Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 20, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday &ruing, gugnSt 20, 1850.
THE " HUNTINODON JOURNAL" is published nt
the following rates, viz
If paid in adiratme; pet [tannin, $1,75
If paid during the year,- 2,00
If paid after the expiration of the year, • • 2,50
To Clubs of live or snore, in advance, • • • 1,40
THE above Terms will be adhered to its all cases.
No subscription will be taken for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of
the publisher.
JOSHUA DL'NGAN, of Ducks Co.
HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union.
sunvEron GENERAL,
JOS. DENDEISSON, of Washington.
SETH B. M'CUNE, of Blair Co.
WM B. ZEIGLER, of Runtlngdon.
BENJAMIN LEAS, of Shirley.
State of the Thermometer.
7 A. 31. 2 r. M. 9 r. 31.
Monday Aug. 12, • •60 83 68
Tuesday " 13,....66 • 81 74
Wednei. " 14, • •70 80 70
Thursday " 15, • •64 81 68
Friday " 16,••• •67 80 68
Saturday " 17,••••62 76 63
Sunday, " 18,•• 62 79 68
To the Independent Voters of nun
tingdon County.
HAvING been strongly urged by numerous friends
from all parts of the county, to otter myself
as an Independentcandidate for the office of Sher
iff, at the approaching election, and considering the
almost universal desire to have an Independent
candidate as sufficient justification for my course,
I have acceded to their wishes, and announce-11)y
-self to you as a candidate for that office, pledging
myself, if elected, to discharge its duties with fi
delity and humanity. .1010. WHITTAKER.
August 20, 1850.—pd. te.
ird"' See new Advertisements.
lion. S. CALVIN has our thanks fort favors.
a- Our paper appears in NEW TYPE through
out this week.
NorreE.—We will publish no cards in this
paper for candidates for office, unless paid in ad
vance for so doing.
The Court.
The attendance, during the first of last week, at
our Court, was large. The criminal business was
not of such a nature as to render a report of it in
teresting. The Grand Jury, we understand, re
ported in favor if improving the grounds around
the Court House. by making walks, planting trees,
&e. And also in favor of an appropriation of $2,000
to erect a Free Bridgeopposite.Montgomery street
in this Borough.
The Senate is beginning to work. with some in
dustry. The bills for the admission of California
and forming a Territorial Government for Now
Mexico, both passed. the Senate during the past
week. Some of the Southern Senators presented
a Protest against the admission of California, which
after considerable debate was laid on the table.—
A copy of the protest will be found in another col
umn of to-day's paper.
Senatorial Conference,
A resolution, recommending TUESDAY, the 21st
inst., as the day, and Hollidaysburg as the place,
for the meeting of the Whig Senatorial Conferees
of this district, was passed at the Whig County
meeting held in this place on Wednesday lust.
Candidates for Congress and Senate.
Dr. JOHN M'Cuu.ocit has received the recom
mendation of this county for Congress. We cons
mend him to the favorable consideration of the
Whigs of the other counties of the district. Col.
A. K. CORNYN has received the recommendation
for the Senatorial nomination. We commend
him to the favorable consideration of Cambria
and Blair.
The Census..
We observe that iu some counties the Marshals
are making reports of the several Townships, as
they take them, of the number of inhabitants, val
ue of property, &c., to their county papers. We
would be under obligations to the Marshal for this
county, if he would favor us in a similar way.
Juniata County.
The Whigs of Juniata county have nominated
Col. ELI SLIFER, of Union county, for Assembly;
NOAH HERTZLER, fur Commissioner; WAL I)L•YN
for County Surveyor, and Joseru WALLACE, fur
Col. M'Clnre• was chosen Representative dele
gate to the next State Convention ; and John M.
l'unuoy, J. D. Sharon, and Dr. G. I Cuddy ap
pointed Congressional Conferees. They are un
instructed, but understood to be in favor of Dr.
John M'Culloch, of this county.
Keep Cool.
The dog-clays arc not yet over, and we would
advise all to keep cool. We give this advice for
the reason that we observe some people appear to
be easily excited. Undue physical excitement is
very bad for health this season of the year, and
should therefore be avoided.
Whig County Ticket.
The proceedings of the Whig County Conven
tion, which assembled on Wednesday lust, wiU•bo
found in another column. Considering the num
ber of candidates for the office of Sheriff, the Del
egates conducted themselves with remarkable
coolness and becoming firmness. It was impos
sible to fully satisfy all, or to calculate with any
certainty as to who would be the successful can
didate. A strong disposition prdvailed to give the
Sheriff to the lower end, and thiewould have been
done, had the Delegates from that section been
able to unite on any one of their eamlidates. As
it is, while many would have preferred the loca
tion of some of the candidates to he reversed, the
ticket is a good one, and we doubt not will com
mand the respect and support of the 'Whig party.
The candidates area gentlemen of high standing,
and eminently qualified to fill the respeetive offices
for which they have been nominated.
WILLIAM B. SMITH, the eandidate for As
sembly, is an upright and intelligent Farmer, of
Jackson township. He has ever been a consistent
and efficient Whig. As a citizen and neighbor,
lie commands the respect and esteem of all who
know him. He is a man of reflection and sound
judgment, and will make a creditable and dignified
representative of the citizens of Huntingdon coun
ty, at Harrisburg. Mr. Smith is a practical man,
and understands well the interests of those whom
he will be called me to represent. ISis popularity
is undisputed, and his election is beyond all doubt.
WILLIAM B. ZEIGLER, the nominee for
Sheriff, is an industrious Mechanic, of this Bor
ough. We do not say that he is a betterman than
many others that were urged for the same office,
hut we do say that he possesses every requisite
to make a popular and efficient Sheriff. He is ad
mitted on all hands to he both honest and capable;
and is, in addition, a Whig of the right stripe—one
who never flinches from duty. In every campaign,
siace our acquaintance with Mr. ZEIGLER, we have
found him doing good service for the principles
and candidates of his party. It is admitted, too,
that he received his nomination fairly, after a pro
tracted struggle, and hence deserves, and will
doubtless receive, the undivided Whig support of
the county. •
BENJAMIN LEAS, of Shirleysburg . , is the
nominee for Commissioner. As a business man,
Mr. LEAs fins few superiors. We know no man
better qualified to make a useful and efficient Co.
Commissioner. He is a man of industry, and more
than ordinary energy. The people of the county
should feel gratified that they have an opportunity
of placing in the Commissioner'S office a man of
such peculiar qualifications, to take charge of their
interests. As a politician, Mr. .LEAs has always
been emphatically a working, Whig, and has for
many years done good service for his party. His
election is not problematical.
J. SEWELL STEWARM, Esq., is the candi
date for Prosecuting Attorney. Be was nomina
ted unanimonsly, is well known, and it would seem
almost superfluous to say anything in commenda
tion of him. But as he is nn esteemed personal
friend, we will simply remark, that he possesses,
as a Lawyer and a inns, all the necessary requi
sites to fill the office for which lie has been nomi
nated; and' which lie now fills with so notch credit
both to his head and heart.
WILLIAM CHRISTY, of Porter township,
the nominee for County Surveyor, is also well and
ffivorably known. Ile is a good Surveyor, and all
agree will make an excellent officer. Mr. C. has
long been known as an efficient member of the
Whig party.
KENZIE L. GREEN, of Clay township, is the
candidate for Auditor. The office is one of no
profit, but is of great importance to m the people of
Hie county. And we - can say, without the fear of
contradiction, that Mr. GREEN is eminently qual
ified to fill it. There is no office in the gift of the
people of the county which he would not fill with
credit; and while he. did not desire the one in ques
tion, we- can safely say he will be none the less
willing to perform vigilantly the duties of carefully
auditing the county accounts.
Such, Whigs of Huntingdon county, is a brief
review of the enudidates composing the Whig Co.
Ticket. We commend all to your cordial sup
port. Many, doubtless, feel disappointed in not
having their favorites nominated. But this is al
ways to be expected. When there is a number of
candidates for the same office, some must necessa
be disappointed. The object of Conventions
is to decide between the different aspirants; and
the duty of all is to give a united support to those
who are successful. We therefore cull on one and
all to give a hearty support to THE TICKET-THE
and thus place its success beyond all peradventure.
In making this appeal to the Whigs of Hunting
don county, we feel that. we are doing it on behalf
of worthy men, andbigh-minded consistent Whigs.
In addition to the County Ticket, we have u Con
gressman and Senator to elect, and it becomes the
duty of every Whig to stand that to the party or
ganization. The Loeofocos will make a desperate
effort to elect their Free Trade champion, Andrew
Parker, to. Congress, and if the Whigs should al
low their ranks to be broken, or so far forget their
duty as to countenance rmy disorganization in re
lotion to the County Ticket, they will succeed.—
We appeal to all, therefore, to stand firm. Rally
around the Whig standard, and when the election
day arrives, VOTE THE WHIG TICKET, and
by so doing advance the success of the principles
of the Whig party.
County Meeting.
The Whig County Meeting held on Wednesday
evening last, was well attended. Among those
present, we observed many of the old stand-by's
of the party front ell•parts of the county. The
speeches of Messrs. BENEDICT and CORNYN were
received with marked approbation. The proceed
ings were unanimously adopted, and every thing in the most harmonious manner. The
true Whig spirit prevails in old Huntingdon, and
all will be right side up in October.
Huntingdon Co. Medical Society.
At the annual meeting of the Medical Society
of Huntingdon county, held in this place on the
13th inst., the following officers were elected for
the ensiling year:—Dr. J. 13. LUDEN, President;
Dr. HOOTS and Dr. W. MAssny, Vice Presidents;
Dr. MAILTIN °IMAM, Bee. Sec. and Treasurer,
and Dr. Jour: APCuzzocu, Cor. Seery.
The stated meetings of the Society will he held
hereafter on the second Tuesdays of January and
August, (court weeks.)
Whigs of Huntingdon county! the time for AC
TION has arrived. The Whig County Ticket has
been formed, and in a short time candidates for
Congress and State Senator will be selected, and
it therefore becomes the slaty of the Whigs of old
Huntingdon to prepare for action. From all parts
of the State we have the most cheering accounts.
The Locofoeos are split up in many of their strong
holds, and nothing is wanting on the part of the•
Whigs but unity of action /11111 A FULL WHIG
VOTE, to secure a glorious triumph in October.
The next Legislature will elect a United States
Senator. How important to the interests of Penn
sylvania that she Amidst he represented in the U.
S. Senate by a Whig. In addition to this, it is
well known that our noble Whig Governor, Ws.
F. JOHNSTON, has been laboring, ever since his
election, to originate and perfect measures for the
benefit of his native State. These labors cannot
be fully successful, unless he is sustained by a
Whig majority in the Legislature. An Appor
tionment Bill, to apportion districts for members
of Congress, will also be passed by the coming
Legislature. Do the Whigs of Pennsylvania, the
friends of a Protective Tariff, want to be Gerry
mandered out of a fair representation in Congress?
If not, let them see to it that they perform their
whole duty as Whigs.
We call upon our Whig friends in this county
to ORGANIZE at once, and prepare to meet the en
' emy with a solid front. It soems we are to have
a Guerilla fight this year, end we call upon the old
Whig Regulars tomarshal their forces for the con
test. Its the language of our glorious but lament
ed leader, Geu. Taylor, g ‘ly WE ALL PULL TOGETH
ER we CAS r T DE BEAT." Let us prepare, therefore,
to "all pull together," and discountenance every
thing which would have a tendency to militate
against the Whig cause, or defeat any of the Whig
Locofoco Convention.
Gar Locofoco friends held a County Convention
on Wednesday evening last, in the School House.
They appointed Congressional and Senatorial
Conferees, but nominated no County ticket. We
understand they intend trying the volunteer sys
tem for county officers, and nominate regular can
didates for Congress and Senate. In relation to
Sheriff; we learn their plan is to do all in their
power to disaffect Whigs with their candidate, and
then bring out a man of their party, and make a
rally for him. Well, we think the Whigs will be
ready to meet them, let their mode of warffire be
what it may. We have had a Locofoco Sheriff
for three years, and it seems now to be the dispo
sition of the Whigs to elect one of their own men.
Whig Volunteers.
It is every man's right tp offer himself for office.
For Whigs, however, to offer themselves, merely
Ito defeat the regular candidates of their party, is
evidence of a bad spirit and loose political princi
ples. At this time, it is well known that the Loco
Focos are making every effort to induce Whigs to
Volunteer against the regular Whig candidates.—
And it is also well known that as soon as they
succeed in producing divisions in the Whig ranks,
they will bring out and rally on candidates of thßir
own party. This is the game that is to be played.
We ask the Whigs of Huntingdon county whether
they can aid the common enemy to succeed in
their political tricks? Owing to unfortunate dis
sensions in the Whig ranks, the Locofocos have
had the Sheriff for the last three years. Will the
Whigs aid them in securing that officer for three
years longer? We are confident in the belief that
they will not. Let all, therefore, stand firm to the
Whig organization, and give a united support to
The Treason in Carolina.
We are inclined to think that it was after all a 1 ,
great mistake in Congress not letting Gen. Jack
son try the virtues of hanging in influencing the
Nullifiers of South Carolina. A little hemp might
have had the effect of moderating, if not of quiet
ing, this constant clamor about the "despotism"
of the General Government, and. the necessity of
"Disunion," which the presses and politicians of
South Carolina are incessantly pouring out. The
general condemnation of Mr. Rhea's recent trea
sonable disunion speech, has only roused the trai
tors to a fiercer exhibition of their ire, instead of
calling them back to a sense of patriotism and dit
ty. The Charleston Mercury, the leading disunion
paper in the State, thus notices the assaults upon
Mr. Rhett
"The threats of a "traitor's doom" and "inva
sion," do not savor of the perpetuity of the Union,
but indicate that even in Mr. Clay's view, it is a
rotten and foul carcass that is no longer to be held
together by its own vitality, but by force, by
chains and locks, the sate-guards of a lawless and
hated despotism."
Message of the President.
The "Notional lutelligener" says of the Ales.
sage of the President:
" The.decieion of the Executive is such as must
have been anticipated by all who have ever looked
into the matter without prepossession; and the
duty devolved upon the President, by the Consti
tution, Laws, mid Treaties of the United States,
in the premises, is made so clear by the statement
of the Message as to leave no room fora difference
of opinion upon the subject.
With the President, however, we do most sin
cerely concur in the hope that no case can ever
occur in which a resort to force to maintain the
rights of the United States against any part of the
population of the United States will be necessary;
and most heartily do we concur with him, also, in
his recommendation of a prompt adjustment, com
pensation, and settlement, not only of the difficul
ty which has arisen with the State of Texas, but
of every other question connected with our newly
acquired territories ;-a final settlement by specific
legislation, before the present session of Congress
closes. This is what the welfare and quiet of this
whole Union, too long disturbed by the collision
of rival interests and the strife of contentious cli
ques, imperiously demands.
This, too, is what the People of at least twen
ty-nine of the thirty States of the Union most
anxiously desire. So much so, that could the
People of each State in the Union he polled upon
the entire plan roccommended in the Message, we
are confident in the Imhof that from every State in
the Union except one--undperhaps even from that
one—the response of the People to that plan, to
be carried out by Congress in its most liberal and
comprehensive sense, would be an all but unani
mous Aye !"
44- Messrs.Maunsell, White & Son, of New
Orleans, who have been Gen. Taylor's agents for
20 years, contradict a flying rumor relative to his
pecuniary affairs, and assert that he leaves bank
stock and other valuable property to the amount
of $200,000. He never gave a note in his life and
died without owing a dollar.
J. Porter Browley.
The Crawford Gazette says of the Locofoco
candidate tbr Surveyor General—"We stated, as
soon as the nomination of Mr. Bmwley was known
that he would be distanced badly in this his native
county. We were fully aware of his unpopular
ity, and spoke then from the book! Our asser
tions have been backed op by hundreds of Dem
ocrats, over their own. signatures, and hundreds of
others, who do not wish publicly to make known
their sentiments, will veto his aspirations nt the polls.
"Neither he nor his friends have any hope,
whatever, that he can, in any event, receive even
a respectable vote. This is truly an unusual, an
astonishing circumstance in the annals of political
history. A candidate abandoned by his party at
home ! Well may the Democracy of other por
tions of the State fill' back and repudiate a candi
date who is repudiated by those who know his, best I
" Such is the state of our political atmosphere
in Crawford county—and such, to a greater or less
extent is the state of feeling in the whole North
western portions of the State. R . all who desire
that "honesty, capacity, mid moral worth" shall
constitute the passports to office, wilt but do their
duty, Joseph Henderson of Washingron county,
will be elected by all overwhelming majority."
Nipped in the Bud:.
The Locofocos papers have been publishing a
falsehood got up by the Pentowlranian, to the effect
that Gineox J. BALL, the late Whig State Treas
urer, exchanged depreciated paper for specie funds
at a cost of $4,000 to the State, in order to pay
the State Interest in par funds. They do this to
glorify the present Treasurer, Gen. Biome, for
paying the Interest in par funds. Mr. BALL has
put a stopper upon them in the following letter,
which they will be careful not to publish:
WASHINGTON, Aug. Gth, 1850.
Col. J. W. Fonxvr—Dear Sir—My attention
has been called to the article in your paper on the
11 instant, announcing the payment of the "Au
gust Interest." nave been too long interested
in the credit, prosperity and honor of my native
State, nor to rejoice in the continuance mid pres
ervation of her fame. The success therefore of
Gem Bickel, whom I am happy to call my friend,
is as pleasing to me as it can he satistitctory to
hint. Patriotism enjoins it as the ditty of every
Pennsylvanian, to cherish with zealous ardor, the
honor and interest of the State. This can only be
done effectnallv by sustaining cordially the oftiCers
charged with ate maintenance of thepublic credit.
Front the pertbnnance of this high duty, no con ,
sideratiou of a politicalclutracter shall ever deter me.
In the article referred to, you say with empha
sis, that I "got four thousand dollars just before I
went out of office, for expenses in changing money
below par fur specie funds." If you mean that I
received $4OOO for my personal use, you do me a
great wrong, for I never received a dollar. If, on
the other hand', you mean to convey the impression
that that sum was used in exchanging money be
low par for specie funds to pay the State interest,
then I meet it with an equally firm and emphatic
denial, and after that the interest which fell due on
the State debt the first of August, 1849, and first
of February, 1850, was paid in specie funds, with
out one cent of cost to the Commonwealth for dis
count or exchange, nor was there any allowance
made for that object, at any time, by any device,
or expedient, direct or indirect.
you have my rega;Cireinainjy.oßuArL'ltd't
servant, •
Texas and her Boundaries.
The bill submitted to the Senate by Mr. Sena
tor PsAnex, defining the boundaries of Texas and
proffering an indemnity of ten millions of dollars
for any territory which might be transferred from
Texas to the enited States under the proposed ar
rangement, and for other claims of Texas against
the United States, commends itself by its fairness
and simplicity, to the favorable consideration of
Congress and the country.
It has been admitted on all hands from the first
that the absorption by the United States of the
custom revenues of Texas, on the event of an
nexation, did impose ats obligation upon the Gen
eral Government to make sonic compensation for
the revenues so absorbed. And this obligation
was the more imperative from the fact that Texas
had pledged these resources as security or guaranty
for a considerable portion of her debt—the bonds
bearing the pledge on their face.
The territorial claims of Texas are involved in
much dispute ; and it must be acknowledged that
the action of Congress in reference to that subject
has not always been consistent. There have been
virtual recognitions of the boundaries of Texas as
defined by herself; and by other acts of the Gener-
Government. Santa Fe has been regarded as be
longing to a foreign power—as in the case of the
law of drawbacks—to say nothing of the conquest
of New Mexico by the troops of the United
States, and the establishment of a separate gov
ernment there under the military authority of the
The whole case, however, is fitirly one of com
promise in which mutual concessions may be made
without sacrifice of principle on either side. Mr.
rEAUCE'S bill seems to meet the difficulty in a
proper spirit and with a fair assurance of effecting
a satisfactory arrangement. It gives to Texas am
ple territories, a sufficient, nay a liberal indemnity,
and secures to Now Mexico what the people of
that country so anxiously desire—a separate polit
ical existence free from the jurisdiction of Texas.
This question once settled, there is vomit for the
hope that' ether kindred. issues which have been
allowed too alon g to distract the deliberations of
Congress may be happily adjusted also in the sante
spirit of conciliation. The admission of Califor
nia especially presents itself as a measure worthy
of all acceptation, and one which in point of fact
is beset by no difficulties except fitetitious ones.—
Balt. American.
Texas for War!
The Washington Union states that a gentleman
arrived in that city on Tuesday night, direct from
San Antonio, Texas, who says that there are up
wards of 8,000 men Under arms, preparing to march
to the Rio Grande, to defend the "rights" of Tex
as. One thousand more are ready, if necessary,
to rally under the standard of that State. We
think it high time that this unruly State should be
well breeched, and then drtunmed out of the Union,
to which she is at the best a foul disgrace.
Strange Affair.
A Mr. Dick, who kept a coffee house in Cincin-
nati, was taken with cholera on Monday, ran
through the various stages of the awful pestilen
tial mystery, and finally, to all appearance, died.
While lying on the cooling board, a barber was
sent for to shave him, and during the operation,
the supposed dead mau opened his eyes, and with
his arm pushed the barber out of the way. Ho
commenced breathing and casting his eyes about
the room, and amidst the consternation occasioned
by this,.as it were resurrection from death, the
coffin was brought into the room, in full sight of
the person who was destined to occupy it. He lived
about one hour after this, and finally went calmly
off into the sleep of death. So avouches the Cin
cinnati Commercial of the 19th ult.
The Cholera.
The Cholera is still prevailing in the western
cities and towns. In Pittsburg it was reported on
the i6th inst., to be on the increase.
The August Elections.
The August elections have turned out queerly.
In Missouri—a strong Locofoco State—the Whigs
have carried the day owing to the division between
the Benton and anti-Bentonites. The Whigs have
elected four members of Congress, and the Locos
but one=the present delegation intongress from
Missouri are all Locos. The' Begislature as far
as heard* from stands 60 Whigs, 32 Benton and 22
anti-Benton Democrats. NORTII CAROLINA, gen-.
erally Whig, has elected a Locofoco Governor and.
Legislature, owing to local causes. In KENTIX•
HY as far as heard from the Whip claim both
Houses of the Legislature, though the House is
contested by the Locos. The popular vote of the
State is largely Whig. In INDIANA the Locos
have carried the Legislature as usual, as well as
the State Constitutional Convention. In lOWA
one Whig has,been elected to Congress and one
Loco—the present members are both LOCO?.
Melancholy Disaster: •
BOSTON, August 16,
A catastrophe of a most melancholy and dis
tressing character occurred yesterday afternoon at
Lyntichl, involving the lives of fourteen persons,
all women and children but one. The following
are the circumstances :
A large party of men, women and children, most
Of them connected with the First Christian Socie
tßof Lynn, proceeded to Lynntield on a pie nic
paty, and had chosen a delightful spot on the bor
ders of a beautiful pond.
About 2 o'clock, a party of twenty-five went on
hoard a large flat-bottomed row-boat for an ex
cursion on the pond, and when about one hundred
yards from the shore, the boat capsized, and four
teen of the party were drowned. The disaster has
thrown the community of Lynn into the deepest
Desperate Fight with flargiam in
ALBANY, August 16,
Last night, while a party of four or five burglars
were attempting to break into the store of William
Mitchell, on South Broadway. a watchman named
Wilson came suddenly upon theta, and interrupt
ed their proceedings.
In attempting to make a capture, shots were
fired by the burglars, and officer Wilson was shot,
a bullet passing through his nose and lodging tin
der one of his eyes. The burglars fought most
desperately, but notwithstanding, one of them na
med Hugh Johnson, was arrested.
leis comrades escaped. Ten shots were fired
during the conflict.
The man who was arrested is said to bare be
longed formerly to,one of our fire companies.—
The rest of the gang, as our police suppose from
the character of the recent burglaries, were non
residents of Albany.
Attempted Abduction.
During the late visit of Robinson & Eldred's
Circus to this village, says the Watertown (N. Y.)
Union, some of the company attempted to rob a
widowed lady of her two beautiful daughters—one
12 and the other 13 years of age. The widow's
name is Clarke. It appears that the girls, as is
always the case in country places when a circus
I visits it, were taking a pleasure walk, viewing the
tent, and listening to the music within. Their rare
beauty attracted the attention of the door-keeper,
who, after finding that they were fatherless, and
that their mother lived on Beebe's Island, a little
distance off, invited them in. Being young, and
as thoughtless as they were innocent, they gladly
accepted the invitation. Every effort was then
made to win their confidence. They were flatter
ed and showered with presents, and finally were
told if they would join the company, that they
should receive $2OO each, on arriving at New York
city. The girls were overpersuaded, and consent
ed to go. Arrangements were accordingly made
to take them by private conveyance to Bucket's
Harbor that night after the performances. Their
mother, till then unconscious of what was going
on, employed an officer to assist tier in obtaining
their release. The company stoutly refused to give
them up, but finding that legal action was about
to be taken, let them go.
HON. JOHN M. CLAYTON.-The National In
telligencer, noting Mr. Clayton's departure from
Washington, says;
Of the manner in which Mr. Clayton adminis
tered the atlitirs of the Department of State while
Gen. Taylor was President, we may have occasion
hereafter to speak. The history of that adminis
tration remains to he written, and, when written,
it will show that scarcely was one ever surrounded
with snore difficulties, or ever, in spite of a storm
of caltuny, more successful in overcoming them.
Mr. Clayton returns home with the hearty good
wishes of many friends here, who are anxious he
should return to Congress. But we believe he has
resolved to return no more.
Southern Items of New&
BALTIMORE, Aug. 16, 10+ P.M.—Paul Tricon,
an extensive hat importer, has been arrested in
New Orleans for making tulle invoices by altering
the records in the District Court through a chem
ical process.
violent thornier storm bad been experienced
at Savannah, which caused considerable damage
to property.
From Tampa Bay we learn that the Florida In
dians were quiet, but refused to emigrate.
Twenty-two companies of United States troops
were still stationed there, in readiness for any out
break. Those stationed on the coast were very
healthy, but those in the interior were afflicted with
diarrlea. Several companies had been ordered
thence to Texas.
Accounts front Mississippi say, that information
bad been received from Texas, to the effect that
the Governor Lad issued orders to raise troops to
be in readiness for Santa Fe by the t zit of Septem
ber. Lieut. Thomas Mason was drowned while
crossing the Rio Grande. The Indians on the
Texas frontier continue to be very troublesome.
Hon. Henry Clay.
Mr. CLAY visited the Rhode Island Legislature,
now in session at Newport, on Friday. The Hou
ses were in grand committee as he entered the
_ _
hall, and as soon as he was discovered at the door,
the Governor and all the membeiv arose.and• re
ceived hint in the most respectful manner. A re
cess was taken for an hour, and the members were
introduced to him.
The New Administration.
We are much pleased to see, that, not only in
Congress, but throughout the country, the Whig
party appear to be rallying with much unanimity
and zeal to the support of Mr. FILLMORE'S admin
istration. We did not think that President Tayl
or's administration received that cordial support
from the party to which it was justly entitled, but
we can see no backwardness or lukewannness on
the part of the Whigs in their support of Presi
dent Fillmore. They have entire confidence its
bins and entire confidence in his Cabinet. They
have no doubt that both the foreign and domestic
afihirs of the Government will he nuumged in a
si o ti i t s, ol i e . si o i u c r e , , ,a sTisdom, energy and patriotism.—
The Law against Small Notes.
Th, following sections of the act regulating
Banks, passed on the 16th of April, which prohib
it the circulation, under severe penalties, In this
State, of all notes of a less denomination than live
dollars of other States, on and after the 21st inst.,
are published at the request of a number of our
subscribers in town and country.
Sect. 48. From and after the twenty-first day
of August, 1850, it shall not be lawffil for ally per
son or persons, corporation or body corporate, di
rectly or indirectly, to i,sue, pay out, pass, ex
change, put in eircdation, tramfer, (nr cause to 130
issued, paid•out, passed, exchanged, circulated or
transferrod, any bank note, note till, certificate, or
any acknowledgement of indebtedness whatsoever,
purporting to be a bank note, or of the nature,.
character or appearance of a bank note, or calcu
lated for'clrenlitticaras a bank dote, issued, or pur
porting to be issued by any bank at' incorporated'
company or association of persons, not located in
Pennsylvania, of a less denomination than five dol.-
Jars ; every violation , of the provisions of this sec
tion by any corporation or body corporate; shall
subject such corporation or body corporate t6 , tho
payment of five hundred dollars; and any violation•
of the provisions of this section by any public
fieer holding any office or appointment of honor or
profit under the constitution and laws of this State'
shall subject such officer to the payment of one'
hundred dollars ; and any violation of this section ,
by any other person, not being a public officer;.
shall subject such person to the payment of twen—
ty-five dollars, one-half of which, in each cave
alcove mentioned, shall go to the informer, and the•
other half to the comity in which the snit is
brought, and may be sued for and recovered as
debts of like amount are now by hue recoverable
in any action of debt, in the name of the common
wealth of Pennsylvania, as well for the use of the.
proper county, as fur the person suing.
Sec. 49. In addition to the civil penalties impo
sed for a violation of the provisions of the last
preceding section, every person who shall violate
the provisions of that section, shall be taken and
deemed to have committed a misdemeanor, and.
shall, upon conviction thereof in any criminal
court in this commonwealth, be fined in any suer
not less than one dollar, and not more than ono
hundred dollars; and the several courts of quar—
ter sessions shall, in their charges to the grand
jury, call their attention to this subject; and it
shell be the duty of the several grand juries to
make presentment of any person within their res
pective counties who may be guilty of a violation
of the provisions of the last preceding section ;
and it shall be the duty of the several constables
and other peace officers within this commonwealth
to make information against any person guilty of
such violation, and they shall be sworn so to do;
Provided, That it slant not be necessary, in any
civil suit or criminal prosecution under this sec
tion, and the last preceding section, to produce, in
evidence, the charter of any bank, or articles of
association of any company, not located in this
'Locofoco Banks.
The Lehigh Bank may rob the community of
$200,000; the Lumbermen's Bank of as much
snore; and the Susquehanna Bank of an addition
al $200,000, and yet the cry for more banks iq tol
erated among us.—Star of the North, (Logo.)
cir And are you aware, Mr. Star, that all three
of the above Banks were chartered by Locofooo
Legislatures? if not, it's time you were. "And
yet the cry for snore Banks is tolerated among us,"
say you; and again we ask you, if you are not
aware, friend Star, that the Locofoco Legislature
of last session chartered more banks, renewed
more charters, and granted more chartered privi
leges than was ever done by the Whigs in any ten
sessions since Pennsylvania was a State—are you
aware of that,, beauty? are you aware of thati—
Washington C'ommonwealth.
Iron Buildings.
The uses of iron arc only beginning to be ap—
preciated. We perceive, by a late London paper,.
that it is quite a common thing to receive orders
from Australia, for sets of iron houses. Theseurtr
prepared and despatched with as much readiness
as any other description of manufacture. In New
York and Philadelphia iron fronts are also begin
ning to appear. The experiments that have thus
far been tried have been quite successful.
ENORMOUS WHEAT Cuop.—A correspondent
of the.detroit Daily Tribune, writing from Romeo,.
Mich., states that Ira Philips of Bruce, Macomb
Cb., last week harvested and thrashed from two
acres of ground, one hundred and heentil-four bush
els of wheat. The wheat crop of Macomb county
and indeed of all Michigan, will he unprecedently
Ur - A serious difficulty has sprung up in the
Order of the Sons of Temperance relative to the
admission of colored men. The National Division
have declared their admission improper and ille
gal. New England Subordinate Divisions loudly
protest againsf it, and will not obey..
The President's Family.
The Detroit Tribune says that President FILL
MORE has two brothers who lave for some time
time resided in Washtenaw county, Miehigan—
one a house carpenter, and the other a blacksmith,
by trade. He has a sister iu Michigan, the wife
of Mr. Harris, of Coldwater, a lawyer by profes
sion, and anothersister married in North Indiana.
Ile visited them all last summer.
Cir W. R. Mounts, Esq., of York, Pa., has
boon appointed Commercial Agent of the United
States at St. Thomas.
trarThe Legislature of Texas assembled some
days since. We may look tbr souse "sound anti
fury" immediately.
ire The President has received information.
that another movement is on foot for the invasion
of Cuba. He has ordered that a strict watch be
kept upon the suspected parties..
One of our American coxcombs, of the
breed that Cowper speaks of, wholtad made the
tour to Europe only to show—
"How great a fool that has been sent to roam,
Excels a fool that has been kept at home"---
being asked "what he thought of the Ruins of
Pompeii 2"—replied that be didn't thinkthcy were•
near so tins as they were cracked up• to be—they
were all out of repair." Ho is probably third,
cousin to the English cockney who didn't like Ni
agara Falls, because they were so devilish noisy.
lEr CARLYLE asking "what admire hits,
America ever done," has been fitly answered
thus•: "Site has produced a girl, deaf, dumb and
blind, who with her own hands did sewing enough
to send a barrel of flour to some of your starving
countrymen, sir!"
MURDER.—The Bradford Argus states that a
man named Benjamin Wilcox, of Towanda town-.
ship, in that county, murdered his with on Sunday,
the 28th ult., by stubbing her with a knife. F 7 he
died instantly. Wilcox was arrested and impris
oned, and committed suicide by hanging himself
in jail.