Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 29, 1850, Image 4

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    A Romance in Real the.
In New York, in 1796, my store was
in Maiden Lane, within three doors of
the store of John Mowatt, an extensive
dealer in shoes. His foremen was John
Pelsue, who sat behind the counter stitch.
ing shoes and waiting on customers as
they stepped in. One day a corpse was
found in the dock, at the foot of the street.
The coroner took the jury-men from the
neighborhood, and among them John
Mowatt and his foreman, John Pelsue.
The corps lay on the table in the centre
of the room. Some of the jurymen re
marked that as soon as John Pelsue look.
ed on the corpse, he started, turned pale,
and looked as if going to faint. He ral
lied, however, but his subsequent move
ments occasioned some curious remarks.
The jury having rendered a verdict of
death by drowning, were discharged.
Mowatt turned round to look for his
foreman, but behold he was not there.
We stepped out of doors and saw. him
high up the street, on a half run, when
ho quickly turned a corner. All sorts
of inquiries were made, but nothing
could be heard of him. This with his
turning pale Rt the first view of the
corpse, occasioned some strange sur.
raises among the jurors for many days
afterwards, John Mowatt was a bachelor
of thirty-five, and Pelsue had seen about
thirty summers.
On a certain day, about one month
thereafter, a lady in deep mourning step
ped into Alowttes store and asked for
a pair of shoes. While John was trying
1..,w the shoe fitted, the lady enquired,
'• You had a man in your store, John Pol
s .c by name—what has become of him!"
"Yes," says Mowatt, "but what has be
, .;ne of him I would give a good deal
to learn." He then related the story as
utiuva stated. "Strange," replied the
lady: "And you have not seen him
since !"
"No," replied Mowatt, "I. have not
seen him since." "Yes you have seen
him," replied the lady, "I certainly,"
said Mowatt, would not contradict a
lady of your appearance; but I have not
seen him to my knowledge." "Well,
then," says she, "I am John Pelsue; and
that subject on whom we held the jury,
was the corpse of my husband. My
family name is Randall. I was born in
Philadelphia. I married, (against the
wishes of my parents,) John Conner, a
sober, industrious mart, by trade a shoe-
maker. We lived happily for two years
He took to drinking, neglected his busi.
ness, and onee strnck me, while in
liquor. We had no family, so I resolved,
while we were stitching shoes together,
to learn his trade and leave him. I soon
made a paegable shoe, when 1 assumed
the male attire, came to New York, and
you gave me work as journeyman. The
rest you know."
. .
John told the present narrator, some
days after, that on hearing this he was
dumb founded.
"Well, madam," says- John, "1 liked
you as journeyman, aad when , my fore
man, 1 was pleased. Suppose we go in
to partnership for !del"
In forty-eight hours thereafter they
were married. She was a fine looking
woman, and might have passed for twen
ty five.
This is perhaps the first instance on
record, of a woman's sitting as Coron
er's juryman on the corpse of her hus
baud. The above is a simple tale of
truth. I was witness to.all the facts.
fa.. "Now, Girls," said our friend,
Mrs. Biglow, to her daughters, the oth.
er day, "you must get husbands as soon
as possible, or they'll all be murdered."
"Why so, ma 1" inquired one.
"Why, I see by the paper that we've
got a'most 15,000 post offices, and near
ly all of them despatches a mail every
day--the Lord have mercy on us poor
widows and orphans!" and the old lady
stepped briskly to the looking glass to
put on her new cap.
ABSENCE OF LVIIND.--A gentleman while
shooting in Tennessee, put the wadding
in his clothes, and rammed himself down
in the rifle instead. Having,. however,.
left his cap on, he was instantly shot to
the top of a pine tree, into the society of
a raccoon, who explained to him his
Da- Youth is a glorious invention.—
While the girls chase the hours, and
you chase the girls, the months seem to
dance away 'with down upon their feet.'
What a pity our summer is so short!—
Before you know it, lowers become dea
cons and romps grandmothers.
ties, like breaks in a wall, have often
bevorne avenues through which the light
of heaven has entered to the soul and
made the imprisoned inmate long for re
lease.—Dr. Watts.
(0 - Snooks was advised to get his
life insured. "Won't do it," said he--
"it would just be my luck to live forev
er, if 1 should."
ID- Mrs. Partington asks very indig.
nantly, if the bills before Congress are
not counterfeit, why there should be so
much difficulty in passing them.
0::r An Irish schoolmaster wrote the
following copy for one of his pupils
"Idleness covereth a man with naked
LIITHER'e DIVINE.—Three things make
s divine, prayer, meditation and tempta
Town Criers.
In Boston, they have a method of ad
vertising auction sales and of giving no
tice to the public of other things which
it is particularly desired should be gen
erally known, which we believe is pecu
liar to that place—and that is by what
they call town criers, who go about the
streets armed with a bell, which they
ring at the corners of the streets to at
tract notice—and then with a stentorian
pair of lunge, set forth what ever matter
they have in hand—whether it be goods
at auction, a chad lost or a public meet
ing in the cradle of liberty.
Some of the criers, time out of mind,
have been great wags ; and indeed are
so fond of their calling, (we mean no
fun) that they would hardly make the
same excuse that a crier in an English
court did namely, he could not cry, be
cause his wife was thud.
One of the crying Boston Wags, as
we remember reading in an old maga
zine, used to attract that the women
would often run to the doors, or pop their
heads out of their windows to hear hint,
there was one fami'y in particular,
consist ing of six or seven daughters of
an old gentleman by the name of Otis,
who were certain to run out, as often as
he rang his bell. Stopping one day, in
front of the house, he rang- his bell as
usual, and when all the Otis gals had
come to the door, and a great crowd was
collected in. the street to hear what he
had to• say, he proclaimed aloud ;
46 This is to give notice
That if Jonothan Otis
Don't keep his gals in,
I'll never cry here again !"
The gals walked into the house, and
the crier walked on as gravely as usu
al. But from that day he lost the com
pany of the Otis "gals," who thought
he had carried the joke a little too far,
considering the extraordinary patronage
they had so long bestowed on his cry-
Y. Trans.
U. 3 cia ft a I:El Qll CID Ea
Book and Stationary Depot.
THE subscriber respectfully informs
the citizens of Huntingdon and its
vicinity, tin t he has commenced business in the
stand formerly occupied by I. Dorland, opposite
Cout's Hotel, and having made arrangements
with the Philadelphia Merchants to hove con
stantly on hand, upon cornmission,the following
general assortment of
consisting of Ledgers, Day Books, receipt, pass
books and Justices Dockets. Also—every de
scription of writing and deed paper, white and
colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol
board, tissue paper, &c,
Black, blue and red inks, ink powder, guills, wa
fers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes,
lead pencils, indian rubber, water colors, slates
and slate pencils.
of every description, of late editions kept con
stantly on hand.
Pocket Bibles and Testaments, Hymn and
Psalm Books, Prayer Books, &c.,
Fancy Note Paper and Envelops,
of every variety, A [bums, portfolios, pocketbooks,
annuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax,
visiting card., bead purses, penknifes and every
variety of fancy goods.
Novi Song - Books, Music, aliscela
neous works, &c,
consisting of extracts for the Handkerchief,
Soaps, Shaving Cream, Cologne, &c.
Mao—Cigars of the choicest brands, Chew
ing tobacco, &c.
March 26,1850,
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respectfully begs leave to inform hie friends
and cuatomets and the public generally ,that he
has built a large and commodious shop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
Whittaker, Sr., on the bank between the rivet
and• canal, where he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of al; kinds, of the best quality,
emb: acing all descriptions,kinds, styles and va•
rietiee of parlor, medium and plain household
furniture, which will be offered for sale at the
very _ _
In order to accommodate the publi, with all
kinds of work in his line of business, he has
just supplied himself with o large lot of the
bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular
fashion. He will offer neither botched or half.
finished work for sale, and will at all times II Ull.
mit his work to the most rigid inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me
chanics,. liotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all,
are invitedto call and examine his furniture. be.
fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ
Coffins will be made on the ahortest notice, of
Dither Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de
sired, and funerals attended.
He flatters himielf that by industry and close
attention to hisbusiness, he will be able torlease
all who may give him a call.
Old furniture will at all times be repaired in
the neatest and moat durable manner, at low
rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta
ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c.
Huntingdon, May 29,1849-
other pistols, rifles
and single
barrels, percussion caps, game bags,
powder flasks, &c., for sale by
SHAD, CODFISH, I Constantly on band and
SALMON, for sale by
PORK, Market Street Wharf,
LARD & CHEESE, i March 26, 1850.-3 m.
INFRA L WATER, of a superior quality,
at 31arka' Confectionary. play 21.
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B. & W. SWARM,
ave just received and are now open
ing a well selected and mammoth
assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
for men and boys, consisting of every thing usu
ally kept in clothing stores, and a variety of fan
cy articles unusually kept in them. Our stock
is superior to any other ever brought to Hun
tingdon, and is not inferior to any other ever
between Philadelphia and Piltaburg.
Presuming it unnecessary to enumerates long
list of low prima, as the establishment has been
long and favorably known as the hause for sel
ling cheap and fashionable clothing
March 25, 1850-3 m
H. ,Sc 111'—.SNARE
EncOurage Your Own Mechanics.
Saddle and Harness anufactory,
VVOULD respectfully inform his
friends and the public at large, that
he continues the above business in
Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo
site the store of Read & Son.
All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD
DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES,
in short, every thing in his line of bu
siness, will be manufactured on the
shortest notice, of the best materials,
and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can
be had at any other establishment in
the county.
He is thankful for the liberal patron.
age already extended to him, and hopes
by strict attention to business to receive
a continuance of public favor.
11A large assortment of SADDDES
READY MADE, always on hand, and made
in superior style.
1)-Htdee, and country produce gem
erahy, taken in exchange for work.
March 5, 1850.
No. 45 South Second Street,
WOULD call the attention of Merchants and
Milleners visiting the city, to their large
and rich assortment of
received by late arrivals from Franco, such as
Glace Silks for casing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons.
Plain Mantua and Sattin Ribbons, from No. 1
to No. 12,
French and American Artificial Flowers,
White and colored Crapes,
French I. hip Bats,
Fancy Nets and Laces,
Fancy Trimmings, Quillings, Crowns, Tips,
Covered Whalebones, Buckrains, Cane, &c.,
Together with every article appertaining to the
Miliinery trade.
March 26,1850.---Im.
3217311 RM
The undersigned has just returned from the
East, and is now opening at his New Stand,
three doors West of T. Read & Sons' Store, and
directly opposite the Sons of Temperance Hall,
A large and very superior assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches,
8 day and 30 hour Brass Clocks,
Jewelry of the moat fashionable styles, Silver
ware, Cutlery, Perfumery, Soapa,l'ocket Books,
Port Mounaies, Pistols, Note and Ana Letter
Paper, with a general assortment of Fancy Goods.
The unusually 1 w Prices
At which we are determined to dispose of this
Stock, offers peculiar inducements to purchasers.
All should remember this fact before making
their purchases, as it is our fixed determination
to sell our Watches, Jewelry &c., at a very small
profit, and thus establish our reputation for
selling _ _
Thai Cheapest and Best Articles.
Watches and Clocks neatly and carefully re
paired.—The Highest Price allowed for Old
(fold and Silver.
N. B. Our friends and others who may wish
to patroni.ll ..8C0'1743 CHEAP JEWELRY
STORE," will please bear in mind that he baa
removed his establishment from the corner long
occupied by D. Buoy, to the location above
described, where he hopes to greet his old and
many new customers.
Huntingdon, April 9. 1850.
O P tuno l ; a p t S (TIVIMUFI I : I jA t IT on
THANKFUL to the citizen. of Huntingdon
1 and its vicinity for their increased custom,
we again request their company to view ourlarge
and splendid assortnient of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and sin
gle pieces, either' of Glass, Chins, or Stone
Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
less than they can be had elsewhere—
In greater variety than ever before offered in the
FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap.
We would invite any person visiting the
city to call and see us—they will at least be plea
sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to
view the finest china and the cheapest the weak,
Very respectfully,
No. 219 Chestnut Street.
Phila. Sep. 25, 1849.-Iy.
41 & 43
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and well known Hotel. The
location is one of the very best for business
men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention, that he will be
able to render perfect satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their custom.
He returns thanks for the very liberal sup
port already extended to him by his friends of
Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and
begs leave to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the CITY HOTEL
worthy of their continued support.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1819-Iy.
AITOULD respectfully announce to Iris old
%V customers, and every body else, that he
has removed his store from his old stand, to the
room a few doors below, on the same side of the
street, and but two doors from William Dorris'
Store. In additidn to his old stock, lie has just
received an elegant assortment of
which he is prepated to Fell as cheap, if not a
little cheaper, than can be procured elsewhere.
His stock consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Drugs, 4-c., 4-c.
rhankful for past favors he would res;
ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It
wi I always give him p'easure to use his utmost
exertions to render solidaction to those who may
deal with him.
Feb. 19, 1850.
New Arrangement.
Summers & Ball,
WOULD respectfully inform the public that
they have purchased from Henry Smith, his
tools, stock, &e., belonging to the above depart
ment of his business, and that they will carry it on
for the present, in all its various branches, in
the shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They
are prepared to execute allordeis in their line on
the shortest notice and meet reasonable terms.
Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Slewlas,
Cares, Wheelbarrows, Sec.,
made to order, of the beet material., and at t ea
sonahle pi ices.
Reputing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the
shortest notice.
Those wanting neat, cheap and durable
articles in their line of business, arerespectfully
requested to give them a call.
Feb. 26, 1850.
M, & J, M, ROWE,
63 North Third Sreet, above ✓lrch,
1500 Doz. Corn Brooms,
500 doz. Painted Buckets ;
500 nest. Willow Market Bitaketa
600 ~ Cedar Tuba;
800 staff and Barrel Churns;
together with the largeststock of W illow, Cedar
and Eastern Woodware ever offered in thecity.
N. B. Cash paid at all limes fur broom corn
at our factory.
Feb. 28, 1850.
Commission Merchants,
70111111101 T '173111MC4
Teas, Severs, .{•e.
No. 11 Walnut Street,
aj. Consignments of Western and Southern
Produce solicited... pp
June 12, 1999.
gnu: undersigned, having lately dissolved the
1 partnership existing between them, have
still on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND
BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish
to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite
the attention of purchasers. Any person need
ing a Carriage or foggy should give them a
call as they will sell on the most reasonable
March 19, 1850,
DIME Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
November 27, 1819.
Musical Instruments.
VIOLINS, flutes, guitars, flageol ts,
accordeons, banjoes, and musical
boxes, for sale by NEFF & MILLER.
April 2, 1850.
AFINE assortment of Roussel's and
Hauel's perfumery, for sale by
April 2, 1850.
J. 'r. s,
Chair and Furniture
\ ....tau ack ail co cci) EcEl. vs 8
Up Stairs above Peter Swoope's Store
and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three
doors east of McKinney's Hotel.
THE undersigned has nen corn
vmaertitoeueds t b h r e .
n a c b h o e v s e b a u n s d i ne i i s
n n ow a li p ! e ta
—( pared f avo to accommodate
r himwiwith their r cu a ti l t l whoomoll' may
most reasonable terms.
He intends keeping on hand all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to
thc most fashionable Ingle, and made in the most
durable manner, which he will sell low for cash
orCountry prodUce.
All kinae . of Lumber taken in exchange for
Chairs or furniture.
COFFINS will at all limos be kept on hand,
and funerals attended in town, and shortly in
town and country, as he is getting a splendid
beam made for the accommodation of the public.
HOUSE AND SiDN Pets•rrzco attended to as
Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
For the Purchase and Sale of
THE undersigned, believing that an
Agency of this character would be
an accommodation and an advantage to both the
purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu
ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon.
All business of this kindentrusted to him, and
all communications sentto him, will receive his
prompt and diligent attention. He will adver
tise when requested, either in his own name or
in the name of the owner, as may be desirable,
in one or both of the newspapers of the county,
and in any other newspaper that may be desig
nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and
sellers, and communicate between them.
A full and minute description of the property
—its improvements, supply of water, conveni
ence to markets, schools, churches,and the terms
of sale, must accompany the request of any per
son who wishes his real estate advertised or of
fered for sale ; and some description, as definite
as possible, of the quality, kind and value, 51
the premises desired to be bought, must be giv
en by those who wish to purchase.
All communications relating to the business
of this. Agency will he confidential if desired.
The subscriber is in communication with a
similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be
able through it to bring property offered for
sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun
ty purchasers.
flg - Postage must be paid on all letters sent.
P. S.—Several desirable properties are now .
offered for sale. For further particulars inquire
of the subscriber. DAVID BLA IR,
Attorney at Law.
Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1819.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of Phhiladclphia.
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street
Capital $300,000.
( IONTIN LIE to make Insurances on Lives on
kj the moat favorable terms, receive and execute
Ttusts and receive deposits on interest.
The Cr pital being paid up and invested, to
gether with accumulated premium fund. affords
a perfect security to to the insured. The pre
mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated peri
ods to the insurances for life. This plan of in
surance is the most approved of, and is more
generally in use, than any other in Great Britain,
(where the subject is best understood by the peo
ple, and where they have had the longest expe
rience,) as appears from the fart, that out of 117
Life insurance Companies there, of all kind',, 87
are on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in Decem
ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum
insured under the oldest policies; to 8 3.4 per
cent., 7 1-2 ?er cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making an addi
tion of $100; $87,50; $76, &c. &c. to every
1,000, originally insured, which is an average of
I more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment of
the company.
The operation of the BONUS will be seen by
the following exemplcsfrom the Life Insurance
Register of the Company, thus:
No. 58
Pamphlets oontainina the table of rates, and
explanations of theaubject; forms of application
and further information can be had at the office,
gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the
Pi eaident or Actuary.
B W. RIC H A RDS, President
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
May 8, 1849.-1 y
Wholesale and Retail
N 0.238 Market St., above SeVelith, Sonde aide,
ALTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the
value of Time commercially, yet by calling
at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER
will furnish his friends, among whom heincludee
all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau
tiful and perfect bum: for marking its progress,
of whose value they can judge.
His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan
ging in conformity to the improvements in taste
and style of paters and workmanship, consists of
Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass COUNTING.
nousE, PAnt.on, HALL, eituucit and Acanst
CLOCKS, French, Gothic and other fancy styles,
as well as plain, which from his extensive con
nection and Correspondence with the manufactu
rers he finds he can put at the LOWEPT CASH FIG
URE in any quantity from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
Clocks repaired and warranted—clock trim ,
mingeon hand. Call and see me among them.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St.
P hila., August 28, 1849.
Administrator's Notice.
T EWERS of Administration have been grant
ed to the undersigned, upon the estate of
LEONARD STEFFEY, late of Barre° town
ahip, Huntingdon county, deceased. All per.
none knowing themselves indebted, are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims, will present them properly authenticated
SAMUEL STEFFEY, Jackson tow•hehip ,
ADAM STEFFFY, Barrce township.
May 7, 1830.-6 t.
Bonus or
Addition i
r a mt.ofpol.and
or bonus payable
anon t the parly'a
$:00.00 '51,100,00
250,00 2,750,00
400,00 4,400,00
175.00 2,175,60
.437,50 5,437,50
of Bristol.
Who was pronounced incurably fixed to
the last stage of Pulmonary Con-
sumption, by two skillful Phy.
Tohneon was rescued from death's door
by the use of Schneek'e Pulmonic Syrup—hav
ing been proetraled all winter, His case was
witneseed by several of the morn respectable
citizens of title state, whose name are append.
ed to his certificate. Reed ! Read ! and be con-
vinced that Schneclee Pulmonary Syrup is the
only certain cure for Consumption.
Bristol, Burks county, Pa. t
tiept. 21,1849.
Dn. J. H. Scitxxcit, -DearSir,—l am induced'
ftoin a aeons , of justice toward. you, as well se''
duty to the public, to make known one of the
most hopolees e nd extraordinary cure., in ms ,
own person, that you have ever - had the pleaeurs ,
to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to par. -
tray, tray, in truthful colors, my consuming diseaoe,
and the remarkable chance which Schncck 'e
Pulmonary Syrup effected in so abort a time.
I was token some time previous to December , '
1848, with a heavy cold, producing inceeaant
coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the
right side, pains in the hack, under the right'
shoulder, having heavy night meats, high fevers
&c., which made me so nervous and restless as
to product utter prostration. All these afflictions
increased with such violence, that on the 4th of
January last I sent for my family physician. He
attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thing
that medical skill could suggeet, but without ef
fect. I found myself gradually growing w3rse,
and my hopes of recovery leseening as my die
ease increased. My cough became distressing ;
my pains severe; and, extremely debilitated, I
lost all ambition in life, and gave up to a melan
choly deg; ession. My physician examined me.
and informed me I had an abscise on the upper
part of my liver and lower part of one of my lunge..
Notwithstanding all this grew woree, but
with that tenacity with which we all cling to life,
I concluded to trove nothing undone, and called
in a consulting physician, who fully concurred
with my own, cud pronounced my case en ex
tremely critical one. lie thought I was in in:.
minent danger—saying my disease "was one the
to seldom if ever cured." All this time I was en
during sufferings that made life burdensome ; ex
periencing great pain in coughing; ex peelers
flog from a pint to a quart of neuceous matter
every 21 hours, and gradually eink hug under the
weakning progrese of my dowse. At this atrge
of my i Mess, my friend. in Pi isle! suggested
the use of Schneck's Pulmonte Syrup, but know
ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur
pose of draining money front the afllicted, l het-
Rated. My friends, however, insisting, I wee
prevailed upon to try its virtue.. I commenced
taking the Syrup about the first of March, and
used several bottles before I had any confidence
in it. I then began to experience n change for
the better, and continued it till I had consumed
ten bottles, when IW. oo far relieved as to be
able to visit Dr. Selineck in Philadelphia. He
examined me, and pronounced my right !ling ef
fected, but in a healing con !Rion. He remit- •
mended the further use of the Syrup, which I
continued till I consumed 15 bottler, end found
myself once more restored to heel''. I will fur
ther add, that the consulting physician, erring the
action of the medicine, fully approved its use.
To give the reader some idea of the oevesity
of my case, and the rapid cure affected by 1110
Syrup, I will state that toy usual weight in
health was 177 pounds, which was finally re-.
deceit by my sufferings to but 121 pounds. Yet,
on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh
ed 174 pounds, thus gaining in a few months 53
pounds, and within three pound. of my heaviest
weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the
!tort space of this certificate, the convincing
proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particulate
of the agonizing afflictions through which I !we
passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to
call on m e , at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, I
shall take pleasure in detailing every particular.
In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon
every person who may have the premonitory
symptoms of this fatal disease. not to delay one
hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediatel3-
HiA chill in the treatment of this complaint, and
prompt detection of dieensed parts of the lunge
by means of his Stethescope, added to my own
mirecu•ous cure, fully eatisfiesme, that had I cat
tier submitted myself to his care, I should have
escaped much suffering; hut restrained by doubt.
and suspicion, which make an all naturally okep.
tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when
first introduced. I resisted the importunities of
my friends till almost too late ; and yielded only
as n tact resort, resolved to kill nr cure." To
those afflicted and have been, again let me any,
hesitutt no longer, my own ease is preeented to
you an convincing evidence, that when all else
fails your lost hope is in Dr, Schneck's Pulmonic
Syrup. I have also for the satisfaction of those
Who may lie strangers to rue appended to this etc
tificate the names of gentlemen well known in
thin walks of public and privete life, and whose
mantling in society admits of no cavil or doubt in.
regard to their testimony.
We the undersigned, residents of Briatol and
vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson,
and know hint to have been afflicted as he etates
above. We also know that lie used Schneck's
Pulinonic Syrup, and hive every reason to be
lieve, that to this medicine he owes his preserva
tion from a premature grave. The known in
tegrity and posi.ion in society of Mr. Johnsen
however is a euflicient guarantee to the public of
the truth of this statement.
LEWIS T. PRATT, Prart's Hotel.
LEWIS M. W HARTON, Merchant.
JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant.
JAMES M. HARLOW, C:ergyman of the
Presbyterian Church.
B. HOLT, Hotel, Bur! ington.
JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent.
A. 1.. PACKER, Coal agent.
WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Rouaael'a•
Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia,
-Unseal , September 24, 1849.
Prepared and cold by J. H. Sclineek at bin.
Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coats &
tits. Phila. and by
T. K. Statorrron, Huntingdon.
G. 11.8mnren, Waterstreet,
STEINEn & McWILLTAMS. Spruce Creek.
MOORE & Swoops, Alexandria.
KEaaLEu & Ban., Mill Creek,
and by agents generally throughout the United:
Price 81,00 per bottle, or $5,00 per half doz
N0v.20, 1849.—iy.
CA3 , CgO ce, ay. ft as, -
AGENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNTNGII AM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly•
oppoeitethe Poet Office, Huntingdon.