Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 16, 1850, Image 4

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CaMSIDC.i2 Ob.
Main Street, Huntingdon, three doors West of
Neff L}- Jewelry Store,
JAESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are prepared to carry on In all its va
rious branches, _
Saddle and Harness Making,
and are ready to furnish their
. 1 4 41 1115/J': customers with all kinds of Va
:/.)f.7., lives, Trunks, and Carpet Bags,
Plush, Hogskin, and Tub Side
Saddles, (from the cheapest to the beet.) Also,
Sheller Saddle, of all kinds, Wagon and Car
riage Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips, &c.
LIQCS“SICeaa<• 2
Having a Tannery in the immediate vicinity
of Huntingdon, they are prepared to furnish all
who favor them with their custom, at their Sad
dle and Harness shop, with
Leather of all triads,
of superior quality and finii h. All of which
will be dived.] of cheap for wait or a y kind
of country produce. The highest price, in trade,
given for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c.
Huntingdon. May 29, 1850.
Pay trp and Save Costs.
All knowing themselves intklited to I. G rafiue,
I. °refills & Son, I. & Gratius, I, Granite &
Mackabee, (I. Graflus surviving partner,) either
by note or book account, will plena° make imme
diate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be
granted. The books of the above named firms
are in the hands of I. GRAFIUS, Alexandria,
where therm indebted will please call and settle,
and thereby save coats:•
Alexandria, May 29, 1850.-4 t.
THE subscriber wishes to inform the public in
general, that he is now fully prepared to du
Castings of all kinds, and will keep ou hand a
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all
of which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds cow zn use. A
general assortment of Hollow-ware eastings,con
siding of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans,
&c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, ouch as Wag
on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons, Ro ling Mill and Forge castings, Win
dow Grates for cellars, Unties and aillk for hou
ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksniithe, made to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cosh, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for cast
ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern
cad of Huntingdon, along the canal.
oz - Castings of all kinds will be kept at the
shop of Wm. B. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E.
corner of Market Square, Huntingdon.
O. All orders addressed to R. C. M 'Gill will
be promptly attended to.
Huntingdon, May 20, 1850.
Gold and silver Watches,
rEtclea•wrceollunzr z , - co co a
No. 65 Nolan 'rum, STREET, BELOW ARCH,
Watches anti Jewelry of every description neatly
repaired and warranted.
Hie friends and the public gen
.rally, visiting Philadelphia, am
mvited to give him a call, ae he
feels confident that he can furnish
articles in his line of such quality
and price as will give universal satisfaction.—
The trade will he supplied with Watches, Jew
elry, ace., as cheap as they can be procur d else
Philadelphia, April 23, 1850.
Ll= UE CDIZi)c-D Uak
Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery !
Thankful for past favors, most respectfully an
nounce to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin
ity that they have made necessary arrangements
to supply all who may favor them with a call,
with the moat choice varieties of
Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes,
Fruit, Nuts, eke. ,
Their private rooms are fitted up in a hand
some style, which maketbem a comfortable place
of resort for Ladies and gentlemen.
Parties can be furnished, on the shortest no
tice, with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, and all
kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c.
(O. Don't forget to call at the sign of the Red
Curtain, Railroad street, one door above William
Stewart's store.
Huntingdon, May 23,1850.
Farmers of Huntingdon County.
PENNOCK'S Patent Seed Planter:, for ,
Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, the best machine
of the kind now in use, kept constantly for sale
at the Red Warehouse, Huntingdon, These
Planters will save 15 per cent in labor, and 20
per cent ingrain over the old method °Marrow
ing. Also Self-Sharpening Plows and Corn
Sheller: of the latest and moat improved style.
April 23d. l 950.-3 m.-pd.
Jacob Africa's Estate.
THE undersigned, Administrators of Jscou
Ararc•, dec'd., hereby give notice that they
have left the books and accounts belonging to the
estate in the hands of Daniel Africa, Esq., for
settlement. Persons having settlements to make
are therefo•e requested to call upon him on or
bane the let day of July neat.
May 7, 1850.
Watches and Jewelry.
J. T. SCOTT has just received an additional
supply of Watches, Jewelry, &c. which he will
sell on terms highly advantageous to purchasers.
Those in need would do well to give him a call.
Remember that he has removed his store to
the room directly opposite the Sons of Temper
ance Hall, and three doors weal of 'l'. Read &
don'. store. [May 18, 1850.
P _ -•
URE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office. •
November 27, 1819.
Ia6RE FIP SUGAR—A superior article
Al of fip Sugar just received at J. & W. SAX
TON'S store. [Nfay 7, 1830.
TOVERS of the Beautiful should not fail to
ji call immediately et the store of
who have just received frotnthe Eastern cities, a
splendid assortment of
which they are offering, as usual, at most aston
ishing LOW PRICES. Their stock compri
sed everything that the wants of the People re
quire, and is made up, in part, of the most ex
tensive variety of all the vat inus styles, selected
to suit all tastes, of
Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, titc.
We neither wish to boast or deceive, in regard to
the superior quality or the low prices of our
goods, and hence invite the public at large
to call and examine for themselves. It will give
us pleasure at all times to show our good..
Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share of
public patronage.
Huntingdon, June 4, 1850.
Lx..tutlua . aUcclaticoaa
Book and Stationary Depot.
THE subscriber respectfully informs
the citizens of Huntingdon and its
vicinity, thEt he has commenced business in the
stand formerly occupied by I. Dorland, opposite
Gout's Hotel, and having made arrangements
with the Philadelphia Merchants to have con
stantly on hand, upon commission,the following
general assortment of
. .
consisting of Ledgers, Day Books, receipt, pass
books and Justices Dockets. Also—every de
scription of writing and deed paper, white and
colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol
board, tissue paper, ticc,
Black,blue and red inks, ink powder, quills, wa
fers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes,
lead pencils, indian rubber, water colors, slates
and elate pencils.
of every description, of late editions kept con
stantly on hand.
Pocket Bibles and Testaments, Hymn and
Psalm Books, Prayer Books, &c.,
Fancy Note Paper and Envelops,
of every variety, A !bums, portfolios, pocketbooks,
annuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax,
visiting cards, bead purses, penknifes and every
variety of fancy goods.
Novils, Song - Books, Music, Miscela.
neous works, &c.
consisting of extracts for the handkerchief,
Soap., Shaving Cream, Cologne, &c.
Mao—Cigars of the choicest brands, Chew
ing tobacco, &c.
March 26,1850.
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends
and customers and the public generally ,that he
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
Whittaker, Sr., on the bank between the river
and cannl, where he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of at kinds, of the best quality,
embt acing all descriptiens,kinds, styles and va
rieties of parlor, medium and plain household
furniture, which will be offered for sale at the
very _
In order to eiTccnTnTidaTe the publi. with all
kinds of work in his line of business, he has
just supplied himself with a large lot of the
bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular
fashion. He will oiler neither botched or half
finished work for sale, and will at all tunes sub
mit his work to the most rigid inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me
chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
are invited to call and examine his furniture. be
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ
Collins will lie made on the shortest notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de
sired, and funerals attended.
He flatters himself that by industry and close
attention to hisbusinesa, he will he able toplease
all who may give him a call.
Old furniture will at all times be repaired in
the neatest and most durable manner, at low
rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta
ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29,1849.
SI LV hit W Alill;, &c.,
The undersigned has just returned from the
East, and is now opening at his New Stand,
three doors West of T. Head & Sons' store, and
directly opposite the Sons of Temperance Hall,
A lunge and yery superior assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches,
8 day and 30 hour Brass Clocks,
Jewelry of the most fashionable styles, Silver
ware, Cutlery, Perfumery, Soaps, Pocket Books,
Port Mounaies, l'istols, Note and fine Letter
Paper, with a genera I assortment of Fancy Goods
The unusually low Prices •
At which we are determined to dispose of this
Stock, otters peculiar inducements to purchasers.
All should remember this fact before making
their purchases, as it is our fixed determination
to sell our Watches, Jewelry &c., at a very email
profit, and thus establish our reputation for
The Cheapestand Best Articles.
Watch,. and Clocks neatly and carefully re
paired.—The Highest Price allowed for Old
Gold and Silver.
N. 13. Our friends and others who may wish
to patronke 0 8C011"8 CHEAP JEWDI.RY
BTORE," will please hear in mind that he has
removed his establishment from the corner long
occupied by D. Buoy, to the location above
described, where he hopes to greet his old and
many new custornere.
Huntingdon, April 9. 1850. •
URE California Gold wedding rings for sale
Oct. 30, 1819. _ .
Rags! Rags!—The hinheat price paid in
caah fur Raga,atlhe iluntingdon Book Stare
May 21. lionacc W. Sairu,
.1 .New and Spleh did .9ssortmen; of
Has just been received at the Cheap
and popular Stand of
Cal as. CID lIQUC:S, Cra 's3QP L'a
Market Square, Huntingdon Pa.
HIS stock has been selected with
great care, with a view to cheap
twee and rood quality, and comprises, in part,
Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy
Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, Oregon,
and '!'weed Cloths, Vestings, Flannels and
Drillings,and a variety of Cotton goods for sum
mer wear, Mouslin de Leine., French Lawns,
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, A Ivac
o., Merinos, a large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest styles and at low prices, Derision,
French, Scotch and Domestic Gingham. and
Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Checks,
Bed 'Pickings, Mualinsand Sheetings, &c., &c.
Having heretofore been honored bY a large
patronage from the Ladies he hes procured the
moat elegant assortment of
Ladies' Dress Goode,
ever brought to the interior of the State. A Iso :
Boots. Shoes, Lars and Caps, Grocertes,
Hardware, Queensware, &c.,
. -
and a great variety of goods of all kinds. In
abort be is prepared to offer
Great Bargains
to those who favor him with their custom. All
are invited to call and judge for themselves. It
affords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ea
change for goods. GEO. 0 WIN.
April 2, 1860.
Greatest Variety in Town at the
[TAB just laid in a `Very heavy stock of all
illurrns OF Guocsni 'mend CoNsecTlinsent.,
&c-, which he invites his old customers and the
public generally to examine. His stock of Goods
is very large, consisting of every veriety to suit
the wants of the people.
Huntingdon, April 23d, 1850.
All Kinds of Groceries
COFFEE, Teas, Su4ars, Molasses, Chocolate,
a fresh supply just received at SCHNEI
- General Depot.
A GREAT variety of choice Confectionary
Li for sale at SCHNEIDER'S.
Fresh Bread and Cakes
0 all kindsalways on hand at the Bakery of
Sperm and Tallow Candles, and Soap
ON hand and for sale at SCHNEIDER'S Gen ,
eral Depot.
Superior Brand Sugars
OF various kinds just received and for sale at
spices of all Kinds
TOR sale . at SCHNEIDER'S Grocery and
Cheese and Crackers
FOR sale at SCHNEIDER'S Confectionary
and Grocery Depot.
Raisins at 12 cts. per pound.
A GOOD article of Raisins at 12i cts. per lb
11. for sale at SCHNEIDER'S.
A SUPERIOR article of Vinegar for sale a
Fluid, and Fluid Lamps.
UPERIOR Fluid, and Flub! Lamps received
0 and for sale by LOUIS SCHNEIDER.
DRANDlC.—Superior Brandy, in bottles,
P fur sale by Louse news El DM,
Port and Madeira Wine, of au-
V V periur quality, in butt es, for sale by
Louts SCHNI:111Ell.
Fruit and Nuts
Of all kinds, for sale at SCHNEIDER'S
SOILEZT 1311 MS liet4W
John Marks ia the Field.
The subscriber has open.] a very neat GRO
CERY and CON FEC I'IONARY in the East
end afthe Exchange lintel, Market Square, Hun
tingdon, in the room formerly occupied by
Neff and Miller as a Jewelry Store, where
articles in his line can be had cheap for cash or
country produce. His stock consists of
Coffee of different qualities,
Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black,
sugar, from 6* to I I cts per lb.
Chocolate, Sweet Spiced.
Tobacco, Snuff and r eget..
Corn brooms and Whitewash Brushes,
Best Table and Baking Molasses,
Soap, Fancy and Rosin,
Candles, Mould and Spetm.
Rice and Starch,
Twine and Candle Wick,
Congress Lemon and Oranges,
Fancy and side Combs,
Table Salt, and a general assortment of CAKES,
RAISINS, NUTS and CANDIES, all of which
I am prepared to sell at a very small profit.
. _
- ----• ..... ---•
April 23d,18.50.-3m.
03.11 4 C.Ci. Cb) Lre Go.
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 29, 1840.
CIARSAPARILLA, a fine article, for sale at
0 Marks' Confectionary. [May 21.
AFINE assortment of Roussel's and
Baud's perfumery, for sale by
. .
April 2, 1850
AN assortment of Pittsburg Glasswure just
received by J. & W. SAXTON.
May 7, 1850.
J. T. 8,
COPPZI Eat 124 amts.—An excellent .
article just received and for sale at J. & W.
SAXTON'S store. [May 7, 1850.
VINEGAR, Homeny, Golden Syrup Moines
es Luscious Luxury, &c., constantly for
sale at ' Marks' Confectionary. [May2l.
41 & 43
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and well known Hotel. The
location is one of the very best for business
men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention, that he will be
able to render perfect satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their custom.
He returns thanks for the very liberal sup
port already extended to him by his friends of
Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and
begs leave to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the Crry HOTEL
worthy of their continued support.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1810-Iy.
-wOULD respectfully announce to his old
customers, and every body else, that he
has removed his store from his old stand, to the
room a few doors below, on the same side of the
street, and but two doors from William Dorris'
Store. In addition to his old stock, he has just
received an elegant assortment of
which he is prepared to sell as cheap, if not a
little cheaper, than can be procured elsewhere.
His stock consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Drugs, 4-c., 4-c.
Thankful for past favors he would rest ect
ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It
wi I always give him pleasure to use hie utmost
exertions to render satisfaction to those who may
dealwith him.
Feb. 19, 1850.
New Arrangement.
Summers & Ball,
° they U haveL prespectful l y
h n e r puilic that
tools, stock, &c., belonging to the above depart-
ment of his business, and that they will carry it on
for the present, in all its various branches, in
the shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They
are prepared to execute allordets in their lineon
the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs,
Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c.,
made to order, of the best materials, and at
sonahle pi ices.
Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the
shortest notice.
o:yl'hose wanting neat, cheap and durable
articles in their line of business, arerespecifully
requested to give them a call.
qemeer ,
rpm': undersigned, having lately 'Unsolved the
partnership existing between them, have
atilt on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND
BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish
to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite
the attention of purchasers. Any person need
ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a
call as they will sell on the most reasonable
March 19, 1890,
ritivvrE P.§CllOOl.,
FOR the Intellectual and Moral training of
young persona and children of both sexes,
kept by .1. A. HALL, in the new Academy
building, Huntingdon, Pa.
The spring session will commence on Morrnst,
Tun 22d DAT OF APRIL INST. For particulars
apply to the Teacher.
.1. A. HALL
Rev. J. Moore, A. P. Wilson, J. S. Stewart,
R. M'A lister, Esqs; Messrs. D. M'lVturtre, W.
B. Zeigler andJ. N. Prowell; Judge Gwin, Hon.
George Taylor, Col. James Clark and Dr. M.
A. Henderson.
April 2d. 1850.
DEspgcTruct, informs the public that he has
commenced the above business in the Bor
ough of Huntingdon. He to located one door
east of the Post Office, where he will be pleased
to attend to the calls of all who may wish to ern
ploy his services in any brEnch of his business.
Nay 7,1850.-3 m.
EncOurage Your Own Mechanics.
Saddle and Harness Manufactory
WOULD respectfully inform his
friends and the public at large, that
he continues the above business in
Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo
site the store of Read & Son.
All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD
DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES,
in short, every thing in his line of bu
siness, will be manufactured on the
shortest notice, of the best materials,
and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can
be had at any other establishment in
the county.
He is thankful for the liberal patron
age already extended to him, and hopes
by strict attention to business to receive
a continuance of public favor.
[E7-A large assortment of SADDDES
READY MADE, always on hand, and made
in superior style.
Dr-Hides, and country produce gen
erally, taken in exchange for work.
March 5, 1850.
OFFICE hours from 8 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6
U P. M. S. W. Corner of Hill and Montgom
yetreetb. [May 7, 1860.
SUGAR.—Elegant Fip Sugar for sale
INERAL WATER, of a superior quality,
at Marks' Confectionary. [May ?1.
Relative to an amendment oftheConatitution,
sm E ttaTit i, a ' s'idofb.liththeeCS:mnmatoenzacenadlthhioefus Repro.
in General Assembly met, That the Consti
tution of this Commonwealth be amended in the
second section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows The Judges of the Supreme
Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in
the manner following to wit: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large ; the President Jud
ges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and
of such other Courts of Record as are or shall
be established by law, and all other Judges re
quired to be learned in the law, by the qualified
electors of the respective districts over which
they are to preside or act as Judges ; and the
Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
pleas by the qualified electors of the counties
respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well, (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
vided for subsequent to the first election;) the
President Judges of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record
as are or shall be established by law, and all
other Judges required to be learned in the law
shall hold their offices for the term of ten years,
if they shall so lung behave themselves well ;
the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well; all of whom shall be commissioned by
the Governor, but for any reasonable cause,
which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeach
ment, the Governor shall remove any of them
on the address of two-thirds of each branch of
the Legislature. The first election shall take
place at the general election of this Common
wealth next after the adoption of this amend
ment, and the commissions of all the Judges
who may be then in office shall expire on the first
Monday of December following, when the terms
of the new Judges shall commence. The per
sons who shall then be elected Judges of the
Supreme Court shall hold their offices as fol
lows : One of them for three years, one for six
years, one for nine years, one for twelve years,
and one for fifteen years, the term of each to be
decided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after
the election as convenient, and the result certi
fied by them to the Governor, that the commis
sions may be issued in accordance thereto. The
Judge whose commission will first expire shall
be Chief Justice during his term and thereafter
each Judge whose commission shall first expire
shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or
more commissions shall expire on the same day
the Judges holding them shall decide by lot
which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacan
cies, happening by death, resignation or other
'wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by
appointment by the Governor, to continue till
the first Monday of December 'succeeding the
next general election. The Judges of the Su
preme Court and the Presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times,
receive for their services an adequate compen
sation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be
diminished during their continuance in office :
but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of
office, nor hold any other office of profit under
this Commonwealth, or under the government of
the United States, or any other State of this
Union. The Judges of the Supreme Cour.t, du
ring their continuance in office, shall reside with
in this Commonwealth ; and the other Judges,
during their continuance in office, shall reside
within the district or county for which they
were respectively elected.
Speaker of the Haase of Representative.
Speaker of the Senate
Harrisburg, January 28, 1850. I
I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the
Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 an the Senate
file of the present session,) entitled "Resolu
tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu
tion,"—it being the same resolution which was
agreed to by a majority of the members elected
to each House of the last Legislature—after
having been duly considered and discussed, was
this day agreed to by a majority of the members
elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsyl
vania, at its present session, as will appear by
their votes given on the final passage of the re
solution, as follows, viz :
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, H. Jones Brook, J. Porter
Brawley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cu,,.
ningham, Thomas S. Fernon, Thomas 11. For
syth, Charles Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry
Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Haslett,
Isaac Hugus, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y. Jones,
Joseph Konigmacher, Geo. V. Lawrence, Max
well M'Cuslin, Benjamine Malone, Benjamine
Matthias, Henry A. Muhlenberg, William F.
Packer, Willian R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg
B. Savery, Conrad Starner, Robert C Sterrett,
Daniel Stine, Farris 13. Streeter, John H. Wal
ker and Valentine Best, Speaker—leas 29.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, George Darsie, Augustus Drum and
Alexander iCing—Nays 3.
Extract from the Journal.
Harrisburg March 14, 1850.
William Jack, Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 011 the
Senate file, and No. 211 on the House Journal
of the present session,) entitled "Resolution rel
ative to the amendment of the Constitution,"—
it being the same resolution which was agreed to
by a majority of the members elected to each
House of the last Legislature—after having been
duly considered and discussed, was this day
agreed to by a majority of the members elected
to and serving in the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will
appear by their votes, given on the final passage
of the resolution, as follows, viz :
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, John Acker, John Allison,
William Baker, Robert Baldwin, David J. Bent,
Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S. Bowen,
William Brindle, Daniel H. B. Brower, Jesse
R. Burden,John Cessna, Henry Church, John
N. Conyngiam, Sylvester Crindland, Benjamin
G. David, William J. Dobbins, James P. Dow
ner, Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, William
Espey, John C. Evans, William Evans, A. Scott
Ewing, Alexander S. Feather, James Flowers,
Benjamin P. Fortner, Alexander Gibboney,
Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph
Gulley, Jacob S. Haldeman, George H. Hart,
Leffert Hart, John Hastings, William J. Hemp
hill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Lewis Herferd,
Washington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones, John
W. Killinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robert Klotz,
Harrison P. Laird, Morris Leech, Jonathan D.
Led, Anson Leonard, James J. Lewis Henry
Little, Jonas R. M'Clintock, John F. „M'Cul
loch, Alexander C. M'Curdy, John M'Laughlin,
John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John B. Meek,
Michael Meyers, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy
John D. Morris, William T. Morison, Ezekiel
Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob Nissly,
Charles O'Neill, John B. Packer, Joseph C.
Powell, James C. Reid, John S. Riley, Lewis
Roberts, Samuel Robinson, John B. Rutherford,
Glenni W. Scofield Thos C. Scouller, W. Shall'.
ner, Richard Simpson, Eli Elifer ,William Smith,
William A. Smith, Daniel M. Smyser, William
H. Soudet, Thomas C. Steel, David Steward,
Charles Stockwell, F.ilwin C. Trone, Andrew
Wade, Robert C. Walker, Thomas Watson, Sid
ney B. Wells, Hiram A. Williams, Daniel Zer
bey and Jobs S. M'Calmont, Synaker—Yeas 87.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, David Evans.
and James M. Porter—Nays 3.
Extract froth the Journal.
Filed llferch 15, 1850
A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Seery. of Comore.
Pennsylrrnia ,s.
1 do certify that the above and fdtegaing la
true and correct copy of the original resolution.
of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution
relative to an amendment of the Constitution,"
as the same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have here •
ji a ,A. unto set my hand, and caused to be
ic_" r• affixed the seal of the Secretary's
4 11;-; Office, at Harrisburg, this fifteenth
47, day of June, Ann° _Domini one thou
• ' sand eight hundred and fifty.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
June 25-1830.-3 m.
THOMAS .TacasoN, Titomna E. FRANKLIN,
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Office on Attrgheny St., akw doors west of the
Court House, and nearly opposite Post Office,
Thlh Company is now to transact busi Upon money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such fates as. are usually
allowed by Savingr Institutions. Transient de
posites received, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg', May 21, 1820.
THE Collectors of State and county taxes, in
the several townships of the county, are
hereby notified that no Bank note of a less deno
mination than live dollars, except the notes is
sued by the Banks of this Slate, under ill Act
of 4th March, 1841, willbo received by the: tate
Treasurer, front the Co !fly Treasurer, in pay
ment of state tax, after the tat day ofJune
as communicated to us by the tale Triosurcr.
By order of the Co. Commissioners.
June 4, 1850.
0 E 1-41' T L
Respectfully informs the public t h at he had ,
Removed his establishment to the room recently
occupied by 'l'. K. Simonton, opposite the atom
of 'l' Read & `on, where, in addition to his
fdrmer stuck. he hue just received tho most
elegant ussoi tment of
Clothing for Nen and Boys
ever brought to tho borough of II untingtlon
His stock Collbilits in part of Dress and Frock
COATS, a variety of PAINTTs and
VESTS, of every quality and price ; Shirts,
flannel shirts anti drawers, cravats, &c. &c.
.. •
Having considerable knowledge t7(Wefwtints
of the People, and being experienced in the
quality and make of Clothing, he can confident
ly assure the public that the material isnot only
good but that his stock of clothing is well made
up, in the most fashionable style. Having put
chssed low, he is determined to sell at such
prices as will cause the people generally to hail
his store as the
Cheap Clothing Depot !
Every body. in town nod country, are invited to
call and examine tin truly
N.B.—Clothing will he made up fur customers
no Ifaretufere, in the beat style and shortest
April 9, 1950
Chair and Parniturc
\-n-fE1312 4 1D cE) rcul g
Up Stairs above Peter Swoope's Store
and Sheriff Crownovcr's of/ice, rind three
doors east of .11c,Kinney's Hated.
TH E undersigned hasagain corn
menced the above business in all its
various branches, and is now pre
him t v a t ee i c. „ their () custom on
d ate l
who i may
fav orthe
most reasonable terms.
He intends keeping en hand all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to
the most fashionable style, and made in the most
durable monitor, which he will sell low for cash
or Country produce.
All kinds ofLumber taken in exchange for
Chairs or furniture.
COFFINS wilt at all Limos bo kept on hand,
and funerals attended in town, and shortly in
Lowe, and country, us ho is getting a splendid
hearse made the accommodation of the public..
Muss Lan tiIUN PAINTINO attended to as.
her eofore.
Huntingdon. October3o, 1849.
Groceries & Cooleel ion arms-
HAS just received a choice stock of Groceries,,
Confectionaries, &c. He respectfully invitee.
his custom( re and the public generally to cali.l
and examine his assortment.
Huntingdon, April 23, 1820.
Dried Beeland Cheese,
roR sale at the Cheap Grocery and Confec
tionary of J. M. CUNNINGHAM.
ALL kinds of Spices (or sale at CUNNING
HAM'S Grocery and Confectionary.
A Variety of Articles,
moo numerous to mention, for sale at CON-
J. NINGHAM'S Confectionary and Grocery
Head Quarters.
Cotlee, Teas and sugars.
A FRESH supply just opened and for sale at
CUNNINGHAM'S Grocery and Confec.