Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 27, 1850, Image 3

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    From New Mexico,
E.lntelligence has been received from Santa Fe,
vin St. Louis to the 16th ult. The election on
the 20th Juno resulted in the choice of Dv. Henry
Connelly, for Governor, and Emanuel Alvarez,
for Lieut. Governor. Members of the Legislature
were also elected, and that body had convened at
she time appointed by the State Constitution, when
some curious scenes were enacted. The parties
are divided, one advocating a territorial, and the
other a State Government. A member of the
Senate presented his credentials and was admitted,
but it being afterwards found that he would not
tote with the majority, he was excluded from ta
king his seat, and his opponent admitted. Here
upon a number of the Senators and Representa
tives withdrew, leaving the House - without a quo
rum. The remaining members took upon them
selves the responsibility to fill the vacant seats
with men enough to form a quorum, and procee
ded with the business. Major K. H. Whitman and
Major F. A. Cunningham, both late paymasters
in the United States army, were elected United
States Senators.
PROFESSOR WEBSTER.--We are assured, says
the New York Tribune, upon good authority, one
who professes to know, that Professor Webster
has made another and full confession, in which he
admits the premeditated murder of Dr. Parkman,
thus falsifying his previous statements. This con
fession is in the hands of the authorities, but will
not be made public until after the execution.
A Self-acting Saw Mill.
The St. Louis Republican gives an account of a
saw mill constructed on a new and singular prin
ciple. The inventor is Mr. Amos Jackson, of Po
towatamie county, lowa. The mill derives its
power front the weight of the log to be sawed.—
The ways on which the carriage travels are fixed
on bearings that enter into the frame; the oppo
site ends are provided with large segments of a cog
wheel working into a series of cog wheels and
pinions; thus when the log is pushed forward to
the saw, its weight is brought to act with groat
force through the segments of a shaft, having sev
eral intermediate gearings to increase the speed
sufficiently for driving the crank shaft. The price
of these mills is said to be light compared with
others, and they can he attached to wheels for
travelling through the country.
Henry Ray was arrested in New York on Monday,
for smashing the city lamps. By his own confes
sion, he had broken no fewer than twenty-eight,
before he was taken up. He said he could give no
reason for his conduct, further than "he felt some
thing within him, telling him that it was his desti
ny to break lamps ;" but the police magistrate
tho't his manifest destiny lay in quite another di
rection, and so he was sentenced to the peniten
tiary to break stone for three months.
South Carolina in Agony.
The Charleston Mercury has an article headed
"Consolidation, Abolition, and the Bayonet," a
real blood and thunder article. The President's
message on the Texas question is execrated as
atrocious and shameless. It is stifpnatized as
another Force Proclamation, and as a means, not
for maintaining a Tariff, but for securing what is
infinitely more to be abhorred, the triumph of abo
lition. "The times that try men's souls," the
Mercury says, "are fast approaching, and the South
must soon know who are the true men and who
are the traitors within her limits." No doubt of it !
—Lancaster Examiner
FRUITFUL MornEn.—The census-taker, in the
western part of Sciota county, Ohio, informs the
editor of the Portsmouth Dispatch, that ho visited
a fluidly in which the mother hail recently given
birth to her twentieth child! He says it was a
sight worth beholding to see the youngsters run
ning about the house, ranging from small to great
like the pipes of an organ.
or Hon. JOHN SNYDER, brother of the Whig
candidate for Auditor General, died at his resi
dence in Union county, last week. Mr. Snyder
represented his district in Congress, and has fig
ured conspicuously in the polities of his region.
iWThe Whigs of Union county have nomina
ted JAMES ARMSTRONG, Esq., of Williamsport, as
the Whig candidate for Congress in the 13th dis
trict. Mr. Armstrong is one of the ablest men in
the district, and personally very popular.
bate in the Senate on receiving the protest of the
Southerners against the California bill, a fact of
some importance was stated on the authority of a
letter from Mr. Madison, viz: that a proposition
was made in the Federal Convention to give the
Senate the power of a protest, and it was rejected.
The Warren Ledger perpetrates the follow
ing pun :—"lt is said that although Daniel Web
ster has filled many honorable and inportant sta
tions, he has now gone to Lill-more.
lir It is said that the guns fired over the grave
of President Taylor belong to Sedwick's Flying
Battery. They wore used in the war with Mexi
co. Three of them opened the battle of Palo Alto,
and the other four were the last fired at Buena
A DOOMED FAMILY.-A colored family resi
ding in Uniontown, Pa., consisting of six persons,
have, nearly all been swept away by cholera.—
First, a daughter died ; on Saturday the husb,nd
and on Sunday the mother and a grand-child were
consigned to the tomb.
igir Some queer chap says that grain is treated
like infants—when the head becomes heavy, it is
cradled; and generally it is well thrashed to make
it fit for use.
New ORLEANS.—The Picayune of the 10th inst.
states that there is no yellow fever in that city, but
intermittent and other fevers prevail. The ad
missions to the Charity Hospital on the 9th, am
ounted to 81, and the number of patients already
in it was over nine hundred.
ment of Congress begins to bo talked of as an
went that may possibly take place about the Ist
of October next.
',eld in Philadelphia on Wednesday next, (to-mor
row) the 28th instant.
ler CAPT. ALDEN PARTRIDGE, of Vt., ((form
erly of Harrisburg) is out with a curd, o bring
himself as a candidate for the Presidency.
troth Wasliington.
WASIIINGTON, Aug. 23.—A Conference of the
friends of the Tariff was held last night. They
fully agreed to the necessity of a change in the
present system, and as to the principles on which
it should be accomplished.
A bill is ready to he introduced into the hones
on the subject, but the time & mode of its introduc
tion will depend on circumstances. Perhaps it
will he moved as an amendment to the new Ap
propriation bill. The Boundary bill is evidently
losing friends daily.
O' Coral bracelets are hi fashion in Thirope.
Some ladies wear bracelets of green or black vel
vet ribbon,'!fastened by a clasp. Sonic ladies
wear coral and velvet bracelets on the some
It is estimated that the number of emi
grants that will reach this country from Europe,
during the present year, will exceed 250,000.
Elir Counterfeit 10's of the Farmers and Dro
vers Bank, Waynesburg, Pa., old plate, are about!
Their general appearance is good. The color of
the paper is lighter. The die work generally is
cloudy and imperfect. The farmer's boy on the
right of the note looks as if the tail of his plow had
knocked in his left eye. The principal male figure
in the centre vignette wearsa very equivocal look
ing face for the business he is at—which appears
to be a sort of rural courtship !
On the 15th inst., by the Rev. A. A. Anderson,
BARRICK, all of this county.
On Saturday, 17th inst., by N. Mullaney, Esq.,
Mr. GEORGE GEERHART, of Huntingdon, and
Miss ELIZABETH KANE, of Lewistown.
The Flour Market is quiet, and fresh ground is
held at $5.37+, and old stock ut55.25 per WA.
Rye Flour is scarce; sales of 300 bbis at $2.94
per bbl. Corn Meal is more inquired after; sales
at $3 and some at a trifle less.
Grain—The receipts for wheat are moderate ;
sales of 3 and 4,000 bushels southern red at $l.lO
and 1.14 for ordinary and prime quality, and $1
for white. Rye is in demand. Corn is more in
quired after; sales of yellow at 65 and 65} emits
afloat. Oats are dull.
Whiskey—Sales in bids at 26} cents and Wats
at 26 eta.
Fellow-citizens :—Being solicited by a num
ber of my friends throughont the county, I now
offer myself as a volunteer candidate for the of
fice of Sheriff. Should 1 be elected, I pledge
myself to fill the office with impartiality, and I
hope to your entire satisfaction.
Aug. 27, 1820.—pd. Shirley Township.
THE Farm belonging to the estate of John
M'Cartney, deceased, situated in fender.
eon township, Huntingdon county, is offered for
rent. This Farm contains about 180 acres of
land, 130 acres of which is cleared, and in a
good state of cultivation. There is a good two
story log dwelling house, bank Barn, and other
buildings on the premises. This property is
one of the most desirable, for farming purposes,
in Huntingdon county, and will be rented on
reasonable terms.
Proposals will be received from this time un
til the Ist of November next, by the undersign
ed, or by Wm. F. M'Cartney, living on the
place. Possession will be given on the Ist of
April 1831.
August 27, 1850.-6 t. Executrix.
Proposals for Building a Bridge.
SEALED Proposals will be received at the
Commissioners' office, at Huntingdon, for
the building of the Bridge across Raystown
Branch, at Harris' Fording, on Friday the 20th
of September next. The plan and specification
of the said bridge to be seen at any time after
the Ist of September. I. GREENLAND,
August 27, 1850. Commissioners.
PUBLIC SALE.—WiI! be exposed to public
sale, at the Hotel of Thomas Wallace, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, Sept.
18th, and at Harrisburg on Tuesday Sept. 21th,
1850, at Maj. Sanders' Rail Road Hotel, oppo
site the Depot, the entire stock of the Pioneer
Packet Boat and Stage company, consisting of
Packet Boats, with all the Furniture complete,
about SIXTY HORSES and Harness, together
with a Blacksmith Shop and Tools, and a varie
ty of other articles connected with the line.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., at
each place, when conditions will be made known
by the undersigned. WILLIAM COLDER,
August 27, 1850. Committee.
BY virtue of a writ of vend. ex., to me direct
ed, -LP will be exposed to sale by public vendue
or outcry, on the premises, on Friday Sept. 20,
1850. All that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate in Clay township, Huntingdon county,
containing about 8 acres more or less, adjoining
lands of Chas. Rinehart, lying on the great road
leading from the Three Springs to Fort Little
ton, having thereon erected a small House, Log
Stable and Tan House. All of said land cleared,
with a young orchard on the place. Seized and
taken under execution as the property of Wm.
Pollock, with notice to Abraham Long, Wm. B.
Leas and David 13iirket, assignees of Wm. Pol
lock, and to Charles Rinehart, Terre Tenant.—
And to be sold by.
Sheriff's Office, Huntingdon, t
August 27, 1850.
Saddle, Flamm & Trunk Manufacturers.
THE undersigned are now associated in the
above business,Li the old stand heretofore '
occupied by Wm. G lasgow, in Main street, near
ly opposite the store of T. Rend & Son. Every
thing in their line will be furnished on the
shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to
suit all. They manufacture the moat of their
work themselves, and can therefore assure the
public that every article will be made in the beet
and most durable manner.
Err A large assortment of superior SAD.
DLES, READY MADE, always on hand.
09 - 'Hides, and country produce, generally,
taken in exchange for work.
Wst. GL&800w returns thanks for the liberal
patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes
that his old patrons will continue to patronize
the new firm. WM. GLASGOW,
August 27, 1820. WM. t . STEEL.
THE undersigned having been appointed Agent
of a large Eastern Clock Manufactory, is
prepared to furnish individuals and the country
trade with every variety of the most superior
CLOCKS. He would respectfully invite his friends
in Huntingdon and the adjoining cotinties to give
him a call. He can assure all who favor him
with their custom, that he can furnish every
variety of Clocks cheaper than they can be pro
cured elsewhere In Philadelphia, including some
entirely new and beautiful styles.
Nu. 55, North Third Street, Philadelphia,
August 27, 1850.—tf.
""Pay What Thou Owest."
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted
to the subscriber, are respectfully and ear
nestly requested to call and "fork over" imme
diately. He is in want of money, and hopes
this notice will not be neglected by those who
are indebted to him, but that all will come for•
ward promptly, and pay up.
Aug. 27, 1850. LOUIS SCHNEIDER.
Re-organized, and being a combination yf two
Companies, Equestrian and Dramatic!
11 1 HIS Novel combination and Dandle Troupe
I will perform at IlesTiNonon, on FRIDAY,
20th of September, for one (lay only, afternoon
and evening. Afternoon performance commen
cing at 2i o'clock, in the Evening at 7 o'clock.
Doors open half an hour previous. Admission
25 cents to each Entertainment.
In the Equestrian department, one of the lead
ing, and from their novelty the most striking
feature, are the wonderful exploits of the WILD
lunge, EATON STONE. This extraordinary
equestrian of whose skill and daring volumes
have been written wherever he has performed,
appears in two distinct acts of horsemanship in
neither of which does he use saddle or bridle on
his superb steeds, though they are both as wild
and apparently untameable as when first lassoed
by him on the Pampers of South America.—
Their leaps are truly terrific, and it is impossi
ble to describe the sensations of the beholder as
he watches the motions of horse and rider, which
are in perfect unison, and which convey to the
mind a strong picture of the CENTAURS of Hea
then Mythology.
Master T. NEVILLE is another of the stars
which form the brilliant Galaxy of Talent of
which this great company is composed. He is
everywhere admitted to be without a rival in
his feats of equitation. Mr. CAD WALLADER
the graceful and daring many horse rider, the
established favorite of this company. Mr. E.
DERIOUS, with his highly educated and superb
stud of Lilliputian Shetland Ponies. The great
and widely renowned Acrobats, the RIVERS
FAMILY, whose pleasing and astonishing feats
have never been equalled in America ; the ac
complished equestrian and champion vaulter,
Mr. W. 0. DALE. SAM LE!?, whose hercu
lean feats are the wonder and admiration of all
who witness them. The juvenile equestrian
prodigies, Master G. DERIOUS and 13. WIL
LIAMS. Two great clowns, JOHN JASSON
and DAN GARDNER, whose unexceptionable
art and most approved good humor have placed
them at the summit of the profession. Master
of the arena Capt. J. A. DECASIP. The grand
heroic equestric dramatic spectacle,
or the 7 champions of Christendom, got up with
the most lavish expense, with new and gorgeous
dresses, properties and appointments of every
sort, as performed for hundreds of nights at the
National Arnpitheatre, Philadelphia, will con
clude each evening's entertainment.
07" Post's celebrated Military Band will or
company the performance.
August 27, 1850.
Avaluable farm and tract of land situate on
the Big Aughwick Creek, in Huntingdon
county, containing by the official draft 227 acres,
but by subsequent re-surveys has been found to
contain a large excess over the official quantity,
originally surveyed in pursuance of a warrant
in the name of David Franks, and is now in the
occupancy of Simon Gratz. A good part of the
tract is improved bottom land of first rate quali
ty, and is well worth the attention of persons
wishing to purchase a good farm. It is but about
one and a half miles from Orbisonia, four miles
from Shirleysburg—within about eight miles
from the Pennsylvania Canal and the same dis
tance from the Pennsylvania Rail Road and is
in the immediate neighborhood of several Iron
Works. For further information and particulars,
apply to Miles & Dorris, Attorneys at Law in
the Borough of Huntingdon.
J. - GF.O. MLRS, Attorney in fact for
Joseph Gratz and Jacob Gratz, Trustees for the
heirs of Michael Gratz, deed.
July 23, 1830.
M. & J. M. ROWE,
MANUFACTURERS and wholesale dealers
in Brooms, Baskets, and Wood Ware, have
removed to the large store formerly occupied
by Messrs. Seller & Davis, where they have
opened an extensive stock of Eastern and y
made BROOMS and WOOD WARE, which
they are now selling at the lowest manufactur
ers prices.
full assortment of Bristol Brushes, Mats,
Cordage, &c., constantly on hand.
No. 111, North Third street, 3 doors below
Race, Phila. [July 23, 1850.-3 m.
LOUIS SCIINEIDER informs the public that
he is prepared to serve up ICE CREAM at
at his establishment, in the best style. He has
fitted up a SALOON especially for the LADIES
and made such arrangements for the accommo
dation of all as cannot fail to please. He will
also be prepared to furnish PRive•rs PARTIES
with any quantity of Ice Cream desired.
May 21, 1830.
At the solicitations of numerous friends throu
ghout the country, I am a candidate for the of
fice of Sheriff at the ensuing election, and res
pectfully ask the suffrages of my fellow citizens
for that office. If elected I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of the office faithfully.
West township, July 23, 1850.
ON the 15th inst., on the public road leading
from the turnpike to the mouth of Spruce
Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., a PURSE con
taining a sum of mosey. The owner can have
it by calling at Water Street Post Office, proving
money and purse, and paying charges.
August 6, 1830.—St.
A DAMS & Co. have established an Express
II Office in Hantingdon, in charge of Horace
W. Smith, at the Huntingdon Book Store. All
packages left with him will be carefully attend
ed to. [June 4, 1850.
ONE TON Berea Ohio Grindstones, for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
July 3, 1850.
AN assortment of Pittsburg Glassware just
received by J. & W. SAXTON.
May 7, 1850.
I ) EA UTIFUL lot of LADIES DRESS Goons just
) arrived and for side by
July 2, 1R.30. J. & W. Ss: rox.
THE celebrated American Oil has been in use
long enough to test its powers. It is rec
ommended as one of the best, if not the very
best medicine for the cure of Rheumatism, try
sipelas, Tetter, Toothache, Cramps, Spasms,
cholic, burns and scalds, bowel complaints,
quincy, croup and sore throat, inflamation, &c.
Read the following certificate
HUNTINGDON, March 11, 1830.
For the benefit of sufferers like me and oth
, era, I do freely declare the following facts
have suffered more or less for twenty years with
the most desperate Rheumatism, and also for 18
years at times with most desperate pain in the
stomach, which at times seemed to expand as if
it would burst; also for many years I was ter•
ribly troubled with cramps in my legs—indeed
I can't describe all my sufferings for so long a
time. I could do no business for the last ten
years, nor had I a single good night's sleep for
the last five years. I never could find any relief
worth mentioning, until last November, when 1
met with the Extract of American Oil, and to
my no little surprise I got relieved of all in a
short time and to this day. I respectfully in
vite all who choose to call and see me upon the
matter; such I can tell much more. I can say
it has dor,e wonders on others around me in va
rious complaints. If ever an article was put
out honestly, this is one. I know it sells rap
idly here. No family in the lend will be with
out it when they once know its use.
HurrriNom., March 11, 1850.
I do hereby certify to the following facts :
That I have suffered for live years past with
pain in my bark, spirie and kidnies, and never
received any relief but by bleeding, for a few
days only. Last November I got a bottle of
the Extract of American Oil, I used it inward
ly, and to my surprise it removed the complaint
in a short time. From what I have seen and
heard of its wondrous effects upon others in des
perate cases, I can freely recommend tr, end be
lieve it to be worth all the humbugs in the land,
and do believe it will do all for what it is so
highly recommended. C. COUTS.
Linvisrown, March 1850.
I never before gave a certificate, but this I
give with a clear conscience for the benefit of
sufferers like myself. I suffered with the Ery.
aipelas or St. Antony's Fire, mixed with Tet
ter, so pronounced by my doctor, for 12 years.
The suffering I endured is beyond description.
At times all my hair came off my head. During
this time I had no relief for more than a few
days at a time. Last October 1 got a bottle of
the Extract of American Oil, used it inwardly
and outwardly, and to my great astonishment
and my neighbors, I got clear of it in a short
time, and to this time I have noticed its won
drous effects on other desperate complaints. I
do assure my friends and the public that it is
indeed a wonderful thing for many complaints.
I invite all whochoose to visit me in Lewistown.
My maiden name was Nancy Magarky, now
l 3 The American Oil is for sale by A. S.
HARRISON, Huntingdon, General Agent for
Huntingdon county. Those who wish a supply
of the medicine will call on him.
Also for sale by Samuel Huey, Alexandria,
Huntingdon county; Catharine Hart, Lewis
town, Mifflin county; John B. Givet, M'Con
nelstown ; Daniel Decker, M'Veytown; Mays
S. Harrison, Shirleysburg. [Aug. 20.—1 y.
First and Last Notice.
THOSE persons knowing themselves indebted
to the subscriber, are hereby notified that
all accounts remaining unsettled, on and after
the first day of November next, will be left in
the hands of the proper officer for collection.
Hunt. Aug. 20, 1950. WM. SWOPE.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
SIMPSON Ilion, late of Henderson township,
Huntingdon county, deceased. Those knowing
themselves indebted are requested to muke im
mediate payment; and those having claims will
present them for settlement.
AMOS CLARK, Admininrator
To township, Aug. 20, 1850.—Gt.
Kept in the new Academy Building, Hunting.
don, Pa., by J. A. HALL.
his School will be opened for another regu
lar term of one year. This term, like the last,
will be divided into four sessions of eleven weeks
each, with suitable vacations in December, May
and August. Only forth-two pupils will be re
ceived for the whole year, and this number shall
not be increased without the unanimous consent
of the patrons of the School approved by the
Tsuus OP TUITION, PER YEAR. -Primary clas
ses $12,00; Grammar classes, $14,00; Senior
classos, $16,00 a scholar. Onefourth duo at the
end of each session. For particulars apply to
the Principal. J. A. HALL.
Huntingdon, August 20, 1850.
02 .. RE...CR.-Any intelligent citizen of
School Teacher Wanted.
A TEACHER capable of instructing in Read
ing, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Ge
ography and Mathematics, is wanted at the
Ants Sciroot. Hon., in Franklin township,
Huntingdon county. A gentlemanfrho can come
well recommended, possessing the above quali
fications, will be employed for eight months, at
$2.1 per month. Applicants may apply to the
undersigned. JAS. DYSA RT,
Birmingham P. 0. Hunt. co. Pa.
August 20, 1850.—pd.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
ABRAHAM MOORE, late of Warriorsmark town.
ship, Huntingdon county, dec'd. All persons
knowing themselves indebted, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims, will present them, properly authentica
ted, for settlement. DAVID MOORE,
Aug. 20, 1820.—1 t. Adininiarator.
T T. SCOTT has this morning, (Aug. 12,)
d • received from Philadelphia an additional as
sortmentof Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry,
&c. He is enabled to sell this stock at much
reduced prices. Call at his new establishment
3 doors west of T. Read & Son's Drug Store,
and satisfy yourselves. [Aug. 13, 1850.
State Mutual /Fire Insurance Co. of
Office at the Huntingdon Book Store.
July 23, 1850. Authorized Agent.
Millinery and Fancy Store.
MRS. SARAH KULP, front Philadelphia,
respectfully informs the Ladies, that she
has opened a store in the Borough of Hunting
don, nearly opposite Couts' Hotel, for :he sale
of Bonnets, Trimmings and Fancy articles.—
She invites the Ladies to call at her establish
ment, and e:zamine her stock. Her Bonnets are
of the latest fashion. Also, bleaching and pres
sing done on reasonable terms and at short no
tice. [June 18, 18.50.—tf.
k..) I LAS rs—assorted.
12 sett Boot Trees.
10 Clamps.
6 sett Sehive's Patterns.
8 pair Crimping Boards.
For sale at lowest prices for cash, by
Dealer in Shoe Findings.
Lewistown, Aug. 6,1850.—1 t.
4 dozen Lining Skins,
4 dozen Binding Skins.
12 Sides Upper Leather.
1 dozen French Calf Skins.
1 dozen Strait Morocco.
4 dozen Kid Skins.
3 doz. Red, Blue and Green Morocco skins.
1 dozen Bronzed do do
2 dozen Fancy colored do do
With an assortment of Kit, Files, Rasps, Pegs
Tools of all kinds, Shoe Thread, &c., at
Lewistown, Aug. 6.-It.
WATERVILLE Manufacturing Co's. Stipa
mannfactured by the Waterville Manufacturing
company, Waterville, Conn. An invoice of the
above splendid American Cutlery just received.
Premiums were given for these goods at the N.
York and Philadelphia Institutes—rivalling in
quality and finish Wostenholm and Rodgers'
best cutlery. Each knife warranted. For sale
wholesale and retail by
Lewistown, Ang, 6.-4 t.
25 Sett English Tire Iron-1} to 4 in. broad.—
Always on hand at
Lewistown, Aug. 6.—lt.
L EAD PIPES, to 2 inches, at
Lewistown, Aug. 6.—.1t.
T"E partnership heretofore existing between
James Gillam and Henry Cornpropst, tra
ding under the firm of Gillam & Cornpropst, in
the Mercantile,Warehouse and Boating bust
nees was this
' d ay dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by Henry Corn
propst, with whom the books of the old firm
will be left for settlement.
August 6,1860.-3 t.
Ice Cream, Confectionery & Bakery.
& J. AFRICA, thankful for past favors,
most respectfully announce to the citizens
of Huntingdon and vicinity, that they have made
necessary arrangements to supply all who may
favor them with a call, with the most choice
varieties of Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes,
Fruit, Nuts, &c. Their private rooms are fit
ted up in a handsome style, which make them a
comfortable place of resort for Ladles and Gen
, tlemen.
Parties can be furnished, on the shortest no
tice. with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, and all
kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c.
ft Don't forget to call at the sign of the Red
Curtain, Railroad street, one door above Win.
Stewart's store. [May 28, ISM.—tf.
Important Facts for the People!
T & W. SAXTON inform the public that they
have just received a splendid assortment of
the most fashionable GOODS, consisting of ev
ery variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress
Goods, Fancy Goods, and Dry Goods of every
kind. Also a fresh and superior assortment of
Groceries, Bonnets, Hats and Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Queensware, Glassware, Baskets, and
!every kind of goods usually kept in the most
extensive stores. Having purchased their goods
low, they are determined to sell them very
cheap—at only 20 per cent. Their old stock
will he sold at cast. [July 2, 1820.
r,0,000 Dollars will be taken now, and after
ei the 21st of August $lOO,OOO will be recei
ved, at the sign of the BIG ELEPHANT, for
Goods. The goods will be furnished at the same
price as though silver were presented in pay
loam ! "A dollar saved to a dollar earned!"
Thejunior Elephant has just returned from
Philadelphia with another Tremendous Stock of
Goods, brought over Pa. R. R. in a special train
of ears They have added to their previous
stock more Tip Sugar, more 11 ct. Coffee, more
Sugar Ilouse Molasses at 31 ets. per gallon, more
yard wide Pip Muslin, more 3 cent ditto, more
1 cent Calico, more 11) and 12. cent Lawns and
Ginghams, more Levy Cups and Saucers—in a
word—more of everything, and at lower prices
than any body else!
To see is to believe. Call, then, at our es
tablishment, and we will take great pleasure in
convincing you that it is greatly to your interest
to deal with PEIGEITAL & BOGGS.
Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1850
THE People are rushing in immense crowds
I to the store of NEFF & MILLER, to see
the beautiful assortment Si Gold and Silver
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, and
Fancy articles which they have JUST RECEI
VED, and will sell at astonishingly low prices.
It is conceded by everybody that their assort
ment of Watches and Jewelry is the moat hand
some ever brought to Huntingdon.
137 - Having secured the services of “NED
CALLAHAN," one of the best workmen in the
State, they are prepared to repair Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry promptly, and on reasona
ble terms. Those who desire to purchase good
articles, and have their work well dose, should
call at NEFF & MILLER'S. [Aug. 13, 1830.
To Farmers and Men of Business.
THE subscriber offers, at the lowest rates, in
any quantity to suit purchasers, Genuine
Peruvian Guano, and every variety of Sperm,
Whale, Lard and Tanners' Oils.
Manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers
and consumers, are invited to call.
No. 37 North Wharves, the first Ott. STORE
below Race street, Philadelphia.
August 13, 1830.-3 m.
Clothing, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c.
JACOB SNYDE R has just received a new .
supply of Clotlung. Also, Cassimeres and
Vestengs, which will be made up to order. Also
a fine assortment of Shirts, and the latest style
of Collars. Also Suspenders, &c. [Aug. 13.
11. M. GILDEA,
August 13, :850,-2m.
CIARSAPARILLA, a line article, for sale at
►t3 Marks' Confectionary. [May 21.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-01fice in Main
street, Huntingdon, Pa.
Encourage Tour Own Mechanics!
(I WEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully
kj announce to the public, that they are now
in all its various branches, at the old stand for
merly occupied by Adams & Boat, a few doors
west of the Presbyterian church, where they are
now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau
ches, Rockaways, Dearborns, &c., in short any
thing in the line of carriage making, of the very
best kind of material, aud it, the latest and most
approved style. . .
They Lav'e on hand now several Buggies and
Rockimays, finished in the latest style. They
have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with
a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite
those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to
eall and examine their work and materials, and
judge for themselves, as they intend to make
good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds
of country produce taken in exchange for work.
N. 13.— OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to
his friends and the public generally, for their
very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at
tention to business, to merit a continuance of the
same, under the new firm. We have some sec
ond hand work which is of o good quality, which
we will sell right. Give 14 a call. We will
sell low for cash.
Huntingdon, Aug. 13, WO.
Valuable Property at Public Sale.
911-1 E subscribers will sell at public sale, on the
premises, on Saturday the 15th day of Sep
tember next, a TRACT OF LAND, containing
287 acres, more or less; situate nud lying in
Penn Township, Huntingdon county, adjoining
lands of John & Benjamin Grove, lands of Jane
Steel and others, about 200 acres of which is
cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the
buildings thereon erected are a good two story
Log Dwelling House, well finished, Log Bank
Barn, &c. There is also a good apple orchard
on the premises, an excellent spring of never
failing water near the house, and the trust gen
erally is well supplied with water. The said
tract of land is owned by the estate of Samuel
Steel and Jane Steel jointly. The said Jane
Steel will attend on the duy of sale herself, or
by her agent, James Entrekin, Esq., for the
purpose of ratifying and confirming sale of said
land. Terms will be made known on day of
Ea're. of Samuel Steel, rlee'd.
Angola 13, 1850.—ts.
Tin, Most EXT It A ORD It I MEDI
OVER two hundred and fifty thousand persons
cured of various diseases, within the last
two years. It cures Scrofula, Stubborn Ulcers,
Effects of Mercury, Fever Sores, Erysipelas,
Rheumatism, Consumption, General Debility,
Costiveness, Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint,
Dropsy and Gout, Ringworms, Ileart Diseases,
Dyspepsia, Cancers and Tumors.
13"rhe great beauty of this medicine is, that
it never injures the constitution, and is always
beneficial, even to the most delicate, and is the
only medicine ever discovered that creates new,
pure and rich blood, and that reaches the bone.
Thousands are ready to testify to its many vir
ery person should take a bottle spring and fall
to regulate the system and drive out all iinpu
of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Extract of Sarsaparilla
will cleanse the system of child.
This is to certify that my child was afflicted
with a horrible disease in the face, (which re
sisted the efforts of my family physician,) and
was entirely cured by half a bottle of Dr. S. P.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla. WILLIAM WOOD.
Haiontown, Fayette co. Pa., July 3, 1850.
This is to certify that we have sold Dr. S. P.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla for many years, and
consider it a very valuable medicine, many
cures having been effected in our vicinity. A
young man by the came of West ley Rothrocli,
of this place, was cured of the Scrofuk,, (haring
large lumps in his neck,) by the tHe alone bottle.
Teas. READ & Soy.
Huntingdon, Pa., July 3, 1850.
NOTICE.—The public are notified that Dr.
S. P. Townsend's Extract of Sursapaiilla will
in future be manufactured under the direction of
James P.. Chilton, Chemist, whose name, in
connection with that of Dr. S. P. Townsend,
will be upon each bottle, to prevent fraud.
Sold Wholesale and Retail at 1.2.5 Chestnut St.
Philad., by JENKINS & SHAW, sole Agents
for Pennsylvania, to whom all orders and appli
cations for Agencies should be addressed.
And by Tiros. Renn & SON, Huntingdon;
Csssville. [Aug. 13, 1850.-6 m.
discovery and valuable Medicine. Every iam..
ily should have a bottle in cases of sudden.nick
ness. It cures Cholera, Bowel Complaints,Di
arrham, Cholic, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism,
Piles, Pain iu the Read, Dyspepsia, Bruises,
Burns, &c.
This certifies that I have for several months
used Mr. Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer in my
family in several cases for which it is recom
mended, and find it a very useful family medi
cine. A. BRONSON.
Pastor of the 9.d Baptist church, Fall River.
Timm:ay, Martha's Vineyard.
This may certify that I have used Dhvis' Pain
Killer with great success, in cuses of cholera
infantum, common bowel complaints, bronchitis,
coughs, colds, &c., and would cheerfully recom
mend it Its a valuable family medicine.
Pastor of the Baptist Church
Friend Davis :—This may certify that I still
use the Pain Killer in my family. My health
has been so good for three or four months past,.
that I have but little or no use for it, and would
still recommend it to the public. _
Fall River, 2d month, 17th, 1815.
For sale by JENKINS Sr SHAW,
125 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
General Wholesale Agents for Eastern Penn
sylvania, to whom all orders and applications
for Agencies from Eastern Pennsylvania should
be addressed.
And by TIMMAE READ & Son, Huntingdon;
CHARLES RITE, Lewistown, and READ & WEL
DUFF, CESSViiiC. [Aug. 13, 1850.-6 m.
QFFIOE hours from 8 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6
P. M. S. W. Corner of Hi!land Montgom
ery. streets. [May 7, 1850.
VINEGAR, Hotneny, Golden Syrup Molass
es, Luscious Luxury, &c., constantly for
sale at Marks' Centectionary. [May 21.
,NERAL WATER, of a superior quality,
at Marks' Confectionary. [May 21. ,