Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 27, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, August 27, IBA
the following rates, viz :
If paid, in advance, per annum, $1,75
If paid during the year, 2,00
If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50
To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • •1,50
THE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases.
No subscription will be taken for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued .-
61 all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
JOSHUA DUNGAN, of lhmks Co.
HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union.
JOS. HENDERSON, of Washington.
WILLIAM B. SMITH, of Hunt. Co.
SETH R. M 9 CUNE, of Blair Co.
WM B. ZEIGLER, of Huntingdon.
BENJAMIN LEAS, of Shirley.
State of the Thermometer.
7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. M.
Monday Aug. 19,. • • •69 74) 67
Tuesday " 20,• • • •67 70 ..... —.67
Wednos. " 21,• • • •64 72 67
Thursday " 22,• • • .59 76 67
Friday " 23, • • •66 83 72
Saturday " 24,. • • •66 85 72
Sunday, " 25,• • • •70 83 70
To the Independent Voters of Hun
tingdon County.
HAWING been strongly urged by numerous friends
from all parts of the county, to offer myself
as an Independentcandidate for the office of Sher
iff; at the approaching election, and considering the
almost universal desire to have an Independent
candidate as sufficient justification for my course,
I have acceded to their wishes, and announce my
self to you as a candidate for that office, pledging
myself, if elected, to discharge its duties with fi
delity *and humanity. JOHN WWI:TAKER.
August 20, 1850.—pd. te.
An Explanation.
Mn. CLARK :—I observe that the card of .Tehta
Whittaker, announcing himself as a candidate for
Sheriff, appears under your editorial head. Now,
many of your Whig friends are anxious to know
why this is so. Certainly you do not approve of
Whittaker's disorganizing course, and forthat rea
son give his card such a conspicuous place. Please
explain, and oblige A SUBSCRIBER.
Of course we will explain. Mr. Whittaker re
quested his card placed where it appears, and paid
us accordingly. We deemed it a matter of no im
portance where his card was placed, as the Whigs
of this county know the man well, and cannot be
cheated by him. He has for years been opposed
to the success of the Whig party, and is now play
ing the part of a tool for Loeofocoism. Ho is not
a Whig at heart, and should no longer be recogni
zed as such. He does not expect to receive many
votes, but hopes to get enough to defeat the Whig
candidate. In this, however, he will be mistaken.
The Whigs are determined to elect a Sheriff of
their own party this time, despite all the tricks of
the Locofocos, and all the falsehoods which their
willing tools can, invent and circulate against the
Whig candidate. Mr. ZEIBLER is a high-minded,
honorable man, and his character is beyond the
reach of the tongue of slander, whether it be em
ployed against him by avowedLocofocos, or skulk
ing, cowardly Guerrillas.
We had hoped that it would not be necessary
for us to say aught against any man during the
present campaign, and especially of any one who
professed to be a Whig. But so long as wo con
tinue to occupy our present position, as lonductor
of a Whig press, we will defend the Whig party
from the assaults of its open and secret enemies.
We will perform our whole duty, however unplea
sant it may tie. The "Huntingdon Journal" lins!
ever been true to the Whig cause, and while we
continue its conductor, it shall remain so. "Those
who are not for us ate against us ;" and he who
opposes a regularly nominated candidate for a
county office, if that candidate is honest and capa
ble, and has ever been true to his party, is. much
an enemy to his party and its principles, as if he
would oppose a regularly nominated candidate for
President of the United States. Our position is
now defined, and we shall act in accordance with it.
WELCH'S NATIONAL Ciacus.—By reference to
our advertising columns, it will be seen flint this
celebrated company will perform in Huntingdon on
the 20th day of September.
New Subscribers.
As an evidence that our improvement is appro.
ciated,, we have received quite a number of new
subscribers during the past week. We still want
more, and hope our friends in various parts of the
county will he kind enough to aid us, by recom
mending the "JOURNAL" to their neighbors.
New Goods.
Our friends of the "Elephant," Messrs. Purim-
TAL & Booco, have just received seventeen cases
of Nuw Goons, which they are selling at their
,former cheap prices. By the way, the Elephant
is quite a significant emblem to sail under. Sa
gacity, Docility and Strength are the prominent
characteristics of the animal, and if our young
friends, in a business way, fully represent all these
sterling qualities, the most abundant success must
be their reward. They can do it, and we feel con
fident they kill.
Locofoco Candidate for Sheriff.
The Locofocos, after much caucusing, and ma
ny consultations, have fixed on DUTTON MADDEN
as their candidate for Sheriff. JOHN WRAY and
SAMUEL MILLER had previously announced them
selves, but neither of these gentlemen suited the
individuals in Huntingdon who claim to be the
leaders and managers' of the Locofoco party.—
These leaders, immediately after the Whig nomi
nations, made great efforts to get out a Whig to
run against the regular candidate, but utterly fail
ed in the effort. It is true they succeeded in get
sing out John Whittaker, who, on account of dis
appointed ambition, has been a DISOROANIZER in
the Whig ranks for the last ten years, and during
that time has never voted a full Whig ticket.—
But after trying Whittaker fur one week, and find
ing that he could get no support, they have aban
doned him to his fate, and are now snaking stren
uous exertions to rally their party on Mr. Madden.
Wray and Miller, say these Locofoco managers in
Huntingdon, must decline, so as to give their fa
vorite a clear track for the whole Locofoco vote.
We shall see whether these gentlemen will obey
their bidding. In the meantime, tlse Whigs are
rallying as one man for the WIIOLE WHIG TICKET,
and it makes but little difference to them how mu
ssy Locofoco candidates take the field in opposition.
Giving up the Fight.
After dividing Huntingdon county for the pur
pose of making it a Locofoco county, and then
keeping up a fight fur two or three years, with the
vain hope of conquering the unflinching Whig
Regulars, it seems our Locofbco friends have giv
en up the tight in despair. They have abandoned
their organization, fled to the chapparals for safety,
and are now making a Guerrilla tight upon the
Whigs. Is this what has been so often and exult
ingly called the "nuterrified Democracy?" or, ns
Col. Frazier, of Lancaster, the "war horse," would
say, the "Lion-hearted Democracy ?" Only think
of it! The "Lion-hearted Democracy" of Hun
tingdon county all turned skulking Guerrillas, and
not a man among them bold enough to be a stand
ard bearer of the principles of his party, in the
shape of a Legislative candidate. It is true they
have managed to present a candidate or two for
Sheriff; but they, as if ashamed of their party and
its principles, do not avow themselves Locofocos
or Democrats, but quietly slip out under the win
ning and modestappellation of "Independents !"
"How arc the mighty fallen !"
The Whigs, as usual, have presented their can
didates, and are prepared for the fight. WILLL►sI
B. SMITH and SETH R. M'CuNE, bear aloft the
Whig standard, as candidates for the Legislature.
If any body is opposed to their election, either
personally or politically, let them, in the language
of the Blair County Whig, "trot out their nags."
Their friends are ready for the combat. If the
Locofocos can muster courage enough to return to
the field, and present their candidates boldly, we
shall meet them according to the rules of "civilized
warfare." If, however, they remain in the swamps
and eliapparal and keep up a Guerrilla fight,ofeourse
we will have to "stir them up with a long pole!"
The Nomination for Sheriff.
We clip the following from the List Globe
"The Whig nomination for Sheriff is condemn
ed by a Jorge number of influential Whigs of the
county. The manner in which Mr. Zeigler's nom
ination was effected, is the principal cause of the
dissatisfliction. Mr. Samuel Stevens and Mr. Ja
cob Cresswell were Mr. Zeigler's most prominent
competitors, and it is alleged that either would
have been nominated if unthirmeans had not been
mule use of to defeat him."
Who alleges, Mr. Globe, that Mr. ZEIGLER, or
his friends, resorted to unfair menus to secure his
nomination? Mr. STEVENS, to whom allusion is
made, is of the opinion that Mr. ZEmEttobtained
his nomination honorably and fairly, and so ex
pressed himself to us : and we believe Mr. CRESS
WELL is of the same opinion. Your story is sim
ply not trae, and we defy you to make it good with
proof. It is equally untrue that "large numbers
of influential Whigs" are dissatisfied with Mr.
ZEIGLER as a candidate. It is true that many
were disappointed in not having their favorites
nominated, but all agree that Wit. B. ZEIGLER is
an honorable man and a good Whig, and that he
will make a competent and obliging officer. We
predict that all such efforts on the partofthe Globe
to injure the Whig candidate for Sheriff, will fitil
oftheir intended effect. Charges, in political times,
without proof, don't pass currently in this region.
The Globe forgets that it circulates in an
gent community.•
Cr The communieation in the last Globe rela
tive to the Whig County Convention, is too weak,
false and silly, to merit the insertion of the reply
which was handed to us by a Whig. Our Whig
friends should not wrench themselves " kicking
at nothing."
Poor Humanity.
To see men—full-grown men—who once had
some standing in society, but who, from their own
bad conduct, have lost the confidence and respect
of their fellow-citizens, standing about bar-rooms
and corners of streets, slandering and abusing their
neighbors, because they will not consent to disgrace
any public office by aiding them in their political
aspirations, is one among the many ways in which
poor human nature exhibits its depravity and the
utter degradation into which it is capable of sink
ing. The spectacle such poor creatures present
is humiliating and disgusting in the highest degree.
The Fugitive Slave Bill was ordered to be en
grossed in the U. S. Senate, on Saturday last. It
was expected to pass that body finally on Monday
(yesterday). The House is slowly progressing
with the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill.
The California and Territorial Bills have not yet
been taken up in the House.
Eon. A. Lynx, Marshal of the Western District
of Pennsylvania, has been removed from office for
cause. Was. Divot, his brother, and who we be
lieve was his bail, has been appointed in his stead.
ffir If alt who want office could be supplied,
how clever every body in this world would be.—
As this is not the case, unfortunately, how many
political tricksters, hypocrites, cut-throats, villains
and scoundrels there are The number of these
rascally people is truly lamentable, especially im
mediately after the adjournment of a County Con
vention. Oh, dear!
Cr A variety of now Advertisements appear
this week. We invite attention to them.
Our Ticket.
The Blair County Whig, in speaking of the ticket
nominated by the Whigs of this county, says:
"We congratulate the Whigs of "Old Mother
Huntingdon" in the choice of their candidates for
the several county offices. We are acquainted
with them all intimately, and have no hesitancy in
pronouncing it one of the most unexceptionable
tickets ever placed in nomination by the Whig
party of the county, and deserving of the vigorous
and united support of all good and true Whigs.—
We are especially pleased with the nominations
fur Assembly and Sheriff. Mr. SMITH, the nomi
nee for the Legislature, lives its Jackson township,
is a practical farmer, possessed of a strong and well
balanced mind, a firm and decided Whig, and a
high character fisr honesty and integrity, and will
snake such a legislator as cannot fail to meet the
expectations of the people of Blair and Hunting
don counties. His nominution is the most popular
one that could have been made in the county, and
he will receive such a vote as will astonish both
friends and foes. Major &mum, the candidate
for Sheriff; is a devoted and industrious Whig, a
hard-working mechanic, well fitted for the duties
of the office, and we feel well convinced will be
triumphantly elected. In his nomination, if merit
and fitithfulness to the cause are deserving of re
ward, no man is better entitled. We feel confi
dent that Huntingdon county, with such a ticket,
will give as large a majority as she did for Gen.
•The Register, in speaking of our candidate for
the Legislature, says:
"Mn. SMITH, the gentleman nominated for As
sembly, we hear spoken of in the highest terms of
praise. He is said to be a man of irrepproachable
moral character; a good, steady, zealous Whig;'
and amply competent for the post. Like our own
candidate, (S. R. M'Cune, Esq.) he is a hard-fis
ted Farmer, and trained to industry and economy,
and will doubtless resist profligacy and extrava
gance wherever found. In short, he is just the
sort of a man for the times ; end we think we may
safely congratulate the Whigs of Blair upon hav
ing so excellent .a gentleman associated with Mr.
M'Cune for their suffrages. With M' Cane and
Smith for our candidates we feel assured that Blair
cannot be shaken a hair's breadth from her integ
rity by any scheme the Loces can devise."
Congressional Conference.
The last Congressional Conference for this dis
trict resolved that the future Conferences, until'
otherwise ordered, should be held at M'Veytown,
Mifflin county, on the FIRST TUESDAY OF SEP
TENDER. This was done to accommodate the
Whigs of Centre, who, on account of the time of
holding their Court, cannot appoint their Confe
rees so as to meet the other counties earlier. than
the above time. It was considered at the time
the best way of settling the matter, to prdvent mis
understanding, and we suppose will he adhered to.
Blair County.
It gives us pleasure to learn that the Whigs of
Blair county are rallying with great unanimity ou
their County Ticket. This is as it should be.—
The only way to sustain a party is to give a united
support to all its nominations. Tho Register says:
"From present indications we shall be disappoint
ed if the approaching election is not a remarkable
ono for the unanimity with which the Whigs of
Blair will vote the whole ticket. We have talked
with a great many of the "Rough and Ready" men
from all parts of the county, on the subject, and
can learn of scarcely a single one who avows his
determination to split his ticket; but on the other
hand, find a general disposition to frown indignant
ly upon such toadyism. "A man or a mouse," is
the motto this year. Who would be a mouse I"
Milllin County.
The Whigs of Mifflin county have nominated
the following ticket:—Assembly, Androw M'Far
land ; Prothonotary, John Bolas - Leh ; County Sur
veyor, Wm. Lytle:; Commissioner, Wm. Cum
mins; Auditor, Augustus M. Ingram; Prosecuting
Attorney, John W. Shaw.
L. T. Watson, John Herr, and J. F. Cottrell,
Esqr's., were appointed Congressional Conferees,
with instructions to. support Gen. Wm. H. Inwin
for Congress.
The ticket nominated is said to be a very strong
one, and the Whigs have strong hopes of success.
Newspaper Borrowers.
A word in your ear, Mr. Borrower ! Is this pa
per, which you are now reading, your own? Ah !
you just borrowed it for a few moments from your
neighbor Just so ! But, do you also go to your
neighbor for a loaf of bread—a coat—a hat—or a
shirt? No, you answer, that's quite a different
thing. Diffirent indeed! How so? Your neigh
bor's paper is as much his own private property as
any of the other articles we have mentioned. You
do not ask to borrow them, for you know he would
tell you to go and buy for yourself. And, if he did
himself and the printer justice, he would tell you
to buy a newspaper /br yourself, too. No man has
a right to the use of a newspaper, unless he pays
for it, any more than he has a right to wear his
neighbor's clothes, or eat his bread. Put that into
your pipe, friend—smoke it well—and then make
up your mind to subscribe for the " HUNTINGDON
Joua.v.u.," if you think it is worth reading.
Census of Huntingdon.
Mr. GUYER, Mrrshal for this county, has just
completed the Census of this Borough, and has
left the following information at our office: Popu
lation 1,470. Twenty-three deaths during the year
ending Juno 1, 1850. Fifteen establishments of
productive industry, producing more than $5OO
annually. This information is not so full as we
could have desired, but as we did not see the Mar
' shal personally, after he got through with the Bor
ough, we will have to put up with what he left us.
The Cholera.
The Cholera still prevails at Chicago. On the
17th there were 21 interments; 11 of Cholera.—
On the 18th, 11 interments; 7of Cholera. At
Louisville on the 17th, 12 interments; 4 of Cholera.
On the 18th, 12 interments; sof Cholera. On
the 22d, 15 interments ; sof Cholera. At La
grange and Newcastle, Hy., there was much alarm
on the 18th, owing to the violent breaking out of
the disease. Six deaths had occurred within two
days. At Columbus, 0., during the week ending
Aug. 19th, there wore 38 deaths. Three more
deaths, from Cholera, are reported at Uniontown.
It has entirely disappeared from Harper's Furry.
The Whig Administration.
WAstmartm, August 12th, 1850,
The new administration is beginning to &M
-ope its policy, and an admirable one it promises to
be. We already see evidences of this sufficiently
strong to ensure the ardent sympathies and cordial
support of the Conservative Whig party through
out the country, and to command the respect of
our opponents. There is no doubt that Mr. Fill
more is destined to become a very popular Presi
dent. And why should he not? Ile is a states
man of the most enlarged and comprehensive
views, and possesses executive qualities of the
highest order, which he will exercise with the sole
aim of advancing the prosperity of the whole
American people. None need fear that he will
step aside to engage in narrow sectional strifes and
contests, and thus abandon the broad national plat
form which he has so long and so conspicuously
occupied. The message of Mr. Fillmore, and Mr.
Webster's letter to Governor Bell, of Texas, are
papers worthy of emanating from the President
and Secretary of State of the freest and most en
lightened nation on the earth—papers which, though
a few hot-headed factionists may clamor against
them, will receive the hearty approval of patriotic
men of all parties and of every section. It would
be a serious reflection upon the intelligence and
patriotism of our people to suppose that they will
not sustain our highest public functionaries whilst
in the discharge of most sacred public trusts.—
Planting themselves upon the firm foundations of
the constitution, the President and Secretary of
State are manfully engaged in the work of fulfil
ling our treaty obligations, and executing the laws.
The action of the Senate yesterday, upon the Tex
as boundary question, demonstrates the wisdom of
the policy of the administration thus far. All hon
or to Fillmore and Webster !
Perhaps it would be thought invidious were I to
omit the mention of other members of the admin
istration. But what need be said in commenda
tion of such men as Corwin and McKennam and
Conrad, and Graham, and Hall old Crittendon 7
They are known to, and honored by the whole
country. So soon as they shall all move forward
in the spheres assigned to them respectively, we
may look, and not in vain, for the performance of
those worthy deeds of which their past eminent
public services are the certain precursors. I will
add, that Mr. Hall, the Postmaster General, has
already won great praise from members of Con
gress and others, by the ability nod promptitude
with which he discharges the ditties of his depart
ment. I predict for him a career not less brilliant
than that of any gentleman who has preceeded
him in the office of Postmaster' General.
With best wishes fur the entire success of a
genuine Whig administration, I am truly your
friend, &c.
Gen. Taylor's Administration.
" The History of that Administration," says the
Nat. Intelligencer, speaking of Gen. TA.TLOR'S
term interrupted by death, "remains to be written ;
and when written it will show that scarcely was one
ever surrounded with more difficulties, or ever, in
spite of a storm of calumny, more successfully
overcame them."
The truth of this testimony finds an answering
corroboration in the facts of the history to whirls
it refers, and in the present consciousness of the
American people. The "storm of calumny" with
which Gen. TAYLOR and his Administration were
assailed, disgraceful to the calumnniators only, was
probably never paralleled in this country in the
coarseness of its vulgarity, and the shameless ef
frontery of its falsehood. Villification became
systematized and slander was organized into a code
of tactic,
Through all this cloud of abuse, like a stately
slip moving onward through fogs and tempests,
the Administration of the intrepid old Hero kept
even on. There was neither any faltering of nerve
or indefiniteness of purpose.
At the helm' stood a pilot who had encountered
perils before, whose eye caught its brightest glan
ces at the presence of danger, whose hand was the
firmer as the conflict grew more fierce.
We hazard nothing in saying that at the time of
Gen. TAYLOR'S death his Administration was
stronger than at any previous period. It was ac
quiring new strength daily. Its character of in
flexible resolution of purpose combined with an
all prevailing conviction. of the integrity and patri
otism of the heroic Chief guided by an unpreten
ding but most comprehensive sagacity had become
impressed upon the public mind, and, the impres
sion had taken a hold which was every day growing
stronger. The time has not come for the writing
of the history to which the Intelligencer refers;
but the epoch which it will include has made its
mark already.—Baltimore American.
Cumberland County.
There is a prospect of a very nice little row
among the "harmonious democracy" of Cumber
land. Their County Convention was held on
Tuesday last, and resulted in the complete triumph
of the Cameron wing of the party. Henry Church
and T. C. Seouller were nominated for She Legis
lature. In speaking of the affair the Herald of
Wednesday says:—
The Harrisburg Regency and Volunteer party
have met with a sudden downfall oven in their an
cient strong-hold ! Henry Church is re-nominated
for the Legislature! His Tariff resolutions have
been adopted in "committee of the whole" demo
' eracy !! His vote for the "swindling Reading
Railroad bill ! !" has been approved by his party!! !
The Vo/unteer's "forewarning" and 'forearming"
of the democracy has gone for naught! Those
Ip/edges of the Standing Committee have neither
- been administered or taken by the nominees!—
Alas for the sad fate of the Hunkers—the Radicals
—the anti-Conservatives of the Volunteer clique
The Cameronians we learn had a majority of sev
en in the Convention, which gave them power also
to carry the Senatorial Conferees !
(a - President Fillmore's Texas Message is
wurpdy commended. The Albany Evening Jour
nal says:—"The voice of the whole people has
found utterance in this message, as the energies of
the whole people, if required, will be volunteered
to sustain it."
kW The Militia of Pennsylvania number 276,-
070 men. Much stronger force than that of any
other State in the Union. The Daily Sun hasn't
the slightest doubt that the old "Keystone State"
could whip the world.
sr lion. JOSEPH Cesar will please accept our
thanksfor a copy of his able speech on tho Tariff.
Hon. S. C.u.vng also has our thanks for favors.
The York Democracy.
The election of a democratic general committee
for the remainder of the present year, and of dela
gates to the Syracuse Convention, took place in
the several wards of the city of New York on
Wednesday night; but the epiritof opposition be
tween the Hunkers and Bacnburnere was so great
that but little was accomplished. The Mirror
Fights occurred' at must of the meetings, and in
the Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Wards the ballot
boxes were either broken open, or forcibly carded
of. At the Fourteenth Ward "Democratic Head
Quarters," in Grand street, the scene was most
disgraceful; and many who wished to deposits
their votes were deterred from entering the house
by reason of the outrages that were constantly
committed by the rowdies, who surrounded the en
trance. About half-past nine, a dish was made
for the ballot box, which they obtained, end star
ted down the Bowery, where a general tight took
Cen. Winfield Scott,
A resolution has passed the Senate of the Uni
ted States, says the Noi•th American Farmer, upon
the motion of Mr. Clemens, of Alabama, to con
fer the brevet rook of Lieutenant General upon
Gen. Winfield Scott. As a compliment to the vet
eran warrior, there can be no objection, bat if Sen
ators believe that the title of "Lieutenant Gener
al" could in the sligetest degree add to the good
name and great fiune of our distinguished Com
mander-in-Chief of the Army, they exhibit a want
of knowledge of the esteem, admiration, and af
fection in which Gen. Scott is held by the Amer
km people. No additional titles can possibly add
lustre to the brilliant services of the great hero;
his deeds are his credentials; his services in the
tented field aro fresh in the memories of hiS grate
fid and history, the faithful record of
the past, will enlist the admiration and apprecia:-
tion of posterity in future ages. WINFIELD SCOTT
requires no artificial gilding; the hero of Chip
pewa, Lundy's Lane, Niagara, Vera Cruz, Cerro
Gordo, Chernbusco, Malino, Chupultepec, and
Mexico, Las earned his proud name, of which none
can rob him, and to which no honor can be added.
The name of WINFIELD SCOTT is synonymous
with patriotism, devotion, valor, and heroism !
Dreadful Tragedy.
We learn from the Danville intelnyenrer, of the
16th inst., that quite an excitement existed in that
community for a week past, in consequence of the
mysterious death of a young and beautiful girl,
named Miss Smith, from Luzern,' county. The
circumstances that have come to light, show con
clusively that there has been foul play somewhere
and that of the most inhalant' and depraved char
acter—indeed of such a nature as to cause the ruin
and death of a young and beautiful girl, at that
age when life is so eminently desirable, and which
has also caused the inevitable disgrace and unhap
piness of a highly respectable family. She was
on a visit to a sister residing near Danville, and
shortly after her arrival there was taken dangerous
ly ill—a physician was called, but to no purpose,—
and life was fast ebbing away. She seemed to ho
greatly distressed, and after earnest entreaty, she
disclosed the cause. Her disclosures implicated
two persons in the transaction, who resided in the
village where she died--one a lawyer named Ran
kin, and the other a physician named Dr. Wm. H.
Crandall. The latter has since been arrested.—
We hope, if guilty, they may both receive their
just reward at the hands of the law.
says "A most extraordinary phenomenon, it is
said, has just appeared in this city, viz; a slave
from the South, who has discovered a secret mode
of changing the colored skin ton white one I lie
has already, according to report, changed the hue
of his feet, his hands, and a part of his thee, while
the rest of his person is gradually undergoing the
same wonderful metamorphosis. The story is that
while at work upon his master's plantation, he dis
covered that a certain weed exercised this aston
ishing effect. lie and a number of his fellow
slaves vigorously applied the cosmetic, and the re
sult is before us. Ile expects to be fully white in
from eight to ten months.
or Hon Js•.eas MILLER, editor of the Keystone,
died at his residence in Harrisburg on Tuesday
last, of congestive fever. Mr. Miller was au ar
dent politician, and has tilled various political sta
tions. Under the administration of the late Gov.
Shook he held_ the office .of Secretary of the Com
monwealth,. having previously served as a member
of the Board of Canal Commissioners, member of
Congress, Auditor of U. S. Treasury, and in va
rious other capacities.
Cenerat Scott.
While the schools of the First Ward were res
ting in the shade of the Treasury Department, on
Thursday afternoon, General Scott passed along
the side walk. He was instantly recognized, and
the hats of the boys waived in the air, and the lit
tle girls flourished their white 'kerchiefs and ho
quets. The General halted, and addressed them
in terms of great kindness. He was proud to wit
ness the appearance they presented, and he honor
ed them, and their teachers, and the school author
ities, for their very laudable effbrts, and hoped they
would still press onward in their noble pursuits.—
The children were delighted with the incident, and
though it may seem but at little ono, it will never
be forgotten by them, and the image of the gallant
hero will live forever in their remembrance.— Wash
ington Republic.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad wilt be opened about
the 6th proximo to Hollidaysburg. At Hollidays
burg the road connects with the Portage Railroad
to Johnstown. Passengers for the West will have
a continuous railroad front Philadelphia to Johns
a distance of 280 miles. AtJohnstown they
take the stages, going through the entire distance
from Philadelphia. to Pittsburg in thirty-two hours,
or by railroad and canal, without the fatigue of
night travel by land, in forty hours. This is the
most expeditious and pleasant route which can be
taken, and the announcement will induce many to
choose it in preference to any other.
Thu Michigan State Convention, now in session
at Lansing deliberating on the reconstruction of
the Constitution of the Peninsular State, have
adopted a clause extending the elective franchise
to Indians and their descendants, and have also
adopted a resolution submitting to the people, as a
separate proposition, the question of extending the
sane right to the African race.
Murders In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia is becoming the very Sodom of this
country, for attrocions and daring crimes. If the
Philadelphians do not soon do something to re--
trieve the character of their city, peaceable and
quiet citizens will cease risking their lives by vis
iting them, either on business or for pleasure.—
We clip the following notices of two cold-blooded
murders from the Daily News of Monday and.
Tuesday last:
[From the News of Monday.]
COLD BLOODED MURDER.—Betirem one anal
two yesterday morning, a young German, named
Armstrontz, who had been but a few months in the
country, was shot dead, while walkingalong South
street, near Eighth. The shot was no doubt tired
by one of the Killers, who have committed numer
ous outrages of late, in that vicinity. Only a few
days since, we recorded a ease of highway robbery.
and an attempt to kill by them, The deceased ,
appears to have-been•giving no provocatiorl' what
ever, but was walking quietly Acing. The ball
passed through his heart, mid lulled him instantly.,
The body was conveyed tolhe southeast station=
house, and yesterday the coroner was summoned• ,
to hold an inquest. The evidence disclosed this
' above facts. Armstrontz was a watch dial maker;
and worked with a man named Brechmin, whose'
place of business is in second street, below Dock. ,
We have rarely been called upon to record a more'
cold blooded murder than the alcove, or one which:
shows how unsafe it is for our citizens to walk the,'
streets at a late hour of the night.... There appear'
to be a regularly organized band of murderers in
our midst, as loaf as the "Thugs" of India, whose
chief employment was the taking of human life.—
Our citizens will finally see the necessity of organ
izing a regular patrol, to Hit a stop to the &hip,
of this murderous gang. The rhotning down of
the scoundrels would he the ino,t ,ili•ettial method
of checking them. The watch of MOyiffilell,illg
can drag citizens from their doors 14 talking in a
fond manner, but when have they arrested any of
the outlaws of that district 1 We trust that some
effort may be made to detect and bring to justice
the murderer of the unotfending German, Arms
touts, and that speedily.
A young man named Patrick M'Lcan has since
been arrested and committed, on the charge of
being the murderer of Armstontz.
[Front the News Tuesday.)
About 8 o'clock lust evening, as a watchmaker,
named Charles Bird, who has a shop in Fifth st.,-
one door shove the corner of South, was proceed
ing home, having a small box, containing a num
ber of watches, under his arm, he was assailed hy
four villains, at the corner of Fifth road Oushil
and in an attempt to resist them, was stabbed in
the breast, and fatally wounded. Tnoneditv elv up
on his giving the alarm, the vssa,ins th , d storm
Gaskill street, pulsated by Mr. lib - 4. oho crii.d oat
"stop thieves stop thieves An attempt was
made by some citizens on Gaskill street to arrest
the offenders, but unfortunately it was not success
! fut. They all made their escape. The wounded
man got down as far as Scott's Court, where he
fell from loss of blood, and being taken to the drug
store in South street, expired in a few minutes.—
The body was afterwards taken the Southeast sta
tion house, and in the course of the evening, hun
dreds of our citizens, who had been apprized of the
murder, proceeded thither to get a sight of it.—
We have seldom known so much feeling mtmitest
ed as was by those who attended. The horrid
crime, trending so fast as it slid upon the heels of
one somewhat similar, wets well calculated to call•
forth the indignation of every right minded man.
When we take into consideration the hour at
which the assassination was perpetrated, and re
flect that it was done in a thickly settled part of
1 the city, it is well calculated to till every boson,
with alarm, and to lead all to ask the question, is
there no safety—no security? Mr. Bird, the de
ceased, was a quiet inoffensive man. Be Ins hit
a wife and one child to mourn his loss. We are
informed that he resisted in the district of Ken
sington, and was a member of the Methodist Epis-•
copal church. We sincerely trust that his mur
' derers may he mested and made to feel the
vengeance of the law they have violated.
Excitement in Harrisburg.
(Private Correspondence of the Philad. Bulletin.)
Our town has been the scene of great excitemclit
yesterday and to-day, on account of the arrest and
examination of three black fugitives limn Virga,i,
Yesterday, the Court was engaged all day ilk kilt:
examination of the negroes, on a writ of bribe.
corpus. They were charged with horse stealing,
but were in reality fugitive slaves. No decision
was made yesterday, but this morning Judge Pear
son decided that the stealing of a horse by a slave
for the purpose of escaping, was not a criminal of
fence under the law for reclaiming fugitives, sod
consequently he discharged them.
The slaves were at once ushered out of the pris
on door, but hadno sooner reached the street than
they were seized by their masters, and a battle en
sued between them. After a severe struggle, two
of the slaves were finally handcuffed, but one of
them made his escape.
The Court has just issued a warrant against the
owners and all engaged in the nfthir, for ma assault
and battery, with intention to excite a riot. The.
slaves and their owners are now in jail. •
The Court has also ordered the Sheriff to em
ploy a posse for the purpose of dispersing, at all
hazards, the mob assembled in front of the prison.
The Rioters Arrested.
Ihnnisnuno, Aug. 24-14 P. M.
Tcn free negroes have been arrested for trying'
to incite a riot. The slaves, two in number, are
in prison. The owners of the slaves and the oth
er persons engaged in securing them after their
discharge by the Court, arc now before the Court
on a wnt of habeas corpus. The two slaves. are
held in jail. The crowd before the prison has been
dispersed by the military, called out under Gen.
Seiler, and the town is resuming, in a measure, its
wonted quiet and order.
Fatal Railroad Accident'.
HARRISBURG, August 24.
As the train from Philadelphia for this place was
coming ttp lost night, it ran over a cow, which up
set the engine ("Juniata") and the tender, and
smashed one of the passenger cars filled with em
igrants. A man named Alfred Bryant was instantly
killed, and several others were badly injured.—
The wounded men were brought up to this Maur
for medical treatment.
New Jersey Peach Crop.
It has been said that the peach crop of New
Jorsey was greatlyinjured by the storm of the 18thr
July, but we are glad to learn that such is not the
fact. A fair average crop may be expected, and
of a better quality than if the wind had not redu
ced the number on the trees. As an evidence of
the abundance of the fruit, the Newark Advertiser
says that a gentleman in Burlington county, on
Tuesday, bought eight hundred baskets on the
trees, at ten cents a basket of three pecks each..
gir The Locusts have appeared in great swarms
in some parts of Now Jersey. They lace eaten
up whole fields and devoured entire forests. It is
feared they will attack the peach orchards, and the
farmers are endeavoring to kill them.
ite There is a little baby out West, whose arm
at the elbow can be encircled by a lady's ring. It
is three months old, and weighs pounds.