Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 11, 1850, Image 3

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Huntingdon, June 11, MO.
The Slavery Compromise,-The
We agree with the Carlisle Herald that the
Country is getting weary, even to disgust, of the
endless discussion of the Ste Very Compromise
In the Semite, and note little dissatisfied with
the spirit in which Mr. Clay is slashing away
as its champion. We have also heard many ex
pressions to this effect in this quarter recently,
and the same feeling is noted by our. brethren of
the press elsewhere. Henry Clay is regarded
tvAti reverence and enthusiasm by the mass of
the Whigs, but some of his late outbreaks of
dictatorial petulance have given a deadly chill
to the fervid regard of thousands of his friends.
His attack upon President Taylor's recommen
dation respecting the admission of California,
has caused a general feeling of surprise arid cha
seine. Mr. Clay has con3tantl y professed a wil
lingness to accept .y other plan that offered a
prosp•ct o! peaceably adjusting the slavery
question, but tlie moment any each plan is pre
sented he dies back to his own, and pounces
upon the new plan with the most vindietiveepir
it. Such is represented to have been the man
ner and spirit with which he assailed Gen. Tay
lor's recommendation in the Senate last week.
The most respectable Washington letter-writers
represent Mr. Clay's manner, while pronouncing
his against Gen Taylor's plan, as inlet
erent, supercilious and overbearing in the highest
degree. Now when it is considered how sig
nally Mr. Clay's own plan has failed to meet the
approving judgment of the country, it will be
evident row little he was warranted in this bit
ter aasault upon Gen. Taylor's recernmendation.
Again, in the Senate, on the 29th inst., as the
telegraphic report of the proceedings states—
Mr. Clay presented a petit,on of citizens of
Barks comity, Pa. asking a modification of the
Tariff, so as to afford adequate protection to the
coal and from interests. He remarked that he
had heard with greatregret, that these intereste,
as will as other inarmiacturing interests in vari
ous parts of the country were greatly suffering.
Of one thing the country might be assured, that
until this agitation of slavery was disposed or,
one way or the other, none of these interests
could receive any attention on the part of Con
gress. For himself, he must say that his mind
was so entirely engrossed with this vital subject
that he had - not, and could not, give his attention
to any other subject until that should be dispo
sed of. When that should have been accomplieh
ed, without proposing any extravagrant meas.;
are he would be prepared, end lie believed ell
aides of the House would be ready, to look into
th-se manufacturing interests, and afford such
relief as might seem necessary if any. He mo
ved that the petition be laid upon the table.—
Agreed to.
A very significant hint to the North ! Here
is the practical triumph of the treasonable de
signs with which the ultra Southern members
opened the present session of Congress. The
cry of "Disunion" and "Dissolution" has ef
fected its object, and there can be no legislation
until the South has secured its "rights"—the
wheels of government are to be stopped, even,
Until the demands of the Slavery agitators are
yielded. And Mr. Clay, knowing the pdwer
and influence which these men have been allow
ed to gain, has no rebuke for thee, but turns to
the North and says "yoga must yield." You
may be suffering from the deluge of British im
portations—your Iron Works and Manufactories
may be sinking into bankruptcy and ruin—your
free laborers may be suffering from want of em
ployment—but we can't do anything for you.=
We are all so absorbed with this slavery agita
tion, here in Washington, that we have not even
time to think of you I
The North is desirous of having an amicable
adjustment of the Slavery question—even "a
compromise" of it. Such a compromise is pre
sented in Gen. Taylor's plan, which does not
ask the abandonment of a principle sacred to
thousands. But Mr. Clay's compromise will
not settle the question. It will only settle the
adniission of California, which had a right to
admission without compromise. But if an en.
just slave-catching bill is forced thro' Congress,
the agitation will be renewed with ten-fold fury.
Modification of the Tariff.
A letter recently received from a distinguish
ed Member of Congress from Pennsylvania,
gives us the following encouraging information
t❑ regard to the determination of the Whigs to
effects modificaticn of the Tariff. The letter
4r Mr. Hampton, of the minority of the Com
mittee of Ways and Means, with the assistance
of Mr. Meredith, and the Whig members gen
erally, is preparing a Tariff bill, and so solo as
t can be perfected it will be presented to the
ilouse. We have frequent meetings of the Whig
members, and a better feeling is evidently be
„tinning to prevade our ranks—a feeling that it
due to G.n. Taylor, and the people who elec
ted him, that the measures of his administration
should have a fair opportunity of going beture
Lhe country. We are determined, many of us,
that Coseress not adjottra until the Loco
romps have been put to the tart on the subject
.4 protecting the labor and industry of our c0up
Old Zack and the Cuban Expedi-
The Baltimore Sun says that "the orders for
itting out the vessels of war to intercept the Cu
3an expedition, emanated from Gmeral Taylor
alone. It is understood, that when advised not
to notice tit. Cuba expedition, he said: "The
law of 181 , 3 in plain and positive; and I will
execute it at every hazard." His members of
the Cabinet 'acre find informed of this determi
lotion by the necessary order for fitting out the
Such is the honest and indomitable 01 , 1 Hero
:(Buena Vista—the vanquisher of Santa Anna
nil his hosts. The commander, who contra to
°ousel and even orders refused to retreat before
he Mexican columns, and whose wisdom and
, agacity saved the national honor and achieved
, glorious victory. He is notwithstanding his
'eras in war, a man of peace, and will never
he found to rompromit the peace of the nation
allowing the fitting out of armed expeditions
- sainst countries with which we are at peace.
s the head of the Republic, he takes the re
-,innsibility, and is ready to answer for his acts;
ithnitt fear, or asking favor of those who take
different course. We honor him fur his acts,
r.,,d hope that the Republic will ever have a
. 2pesident as honest, as discreet and as devoted
to)sr !renew—Po. Tagrayh.
Supreme Court.
• -
The following are some of the cases from this
county, decided by the Supreme Court at the
late term :
M'Alahon vs. M'Mahon.—Opinion ofthe Court
delivered by Bell, J..—When a partial partition
of lands held by several joint heirs, was made in
the absence of one, and the portions of estate
set apart by mites and bounds, and the portion
of the absent one was thrown into common with
one other, and actual possession taken by the
other, unauthorized, the one who was absent
may at his option •letnand a new portion of the
whole tract, regardless of the long continued
possession, (since the year 1830,) or he may
adopt all the features of the partition, and re
cognize the act of the one who took his purpart
as his own, and come upon their joint shares,
with all the improvements, and may maintain
ejectment for the same, as was the case here.—
Nor will the statute of frauds intervene in such
eases. The acts of the self-constituted agent,
by such ratification, becomes, in contemplation
of law, the act of the principal. Judgment af
firmed. I. Fisher for plaintiff in error. A. W.
Benedict, contrrl.
Fisher, gni. tam vs. Patterson.aopinion of
the Court by Rogers, J.—The selling of foreign
goods and merchandise out of a canal boat along
the canal, comes within the description of a
hawker, pedlar or petty chapman travelling from
place to place, selling or exposing to sale for
eign goods, wares and merchandise," under our
Act of Assembly, and exposes the offender to
the penalty of that act. Judgment reversed,
and a venire de novo awarded. Orbison for
plaintiff in error. A. P. Wilson, rostra.
ItlcAninch vs. Laughlin.—Opinion of Court
by Gibson, C. J.—When the facts are within
the knowledge of both parties, and the mistake
was in the judgment they formed of the legal
effect of them, equity affords no relief. Judg
ment reversed. I). Blair for plaintiff in error.
W. P. Orbison, Contra.
In the case of the heirs of Summerville vs.
Jackson, from Blair county, Judgment of Court
below was affirmed. We have not seen an ab
stract of the opinion in this case.
Cuba Exel ement in N. Orleans.
The Philadelphia Inquirer of Thursday says:
Our Washington correspondent informs us that
letters have been received from highly respecta
ble sources in New Orleans stating that the ex
citement in that city with regard to Cuba was
greater than ever, and that thousands would at
once go there, if there were any means of con
vey afire. He adds that there is another Expe
dition on foot, and that the ill success of Lopez
and his handful of followers, hail not in the slight
est degree dampened the feelings in favor of the
enterprise. It is urged that if the whole Span
ish Army could not prevent Lopez from landing,
that it would be easy to land at any time a larger
force. The indications are, that trouble will
grow out of this business.
Outrages in Philadelphia
The City and adjoining Districts of Philadel
phia seem to have almost entirely lost the pro
tection of the law.
A Mr. Mooney, one of the police officers of!
Philadelphia, was shot recently at one of the
disgraceful firemen's riots in that city, and died
it few days after from the effect of his wound.—
The Governor being in the city at the time (tithe
excitement occasioned by the deed, issued his
proclamation offering a reward of $l,OOO for the,
apprehension of the murderer, which hos had
the effect of bringing him to I Wit. A coroner's
inquest in the case, after a thorough investigation
reported that the "said Cornelius Mooney came
to his death on Sunday morning, May 26th, from
can o- pistol shot in the hands of Patrick Mc-
Williams and Peter Lobb." The evidence is
very strong against the accused. McWilliams
has been arrested, and is now in custody.
FrOm California,
The steamship Cherokee, from Chagres, ar
rived at N'-w York on Wednesday, withone mill
ion three hundred and fifty-two thousand three
hundred and sixty-one dollars in gold dust, and
California mails to the first of May, inclusive.
At San Francisco, trade has assumed a more
lively turn, and as the large amount of gold,
which has been wintered in the mines comes
down, it gives as impetits to all kinds of bus
The owners of cattle along the country, aro
beginning to supply milk and butter, which re
duces the price of the imported article.
Another great excitement has taken place at
Panama. The officers of the Panama steamer
Echo having been robbed by a colored boy, he
was arrested. The natives rushed to the res
cue, and put the party to flight. The next slay,
upon the occasion of the re-arrest of the boy, a
fight took place, in which Mr. Sempler, of New
York, was killed. It is reported that five or six
of the natives were shot.
All the Americans became highly excited, and
turned out, and it was only by the utmost exer
tions of the Governor and American Consul that
a general fight was prevented.
The body of Mr. John Everett, of Cayuga,
N. Y., was found horribly mutilated:
The- Legislature of California adjourned, af
ter passing 143 acts and 17 joint resolutions.
The Cuba Business.
Our government has sent steamers to Cuba,
to demand the American prisoners captured near
Yucatan. Our Government insists that a die
tinction shall be made between men committing
and those captured under a mere intention to
commit crime, and that the prisoners captured
in or near a Mexican Island not having commit.
ted any crime against Spain, are not subject to
punishment in Cuba. _
Our government has stood by Spain in pro
tecting her territory, and it would be well tor
Spain to give up these prisoners, or she may
have a bigger war on her hands than that with
Gen Lopez.
ABS.. OP MlN.—Remarkable eases of that
mantel inaptitude called , 'absence of mind" have
often been noticed.
A rich one occurred a while since in this
town. A nice old gentlemen went to the tny
titian for prescriptions for a young lady at his
home, and also for his wife who was sick. The
Doctor ordered a blister for the young lady, and
some drops for the wife. The old gentleman
with profound gravity gave the drops to the
young lady, and the blister to hie wile—but as
the letter did not seem to work for a long time
apprehensions arose which were dispelled only
upon an examination by the physician, who had
been sent for, which disclosed the fact, that the
blister had been laid with the wrong side down !
—Pena Tel.
U:7 - Rev. John Newland, Malt, one of the
moat eloquent men of the age, died at Mobile,
on the 35th of May.
'nom. Um:la.—An inquest was held, a day
or two sibce; at the Lunatic Asylum in Boston
on the body of a lady ; and the verdict returned
was, “died of general debility, supervening on
tight lacing and insanity." Her figure was what
is called genteel, and her vanity on this point led
her to tight lacing, which was, in part, the cause
of her death. Her insanity was of a harmless
character, and she was easily managed, if permit
ted to make and wear headdresses of an extra
ordinary height. While wearing one of these
towering ornaments she considered herself the
queen of the world.
James Dromer, of Farrington, England, spoke
on Tuesday the 14th, for the first time for
wards of 13 rears ; her first inquiry was for
her aunt Killen, and when her aunt came, the
girl immediately repeated the Lord's prayer.— ,
Extreme weakness prevented her from articu
lating many words in succession; cramps and
convulsions ore supposed to have unlocked the
jaw for the time. She experienced a great deal
of pain for many days ; the jaw is again set ao
firm as before. The girl seemed to apprehend
that death would soon terminate her existence.
A New RELIGIOUS Oanna.—The Pittsburg
Gazette of Friday says On Tuesday evening
last, a young lady was ordained in the English
Lutheran Church in Seventh street to the office
of derzeoarsos. Deaconnesses are a reli4ions or
der of women in this denomination, who devote
their lives to various occupations of charity, and
take vows of celibacy for this purpose. The or
der has been established for some years in Ger
many, and has lately been introduced into this
country. This lady, however, is the first who
has yet been ordained.
Cr7"The Supreme Court of this State has de•
eided, that a promise by a bankrupt to pay a
debt discharged by bankruptcy, is binding,
though not made to the creditor or his authori
zed agent.
COL. FHPMONT.-The Geographical Society
of iondon have voted a gull medal to Col. Fre•
mont for having made, during the past year, the
moat valuable discoveries in geography of any
known person.
Monroua Comm.—The Harrisburg Tele
graph says they have had a great time of it at
Danvill since the return of Senator BEST. Pub
tic honors awaited him on every side, ands pub
lic dinner was tendered, but declined.
M1,1,U31 IN PARrO.-The N. 0. Crescent. a
neutral paper very justly remarks: We have
never known a better abused Administration than
Gen. Taylor's. If he doe: anything, it is wrong;
if he does not, that is also wrong."
A DAMS & CO. have established an Express
Li Office iii Huntingdon, in charge of Horace
W. Smith, at the Huntingdon Book Store. A
packages left with hint wit, bo carefully attend
ed to. [June 4,1950.
r HE Cullectuis of State arid county taxes, in
I the several townships of the county, are
hereby notified that no Hank note of a less deno
mination than five dullars, except the notes is
sued by the Bunks of this State, under th• Act
014th March, 1841, will be received by the -tate
Treasurer, from the Co .nty Treasurer, in pay
ment of , lute tax, after the tat day ofiune inst.,
as communicated to us by the , tate Treasurer.
By order of the Co. Commissioners.
J. SMY'lli READ, Clerk.
June 4, 1850.
north of Hollidaysburg, and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the 21. st day of May, the LOTS in said
Town will be open to the public for sale.
It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and are now building the same.
The Rail Road will be opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount of trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machiniits and other employees of Cie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C. H. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMCRTRIE,
June 4 1950—tf.
NOTICE is hereby given that subsc.iption
but ks of the said company will be ripened
at the public house oft buries Coughling, in
Newton Hamilton, at the house of Samuel H.
Bell, in Shirley township, and at the office of
John Lutz, in Shirleyshurg, on the 4th, 6th and
6th days of July next, for the purpose of raining
funds to erect a btidge over the Juniata, ut or
near the mouth of A ughwick creek.
WILLIAM B. Chairman
J. C. Sceitutt, Mecretary.
June 4.1850.
A NO other pistols, rifles and shot
guns, (imported) double and single
barrels, pereussiorr caps, game bags,
powder flasks, &c., for sale by
ASPLENlslD — Ts7o7tiTient of the fi
nest knives and scissors manufac
tured by Rodgers and Wostenholm, for
sale by NEFF & MILLER.
April 2, 1850.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Adminivtration have heen granted
to the auheerihers upon the estate of No•ran
oh AA (44 townehip dere.ed. All per
mute having Chillls will l re.ent them duly
authenticated. and three indebted are requested
to make payment to
April 23d 1950.
s El" 1111, E UP.
A II accounts on the old books of J. SAXTON,
and also of J. & W. Saxton, standing for six
months or m .reonust be settled up immediately.
May 7, 1860.
Thins Orapc shawls just received at
Vi J. & W. SAXTON'S Store.
May 7, 1850.
MINERAL WATER, of a superior quality,
at Marks' Confectionary. [May 21.
rOR ea!e at the Cheap Store of
Oct IS, '49.] 640 G WIN,
T OVER 3 of the Beautiful should not fail to
IA call immediately at the store of
_ _
who have just received from the Eastern cities, a
splendid assortment of
which they are offering, as usual, at most aston
ishing 1-OW PRICES. Their stuck compri
ses everything that the wants of the People re
quire, and is made up, in part, of the moat ex
tensive variety of all tho vaticue styles, selected
to suit all tastes, of
Ladies Sr, Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
Boots, Shoes, Huts and Caps, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, Itc.
We neither wish to boast or deceive. in regard to
the superior quality or the low prices of our
voila. and hence invite the public at large
to cull and examine lot themnelves. ft will give
ua pleanute at all times to .how out good..
Thankful for punt favors, we hope by strict
attention to bunnies. to receive a liberal ehare of
public patronage.
Huntingdon, June 4,1850.
THE subscribers wi.h to inform the public in
general, !hot they are now prepuied to do
Castings of all kinds, and will keep a band a
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COirKING STOVES Air-tight,
Parlor, Tee-plate Wood and Coal stoves—all
of which are new potterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A
general assortme t of Hollow..warecastings.con
sisting I Kettles Dutch Ovens, Skillets, P..,
&c., &c. Mires laneous articles, such as Wag
on Boxes, Slot and Sleigh Soles. Smoothing
Irons Ito ling 11111 and Forge custintze, V‘
dow Owes for cellars. Lintles and sills for hou
ses, Sash Weizlits and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
Auvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cash, end will take all kinds of Coun
try prude, and old metal in exchange for east
gs. The Foundry is situated at the Southern
end of I I untingdon, along lie canal.
Castings of all kinds will be kept at the
shop of VV., It. Zeigler as formerly, at N. E.
corner of M,rket Square, Huntingdon.
(0. All orders addressed to and Moore
will be promptly attended to.
R. C. warm,.
.1. MOORE.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1850.
- -
aomuLLlzibaz a (9'Do
Main Street, Hantittgdon, three doors West of
Neff IS. Miller's Jewelry Store,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are prepared to carry on in all it. va
rious branches,
Saddle and Harness Making,
and ale ready to furnish their
;IMO*/ ,/,(, customers with all koala of Ve
-04.1t, lices, Trunks, and Carpet Bags,
Plush, Hogskiii, and Tub Side
611(1E111.o, (from the cheapest to the best.) Also,
Shelter Saddles of all kinds, Wagon and Car
riage flamer., Bridle., Cullaie, Vu hips , &c.
U.Qcgsaengillict 11c. 2
Having a Tannery in the immediate vicinity
of Huntingdon, they aro prepan•d to furnish all
who favor them with their custom, at their sad
dle and Ha mess shop with
Loathe; of all kinds,
of superior quality and finish. All of which
will be disposed of cheap fur CAon or a y kind
of country produce. The highest price,in Trade,
given for beef hides, calf hides, burk, &c.
Huntingdon. May 29, 1960.
Pay Up and Save Costs,
All knowing tbetnaelves indebted to I. Graffito,
I. Grsfius & 1. & 11. Grotius, 1. Gralius &
Maeltabee, (I. Grafitti; surviving partner.) either
by note or book account, will pleaae :mike imme
diate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be
granted. books of tho above named firms
are in the hands of 1. GRA PIUS, Alexandria,
whe e those indebted will please call and settle,
and thereby save costs.
Alexandria, May 29, 1850.-4 t.
1a:12:1k1 Lair) ?~®
Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery !
8. & J. ArRICII.,
Thankful for past lavors, must respectfully an
nounce Lu the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin
ity that they have made necessary tura:igen', ins
to supply all who may facer them OIL, a edit,
with the most choice varieties of
Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes,
Fruit, 'guts, &C•
Their private would are fitted up in a hand
some sly le. which muke them a comfortable place
of result ler Ladies and Limitlemon.
Portico sun be furnished, on the shortest no
tice with Ice Cream, Co.ifectionariea, and all
kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c.
( 0. Don't fu get to call at the eign of the Red
Curtain, Railroad street, ono dour abuse Veilintin
Stewurt's mute.
Huntingdon, May 29, 1850.
To the Whig Voters and Citizens of Hunting
dun County
- -
In accordance with the advice of numerous
personal and political friends, I otter mysell us
a candidate for the office of bliera, at the ensu
ing October election. subject to the decision of
the Whig County Convention. If nominated
and elected, I will discharge the duties of the
office faithfully, impartially and humanely.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of Dr. JOHN lIENDERSON, Deed.
LETIERS testamentary have been granted
un the estate of said deceased, title day, to
the undersigned. All persona having claims
against said Estate, aro hereby notified to pre
sent them duly authenticated for aettlement, and
all persona indebted to said estate, will make Im
mediate payment. GEO. TAYLOR,
- -
Huntingdon, May 21, 1860.—msy 18, 61.
A Valuable MimeEtcne farm.
BY virtue of on oulcr of the Orphans' Court ..1
liuntingilon county, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, on Saturday, the 29th day el' jam! next,
late the estate of Wm. Ewing, deed., situate in
West and Barree townships, adjoining lands of
John Btracer, Hr. Mordecai Massey, Robert Mer
sey, James Ewing's heirs, and others,containing
226 ACRES, more or less; a large part of
which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
a with an apple Orchard of good fruit
thereon, and a two awry atone
Dwelling house,
large Frame Bank Barn, thereon erected,—
Also a earn crib, wagon shed, Spring h uuse, at d
other buildings.
The above is situate in a fine settlement, and
the land is of the bee't quality. and is une of the
roam valuable farms in It untingdon county.
'Fauns IF SALL—One third of the purchan
money to he paid on confirmation of the sale—
ono third in cite year thereafter, with In wrest—
and the remaining third at and immediately after
the death of the widow of said deceased, the in
tcre,t thereon to be paid to the said widow an
nually and 'equinely during her life, the whole
to hr secured by the bands and mortgagee of the
By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance: given by
JA M Administrator,
May 21, 18b0.
T HE subscriber will offer at public sale, on
I the premises, on Thursday the 20th of J use
nett, the following described propery, lying in
Springfield town3hip, Huntingdon county. One
Tract containing
213 ACRES.
about 120 acres cleared, and in a good state of
acultivntio, having thereon erected a
... one and a half story log HOUSE and
I N Barn, with two good springs of nes ,
' er failing water on the premises, con
venient. There ore good meadows; ~,,„,
also Peach and Apple ORCHARDS. -44/A ,
This tract being situated convenient -4; 1 1 '.
to Aughwick creek, there is a first i
rate site for a Mil! or any other water works.—
There is a permanent Brick Yard on this tract.
It is adjoined by lands of J. Baker, B. Stevens
and D. Lane.
Also, at the same time and place, a tract con.
112 ACRES,
more or less, adjoining Melinda Forge, in Crom
well township, about tiity acres of which are
cleated, about .1 acres are in meadow, all in a
good state of cultivation. There is
,a t , a first rate apple and peach Orchard,
_ with a spring of excellent water
convenient. This tract adjoins lands of J. Gratz
and F. Hooper.
Toasis.-2-The one half of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
residue in two or three lsayments to suit pur
chasers, with bonds and mortgaees.
Springfield tp., May 21, 1820',
Tnoams .lacitsox, Timm,. E. FRANKLIN,
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Davin MMuarutc, WILLIAM GLEIM,
Huntingdon co. Lancaster county.
Blair county. Lancaster county.
o.ffiee on Allegheny St., a jew doors west of the
Court house, and nearly opposite Post Office,
rPHE Company is now ready to transact busi
re'ss. Upou money deposited for a specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Saving' Institutions. Transient ue
posites received, payable on demand.
- - H. R. BRYAN, Cashier
Hollidaysburg, .May 21, 1830.
Administrator's Netico.
Estate of JOHN P. DORSEY, late of Hun
tingdon Borough, Deceased.
LETTERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the subscriber upon the estate of JOHN
P. Houser, !ate of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd.
All persons having claims will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement, and those in
debted are requested to make payment.
May 21, MO.—at.
S hereby given to the public that I have this
day purchased at Constable's sale, at the re
sidence of Wm. Eastep, Union township, Hun
tingdon county, the following property, viz:
Two thirds of ten acres of Whet in the ground,
two thirds of nine acresoi Wheat, uo., two thirds
alive acres of liye do., two thirds of six acres
or Oats do., one Cow and one year old Calf, a
Windmill, four Shoats and four Pigs, all of which
property 1 leave in the care of said Wm. Eastep
until 1 see proper to take it away
May 13-21, 1850
WOULD respectfully intorm the public that
he is prepared to serve up ICE CREAM
at his establishment, in the beat style. He has
fitted up a SALOON especially for the LADIES
and made such arrangements for the accommo
dation of all as cannot tail to please. He will
also be prepared to furnish PuivsTs PARTIZS
with any quantity of Ice Cream desired.
May 21, 1830.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Court of iiiii Pleas et Huntingdon county.
to distribute the proceeds of the hertlf• sale of
the teal estate of Dottie! tuner, amongst those
entitled to revolve the sante. will uttend to wa
king said distrd'ut ion, on Friday the 21► t day
of June 1 o'clock in the alien..n ol said
Joy, at his °dice in the Borough of Huntingdon.
when and 'shore all pertains interested are re
quested to attend if they think proper.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
May 18, 1850.—dt.
Watches and leWeirs , .
J. T. scow has just received an additional
supply of Watch., Jut.,liy. am which he will
sell un terms highly ddvatitageour to purchaser...
I Thum in ...A would du well to give him u
Remember that he has removed his ctore to
the room directly opposite the - Sons of Temper
ance Hall, and three doors west of 'l'. Read &
elon'a [May 18.1850.
ORE LIP SUGAR—A superior article
0 1 . hp Sugar juat received at J. & W. SAX
T N'S store. Play 1, 1850.
riFFICE hbuiB from 8 to iX A. b'., end 2 . to 8
lj P. M. S. W. Corner of Hiil 4nd Monigom
ery street.. IMay 7, 1880.
Gold and NilVell*
<:ls , s )
No. .52 STREKT, lIELOW Arlon,
Watches and Jewelry of every description negily
repaired and warranted.
Hie friends and the public gm-
Avi.itin g Philadelphia, ale
wined to give bum a call. as he
a•••ele confident that he can furnirit
erticler iu Ilia line id curb quality
and price ea will give universal tialialitetion.—
Tho trade will lie supplied with Watched, Jew
elry, ckc., as cheap. they can he procured elee
Philadelphia, April 23. ISISO.
To Me Demorratie Witig Voters and Citizens
of Huntingdon County.
A 1' the request of minty friend, I have been
indueed to .innounce inyselt se a candidate
for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing full elec
tion; subject, however, to the d, t felon of the
ount Convention, to be held in August neat.
I pledge myself, if nominated and elected, to diva
charge the duties of the Wier impartially and
honestly, to the best of my ability.
Union to vnvhip. April 30. IRSO.
Farmers of Huntingdon Cednly.
PENNOCKB Patent tired Planters. for
Wheat. Rye, Corn and Oats, the hest machine
of the kind ttots in ate, kept constant ly for sale
at the lied Warehoise, Huntingdon, These
Planters will save 15 pet rent iii anor. and 20
pet cent in grain over 'lie old method of fiklfrOVV.
ing. Also ...elf— harpenfug Plows end Ca, n
Shelters of the latest and must iniprovrd style.
April 23J. 1550.-2 m.—pd.
Goods iteduced to 20 per telitt
The Latest Arrival of t-
he most Fashionable
Goods, at the Clear Btore of
J. et W. ft ,'t X/'!1111.
T & W. SAXTON inform- the public that thee
have just recidoed a splendid assortment of
the must fashionable Goods, consisting of every
va'iety of Ladies and Gentlemens Dress Goods,
Fancy Goode, and Dry Goods of ail kinds. Also
a fresh and supeitur assortment of Groceries,
Punnets, Huts end Caps, Boots& Shoes, Queens
wilts, Glassware, Cedar ware, baskets, and every
kind of goods usually kept in the mods e> teusive
stoles. Having purchased their goods low, they
are determined to sell them very cheap, at only
20 per cent.
Their old stock of Goods will be sold at cost.
May 7, 1850.
D* . virtue ofnnoriier a the Orphans' Court of
I) Huntingdon roust', Wilt be exposed to sale
on the preiniiies, by public vendue or outcry, on
Saturday the 20th day of June, 1830,
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres more or less, adjoining lands
ol James Ross, Jett. Yocum, James Ker, Jas.
Af'llonald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacoquilles valley, is within a
convenientflistance of the Pannsyl.
vania Rail Road and Canal, and is
Well Timbered,
• •
which renders it very valuable, snd offers a pro
fitable speculation to purchasers.
The above tract will be sold whole or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
Taass.—The half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secu
red by bond and mortnage of the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CAAIPUILL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Adm'r. of John Wiley, deed.
May 21, 1650.
Dissolution of Partnership.
All persons interested will take notice that
the co-partnership heretofore existing between
W. B. Zeigler and R. C. trading under
the name of R. & W. B. Zeigler, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to the said
Linn, or having any claims, will please call and
settle their ricrounts. The books will be found
with R. C. at the Huntingdon Foundry.
May I s t-21, 1850.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon co.,
to distribute the money ansiog from the Sheriff's
sale of the Real Estate of Devi, M
among the Lien Creditors and those entitled,
will attend for that purpme at the offer of J.
Sewell Stewart, Eaq., On Saturday the 22d day
of June next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., when and
where all persons interested mos attend, if they
see proper. J. K. HENDERSON.
Huntingdon, May 21, 1;-50.-4t
Pay Pig—Last Nance.
All per.ns knowing them.tilvea indebted to
the late firm of Swirope & goore, Alexandria
Pa.a re reaueated to make immediate payment.
All accounts remaining unpaid up to Nov. 1,
i 850. will be lett in the halide of a proper officer
for collection. Tiie book* of the film will be
settled at the old stand.
Alexandria. April 1, 1840 ,
Jacob Africa's Estate. -
pH t undersigned, Aduainietratore of
AFRICA. deed.. hereby give notice that they
hove left the books and accounts belonging to the
estate in the 11411,154 Daniel Africa. Esq., for
settlement. Perim)na having eettlentente to make
are therefo•e requested to cell Nam hicu on or
before than Ist day of July next.
Mey 7, 1850,
April 30, 18n,