragement and support of the excellent Administrations of FILLMORE and JOHNSTON, we must give him a glorious majority. Come then, good Whigs, let us to the work." That Providence does not, at this time, visit Liars with such summary judgments as he did in the days of Ananias and Sapphira, must be firmly believed by one or two individuals we wot of.— Qtherwise they arc during men. A Word to Whigs.--Importance of the coming Election. After gaining an important victory, it is too of ten the case that Whigs become careless and un concerned about political affairs, and hence the country fails to receh-e that benefit from the elec tion of Whig Executives which might reasonably be anticipated. Our Whig Administration at Washington, has thus far been unable to carry out its benificent policy, because of adverse majorities in both Houses of Congress. General TAYLOR promptly recommended a revision of the Tariff of 1846, with a view to snaking it more Protective, but up to this time Locofocoism has prevented the adoption of this salutary suggestion. And it is well known that President FILL MORE is strongly in favor of a Protective Tariff, and will use all his influence, during the remainder of his term, to se cure it to the country. It is, therefore, the mani fest duty of Whigs, of Tariff mess, of all true friends of Pennsylvania, to rally to the support of the National Administration. In this district, the Locofocos will again run Ax- DREW PARKER, Esq., for Congress; an avowed Free Trade man, and one who possesses the ability to oppose Protection, with great effect. is there a true Whig in the district who would not blush to think that any derilection of duty on his part, had aided the election of this man? This district is Whig, and largely in favor of Protection, and the only hope the Locofocos have of electing Par ker, is fancied divisions in the Whig ranks. They have abandoned their county organisations both in Huntingdon and Blair, formed no county tickets in either, and are now trying to trade their votes to volunteer Whigs fur county offices, for a few Whig votes for Parker in return. We assure our Whig friends that this is the game that is now be ing played by Locofoeoism, and we warn all to be on their guard against it. Let Whigs countenance no candidate who is not on the WHIG TICKET, for rest assured that all others are in league with the common enemy. The only way, then, to ren der certain the election of a Whig Congressman, in this district, and the defeat of the Free Trade crndidate, is for Whigs to rally as one man for the WHOLE WHIG TICKET, front Auditor Gen eral down to County Auditor. Any other course will produce discord and division in our ranks, and will result in defeat, In addition to a Whig Congressman, the elec tion of the Whig State Ticket is of the highest im portance. The Canal Board is now filled with three Locofocos, and it requires no argument to prove that it would be to the interest of the Tax payers to have at least one, of different politics, in the Board. The office of Auditor General has been filled for years by men of the same political party, and the election of a Whig might do a great deal to ferret out and prevent the abuses heretofore practised in this important Department. It has frequently been charged that favorite partizans have secured the passage and payment of bills, at Harrisburg, wholly unjust anti enormous in their character. As the Locofocos have the control of the Public Works, would it not be well to have a Whig Auditor General to watch their accounts?— The election of a Surveyor General is not so im portant, but the dignity of Pennsylvania requires that such a mass of corruption its J. PORTER Bnnw- LEY, should not be permitted to fill a State Cabinet office. The interests and honor of Pennsylvania, therefore, dematul the election of the Whig State Ticket. The election of a 'Whig Senator and members of the House is of the very first importance. Un less Gov. JOHNSTON is sustained in the Legisln ture, his ability to benefit the State is seriously curtailed. The Locofocos in the last Legislature, instead of co-operating v ith Gov. Johnston, in carrying out his salutary suggestions, everywhere approved of by the tax-payers, spent their time and the People's money in disreputable attempts to "head" the Governor, and cripple his adminis tration. In this way the session was protracted, the People's money squandered, and the public good entirely disregarded. The last Legislature, with its overwhelming Locotbco majority, was generally regarded as the most corrupt and slit graceful that ever assembled at Harrisburg.— In addition to the bnportance of sustaining Gov. JOHNSTON, the next Legislature will elect a U. S. Senator. If the Whigs are true to themselves, united and harmonious, they can secure another Whig representative in the U. S. Senate, at the ensuing session of the Legislature. Will not the Whigs of Huntingdon and Blair do their part to secure so important a result? If so, they must act in concert, STAND HY THE PARTY ORGANIZATION, and turn a deaf car to all who oppose it. The election of the WHOLE COUNTY TICKET, is of the highest importance. If Loeofoeoism is al lowed, by a trick, to divide, distract and defeat us this time, it may require years to re-organize our scattered forces. Next year we will have a Gov-, ernor to elect, and it is very desirable, that we should maintain an unbroken front for that im portant struggle. And, in this connection, the election of a Wuxi AIERIFF is more important than that of any other candidate on the Ticket.— Give the Locofocos that officer, and you most ef fectually furnish them the weapons to successfully light against your principles and candidates in fu lure contests. We would not envy the feelings of the Whig, whose opposition to the regular Whig candidate would elect a Locofoco Sheriff, when he would see that officer next fall riding the county, electioneeringagninst the re-election of old Bat. JOHNSTON. To regret it then, would be too late. Now is the time to prevent such apolitical calam ity. And now is the time that every Whig, who feels any interest in the success of the Whig party, will see to it, that the Locofocos do not secure a Sheriff, in this Whig county, for three years longer. We submit the above views to the calm mike lion of every candid, true Whig. We do so hon estly, and with no other interest than the welfare of the Whig party and the success of its princi ples. If deemed sound, then we appeal to all to act on them at once. No time should be lost in organizing the Whig forces. The Locofocos are quietly but actively at work. Their first great ob ject is the election of their Congressman, and sec ond, all they can get by fair or foul means. Whigs! be watchful, united, harmonious and active, and all the scheming of your Locofoco enemies will be brought to naught on the 2d Tuesday of Octo ber, both in the county and Congressional and Senatorial districts. tom' We return our thanks to those of our co temporaries who have; in such kind and flattering terms, noticed our recent improvement. Col. A. H. Cornyn. A letter from this gentleman, to the Whigs of Huntingdon county, will be found in another col umn. We invite special attention to it at this time. It breathes, in every sentence, the true Whig spirit, Mr. CORNYN was strongly urged by the Whig Conferees from this county, fbr the Senatorial nomination, and from the claims and population of Huntingdon county, had good rea son to hope for success. But after considerable de liberation, the choice of the Conference fell upon the favorite of daughter Blair, and Mr. CORNYN bows with grace to the decision, and like a true Whig, goes in heartily to the support of his rival. Conduct like this is worthy of all imitation. It is the only course that men, governed by principle, can pursue. When a candidate, for any office, submits his name either to a County Convention or District Conference, ho is bound in honor to abide the decision. To pursue any other course, is not only dishonorable to himself; but unjust and disrespectful to those whu present his name and urge his claims. By pursuing this honorable course, Mr. Convrx shows that he was worthy of the large confidence reposed in him by his numerous friends in this county. For the Whig who does not prefer the success of his party and its principles to his own promotion, is not worthy of the name, and is to tally undeserving of the confidence, support or re spect of any true Whig. We hope to see this, noble example of devotion to principle imitated by , all who have been disappointed in their personal aspirations. By so doing they will not only ad ranee the interests of their party, but will also ' greatly elevate themselves in the opinion of their fellow-Whip. Governor Johnston. We observe that Gov. JOHNSTON has consented to address a Whig meeting, in New Berlin, Union county, on the 17th inst. The Governor is em phatically a Wonirso Wino. He asks no mem ber of his party to do more than he is willing to do himself. His measures are purely Pennsylvanian in their character, and he is not afraid to defend them before the People. He has thus far made one of the best and most popular Governors that has filled the chair since the days of SIMON SNY DER. He is an honor to the Whig party, and his native State, and should be sustained by every true friend of Pennsylvania and her interests. In Huntingdon county, Gov. Jo axsTox's pop ularity is unbounded. The Whigs are united as one man in favor of his administration, and many of the honest Democrats speak of his official course in the highest terms of praise. We should be de lighted if the Governor could make it suit to give us a talk on political subjects, previous to the next election. He would be received here with the most unbounded enthusiasm. Resignation of Mr. Itfliennan. Hon. T. M. T. M'Ketorat4 has resigned the post of Secretary of the Interior under President Fillmore. The Washington Commonwealth, pub lished in the town where Mr. M'Kennan resides, says:—"The reasons fur this step are understood to be of a strictly personal nature. Mr. M'Ken non's health was anything but vigorous, when he left this place to asstune the laborious duties of ids office; in view of which circumstance, as well as from considerations of a domestic character, lie would. have declined it when first tendered hies, but for the earnest and munerous importunities, not only from the President, but from a large mun her of distinguished gentlemen connected with the Government, as well as others from various por tions of our own State. Mr. M'Kennan, however, finding his health giving way, under the onerous duties devolving upon him, conceived it his duty to resign, and which he has done to the sincere regret of the President,. his brother Secretaries, and of all parties, generally, in the country." (CT The Whig Congressional Conference meets in Lewistown to-day. Dr. Join; M'Cummen, of this county, will, in all probability, be the Whig nominee for Congress. If so, Parker's chance for snaking Free Trade speeches in the next Congress will be very slim. We can elect the Whig nomi nee, be he whom he may; but Dr. DrCulloch can sweep the district. Missouni.--It is now ascertained to a certainty that the Whigs have elected four of the,/ire mem bers of Congress, being four of a gain. The Le gislature stands 65 Whigs, 54 Benton Locos, and 42 anti-Benton Locos. Cir The "harmonious democracy" of Cambria county assembled at Ebensburg on the 24th inst., for the purpose of appointing Congressional Con ferees, but the railroad faction finding itself out numbered, withdrew and organized a separate meeting. It seems to us that the superintendent and his hands might be better employed by attend ing to the interests of the road, instead of the pol itics of Cambria county. Cr It is highly probable we shall keep our types a week or two longer, and within the range of pos sibility, quite as long as the proprietors of the Chambersburg Intelligences will keep theirs, not withstanding the brilliancy of the wit displayed by that paper over the omission of a routine in one of our sentences. • Poverty in Allegheny County. We aro sorry to see it stated that there is a great deal of distress existing in Allegheny, Pu., at pre sent. The cause is probably the stoppage of the Cotton Factories, which is felt in a greater or less degree by almost every inhabitant. The follow ing is the number of operatives thrown out of em ployment:— Eagle Cotton Factory, 220 hope " " 290 Penn 290 Anchor " " 210 Star " lBO Washington " " 30 Total, 1220 We regret to learn that the proprietors of these establishments have suffered such severe losses, owing to the tremendous quantity of IMPORTED GOODS brought into the market, that they have determined to keep their mills closed for some months. Indeed they have fixed on no time for re-opening them. Facts like the above speak, trumpet-tongued, in condemnation of the Locofoeo British Tariff of 1846. fig- A man in Ohio advertises to keep Sunday school twice a week—Tuesday and Thursday. THE VOICE OF A MIK To the Whigs of Huntingdon Co. The late Whig Convention, in designating , me as the choice of Huntingdon county for State Sen ator, and instructing her Conferees to support me, has still further increased the obligations I was' already under to a generous and confiding con stituency. This mark of your approbation, this ' manifestation of your kindness, has filled me with a lively and lasting sense of gratitude, as well as pride. The present occasion I deem peculiarly • appropriate to return to you my sincere and hearty thanks. The Senatorial Conferees have met, they have performed their duty. True, the choice has not fallen on me, but this fitet can neither cool my gratitude to you, nor abate my zeal in the Whig MISC. The men you appointed to carry out your will and wishes, were true, if ever men were true, to the confidence reposed in them. They stood by me with a fidelity and a devotion that knew no ' compromise—no wavering—no change. A candidate, then, being fairly nominated, oar duty as Whigs Is plain. Mere personal feelings and considerations should be forgotten—a nomr nation, honestly made, should obliterate every personal predilection. To act otherwise, is to cast an unworthy imputation Olson those we have made our representatives. As a party, we profess to contend for ccntrnct- PLES, NOT NON;" and what matters it who bears the Whig Standard, so that he bears it proudly— that lie be an honest man and a true Whig? On such an individual, I am proud to say, in my hum ble opinion, the choice has fallen. Col. M'MUR- Tim, the candidate for State Senator,requires no vindication from my pen—he needs none—his re putation as a man is without a stain; his character as a Whig is beyond reproach; while his ability to represent the district is unquestioned. There never was a time, perhaps, when it was more important that EEAL, tatox and tun:nosy', should pervade the Whig ranks. There is every thing in the next session of the Legislature to in vest it with a high importance, and to call upon us ns Whigs to stand by our organization, front Au ditor General down to County Auditor. It is only by sustaining the TICKET-THE WHOLE TICKET that a party can hope to be successful. A party that would lie true to itself—that desires the es tablishment of its principles, and the vindication of its policy—must look to Pnrseiri.Es, nailer that' MEN; to the country, rather than self. Thanking you, then, my fellow-citizens, for your kindness, a kindness not in my power to repay, I remain your friend and obed't serv't., A. K. CORNYN. Huntingdon, August 28, 1850. Loco Foco Falsehood and Misrepre- sentation. The address which the Pennsylvania Loco Foco State Central Committee have just submitted for the consideration of the faithful, and which is in tended to operate upon the approaching election, contains about as many falsehoods, direct and im plied, as it was possible for the most ingenious fib ber to crowd into a document of equal dimensions. In this respect it certainly is a curiosity, and as rare a specimen of Loco Foco ingenuity as was ever seen. Its the first place, it sets out with the assumption that the "democratic party never occu pied a higher or more enviable position than at the present time." Everybody knows, who knows anything, that the reverse is the truth. The par ty is all split up into Abolition, Ohl Ihmker, and Free Soil fictions. If to be snarling and grow ling perpetually, one clique applying to the other the epithets of "traitor," "mercenary," and other such like loveable adjectives ;—we say, if this is occupying a "high" and "enviable" position, then we must say that "the party" is indeed high—very high ! Then, again, we are told that our foreign rela tions, since the Whig administration came into pow er, have been conducted with "blundering awk wardness." An assertion of this character may pass for what it is worth; and among the intelli gent masses of the democratic party in Pennsyl vania we are quite sure that is not worth much.— We shall not stop to point out the many important treaties which have been negotiated with foreign powers to the honor, and credit, and profit of the country, since the Federal Government was trans ferred to a Whig administration. Many of these are become matters of history now, and as such they speak for themselves. Nor steed we allude to the various difficult and delicate questions, be tweets this Government and some of the most pow-, erful European States, which have been satisfac torily settled without that disgraceful bluster which is an inseparable ingredient of Loco Foco diplomacy. If the democracy of Pennsylvania are verdant enough to believe there was anything "bungling" or "awkward" time, we shall be for ced to the conclusion that they are yet involved in as dense a political darkness as that in which they were groping during the Presidential campaign of 1844, when Clay's tariff letters circulated with Polk's name attached, and Polk's anti-tariff letters with Clay's signature stuck on, which enabled the Loco Focos to get a good many votes that slid not honestly belong to theta. We hope better things of our Pennsylvania friends. Surely they know better now than they did then the tricks and sub terfuges of the Loco Foco managers. Secretary Corwin comes in for a goodly share of abuse in this characteristic address. Why not? Loco Focoism is always abusing somebody, and it must always have a subject to operate upon. They have nut made much in that way, hitherto, out of Congress, and in an office which necessarily pre cludes hint from giving back blow for blow, the cowardly hirelings of the "State Central Commit tee" know very well that all their stale slang about "bloody hands" and "hospitable graves" will be permitted to pass without any protest from him. "Arguments" such as these must have im mense weight with an intelligent people, certain ly ! It is idle to follow up in detail the remainder of the indictments which this precious "address" brings against the Whig party. Such as we have referred to are not bad specimens of the whole batch. We refer to them merely to show our friends that our old enemy is us unscrupulous and desperate as ever he was when party purposes were to be compassed. To the Whigs of the Keystone we confidently leave the task of teaching him such a lesson, on the Bth of October next, as will be well studied and imitated by the Whigs of New York in November.—X. &pros. I,EI"I'IER FE 031 CLAY TOVENS 111 P, The Voice of a Whig 'Regular CLAY TOWNSHIP, Aug. 30, 1850. COL. CLARK :—Dear Sir :—Pertnit me to con gratulate yon, upon the greatly improved appear ance of your excellent paper. The "JornsAt." is now one of the most handsomely printed, as it has long been one of the most ably conducted, Whig papers in the State; and I trust, sir, that your un tiring efibrts to please and instruct the reading public, will be fully appreciated and amply reward ed. A more widely extended circulation of the "JouttNAL," would, I am satisfied, result in incal culable good to the 'Whig cause; and this could be accomplished, without Mika effort, if the Whigs in the different townships would do their duty. It affords me great pleasure, dear Colonel, to inform you, that in this section of the county, the very best feeling prevails among our Whig friends, all of whom are anxious for the success of THE WHOLE TICKET, and are prepared to "follow the Whig standard into the thickest of the fight."— Whatever personal preferences may have existed prior to the meeting of the County Convention, they have been magnanimously cast aside—buried in the grave of forgetfulness—and all are now ral lying, With enthusiastic unanimity, under the good old time-honored, battle-crowned flag, which has so often lead the great Whig party to victory!— You may rest assured, sir, that so far ns this por tion of the county is concerned, "ALT. IS WELL!" We regard a strict adherence to Whig principles, lily organization and regular nominations, as one of the first duties of Whigs, and will "indiptmtly frown upon the first dawning of an attempt" to sow the seeds of discord and disorganization in our ranks. In the language of a distinguished Whig Patriot and Statesman, "ire go where Wig Prin ciples point the way—when they cease to lead, we cease to follow!. Here we are thoroughly united and harmonious, and will roll up a FELL VOTE for the WHOLE WHIG TICKET! The sturdy old Whigs of this township, who, fur years past, have nobly stood by the Whig flag, in sunshine anti in storm, are not to be seduced from their allegiance, by the tricks of unprincipled politicians, and the cunningly devised falsehoods ofsneaking Guerrillas. Political Judas Iseariotism finds no favor in this quarter. We are Whigs from PRINCIPLE, and look upon every man who, front selfish and personal considerations, opposes the REGULAR TICKET, RS 1 1 an enemy to the Whig party and its principles—a political traitor who can have no affinity with the Whig party. Any irregular candidate, who ex peels to receive Whig support in this township, will be most sadly disappointed. The trick of get ting Whigs to throw away their votes on a DISOR. °ANTEING Whig, fur the purpose of slipping in an-1 other lA,cofoco Sheriff; is too shallow to catch even the mo 4 unsophisticated member of our party.— Whig:Aro not the material to be either traded or sold to the enemy! In conclusion, dear Colonel, you may depend upon it, that a decidedly healthy state of feeling pervades the Whig masses. The DISORGANIZING efforts of one or two Guerrillas in your town, will recoil upon themselves, with crushing effect. We have unfurled our flag "to the wild winds free," and when the 2d Tnesday of October arrives, will marshal our forces, march in solid column to the ballot box, give a united rote to THE 'WHOLE WHIG TICKET, and return with "brows bound witlt victorious wreaths." Very Respectfully, Yours, A WHIG REGULAR, V mum—Convention Election.—Our returns are still meagre, but they leave no room fur doubt that the friends of a Radically Reformed Consti tution have swept the State. Old party lines were generally disregarded, as was right, and nobody knows nor cares how many of the Delegates arc called Whig or cull themselves Democrats.— Enough that Virginia awakes from her slumber of half a century, resolved to have a truly Republi can Constitution. She has taikedDemocracy long enough to begin to act it. Not a bad idea. DOINOS AT WASIIINOTON.—The Home of Re presentatives, on Tuesday, succeeded in disposing of the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, passing it on final reading by a vote of 131 to 62, and has now a clear deck fur the disposition of the important hills which have been sent to it from the Senate. The Tariff. Mr. IlkstrToN, of Pittsburg, mole an effort in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 24th inst., to obtain a modification of the pre sent Tariff, whereby the rates of ditty levied should be assessed on the average value of goods in 1846. The motion was defeated on a test vote by 81 to 77. We understand that Ross of Bucks, MeLanahan of Franklin, and Wilmot of Brad ford, of the Pennsylvania delegation, voted against the proposition. It was sought to effect the pro posed change by attaching a section relating to the Tariff to the general appropriation bill, that being the only way in which there was any hope of getting the Tariff question before the House. SERVED ULM wealthy citizen of Bos ton has been sentenced to two months imprison ment, for letting one of his houses, knowing that it would be kept as a house of ill fitme. A Beautiful Senator. Upon the occasion of the presentation of some Tariff petitions from Pennsylvania, by Mr. COOP ER, a week or two ago, Mr. STURUEON electrified • the Senate by a short speech, in wnich ho denied that the interests of our State were suffering at all, with the exception of a little depression in the bu siness of converting ore into pig iron, which, he alleged, was the result of over production, anti would soon pass away Be wound up with a de claration that he was not in favor of changing the present Tariff! If the Locofoco Representatives front Peunsyhumia talk this way, we must wait till their places are supplied by Whigs, before wo can hope to accomplish any thing in Congress for the benefit of our State. Mr. Sturgeon's place is to be supplied next winter. Are the workingmen of, the State willing that one of the same views should be chosen to occupy his seat ItirJEDGE My s, of Clarion county, has an nounced himself as a candidate for the State Sen ate, in the Indiana, Armstrong & Clarion district. Judge Myers is a Locofoco, hut opposes the regular party nominee, Mr. Drum. We hope that both may be beat, and a good Whig elected. T.ton►et►tg and I; kee talon of Prof. ilvir,tet Pt 1 The Ix, AV ids faniily left to=tta, . I, leged in perfect uneoiisei,:nsi, , i lii,oining fate was searched and ',hired in a new ~cll, in order• to prevent any attempted suicide. 1)r. Putnam left him at 9 o'clock lost night, and from that time till 12, he passed the time in devo-• tional conversation with his watchers. At 12 he' fell into a short doze lint (lid not sleep heavily— . awaking at times and conversing—he spoke of his impending fate with lbrtitnde and resignation, and seemed quite grateful that the time of his death had. been kept from his family. At the various noises of the dawning of a new' day he seemed to he somewhat agitated, but soon'. regained his composure. By advice he breakthsted upon tea, with bread' inviting the officers to partake with him, and fur= nishing them with brand. Ile mule• . the prepatations for ascending the' scaffold with firninctis: About three lyunlred persons were ndmitted to' the jail yard, and the house tops and windows add- . joining the jail were crowded•with persouS—among• whom were many bull,: The streets near the' jail were also crowded, but not densely: At 9 o'clock this morning the last religibtts monies were commenced by Dr. Putnam; Oasis , ' ting of a fervent p erray. He invoked the presence/ of the spirit and grace of God for him; so soon to , die. He prayed that the prisentr's repentance might be accepted, and that he might be prepared' to meet death. lie prayed . for• the prisoner's family, that the' consolation of God's presence• wed grew' might theirs, that when their time of death should have' come they might meet the prisoner in Heaven, where there would be no severing of tho tics or affection. Also, for the family of the nthlered , man. He prayed for the Sheriff, his assistants generally, and for the officers of the law generally and for the witnesses, end for all persons. About twenty minutes pest nine, the prisoner Was brought out to die. After the prayer the prisoner's anew were pinioned, and with a thin step lie marched to the gallows by the side of Hr..Putnatn: His thee was as fleshy as when lie was arrested; though of • a deathly palor. Ills hook was that done who had committed deadly sin, and was about to pay for it with his la. While the Sheriff was reading the death warrant Webster was conversing with Mr. Putnam appa rently with unusual earnestness; at the conclusion. his legs were then pinioned and the rope placed about his neck, which enticed his face to blush. ... , . There were evident signs of suppressed powerful' feeling. The black rap was placed on his head, the Sheriff proclaimed with a loud 'mire that he' ,was sibs:sit to do execution on the body of John W. Webster, for the murder of Dr. G. Parkin.. The commencement of the approach of death caused a movement of the body of the prisoner,. whose face was hid from view. The spring was touched, and with a fill of nearly A feet, the Inn, dcrer of Dr. Parkmsm was launched into Eternity. Be died apparently with scarcely a struggle. At 20 minutes before In o'clock, the Sheriffper formed Isis sad (dice, and Professor Webster paisb the forfeit of his crime. lie died penitent andi wi!hout a straggle. The body, ger remaining suspended for half em hour, was taken down and examined ; was found to he extinct, and it was placed in a jail cof fin, for transmission to Cambridge. The ruglOve Slave Hill, Which was offered by Mr. Mason, of Virginia, and adopted by the Senate is somewhat lengthy in its details; hut, in order to give the reader a compre hensive idea of its general provisions, we condense. as follows : Section Ist makes it the duty of the judges of the District Courts of the United States, and of the judges of the Superior Courts of the organized territories, to appoint three commissioners for the time being, holding office under the United States Government, whose duty it shall be to examine witnesses, administer the necessary oaths, and, in' short, to superintend the process of retaining fu gitive slaves in the States or Territories. Section 2d makes it the duty of mamballs and their deputies to obey all warrants issued under the provisions of this act; they are also empowered to appoint deputies to assist them in executing civil processes, and to summon to their aid the bystan ders, when necessary to enforce the clause reform,' to in the Constitution, in conformity with the Jiro visions of this net. Section ad enacts that a slave escaping into ono State from another, his owner or agent may pur sue and reclaim him by procuring a warrant front some one of the Courts having jurisdiction. The slave shall be taken twilit.° the judge, who shalt hear and determine the case of the claimant ; if it appear that service is due the claimant from the . person escaping, it shall be the duty of said judge to remove such person back to the State or Terri tory whence he or she has escaped. In no trial or hearing, under this act, is the testimony of the fitgitive admissible. . . Section 4th prescribes the penalty.not exceeding' $l,OOO, and imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, to all persons who willingly hinder, obstruct or prevent the claimant, his agent or attoruey, or any Person or persons lawfully assisting hint, her, or them, front arresting such a fugitive from service or labor, either with or without process as afore said; or shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, such fugitive front service or labor. By way of civil damages to the party injured by such illegal con duct, this section, moreover, presetibes that sl,ooo' additional shall La paid, to he secured by action of . debt in any of the courts within whose district the offence may he committed. Section 4th provides payment for the services of the U. S. officers, (whose business it is made to capture the to in fees the same as those paid for similar services in ether cases. In cases where the fugitive is discharged from custody for want of sufficient proof, these fees are to he paid by the claimant. This section also specifies the amount of fees which shall be paid to the commis sioners and other officers aforesaid. Section 6th provides Clint, in else the claimant has reason to apprehend a forced rescue of the slave, it shall be the duty of the officer making the arrest to return him or her in his custody, and to deliver him to said claimant, his agent or attorney. In order to enable him to do this, tlw officer is em powered to employ as many persons Its hu chooses, all of whom are to receive the compensation and to be allowed the same expenses as are now allow ed by kW for transportation of criminals, to he certified by the judge of the district within which the arrest is made, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. A CLERGYMAN DROWNED.-The Rev. Mason L. W. Chesney, of the Baltimore Annual Confer ence, was drowned on the 16th inst. in the James- River, ten miles from Fineastle, Va. Ho went to the river in company with the Re, , . Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Jan Godwin, to bathe; and finding Mr. G.'s. canoe oil, the opposite side of the river, said he- would swim over and get it. Before proceeding: inure than two-thirds of the way, ho was seen to struggle and sink, when Godwin immediately plun ged in after him, but before he could reach him he Went down the third and last time in 15 feet water. His body was not recovered until three hours af terwards IN"' " Gusce CIIEZNIVOOD," in it recent letter front Washington, mentions some peculiarities of Senatorial pronunciation, which are rattier odd. For instance, Mr. Clay, and indeed many of the Southern members, say, " whar" and " thar." - Mr. Webster says " " aunt.," and one of the Texas Senators says " bust" for burst.