Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 02, 1850, Image 3

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Huntingdon, July 2, 1850.
Fur the Huntingdon Journal,
The State Senator•
.Ma.Chanit :—As the time is fast approach
ing when an individual will be placed in nomi
nation for State Senator by the Conferees of this
District, to represent us during the next term ;
and as the subject is beginning to be considera
bly agitated, I have considered it nothing more
than what is due to this county, to say a word
in regard to the matter. Blair county seems
more especially to be urging her claims to that
office; but I think without much foundation.—
For what she has done in by gone days, she de-'
serves the praise of every true-hearted Whig;
but with all, she has done nothing more than her
duty. I cannot conceive what special claims
she has to the Senator this fall. She now has
the Congressman, and will continue to have him
at least daring the next Congressional term.—
Hon. S. Calvin will be re-nominated and re
elected, if we only do our duty; and I think it
would be a little ungenerous to want both the
Senator and Congressman in the same county.—
I know she expact9 Mr. Calvin to be re-nomi-
nated, and he is worthy of re-nomination. lie
deserves the support of every Whig in the dis
trict—nay more, the hearty support of every
Man who feels interested in his own behalf, anal
for the prosperity of his country. Huntingdon
county, I have no doubt, will go hand anal heart
in supporting Calvin, but she cataract concur in
the selection of a State Senator from Blair. If
Blair had not the Congressman, I have no doubt
she would; but as it is, she feels constrained to
throw her strength in favor of %me worthy
man in her own county.
Again, as the editor of the "Journal" not long
since intimated, Huntingdon county contains
more of a population than either of the other
two counties included in this Senatorial district,
more of a population to represent, and is also
the elder of the three, and for that reason is
better entitled to the Senator. What has she
haul since the division of the county 1 Nothing
except what Blair herself has had, an annual
representative in the Legislature ; anal now she
cannot even send a man there without the as
sistance of Huntingdon. Yet she wants both
the Congressman and Senator. It seems to me
if Blair county will give the matter only a short
investigation, she must inevitably conclude that
she is not entitled to the Senator this tall, but
that Huntingdon is, and will not hesitate to
throw her influence to that effect. Huntingdon
county wants no more than what she feels her
self entitled to, and her rights she is ready to
assert and maintain. She is also ready anal wil
ling to support both Blair and Cambria in what
ever is due them, and will stand to the flag of
the party to the last moment of her life.
For tlif Huntingdon Journal.
The Next Election.---Sheriff.
Mn. CLARK :-As the time is fast approach
ing when nominations will be made for the res
pective offices which will be vacant this full, I
have thought it quite advisable to say a word
in regard to the matter. It is not oaten I feel it
a duty to speak through the public prom But
this occasiou demands it, and I shall endeavor to
make a few suggestions.
If we, as a Tarty, wish to accomplish mutt.,
and present mir ranks unbroken, we slionld en
deavor to pursue that course which is best cal
culated to effect harmony and unanimity among
us. Faction and disunion are scarcely ever at
tended with any beneficial results. I understand
there are several applicants from various sec
tions of the county, for the different offices to be
filled at the coming fall election. Now, what
course are we to adopt, in order to satisfy all
these I I presume none can be devised. Some
of the sections of the county from which candi
dates have announced themselves, are entitled to
nominations, and others are not; and some of
the aspirants are entitled to the offices which
they are asking, and others are not. It seems
to me we ought to make our nominations from
those sections which are entitled to them;
which have also capable individuals to fill the
different offices. There are, I understand, sev
eral candidates out for the office of Sheriff:—
Now, I wish it to be understood, that when I
speak in favor of any one of then;, I am not de
crying the rest. They all may be good men for
aught I know. lam not acquainted with any
except one or two. I intend, on this occasion,
to advocate the right Trough Creek Valley has
to the office of Sheriff. She is entitled to it for
two good reasons; first, because she has never
been permitted to furnish a candidate for any
important office of the county; and second, she
has always done as much, and been as efficient
in promoting the intereste of our party, as any
other section of the county. This cannot be de
nied by anyone who knows her claims. I there
fore recommend the nomination of BENJAMIN
T. GLASGOW, of Union township, for the of
fice of Sheriff; who is on efficient, consistent and
industrious Whig. He is worthy the offici, and
will fill it, if elected, to the satisfaction of all.
His business habits fully qualify him for the
duties of Sheriff , I feel confident that the opin
ions of a majority of the citizens of this town
ehip coincide with the above. We care nothing
about any office for ourselves, but we feel like
advocating the rights of the section I have allu
ded to. And the above named individual is our
choice, and we are resolved to support him.
Arr..° D tortrry.—Here is a waif—flouting
about on the sea of print, without an owner—
which is as full of truth as an egg is of meat :
The best proof of a vulgar man is to be found
is the quantity of dignity that he wraps himself
up in. In the opinion of such men, the only way
to set a proper value on yourself is to treat with
contempt everybody else. Such men are gen
erally rich and very ignorant. The "biggest
feeling" man we ever knew was a swelling
blockhead, who imagined that the tragedy of
Hamlet was written by Damon and Pythias, and
who couldn't tell, without consulting his varlet
'mount, whether Shakspeare was the author of
Macbeth, or Macbeth the author of Shakspeare.
As a general thing, your dignified men are great
asses. They keep at n distance, that their
neighbors may not discover what counterfeits
they are. Across the street, a galvanic watch
appears to be bullion. Men are :ike ships—the
more they contain the lower they carry their
From California,
The steamer Cresent City arrived at New
York on the 24th, with later intelligence from
all parts of California, and $250,000 in gold
Reports from the mining portions of the coun
try, both north and south, continue to be of the
most favorable nature. The general state of
health at the placers also is good.
We regret to state that another destructive
fire occurred at Sas Francisco on the night of
May 4th, by which nearly one-third of the city
was reduced to ashes, and the probable loss is
estimated at $500,000. The United States, the
El Dorado, Delmonico's ' and the Verandah ho
tels were among the buildings burnt.
In six days there arrived at !San Francisco
seventy-six vessels freighted with cargoes to
find a market there.
Joshua Dungan Esq.
The Bucks County Intoiligencer contains a
timely and able reference to the nominees of the
late Whig Convention for the several State offi
ces, from which we take the following notice of
Joshua Dungan, Esq., the Whig candidate for
Canal Commissioner, who it is known is a citi
zen of Bucks county. It is a just tribute to his
worth. The ferret egeorese says :
Joshua Dungan, the choice of the Convention
for Canal Commissioner, is a citizen of our own
county, a native of our own soil, identified with
our own interests and those of our beloved Com
monwealth. Born and bred upon the farm on
which he nosy resides, and whic:i he cultivates
with a judgment matured and enlightened by
long study and experience, he is one of our most
skillful agriculturists. Though always taking a
lively interest in questions of state and national
policy, and ever ready to lend a hand in aid to
establish and maintain the principles of the par
ty with which he is identified, from a sincere
conviction of their beneficent influence upon the
country, his attention has been more particular
ly directed to the interests of his profession,
and its improvement and elevation. Hence he
was led to unite with others, seven years ago
in organising an association of armers under the
title of the "Bucks County Agricultural Socie
ty." This enterprise, of which Mr. Dungan
has been one of the fathers and pillars, has al
ready grown in importance and usefulness, until
it is scarcely second to any similar institution
in the State. His several addresses before this
society, to which we may take occasion to re
fer hereafter, evince an honorable enthusiasm in
his occupation, a highly cultivated mind, and a
knowledge drawn from observation, experience
and extensive study,, which constitute some of
the highest adornments of the character of the
A merit,' agriculturist. These characteristics,
added to his plain, unostentations manners, his
sterling integrity, his liberality of sentiment,
and social qualities as a citizen and neighbor,
trove endeared him to an extensive circle of ac
quaintances and friends. All who know him
respect and esteem him, and we hope it may'
not prove presumptuous in us to predict that his
character will disarm partisan rancor and extort
justice from his political opponents.
As to qualifications, it is 110 disparagement of
others to say that Mr. Dungan is not inferior to
any one that has been spoken of for the office in
either party, and far superior to the respectable
gentleman, who has been selected as Lis com
petitor. His views of State policy, with refer
ence to our system of improvement, accord with
those of our present patriotic Executive; and
.his efforts would therefore be directed to a eon
sumation of that policy—a husbanding of the
resources of the commonwealth, with a view to
the perfection of her system, and an early ex
tinguishment of her debt—so that she may be
restored to that condition of independence and
prosperity to which her position and resources
entitle her.
Bucks county justly feels proud of the honor
conferred upon her by the selection of one of
her most eminent citizens for so important a sta
tion, and will show it by a hearty response at
the polls. Mr. Dungan is emphatically one of
the people; and as such we can appeal with
confidence to the voters of the State to support
him. He has never held a public office ; though
he enjoyed the honor of being one of the Elec
tors who cast the vote or Pennsylvania, in MB.
for Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore. He
is identified with no cliques nor factions, but
when elected will devote his energies to El faith
ful discharge of his official duties. As the pub.
lic interest would be promoted by a representa
tion of both parties in the Canal Board—a fact
admitted by the liberal portion of our opponents
—and Mr. Dungan being unexceptionable in
character and qualifications, we look with con
fidence for his triumphant election.
Henry W. Snyder.
The Union Star, published in the county in
which Henry W. Snyder, the Whig candidate
for Auditor General resides, in a notice of him,
says he is the son of Simon Snyder, whose ad
ministration as Governor of Pennsylvania will
ever rellect honor upon his name and cause his
memory to be cherished by all those who love
and value the prosperity of the Old Keystone
State. We need not refer our German friends,
says the Star, to the conduct of Simon Snyder
while Governor. They already know it. They
know him to have been a prudent, sound and
practical statesman, and our good old Common
wealth prospered greatly during his administra
tion. His son, Henry W. Snyder, our candidate
for Auditor General, has inherited his father's
integrity and sound judgment. It is altogether
superfluous for us to tell the people of Union
county, that Mr. Snyder is eminently qualified
to fill this office. But we would send it abroad
throughout the Commonwealth as the anited
voice of Union county, that we who know him,
can and do hear testimony of his honesty, integ
rity and ability. As an accountant Mr. Snyder
has few if any superiors. He possesses excel
lent business habits, an obliging disposition, an
enlarged experience, and every other qualifica
tion requisite to make a popular, faithful and
competent officer. Mr. Snyder being of Ger
man descent Las a thorough knowledge of that
language, and is identified with the interests and
feelings of our German population. His name
will be a tower of strength in the German por
tions of our state; and wherever the friends
and admirers of Old Simon Snyder live, Henry
W. Snyder we predict, will receive a strong
A GALLANT RESCCE.-A young lady living at
Fort Hamilton, saved a gentleman, one day last
week from the double death of drowning and be
ing crushed. It appears that the steamboat had
thrown its plank to the wharf, and that a gentle
man, in hurry to land, attempted to "walk the
plank" before the boat woe secured. By some
motion of the vessel ho was percipitated into the
big drink, and in a moment - longer would have
been crushed between the boat and the wharf.
A young lady standing 1,5 —a pretty courageous
muscular, and charming young lady—at once
leaned over and seized the dapper little fellow
by his coat collar, as he floundered in the briny
element, and lifted him safely to terra firma.
llmeniutL• AFFAIR.-A dreadful murder and
suicide, says the Evansville (Ind.) Journal of
the 10th inst., was committed in this city a few
nights ago, by a man named Samuel Carlise, re
siding about three miles from Evansville, who
came home intoxicated, took down his rille,
fired at his wife, and the ball just grazing her
shoulder, he then struck her several times with
the but of the gun until he killed her. He im
mediately without further ceremony shot him
self. No cause is assigned for this rash act but
liquor, as Carlisle was in tolerable good circum •
FROM Philadelphia, respectfully informs the
Ladled that she has opened a store in the
borough of Huntingdon, nearly opposite Couts'
Hotel, for the sale of
Bonnets, Trimmings and Fancy Articles.
Site invites the Ladies to call at her establish
ment and examine her stock. Her Bonnets are
of the latest Fashion. [Sonnets altered and
trimined to the latest fashion. Also, bleaching
and pressing done on renaonab:e terms and at
short notice.
.[June IS, ISM
Administrator's Notice,
Estate of MICHAEL GRAZIER, deed., late
of Warriorsmark township.
T ET•I'ERy of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the mato of
Michael Grazier, late of Warriorsmark town
ship, Huntingdon comity, deceased. Al per
sona knowing themselves indebted, are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claim* will present them properly authenticated.
June :8, 1 850.-6t.—51,75 pd.
To Alexander Ewiag,Rotert Ewing, and lien
ry Ewing, cone o f Thomas Ewing, late of
West Township, Huntingdon manly, deed.,
and all other persons interested :
TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a citation
I. issued out of the Orphans' Court of said co.,
you are required to appear in the said Court on
the second Wednesday in August next, to show
cause, if any you have, why satisfaction should
not be entered on the record of certain recogiii
zances in said Court, given by Thomas Ewing,
jr. and his surety, to the said Alexander,Robert
and Henry Ewing, at August Term 188, to se
cure to them their respective shares, of and in
the money, at which the Real Estate of their
father, Thomas Ewing, dec'd., was vallied, and
taken by the said Thomas Ewing under the de
cree of said Court.
M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff.
June 18, 1810.-6 t.
To the TV/,igs of Ilnutingdon County.
FELLOW CITIZENS :---I offer myself to.
your consideration as a candidate for the of
fice of Sheriff, at the coming election, subject to
the decision of the Whig County Convention.—
If fairly and honestly nominated and elected, I
pledge myself to discharge the duties of the of
fice with fidelity, and to the best of my ability.
Morris township, June 18, 1850.
w %, 4 7: izdtoTiiouleeNaWlES7l2r6Noira:ytowLfor
of Shirleysburg, as a candidate for Sheriff
at the ensuing October election.
June 18, 1850.
To the Whig, Voters aml . 67;i;;;s of hunting
don County_
In accordance with the advice of numerous
personal and political friends, I oiler myself as
a candidate toe the office of :Sheriff, at the ensu
ing October election, subject to the decision of
the Whig County Convention. If nominated
and elected, I will discharge the duties of the
office faithfully, tinpaitially and humanely.
. _
To the Democratie Whig Voters and Citizens
of Ilantingd:n County.
A T the request of many iriends, I have been
fl induced to announce myself as a candidate
fur the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing fall elec
tion; subject, however, to the decision of the
Count, Vonvention, to be held in August next.
1 pledge myself, if nominated and elected, to die
charge the duties of the office impartially and
honestly, to the best of my ability.
Union township, April 30, 1850.
JAMES CLARK, Es q.—Sir :—The citizens of
Penn Township respectfully offer the name of
JOHN GARNER, Jr., as a candidate for the
next ensuing Sheriffhlty of Huntingdon county,
subject to the decision of the Whig Convention
to be holden for the purpose of nominating can
didates for the various offices of the county. In
thus presenting our candidate to the public, we
court an enquiry of the character, the claims,
and the principles of the man, fully assured that
under the most scrutinizing investigation, he
will be pronounced worthy.
June 11, 1850.
A DAMS & CO. have estatTlisQan Express
LI Office in Huntingdon, in charge of Horace
W. Smith, at the Huntingdon Book Store. All
packages left with him will be carefully attend
ed to. (June 4, 1950.
1 1 HE Collectors of State and county taxes, in
1 the several townships of the county, are
hereby notified that no Dank note of a less deno
mination than five dollars, except the notes is
sued by the Hanks of this State, under the Act
of 4th March, 1841, will be received by the State
Treasurer, from the County Treasurer, in pay
ment of State tax, after the Ist day (diem:inst.,
as communicated to us by the state Treasurer.
Hy order of the Co. Commissioners.
J. SMYTH READ, Clerk..
June 4, 1850.
yx T0U1 . .1) respectfully inform the public that
11( he is prepared to serve up ICE CREAM
at his establishment, in the best style. He has
fitted up a SALOON especially for the LADIES
and made such arrangements for the accommo
dation of all as cannot fail to please. De will
also be prepared to furnish Pit/VATE PARTIES
with any quantity of Ice CreaM desired.
May 2t, 1850.
phina Grape shawls, just received at
V J. & W. SAXTON'S Store.
Dissolution of Partnership,
The co-partneralii? heretofore existing be
tween R. C. M'Gill and J. Moore, in the Iron
Foundry business, has been dissolved by mu
tual consent. Those indebted are requested to
make payment to R. C. M'Gill, in whose hands
the books will be left, and who will continue to
carry on the busincee.
June 25, 1850,
VINEGAR, Ilomeny, Golden Syrup Molass
es,V Luscious Luxury, &c., constantly for
sale at Marks' Confectionary. [May 21.
• ORE FIP SUGAIdt.—A superior article
• of up Sugar just received at J. &W. SAX .
TON'S store. [May 7, 1630.
4,-,,-.- r .:.,:,,,,• : ,-, ":.::\ii.A70..,'`,,,, x •
o 4 ; , ,i
.7-,:•,,:z A1iV1,,,•,•.10-:-..-1,-
- ,;A - Ai* ' . ki'* 4 llr.k•
t,y r .,. /412t‘e •
• i ~.._
- .„,... . .
HAVE received. and are now opening, in the
room formerly occupied I.y J. N. Trowel!,
_ .
The Largest, Richest and Cheapest
EZ:la cti) cis{' Occtiost3
ever brou g ht to Huntingdon. It embraces evely
thing that is "i ich, racy and picturesque," and
- •
are such as roust induce those who are in want
of BARGAINS to make their selections at this
establishment. As "the proof of the pudding is
in the eating, ' it is to be hoped that everybody,
and all their relations, will drop in before pur.
chasing elsewhere, & have secular evidence that
MONEY CAN 13E SAVED by purchasing at
the sign of the
For example, they are selling a very heavy
yard wido Marlin at uFI P. Three quarter yard
Calicoes from 3 to 12 ; beautiful Lawns at
10; handsome Linen Lustres at 12;i; Do
mestic Gingham. at 10; Drillings at 10.
Supob Sugar at 53 cents per pound , Coffee
10 to 12i cents; Cups and Saucers 123 cts.
per set. and everything else in proportion. Their
assortment of everything is ample.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Bonnets,
Hardware, Boots, Shoat, Paints, 4.c.
Together with a hoot of other articles too nu
merous to mention; and they have no hesitation
in assuring the public that an inspection of their
immense stock will convince the most skeptical
that they aro
Beyond the reach of Competition.
Their tern. are CASH; and all they desire is
that the people—the whole people—will rush in
upon them and be satisfied that
Twenty per cent. at least can be Saved
by purchasing at the Cheap ('ash store of
Huntiugdon, June 11, 1850.
123%. ala
Tilsit assortment will always be complete, es
they are constantly receiving fresh supplies from
the Easter.' cities.
Have You heard the News?
TIVERYBODY talking about the splendid
..111 assortment of
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
which are daily being received at the extensive
and handsomely fitted up establishment of
Their stock of Clocks, Gold and Silver %%ratchets,
Jewelry, &c., is superior to that of any other es
tablishment in the place ; and the
Astonishingly Low Pi ices
at which they sell, accounts for the fact why ev
erybody goes there to buy.
GO - Having twoexperienced workmen in their
employ, they are prepared to
Repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
promptly, and on the most reasonable terms. If
you want work we done, and desire to purchase
superior Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy
Articles CHEAP, don't forget to go to
Huntingdon, Juno 11.
north of Hollidaysburg,and aboutone mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair comity. •
After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The Rail Road w•illhe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main induceraent at this time in of
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C.ll. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. 31cMHRTRIE,
June 4 1950—tf.
NOTICE is hereby givvi, that eubsci iption
bot Its of the said company will be opened
at the public house of f. !lades Coughling, in
Newton Hamilton, at the house of :Samuel H.
Bell, in ahitlea township, and at the office of
John Lutz, in Shirleysburg, on the 4th, sth and
6th days of July next, fur the purpose of raking
funds to erect a btidge over the Juniata, at or
near the mouth of A ughwick creek.
Wit.mxxi B. I.xxa, Chairman.
J. C. Sectrzan, Necretary.
Juno 4,1850.
O F P FIC sI E h i fr.
W. cotBnetro
of Hill a N n l d .,
m a n o d ni 2 go to m 6
cry street*. May 7, 18.0.
Relative to an amendment oftlteeonstitution
Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in Genoa/ Assembly met, That the Consti
tution of this Commonwealth be amended in the
second section of the fifth article, so that it shall
read as follows: The Judges of the Supreme
Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record an are or
shall be established by law, shall be elected by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in
the manner following to wit t The Judges of
the Supreme Court, by the qualified electors of
the Commonwealth at large ; the President Jud
ges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and
of such other Courts of Record as are or shall
be established by law, and all other Judges re
quired to be learned in the law, by the qualified
electors of the respective districts over which
they are to preside or act as Judges; and the
Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
pleas by the qualified electors of the counties
respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices fur the term of fifteen
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well, (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
vided for subsequent to the first election;) the
President Judges of the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record
as are or shall be established by law, and all
other Judges required to be learned in the law
shall hold their offices for the term of ten years,
if they shall so lung behave themselves well ;
the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common
Pleas Loll hold their offices for the term of five
years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well; all of whom shall be commissioned by
the Governor, but for any reasonable cause,
which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeach
ment, the Governor shall remove any of them
on the address of two-thirds of each branch of
the Legislature. The first election shall take
place at the general election of this Common
wealth next after the adoption of this amend
ment, and the commissions of all the Judges
who may be theft in office shall expire on the first
Monday of December following, when the terms
of the new Judges shall commence. The per
sons who shall theft be elected Judges of the
Supreme Court shall hold their otlices as fol
lows: One of them fur three years, one for six
years, one for nine years, one for twelve years,
and one for fifteen years, the term of each to be
decided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after
the election as convenient, and the result certi
fied by them to the Governor, that the commis
' sions may be issued in accordance thereto. The
Judge whose commission will first expire shall
b e Chief Justice during his term and thereafter
each Judge whose commission shall first expire
shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or
more commissions shall expire on the same day
the Judges holding them shall decide by lot
which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacan
cies, happening by death, resignation or other
wise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by
appointment by the Governor, to continue till
the first Monday of December succeeding the
next general election. The Judges of the Su
preme Court and the Presidents of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times,
receive for their services an adequate compen
sation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be
diminished during their continuance in office:
but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of
office, nor hold any other office of profit under
this Commonwealth, or under the government of
the United States, or any other State of this
Union. The Judges of the Supreme Count, du
ring their continuance in office, shall reside with
in this Commonwealth ; and the other Judges,
during their continuance in office, shall reside
within the district or county for which they
were respectively elected.
Speaker of the House of Reptebentativesi
Speaker of the Senate.
Harrisburg, January 28, 1850.
I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the
Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate
tile of the present session,) entitled "Resolu
tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu
tion,"—it being the same resolution which was
agreed to by a majority of the members elected
to each Hoese or the. last Legislature—after
having been duly considered and discussed, was
this day agreed to by a majority of the members
elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsyl
vania, at its present session, as will appear by
their votes given on the final passage of the re
solution, as follows, viz:
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, H. Jones Brook, J. Porter
llrawley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cun
ningham, Thomas S. Fernon, Thomas 11. For
syth, Charles Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry
Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Haslett,
Isaac Bogus, Timothy Ives Joshua Y. Jones,
Joseph Konigmacher, Geo. V. Lawrence, Max
well M'Caslin, Benjamine Malone, Benjamine
Matthias, Henry A. Muhlenberg, William F.
Packer, Willian R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg
B. Savory, Conrad Shimer, Robert C. Sterrett,
Daniel Stine, Farris B. St,eeter, John H. Wal
ker and Valentine Best, Spender—Yeas 29.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, George Darsie, Augustus Drum and
Alexander King—Nays 3.
Extract from the fourn,.!.
Ilarrisburg March 14, 1850.
- ---••••- - - -
I, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the
Senate tile, and No. 211 on the House Journal
of the present session,) entitled "Resolution rel
ative to the amendment of the Constitution,"—
it being the same resolution which was agreed to
by a majority of the members elected to each
House of the last Legislature—after having been
duly considered and discussed, was this day
agreed to by a majority of the members elected!
to and eery ing in the llouse of Representatives
of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will
appear by their votes, given on the final passage
of the resolution, as follows, viz;
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were, John Acker, John Allison,
William Baker, Robert Baldwin, David J. Bent,
Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S. Bowen,
William Brindle, Daniel H. 13. Brower, Jesse
R. Burden, John Cessna, Henry Church, John
N. Conyngham, Sylvester Crindland, Benjamin
G. David, William J. Dobbins, James P. ipow.
Her, Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, William
Espey, John C. Evans, William Evans, A. Scott
Ewing, Alexander S. Feather, James Flowers,
Benjamin P. Fortner, Alexander Gibboney,
Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph
Cutfey, Jacob S. Haldeman, George H. Hart,
LeSert Hart, John Hastirgs, William J. Hemp
hill, John Hoge, Henry Huplet, Lewis Herten!,
Washington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones, John
W. Killinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robert Klotz,
Harrison P. Laird, Morris Leech, Jonathan D.
Leet, Anson Leonard, James J. Lewis Henry
Little, Jonas B. M'Clintock, John F. M'Cul-
loch, Alexander C. M'Curdy, John M'Lat I.'
John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John 8.,
Michael Meyers, John Miller, Joseph C. 1% , ,
John D. Morris, William T. Morison, Ezek,el
Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob Nissly„
Charles O'Neill, John B. Pucker, Joseph C.
Powell, James C. Reid, John S. Rhey, Lewia
Roberts, Samuel Robinson; John B. Rutherford,
Glenni W. Scofield Tinos C. Seemlier, W. Shaff
ner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer ,William Smith,
William A. Smith, Daniel M. Smyser, William
H. Souder, Thomas C. Steel, David Steward,
Charles Stockwell. Edwin C. Trone, Andrew
Wade, Robert C. Walker ' Thomas Watson, Sid
ney B. Wells, 'firm A. Williams, Daniel Zer
bey and John S. M'Calmont, Bpeater—Yeas 87.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were, A ugustus K. Cornyn, David Evar.te
and James H. l'orter—Nays 3.
Extract from the Journal.
Filed '..Vrarch 15. 1850
A. W. BENEDICT, Dep. Seery. of Commen
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a
true and correct copy of the original resolution
of the General Assembly, entitled "Re4olutioir
relative to an amendment of the Constitution,”
as the same remains on file in this office.
tn testimony whereof I hale here.
unto set my hand, and caused to be
( LAW, affixed . the seal the Secretary'.
(Mice, at Harrisburg, this fifteenth
.fre: 4 ' - V• day ofJune, A nno Domini one thou
l " . " sand eight hunched and rirty..
A. L. ftLIS6ELL,
Secretary of the Consmonweulth.
June 21.-1850.-3 m.
Blair county,
Huntingdon CO.
Blair county.
THOMAS E. Fa..6xta:v,
Lancaster county:
Vll.Linst GLaist,
Lancaster county.
Moen. H. flayan,
Lancaster county.
Offire on Allegheny SI., u felt. doors Jew of the
Court House, and nearly opposite Post Office,
rrHE Company is now ready to transact busi
m•ss. Upon money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Savinge Institutions. Transient he
posites received, payable on demand.
R. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, Nay 21, IStin.
THE subscriber wishes to inform the public in
general, that he m now fully prepared to do
Castings of all kinds, and will keep on band a
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wuod and Coal sieves—all
of which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds cow in use. A
general assortment of Hollow-ware eastings,con
slating of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Puns,
&c., &c. Miscellaneous artieteC, such as Wag
on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons. Ito ling Mill and Forge castings, Win
dow Grates for cellars, Unties and sills for hou
ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiihs, made to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce nod old metal in exchange for cast
ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern
end of Huntingdon, along the ennui.
Castings of all kinds will be kept at the
shop of Win. B. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E•
corner of Market Square, Huntingdon.
60. All orders addressed twit. C. :WOW will
be promptly attended to.
fluttingdon, May 29, T9AO.
13051►i.J018533 CB(D.
Main Street, Dant,' tt, , ,edon, three doors West of
Neff 5• Miller's Jewelry Store,
IIESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are prepared to curry on in all its Va ,
rieue branches,
Saddle and Harness Making,
and ate reedy to furnish their
rt, customers with all kinds of Va.
- Heels, Trunks, and Carpet Bogs,
Plush, Hogsktn, and Tub Side
Saddler, (from the cheapest to the hest.) Also,
Shaffer Saddles of all- kinds, Wagon and Car.*
ridge Barneer, Bridles, Collars, Whipe , &c.
aaCCiteLl 2D. as , au 2.
Having a Tannery in the immediate vicinity
of Huntingdon, they are prepared to furnish all.
who favor them with their custom, at their Bad•
die and Harness shop, with
Leather of all Hinds,
of superior quality and finish. All of which
will be disposed of cheoplur cAsu or a. y kind
of country produce. The highest price, in (redo,
given for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c.
Huntingdon. May 29, 1850.
Pay Up and Save Costs.
All knowing themselves indebted to 1. Grans ;
I. Grafitra & Ition, 1. & 11. Gratius, I. Uranus &
Mackabee, (I. “rafius surviving partner,) either
by note or book account, will please make imme•
dude payment, as longer indulgence cannot be
granted. The books of the above named firms
are in the hands of I. G RAFILUtI, Alexandria,
where those indebted will please call and settle,
and thereby save costs.
Alexandria, May 29, 1950.-41. •
3 2~1 cac tea
Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery I
Thankful for past favors. must respectfully an.
nounce to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin
ity that they have made necessary arrangements
to supply all who may favor them with a call,
with the most choice varieties of
Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes,
Fruit, Nuts, &c.
Their private mime are fitted up in a hand•
slime style, which make them a condonable place
of resort for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Parties can be furnished, on the shortest no
tice. with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, and all
kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c.
ctZr Don't fop get to call at the sign of the Red
Curtain, Railroad street., one door above William.
Stewart'. store.
Huntingdon, May 28, ltibo..