Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 04, 1850, Image 3

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Flight, Arrest and Ileturn of Lopez.
The news from Cuba is exactly what was ex
pected. Some small town would be attacked,
on landing, and taken, and that would be the end
of the exploit.
It wilt ho seen that the n victorious march" of
Ucn. Lopez and his army, bee been chnnged all
of a sudden to a precipitate retreat to Key West
followed by a "•Sre in the tear" from a Spanish
Lopez and his band, after entering
Cardenas, taking the jail, burning the
Government House and taking the troops
prisoners became disheartened. Either
they were disappointed in the reception
given them by the inhabitants, or were
alarmed at the approach of the Spanish
forces. Lopez and his force hastily got
to board the steamer Creole again and
%ailed fur Key West. They were pur
'sited by the Spanish steamer Pizarro,
kiat escaped and arrived safely.
The steamship Isabel which sailed
from Havana May 22d, for Savannah
and Charleston, touched at Key West as
visual, and there General Lopez, with
his aid and acme other friends got on
hoard, and arrived safely at Havanna
on Friday night. The Creole, in the
meantime, was seized by the Collector
'of the POI t of Key West, by an order
of our government, for a violation of the
laws, and the 600 men who were landed
from her are amendable to the same
On Saturday evening the U. S. Mar
shall at Savannah, by orders received
per telegraph from Washington, arrested
(latent! Lopez and his aid. They were
taken before Judge Nichols of the U. S.
District Court, but there were no wit
nesses against them, and they were dis
charged at a quarter before I'2 o'clock.
Lopez was escorted to his lodgings by
an enthusiastic crowd. lie made a
speech* to them, and expressed his deter
ininatiou to carry out his designs. lle
left for Mobile, accompanied by his aid.
Such has been the end of this bueetinier or
robber expAition, got up under the garb of pa
triotism for the purpose of spoil and plunder.
Another Terrible Steamboat Disaster.
ST LOUIS, May 28.
Another terrible steamboat accident
'took place this evening. The steamer
st. Louis collapsed two flues, three miles
below the city, at quarantine. A fright
ful scene ensued-- the shrieks of the
wounded and dying were most heart-ren
•Frion all information which could be
'gathered in the confusion, it appears
eto,;,:ry-five liver were lost, arid forty per.
a uis wsmuded. About half the nutnber
-of perilous scalded will certainly die.—
The sufferers were mostly deck passen
gers. I have not as yet been able to es
t:et:sin the names of those killed. Nine
bodies have been recovered and buried.
A number were either blown or jumped
overboard, some of whose bodies will
probably never be recovered, Every
possible assistance has been rendered
to the sufferers.
The cause of the latuci.table catattro
phy is not yet knourn.
Assault and Robbery.
We learn from the Johnstown Echo,
'that u most brutal assault was perpetra
ted upon an aged man, named John
Harris, at the three mile dam, some six
or seven miles below Johnstown on Mon
'day of last week. Mr. Harris was trav
elling on foot to Ohio, and while resting
by the side of the tow path, was attack
ed by two fiends in human shape who
beat him until they supposed he was
dead, when they look his money and gun,
end tied. He was taken up by the crew
of a boat and carried to Johnstown. He
is so far recovered as t be able to walk.
We hope the perpetrators of the deed
may be arrestd and brought to justice.
The gun was a new one, and bears the
'name of R. or B. Bradley, stamped upon
the barrel, about three inches from the
Late from California.
By the arrival of the Cresent City at
New York from Chagres, we have news
three weeks Inter from California. The
amount of gold on the way to the Uni
ted States, is estimated at $1,000,000.
There is no news of much importance.
Mining operations were being prosecu
ted with vigor and success. Business
was dial at San Francisco but reviving.
Sacramento City had again been over
flowed and much damage done ; a lire
bad also destroyed property there esti
mated at $56,000.
Latest Foreign News.
The new Cunard steamer Asia with
.Liverpool advises to the 17th inst., ar
•rived at Halifax on Monday morning,
having made the passage in a little over
.eight days. The Commercial news by
this arrival is of the highest importance.
Cotten and 13readstulis of all descrip
itions have advanced—the rise in Cotton
pis Id., in flour Is. Ga. to 2s per bbl., and
-Corn Is. to Is 6d per quarter.
PLANK ROADS —There is a simultanc
,ous move throughout our country in fa
vor of this species of improvement.—
The Albany Evening Journal says of
them that they have ceased to be regar
ded as equivocal enterprises ; that wher
ever built, they have become popular,
first, by attracting business to the chief
town at which they terminate, and, sec
ondly by Paying handsome dividends to
INVADRItS" AttIiESTED.-It is stated that the
U. S. District Attorney of Charleston, S. C.
has given the proper Department in Washington
official notice of the arrival of two hundred of
the late invaders of Cuba in that city, and that
he had taken legal steps against them under the
Act of 1818. lie alto asks instructions.
Mr The Baltimoreans are luxuriating on
Green Peas, at a dollar a peck I
PUILADV.PHIA, May 30, 1850,
There is no change to notice in the Flour mar
ket. The demand for shipment is rather less ac
tive, but prices are steady. Sales of IMO bbs.
common and good brands at 5525 as3lt per
bbl. Sales to be city dealers at $5.31i a 5.75
for common and extra brands.
Rye Flour.—No sales have transpired.
Corn Meal.-The receipts continue very
small. We quote at $3 per barrel.
Grain.—The receipts of Wheat continue lim
ited, but prices are steady at $1.25 per bushel
for prime Red, and $1.30 for White.
cittote at 63 . a Ottc.par bushel.
. .
Corn is in good demand for shipment, and 3a
4,000 bushels yellow sold at 65 a 60c., which is
a further improvement.
Oata continue scarce. Pennsylvania are worth
43c. and Southern 40c. per bushel.
On the 20th ultimo, at her residence, Barred
Forge, Huntingdon county, Mrs. ELEANOR
lIENDERSON, aged 78 years, 3 nio., 15 days.
The deceased was the, daughter of Edward
Bartholomew, Esq., of Philadelphia. She first
intermarried with a Mr. Capper, an English
gentleman, and merchant of Philadelphia, who
died there, soon after their marriage. She then
resided with her father, until her second mar
riage with Jonathan Henderson, Esq., a lawyer
of eminent talents, and settled in the town of
Huntingdon, at a very early period, in the days
of Duncan Watts, Tilghman, and others.
They subsequently .eft Huntingdon and remo
ved to Cincinnati, Ohio— then quite a village—
having made the voyage down the Ohio river on
one of those peculiar kind of ~raft called, in the
quaint language of the day, "Broadhorns"—using
it us an ark of safety, cooking and sleeping on
board—there being no beautiful cities and villa
ges studding the borders of the magnificent river
at that early day—nor any Palace boats steam
ing their rapid course on its placid bosom, as at
the present time. After some few years sojourn
in Cincinnati, they returned to Pennsylvania—
meking the long tedious passage up the Ohio in
a Keel boat, submitting, consequently, to many
and severe privations. They resided on the Slab
Cabin branch of Spring Creek, in Centre county,
for many years. Here Mr. Henderson died,
having relinquished the practice of law long pre-
vious. Mrs. E. Henderson being again a widow,
and without children, gave up house keeping,
and took up her residence, with her neice, Mrs.
Rachel E. Green, at Barree Forge, of which
property she has been one of the proprietors,
and here closed her eventful life.
The deceased was a lady of brilliant intellect,
strong vigorous mind, clear and discriminating
judgment, and firm of purpose. Her memory
MIS remarkably retentive. Site was a nehroni-,
eh," from which to gather incidents of "days
tang syne." With a mind richly stored, she
was a companion of no ordinary character. She
kept pace with the politics and literature of the
clay, and communicated freely with all who
sought her society. She remembered well an
interview with General and Mrs. Washington,
when quite a child, at her father's residence in
Philadelphia, and often spoke of it with pleasure.
She was kind, affectionate, maternal—interested
herself in the family of her neice, identified her
self in all its relations, assumed the responsibil
ity of its government, and was in truth the
"Mater lamiliw." Many, many will mourn her
loss. She was a devoted member of the Pres
byterian church, attending upon and enjoying its
ordinances, at all times, when able to be about.
She died in the triumph of the Christian faith, at
peace with God and all the world, relying alone
upon the merits of Christ, her Redeemer, for
salvation—giving assurance, when on the verge
of Jordan, that all was well. "All was jny and
peace within."
DAMS & CO. have established an Express
Office in Huntingdon, in charge of Horace
Wf.Sinith, at the Huntingdon Book Store. All
ipeekages left with Mtn will be carefully attend
ed to. pune 4, ISM).
PHE Collectors of State and county taxes, in
the several townships of the county, are
hereby notified that no Bank note of a less deno
,nination than Live dollars, except the notes is
cued by the Hanka of this State, under the Act
of 4th Mari:ll,lB4l, will be received by the mate
Treasurer, from the Co illy Treasurer, .in pay
ment of Mate tax, after the Ist day °finite inst.,
as communicated to us by the t• tate Tri usurer.
lly order of the Cu.'Cummissioners.
June 4,1850.
north of Hollidaysburg, and about one mile north
west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county.
After the: 21st day of May, the LOTS in said
Tows will be open to the public for sale.
It is well !mown that the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company have selected this place for the
erection of their main Machine and other Shops
and arc now building the same.
The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall
throwing at once a large amount or trade to this
place. The main inducement at this time in of
fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis
ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for
the Machinists and other employees of tie Rail
Road Company. Early application will secure
Lots at a low price.
For further information apply to C. 11. MAY
ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE,
June 4 1850—tf.
kti of
o.isl hereby
th at
willg b e
opened bi l eie
ni i on d
at the public house of Charles Coughling, in
Newton Hamilton, at the house of Samuel H.
Bell, in Shirley township, and at the office of
John Lutz, in Shirleysburg, on the 4th, sth and
Bth days :fJuly neat, for the purpose of raising
funds to erect a bridge over the Juniata, at or
near the mouth of A ughwick creek.
WILLIAM B. L eat, Chairman.
J. C. theIILKII, Secretary.
June 4,1850.
AND other pistols, rifles and shot
guns, (imported) double and single
barrels, percussion caps, game bags,
powder flasks, &c., for sale by
Nisi & .:111Lum.
OVEIII3 of the Beautiful should not fail to
call immediately at the store of
DORSET & macturam
who have just received from the Eastern cities, u
splendid assortment of
which they ore offering, as usual, at moat aston
ishing LOW PiliCEr.i. Their stock colori
ses everything that the wants of the People re
quire, anti is made up, in part, of the most ex
tensive variety of all the vamit•us styles, selected
to suit all tastes, of
Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
Boots; Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware,
Queensware, Groceries, &c.
We neither with to boaster deceive, in regard to
the superior quality or the low prices of our
goods, and hence invite the public at large
to call and examine for themselves. It will give
us pleasure at all limes to show our goods.
Thankful for post favors, we hope by strict
attention to business to receive a liberalshare of
public patronage.
Huntingdon, June 4,1850.
IptiE atebscrihers wish to inform the public in
general, that they are now prepared to do
Castings of all kinds, and will keep 0.1 hand a
General Assortment of Castings,
consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all
of which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A
general assortme h t of Hollow-ware castings.con
slating of Kettles, Dutch Overs, Skillets, Pans,
&c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag
on Boxes, $lO and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons, Ro ling Mill and Forge castings, XVIn-'
dow Grates for cellars, Lind..a and sills for hou
ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
At vita and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, wade to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the most reasonable
terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for cast
ings. The Foundry is situated nt the Southern
end of I luntingdon, along the canal.
Castings of ell kmds will be kFpt at the
shop of Win. H. Zeigler. as A.lllOlll, at N. E.
Corner of Morket Square, Huntingdon.e
(0' All orders addressed to M 'Gill and Moore
will be promptly attended to.
_ .
R. 0.
Huniingtlon, May 29, 1950.
W19517.111159'..31.1.1 (94.
Main Street, Huntingdon, three door. lreet of
Neff ,V .fenylry Store,
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are prepared to carry on in all its vs branches,
Saddle and Harness Makin;;,
. and ate ready to furnish their
4 customers with all kinds of Va-
A •,.k:z;; Ikon, 'Prunks, and Carpet Bags,
• - Plush, flogskin, and Tub Side
Saddles, (from the cheapest to the brat.) Also,
Shatter Saddles of all kinds, Wagon and Car
riage Harness, Batiks, Cella's, Whips, &e.
1:1C3i) C.U`a F.S. 3
Having a Tannery in the immediate vicinity
of Huntingdon, they are prepared to furnish all
who favor them with their custom, ut their dud.
dle and Harms, shop, with
:Leather of all Thuds,
of superior quality and linit h. All of which
will bo disposed of cheap for coon or a y kind
of country produce. The highest pi ice,iti trade,
given fur beef hides, calf bides, bark, &e.
Huntingdon. May 20, 1850.
Pay Up and Save Costs.
A II knowing themselves indebted to I. Gratis,
I. Uri:flue & Son, I. & H. Grath's, I. Unifies &
Mackabee, (I. (iratius surviving partner,) either
by note or book account, will [donde make imme.
thaw payment, as longer indulgence cannot be
granted. The books of the above named firms
are in the hands of I. GRA FIUS, Alexandria,
whe.e those indebted will please call and settle,
End thereby save costs.
Alexandria, May 29,1850:
Z4C.L):I:OL - r.a.
Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery!
8. & Z. AzazoA,
Thankful l'or past favors, moat respectfully an
nounce to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin
ity that they have made necessary arrangements
to supply all who may favor them witn a call,
with the most choice varieties of
Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes,
Fruit, Nuts, ace.
Their private rooms ure titted up in a hand.
801110 style, which muke them a comfortably placo
of resort for Ladies and Geut!eaten.
Parties can be furnished, on the shortcut no
tice. with Ice Cream, Coufectionaries, and all
kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c.
07' Dun% fa, get to call at the sign of the Red
Curtain, Railroad street, one door above William
titeivart's stole,
Huntingdon, May 29,1850,
To the Whig Voters and Citizens of Hunting.
dun Cu forty
In accordance with the advice of numerous
personal and political friend., I offer myself as
a candidate fur the ollice of Sheriff, at the ensu
ing October election, subject to the decision of
the Whig County Convention. If nominated
and elected, I will discharge the duties of the
ollice faithfully, tinpaiiially and humanely.
Executor's Notice.
Ertate of Dr. JOHN HENDERSON, Deed.
INITERS testamentary have beets grunted
4 on the estate of said deceased, this day, to
the undersigned. All persons having claims
against said Estate, are hereby notified to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement, and
all persons indebted to said estate, will make im
mediate payment. GEO. TAYLOR,
Eec uto
Miyatingtialt, May 21, 1850.-8117 28, tit.
A Valuable Limestone Farm.
BY virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to pub
lie wile, on S aturday, the 29th day el ittne next,
late the estate of Wm. Ewing, deed., innate in
West and Barree townships, adjoining lands of
John Stryker, Dr. Mordecai Massey, Robert Ma::•
icy, James Ewing'. heirs, and otherc, containing
226 ACRES, more er ; a • large part of
which m cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
with an apple Orchard of good fruit
tie■ thereon, and a two story atone
I I .
Dwelling Souse,
and a large rtame Bank Barn, thereon erected.—
Also a corn crib, wagon shed, 'opting house, an d
other buildings.
The above issituate in a fine settlement, and
the land in of the bent quality, and in one of the
moat valuable farms in Huntingdon county.
TrAims an SAI.E.—One third of the purchase
money to he paid out confirmation of the Imbr—
ium third in one year thereafter, with interest—
and the remaining third at and immedletely after
the death of Ito widow of said deceased, the iir
terest th:•ran to be paid to the raid widow an
nually and regularly during lice life, the whole
to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the
By the Court. M. F. CAMPIIELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
JAMES L' WING, Adminiatrator .
May 21, 1850.
rrHE subscriber will offer at public sale, on
1 the premises, on I% rsd ft y the :20th of Jane
next, the following described property, lying in
Springfield township, Huntingdon county. Ono
Tract containing
243 ACRES.
about 120 acres cleared, and in a good state of
, cultivation, having thereon erected a
.; • one and a half story log HOUSE and
uu Itarn, with Iwo good springs of not
_ er failing water on the premises, con
venient. There are good meadows,
also Peach and Apple ORCHARDS. .404:"
This tract being situated convenient
to Aughwick creek, there is a first
rate site for a Mil! or any other water works.—
There is a permanent Brick Yard on this tract.
It is adjoined by lands of J. Baker, B. Stevens
and 1). Lane.
Mao, at the same time and place, a tract con.
112 ACRES,
more or less, adjoining Melinda Forge, in Crotn
well township, about fifty acres of which are
cleated, about d acres are in meadow, all in a
good state of cultivation. There is
a first rate apple and peach Orchard,
with a spring of excellent water
convenient. This tract adjoins lands of J. Gratz
and P. Hooper.
- -
Tenms.—The one half of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
residue in two or three payments to suit pur
chasers, with bonds and mortgaecs.
Springfield tp., May 21, 1850.
Thomas Jacssox, Timm,. E. FRANKLIN,
Blair county. Lancaster county.
Huntingdon co. Lancaster count 7.
JAMES GARDNER, 'betel, li. BRYAN, *
Blair county. Lancaster county.
gffiee on Allegheny St., a few doors west of the
Court llonse, and nearly opposite Post Office,
r 11111: Company is nox• ready to transact bust
n••ss. Upon money deposited fora specific
period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in
terest will be paid at such rates as are usually
allowed by Saving Institutions. Transient de
posites received, payable on demand.
It. R. BRYAN, Cashier.
Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850.
Administrator% Notice.
Ertate of JOHN P. DORSEY, late e!' ffun.
tingdun Borough,
ETTERS of Administration have been grant-
JA ed to the subscriber upon the estate of JOHN
P. DORSEY, late of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd.
All persons having claims will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement, and those in
debted are requested to make payment.
May 21, 18.10.-6 t.
S hereby given to the public that I have this
1 day purchased at Constable's sale, at the re
sidence of Wm. Eastep, Union township, Hun
tingdon county, the following propertf,' viz :
Two thirds of ten acres of Wheat in the ground,
•two thirds of nine acres of Wheat, do.,•two thirds
of five acres•of Rye do., two thirds of slit acres
of Oats do.,one Cow and one year old Calf, a
Windmill, our Shoats and four Pigs,
all of which
property I leave in the care of said Wm. Eastep
until 1 sec proper to take it away
May 13-21, 1350
WOULD respectfully inform the public that
he is prepared to serve up ICE CREAM
at his establishment, in the best style. lie has
tilted up a SA LOON especially for the LADIES
and made such arrangements for the accommo
dation of all as cannot fail to please. He will
also be prepared to furnish Palmy: PARTIES
with any quantity of Ice Cream desired.
May 21, MO.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff s sale of
the real estate of Daniel Stover, amongst those
entitled to receive the same, will attend to ma
king said distribution, on Tuesday the 21st day
of June next, at 1 o'clock in the afternocn of said
day, at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon,
when and where all persons interested are re.
quested to attend if they think proper.
JOHN REED, Auditor.
May 18,1850.-4 t.
Watches and Jewelry.
J. T. SCOTT has just received an additional
supply of Watches, Jewelry, &c. which he will
sell on terms highly advantageous to purchasers.
Those in need would do well to give him a call•
Remember that he has removed his store to
the room directly opposite the Suns of Temper
ance Hall, and three doors west of T. Reed &
Son's store. [Msy 18, 1850.
- -
\A ORE FIP SILIGAR.—A superior article
1 . 1 of fip Sugar just received at .1. & W. SAX
TON'S store. play 7, 1870.
DY virtue of anorcier of the Orphans' Court of
..1) Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
on the premises, by public vendue or outcry, on
Saturday - the 29th day af June, 1820,
situate in Brady township, in said comity, con
taining 188 acres more or less, adjoining lands
al James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Ker, Jas.
At'Donald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, is within a
• convenient distance of the Pennsyl
vania Rail Road and Canal, and is
• -.
Well Timbered,
. . _
. • •_
which r7iders it very valuable, and °Mira a pro
fitable speculation to purchasers,
The above tract will be sold whole or in par
cels to suit purchasers.
Tarems.—The half or the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to he secu
red by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court, M. F. CA:aroma., Clerk.
Attendance given by
Arnla'r, 'of Mai Wiley, dietiJ
May 21, 15&th
Dissolution of Partnership.
All persons interested will take notice that
the co-partnership heretofore existing between
W. IL Zeigler and R. C. M'Gill, trailing under
the name of B.•C. M'GiII & W. B. Zeigler, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to the said
firm, or having any claims, will please call and
settle their accounts. The books will be found
with It. C. MIMI, at the Huntingdon Foundry.
R. C.. WaILL,
May 11-21, 18:30.
AN ENGINE of fourteen horse power, has
only been in use one year. The boiler is 33
inches diametgr and 28 feet long. There be a
sheet iron chimney 10 feet high belonging to it.
The saw has a tuenty-eight inch stroke. The
engine and mill is all in complete order, and will
be sold very cheap. Inquire of
" KE:BI,EI{ & BRO.,
Mill Clerk, Huntingdon cu. P.
Mny 21, 1850.-81.
Auditor's Notice,
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the
1 Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon co,
to distribute the money arising front the Sheriff's
sale of the Heal Estate of DAVID MITCHELL,
among the Lien Creditors and those entitled,
will attend fur that purpose at the office of .3.
Sewell Stewart, Esq., on Satutday the 22d day
of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when Null
where all persons interested may attend, if 'they
ree proper. J. K. HENDERSON
Huntingdon. May 21. I 850.-4 t
'l7..eaS - 3
HAVING purchased the stock of said Foun
dry, I am prepared to do ull kinds of work,
such as
Machine, Forge and Mill Castings;
STO ES—.lir-Tight, Coal and Wood
Parlor Stoves, Coal and Wood Cook
ing Stoves of superior pattern;
Jl'ood and Coal Stoves of
all kinds; Wagon
Boxes; Hollow
Ware, 4-c.
too numerous to mention; nod all kinds of Tin,
Copper and Sheet Iron work, nettle to order, and
kept on hand. Spouting at 12 cents per foot,
Copper Pumps,&e. Old metal taken in exchange
—also all kinds of produce,
Alexandria, April 23d. 1850,
Pay Upl—Last Notice.
All persons knZwing theinselvea indebted to
tho late firm of Swilope & Moore, Alexandria
Pa, are requested to make immediate payment.
All accounts remaining unpaid up to Nov. 1,
ISSO, will be left in the bands of a proper officer
for collection. The books of the firm will be
settled at the old stand.
J. N. 8 W OOPE.
Alexandria, A pril I, 1840.
Jacob Africa's Estate.
riIHE undersigned, Administrator. of JAC.
AFRICA, dec'd., hereby give notice that they
have.left the books and accounts belonging to the
estate in the 'tondo of Daniel Africa, Esq., for
settlement. Persons having settlement. to make
are therefo•e requested to call upon hint on or
before the lot day of July next.
May 7, 1850,
April 30, 1850.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration have been granted
to the subscribers upon the estate of Persil
DECK EU, of West township deceased. MI per.
sons having claims will ',resent them duly
authenticated, and those indebted are requested
.to make payment to
Adhtinist ratur,
April 23d 1350.
A SPLENDID ITZT.i;ent of the 8-
nest knives and scissors manufac
tured by Rodgers and Wostenholin, for
sale by NEFF & MILLER.
April 2, 1850.
Runaway Apprentice.
RUN away front the subscriber, residing in
. Walker township, Huntingdon co.. about 2
years since, JOHN H ANIiON, an inciented A ppren
tice to the farming business. Said apprentice wee
a colored boy, and the public are cautioned against
harboring or trusting him on my account, as 1
will pay no debts of his contracting.
May 21, 1850.-31. JOHN LEWIS.
A II accounts on the old booka.of.J. BAXTON,
and also of J. & W. Saxton, standing for six
months or nuire,must be nettled up immediately.
May 7, 1850.
1 qiina Crape shawls. just received at
\.) J. & W. SAXTON'S Store.
May 7, ISM.
FNER A L WATER, of a superior qual ity,
at Marks' Confectionary. play
Goods Reduced to 20 per Cent!
The Latest Arrival of the most Fashionable
Goods, at the Cheap Store of
T & W, SAXTON inform the puling that they
I have just received a splendid assortment of
the most fashionable Goode. consisting of every
satiety of Ladies' end Gentlemen.' Dress Goods.
Fancy Goode, and Dry Goods of all kinds. Also
a fresh and superior assortment of Groceries.
Bonnets, Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Queens
ware, Glassware. Cedarwore, Baskets, and every
kind of goods usually kept in the most a> tensise
stares. Hnving putchased their good* low, they
ore determined to sell them very cheep, at only
20 per cent.
Their old stock of Goods will be sold at cosi.
May 7, 1860.
riFFICE hours from Btol2 A. M., and to
U P. M. b. W. Corner of tlillentl Moulgom•
ery streets. tMay 7, 1858.
D Esetirrrtittr informs the public that be hsi
commenced the above busineus in the Bor.
()ugh of Huntingdon. He to located one door
east of the Post Office, where lie will be pleased
to attend to the calls of all who may wish to utt .
ploy his services io any bri nch of hid business.
Piny 7,1850.-3 m.
WY?. H. PEIGHT.4I., & CO.,
(AN the Ist day of June twat, will open A
kJ SPLENDID STORE in the room formerly
occupied by John N. Pr 'Dwell. opposite Wallace's
Hotel, where goods will be sold in sorb terms as
cannot fail tu prose highly advantageous tu pur
The highest market pniee will be paid at all
times, IN CAt3ll, fur Wheat, Rye and Corn,
and other coon+ ry produoe will be taken in ex
change fur goods.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1850.
Groceries At Conteelionaries
HASjust recei.ted a choice stock of Gloccrics,
• Confectionaries, &c. He res[cettull) invites
his customers and the public gt ucutll) to call
and examine Itis assottmcni.
liuntiAtgdoxi, April :23, 1-F5O.
Dried Melzi)d Cheese,
ll:OR sale at the Cheap .Graeery and Z'onfec
tionary of .1. M. CUNNINGHAM.
% 1.1. kinds of Spices for role at CUNNING
/1 HAM'S Grocery and Confectionary.
A Variety of Articles,
'COO numerous to mention, for sale at C UN
NINGHAM'S Confectionary .and Grocery
Heat, Quarters.
Coffee, Teas and Swan.
AFRESH 'apply just opened and for sale at
CUNNINGHAM'S Gsocony and Conic,
L SUGAR.—Elegant Fip Augur for sale
by. J. M. .C.I:NN.IStiIIAM.
.9 J 1 < w and Splehaid—lasoretnent of
Has just been received at •the Cheap
and popular Stand•of
CMI. Qs. al) an. .stsPntl tz
Market Square, Huntingdon Pa.
HIS stock has been selected with
great care, with n view to cheap
ness and good quality, and comprises, in part,
Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy
Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, ,Oregon,
and Tweed Cloths, Vestings, ,Flannels and
Drillings, and a variety of Cotton gocds for sum
mer wear, !Muslin de Laines,French 'Lawns,
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, A !pee
cas, Merinos, a large assortment of Calicoes cf
the newest styles and nt low pricer, .Earlston.
French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams and
Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Checks,
Bed Ticking., Muslins and Shectings„&c.,„&e.
Having heretofore been honored try A itt.g.
patronage 'fromthe Ladies he has prooured she
most elegant assortment of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
ever brough to the interior of the State. Also
Boots. Shoes, Bats and Caps, Grocertes,
Hardware, Queensware,
and a great variety of goods of all
short he is prepared to offer
Great Bargains
to those who favor him with their custom. All
are inviteddo call andjudge for themselves. ft
affords him pleB 9 UTC.l.fXbibli his goods at all
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
change for geode. GEO. (i W IN.
April 2, 1830.
To the Demorratio 117tig Votrro and C'itt2eus
of Huntingdon County.
A T the request of many lrieutle,.l have been
11. induced to announce myself as a candidate
for the alike of Sheriff, at the ensuing fall elec
tion; subject, however, to the decision of the
County Convention, to be held in August next.
I pledge myself, if nominated and elected, to dis
charge the duties of the office impartially and
honestly, to the best of my ability.
Union township, April 30, 1350.
Farmers of Huntingdon County.
- -
PeNNOCK'S 'Patent Seed Planters, for
Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, this •heat machine
of the kind now intuit, kept conatantly -for solo
at the Red Warehouse, Huntingdon, These
Planters will save 15 pet cent in labor, and 20
per cent in grain over the old method of Harrow
ing. Also Self-Sharpening Plows and Cot n
Shelters 'of the latest and most improved style.
April 21 : 4 1,1950.--3na.—pd.
TABLE, tea and salt spoons, butter
and fruit knives, sugar tongs, forks
and Turse clasps made of coin, for sal.
by lery At MTLLER.
April '2, 1850,