Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 06, 1850, Image 2

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Tuesday Morning, August 6, 1850.
The "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at
the following rates, viz $1 2 75 a year if paid
in advance; *2,00 if paid during the year;
and $2,50 if not paid until after tha expiration
of the year. To CLUBS or FIVE OR MORE 81,50
per annum in advance. The above terms will
be adhered to in all cases.
CO" No subscription will be taken for a less
period than six months, and no paper will be
discontinued until all acrearagea are paid, unless
at the option of the publisher.
Once more our glorious banner out
Upon the breeze we throw ;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe.
HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union.
JOS. HENDERSON, of Washington
The Democratic Whig voters of Huntingdon
county are requested to meet in their respective
Townships and Boroughs, at the usual places of
holding their Delegate Elections,
Os Saturday the 10th day of August,
to elect two delegater from each of said town•
ships and boroughs, to represent them in a Coun
ty Convention to be held in the borough of
On lredneeday the 14tA day of: August,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to put in nomina
tion a Democratic Whig COUNTY TICKET,
and to appoint three Conferees to meet the
Conferees of Blair, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata.,
to nominate a candidate for Congress ; also„
three Conferees to meet the Conferees of Blair
and Cambria, to nominate a candidate for State
Senator, and do such other things an the good of
the cause may require.
The 'Whigs of the several townships will hold
their elections between the hours of 4 and 7 o'-
clock, P. M., and in the Boroughs between the
hours of 8 and 10 o'clock, P. M.
The Whigs of Hender;on township will hold
their election at the public house of A. Carmon,
in this borough, between the hours of 4 and 7
o'clock, P. M. By order of the Co. Committee.
JAS. CLARK, Chairman.
We. B. ZEIGLER, Sec'ry.
Democratic Whig County Meeting.
The Democratic Whig citizens of Huntingdon
county, are invited to assemble in County Meet
ing, in the Court House, in Huntingdon, on
Wednesday Evening, Aug. 14,
for the purpose of adopting such measures as
may be deemed eseential to the prosperity and
success of the Whig party at the,coming elec
tion. Come one,. come all!
Severer addresses may be expected. Able
and eloquent speakers from abroad have been
invited. By order of the Co. Committee.
JAMES CLARK, Chairmen.
Wm. B. ZEIGLER, &Pry.
State of the Thermometer.
7 A. It. 2r. at. 9r. at
Monday July 29 80 88 60
Tuesday ~ 30 80 87 76
Wed. ~ 31 71 81 76
Tlaurs. Aug. 1 79 91 70
Friday ~ 2 71
Saturday ~ 3 7D
Sunday . 4 70
68 74
0:7 - Attention is invited to new advertise
support Your County raper.
We are making an effort to increase our sub
scription list; and we hope every one of our
present patrons will lend us their aid in the ef
fort. Keep it before your neighbors, friends,
that it is every man's duty to SUPPORT HIS
COUNTY PAPER, and that it is the especial
duty of every Whig in Huntingdon county, to
take the "Hun•nnauoN JOURNAL." Increased
patronage will cause increased expenditure and
exertion on our part to make our paper stillmore
interesting and useful. All, therefore, who now
take the Journal, ape interested in the extension
of its patronage. During the present week we
expect to visit several townships in the lower
end of our county, and shall be happy to receive
one or two hundred good new subscribers in
that quarter.
Our paper will appear in NEW TYPE in the
course of a week or two.
NEW FIRM. -Owen 4. Wm. Boat have made
extensive arrangements to carry on the Coach
making business in this place. Advertisement
shall appear in our next.
ITT The "Iluzzitionon GUARDS" have recei
ved their uniforms, and were organized into a .
company, on Saturday last, by Brigade Inspec
tor tIGHTNIR. The uniform in quite neat, and
the company madra good appearance.
Delegate Meetings.
Whigs ! Don't forget tne Delegate Meetings
on Saturday evening next, Turn out, one and
all, and elect the right kind of men to represent
you in county convention.
P 7" Rev. JAMES H. ORBISON left this place
on Tuesday morning last, for Boston, whore he
expects soon to embark for Upper India, the
chosen field of his Missionary labors. ilia fath
er atut some other friends accompany him to
Boston. He carries with him the kindest wish- 1
es of this community, for his health and success.
In another column we publish the poetic en
elan of a friend, suggested by his departure, and
also the proceedings of a meeting of the Pres- I I
congregation of .thie place.
117'.1VIr. Clay is going North to recruit hie
The Coming Contest.
In reference to the importance of organization
and activity in the Whig ranks in the coming
contest in Pennsylvania, the Daily Newa of a
late date makes the following judicious remarks:
"It is of all things important," says that paper,
"if the Whigs of the State desire to triumph in
the coming contest, that a thorough and efficient
ORGANIZATION be secured in every county,
ward and township in the State, and that a pro
per spirit be aroused among the Working Whigs
everywhere. We :ook also, to the active ex
ertions of the young Whigs. In 1840, their
services, by means of Clubs and Associations,
had a weighty influence, and we hope they will
work again, in every district, and without delay
enter upon the formation of clubs, end prepare
for a vigorous defence of the great principles
which we now, as in 1840, take with us in the
canvass. We urge thorough organization, dis
cipline, unity of action, and with all, zealous
effort. These are as necessary in politics as in
war. A force wanting in organization. will be
sure to sustain defeat, when opposed, as we shall
be in Pennsylvania, by an organized and regu
larly trained opposition. It is sometimes a
source of wonder that the Locofocos should suc
ceed in Pennsylvania, with principles known to
be directly hostile to the interests and views of
a large majority of the people. The secret ties,
in a great measure, in the force of party drill,
and what this lacks is made up by the moat un
scrupulous professions of friendship and pledgee
before au• election, which are only made to be
broken. 'Phe Whigs must therefore counteract
the influence of organization on the part of their
opponents, by an organization *gladly efficient,
and what is equally important, the duplicity of
Locofoco professions and promises met be ex
posed, and the unwary and unsuspecting placed
upon their guard against them. In times past,
these professions and pledges have been disre
garded from the moment the result of an election
was known, and so they will be in figure.
The principles advocated by the Whig party
come home to the very door of every man in the
State who lives by industry, or holds property.
They are the basis of Pennsylvania prosperity,
and it excites wonder in other States that Penn
sylvania, with her mountains of iron and coal,
her ability to become a large manufacturing
State, and to maintain a dense and thriving in
dustrious population, should be any other than a
Whig State. We believe, moreover, that she
is Whig. We know something of her people.—
The Whigs have the votes. They need but get
them to the polls to insure a brilliant triumph.
Shall this be done or shall the people be suf
fered again to put confidence in Locofoco pro
fessions, and thereby lose the little that remains
to them of their prosperity
The Cholera.
The cholera continues to prevail to a consid
erable extent in the Western and South-Western
towns and cities.
In Uniontown, Pa., the sudden appearance of
the cholera has caused much consternation. On
Monday of last week, Maj. Irons, editor of the
Genius of Liberty, and six others, were attacked
and have since died.
In Pittsburg, on the Ist and 2d inst. 16 death■
from cholera were reported.
Husband and Wife Killed by Light•
Mr. GEORGE RI/0183.ER and wife, of War
riorsmark township, in this county, Were killed
by lightning, on Sunday the 28th ult. There
had, as we learn, been quite a heavy thunder
storm, and. when the rain had partially ceased,
Mr. Rumberger went out to open a passage for
the water, which was claming up in the garden.
His wife followed him with his coat, and he
stepped with her under a lei ge poplar tree, to
put it on, when the lightning struck the tree,
and instantly killed both husband and wife.—
Five small children are left orphans by. this
llicting dispensation of Providence.
Mr. Cooper's Vote for Slavery.
On Thursday last, in the Senate, the Compro
mise bill being under consideration, Mr. Daw
son, for the purpose of conciliating and securing
the votes of the Texas Senators ; moved an a
mendment, providing that any territorial gov
ernment which might be established in New
Mexico, should be limited to the territory lying
west of the Rio Grande, until the disputed boun
dary between the United States and Texas
should be adjusted.
This monstrous preposition, amounting to a
virtual surrender of the territory now held in
possession by the United States, was carried by
a majority of two, Mr. Coomix, of this State,
voting for it. Even Mr. Cass, says a corres
pondent, who• has a facility of accommodating
himself to expediency, could net be persuaded
to take this pill, and he sought safety in retreat.
What say the apologists of Mr. Cooper, who
were so fierce in denouncing us some time since
for intimating that ho was misrepresenting hie
constituency, to this vote ? Dare they pretend
that the Whigs of Pennsylvania are in favor of
surrendering thin disputed boundary to Texas
and Slavery For thin in what Mr. Dawson's
amendment amounted to. We shall look with
interest for the detence that is to be set up. In
the meantime, we assert that nine-tenths of the
people of this State are opposed to the arrogant
pretentious of Texas.
“Bitinuaretrr,” is the title of a new Post
Office established in Brady township, in this
county. Mr. DAVID IRONS has been appointed
the Post Master.
New U. S. Senator.
Hon. ROBERT C. WINTHROP has been appoint
ed United States Senator front Massachusetts,
in place of the Hon. Daniel Webster. This
leaves a vacancy In the House of Representa
tives in the Ist Massachusetts district. The
2d district is also vacant, by the death of the
Hon. Daniel' P. King, and the 4th district by
failures to elect. So that Massachusetts has at
present only seven representatives in the House.
Mr. Winthrop took his sent in the Senate on
Monday of last week. '
CO' No change in the markets since our last
Northern Doughfaces.
That the race of "doughfaces" is not yet ex
tinct, is shown in a recent vote in the House of
Representatives, on the question of admitting
Moose N. SMITH, to a seat in that body. Mr.
Smith is the Delegate chosen by the 90,000 free
men of New Mexico, to represert them in the
lower House of Congress—but he, as well as
those whom he represents, are in favor of exclu
ding Slavery from that Territory. This was
sufficient to put all the slave-holders and their
allies, the "Doughfaces" of the north, against
him. He was rejected by 11 majority—twenty
fire northern men voting with the South. Here
are their names. Those from Pennsylvania are
in capitals
Brown, of Indiana, Bull, DIMMICK, Dun
ham, Gerry, Garman, Harris, Hibbard, Leffler,
Littlefield, MANN, Mceleruand, Miller, Pea
selee, Richardson, Bobbins, ROSS, STRONG,
Sawtelle, THOMPSON, Walden, Waldo, Whit
tlesey, Wildrich, Young.
We are glad to see that there is not a single
Whig in this miserable list of northern dough
faces. Whigs rarely, if ever, desert the cause
of freedom.
t The Evening Bulletin, a neutral paper,
edited by Locofocos, makes the following an
nouneement, enclosed with black lines:
Appointment by the Canal Commissioners.
Gen. A. L. Roumfort, to be Superintendent of
Motive Power on the Philadelphia and Colum
bia Railroad.
GOD SAVE THE CommoNwsnwrn
THE Aeon.' INTsitEsT on the State debt,
due on the Ist instant, was promptly paid by the
State Treasurer, at the Bank of Pennsylvania.
The credit of the old Keystone is now firmly re
established, and the regular payment of the
semiannual interest will take place for the future
as a matter of course.
07HE STEAMSHIP CANADA arrived at Hali
fax on Wednesday morning. She left Liverpool
July 20th and brings one week's later news.—
At the last dates the American fleet was still off
the port of Lisbon, but the papers furnish no'
news relative to the difficulty between Portugal
and the United States. Flour and grain hash
slightly declined in price. No news of general
The Texas Question.
Gov. Bell, of Texas says—according to the
latest telegraphic accounts from that Nation—
"that he will maintain the Territorial rights of
his state at all hazards, .bat looks for justice
from Congress. That being granted Texas will
cling to the Union !" Will she indeed !—How
We think the justice looked for should be
speedily granted in the form of a halter for every
traitor who dares raise a finger against the con
stituted authorities of the United States.
Trouble in the Locofoco Wig-warn.
There is trouble in the Locofoco Wig-warn of
Westmoreland, Bedford and Cambria. Two
Locofoco candidates have been placed in the
field for Congress. The conferees could not
agree and separated ; when the three Cambria
and two Bedford men organized and nominated
Gen. Jos. M'Donald, of Cambria, far Congress.
Subsequently the Westmoreland conferees and
one from Bedford, organized. and nominated Al
exander Dl'liinney, of , Westmorelrnd, as the
candidate.' They are calling each other very
hard names now, bUt we believe it will all end
in smoke. It would be a blessing, however, to
the district and the State, if it resulted in the
election of a Whig Congressman.
The Union Canal.
The Harrisburg Telegraph says :--"A por
tion of the Union canal was so much torn by the
late freshet in the Swatara creek, as to render
it impracticable to attempt a repairing of the
damage. Hother Hage, Esq. is engaged by the
Company as Engineer, in making estimates and
arrangements preparatory to the widening of
the canal, so that large class Pennsylvania ca
nal boats can run through from Middletown to
Reading, Pa.?'
An Honest Confession.
Mr. Andrew Miller, a prominent Locofoco of
Philadelphia County, has published a communi
cation in the Philadelphia Ledger, over his own
signature, in which.he says
" It is a humiliating fact that the Democratic
party of the county of Philadelphia, is ruled by
a gang of men that deserve no other or better
appellation than. PIRATES for they exist by the
PLUNDER that they ran reap, in disregard and
in violation of the cherished principles of the
party, that gives them character and position."
The Miner's Journal says
The above is applicable to. many other coun
ties besides Philadelphia, especially along the
lines of canals and railroads. Another speci
men of "Democracy" is furnished in the person
of John Abrams, a delegate from Philadelphia
to the Williamsport Convention, who, since he
assisted "in nominating Morrison, Banks and
Brawley, has been tried for stabbing a man, con
victed and sentenced to pay a fine of $5OO, and
undergo a service of four years in the Eastern
They Don't Know Them.
The Overshine Locofoco journals say they
don't know any thing about the Whig nominees.
"Of course not," says the Lewistown Gazette.
,6 We would not expect them to know farmer
Snyder, /armor Dungan, or such a common man
as Jo. Henderson. Any one to be known and
praised by the Ovenshines, must be a lawyer,
a doctor, or a bank director, at the least."
ALL SsFs.—At Harrisburg last week, we
found the affairs of State, in the absence of the
Governor and Secretary of . the Commonwealth,
in the hands of our friend Mr. klesEuicr, 'the
next in anthority, who had called the wheels of
Government in most successful operation, with
every thing else about the Capital in a flourish
ing condition, particularly the Susquehanna.—
Lebanon Coterie,
Whig County Meeting.
A call for a Whig County Meeting, on Wed
nesday evening of the first week of Court, will
be found in another cohonn. We hope to nee a
general rally of the friends of correct principles
on that occasion. Several distinguished Speak
ers have been invited to attend.
Oar Court corninenc :3 in this county on Mon.
Jay next.
The Compromise Bill Defeated!
The long struggle is over. The Compromise
is dead! On Tuesday last, Mr. Bradbury's
amendment, leaving the Texas boundary ques
tion to Commissioners, was adopted by a vote
of 30 to 28, after Mr. Dawson's modification,
providing that no territorial government shall
be established, nor any State organized in New
Mexico east of the Rio Grande until the Texas
boundary line should have been agreed to by
both Texas and the United States, had been
carried by a similar vote. Mr. Norris then mo
ved to amend the bill so as to leave the territo
rial legislature of New Mexico free to legislate
on the subject of slavery; which led to a debate
in the midst of which the Senate adjourned.
On Wednesday, a moreanimated scene opened
in the Senate. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, in
dulged in a poetical flight about Gen. Scott and
the army all breaking their swords, rather than
draw them to put down treason and rebellion;
after which Mr. Norris' amendment was adopt
ed by a vote of 32 to 20. An amendment of
fered by Mr. l'earce, to strike from the bill all
the provisions in relation to New Mexico, pre
vailed by a vote of 33 to 22 ; and another from
the same source, restoring what had been strick
en out, with a modification arranging that the
territorial government thereof should not go into
effect until the 4th of March next, was rejected.
The success of the former and the failure of
the latter of these amendments, divested the bill
of everything in relation to Texas and New
Mexico, leaving in it nothing but a provision for
the admission of California and the organization
of a territorial government fur Utah. The Next
movement was a motion hs Mr. Atchison, to
strike out also all that related to California,
which, after some unexpected changes of phase
and condition, finally prevailed by the large vote
of 34 to 25 ; the effort of which was to leave in
the bill nothing but the simple provision for the
organization of a territorial government in Utah.
In this form, the bill was ordered to be engross
ed—yeas 32 to nays 18—upon which the Senate
Thus, after eight months of unprofitable agita
tion, Congress has reached the starting point
which Gen. TAYLOR recommended in his annu
al message. The wisdom of his policy is now
justified, despite the sneers of its opponents, and
the memory of that illustrious patriot is vindi
eated in a result which might have been fore
seen by every unprejudiced vision.
The following abstract of the proceedings of
Thursday, we clip from the North American of
Friday last :
The defeat of the Compromise has produced
its natural effect in the Senate. Mr. Douglass
yesterday offered two motions—the first to take
up the independent California bill, making it a
special order, the second makiug it the special
order for yesterday, and every day following un
til disposed of—both of which carried, the for
mer by a majority of 11, while the later was
agreed to without a division—although Mr.
Foote woe anxious that this all important and
long neglected bill should be postponed to a Tex
as and New Mexico bill, intimating that it
would otherwise be defeated in the House by
"parliamentary modes" of tactics, of which the
country has heretofore witnessed some samples.
The Senate, however, proceeded to the consid
eration of the bill, when an interesting discus
sion arose, in which Mr. Clay took a prominent
part, declaring, in a dignified manner, his regret
for the loss of the compromise bill, which he
deemed a measure that would have proved a
healing one, but avowing, in a still more lofty
style and noble spirit, that if any State or the
people of any State should attempt the threaten
ed game of rebellion, "he was for testing the
strength of our Government," while he• would
stand by, against all disunionist's, as long as he
had an arm or a voice to raise in its service—a
patriotic declaration which drew down applause
from the galleries, demanding all the resolution
of the presiding officer, for its suppression.
Mr. Clay referred, with some feeling, to the
loss of the bill as having been caused by Mr.
of Maryland, who replied with a good
deal of decision, and some sharpness, intimating,
with equal truth and force, that the failure was
attributable to the absurd obstinacy of the Tex
as Senators, who lost everything by refusing to
accept any boon short of an absolute surrender
to. all their demands. [At this period of the
proceedings, the report was cut short by the
rain and thunder storm.]
In the House, Mr. White asked leave, which
was not granted, to introduce a resolution for
the appointment, by the Speaker, of a Special
Committee of twenty one—a new compromise
committee, it would seem, to devise measures
for allaying the excitement, which does no'. ex
ist anywhere except in Congress. Mr. Stanton,
from the Naval Committee, reported a bill au
thorizing the government to contract for the
building of three great steam ships, capable of
being converted into war steamers of the first
class, to ply to the Coast of Africa, with sas
sengers, under the auspices of the Colonization
Society. The fortification bill was debated in
committee, and afterwards reported to the House
without amendment; when a message was re
ceived from the Senate notifying the House of
the passage 01 "the bill establishing a territori
al government for Utah,"—an annoencement
of the somewhat uncommon fate of the compro
mise bill, which only resulted in throwing the
house into convulsions of laughter; in the midst
of which it adjourned.
. -
On Friday Mr. Pearce gave notice that he
would on Monday introduce a bill to establish
the territorial government of New Mexico, and
to settle the boundary of Texas.
Tue Cournouiss.—A despatch from Wash
ington under date of Augest 2, says seems
now a settled fact that Mr.•Cloy's compromise
will be introduced into the House on Monday.
Mr. Cass and St. Peters.
The pretty story which has been going the
rounds of the papers about Maj. Cass, Charge
d'Aflairs for the. United States, having saved the
church of St. Peters, at Rome, from destruction
turns out to be a sheer hoax, although given un
der the authority of James Watson Webb, of
the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. General Gulf:-
keppe Avezzana publishes a letter in L'Esul e
Italians, an Italian paper printed in N. Y. in
which he declares that no person in Rome thought
of destroying that noble conception of Angelo,
and great monument of art. He adds “that so
far from Mr. Cass having any influence in Rome
he was very little known and much less esteem
ed, on account of his illiberal conduct towards
the Republic." This robs the romance of much
of its poetry.
Begging the Question.
The Locofoco papers are out in full cry upon
EIENRY W. SNYDER, Esq., the Whig candidate
for Auditor General, because being a son of old
SIMON SNYDER, who was a Democrat, they say
that he has abandoned his father's principles, and
become a political renegade. In this they use
the kind of logic, to which they are much ad
dicted, which is called petitio principii—a beg
ging of the question, or taking for granted the
very thing is, dispute. They must first show
that Mr. SNYDER has deserted the principles of
his father. They gssuess that he has, because
they call themselves Democrats; but they must
remember that to call the tail of a calf its fifth
leg, don't make it so, by a long shot. This
thing that they call Democracy now is the bas
tard offspring of an illicit embrace between the
black cockade Federalism of JAMES Ross, of
Pittsburg, and the treasonable jacobinism of
Anaox BURR. It was spawned for the express
purpose of overthrowing the Democracy of MAD
their associates, and was first christened Jack
sonism, but soon assumed the narne, not the
spit it and principles of the old and true Demo
cracy, for the purpose of better deceiving the
people, as men will
Steal the livery of the court of heaven,
To serve the devil in :"
Now to this illegitimate Democracy, which
has since degenerated into Locofocoism, Mr.
SNYDER never did belong. He adheres to his
father's political faith. Let the Locotocos show
if they can, in what particular—what principle
—what measure—he varies from the stand-point
of the old Democratic Governor. They will
then have something to talk about—until then,
their yellings are only "sound and fury, signify
ing nothing."—York Republican.
Benton and the Administration.
The Washington Telegraphic Correspondent
of the Philadelphia papers, in speaking of the
apprehended trouble with Texas, says, that in
debate in the Senate,
Mr. Benton tendered his support to the new
powers, on the most vital question which they
are called upon to meet--the dispute between
Texas and New Mexico. He assured the friends
of Mr. Fillmore that he would stand by him in
maintaining the laws of the country—in carry
ing out the policy of the simple and beautiful
message of President Taylor. He felt assured
that President Fillmore would do his duty, and
"I," said he, "will stand by him."
When Gen. Taylor took his seat in the Presi
dent's Chair,' the Washington Union said,
...Whatever face the future may wear, we
shall oppose his administration to the litter
Hence the title of "Bitter Enders," as appli
ed to that class of Locofoco journals. Nov the
Union says—
We forbear to speculate at this time upon
the policy which Mr. Fillmore is likely to adopt.
We fully appreciate the difficulties of his posi
tion, and we are prepared to estimate his course
with all possible liberality, if he acts with that
unshrinking energy of character which the cri
sis calla for.
We venture to predict that this loot promise
will not be fulfilled with half the fidelity that
the first was.
From the Phila. Bulletin, Aug. 1.
Sixteen Cars Demolished- 7 —Several men and
hundrods of ,Itile Killed,
We are indebted to a gentleman who arrived
this afternoon from New York, for the following
particulars of a terrible disaster on the New
York and Erie Railroad, which occurred about
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon:
As a freight train of twenty-two cars, heavi
ly loaded with live stock from the West, was
crossing an iron bridge over a small stream,
three miles weal of the mouth of the 'Locke
waxen creek, the bridge gave way, and although
the locomotive got over safely, the tender and
fifteen ears were Precipitated into• the ravine,
which was sixty feet wide and twenty-five feet
The ravine was completely filled up by the
wrecks of the cars and'animals. The sixteenth
car was reared on end, on the top of the heap of
ruins. The cars which went over are said to
have contained about 100 head of cattle, 250
hogs and 750 sheep; in all about 1100 animals.
The cars which were going very rapidly, were
completely shattered to pieces, killing or woun
ding hundreds of the animals.
The conductor of the train, two brakemen.
and two drovers were buried in the ruins. The
first was soon extricated alive, though badly
wounded. Two or three of the others could be
seen among the ruins and were able to converse
for an hour or two. One of them was finally
gored by an ox and another also appeared to be
dead, when our informant left at 4 P. M.
Another was still alive and calling for assis
tance. Drink was handed down to him, but he
was buried so deep that there was little chance
of his being got out alive.
Some or the animals wereunhurt, but the
great mass of them were killed or horribly man
gled, having their horns and legs broken, and be
ing wounded In various ways by their struggling
among themselves.
The trains from the East and West, which
met at the place of the accident, exchanged pas
About two hundred men were engaged yes
terday afternoon in clearing away the ruins, and
endeavoring to extricate the men and animals.
The Baltimore Patriot of the 2d inst, says :
We regret to learn that Henry Ham
mond, Esq., of Hartford county, Md.,
was shot yesterday at his residence in
that county, about a mile from Perry
mansv ille. The particulars,, as we learn
from reliable sources, are that Mr. H.
was engaged in.his garden setting out
some plants, when he was fired upon by
some one, as yet unknown, the shot pen
etrating the neck and shoulders, which
killed him almost instantly. It is very
rarely that we have to record such a di
abolical act as this—and especially .so
as the deceased was one who would not
willingly give offences i and whose so
cial feelings prevented him from bar,
boring animosity against any one. We
sincerely hope the homicide may be
speedily arrested, and meet with that
punishment which he so justly merits.
Mr. H. was a native of this city, where
he was well known,. but has resided for
some years in Hartford county.
WIIO KILLED Coca ROBIN 7 A despatch to
the associated press of Philadelphia, dated July
31, announcing the death of the Compromise
bill, says Mr. Pearce of Maryland was the
murderer. The Ledger's special correspondent
says Gov. Seward did the business. How doc
ters will differ.
Tremendous Fire in Oswego.
OSWEGO, N. Y. July 31.
A fire broke out at 2 o'clock yesterday
morning, in the large building at the
east end of the Toll Bridge, standing
on the canal, and occupied for various
manufacturing purposes. The fire then
communicated with the adjoining flour
mills of William J. Purdee end Henry*
Matthews, on the north, which were con
sumed, with a considerable amount of
flour and wheat. The wind being fa
vorable'. blowing a light breeze from the
north, the fire was arrested in this di
rection, at the next adjoining mill of
Henry Fitzhugh & Co., by the well di
rected efforts of the firemen, and the ef
ficient aid of the powerful force pumps.
in the mills.
The flames were carried from Crock•-
er's building across the street. The
east end of the bridge caught fire, and:
communicated with the new block of;
stores erected over the canal by Mr..
Jesse Bennet. At this point Engine-
Company No. 2 was caught between the.
two piers, and after a desperate attempt ,
to save their engine, they were compel—
led, by the intense heat on Bridge street
to abandon it to the flames.
The fire spread on the south side of
Bridge street with great rapidity, and
the whole block lying between the river
and First street is a heap of ruins. Tho
schr Liverpool and the Wyman were on
fire, but were saved by being dropped"
down the stream.
Near half the bridge was burnt. The.
Oswego News of this morning says, as
we go to press the fire is still raging,
but within the limits named, and is now
under the control of the firemen. The
loss is estimated at $500,000. The in
surance is not estimated.
On Saturday morning last, in this borough,
Mr. JACOB G. Horns, aged about 35 yours.
At Bridgeport, in this county, on the 30th lilt
Mrs. EsTnan InoNs, aged 59 years.
Chambersburg Female Seminary.
THIS Institution will re-open on WEDNESDAY .
Arrangements have been made to secure, in
addition to its usual advantages, the services of .
two Gentlemen of supe•ior qualifications for tho
departments they will fill:
Mr. NIA RECHALL, o native Frenchman,
end also for sometime a resident in Germany, will
teach the French and German languages.
The Rev. J. KENNEDY will give instruc
tions in LatPn,and Mathematics.
Mr. MARTIN, whose superior abilities are
well known, will continue to take chat go of the
Musical department.
The influences of this Institution have ever
been pre-eminently those of nous, and it is strict
ly a Family School, and the Teachers co-operate
in sparing no efforts for the improvement of each
individual entrusted to their care. The discip
line is mild but fititi. The boarding pupils con•
stitute a cheerful and happy family circle.
This Institution has been eminently success-_
ful, and was never in a more prosperous condi
tion than at present. The Principals are qb
present absent, but applications eon be mode to
any of the Tiustees, end to the Principals after
the third week in August.
August 6, t850.-3t.
12 sett Boot Trees.
10 Clamps.
6 sett Sehive's Patterns.
8 pair Crimping Boards.
For sale at lowest prices for cash, by
Dealer in Shoe Findings.
Lewistown, Aug. 6, 1850.-It.
4 dozen Lining Skins.
4 dozen Binding Skins.
12 Sides Upper Leather.
1 dozen French Calf Skins.
1 dozen. Strait Morocco,.
4 dozen Kid Skins..
3 d'oz. Red, Blue audGreen Morocco skins.
1 dozen Bronzed do do
2 dozen Fancy colored do do
With an assortment of Kit, Files, Rasps, Pegs
Tools of all kinds, Shoe Thread, &c., at
Lewistown, Aug. O.—lt.
VTATERVILLE Manufacturing Co's. Supe-
manufactured by the Waterville Manufacturing
company, Waterville, Conn. An invoice of the
above splendid American Cutlery just received.
Premiums were given for these goods at the N.
York and Philadelphia Institutes—rivalling in
quality and finish Wostenholm and Rodgers'
beat cutlery. Each knife warranted. For sale
wholesale and retail by
Lewistown, Aug, 6.-4 t.
7 5
. 727 N GONB G O I.. , I c y j. AND AMERICAN
25 Sett English Tire Iron—lb to 4 in. bread.--
Always on hand at
Lewistown, Aug.
LEAD PIPES, 11 to 2 inches, at
Lewistown, Aug. 6.-4 t.
ON the 15th inst., on the public road leading
from the turnpike to the mouth of Spruce
Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., a - PCRSE con
taining a sum or money. The owner can have
it by calling at Water Street Post Office, proving
money and purse, and paying charges.
August 0,1830.-3 t.
THE partnership heretofore existing betweep
James Gillam and Henry Cornpropst, tra
ding under the firm of Gillam Sc Cornpropst, in
the Mercantile,Warehouse and Boating busi
ness,was this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be continued by Henry Corn
propst, with whom the books of the old firm
will be left for settlement.
August 0, 1830.-31.