WATCHES, CLOCKS, lIIENWIELIKTo .SILV WA R &c., The undersigned has just returned from the East, and is now opening at his New Stand, three doors West of 'l'. Read & Suns' More, and directly opposite the Suns of Temperance Hall, A huge end very superior assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, S day and 30 hour Brass Clocks, Jewelry of the most fashionable styles, Silver ware, Cutlery, Perfumery, Soaps, I ockot Books, Port Mounaies, I•istole, Note and fine Letter Paper, with a general assortment of Fancy Goods. The unusually 1 w Prices At which we are determined to dispose of this Stock, of f ers peculiar inducements to purchasers. All should remember this fact before making their purchases, as it is our tined determination to sell our Watches, Jewelry ficc.,at a very email profit, and thus establish our reputation fur selling _ _ The Cheapest and Best Articles, %Vetches anJ Clocks neatly and carefully re paired.—The Highest Price allowed fur Old Gold and Silver. J. T. SCOTT, N. R. Our friends and others who may wishi to patroni,l.SCol"l"S CHEAP JEW tiI•RY BTOHE," wil; please hear in mind that he has removed his establishment from the corner long occupied by D. Buoy, to the location above described, where he hopes to greet his old and many new customers. _ _ _ Huntingdon, April 9. 1850, NOW FOR THE BARGAINS! .A 1 w and Splehtiid .dssortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Has just been received at the Cheap and popular Stand of C21.0E , CU) a.Q.C150 C.M 'QFP fl rgn a .)Market Square, Huntingdon Pa. Tj IS stock has been selected with . .11_ great care, with a view to cheap ... and Good quality, and comprises. in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, Oregon, . and Tweed t. Nibs, Vesting's, Flannels and Drillings, and a variety of Cotton goods for auto wee wear, Mouslin de Laines, French Lawns, and Scarfs, hhawle and handkerchiefs, Alpac cas, Merinos, a large assortment of Calicoes cl the newest styles and at low prices, Earlston, French. Scotch and Domestic Gingham. and . Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Checks,. Bed Ticking!, M us li na and Sheetings, &c., &c. Having heretofore been honored by a large patronage from the Ladies he has procured the most elegant assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, ever brought to the interior of the State. A leo : Boo:. Shoes, hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &c., end a greet variety of good. of all kinds. In short he is prepared to offer Great Bargains to those who favor him with their custom. All ors invited to call and judge for themselves. It affords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. All kind. of Lountry Produce taken in eu change for good.. GEO. O WIN. April 2, 1850. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY AND q3 4 rlT3 HAVING purchased the stock of said Foam dry, I tun prepared to do all kinds of work, such as Machine, Forge and Mill Castings; STOVES—.4ir-Tight, Coal and Wood Parlor Stoves, Coal and Wood Cook ing Stoves of superior pattern; Wood and Coal Stoves of all kinds; Wagon Boxes; Hollow Ware, etc. too numerous to mention; and all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron work, made to order, and kept on hand. hpouting at 12 cents per foot, Copper Pumps,Atc. Old metal taken in exchange —also all kinds of produce, ROBERT GRAFIUS, Alexandria, April 23d 1850, Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Establishment. 111q4.1 . H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs leans to inform his friends and customer• and the public generally ,that be has built a large and commodious shop immedi ately in the rear of the public house of John hittaker, ar., on the bank between the rivet and canal, whets ha will constantly keep on hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality, emb acing all descriptions,kinds, sty lee and v. rietiee of parlor, medium and plain household furniture, which will be offered for sale at the very LOWEST RATES In order to occouttnodrite the pultli. with all kinds of work in his line of business, he has just supplied himself with a large lot of the host quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fsshion. He will offer neither botched or half finished work for sale, and will at all times nub mit bin work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me. Otani., Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, I are invited to call and examine his furniture. be fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ ing.' Cofllns will be made on the ahorteit notice, of, either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, a. may be de ei red, and funeral. attended. - . He flatters himself that by industry and close attention to hishusiness he will bauble toplease ull who may give him a call. Old furniture will at all times be repaired in the neatest rind most durable manner, at low rates. All hinds of country produce will be ta ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &e. .....aantinstlon. May r , 9. I p 4 9. SILVDRAVAILIO' /ABLE, tea and salt spoons, butter and fruit knives, sugar tongs, forks and purse clasps made of coin, for sale NEFF (SE MILLER. April 2, 1850. WILL AND CAP PAPER Of superior quality, just received cud for tale at I ha Book Store of H. W. SMITH April IN, 1510 Greatest Variety in Town at the GEN Ell AL DEPOT, LOUls SCHhEID6R HAS just laid in a very heavy stock of all rcinms OF GIIOCRiII r.sand CONFECTIONARIES, &c.. which he invites his old customers and the public generally to examine. His stock of Goods 'every large, consisting of every variety to suit the wants of the people. Huntingdon, April 23d, 1880. All Kinds of Groceries. COFFEE, Teas, Starers, Molasses, Chocolate, ft fresh supply just received at SCHNEL DER'S General Depot. Confectionary. A GREAT variety of choice Confectionary for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. Fresh Bread and Cakes OF all kinds always on hand at the Bakery of LOUIS SCHNtIDR. Sperm and Tallow Candles, and Soap ON hand and for sale at SCHNEIDER'S Gen. eral Depot. Superior Brand Segura Ovarious kinds just received and for sale at kJ LOUIS SCHNEIDER'S. Spices of all Kinds TOR sale at SCHNEIDER'S Grocery and X Confectionary. Cheese arid Cracker 3 FoR sale at SCHNEIDER'S Confectionary and Grocery Depot. .1. T . S. Raisins at 12! cts. per pound. A GOOD article of Raisins at I'2ll cts. per lb, A for sale at. SCHNEIDER'S. VINIAIAIt. ASUPERIOR. article of Vinegar for sale a . SCHNEIDER'S. Fluid, and Fluid I amps. SUPERIOR Fluid, and Fluid Lamps received and for sale by LOUIS SCHNEIDER. DRANDIC.--Superior Brandy, in bottles, I) fur sale by Louis :ICHNEIDER. W'D:EL—Port and Madeira Wine, of Bu parlor quality, in butt es, for sale by Louis SCII24EIDEII. Fruit and Nuts Of all kinds, for sale at SCHNEIDER'S, aI.VILLITIREUIS John Marks in the Field. The subscriber has open. d a very neat GRO CERY and. CONFECTIONARY in the East end of the E xchange Hotel. Market Square. Hun tingdon, in the room formerly occupied by Nell and Miller as a Jewelry Store, where articles in bin line can be had cheap for cash or country produce. his stock consists of Coffee of ditierent qualities, Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black, huger, from 6* to 11 cis per lb.. Chocolate, Sweet Spiced. Tobacco, Snuff and segars. Corn brooms and Whitewash Brushes, Best Table and Baking Molasses, Soap, Fancy anti Rosin, Candles, Mould and Sperm. Rice and Starch, Twine and Candle Wick, Congress Lemon and Oranges, Fancy and side Combs, Bath Brick, Table Salt, and a general assortment of CAKES, RAISINS, NUTS End CANDIES, all of which I am prepared to sell at a very small profit. JOHN MARKS. April 23d,1850.-3m. MEAD QIAIRTERS FOR Groceries & Confectionaries. JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, A just received a choice stock of Groceries, H _ Confectionaries, &c. He respectful!) invites his custom, rs and the public generally to call and examine his assortment. Huntingdon, April 23, 1880. Dried Beefand Cheese, OR sale at the Cheap Grocery and Confec • tionary of J. M. CUNNINGHAM. S P IC ES. ALL kinds of Spices for B ale at CUNNING HAM'S Grocery and Confectionary. A Variety of Articles, moo numerous to mention, for sale at CUN NINGHAM'S Confectionary and Grocery Head Quarters. Co(lee, Teas and sugars. n. FRESII anpplyjust opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Grocery and Conic. ;ionary. LIP SUGAlL—Elegnnt Fip Sugar for sale by J. M. CUNNINGHAM. To Farmers and Alen of Business. CANDLEn AND GUANO. Tli E subscriber offers, at the lowest rata., in any quantity to coil purchasers. G E.AIII.NE PERUV NGUII NO . and a variety of SeEhM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANIVIIit'S OILS. . 7 1fanufarturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and Consumers, are invited to cai I. GEO. W. RIDGWAY, No. 87 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia. April 9,1950.-2 m. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GLAZING AND PAPER HANGING. SAMUEL G. MAKER, D ....rum, informs the public ;hat ho has ix, comm.—A het above business in the Bor ough of Huntingdon. He to located one door Cast of the Pest Office, where he will be pleased to attend to the calla of all who may wish to em ploy his services in any brsnch of his business. Nay 7, 1850.--3 m. MACKERAL, SHAD, CODFISH, Constantly on hand and SALMON, for sale by HERRINGS, J. PALMER & Co. PORK, Market Street Wharf, HAMS AND SIDES, 1 PHILADELPHIA. SHOULDERS, LARD _& CHEESE, J March 26, 18.10.-3 m. Rags ! Rags I—The highest price paid in cash for Nags,at the Huntingdon Bookititore. Flay 21. HORACE W. SMITH. EMELI.E2I7:V.CEOG:3 LAST FAST CLOTHING LINE. & W. SNARII, ave just received and are now open. H ing a well selected and mammoth assortment of Spring anti Summer Clothing, for men and boys, consisting of every thing usu ally kept in clothing stores, and a variety of fan cy articles unusually kept in them. Our stock is superiorto any other ever brought to Hun tingdon, and is not inferior to any other ever between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Presuming it unnecessary to enumerates long list of low prioes, as the establishment has been long and favorably known as the h3use (or sel ling cheap and fashionable clothing. H. & VV:BNARE March 25, 1850-3 m. EncOurage Your Own Mechanics. Saddle and Harness anufac tory WILLI/LIVE GLASGOW friendsO U D and respectfully t l inform arge t hh at sYY t he cantihties the above business in Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo site the store of Read. & Son. All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES, in short, every thing in his line of bu siness, will be manufactured on the shortest notice, of the best materials, and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can be had at any other establishment in the county. He is thankful for the liberal patron age already extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business to receive a continuance of public favor. [l:7-A large assortment of SADDDES HEADY MADE, always on hand, and made in superior style. 117-Hides, and country produce gen erally, taken in exchange for work. March 5, 1850. Z.ruuroaftfiragall CID au Book and Stationary Depot. T _ HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of-Huntingdon and its vi. isity, thr t ho has commenced business in the stand formerly occupied by I. Dorland, opposite Coot's Hotel, and having made arrangements with the Philadelphia Merchants to hose con stantly on hand, upon commiasion,the following general assortment of BLANK BOOK, consisting of Ledgers, D4y Books, receipt, pass books and Justices Dockets. Also—every de scription of writing end deed paper, white and colored pasteboard, plain and perforated briatol board, tissue paper, &c, BLANK DEEDS &C., Black,blue and red inks, ink powder, quills, wa fers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand buses, lead pencils, Indian rubber, water colors, slates and slate pencils. SCHOOL BOOKS, of every description, of late editions kept con stantly on hand. LARGE FAMILY BIBLES, Pocket Bit‘lcs and 'Testaments, Hymn and Psalm Books, Prayer Books, &c., Fancy Note Paper and Envelops, of every variety, A Ibu ins, portfolio., pocketbook., annuals, fancy tme, wafers and sealing wax, visiting cards, bead purses, penktiifes and every variety of fancy goods._ Novils, Soul' Books, Music, Miscela neous works, &C. PERFUMERY, consisting of extracts for the Handkerchief, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Cologne, &c, Also—Cigars of the choicest brands, Chew ing tobacco, &c. HORACE W. SMITH March 26,1850. Administrator's Notice. r ETTERS of Administration hove been grant ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of LEONARD STEFFE Y, late of Berme town ship, Huntingdon couuty, deceased. Al per- Wua knowing themselves indebted, a re r e que s t e d to make immediate payment, and those !loving claims, will present them properly authenticated to SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson towhship, ADAM STEFFFY, Barree township. May 7,1850.-6 t. Musical Instruments. VIOLINS, flutes, gutters, flageol ts, accordeons, banjoes, and musical boxes, for sale by NEFF & MILLER. April 2, 1850. A FINE assortment of R'ourael's am Baud's perfumery, for sale by NEFF & MILLER. April 2, 1850. A N assortment of Pittsburg Glassware just a received by J. & W. SAXTON. May 7, 1850. 1 01111311 sit 12 f t cents.—An excellent k) article just received and for sale at J. & W. SAXTON'S store. (May 7, 1950. CITY HOTEL 41 & 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. H HIRST Would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above large and well known Hotel. The location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his entire attention, that he will be able to reader perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very liberal sup port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure them that he will spare no pains or expense to render the Crrx HOTEL worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1819-Iy. IHE GOAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. rpHANKFITI, to the r itizons of 1 luntingdon / and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view ourlarge and splendid assortment of CHINA,GLASSANDQUEENSWARE Dinner Sets, Tea Sefs, Toilet Sets, and sin gle pieces, eithea of Glass, China, or Stone Ware, cold in quantities to suit purchasers, for lees than they can he hod elsewhere— IN FACT AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than over before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. (;_y• Wo would invite any person visiting the city to call and see as—they will at least he plea. red to walk around our beautiful store, nod to view the finest china and the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully , TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut Street. Phila. Sep. 25, 1549. ly. REMOVAL. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! T. K. SIMONTON W OULD respectfully announce to his old customers, and every body else, that he has removed his store from his old stand. to the room a few doors below, on the same side of the street, and but two doors front William Dorris' 'store. In addition to his old stock, he bas just received an elegant assortment of Cs.te' which he is prepared to Fell as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than con be procured elsewhere. His stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, erc., Thankful for past favors he would rest:ect ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It wi I always give him p'easure to use his utmost exertions to render satisfaction to those who may deal with him. Feb. 19, 1830. E. C. SUMMERS. .T. Ti. BALL, New Arrangement. CARRIAGE & WAGON MANUFACTORY. Summers et, Ball, WOULD respectfully inform the public that they have purchased from Henry Smith, his tools, stock, &c., belonging to the above alepart• ment of his business, and that they will carry it on for the present, in all its various branches, in the shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They ore prepared to execute all ordeis in their i ine on the shortest notice and moot reasonable terms. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c., made to order, of the beet materials, and at ea sonsble pi ices. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. oryThose wanting neat, cheap and durable articles in their line of business, arerespectfully requested to give them a call. keb.26,1850 M. Bt, 1, M, ROWE, 63 .?forth Third Siea, above ✓lrch, PHILADELPHIA. IsooDim Corn Brooms, 500 doz. Painted Buckets ; 500 nests Willow Market Baskets ; 600 " Cedar Tubs ; 800 Staff and Barrel I horns; together with the largest stock of Willow, Cedar and Eastern Woodware ever offered in thecity. N. B. Cash paid at all times for broomcorn at our factory. Feb. 26, 1850. CROIVIELIEN & ISILOTIIER, Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OF xi° calla of rr 7711ITIMP)a COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS TN Tens, Ne t Tarti, A•r. No. 11 Walnut Street, Q, Consignments of Weetern end Southern Produce solicited.,p) June 12, InlU. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. THE undersigned, having lately dissolved the partnership existing between them, have still on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite the attention of purchasers. Any person need• ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a call as they will sell on the most reasonable terms. ADAMS & BOAT. March 19, 1850. Pit I l'E SC IV 00L, TOR the Intellectual and Moral training of young persons and children of both sexes, kept Icy J. A. H ILL, in the now Academy building, Huntingdon, Pa. The apeing session will commence on MONDAY, TUN 22d DA Top APRIL INST. For particulars apply to the Teacher. J. A. HALL. REFERENCES. Rev. J. Moore, A. P. Wilson, J. S. Stewart, R. M'A lister, Esqs; Messrs. D. M'Murtie, W. B. Zeigler and J. N. Prowell; Judge Gwin, Hon. George Taylor, Col. James Clark and Dr. M. A. Henderson. April 2cl. 1810-. SARSAPARILLA, a fine article, for sale at Marks' Confectionary. 114ay 21. Chair and Furniture `UW 4 en 1. - 1. , . LLi cii) co uaia. a) 3 Up Stairs above Peter Swooie's Store and Sheriff Crownover's office, rind three doors cast of .McKinney's Hotel. THE undersigned has again corn meneed the above business in all its various branches, and is now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom on the most reasonable terms. He intends keeping on hand aft kinds of CHAIRS anti FURNITURE, from common to the most fashionable sty e, mid mode in the most durable manlier, which he will sell low for cash or Country produce. . . All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for Chairs or furniture. COFFINS will at all times he kept on Ilona; and funerals attended in town, and shortly in tow. and country, as he is getting a splendid hearse made 'or the accommodation of the public. HO.F;E ►ND SIGN PAINTING attended to ea her e THOS. ADAMS, Huntingdon. October 30, 1849. C~~~~3~~ For the Purchase and Sale of REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, believing that' an Agency of this character would be an accommodation and an advantage to both the purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon. All business of this kind entrusted to him, and all communications sentto him, will receive his prompt and diligent attention. He wilt adver tise when requested, either in his own name or in the name of the owner, as may be desirable, in one or both of the newspapers of the county, and in any other newspaper that may be desig nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and sellers, and communicate between them. A full and minute description of the property —its improvements, supply of water, conveni ence to markets, schools, ehurches,iml the terms of sale, must accompany the request of any per son who wishes his real estate advertised or of fered for sale ; and some description, us della ite as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of the premises desired to be bought, must be giv en by those who wish to purchase. All communications relating to the business of this Agency will he confidential if desired. The subscriber is in communication with a similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be able through it to bring property offered for sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun ty purchasers. I)"Postage must be paid on all letters sent. P. S.—Several desirable properties are now offered for sale. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR, Attorney at Law. Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1819. Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE. No. 238 Market St., above Seventh, South side, PHILADELPHIA A LTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the 11 value of TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER will furnish his friends, among whom heincludes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect INDEX for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of !intern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass COUNTING ..., PARLOR, HALL. CHURCH and ALARM CLOCKS, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from hie extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers he finds he can put at the LOWEPT CARR els. un in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. Cocks repaired and warranted—clock trim mings on hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BARI4ER, 238 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1849. CENTRiIL 01 OTMIVI U51120T. JACOB SNYDER Respectfully informs the piddle that he has Removed his est.thlishment to the room recently occupied by T. K. himonion, opposite the store of T. Read & where, in addition to his former stuck. he has just received the most elegant assoi tment of Clothing for Nen and Boys ever brought to the borough of I) untingdon ! Hie stock consists in part of Dress and Frock COATS, a , oriety of PANTS acid VESTS, of every quality and price ; Shirts, ftunnel shirts and drawers, cravats, &c. &c. Having considerable knowledge of - the wants of the People, and being experienced in the quality and make of Clothing, he cats confident ly assure the public that the material is notonly good but that his stock of clothing is well made up, in the most fashionable style, Baying put chased low, he is determined to WI at such prices as will cause the people generally to hail his store ea the Cheap Clothing Depot! Every body. in town and country, aro invited to call and examine hia truly SUPERIOR GOODS. N.B.—Clothing will be made tin for customers as heretofore, in the best style and shoo est notice, Huntingdon, April r 3, 1950. WE takethis method ofinfotming.ourftionds• and the public generally, that on ing to an increase of bueiness we hove removed our Watch, Jewelry, and Variety Store, to the large room on the corner of Hill and. streets, formerly occupied by Col. D. Buoy es a Watch and Jewelry thole. We have just returned from the eastern cities with a very large and handsome aseortnient of Fine Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Fire arms, Musical Instruments, Stationary, Perfumery, Candlabras, and Fancy -Irticles. Notwithstanding these articles now demand a higher price in the eastern market than former ly, we have purcha.ed our goods remarkably low, and are detei mined to sell CIIKAP. & MILLER. N. it. The highest prices paid in Cash for old gold and silver. Arpil 2. 1450. LEMON MXTRACT. DURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a r genuine article for sale at CUNNING HAM'S, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 1849. VINEGAR, Homeny, Golden Syrup Molass es, Luscious Luxury, &c., constantly for sale at Marks' Confectionary. [May 21. THE GREAT CURE CHAS. G. JOHNSON, of Bristol. Who was pronounced incurably fixed sn. the last stage of Pulmonary Con sumption, by two skillful Phy. sicians. Mr. Johnson wua rescued from death's door by the use of Schnock's l'ulmonic Syrup—hav ing been prostrated all winter, his e.e was witnessed by several of the most respectable citizens of this state, whose names are append ed to his certificate. Read ! Read ! and be con vinced that Schnook's Pulmonary ....yrup is the only certain cure for Consumption. Bristol, Buck., county, Pee. 1' hept. 21, 1549, Da. J. H. Scuwzctt, —DearStr,—l am induced from a sense of justice toward. you, as well ea: duty to the public, to make known one of the moot hopeless and extraordinary cures, in mar' own person, that you have ever had the pleaeuttee to record. Indeed, I regret my inutolity to par.' tray, in truthful colors, my consuming disrobe,' and the rein...liable chance which Schtieck'ei Pulmonary y top effected in so short n time. I was taken sonic time prAous to December -1848, with a heavy cold, producing inceveant' coughing, accompanied with acute Fein in the right side, pains in the back, under the right shoulder, having heavy night sweats, high renew &c., which made me en nervous and restless no to produc, utter prostration. AII these uflbctione ,increased with such violence. that en the 4th of January lust I sent for my family physician. Ile attended me faithfully, anti prescribed every thing that medical skill could suggest but wit hem ef. rect. I lOUIId Myself gradually growing worse, and my hopee of recovery !melting at my die_ easeincreased. My cough became clietreeeingr; my paints severe; and, et. trvinely debilitated, I lost all ambition in life, and gave up to a melon. choly dep esition. My physician examined mr, and informed me I hail an obsess on the Niter port of my liver and lower putt oft)we of toy twigs. Notwithstanding all this ekill.l grew worse, I ut with that tenacity with which we all cling to fir e , I concluded to I. Ave nothing undone, and called in a consulting physician, who fully conctered with niy own, and pronounced my core en ex tremely critical tine. 1I e thought 1 was in im minent danger--saying my disease "woe one ilia le seldom if ever cured." AII this lime I was en during eolferings that made file burdensome ; ex periencing great pain in coughing ; expectors Ling from a pint to a quart of nauceous matter every 21 hours, and gradually eiriltitig under the weakning progress of my (Itemise. At this stage of my i Iness, my friends in Prieto' suggested the use of Schneek's Pulmome Syrup. but kn.. ing the many expedients resorted to fur the pur pose of d ruining money front the afflicted, 1 her. itated. My friends, however, ineititing, I was prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced taking the Syrup about the first of ,larch, end used severel bottles before I had any confidence in it. I then began to experience a armee for the better, and continued it till I had consumed ten bottles, when I woo so for relieved se to be able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. He examined me, and pronounced my right lung af fected, but in a healing con.lition. He recom mended the further use of the Syrup, which I continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found myself once more restored to health. I will fur ther add,that the consulting physician, seeing the action of the medicine, fully approved its use. To give the reader some idea of the. severity of my case , and the rapid cure a ff ected by the Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in health was 177 pounds, which was finally re duced by my sufferings to but 121 pounds. Yet,, on the first of this month, (Septruilier,) I weigh.. ed 174 pounds, thus gainieg in a few months 53 pounds, .d within three pounds of my heaviest weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the hart space of this certificate, the convincing proofs of my remarkable cure, or the rarticulare of the avinixing afflictions through which I have passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to call on me, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, I shall take pleasure in detailing every particular. In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon every person who may have the premonitory aymptoins of this fatal disease, not to delay one hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediatel3. His skill in the treatment of title •complaint, and prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs by means alibi Stethescope, added to my own mimeo one cure, fully satisfies me, the, bed I ear. lier submitted myself to hie care, I should have escaped much suffering; but reetrained by doubts .d suspicion. which make us all naturally skep, tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when first introduced. I resisted the importunities of my friends till almost too late ; end yielded ohly as a last resort, resolved to " kill or cure." To those afflicted as I have been, again let me say, hesitate no longer, sty own care is preseett d to you as convincing evolenee. that when ell else fails your last hope is in Dr. Schneek'sPuimonie Sy - up. I have also for the satisfaction of those who may he stronger, to me appendt d to thie et r; tificaie the names of gentlemen well known in . the walks of public end private life. and WllO,O standing in society admits of 110 cavil or doubt in regard to their testimony. CHARLES cd. JOHNSIIIV. We the undeteigned, residents of Bristol and vicinity, ore well.acqueinted with Mr. Johnson, and know him to have been afflicted an be duties shove. We olso know that he used Schneek's Puhrionie :-:yrup, and have entity reason to be.. lieve, that to tide medicine he owl, his preeerva lion frets a premature grave. The known in tegrity and posiiion in sot iety of Mr. Johns , on however is a .fficient guarantee to the public of the truth of tide statement. LEWIS T. PRATT : :l'rart's Hotel. LEWIS M. \\ H A RTON, Merchant. CHESTER STURBEVANT.CouI dealer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. JAMES N. HARLOW, Ciergyaxan of the. Presbyterian Church. S. 13 HOLT, Hotel, Burlington. JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent. A. L. PACKER, Cool agent. WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Roussel's. Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia, Bristol, &menthe, 24, 1h49. Prepared and sold by J. H. Schneck at his Laboratory :-. E. Corner of Coate & Marshal 4. Sta.Phila. and by T. K. Stt , tox•rote, Huntingdon. G. H.Srbtorn, Waterstiect, STEINER & MC WILLIAMS, Spruce Creek. Macho & 1-woo.. Alexandria. lissautit & 8K.., Mill Creek, and by agents generally throughout the United States. Price $l,OO per bottle, or $5,00 per half dos. Nov. 20, 1840.—..1y. C23.aacco cra aro:nacos:s. A GENERAL assortment of groceries just Li opened and for sale at CVNNINGIIAJOS Gro cery and Confectionary establishment, digactly oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon. • Nevember2/, 1849.