SADDLES AND HARNESS. i LEATHER OF ALL KINDS. CPBM@Caa.alt coa. Mews Street, IretoAtingdon, three don's Watt of Neff 4. Miller's Jewelry Store, IRESPECTFULLY inform the public that .1),, they are prepared to carry on in all its ea ?jou. branches, Saddle and 'farness Making, and are ready to furnish their ,cte.tomers with all kinds of Va. 4. 1W..:4•:... lice., Trunk., and Carpet Bag.. ? Plush, lingskin, and Tub Side Saddles, (front the cheapest to the beet.) Also, Shatter Saddles of all kinds, Wagon and Car- Title Harness, Bridles, Cullen., W hips, ate. Lracria lallaclea nr. Having a Tannery in the immediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are prepared to furnieh ill who favor them with their custom, at their dad die and lierneas chop, with Leather of all Hinds, of superior quality and finish. All of which will he disposed of clump for CASH or a y kind of country produce. The highest price,in trade, given for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c. Huntingdon. May 29, 1950. Pay 117 p and Save Costs. An knowing themselves indebted to I. Gf I. Urr fius & Son, I. & H. Grafi., I. Grafi. & Maekabee, (I. Grafius eurvivtng partner.) either by note or hook account, will please make imme diate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be granted. The books of the above named firms are in the hands of 1. GRA FIU, Alexandria. whe a those indebted will please call and settle, arid thereby save costs. Alexandria. May 29, 1550.-4 t. E%V Alt Et N I'. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. r subscriber wishes to inform the public in L general, that he is now fully prepared to do Uastings of all kind., and will keep o. band a General Assortment of Castings, consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate. Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kind. now in nee. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castinge.con- Mating of Kettles. Dutctt Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Ro ling Mill and Forge castings, Vs in 3ow Grates for cellars, Unties and sills for hot, ees, Sash Weights and Water Piper ; also Sweg Anvils and Mandrels for Illackeiniths, made to order on the shortest notice. We wilt sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and will take all kinde of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for east ±age. The Foundry is situated it the Southern cad of Huntingdon, along the canal. Castings of all kind. will be kept at the chop of Wrn. B. Zeigler as formerly, at N. E. corner of Market Square, Huntingdon. fl;:r All order. addressed to R. C. M'Gibl will ci promptly attended to. . . R. C. WGILL. Huntingdon, May 29. 1950. THOMAS READ, R. DEALER IN 4A old and silver Watches, as)*uQr a'auz.z:7 9 1-7.. 55 NIRTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, PHILADELPRIA, , ':atch. and Jewelr y of every description neatly repaired and warranted. His friends and the public gen. .1 •rally, visiting Philadelphia, ate .ivited to give him a call, as he teels confident that he can furnish articles in his line of such quality .tnd price as will give universal satisfaction.— i'he trade will be supplied with Watches, Jew -try, as cheap as they can be procur d Philadelphia, April 23, 1850. OKI aEt 1•2 L) a Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery ! 8. & J. ALFILICA., Thankful for past favora, moat respectfully ari iounce to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin ity that they have made necessary arrangements supply all who may favor them with a call; ith the most choice varieties of Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes, Fruit, Nuts, etc. Their private rooms are fined up in a hand. e,ne style which inakethein a comfortable place soon for Ladies and Gentlemen. Parties can be furnished, on the shortest no• rice, with Ice Cream, Confectionariee, and all Ititole of Cakes, Fruit, &c. Doq't fo get to call at the sign of the Red ; , stain, Railroad street, one door above William F,ewart's store. Huntingdon, May 29.1850. Farmers of Huntingdon County. PENNOCK'S Patent Seed Planters, for Wheat. Rye, Corn and One, the hest machine the kind now in use, kept constantly for sale At the Red Warehmise, Huntingdon, These I•:ar•.ters will save 15 per cent in ahor, and 20 t cent in grain over the old method of Harrow , g. Also -elf--tharpening Plows and Co. n TL tellers of the latest and most improved style. UEORGE HARTLEY. April 23.1. 11450.-3 m.-pd. Jacob Africa's Estate. THE undersigned, Administrators of JAC,II L AFRICA, tlee'd., hereby give notice that they - ye lett the books and accounts belonging to the -scan in the hands of Daniel Africa, Esq., for •ttierneot. Portions haying eettlements to make • , -e thereto,' requested to call upon hint on or ',fore the let day of July next. W. S. AFRICA, A. J. AFRICA. May 7, 1860. Watches and Xewelry. J. T. SUOTT has just received an additional .pply of Watches, *lewdly, &c. which he will 11 on terms hi4hly .tdrantageous to purchasers. l'tose in need would do well to give him a call. Remember that he has removed his store to room directly opposite the Sons of Temper ance Hall, and three doors went of T. Read Sr , 3on'e store. (May 18, 1850. LEBION EXTRACT. r o eURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a genuine article for sale at CUNNING : AM'S, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 1849. ,T ORE FIP SUGAR .—A superior article ill of fip Sugar just received at J. & W. SAX TON'S 'tom. f May 7, MO. NEW FEATURE. GRAND EXIIIB1TION! ADMITTANCE FREE I LOVERS of the Beautilel should not fail to call immediately at the more of DORSEY di. DIAGUIREI who have just received Irma the Eastern cities, a splendid assortment of NEw AND CHEAP GOODS, which they are uttering. as usual. at most aston ishing LO Vti PRICES. Their stuck compri ses every thirg that the wants at the People re quire, and is made up, in part, of the most e:• tensive variety of all the various etyle., selected to suit all tastes, of Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, dtc, We neither wish to bullet in deceive, in regard to the superior quality or the low prices of our goods, and hence invite the public at large to call and examine tot themerkee. It will give us pleasure at all tinwe to ',bow out goods. Thankful for pact favors, we hope by strict attention to businees to receive a liberatsbare of public patronage. DORSEY & MAGUIRE. Huntingdon. June 4,1850. t2a ua a a via g; . ) , . cal co au Book and Stationary Depot. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and its shanity. thi t he has commenced bireiness in the stand formerly occupied by I. Dorlend, opposite Coot's Hotel. and naving made arrangements with the Philadelphia Merchants to have CUII• surlily on hand, upon commission,the following general assortment of BLANK BOOR, consisting of Ledgers, Day Books receipt, pass books and Justices Dockets. Also—every de scription of writing and deed paper white and colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol board, tissue paper, &e, BLANK HEED &c., .lilack,blue and red inks ; ink powder, quills, Wa fers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes, lead pencils, indian rubber, water colors, slates and slate pencils. SCHOOL BOOKS, of every description, of late editions kept con stantly on hand. LARGE FAMILY BIBLES, Pocket bibles and Testaments, Hymn and Psalm Books, Prayer Books, &c., Fancy Note Paper and Envelops, of every variety. A lbuins, portlolios, pocketbuoks, annuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax, visiting cards, bend purees, penknifes and every variety of fancy goods. Novels, Song Books, Music, Miscela neous works, &c, PERFUMERY, consisting of extracts for the Handkerchief, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Cologne, &c. Also—Cigars of the choicest brands, Chew ing tobacco, &c. HORACE W. SMITH. March 26,1850. Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Establishment. INN H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs leaat to inform his friends and cuatomms and the public generally .that he has built a large and commodious shop immedi ately in the rear of the public house of John bittaker, hr., on the bank between the rivet and canal, where he wilt constantly keep on hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality, emb. acing all descriptions,kinds, sty lee and va• rieties of parlor, medium and plain household furnittlre, which will be offered for sale at the very LOWEST RATES. In order to accommodate the publi, with all kinds of work in his line of business, he has just supplied himself with a large lot of the bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and , all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. lie will offer neither botched or half. finished work for sale, and will at all times sub. mit hit work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me chanics, floral Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited to call and examine his furniture be fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is Wise. . . _ Coffins will be made on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de sired, end funerals attended. He dotter. himself that by industry and cleee attention to hisbusiness he will be able toplease all who may give him a call. Old furniture will et all times - be repaired in the neatest and moat durable manlier, at low rates. All kinds of country produce will lie la bels in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c. Huntingdon, May •.L,9,1849. WATCHES,CLUCKS, U-at' Wiir.13"..11i74 Sti,V WAR &c., The undersigned has just returned from the East. and is now opening at his New Sid11(1, three doors West of T. Heads, lone' tore, and. directly opposite tile S.ine of Teinpertince Hull, A large and very superior assoitnient of Gold and Silver IVatches, 8 day aid 30 hour Bras, Clocks; Jewelry of the must fashionable styles, Silver ware, Cutlery, Perfumery, Soaps, : ocket Hooke, Port Mounsiea, I Wield, Note and fine Letter Paper. whin it general 0.01 - 110,.01 of Fancy The unusually low Prices- At which we are demrinined to dispose of this Stuck, otters peculiar inducements lu purcha.ers. All should remember this fact before making their purchases, 8d it is our fixed determination to sell our Watches, Jewelry dec.,at a very sinsll prod!, and thus establish our reputation fur selling _ . The Cheapest and Best Articles. Watches and Clocks neatly and carefully re paired.—The Highest Price allowed fur 01 Ould ar.rl Silver. J. T. SCOTT. N B. Our friends and others who may wish to patronise •'Sh OT'l•'S CHEAP JE %V EJ S wit please bear in mind that he has removed his establishment front the corner long occupied by IY. Buoy, to the locaiion above described, where he hopes to greet his old and many new customers.. _ _ If untineerm. April 9. 1860 DURE California Gold wedding rings lor sale I by NEFF & MILLER. Oct. 30, 1810'. "lags ! Rage!—rho bigheet price paid in cash for Report the Huntingdon Book Store flay 21. noneck W. B.nrrn. NOW FOR THE BIRGAINS! 4 .N'ew and SplehdicMssortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Has just been received ut the Cheap and popular Stand of cipsvaccio C.a•csw fl 110. e .Market Square, Huntingdon Pa. HIS stock has been selected with great care, with a view to cheap ...and , mid quality, and compiler.. in part, Cloths of all Undo. French, Belgian and Fancy' Caeximeree. Kentucky Jean, Croton. Oregon, arid Tweed r lotus. Vestings, Flamiele and Drillings and a variety 1111 Cum. ter num mer wear. Moueliii de ',Hiors French Lawns, and Scarfs, t-hevele and handkerchiefs. A !pee cam. Merin.. a large 111 , entloil nt of Calicoes cf the neweet styles and at low prices, Earleron. French. Scotch and Dorneetic Gihghoine and Baleorines. French and Irish Linens, Checks, Oct Tiekings, Muslinsand ribeetings, &c., &c. Having hvetolore been honored by a large patronage from the Ladies he has procured the most elegant aseortnient of Ladies' Dress Goods, ever brought to the interior of the State. Also: Boots Shoes, hats and Caps, Grocertes, Hardware, Queensware, &c., . , and a great iariety of good. of all kind.. In short he is prepared to oiler Great Bargains to those who boot him with their custom. All are invited to call and judge for themselves. ft allinds him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. All kinds of Country Produce taken in es. change for goods. UEO. April 2, .850. Greatest Variety in Town at the lAEA EIIIA I. DEPOT, LOUIS SUHMADeR HAS just laid in a very heavy stock of all srnnsor(aocentseand CONMTIONAPIES, &C., which he invites his old costumers and the public generally to examine. His stock of Goods 'every large, consisting of every variety to suit the wants of the people. Huntingdon, April 23d, 1850. All Kinds of Groceries. (IOFFEE, Teas, Surars, Molasses, Chocolate, k. fa fresh supply just received at SCHNEI DER'S General Depot. Conketionary. A GREAT variety of choice Confectionary Li for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. Fresh Breadand Cakes (IC all kinds always on hand at the Bakery of lj LOUIS SCLINkIDF.R. Sperm and Tallow Candles, and Soap ON hand and for sale at SCHNEIDER'S Gen. etal Depot. Superior Brand Segars (1F various kinds just received and for sale at LOUIS SCHNEIDER'S. Spices of all Kinds iOR sale at SCHNEIDER'S Grocery sod 1. Confectionary. Cheese and Crackers I , OR sale at SCHNEIDER'S Confectionary 12 and Grocery Depot. Raisins at 12 cts. per pound. GOOD article of Raisins at 121 eta. per lb. for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. VINEGAR. A SUPERIOR article of Vinegar for sale a 11 SCHNEIDER'S. Fluid, and Fluid Lamps SUPERIOR Fluid, and Fluid Lamps received 0 and for sale by LOUIS SCHNEIDER. BRANDY.—Superior Brandy, in bottles, .1) fur sale by Louis sciixeinkta. Port and Madeira Wine, of su perior quality, in butt es, for sale by Louis SeunzinEa. Fruit and Nuts Of all kinds, for sale at SCHNEIDER'S ALEXALAURIA FOUADRY AND Ral TJAVING purchubed the stock of said Foun• ri dry, I oat prepared to do all kinds of wul k, such as Machine, Forge and Mill Castings; STOVES—..dir-Dght, Coal and Wood Parlor Stoves, Coal and Wood Cook ing Stoves of superior pattern; Wood and Coal Stoves of all kinds; Wagon Boxes; Hollow Ware, 4-c. too numerous to meta' .... ; and all kinds of Pin, hopper and Sheet Iron work. anode to order. and kept on band. - pouting at 12 errata per toot, Copper Pumps,&c Old metal taken rta exchange —Also all kinds of produce, ituBERT GRA FIUS, Alexandria, April 2,3 d 1850, r John Marks in the Field. The subscriber has open, d a vary neat GRO , CERN' and CON FEC I'ION ABY in the East end of the Exchange Hotel, Market Square. Hun tingdon, in the room formerly occupied by Nell and Miller as a Jewelry Store, where articles in his line can be had cheap for cash or country produce. Ilia stock consists of t. Mice of ditlerent qualities, Tea, Young Rya., Imperial and Black, `ugnr, from 61 to I I cis per lb. Chocolate, Sweet spiced. Tobacco, Snuff and egars. Corn brooms and Whitewash Brushes, Best Table and Baking Molasses, Soap. Fancy anti Rosin, Candles, Mould and Sperm. Rice and .torch, Twine and Candle Wick, Congress Lemon and Orange., Fancy and aide Combs, Both Brick, 'fable Salt, and a general assortment of CAKES ; RAISINS. NUTS and CANDIES. all of which I am prepared to sell at a very small profit. JOHN MARKS. April 23,1,1850.-3 m. J. T.B. A N assortment of Pittsburg Glassware just a received by J. & W. SAXTON. May 7, 1850. COFFEE at 12i cents.—An excellent V article just received and for sale at J. & W. SAXTON'S store. [May 7, isso. CITY HOTEL 41 & 43 NORTH TIIIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A. H HIRST Would respectfully his friends and flit; travelling public generally, that he l leased the above large and well known Hut,:. The location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his witire attention, that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very l'beral sup. , port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure th am that he will spare no pains or expense to render the CITY HOTEL. worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1840-Iy. IHE Gi:AT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the r itizens of I luntingdon I and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view ourlarge and splendid assortment of CHINA,GLASSANDQUEENSWARE Dinner Sets, Tea Se's, Toilet Sets, and sin gle pieces, oithea of Glass, China, or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had elsewhere— Is FACT AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great va , iety very cheap. e would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least be plea sed to walk around our beautiful store, unit to view the finest china and the cheape , ,t the world produces. Very respectfully, TYIN DA t,E & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut St, eel. Phila. Sep. 25, 1849. ly. REMOVAL. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! T. K. SIMONTON - XTOULD respectfolly announce to his old VI , customers, and every body else, that he has removed his store Irons his old stand. to the room a few doors below, on the same side of the street, and but two doors front William Dorris' store. In addition to his old stock, ho has just received an elegnnt assortment of which he is prepared to sell as cheap, if not a little cheaper. than can be procured elsewhere. Hie stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, kc., Thankful for past favors he would resrect ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It wi I always give him, p ensure to use his utmost exertions to render satisfaction to those who may deal with him. Feb. /9. 1830. E. C. SUMMERS. J. N. BALL. New Arrangement. CARRIAGE & WAGON MANUFACTORY. Summers & Ball, UTOULD respectfully inform the public that V V they have purchased from Henry Smith, his tools, stock, &c.. belonginv to the above depart. meet of his business, and that they wit carry it on for the present. in all its various branches, in toe shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They are prepared to execute all onto s in their ine on the shortest notice and most leasonatile terms. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c., made to order, of the best materials, and at rea sonable p‘ ices. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. g-Those wanting neat, cheap and durable articles in their line of business, arerespectfully requested to Rive them a call. Feb. 26. 1850. M, &, J, M, ROWE, 63 North Third Sreet, above .drch, PHILADELPHIA. 1500 D 50 D 0 z. t107. " 1' lj aite r t u r °in dl.lueketa ; 500 nests Willow Market Dasketa ; 600 •• Cedar Tubs ; 800 Stall and Harrel limns; together with the largeststoek of \\ illow, Cedar eta Eastern Woodware ever offered in theeity. N. B. Cash paid at all timeg for broom corn at nur factory. Fch 26. 1850. CADDLIGES AND BUGGIES. "it ir . -Cott, .•=itra, • P. , . .0) /THE undersigned, having lately dissolved the J, partnership existmg between them, have st II on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish to dispose of, to' which they respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Any person need ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a call as they will sell on the' most reasonable terms. ADAMS & BOAT March 19, 1850 I'M V I TOR the Intellectual and Moral training of _r younu persons and children of both sexes, kept by J. A. II LL, in the new Academy building. Huntingdon. l'a. The aping session will commence on MONDA x. TIIN 22i1 Der op Arum 1.7'. For particulars apply to the Teacher. J. A. HALL, REFERENCES Rev. J. Moore, A. P. Wilson, J. S. Stewart, R. M'A lister, Esqs; M.•ssrs. D. M'Murtie, W. B. Zeigler andJ. N. Prowell; Judge Gwin, Hon. George Taylor, Col. James Clark and Dr. M. A. Henderson. April 2d. 1850. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GLAZING AND PAPER HANGING SAMUEL G. BAKER, REspEcTre Li, informs the politic that he hat commenced. the above hueineaa in the Bor ough of Huntingdon. He is located one door east of the Poet lane, where he will be pleased to attend to the calls of all who may wish loam. ploy hie services in any brilich of his burin... Noy 7,1850.-9 m. IPNERAL WATER, of a superior quality, at Marks' Confectionary. [May 21. CENTRAL 3) 124,071. JACOB SNYDER Respectfully informs the public fat he has Removed hibestablishinent to dw room serenity occupied by I'. K. ,tnionton. opposite the attire of T Read & ,on, where, in addition to his former stock. he has just received the moat elegant vies unentof Clothing for Men and Boys ever brought to the borough of 111..1mi/don ! firs stock consists in part of Viers and Frock COATS, a variety of PANTS and VESTS, of every quality and price ; Shinto, flannel shirts and drawers, cravats, tic. &C. Having considerable knowledge of the wants of the Peop.e, and being experienced in the quality and make of I, otlring, he Can confident= ly assure the public that the material isnot only good but that his stock or clothing is well mode up, in the most fashionable style. Having pur chased low, he is determined to sell at such prices so will cause the people generally to hail his store as the Cheap Clothing Depot ! Every body. in town and country, are invited to call and examine hic truly SUP RRIOR GOODS. N. 8.--Clothing will be made op for customers as heretofore, in the beta style and shortest notic., Huntingdon, April 9 1960. Chair and E►►rllillll'l' \o cEn 23 , CD MD. GES Up Stairs above Peter &mope's Store and Sheriff Crownovir's office, and three doors east of McKinney's. THE undersigned has again eon, 111110 menectl the above business in all its 1 ,4jl various branches, and is how pre oared to accommodate all who Inlay favor him with their custom on the most reasonable terms. He intends keeping on hand all kinds of CHAIRS arid FURNITURE, from common to the most fashionable sty c, a ndmade in the most durable manner, which he will sell low for cash or Country produce. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for Chairs or furniture. UOFFINS will at all Oliva be kept on hand, and funerals attended in town, and shortly in town and country, as he is getting a splendid hearse tattle 'or the accommodation of the public. Hot. eats `Sled PAL:vet:au attended to as hereofored - THOS. ADAMS, Huntingdon. October 30, 1849. Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE• No. 238 Martet Jt., abort; Seventk, South side, PHILADELPHIA. A ETHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the 1i value uf 'rims commercially, yet by calling at the above establishment, J A NI ES HA kilEft will furnish his friends, among whom het neludes ell who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect INDEX for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. Ilia extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of pa:ern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass t: ousTiNCI. nouns, PARLOR, HALL. CHURCH and ALARM (.LOCKX, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the mJnufaciu rers he finite he can put at the LOWEPT CASH TlG vne in any quantity lrom one to a thousand, ot which he will warrant the accuracy. C °eke repaired and warranted—clock trim mingson hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BAR ER, 238 Mitikrt St. Phila., Auguat 28, 1849. EILJD QU.llcli rc FOR Groceries & Confectionaries JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, HAS just recei , ed a choke atot k of Groceries Confectionaries. &e. He rceptctfull) invite his cuatomt re and the public generally to cal and examine his assortment. Huntingdon. 5 pril 23, 1850. . , Dried Beeland Cheese, TcT F , ale at the Cheap Grocery and Confec tionary of J. M. CUNNINGHAM. . • SP IC 14,5. A LL kinds of Spices for sale at CUNNING -11. HAM'S Grocery and Confectionary. A Variety of A rticles, rpoo numerous to mention, for sale at CUN NINGIIAM'S Confectionary and Grocery Head Quarters. Cotit.e, Teas: and suvars. FIMSII supply, - jo.t opened and for sal. at CUNNINGHAM'S Grocery and Confec- Tionary. •-•— - • L IP SUGAR.—Elegant Fip Sugar for vale I . l by .1 M. CUNNINGHAM. % FINE assortment of Roussel's and Eauel's perfumery, for sale by NEFF & MILLER. • April 2, 1850. EncOurage Your Own Mechanics. Saddle ni Harness andcfac tory. WILLIAM GLASGOW WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public at large, that he continues the above business in Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo site the store of Read & Son. All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES, in short, every thing in his line of bu siness, will be manufactured on the shortest notice, of the best materials, and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can be had at any other establishment in the county. He is thankful for the liberal patron age already extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business to receive a continuance of public favor. QUA large assortment of SADDDES READY MADE, always on hand, and made in superior style. (r7:-Hides, and country produce gen , eraliy, taken in exchange for work. March 5, .850. DANIEL AFRICA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, O go- OFFICE IN MARKET STREET, am HUNTINGDON, PA. CIARSAPARILL A, a fine article, for sale at Marks' Confectionarr. [May 21. THE GREAT CLRE CHAS. G. ,1011NSON 1 of Bristol. Who was pronounced incurably fired in the last stage of Pulmonary Con. RUlltptiOli, ON IWO skillful l'hy- szcians. Mr. Johnson vies rescued from death's door by the cats of , Schneck's t unnutno toy rup—hav , ing" been pruetreced all winter, ilia case watt wiineeted by 'several of the Most respectable citizens of this elate, whoge 111111Ifitl are append• ed a ilia eertnicote. Read ! Read ! and be con= vineed that netineek's Pulmonary syrup is the wily certain cart for Consumptrun. Bristol , Buck., co rimy, Po. ryept. 21, 1848. DR. 3: H. SCriittcx, —Dear Str,—l am induced from a image of juPtree towarde you, an well ao duty to the public, to Make !Mown one of the, most hopeless and extraordinary ctn., in niy . own person, that you have ever had the ple.urs to record. Indeed, 1 regret my inability to nor. tray, in truthful colors, my commtnitig and the remarkable chance which Sclateck'e' Pulmonary syrap effected in so short a time. I wee taken some time prawn,. to Decembeir: 1848, with a heavy cold, producing incessant coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the riot side, pains in the hack, uncle' the right shoulder, having heavy night evreata,high lever. Ate.. winch made me eo nervous and trestle. as to prod.. , utter prosttationi. AII these afll•ctione increased mils such vsulence, that on the 4th of January lost I sent for my (amity physician. He attended me ittithfully, and preset ibed every thing that medical skill could suggest hilt without ef fect. I found myself gradually growing an arse, and my hopes of recovery lessening as my dia.' ea. increased. My cough became distressingl; my pain. severe; rind, en. newly debilitated, 1 loos all ambition in lide, and gave up toe melan choly deli contort. My physician examined me. and tufurined me I hail an alt.ea on ine upper part ut my liver and lower part °lone of my lunge. Notwithstanding all this skill.l grew worse. but with that tenacity with which we all cling to life. 1 concluded to t. ave nothing undone, and called in a consulting phyaiman, who fully concurred with my own, and pronounced my case an ex tregiely critical one. 1 e thought 1 was in im minent danger--any trig my disease "was one t btu la sehloni if ever cured.' All this tint, 1 was en timing sufleringe thin made file fureenstmie ; ex periencing great pain in coughing ; ex 'teeters tang from a pint to a quart of nauceous matter every 24 hours, and gradually sinking under the weakning progress of my disease. A. thin stage of my i Ines., my friends in liiistol suggested the use of Schneck s Pulmonte Syrup. but know ing the many expedients resorted to for the put pose of draining money from the afflicted, I her tinted. My friends, however, insisting, I Was prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced taking the Syrup about the first of March, and used 'several bottles before 1 had any ceefidenee in it. 1 then began to experience a chat :go for the better, and continued it till I had consumed ten bottles, when I was so far relieved Be to lo able to visit D r. Seltneck in Philadelphia. He examined me, and pronounced my right !ung al. fected, but in a healing confiner]. He recom mended the further use of the Syrup, which I continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found myself once more restored t.• hvoltl.. 1 hill fur titer add,that the consulting physician. acting the action of the medicine. fully approved its use 'l's give the reader some idea of the severity of my ease, and the rapid cure effected by the Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in health tvaa 177 pounds, which was finally re duced by my tutfierings to but 121 pounds. Yet, on the heat of this month, (Bepicitil—r.) 1 weigh ed 174 pounds. thus gaining in a few months 61 pounds, and within three pounds of my hear test weight. It is not in my power to con% ey ,iu the bort epOre 01 thin eel lifivale, the curt. Mring proofs of my reinaltable cure, o the rattieWaie of the th,dinizing .fflictions through which passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to call on me, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, shall take pleasure in detailing every partirtUet. In conclusion. I deem it my duty to usgr u; un every ;remelt hliu tiny have the pin Minn.). mplinna of this fatal disease. not to delay one hour. but to call upon Dr Bchneck immediately• Ilia skill in the treatinent of this complaint. end prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs by means of his Stethescope, added to my own mil men Mrs cure. fully satisfies nie, that had I rat her submitted my .1.11 to his care, 1 should haV• escaped snitch ; but testraint y doubt' and susinvion, Which make us all 'unwell) ship. treat ra regard to the virtues of a medicine when first introduced. I resisted the importunities of My friend- nil almost too late ; and yielded only fle it last ream t, reSOlved to kill or cure." To those afflicted as 1 have lit en again let tne soy, nestle., no longer, my own case to presented to yin: as conciliCing evidence that alien all etre fails your lest hope it in Dr, B,llm-rte. Pulmonie Sy-up. I bare also for the satisla, C H , o f ! b one who may be strangera to me appended to ibis er tilictoe the names or gendeMen w ell known in the milks of public and private tile. and whore standing in society admits el sto cavil or doubt,in regard to their testimobv. CHARLES Gr. JOHNSON. We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and vicinity. are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson, and know him to have been afflicted as he states above. We also know that he used Schneck Puhnonic ,yrup, and hive every reason to be lieve, teat to this medicine he owes his preserva tion froth a premature grave. The known in. tegrity and posiiion in society of Mr. Johnsen however is a mufficient guarantee to the public of the truth of this statement. LEWIS 'P. PRATT, Prert's Hotel. LEWIS M. V% HARTON, Merchant. EsTEll STURDEVANT, Cool dealer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. JAMES N. HA itho W, C.ergyman of the Presbyterino Church. S. li riuLT, Hotel, Bur' legion. JAMES R. 5C0 . 1"1 . , Book agent. A. 1.. PACKER. Coal agent. WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Rommel. Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia, B September 24, 1N49. Prepared a nd sold by J. H. Schneck at bir Laboratory .E.Gort,er of Coats & Ma reha:o t,ts,Philn.and by P. K. Si monToN, Huntingdon. 0. FI.STjINLn, Waieretreet. STEINER & MC WILLIAMS. Spruce Creek. Morons & wooer., Alexandria. & 8.1., Mill Crerk, and by agents generally throughout the United Staten. Price sl ' ,n 0 per bottle,or $5,00 per hell dos N0v.20, 1849.—1 y. CsiD zrz. cca Era CIO A GENERAL assortment of groceriesjust Xi opened and for sale atCunnisouast's Oro. cery and Confectionary establishment, directly oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon. November 27, 1849.