Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 27, 1850, Image 4

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Ye who know your sins forgiven,
And are happy in the Lord,
Have you read that gracious promise,
Which is left upon record?
I will sprinkle you with water,
I will cleanse you from all sin,
Sanctily and make you holy,
I will dwell and reign within.•
Tho' you have much pence and comfort,
Greater things you yet may find;
Freedom from unholy tempers,
Freedom from the carnal mind.
fio procure your perfect freedom,
Jest* mined, groan'd and dial;
On the cross, the healing fountain,
Gushed from his waundad side.
If you've not obtained this treasury,
kearch and you. shall surely find;
All the christian's marks and graces,
Planted, growing in the mind ;
Perfect thith and perfect patience,
Perfect loveliness, and then
Perfect hope and perfCet meekness,
Perfect love for God and man.
But lie sure to gain the witness
Which abides both day and night;
This your God has plainly promised;
This is like a stream of
While you keep the blessed witness,
All is clear and calm within;
God himself assures you by it,
That your heart is cleansed from sin.
Witnesses might be produced,
Of this womPmus work of love ;
Patd and James, and John and Peter,
Long before they went above.
linndreds, thousands, tens of thousands,
Have, and do, and will appear;
Let me ask the solemn question,
Has the Lord a witness here?
Be no holy, and as happy,
And as useful here below,
As it is your Father's pleasure—
Jesus, only Jesus know.
Spread, 0 spread the holy fire!
Tell, 0 tell what Coil has thine,
Till the nations have conformed
To the imago of his Son.
Wake up, brothers ! wake up, sisters !
Seek, 0 seek this holy state;
None but holy ones can enter
Thro' the pure celestial gitte.
Can you bear the thought of losing
All the joys that tu•e above?
No my brothers, iso my sister.,
God will perfect you in love.:
Death shall not destroy toy comfort,
Christ shall guide use thro' the gloom,
Down he'll send a heavenly convoy
To convey my spirit home.
Jordan's stream's shall ne'er o'erflow me,
While my Saviour's by my side;
Canaan, Canaan lies before me,
Rise and cross the swelling flood.
Sec the happy spirits waiting,
On the banks beyond the stream,
Sweet responses still repeating,
Jesus, Jesus, is their theme.
Bark, they whisper ! hark, they call me !
Sister spirit come away !
Lu I come, earth can't contain me,
lluil yo realms of endless day !
Never get Angry.
It does no good. Some sins have a seeming
compensation or apology, apresent gratification of
some sort; but anger has none. A manfrels no
better for it. It is really a torment, and when the
storm of pnssioa has cleared away, it leaves one
to see that ho has been a fool; and he has made
a fool of himself in the oyes of others too. An
angry man adds nothing to the welfare of society.
Ile may do some good, but more hurt. heated
passion makes him. a firebrand and it is a wonder
if he does not kiudlo flames of discord on every
hand. Without much sensibility, and often void
of reason, he speaketh liko the piercing of a sword,
and his tongue is an arrow shot out. lie is a had
clement in any community, and Isis removal would
furnish occasion for a day of thanksgiving. Since
then anger is useless, needless, disgraceful, with
out the least apology, and found only "in the bo
som of fools," why should it be indulged in at all T.
The Doom of our World.
The North British Review says :—"What this
doom is to be we dare not conjecture, but we see
in the heavens themselves some traces of the des
tructive elements and indications of their powers
—the descent of meteoric stones upon our globe,.
the wheeling comets wielding their loose material
at the solar surface—the volcanic eruption of our
own astelite—the appearance of others—aro all
foreshadows of that impending convulsion to which
the system of the world is doomed. Thus placed
upon a planet which is to be band, and wider
heavens which aro to melt away—thus treading as
it were, on the cemetries, and dwelling on mauso
leums of former worlds, let us learn the lesson of
humanity and wisdom, if we have not alreiuly been
taught in the school of revelation."
The Wife.
It is astonishing to see how well a man may live
on a small income, who has a handy and indus
trious wife. Some men live and make a far better
appearance on six or eight dollars a week, than
others do on fifteen or eighteen dollars. The man
does his part well; but the wife is good for noth
ing. She will even upbraid her husband for not
living in as good style as her neighbor—whilo the
fault is entirely her own. His neighbor has a noat,
capable, and industrious wife, and that makes the
difference. Ilia wilt, on the other hand, is a
whirlpool into which a great many silver cups
might be thrown, and the appearance of the water
would remain unchanged. No Nicholas the diver
is there to restore the wasted treasure. It is only
an insult for such a woman to talk to her husband
about her love and her devotion.
Gems of Thought.
Esteem is the mother of love, but the daughter
is often older than the mother.
Graves aro but the print of the footsteps of eter
nal life.
Peace is tho evening star of the soul, as virtues
is its sun, and the two are never apart.
The gifts that circumstances make in our char
acter, we are apt to regard as its native fruit.
gir People arc toe prune to condemn in others
what they practise themselves without scruple.—
Plutarch tolls of a wolf; who, peeping into a but
where a company of shepards were regaling them
selves with a joint of mutton, exclaimed "what a
clamor would they have raised, if they lead caught
me at such a banquet 1"
THE subscriber informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has removed to
the room formerly occupied by Wm. & B. E.
M'Murtrie, as a store, nearly opposite M'Kin
ney's Hotel, and having made arrangements with
the Philadelphia merchants, to have constantly
on hand, upon commission, the following gen
eral assortment: _ _ _ . _
Blank Books, consisting of Ledgers and Day
Books, Receipt, Pass Books, and Justices Dock
ets. Also every description of writing and deed
paper, white and colored pasteboard, plain and
perforated bristol board, tissue paper, Re.
Blank Deeds, black, blue and red Inks, ink
powder, quills, wafers, inkstands, steel pens,
sand and sand boxes, lead pencils, india rubber,
water colors, slates and slate pencils.
School Books of every description, of late
-ditions, kept constantly on hand.
Large Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles and Tes
taments, hymn, psalm and prayer books.
Fancy Note Paper and Envelops, of every
variety, albums, portfolios, pocket-books, an
nuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax,
visiting cards, bead purses, pe knives and ev
ery variety of fancy goods.
Novelaosong books, music books and instru
ments, miscellaneous works, &c.
Perfumery, consisting of extracts for hand
kerchiefs, soaps, shaving cream, cologne, &c.
Also Segars Of the choicest brands, an assort
ment of sup.rior chewing Tobacco, &c.
March 26, 1850. HORACE W. SMITH.
rpHE subscriber wishes to inform the public
1 in general, that he is now fully prepared to
do Castings of all kinds, and will keep on hand a
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of
which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A
general assortment of llollovv-ware castings,
consisting of Kett:es, Dutch Ovens, Skillets,
Pans, Re., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as
Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons, Rolling Mill and Forgo castings, Window
Grates for cellars, Lintles and sills for houses,
Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for cast
ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern
end of Huntingdon, along the canal.
0:7 - Castings of all kinds will be kept at the
shop of Wm. B. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E.
corner of Market Square, Huntingdon.
B:7 - All orders addressed to It. C. M'Gill will
be promptly attended to
Huntingdon, May 20, 1850.
GRAND EXHIBITION !—Admittance Free!
Lovers of the beautiful should not fail to
call immediately at the store of Dorsey & Ma
guire, who have just received a splendid assort
ment of new and cheep Goods, which they are
offering, as usual, at very low prices. Their
stock comprises everything that the wants of
the people require, and in made up, in part, of
the most extensive variety of Ladies' and Gen
tlemen's Dress Goole, Boots, Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, &c.
We neither wish to boast or deceive, in re
gard to the superior quality or the low prices of
our goods, and hence invite the public to come
and examine for themselves.
Tbankful for past favors, we hope by strict
attentiont to business to receive a liberal share
4 public patronage.
June 4, 1850. DORSEY & MAGUIRE.
Blair county. Lancaster county
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county ,
Blair county. Lancaster county
Central Penn'a. Banking House,
OF BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on Alle
gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court
House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol
lidaysburg, Pa.
The Company is now ready to transact bind
nese. Upon money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Savings Institutions. Transient de
posited received, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850.
DUMBAUGH & CO., respectfully inform the
Jj public that they are prepared to carry on in
all its various branches, Saddle and Harness
Making, and are ready to furnish their custom
ers with ail kinds of Valices, Trunks, and car
pet bags, Plush, Hogskin, and Tub Si de Saddles
(from the cheapest to the best.) Also Shatter
Saddle., wagon and carriage Harness, Bridles,
collars, whips, &c.
LEATHER.—Having a Tannery in the im
mediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are pre
pared to furnish all who favor them with their
custom, at their saddle and harness shop, with
Leather of all kinds ' of superior quality and fin
ish, which will be disposed of cheap for cash or
country produce. The highest price in trade
paid for beef and calf hides, bark, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29, MIL ly.
Agent for the 'ale of Southern Manufacturing
Company'a Writing Paper.
200 CAS E S of the above superior Papero
now in store, and for sale to the trade
at the lowest market prices, consisting in part
Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, 15, and 16 lba,
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writing., blue
and white.
Extra super and superfine Folio Poets, blue
and white, plain and rued.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and
gilt. a _
Superfine and line Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting-House CapVand
Posts, blue and white. _ .
Extra super Congress Cape and Letters, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Pont,, blue and white, plain
and ruled.
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopee.
Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and fine Caps end Poste, ruled and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri
Iso, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe
Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tis
sue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and
blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hardware Pa
pers, &c.
July 23-Im.
(TOFFEE at 127 1 cents.—An excellent article
U just received and for - sale at J. & W. SAX
TON'S atm. [May 7, 1500.
Relative to an ameedinent ofthe Constitution,
Resolvedly the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth, of Pennsylva
nia in General Assembly met, That the Consti
tution of this Commonwealth be amended in the
second section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows The Judges of the Supreme
Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in
the manner following to wit : The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large ; the President Jud
ges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and
of such other Courts of Record as are or shall
be established by law, and all other Judges re
quired to be learned in the law, by the qualified
electors of the respective districts over which
they are to preside or act as Judges ; and the
Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
pleas by the qualified electors of the counties
respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well, (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
vided for subsequent to the first election;) the
President Judges of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record
as are or shall be established by law, and all
other Judges required to be learned in the law
shall hold their offices for the term of ten years,
if they shall so long behave themselves well;
the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Plea. shall hold their offices for the term of five
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well; all of whom shall be commissioned by
the Governor, but for any reasonable cause,
which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeach
ment, the Governor shall remove any of them
on the address of two-thirds of each branch of
the Legislature. The first election shall take
place at the general election of this Common
wealth next after the adoption of this amend
ment, and the commissions of all the Judges
who may be then in office shall expire on the first
Monday of December following, when the terms
of the new Judges shall commence. The per
sons who shall then be elected Judges of the
Supreme Court shall hold their offices as fol
lows One of them for three years, one for six
years, one for nine years, one for twelve years,
and one for fifteen years, the term of each to be
decided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after
the election as convenient, and the result certi
tied by them to the Governor, that the commis
sions may be issued in accordance thereto. The
Judge whose commission will first expire shall
be Chief Justice during his term and thereafter
each Judge whose commission shall first expire
shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or
more commissions shall expire on the same day
the Judges holding them shall decide by lot
which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacua
vie., happening by death, resignation or other
wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by
appointment by the Governor, to continue till
the first Monday of December succeeding the
next general election. The Judges of the Su
preme Court and the Presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times,
receive for their services an adequate compen
sation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be
diminished during their continuance in office;
but they ithall receive no fees or perquisites of
office, n old any other office of profit under
this Commonwealth, or under the government of
the United States, or any other State of this
Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court, du
ring their continuance in office, shall reside with
in this Commonwealth ; and the other Judges,
during their continuance in office, shall reside
within the district or county for which they
were respectively elected.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Harrisburg, January 28, 1850. 1
I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the
Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate
file of the present session,) entitled ',Resolu
tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu-
Lion,"—it being the same resolution which was
agreed to by a majority of the members elected
to each House of the last Legislature—after
having been duly considered and discussed, was
this day agreed to by a majority of the members
elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsyl
vania, at its present session, as will appear by
their votes givon on the final passage of the re
solution, as follows, viz :
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, H. Jones Brook, J. Porter
Brawley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cun
ningham,Thomas S. Fenton, Thomas H. For
syth, Charles Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry
Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Haslett,
Isaac Hu,,ous, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y. Jones,
Joseph Konigmacher, Geo. V. Lawronce, Max
well M'Caslin, Benjamin. Malone, Benjamine
Matthias, Henry A. Muhlenberg, William F.
Packer, Milian R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg
B. Savory, Conrad Shimer, Robert C Sterrett,
Daniel Stine, Farris B. Streeter, John H. Wal
ker and Valentine Beat, Speeder—Yens 20.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, George Darsie, Augustus Drum and
Alexander King—Nays 3.
. .
Extract from the Journal.
Harrisburg March 14, 1850. rI
I, William Jack, chief clerk of the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the
Senate file, and No. 211 on the House Journal
of the present session,) entitled "Resolution rel
ative to the amendment of the Constitution,"—
it being the same resolution which was agreed to
by a majority of the members elected to each
House of the last Legislature--after having been
duly considered and discussed, was this day
agreed to by a majority of the members elected
to and serving in the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will
appear by their votes, given on the final passage
of the resolution, as follows, viz:
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, John Acker, John Allison,
William Baker, Robert Baldwin, David J. Bent,
Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S. Bowen,
William Brindle, Daniel H. B. Brower, Jesse
R. Burden, John Cessna, Henry Church, John
N. Conyngham, Sylvester Crindland, Benjamin
G. David, William J. Dobbins, James P. Dow
ner, Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, William
Espey, John C. Evans, William Evans, A. Scott
Ewing, Alexander S. Feather, James Flowers,
Benjamin P. Fortner, Alexander Gibboney,
Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph
Gaffey, Jacob S. Haldeman, George H. Hart,
Leffert Hart, John Hastings, William J. Hemp
hill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Lewis Herford,
Washington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones, John
W. Killinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robert Klotz,
Harrison P. Laird, Morris Leech, Jonathan D.
Leet, Anson Leonard, James J. Lewis Henry
Little, Jonas R. M'Clintock, John F. M'Cni
loch, Alexander C. M'Curdy, lobe M'Laughlin r
John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John B. Meek,
Michael Meyers, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy
John D. Morris, William I'. Morison '
Mowry, Edward Nickleeon, Jacob Nissly,
Charles O'Neill, John B. Packer, Joseph G.
Powell, James C. Reid, John S. Rhey, Lewh
Roberts, Samuel Robinson, John B. Rutherford,
Glenn' W. Scofield Thou C. Scouller, W. Shaft.
ner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer ,William Smith,
William A. Smith, Daniel M. Smvser, William
H. Solider, Thomas C. Steel, David Steward,
Charles Stockwell, Edwin C. 'Prone, Andrew
Wade, Robert C. Walker, Thomas Watson, Sid
ney B. Wells, Hiram A. Williams, Daniel Zer
bey and John S. M'Calmont, Speaker—Yeas 87,
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, David Evans
and Juntas M. Porter—Nays 3.
Extract from the Journal.
Filed March 15, 1850
A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Seery. of Common
Pennsylvrnia ss.
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a
true and correct copy of the original resolution
of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution
relative to an amendment of the Constitution,"
as the same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have here
af i r ut t t x o ed the setm a y s h e ar l id' of the Secretary's
an g " S u e s c e r d et t a obe s
Office, at Harrisburg, this fifteenth
day of June, Anno Domini one thou
sand eight hurfilred and fifty.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
June 25-1850.-3 m.
Chill Fever, Dumb Ague:lnter
inittent &Remittent Fevers &
all the 'various forras of.
Bilious Diseases
7, -4- sg?)thY's RlnclEiaD6blHTAc°
MIIIS excellent compound, which never fails
. 1 in the cure of Fever and Ague, is for sale
by the proprietor's agents, THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon; L. G. KessLEa, Mill Creek; J.
H. STEINER, Water Street.
What is the cause of this sallow complexion,
jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, pain in the
side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste
in the mouth? Such is the inquiry, and such
the symptoms of many a sufferer. It is the
liver which is affected, and the Cholagogue is
the remedy, always successful in curing it.—
Try it, and judge for yourselves. For sale by
the above named agents.
tortured from day to day with this horrible A
gue, exclaims the poor sufferer whose life has
become a burden to him, from the racking par
oxysms of an intermittant, and whose confidence
in human aid is destroyed by the failure of rem
edies to produce the promised relief. Such has
been the situation of thousands who are now re
joicing in all the blessings of health, from the
use of Dr. Osgood's Indian Cholagogue. In no
instance does it fail to effect a speedy and per
manent cure. For sale bj above named agents.
'How few who think aright among the thinking
few ;
How many never think, but only think they do.'
B 7" 'rim sentiment implied in the above ex
clamation is on no subject more fully exemplifi
ed than on that of health. But few give it a
single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it
with the observation and good sense which mat
ters of minor consequence receive. As obser
vation teaches the fact that Dr. Osgood's Indian
Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in Fever
and Ague, good sense would surely indicate its
I prompt and immediate use. For sale by the a
bove named agents. [July 9, 1850.
A NEW and splendid assortment of Spring
11 and Summer Goods has just been received
at the cheap and popular store of George Gwin,
Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
His stock has been selected with great care,
with a view to cheapness and good quality, and
comprises, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French,
Belgian and Fancy cassimeres Kentucky Jeans,
Oregon and Tweed cloths, Vestings, Flannels,
and Drillings, and a variety of cotton goods for
summer wear ; Mouslin de Laines, Alpaccas,
French Lawns and Scarfs, Shawls and Handker
chiefs, Merinos, Calicoes of the newest styles
and at low prices, Earlston, French, Scotch and
Domestic Ginghams snd Balzorines, French and
Irish Linens, Bed Tickings, Musl,ns, Sheetings,
&c. Having heretofore been honored bye large
patronage from the Ladies, he has procured the
most elegant assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
ever brought to the interior of the State. Also
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Queens
, ware, and a great variety of goods of all kinds.
In short he is prepared to offer Great Bargains
to those who favor him with their custom. All
are invited to call and judge for themselves.—
It affords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at
all times.
All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for goods.
April 2,1850. GEO. GWIN.
Lots in Altoona for Sale.
north of Hollidaysburg,and aboutone mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale,
being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of the Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
June % 185(i—tf.
DEALER in Gold and Silver Watches, Jew
elry, &c., No. 55 North Third street, be
low Arch, Philadelphia. his friends and the
public generally, visiting Philadelphia, are in
vited to give him a call, as he feels confident
that he can furnish articles in his line of such
quality and price as will give universal satis
faction. The trade will be supplied with
Wat:hes, Jewelry, &c., as cheap us they can be
procured elsewhere.
Watches and Jewelry of every deseripiion
neatly repaired and warranted.
Philadelphia, April '23, 1850.—tf.
Alexandria Foundry and Tin Shop,
H ER 1S t oves' rihsCet Castings,Spout-
ing4ccanbe bought chea per
any other place.
July 9, 1850. ROI3ERT GRAFIUS.
VARIETY of articles too numerous to men
tion for sale at Cunningham's Uroceiy and
confectionary "Head Quarters."
iv Charles G. Johnson, of Bristol, who was
pronounced incurably fixed in the last stage WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPIiY:
of pulmonary consumption, by two skilful phy
MANY and many a wife endures years of bodily
suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate and help-
less, embittering her life, that of her husband, and
hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising
from causes which, if known, would have spared the
suffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the bus.
band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav
ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and
harassed in conacquenee of the sickness of the cora
panion of his bosom.
How important that the causes should be known
to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful
and harrowing consequences to the health and hap
piness of both may be avoided I Life ie toe short and.
health too precious to admit any portion of the one to'
be spent without the full enjoyment of the other.
The timely possession of a little work entitled at
follow has been the means of saving the health and
the life of thousands, as over
copies have been sold since the fret edition was
The author has been induced to advertise it by
the urgent and pressing request of those who have
been indebted to its publication for all they bold des_'
(that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and
who have favored him with thousands of letters of
encomium, some of which are annexed to the adver
Mr. Johnson wae rescued from death's door
by the use of Schnook's Pulmonic Syrup—hav
ing been prostrated all winter. His cave was it
witnessed by several of the most respectable
citizens of this state, whose names are append
ed to his certificate. Reed ! Read ! and be con
vinced that Schneck's Pulmonary Syrup is the
only certain cure for Consumption.
Bristol, Bucks couuty,Pa.
Sept. 21,1849.
Dn. J. li. SCIINECK, —DearSir,—l am induced
from a sense of justice towards you, as well as
duty to the public, to make known one of the
most hopeless and extraordinary cores, in nip
stun person, that you have ever had the pleasure
to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to por
tray, in truthful colors, my consuming disease,
and the remarkable chance which Schrieck's
Pulmonary Syrup effected in so short a time.
I was taken some time previous to December
1848, with a heavy cold, producing incessant
coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the
right side, pains in the back, under the right
shoulder, having heavy night sweate,high fevers
&c., which made me so nervous and restless as
to produce utter prostration. AII theseafflictione
Increased with such violence, that on the 4th of
January last I sent for my family physician. He
attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thing
that medical skill could suggest, but without ef
fect. I found myself gradually growing worse,
and my hopes of recovery lessening as my die
ease increased. My cough became distressing ;
my pains severe; end, extremely debilitated, I
loot all ambition in life, and gave up to a melan
choly depression. My physician examined me,
and informed me I had an abeess on the upper
part of my liver and lower part of one of my lungs.
Notwithstanding all this kill, I grew worse, but
with that tenacity with which we all cling to life,
I concluded to Icave nothing undone, and called
in a consulting physician, who fully concurred
with my own, and pronounced my case an ex
tremely critical one. He thought I was in im
minent danger--saying my disease "was one the
is seldom if ever cured. , '
All this time I was en
during sufferings that made life burdensome ; ex
periencing great pain in coughing ; expecte,ra
Ling from a pint to a quart of nauceous motter
every 24 hours, and gradually sinking under the
weakning progress of my disease. At this stage
of my lances, my friends in Bristol suggested
the use of Schneck's ruin - ionic Syrup, but know
ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur
pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes
itated. My friends, however, insisting, I was
prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced
taking the Syrup about the first of March, and
used several bottles before I had any confidence
in it. I then began to experience a change for
the better, and continued it till I had consumed
ten bottles, when I was so far relieved as to be
able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. He
examined me, and pronounced my right lung af
fected, but in a healing condition. He recom
mended the further use of the Syrup, which I
continued till I consumed 15 bottle., and found
myself once more restored to health. I will fur
then add, that the consulting physician, seeinglhe
action of the medicine, fully approved its use
To give the reader some idea of the severity
of my case, and the rapid cure affected by the
Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in
health was 177 pounds, which was finally re
duced by my sufieringe to but 121 pounds. Yet,
on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh
ed 174 pounds, thus gaining in a few months 53
pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest
weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the
ehort epace of this certificate, the convincing
proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particulars
of the agonizing afflictions through which I have
passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to
call on me, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, I
shall take pleasure in detailing every particular.
In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon
every person who may have the premonitary
symptoms of this fatal disease, not to delay one ,
hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately-
His skill in the treatment of this complaint, and
prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs
by means of his Stethoscope, added to my own
miraculous curd, fully satiafieerne, that bed I car
eer submitted myself to his care, I should have
!Heaped much suffering ; but restrained by doubts
and suspicion,which make us all naturally ekep.
tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when
first introduced, I resisted the importunities of
my friends till almost too late ; and yielded only
as a last resort, resolved to " kill or cure." To
those afflicted as I have been, again let me soy,
hesitate no longer, my own case is presented to
you as convincing evidence, that when all else
fails your last hope is in Dr, Schneck's Pulmonic
Syrup. I have also for the satisfaction of those
who may be strangers to me, appended to this cell
tificate the names of gentlemen well known in
the walks of public and private life, mid whoee
standing in society admits of no cavil or doubt in
• regard to their testimony.
We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and
vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson,
and know him to have been afflicted as ho states
above. We also know that ho used Schneck's
Pulmonic Syrup, and hive every reason to be
lieve, that to this medicine he owes his preserva
tion from a premature grave. The known in
tegrity and posi'ion in society of Mr. Johnson
however is a sufficient guarantee to the public of
the truth of this statement.
LEWIS T. PRATT, Fran'. Hotel.
LEWIS M. W HARTON, Merchant.
JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant.
JAMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the
Presbyterian Church.
S. B. HOLT ' Hotel, Burlington.
JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent.
A. L. PACKER, Coal agent.
WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Roussol's
Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia,
Bristol, September 24,1849.
Prepared and sold by J. H. Schneck at his
Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coats & Mar psi
Ste. Phila. and by
T. K. Sialorcron, Huntingdon.
G. H. STEirron, Waterstrect,
:Mons & Swoorx , Alexandria.
KESSLER & Duo., Mill Creek,
and by agents generally throughout the United
Price $l,OO per bottle, or MOO per half doz.
N0v.20, 1849.-Iy.
Head Quarters
FOR Groceries and Confectionaries.—Jous
A 4. CIINNINOTIAM has just received a choice
stock of Groceries, confectionaries, &c. He re
spectfully invites his customers and the public
to come and examine his assortment. [ap 23.
DRIED Beef and cheese for sale at the cheap
Grocery and confectionary establishment
of John N. Cunningham.
IOF FEE, Tea, Stiger and Spicee.—A fre - s1
supply just opened and for sale at Cunning
ham' s Grocery and confectionary store.
PURE etilifornia Gold wedding rings for sale
Private Medical Companion.
Twentieth Edition. 18rno., pp. 250. Price, $l.OO.
LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contempla
ting marriage, as it discloses important secrets which.
should be known to them particularly.
Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the
one either budding into womanhood, or the ono in
the decline of years, in whom nature contemplate.
an important change—can discover the causes, symp
toms, and the most efficient remedies and moat cer
tain mode of cure, In every complaint to which her
1113: is subject.
The revelations contained in its pages have proved'
a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters
received by the author (which he is permitted by the
writers to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, 0!
"DAYTON, May 1, 1897.
" Die. A. M. MAURIOEAU--My Dear Sir ' The
Married Woman's Private Medical Companion,' for
which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came
safely to hand. I would not have troubled you with
these few lines, but that I am impelled by a sense
of gratitude, fur myself and wife, to give utterance
to our sincere and heartfelt emotions.
"My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some
three yearn or more, in consequence of her great an
guish and suffering some months before and during
confinement; every successive ono more and more
debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im
minent danger, and which was, on the last occasion,
despaired of I supposed that this state of things was
Inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst.
At this time (now about two months) I beard your
book highly spoken of, as containing some matters
reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal, I can
not express to yea the relief it afforded my distressed
mind. and the joy its pages Imparted to my wife, on
learning that the great discovery of M. M. Demo-
Meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to
me which I little conceived was possible. No pecu
niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I
am under to you for having been the means of im
parting to us the matters contained in' The Married.
Woman's Private Medical Companion.' But for
this, ere another year would have passed over my
head, in all human probability my wife would have .
been in her grave, and my children left motherless."
Extract from a Letter.
Competence and Health.
"LANCASTER, PA., Oct. 24, 1847.
MY DEAR Btu: I know you will have the kind
nem to bear with ma in encroaching upon year time
while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife►
the obligations we feel ourselvea under to you in has.
log made known certain matters, contained in your
molt invaluable ' Married Woman's Private Medical'
Companion.' It has been worth its weight in gold
to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you wilt
see that I can nut do iso too warmly, when I inform
you of the extent to which I have, through it, been
benefited. I will state my situation when I obtained
your book through the merest cariosity I look upon
ft as one of the molt fortunate events of my life. I
had been married some ten years, and woe the father
of seven children. I was long et-niggling unceasingly
to the end that I might gain a moderate competency,
but the melte of my utmost exertion. at the end left
me about where I was at the beginning of each year;
and that only, with the most stinted economy, suffi
cing with barely the necessaries of life. Finally, this
constant effort was beginning to have its effect upon
my health I felt less capable to endure its comma
ante, while I felt the net:cattily of perseverance.
" This constant, unceasing struggle on toy part was
imperative, in consequence of the prostrated condi
tion of my wife (with occasional intermission) for ex
years, much of the time confined to her bed, and of
course incapable of taking the charge and manage
ment of household affairs. Her condition arose from
causes of which I was ignorant. Oh! what would
I have given had I the six years to live ever again !
What would any wife have given to have been Roved
the long days and still longer nights prostrate on •
bed of aleknese I—all of which would have been
avoided, had I then seen a copy of ' THE MARRIED
Prom a Physician.
How many are suffering front obstruction or irreg
ularities peculiar to the Mmalo system, which un
dermine their health, the effects of which they are
ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking
medical advice! How many suffer front prolapaus
tslcri (falling of the womb), or from fluor-tabus (weak
ness, debility, Ac., ate) ! How many are in constant
agony for many months preceding confinement! How
many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries, and
whose lives are jeoparded during such time, will find
In its pages the means of prevention, amelioration,
and relief!
Extract from a Letter.
To those just Narele(l,—‘ , lad I known:"
"PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 0, 1847,
" DR. A. M. Maximum/ : Hadlknownoftheim
portant matters treated of in 'The Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion' some years ago, how
muoh misery I might have escaped ! I have suffered,
years front causes which you point out in your book,
without knowing what to do. I obtained a copy, and
found my case treated of. I trust every female will ,
avail herself of the information contained in its pages."
Letters are daily received of this character, Imo
eessary to present.
To those yet unmarried, but contemplating mar
riago, or ',crimps hesitating as to the propriety of
incurring the responsibilities attendant upon it, the
importance of being possessed of the revelations con
talned in these pages, so intimately involving dick.
future happiness, can not be appreciated.
It is, of course, impracticable to convey more fully.
the various subjects treated of, as they are of a na,
Lure strictly Intended for the marridal, or those con
templating marriage; neither is inccessary, since
IS is every one's duty to become possessed of knowl
edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth
or, or a sister, may be subject, can bo obviated.
Er Copies will be Bent by Fall free of Postage
to the Purchaser.
On the receipt of One Dollar, THE MAR•
PANION" is sant (mailed frec) to any part of the
United States. All loners must be postpaid (*mope
those containing a remittance), and addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAURICEAU, Box 1224, Now York City.
Publishing Office, No. 120 Liberty st., New York.
Over 20,000 Copies bane been sent by MAIL
within three mouths with perfect safety and con
C... 7" For sole by HORACE W• Sallit.