ilf(Cf-'/t/nlb" BY JAS. CLARK. CHOICE POETRY. SUMMER. Glorious summer! bright and fair, Are thy gohien treasures; Gifts thou bringcst rich and rare, In overflowing measures. Sparkling sunlight o'er the sea, Harvest waving on the lea, Mellow fruit on bush and tree, Those are but thy treasures. Now the wild bee's voice is heard, From the forest ringing; Now the happy evening bird Merrily is singing. Gardens with their gorgeous flowers, Blushing moons and moonlit bowers, Evening's soft and witching hours Fondly thou art bringing. Sweet thou glidest as a stream When it sparkles brightest, Or a youthful poet's dream When the heart is lightest. All the hours for bliss were made; But when twilight's gentle shade Softly steals o'er bill and glade, Then thy joys are brightest. Then are heard, in tones of glee, Youthful voices greeting; Then beneath elm "trysting tree" hands and lips are meeting. Then the tints for youth and love, Through the fragrant glen to rove, Smiling still the moon above On their bliss so fleeting. Youth and love delight to go Hand in hand with Summer, Whore the limpid waters How, With the softest murmur. None on earth so well agree, When the heart is young and free, As those happy spirits three, Youth and Love and Summer. MISCELLANEOUS MY WIFE'S GOLD RING. Or, Lavater and the Poor Widow. It was a practice with Lavater (an eminent cler gyman, born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1741), to read every morning ono or more chapters of the Bible, and to select from them one particular pas sage for frequent and special meditation during the day. One morning after reading the filth and sixth chapters of Matthew, he exclaimed,—"What a treasure of morality! how difficult to make choice of any particular portion of it !" After a few mo ments' consideration, he throw himself upon his knees, and prayed for Divine guidance. When he joined his wife at dinner, she asked him what passage of scripture he had chosen for the day. "Give to him that asketh thee; and from him that would borrow of thee, tarn not away," was the reply. • "And how is this to ho understood?" inquired his wife. "'Give to hint that asked' thee; and from him that would borrow of thee, tam not away,'—these," rejoined Lavater, "are the words of Him to whom all and everything belong that I possess. lam the steward, not the proprietor. The proprietor desires me to give to him who asks of me; and not to refuse him who would borrow of me; or in other words, if I have two costs, I must give one to him who has stone, and if I have food, I must share with him Who is an hungered and in want; this I must do without being asked; how much more, then, when asked." "This," continues Lavater, in his diary, "ap peared to me so evidently and incontrovertibly to he the meaning of the verse in question, that I spoke with more than usual warmth; my wife made no further reply, than that she would well consider these things. "I had scarcely left the dining-room, when an aged widow desired to speak to me, and she was shown into my study. 'Forgive me, dear sir,' she said, 'excuse the lib erty I am about to take; I ant truly ashamed, but my rent is due to-morrow, and I am short six dol lars; I have been confined to my bed with sick ness, and my poor girl is nearly starving; every penny that I could save I have laid aside to meet this demand, but six dollars are yet wanting, and to-morrow is term day.' Here she opened a par cel, which she held in her hand, and said, 'This is a hook with a silver clasp which my lute husband ,gave me the day we were married. It is all I can spare of the few articles I possess, and sore it is to part with it. lam aware that it is not enough, nor do I see how I could ever repay—but, dear sir, if you can, do assist me.' "'I am very sorry, my good woman, that I can not help you,' I said; and putting my hand into my pocket I accidentally felt mypurse, which con tained about two dollars; these, I said to myself, cannot extricate her from her difficulty, she re quires six ; besides, if oven they could, I have need of this money for some other purpose. Turning to the widow, I said, 'Have you no friend, no re lation, who could give you this trifle?'" "No, there is no one ! I am ashamed to go front house to house. I would rather work day and night. My excuse fur being here is, that people speak so much of your goodness. If, however, you cannot assist me, you will at least forgive my intrusion; and God, who has never yet forsaken, will not surely tom away from me in my sixtieth year." "At this moment the door of my apartment open- ed, and my wife entered. I was ashamed and vexed. Gladly would I have sent her away; for conscience whispered, 'Give to him that asketh of thee; and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away.' She come up to me and said, with much sweetness, 'This is a good old woman; she has certainly been ill of late; assist her if you can. "Shame and compassion struggled in my dark ened soul. have but two dollars,' I whispered, 'and she requires six; give her a trifle in the hand and let her go.' "Laying her head on my arm and smiling, my wife said aloud, what conscience had whispered before, 'Give to him that asked' thee ; and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not away.' "I blushed, and replied, with some little vexa tion: 'Would you give your ring for the purpose?' "With pleasure," promptly answered my wife, pulling off her ring. "The good old widow was either too simple or too modest to notice what was going on, and was preparing to retire, when my wife called to her to wait in the lobby. When we were left alone, I asked my wife, 'Are you really in earnest about the ring?' "Certainly, how can you doubt it?' she said.— 'Do you think that I would trifle with charity ? Remember what you said to me only half a year ago. Oh, my dear husband, lot us not make a show of the gospel; you are in general so kind, so sympathizing, how is it that you final it so dieult to assist this poor woman? why did you not, with out hesitation, give her what you had in your pocket? and did you not know that the quarter will be paid to us in less than eight days?' She then added with much feeling: 'Take no thought for your life, what ye shall cat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Behold the fowls of the air; they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.' "I kissed my with, while tears ran down my cheeks. 'Thanks, a thousand thanks, for this hu miliation!' I turned to the desk, took from it the six dollars, and opened the door to call the poor widow. All darkened around me at the thought that I had been so forgetful of the omniscience of God as to say to her, 'I cannot help you.' Oh, thou false tongue! thou false heart! If thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquities, oh Lord, who shall stand ! 'Hero is what you need,' I said, address ing the widow. "At first sho seemed not to understand what I meant, and thought I was offering a small contri bution, for which she thanked me, and pressedmy hand; but when she perceived that I hud given her the whole sum, she could scarcely find words to express her feelings. She cried: 'Dear sir, I cannot repay; all I possess is this poor book, and it is old.' "Keep your book,' said I, 'and the money, too, and thank God, and not me, for verily I deserve no thanks, after having so long resisted your en treaties; go in peace, and forgive an erring bro ther.' "I returned to my wifo with downcast looks; but she smiled and said, 'Do not take it so much to heart, my friend; you yielded at my first sug gestion; but promise me that so long as I wear a gold ring on my finger, and you know that I pos sus several besides, you will never allow yourself to say to any person, 'I cannot help yon.' She kissed me and I left the apartment. "When I found myself alone, I sat down and " wrote this account in my diary, in order to hum- We my deceitful heart—this heart which no longer" ago than yesterday, dictated the words : 'Of all the characters in the world, there is none I would more avoid than the hypocrite;' yet to preach the whole moral law, and fulfil only the easy part of it is hypocrisy. Merciful Father, how long must I " wait, and reflect, and struggle, ere I shall be able to rely on the perfect sincerity of my profession. "I read over once more the chapter which I had read in the morning with so little benefit, and felt ashamed, and convinced that there is no peace, except where principle and practice are in perfect!" accordance. How peacefully and happy I ought have ended this day, had I acted up conscientious ly to the blessed doctrines I profess! Dear Sa viour, scud thy Holy Spirit into this benighted" heart! cleanse it fromsecret sin! and teach me to employ that which thou host committed to my charge to thy glory, a brother's welfare, and my own salvation!" Remember this, Boys. Will the young mon, whose evenings are now spent on the store boxes and other places of idle resort, or in idleness even at home, read and reflect upon the following? " I learned Grammer," said Wm. Cobbet, "when I was a private soldier on six pence a day. The edge of my guard bed was my scat to study in: my knapsack was my book case, and a board, lying in my lap, my writing table. I had no mon ey to purchase candles or oil; in winter it was rarely that I could get any light but that of the fire, and only my turn even of that. To buy a pen or sheet of paper, I was compelled to forego a portion of food though in a state of starvation. I had no moment of time that I could call my own and I had to read and write amid the talking , I laughing, singing, whistling and brawling of at least halls scores of the most thoughtless of men,' and that too in hours of freedom from control.— And I say if I, under circumstances like those, could encounter and overcome the task, can there be, in the world a youth who can find excuse for nonperformance. 'lf you wish to have enemies, just rise in the world. Nobody throws eats at a balloon till it leaves the ground. Talk as you may, men will destroy what they cannot imitate. HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1850, THE WIFE OF KOSSIJTII. Here is a tale of female heroism and suffering that would move the heart of any human being, however hardened, except that of a "perfidious Austrian." At the time when all was lost to the Hungari ans, and each had to seek his own safety in flight, Governor Kossuth and his lady, who had accom panied her husband throughout the war, thought it best to separate, in order that ono of them, if possible, might save their lives, for the sake of their children, who bad been left under the pro tection of their grandmother. The Governor de termined to remain with his bravo officers, still with him, and to share their fate. Madam K. in formed her husband and a female friend, the wife of an officer, where she would endeavor to seek safety; and as every moment was precious, this delicate lady quickly clothed herself as a beggar, her husband gave her the signet ring, and the seal of the government of Hungary, that these might be a passport for her, in the event of meeting with those who were friendly to their cause. Without any clothes except those on her back, she com menced her sad and fatiguing journey on foot.— She travelled long, experiencing all kinds of hard ships, privations and dangers. When stopped by the Austrian or Russian guards, she feigned ex treme old age, and said she was in search of a lit tle grandson who had got lost in the war, so she was allowed to pass, little knowing the value of the prize they had in their bloody hands I Thus she continued on, until ahe reached an ex tensive pasture country, uninhabited, except by herdsmen almost as void of intellect as the herds they guarded. Here she sought and found a rest ing place. These poor serfs =del= a fresh bed of their straw, covered her with their cleanest sheep-skins, and fed her with their brown bread; and here she remained three months, during which time the winter cold came on, and having but lit tle covering, you may easily conceive how intense ly she must have suffered. Gov. Kossuth had sent for his children, that ho might take leave of them, and give them his lasting blessing; they were brought to bin by Isis mother, and again taken to their home. The Austrian executioner (Hayman) hail long since commenced his bloody work.— Kossuth, and those with him, fled towards the Turkish frontier, to the fortress of Widden. We cannot enumerate all the sufferings, losses and anguish, experienced by these unfortunate men during their flight; most of them, however, reached Widden. They were no sooner there than their first thoughts were for Madam Kossuth, and her friend, the wife of the officer to whom she bad communicated the place of her intended conceal ment, determining to seek and find her, if she was still alive. She set out on her weary journey, hab ited in a similar guise as that of Madam Kossuth —as a beggar—and thus she passed the soldiers and guards of the enemy, until she reached the hiding place of her friend, who had been the com panion of her youth stud happier days; and now they were to encounter new dangers. The herdsmen built a little cart, and gave them a horse, as Madam Kossuth, worn out by anxiety, privations and sufferings, was no longer able to walk; the roads had now become almost impassi ble, narrow and slippery, on the sides of the moun tains; ono false step would have plunged them down into an almost bottomless abyss; but with the gallows in the rear, and their husbands before them, hope gave them courage and onward they went. We know not what length of time they oc cupied in their journey, but as it was in winter, and they had often to conceal themselves in clefts of rocks and overhanging mountains, front the scouts of the enemy,it must have been a long and dreary one, and, when discovered, they passed for beggars, and asked for bread from their blood thirsty foes. They ultimately reached the town of Belgrade, where they expected to meet their husbands, and a termination of their sufferings. Imagine, then, their feelings of disappointment, when they learn ed that not a Hungarian was there—an had been removed to Shutnla. What was now to be done? They were worn out and could proceed no further. Hope even had forsaken them. No Inuiband to embrace, no friends to welcome them. They de cided to throw themselves upon the humanity of the Sardinian consul; they knocked at Isis door, which was opened by the consul himself. Two beggar women stood before him, the pictures of misery and woo. Ile asked them what they want- I ed. They answered, "food and shelter." He re quested them to come in. Then the officer's lady introduced hint to Madam Kossuth, wife of the President of Hungary. He could not believe it until ahe took from her bosom the signet ring and seal of the Government of Hungary. What fol lowed can easily be conjectured. They were re ceived and treated according to their rank, by the kind-hearted consul; and after they were suffi ciently rested, he made known the case to the Prince of Servia, who sent to them his carriage and four, with an escort to take them to Blunala. The weather was terribly cold, and the roads as bad as they could be; but they ultimately arrived' in safety. CALIFORMA Gom—The whole amount of Cal ifornia Gold received for coinage at the Mint in Philadelphia, up to the lot of August, is set down in the report of the Treasurer at 518,350,000. A pretty round sum—though we fear if the Tariff' of 1846 is not speedily repealed, the whole will in a very short time find its way to England to pay the balance of trade against us by excessive importa tions. BEAUTIFUL SEIiTLMENT.—II has been beauti fully said of Washington, that "God caused him to be childless, in order that the nation might call him Father." Aristocracy of Patent Democracy. WASUINGTON, JUNE, 1850. Every pleasant Wednesday afternoon, we have music at the capitol grounds, without money or price. Almost every body in town expects to at tend. Facing the eastern front of the Capitol, is a wide carriage way for Foreign Ministers, Ain- bassadors, Charge do Affaires, Consuls, and those of our own countrymen who take pleasure in sep arating from the "vulgar crowd," by the distinc tion of livened servants, drivers, outsiders and'. splendid equipages. - This class is confined princi pally to the "moneyed men" and women, whose only letters of recommendation to refined and ed ucated circles, aro too often the hard dimes and dollars in their purses—while such humble Re publicans as Zachary Taylor, Dan Webster, Hen ry Clay and Tom Corwin, and men of that stamp are content and proud to be seen mingling with the people on foot. I had not been long seated when a livened and bespangled driver—covered with a profusion of gold lace—reined up his dashing steeds with an open barouche, to the footof the steps, in full view of at least a thoasund spectators. Every body said it was the British Minister; and "see Sir Henry" was modestly ejaculated by the wondering crowd below. Now who do you think it was? Why, simply SIR JOUNAPCLERNAND, Representativent Congress from Illinois! I could not help thinking that one of two things must be true—either Sir', John's constituents are like the subjects of the British Queen and Sir Henry Bulwer, or else they have been most abominably SOLD? And lo! while I was yet thinking of the hypoc risy and aristocracy of this degenerate Democrat, behold another equipage appears. It is less due cling than the first. As it approaches, the tatter ed linings, rusty, rickety wheels, and dusky, dirty driver, bespeak it for a would-be establishment of the royal order, sadly out of joint. But the dis play, the grand aristocratic flourish, is all there.— , The driver is motioned by the occupant to perform a doable circle on the open plaza, and to rein up in front of the astonished crowd IN STYLE! But it was no go. The tricks and shallow pretensions of Long John Wentworth (it was he) are as tit miliar to the people of Washington now as they were when he smuggled home, under his frank, reams of public paper for his business in Chicago —to say not a word of the number of dozens of linen similarly treated, which legitimately belong ed to the washer-woman of the District of Colum bia. Here was John in all his glory, determined to make a display to the last, but too pentagons to hire a , fifty cent carriage, and willing to go for twenty-fire, provided the flourish was performed, and the circle cut. Such are two of the Representatives in Congress from Illinois. Lowe AT Meat Look at them when they go in and come out before the people! Look at them with their splendid equipages—with servants and outriders in livery—after the royal order of kingly ambassadors ! Look at them, as they pace, with measured tread, Pennsylvania av enue,—with their French fitting coats and boots, their silken cravats, curled hair, and consequen tial, lordly airs ! Heavens ! how they swell to bursting! Do they put on all this among you?— God forbid! They pack up their finery, leave it in keeping at the French drapers, don their wool en, homespun toggery, and go mousing about am ong their constituents, the most roaring, rampant Democrats in existence. Hero they are aristo crats,—at home wolves in domestic sleep's cloth ing. They are a living lie upon Democracy—a' disgrace to the State—and a dishonor to their con stituents. I attack no particular man on account of his dress. But when men at home who claim to be the exclusive, devoted friends of the hard fisted, sun-burnt millions, come hero and ape the pensioned Minister of the British Crown, they de serve to bo held up to the reproach and contempt of all mankind. A Gentleman in Church MIS' DE KNOWN BY TUE roLLowiNG 3IARKS 1. Conies in good season, so as neither to inter rupt the pastor nor congregation by a late arrival. 3. Does not stop upon the steps or its the porti co, either to gape at the ladies, salute friends, or display his colloquial powers. 3. Opens and shuts the doors gently, and walks deliberately up the aisle or gallery stairs, and gets to his scat as quietly, and by making as few peo ple move as possible. 4. Takes his seat in the back part of the pew, or steps out into the aisle whets any one wishes to pass in, and never thinks of such a thing as ma king people crowd past him while keeping his place in the pew. 5. Is attentive to strangers, and gives up his scat to such, seeking another for himself. G. Never thinks of defiling the house of God with tobacco spit, or annoying those who sit near him by chewing the nauseous weed. 7. Never, unless in case of illness, gets up and goes out iu time of service. But if necessity com pels him to do so, goes out so quietly that his very manner is an apology for the act. B. Does not engage in conversation before the commencement of service. 9. Does not whisper, or laugh, or oat fruit iu the house of Goa. 10. Dues not rush out of church, like a tramp ing horse the moment the benediction is pronoun ced, but retires slowly and quietly. 11. Does all ho can by precept and example to promote decorum in others. Cir Yankee Sullivan, the notorious prize fight er whom Tom Byer bruised so badly a few mouths ago, has mot an untimely end at Sacramento city, California. Sullivan, it is stated, struck a man a blow with his fist, and was shot dead with a pistol by the person assailed. aournaii. LIFE IN CALIFORNIA. The following description of life and trade in California, is an extract from aletter recently pub lished in the Hampshire Gazette, written by an emigrant from West Hampton, in this State, to his brother-in-law, residing in that place. As there appears to be no doubt of its authenticity, or of the accuracy of its details, it will serve to give a distinct insight into the course of Bib oldie adventures in that country, and some idea of the dangers and hardships which they encounter: PLEASANT VALLEY, May 30. 1850. Dear Brother :—I arrived at San Francisco on the 9th of September, after having sailed 23,700 miles in 168 days. I remained there but two days and took passage to Sacramento City, which is now called 104 miles from S. F. Wo were de tained thorn until the Ist of OCtober, waiting fur the ship to discharge her cargo, so that we could get out our provisions; ono of the company being left in San Francisco to attend to it. At Sacremento, I had an offer to work at hay ing fur $lO per day and found, which I then thought was great wages. I worked five days on the burn ing prairie, and quit—one of the company having died upon the ground, and another afterwards.— There were eleven of us haying, nearly all of ! whom came on the ship with me, and being so long at sea could not stand a burning California! sun. I was willing to quit, though I engaged for ten days. I received for the five days, fifty Mexi can dollars, and felt quite rich. We then bought two yoke of oxen and a wagon, put our provisions and mining tools on board, and started for "Red ding's Diggings, 240 miles up the Sacramento.— Two slays after starting, I was taken with the chills and fever, and it lasted 12 days, every other day. lAfter travelling within 12 miles of the diggings, we learned by the hundreds who wore returning, that nothing could be done at those mines, there being no water to wash with. We crossed the Sacramento by fording, and came back on this river. When we had our tents pitched and every thing ready for operation, the rainy season set in in good earnest, and wo could not work. We stayed there, or rather I stayed, about three weeks, and then bid the company good bye, with two out of five sick, and started for the lower coun try, wishing California all sorts of bad wishes. I had paid my portion, $ll5, into the company, and I left it, taking one pan, two pails and a shovel.— I travelled down the river some 40 miles and had au offer from a trader of $5 per day and found, to go to Sacramento City in a whale boat and bring up a load of goods. Being rather short of funds, and pork and hour each 1,25 per pottud, I embraced the opportunity. I made two trips for him, which took over twenty days. I then made him en of fer for his boat, and finally bought it for ssoo— in Boston about $75. I then went to freighting on my own hook, and paid for the boat the first trip, (8 days) lacking only $2O. I fol lowed this until March, and having something ahead in the world, I concluded I had worked hard enought to quit and do something a little easier. I then bought two boat loads, about 8,000 pounds of various articles, and established a trailing post where I now am, which is about 100 miles north of Sacramento City. I have been buying and selling, and have now on hand which will bring $lO,OOO, though if you could be taken up and set down in my store, you would judge it to be worth $2OO or $3OO. Pork I sell at 75 cts. per lb., flour 40 cts., sideratus $3,00, pickles, 3,50 for quart jars, cheese 2,00 per lb., butter 2,00, bar soap 1,00, brown sugar 80 cts., coffee 80, dried peaches and apples 1,25 per lb., potatoes 1,00, per lb., and everything iu proportion. Onions, I sold my last to-day for 2,00 per lb,, molasses 7,00 per gallon, vinegar the same. These are California prices.— The transportation from Sacriunento City here costs me $35 for 100 lbs. Though your papers are filled with all kinds of "California News," you have never been here can form no idea of California life. It will prove the last resting place of tens of thousands, as the graves everywhere by the road-sides already tes tify. How they dare leave their homes in New England to come to this Golgotha, I do not see; especially young men, and men not accustomed to hardships. If I had not an iron constitution I should have been in my grave long ago. More than twenty that I know of, who came on the ship with me are dead, and how may more I know not. I have slept on the ground ever since I left Sacra mento city, with my blankets, sometimes waking up half buried in water, and I have been n week at a time with my blankets wringing wet, and im possible to dry them, and this in the winter. Still my health is as yet perfectly good. I have, besides my business in trading, a claim 157 yards long on this rich branch, in connection with five others, We have a race nine feet wide at the bottom, and in some places eight feet deep all ready to turn the water front the bed of the ri ver, as soon as the water gets sufficiently low, which will be I hope, in two or three weeks. 1 have some beautiful specimens of virgin gold, just as it was thrown from the volcano. I have ono piece which weighs $47,75, besides numerous smaller ones. The largest piece I have seen, which was found at the head of my race, weighed $l2O. Gold is found in all sizes and all shapes, and there is no cud to it; still it is very hard to get.— To have a right idea of gold digging in California you must arm yourself with a crow bar, a pick, one of your milk pans, and an iron spoon, and go to the roughest rockiest place you can find iu West hampton and sink a hole, say four or six feet square to the bed rock, (grunite)—dont's stop short,—and if by scraping the rock faithfully you find none, try another hole and so on. But in the first place pay 75 cents per lb. each for pork and flour enough VOL. XV.---NO. 34. to last you for a week or two, take two blankets, ' and select a place where the rattle snakes, lizzards and scorpions will hold a general concert with you, or a council of war over you, both day and night. This country is alive with all of these reptiles. I have killed plenty of rattle-snakes, and scorpions. Lizzards are harmless its frogs. In sinking the hole as mentioned above, you may find from ono to five hundred dollars in dust. The Whale's Strength. The most dreadful display of the whale's strength end prowess yet authentically recorded, was that made on the American whale ship Essex, Captain Pollard, which sailed front Nantucket for the Pa cific Ocean itt August 1849. Late in the fall of the same year, when in latitude forty of the South Pacific, a school of sperm whales were discovered mid three boats were manned and sent in pursuit. The mate's boat was struck by one of them, and he was obliged to return to the ship in order to re pair the damage. IVitile he was engaged in that work, a sperm whale jedged to be eighty-three feet long broke water twenty rods from the ship on her weather how. lie was going at the rate of about three knots an hour, and the ship at nearly the same rate, when he struck the how of the vessel just forward of her chains. At the shock produced by the collision of two such mighty masses of matter in motion, the ship shook like a leaf. The seemingly malicious whale dived and passed under the ship, grazing her keel, and then appeared at about the distance of a ship's length, lashing the sea with fins and tail, as if suffering the most horrible agony. Ile was evi dently hurt by the collision, and blindly frantic with instinctive rage. In a few minutes he seemed to recover himself, and started with great speed across the vessel's course to the windward. Meanwhile the hands on board discovered the ship to be gradually set tling down at the bows, and the pumps were to be rigged. While the crew were working at them, one of the men cried out "God, have mercy! ho comes again." The whale had turned at about forty rods from the ship, and was making for her with double its former speed, his pathway white with foam. Rush ing ahead, he struck her again at the bow, and the tremendous blow stove her in. The whale dived under again, and disappeared, and the ship foun dered in five minutes from the first collision. But 1 five souls out of the twenty were saved. Benefit of Bathing. The quantity of heat, perspiration or moisture continually passing from the body is very great.— Frequent exposure of the naked body to the air, change of clothing, and bathing, arc necessary to health. No person can be considered cleanly without their observance. "It may shock the feelings of a young lady," says Mrs. Farrar, in her Young Ladies' Friend, "to be told that the large quantity of matter whirls is continually passing off through the skin, has ass individual odor, more or less disagreeable in dif ferent persons. Now earls person is so accustom ed to his own atmosphere, that he is no judge of his odor; but, since most persons can recollect some of their friends who affect them disagreeably this way, all should hear in mind the possibility of so offending others; and, though none of us can change the nature of the atmosphere, which we are always creating around us, we can prevent its be musing a nuisance by the accumulation of excre ted matter on the skin or in the clothing; we can, by washing every part of the skin once in twenty tints. hours, be sure of sending ollfresh exhalation.. flow to Cure a Cold. Of all means of killing colds, fasting is themost effectual. Let whoever has a cold, eat nothing whatever for two days, and his cold will be gone, provided he is not confined in bed—because, by taking no carbon into the system by food, but con suming that surplus whirls caused his disease, by removing the cause. And this plan of fasting will be found more effectual if ho adds copious water drinking to protracted fasting. By the time a per son is able to be about, but sullbrim however se verely from cold, has tasted ono entire day and night, he will begin to experience a relief, a light ness, a freedom from pain, and a cleaniess of mind in delightful contrast with that mental stupor and physical pain caused by colds. And how infinite ly better is this method of breaking up colds and freeing the system of disease, than medicines, es , pecially than violent poisons. Superstitions regarding Friday. It is strange, tint Friday is regarded, in all coun tries, as a peculiar day. in England it is gener ally considered unlucky; and many people will nut commence any undertaking on that day : and most sailors believe that the vessel is sure to be wrecked that sails on Friday. If u marriage takes place on that day, the old wives shake their heads and predict all kinks of misfortunes to the bride and bridegroom; nay, they oven go so the as to pity the children who are so unlucky •as to be born on Friday. In Germanny, on the contrary, Fri day is considered a lucky day for weddings, com mencing new undertakings, or other memorable events; and the reason of this superstition is said to be the ancient belief; that the witches and nor , corers held their weekly meerings on this day; and of course, while they were amusing them ,elves with dancing, and riding on broomsticks around the Blocksbcrg, they could have no time to work any evil. Cherish a love for justice, truth, self-control, benevolence. Be governed b.l them in all things. Swerve not front the right. thr any present advan tage. In all rireuus•tances show thy,ult a luau in unflinching rectitude.