Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 02, 1850, Image 2

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:i.Y . 1114 4 ,c*&-atf ,
•v_o.T;~ uu~,,
Tuesday Morning, July 2, 1850.
Th 9 ~H UNTINCIDUN JOURNAL" is published at
tibe following
rates, viz :
.$1,15 a year, if paid
in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and
$3,50 if not paid until alter the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all cases.
No subscription taken for less than six months,
an.l no paper discontinued until ull arrearages
are paid, unless at the option of the publisher.
Once more our glorious banner out
Upon the breeze we throw ;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe.
HENRY W. SNYDER, of Union.
JOS. HENDERSON, of Washington,
Whig County Committee
The members of the Whig County Committee
are requested to meet at the residence of the
Chairman, in Huntingdon, on Saturday evening
next, (July 8,) at 8 o'clock. Business of im
portance will be presented. The following gen
tlemen compose the committee, viz: James
Clark, Wm. H. Peightal, J. K. M'Cahan, Wm.
B. Zeigler, James Moore, John Armitage, Wm.
JAS. CLARK, Chairman
AnvzßTlsnntnnTs.—Townsend's Extract of
Sarsaparilla, for sale by T. READ & Son, is ad
vertised in another column. This medicine is
said to have great merit, and is, we think, wor
thy of trial by the afflicted. The young man
cored of Scrofula, by this medicine, spoken of in
the certificate of I'. Read & Son, formerly
worked in thin office, and we know the facts set
forth in relation to his case, to be substantially
Those wishing anything in the Hardware line
are invited to examine the advertisements of
F. G. Fa/atom/a, Lewistown, Pa.
bolas Kix° announces himself as a candidate
for nomination for Co. Commissioner.
H. W. SMITH has removed his Stationary Store
and Express Office.
J. & W. SAXTON have received more new
goods, and are selling cheap.
A tract of land in Brady township is offered
for sale.
Se• card of B. M. Gunn*, Petersburg is this
DIP' Hon. S. CALVIN will please accept our
thanks for recent favor..
Mr We are indebted to Eon. T. STEVSNS for
a copy of his recent speech on the California
Bill. This speech is one of Mr. S's. best efforts,
and handles the Slavery Propagandists without
gloves. Those who assailed Mr. Stevens for
his first speech on this subject, are paid off with
interest, especially poor Ross, of the Bucks dis
trict, of whom nothing is left. By the way, Mr.
Stevens is one of the ablest defenders of Free
dom in Congress and truly reflects the senti
ments of Pennsylvania in his speeches. We shall
try and find room for this speech very boom
OT To Conn:srososn•rs.—The lines enti
tled "To Caroline," are not such as should be
presented to the public eye ; and the eong enti
tled "True Love," is not original with the per
son who altheae his proper name to it; hence
both are rejected "Know your place," from
the pen of a young gentlemanof this county now
at Mereersburg College, and an exceedingly
well written communication entitled “Huu
tengdon," from the pen of an esteemed friend,
in the upper end of this county, shall both ap
pear in our next.
Seth IL ItlTune, Esq.
This gentleman has been nominated by the
Whigs of Blair county, as their candidate for the
Legislature. The selection is a good one. Mr.
M'Cune is an honest, intelligent farmer, and as
good a Whig as breathes. He has ever stood
firm by the usages of the party, always giving
to the nominees an active and efficient support.
Being emphatically one of the people, he under
stands and will faithfully attend to their inter
eats in the Legislature. By the het apportion
ment bill, Huntingdon and Blair are connected
in the election of members. The Whig. of
Huntingdon will therefore have the pleasure of
voting for Mr. M'Cune, in connection with a
gentleman of their own selection. For our own
part, we rejoice in the opportunity afforded us
of advocating the election of such a whole-souled
Whig and unaffectedly clever man al Szru R.
Good News.
A rumor from Washington stye that twenty
Eve Locofocos are to be removed from the Post
Office Department this week. This is good
new., if true. Let the good work of dismissing
Locofocos and appointing Whigs be extended to
the other departments of the government, and
the Administration will be enthusiastically ap
plauded and sustained by the people.
Mr The last Globe makes its appearance in
• suit of new and beautiful type. We are
pleased to see this evidence of our neighbor's
pecuniary prosperity.
Look Here.
Tbose indebted to us carTiarre money by call
ing immediately and paying up. If we are put
to the trouble of visiting those in arrears, they
may be expect to be charged according to our
terms. Interest will also be charged on ac.
tenets of long standing,
New Mexico Free!
News has been received at Washington, that
on the 23d of April, Col. Monroe issued a proc
lamation for the election by the several counties
on the 6th of May, of delegates to a convention
to form a State Constitution. The convention
met at Santa Fe on the 15th of May, and after a'
session of nine days formed a constitution which
is to go into operation on the Ist of July. It
defines the boundaries of the Sta and PRO
HIBITS SLAVERY ! In fifteen fter the
adjournment of the convention, an.elec was
to be held for members of the State Legisla are.
Two Senators and Representatives in Congress
would also anon be elected, and efforts would be
made to secure their acceptance at Washington.
This new movement on the part of New
Mexico, has caused a great commotion at Wash
ington, and is made the pretext of another at
tack on President Taylor, by Mr. Foote, and
other ultra slavery advocates. Resolutions
have been offered in both Houses, calling on Old
Zack for information relative to the movement.
We predict the honest old soldier will be ready
to respond so soon as the resolutions are adopted.
The fate of the Compromise Bill in the Sen
ate is still undecided. The recent action of New
Mexico will tend to strengthen the President's
policy, and weaker. correspondingly Mr. Clay's
bill. In consequence of several amendments
having been engrafted on the bill obnoxious to
some of the ultra Slavery Senators, it is said
that it will lose the support of Messrs. Yulee,
Berrien, Soule, and several other Southern votes,
while but two Northern Whigs (Webster and
Cooper) are counted for it. Mr. Cooper has
thus far voted right on the collateral questions
and we hope to see him stand by the North on
the final issue—leaving Mr. Webster “solitary
and alone" in his glory. The New York Trib
une counts 30 Senators against the Bill, which,
if correct, would defeat it. Mr. Soule has of
fered an amendment extending the Missouri Com
promise line to the Pacific, which is now under
On Tuesday last the House adopted, by a vote
of 155 to 26, a mammouth Land Bounty Bill,
which gives to every officer or private who may
have served 3 months in the War of 1812, or
any other war, 10 acres of land ; 6 months ser
vice secures SO acres, and 15 months 160 acres.
Fourth of July.
Thureday next is the Anniversary of Ameri
can Independence. We have heard of no ar
rangements for a celebration in this place. This
is to be regretted. We hope, however, that
business will be suspended, and that we will at
least make it a day of recreation.
127 This vicinity was visited during the past
week with copious showers of rain. We have
rarely witnessed finer growing weather. The
Spring crops now bid fair to be very good.
The Ovenshiue Platform.
The Carlisle Herald says that the Locofoco
papers are parading very conspicuously in their
columns what they call the .Galphin Platform.'
As an offset to this we would direct the atten
tion of the public to the "Oveashine Platform,"
which has lately been set up by Jesse Miller,
editor of the Harrisburg Keystone, and which is
officially announced by the said Jesse, and cir•
culaten in handbills as follows:
Drake's Report of the
Proceedings, Speeches, ALL the testimony in
relation to the attempt to BRIBE two of the
Delegates, &c. Rich and Racy! Ten thou
sand copies ordered to be printed in pamphlet
form! ! To be published next week at $1 for
twelve copies, or $5 per hundred ! Orders so
licited immediately.
Address W. E. DRAKE, office of the Keystone,
Harrisburg, Va.
Harrisburg, June 0, 1850.
As the report of the proceedings will be sold
nearly as cheap as the Delegates were, we hope
the edition will be purchased by the people, so
that they may have a full understanding of the
"seven principles" which lie at the basis of the
Locofoco Oveashino Platform!
The Fact Admitted.
The Chambersburg Valley ,Spirit, in an arti
cle on the Williamsport convention, acknowl
edges the fact "that there is a set of Alen hanging
to the skirts of the Democracy of this State,
who are among the most UNMITIGATED POLITI
CAL SCOUNDRELS in the world."
The Whigs have said so for years, and for
saying so have been most lustily abused; but as
the charge is now acknowledged by the Locos
themselves, perhaps the people will think there
is some truth in it.
the Lynn News says he saw a man the other
day in a very uncomfortable situation. He was
highly incensed at an article in the News, but
not being a subscriber to it, he was debarred the
revenge of saying "step my paper."
Senator Dickinson.
A dinner was given on Monday evening to
Senator Dickinson, by the Loco party of the
city of New York. The toasts were in favor of
the Union and Compromise Bill. But the fan
of the thing was that the rank and file of tbe
party assembled in front of the steps of Tam.
many, where the dinner was held, denounced
those in the hall as "aristocrats," because live
dollars was the price of admission, and demand
ed that Dickinson should come down and address
the people. Hie refusal attended "the sovereign
democracy," and they departed in great indigna
tion to liquor at tho Pewter Mug.
Fulton County.
The question of creating a tie; county out of
Bedford and Somerset, to be called Fulton, was
submitted to a vote of the people, on the 11th
inst.' The vote was 772 in favor of the new
county, and 389 against it.
11:77128 New York Courier says the importa
tion of the last nine months have been upwards
of sixteen millions of dollars greater than in
the same time last year, and the exports thirteen
million less. This shows the practical wor
kings of the Locofoco Tariff of .tte.
" Polk, Dallas and Shunk, and the
Tariff of 15,12.”
" When they [the people] STRAYED off on
the tariff question [and] it required the unflinch
ing firmness of Vice President Dallas, a national
patriot and a national democrat, to set Pennsyl
vania right with his fearless and NOBLE CAS
TING VOTE, (Immense applause.")
The above is a quotation from the speech al
Reah Fleur, Esq., a Democratic war horse.
delivered at the Williamsport Convention. It is
a meaning commentary upon the motto of the
banners carried by the Locofocos in 1841. Its
utterance was greeted with"immense applause."
The people of Pennsylvania cannot but re
member, with what s burst of indignation the
casting vote of George M. Dallas was received
when with his parricidal hand he strangled that
first born of real Democracy, a protective tariff.
When false to all his own pledges—the pledges
of his party—a traitor to his own State, he bar
tered Pennsylvania's prosperity for the empty
honors of Southern praise,—Dallas, like the vi
per to the fable, stung the hand that had warmed
him into life, one universal moan, mingled with
stifled curses, arose from one end of our State
to the other. The tariff men who had voted for
him, but hoping against hope, thought the ad
ministration would not dare to strike down the
nigh arm of our wealth and power. Poor chilies,
they voted, an I were sold ! Many shook all
the party shackels, and avowed their determi
nation to stand by the ancient faith of Democra
cy; and by a union of strength with the Whigs
who had proved unflinching in their attachment
to the tariff; they hurled this traitor and his
treason to the earth. It was right nobly done.
Pennsylvania were true to themselves. They
"scotched the snake" but did not "kill it."
Since that day the misnamed Democratic party
have bullied, coaxed and endeavored to wheedle
Pennsylvania away from this lung cherished
Democratic policy. Each year have they re
iterated their anti-tariff :reed, and each year
have they sought to bring back to party fealty,
the tariff men who left them because of the trea
son to their long acknowledged principles.—
Some tariff men are unwise enough to still or
-1 gents° with them, in their party conventions for
State and county officers, supposing that they
can keep their party standing, and when nation
al elections are held, that they can save them
selves by quietly voting with the friends of the
tariff. What more than madness. They are,
on every such occasion giving immense applause
to doctrines which are riviting the chains of free
trade more firmly. The ties of party bind the
weak, and quiet voting alone cannot unloose
them. If men who are tariff men will mingle
with such scenes, and swell the immense 1 ,-
!duo., which must finally still their cries, when
paralyzed industry, borne to the earth, crushes
them with it, they will fall by their own suici
dal hand. Pennsylvania's cherished tariff prin
ciples hang by too slender a thread—double
dealing friends are more dangerous than open
foes. Friends of Pennsylvania! tariff men of
all parties, will you tacitly sustain the senti
ments of the above extract by voting for any
portion of the ticket that such men have formed
for you ! We will never believe it until the
unwelcome truth is forced on us by fact. As
Father Richie says none verons.—.Pa.
COUNTERFEIT NoTas.—The Hagerstown Her
ald of Freedom says that there are counterfeit
"two dollar notes," of the Georgetown corpo
ration, [new issues] in circulation.
67 - THE NASIIVILLE Convention has adjour
ned to meet "six weeks after the adjournment
of Congresi!" When is that "good time com
ing !" The N. Y. Tribune thinks "we may not
live to see the day."
B The whole amount of subscription requi
red for the completion of the Pennsylvania Rai!
Road has been secured, with a considerable sur
plus, which will be applied, as for as it will go,
in stocking the road, and there is little doubt
that the improvement will now be completed
and equipped at the earliest possible day, with
out incurring one dollar of debt.
tl7' Andrew Young, of Harrisburg, has been
appointed Superintendent of the Public Build
ings there, in the place of Isaac Hosts, recently
CO' No U. S. Senator has been chosen either
in Maine or Connecticut, the Legislature of the
latter having postponed the matter until its next
DEATIe eaost OVER-IIEATINC.-An Irish la
borer become overheated last week while enga
ged in a hay-held, near Lancaster, and drank
excessively of cold water, and died in a very
short time after.
LABORERS WANTED.-Alessrs. Gouder & Burk
advertise for two hundred and fifty laborers on
the York and Cumberland Railroad.
O The Norfolk Argus says, the wheat crop
in North Carolina, and the Tide water counties,
Virginia, is utterly blighted.
132 — Toa CHOLERA is raging in various parts
of Mexico. • It has also made it appearance at
Nashville. One case was reported in Philadel
phia last week.
St. Louis Republican states on the authority of
a letter from an authentic source at Salt Lake
City, that during the last winter, a battle took
place between the Mormons and the Utah Indi
ans, in which the latter lost 40 of their number.
This decided victory had an excellent effect upon
the Indians, who have since remained very qui
etly disposed.
13:7 - Two men, George Dalton and Hiram W.
Fetter, while engaged in digging a well at Alle
gheny city opposite Pittsburg, on Tuesday, were
instantly killed by inhaling carbonic acid gas.
NEW PLANE:T.—The Tempo, of Naples, pub
lished a letter from M. Leopold Del Re, Direc
tor of the Observatory at Naples, announcing
that the celebrated Astronomer, Don Annibale
De Gasparin, late discoverer of the "Igea Bor
bonica," has discovered a new telescope planet,
being the 9th between Mars and Jupiter. It is
star of the oth magnitude, and is at present in
opposition with the eun.
The Locos and the Compromise.
The N. Y. Courier asks very pertinently,
" Why does the Loco Fore party support the
Compromise bill of Mr. Clay 1" And this
question, after showing that it cannot be front
any love to the illustrious man whom they have
so long and so vilely abused, the Courier itself
answers with so much force and clearness, that
we are constrained to quote the subjoined extract
from its reply
"A reference to the history of this Compro.
mise scheme, may throw some light upon the
motives of its Loco Foco friends. When Con
gress met, the Union, then the sole central or
gan of the Democracy, proclaimed its purpose
to wage war upon the Administration "to the
bitter end, no matter what face the future might
wear." Threats old/stir...l began tribe thrown
out, unless the demands of the ultra Slavery
Democracy were conceded. The Administra
tion proposed a plan for adjusting the Slavery
difficulties. It was one well calculated to inert
the views, and enlist the support, of all sections
of the country. The loco loco leaders, foresaw
in its adoption their ruin. They knew that, as
a party and with their own unaided strength,
they could make no effectual resistance to it.—
Senator Foote, acting as the stage manager of
the concern forthwith set about his project of a
counter policy—the essential feature of which
was to be, hostility to the President's plan, and
a consequent division of the administration par
ty. Then came this proposition for a Commit
tee of Thirteen,—enforced by the most dramat
ic prophecies of the ruin and horrors that would
envelope the country without it, and carried
through the Senate by the management of its
friends and the indifference of its foes. Mr.
CLAY was then induced to forego the opinion he
had already expressed and the purpose he hail
proclaimed, and undertake the championship of
this new scheme. And then Mr. Forrre's play
had been performed. He could withdraw, and
officiate only as scene-shifter or call-boy, as oc
casion might require.
And why did Mr. Fool. select Mr. CLAY as
the foster-father of his pet scheme? Because
of his confidence in his great patriotism—Lhis
admiration for him as a statesman nods man?
Crebta Juicers Apella. He chose to secure his
adhesion, and his champion-ship, because he
knew that thus, and thus only could he accom
plish the division of the Whig party which was
the sole object of the whole mancesere. He be
lieved that he could thereby array a large sec
tion of the party against the administration.—
Mr. Clay, he knew had a voice potential with
Whigs even yvvhere and he believed many of
them would follow their great leader even into
a scheme, the chief end and aim of which was,
to rend the Whig party into fragments, and hurl
it from powe: forever.
We believe this to be the true reason why the
Loco Foes party, of which Foote is the princi
pal manager, are so earnest and ardent in sup
port of the Compromise and of HENKY CLAY.—
They intend thus to distract and destroy the
Whig party. They sought to bring Mr. CLAY
into a position of hostility to the Whig Admin
istration—feeling confident that a large section
of the Whig party would adhere to his banner.
We have no faith is their clamor about danger
to the country, and the nesessity of harmony.—
It is just as hollow and hypocritical as their
praise of HENRY CLAY.
The Cuban Invaders.
A despatch from New Orleans of the 21st
inst says, the Grand Jury to day found a true
bill against Gen. Lopez, Mr. Sigur, of Delaware
Gen. Quitman, Judge C. Pinkney, Ex-Governor
Henderson, Mr. O'Sullivan, and eleven others,
of the Cuban invaders, for violating the neutral.
ity cf the laws of the United States.
Upon the above the N. American remarks, we
regret to find the name of Gen. Quitman among
those who arc implicated in this miserable busi
ness. As the Governor of a Sovereign State, he
was eminently bound not to permit himself to
aid or abet, however indirectly, any violation of
the laws of his country; and if the charge aga
inst him is sustained by any proof, whether con
firmed by the finding of a traverse jury or not,
he will be politically ruined. Judge C. Pitikney
and Ex• Governor Henderson, as they are called
in the despatch, are, we are inclined to think,
but one person, and that one J. Pinkney 'lender
in, who made himself notorious by an attempt
to censure the conduct of General Taylor at
Monterey; and if this suspicion be well foun
ded, we are not at all suprised to find him com
plotting with foreigners to invade the territory
of a friendly neighbor.
13:7' Accounts from Washington state that the
U. S. Senate has confirmed the nominations of
Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Peyton and Mr. Marsh for
the several Foreign Missions to which they have
been appointed, and also, the Secretaries of their
several legations.
PHILA. June 29, 1850
The demand for Flour continues limited, and
only a few hundred bbls. have been disposed of
at $3.18/ and some fresh ground at $5.23 per
bbl. Sales to the trade at $5.23a3.62 s for com
mon and extra brands, and $6a6.75 for fancy
New York.
Rye Flour is nominally held at $3.
Corn Meal is dull. A small sale at $2.87i
per barrel.
Grain—Wheat is less active. We quote Red
at $1.20a . 1.21, and White at $
Rye—The last sale was at 0.5 e per bushel.
Corn is in good demand for shipment, and pri
ces steadily maintained. Sales of 3a 1.000 bush
els Yellow at 03ic.
Oats are in fair request. Sales of 2a3,000
bushels prime Pennsylvania at 43 ic per bushel.
Southern are worth 40a42c.
On the 25th inst., by the Rev. Wm. R. Mills,
Mr. Wm. H. PEIGHTAL, to Miss Smtnu CAMON,
all of this borough.
Language fails to express our appreciation of
the large, delicious cake, and other refreshments,
which accompanied the above notice. The hap
py couple will please accept our sincere thanks,
and the assurance that our best wishes for their
happiness and prosperity will ever accompany
"We Come With Songs to Greet You."
Morgan and Johnston's Southern Serenaders
will give one more of their chaste and inimita
ble concerts THIS EVENING, July 2d, at the
Court House. This evening's entertainment
will consist of a variety of New Songs, Glees,
Choruses, Burlesque Readings from Shakspeare,
Dances, etc. etc.
U7' Cards of admission 25 cts. Doors open
at 7} o'clock—concert to commence at 4.
Front seats reserved for the Ladies. Children
w•ho accompany their parents half price.
July 2, 1850. IV. 1.1. DI'CLOY, Ag't
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of JNO. FLASHER, late of Cromwell
to tondtip, deceased.
Letterd of Adminietrotion have been greeted
to the tinbieri hero upon the emote of June
Fcaenatt, of Ctontwell townshp, deed. All per
sona having claims will preaent them duly
authenticated, and theme indebted are repeated
to make payment to
July 2, 1850.-6t.--$1.75 pd.
The Medical Wonder of the Age.
Over Two Hundred Thousand Persons
Of various diseases, by the timely use of the
genutue Dr. Tounzaend's Sarsaparilla.
It cures Scrofula, Eruptions, General Debility,
Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Consumption,
Ulcers, and every other disease arising from an
impure state of the blood. Weak and delicate
females shanld try this wonderful preparation.—
It nut only purifies the whole system, by dri
ving out all lurking disease, or taint, but gives
strength to the person, and creates new, pure,
and healthy blood.
Take Care of Tour Childrpn!
Ono bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend'. Extract
of Barsaparith will purify the spleen of a child,
and drive therefrom all lu; king disease or tai m,
and make pure and healthy blood.
Notice to the
Messrs. Nostrand & Bach, of the city of New
York, having purchased the recipe fur, and the
right to manufacture, Pr. 8. P. Townsend's Ex
tract of Barsaparilla, for the large sum of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars,
are determined to give the public one oldie best
preparations of Sarsaparilla ever made, and have
secured the services of Dr. James R. Chilton,
Chemist, to superintend its preparation, and
whose name will in future be upon earl, b o ttl e ,
in connexion with that of Dr. S. P. Townvend'a,
to prevent fraud.
Read the Evidence.
The undersigned have sold Dr. S. P. Tow,r's EXTRACT OF SsorArArrimr.A, for many
years, and in large quar..ities, and consider it
11ILLA, and think it one of the best Medicines
ever offered to the public. Several... of long
standing disease have been permanently cured.
A young man by the name of Westley Rothrork,
of this place, was cured of the Scrofula, (having
large lumps in his neck) by the use of one bottle.
Huntingdon, Pa. June 24, 1850.
g, For sale by Jenkins & Shaw, Philade!.
phis, Agents for Pennsylvania, to whom all or
ders and applications for agencies, for said tttats,
should be addressed. Also by
July 2. 1950.-31
To the Whig voters of Huntingdon County
Psta.ow-curizews :—At the solicitation of nu
merous friends, I have been induced to offer
myself as a candidate fur the office of Coum
ComaissioicEn, at the envying election, subject
to the decision of the Whig County Convention.
If nominated and elected, I will discharge the
duties of the office to the best of my ability.
Shirley township, July 2, 1850.
Saxton's Cheap Cash Store.
T& W. SAXTON inform the public that they
have just received a splendid assortment of
the most fashionable Goode, consisting of every
ve iety of Ladies' and Gentlemena' Dress Goods,
Fancy Goode, and Dry Goods of all kinds. Also
a fresh and superior assortment of Groceries,
Bonnets, Hate and Caps, Boots Sr Shoes, Queens
ware, Glassware, Cedar ware, Baskets, and every
kind of goods usually kept in the most extensive
stores. Having purchased their goods low, they
are determined to sell them very cheap, at only
20 per cent.
Their old stock of Goods will bo sold at cost.
July 2, 1850.
ONE TON Berea Ohio Grindstones, for sale
by J. & W. SAXTON.
July 3, 1850.
I)EAUTIFUL lot of Lsnies Dosss GOODS just
arrived and for sale by
July 2, 1850. J. & W. SAXTON.
By %lulu° of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
at the Court House, in Huntingdon, on Toss-
Der, AUGUST 13, 1850,
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Ker, James
M'Donald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacequillas valley, is within
convenient distance of the Penusyl
;',' vania Railroad and canal, and is
Well Timbered,
which renders it very valuable, and offers a very
profitable speculation to purchasers.
The a bone tract will Co sold whole, or in pan
eels to suit purchasers.
TERMS.—The half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of en le, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be arcs-.
red by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Administrator of John Wiley. dcc'd.
July 2, 1850.—te.
Uacia azoa weal!.
HW. SMITH has removed hie Book and
, Stationary store and Express Office to the
room formerly occupied by Wm. 8t B. E. M'-
Murtrie, as a store, nearly opposite WKinney's
Hotel. His position is now more central. end
lie invites all wanting anything to his line to give
him a call. (July 2, 1850,
.tCE:) , ESIC:3ZM 2
T RESPECTFULLY invite all persons deal ,
ing in or usilig Hardware, &c., to my large
and well selectastock, which will be sold for'
cash at lowest prices. F. G. Francis.,
Country merchant. are informed, assorted bills
of Hardware may be bought, for caan, at Phila
delphia prices. Come and see.
F. G. Fr.eiscus.
Beatty's Rose's Uunderhill's, and the most
celebrated English Edge 'Fool Manufacturers'
good always on hand at F. G. Franciscues.
Alaericau Savws of all kinds. Panel &
Cross cut, Mill, 6i, 6 a 7 ft. Hoe & CO'll circu
lar, from 14 to 30 inch, Tenering, at
P. G. ganciscues.
60 KEGS GE NAILS, Spikes and Brads, at
5.1,25. 55 Kegs of Pure White Lend, at $2,00
per keg. 90 Gallons Flaxseed Oil at $l,OO per
Gallon, at F. G. Franciactis'i.
43 BOXES WINDOW GLASS, all sizes,'
assorted qualities, at F. G. Francsleus'o:
Builders of houses will find the lilted styles ,
of LOCKS, LATCHES, &c., of superior qualf.'
ty and finish, at F. G. Francis-cu.',
12 Boxes Tin Plates, Iron Wire, Block Tin-,'
Pig Lead, &c., at G. Franciscris's.
Mouschole Anvils, from 100 to 200 lbs.—
Tower Vices, from 30 to 150 lbs., at
r•. G. F;aneiscus'o,
Cast Steel.—Sanderson, Bro's. & Co. Shear
Spring, Country, and English, at lowest prices,
at F. G. Fraud...Ws.
SLED. MOULDS, !6 to 25 lbs., at
F. G. Frandsen?,
COPPER KETTLES, 8 to 20 gallons—
BRASS « at
F. G. Franciscus's.
PLANES of all kinds, lower than the lowest'
ut F. G. Fr anciscus's .
SAWS, CHISELS, &c.—Spear & Jackson's,
Wade & Butcher's cross cut and panel always
on hand at F. G. Fran els. s's
Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, flay Forks,
from 50 cents to $l, (beat,) at
F. G. Frairrisrus'...
STOVES, low for cash, at Frataciscua's.
LOOKING GLASSES.—From 50 cts to $4,
usually sold at $l,OO to $5,30, the cheapest
Frames and Glass offered to the public, at
F•. G. Pranciscus'a.
BROKEN HANDLES.—I will sell at aston
ishingly low prices, Augur, Socket chisel, Fir
mer and Broad Awl Handles, D. Handle, For
long hustled Shovels, Brush Handles, Jack and.
Fore Plain Handles, Saw Handles, always on
hand at F. G. Frauciscus 's.
F. G. Fra;icisrua's
Shoe Findings, Sole Leather, at ISI cts. nett
cash, 'ten's Morocco, Lining and Binding Skins
Pegs, Lasts, &c, at F. G. Frandscus's.
S SETT or BooT Tagus, 8 pair of Crimping
Boards, at F. G. Franciseus's.
32 pr. Black and Bright Springs, from 3 to 6.
Plates 111021 wide, at P•. G. Franciscan's.
1200 yards of CARRIAGE LACE, for Trim
mings, &c., at F. G. Franciseus's.
Brass, Silver and Iron Nut Patent Axles, Pla
ted Stump Joints, at F. G. Francisous's.
HlDES.—Enamelled, chaise, plain, patent
leather, &c. at F. G. Francimis's.
Carriage Makers' Trimmings, and Material'
of all kinds, at F. G. Frawiseres's.
22 sttt Mahogany Veneers, Butt & Colum,
Bed Screws 0, 01, 7 a in. long. Bed castors, at
P. G. Franciseres's.
27 Gun and Rine Barrels, castings, tubes,
&c. at F. G. Franciseus's.
Conch and cabinet Varnish, Glue, Paint and
Varnish Brushes always on hand at
F. G. Francisens's.
500 lbs. Sheet Zink, and 100 pounds
Block do. at F. G. Francisca'',
Shoe Thread, Boot Lacers, Kitt Files, Shoe
Hammers, Pincers, 0 to 3, all kinds of Boot and
Shoe Kitt for men and ladies wear, at
House-keeping articles, of all kinds, corntant
ly on hand, at F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
gnON.--All sizes, round and oval. Tire
Iron, from 1 to 4 inches broad, at
Down, Myndersee & Co's. cast iron revolving
well and cylinder PUMPS. An assortment of
these highly celebrated and cheap pumps daily
expected. All information in regard to capaci
ty and service of these pumps will be given by
Sole Agent for Mifflin county.
House Bells, from 20 to GO lbs., for farmers
use. Cow, Sheep and Hand Bells at
lbs Putty, 300 lbs. Whiting, chrome Green,
chronic Yellow, Litherage, Terra Sierra, Red
I lLead, Vermillion, (English,) &c., always ou
hand at F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
10 dozen Saddle Trees, 300 lbs. Deer's hair,
120 gross Iluckles, 300 yards cotton Girthing,
200 pude straining Webb, at
Eight Inc.l pr. Wood Hanes, Silver and Brass
plated. 2 dozen Iron Silver and Brass plated, at
150 yards Plain and Figured Patent canvass,
50 yards Gum cloth, 15 yards Pearl Drab cloth,
172 yards Bead Lining and curtain stuff, assort
ed qualities and widths, at
Wagon and Buggy English Boxes, from 1 I to
a ts, Kettles, Frying Pans, Sce. at F U FRAN
of se vs's.
Camphene, Etherial Oil, and Lard Lamps,
Wicks, Shades, chimneys, globes, &e. at
F G Faasciscus's..
Lewistown, July 2, 18.50.—Du.
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c.
Will attend to all operations in
.._ DENISTRY. (such us luggin g ,
la irira.•
Extracting an d i 6
from one
to a full set of Artificial Teeth.
Also Clock., Watches, Jewelry, Musical
Boxoe, &c. neatly repaired and warranted.
(0 Office at the residence of Mr. Wright, PE
TERSBURG, Huntingdon county.
N. 13.—Mr. G. will visit the residence of any
person, if requested.
Mouths examined and opinions given free of
Petersburg, July 2. 1850.-Im.--0.
TS hereby given that I have purchased at Coa
-1 stable's sale. the following articles, to wit:
One Grey Horse, 1 two horse wagon, 2 sett of
harness, 1 sorrel Mare, 1 River Flat, and 1 Log
Chain, and that I have loaned the same to Jo
seph Mapes. J. F. COTTERELL.
June 18, 1850.-3 t.