Trtmelidous Flood. ImmENst LOSS OF PiOPERTY.-W e learn from the New Orleans Bulletin, of the 6th instant, that the Mississippi is entire ly over its banks, for hundreds of miles below the Ohio, and the levees have bro. ken ,in various places between that city and Vicksburg. A very large crevasse has taken place on the Lousiana side, opposite Rodney, which has flooded that entire section of country, and the Bulle tin's informant stated that he counted eleven sugar-houses consecutively which with their entire plantations, dwellings and negro quarters, were completely flooded to a great depth, and presented nothing but one wild waste of water.— The town of Rodney, on the Mississippi side, through its whole extent, teas flood ed nearly op to the second floor of the stories and dwellings. For a long distance above and below Memphis, the water extended on both sides, as far as the eye could reach frotn the hurricane deck of a steamboat, and this was pretty much the case for the whole distance between the Ohio and Vicksburg, except where there are bluffs or highlands. It was also the same be low Vicksburg where the levees have giv- en way. The whole valley of the Yazoo is in the same situation, the banks of the Mississippi being completely under wat er with a corresponding extent of des truction. It was estimated that the pro duce of the cotton districts covered by the flood, would be equal to 200,000 bales. Late from Europe. HALIFAX, N. S., May 16, 1850 Tho steamship Hibernia, Capt. Lang, arrived at this port about noon to•day.— She brings Liverpool dates to May 4th. Her majesty, the Queen, was safely delivered of another prince on Wednes- day, May, Ist. All is quiet on the continent. ENGLAND.—Business in the manufac turing districts continue quite as favor able us for some weeks previous. Beyond the fact that , the Ministry have been again left in n minority, on a point of little moment, the proceedings of Parliament possess no general inter est. FRANCE.—The elections in Paris, which took place on Sunday, April 28th, passed off without disturbance. Eugene Sue, the Socialist candidate, has been elected. The Socialists are• greatly elated with the result. Eugene Sue received the votes of full one-half of the army at Paris, and beat his opponent 8000 votes. THE MARKETS.—Cotton has advanced Id told per lb. Fair Orleans is quoted at 71. The sales for the week have been 71,000 bales, of which speculators took 38,000 bales. Flour has advanced one shilling, and is firm. Indian Corn Is in good demand about sixpenso advance. Awful Conflagration.—Tire Village of Corning, N. V., in Ruins. CORNING, Saturday, May 18. This morning at 11U o'ciock, the wind blowing from the north-west, a fire ori ginated in the Corning and Blossburg Depot which has consumed all the busi ness portion of our village from the Clin ton House to the lower end of the vil lage, destroying property to the amount of over three hundred thousand dollars. There is not a store, grocery, bank, or any other building left, except two pub lic houses and what few private residen ces there were in the west end of the village. An engine was despatched to Elmira, and in less than two hours two fire com• panics with their engines came to our aid from that village. They have done yeoman service since their arrival, and are still, exerting themselves nobly to arrest the conflagration which is still raging in the exteasive lumber yards on the wharves. THE MARKETS. PUILADELPIIIA, May 17, MO. The demand for Flour continues limited both for shipment and for the supply or the city deal ers. Standard brands are generally held at $5. 18ta5.25, but there are but few sales making. Rye Flour.-200 bbls sold at $2.871. Corn Meal is in fair demand, and 5 u 600 bbls sold at $2.87i per bbl. Some holders, however ask more. Grain.—Wheat continues very scarce, and holders are now asking 3a 4 cents per bushel advance on our last quotations, but no sales have been reported. Rye.-3 a 400 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 81 c. per bushel. Corn is lest active and rather lower. Sales of 3000 bushels yellow at Sic. The last sale of white was at 58c. Oats are wanted, and they are very few arri ving. Sales of prime Pennsylvania at 42c. per .bushel. Whiskey has advanced to 25 cts. in bbls., and is very scarce. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute tho proceeds of the Sheriff ' s Bale of the real estate of Daniel Stover, amongst those entitled to receive the same, will attend to ma king said distribution, on 'Tuesday the 21st day of June next,at 1 o'clock in the afternocn of said day, at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested are re quested to attend if they think proper. JOHN REED, Auditor. May 18, 1850.-4 t. WALL AND CAP PAPER Of superior quality, just received and far rule et the book Store of H. W. SMITH, April2B, 1860. Zl2. LO3 8 HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, IL C. M'GILL & J. MOORE. THE subscribers wish to inform the public in general, that they are now prepared to do Castings of all kinds, and will keep oil hand a General Assortment of Castings, consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight, Parlor, Ter-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of l'lough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortme n t of Hollow-ware castings,con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles. Smoothing Irons, Ro ling Mill and Forge coatings, Vt in dow Grates for cellars, Unties and sills for him ,les, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg At.vils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, nnd will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal. g'j" Castings of nil kinds will be kept at the shop of Wm. H. Zeigler, as formerly, at N. E. corner of Market Square, Huntingdon. f 0" All orders addresiied to and Moore will be promptly attended t 0... . . R. C. M'GTI.L, J. MOORE. Huntingdon, May 29, 1950. 'SADDLES AND HARNESS. LEATHER OF ALL KINDS. Lomovssm COZo Main Street, Thentingrlon, three doors West of Neff IV Miller's jewelry Store, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that they ore prepared to carry on in all its va rious branches, Saddle and Harness Making, and me ready to furnish their :41 111 1 1 . 1 A cs customers with all kinds of Va. Olig"Aar lives, Trunks, and Carpet Bags, "` Plush, Hogskin, and Tub Side Saddles, (from the cheapest to the best.) Also, Shafter Saddles of all kinds, Wagon and Car. rings Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips, &c. 12:aCii) eaq alai) W. 2 Having a Taiinery in the immediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are prepared to furnish all who favor them with their custom, at their Sad dle and Harness shop, with Leather of all Hinds, of auperior quality and firth't. All of which will be disposed of cheap for case or a y kind of country produce. The highest price, in trade, given for beef hides, calf hides, bark, &c. Huntingdon. May 29, 1850. Pay Up and Save Costs All knowing themselves indebted to I. Grains, I. Guilt. & Son, I. & H. Graf., I. Grafius & Nlackabee, (1. Gratius surviving partner,) either by note or book account, will please make imme diate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be grunted. The books of the above named firms are in the hands of I. GRA FIUS, Alexandria, where those indebted will please colt and settle, and thereby save costs. Alexandria, May 29, 1850.-4 t. SIIERIFFALTY. To the Whig Voters and Citizens of hunting• don County. In accordance with the advice of numerous personal and political friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensu ing October election, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention. If nomir•.oted and elected, I will discharge the duties of the office faithfully, lappet tially and humanely. .DAVIL HACKED6IIN. May 29, 1850. Executor's Notice, Estate of Dr. JOHN HENDERSON, Deed. LETTERS testamentary have been gronttd on the estate of said deceased, this clay, to the undersigned. All persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby notified to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement, and all.persons indebted to said estate, will make its mediate payment. GEO. TAYLOR, M. A. HENDEIIBON, Eseentors, Huntingdon, May 22, 1850.—may 23, 61. L.S.M.L. - OLTOLP Ice Cream, Confectionary, and Bakery ! H. d T. .B.FRICI3, Thankful for past favors, most respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicin ity that they have made necessary arrangements to supply all who mny favor them with a call, with the most choice varieties of Ice Cream, Confectionaries, Cakes, Prat, Nuts, &c Their private rooms are fitted up in a hand some style, which make them a cotnfortable place of resort for Ladies and Gentlemen. Parties can be furnished, on the shortest no tice, with Ice Cream, Confectionaries, and all kinds of Cakes, Fruit, &c. cO. Don't fo. get to call at the sign of the Red Curtain, Railroad street, one door above William Stewart's store. Huntingdon, May 29, 1850. Watches and Jewelry. J. T. SCOTT has just received an additional supply of Watches, Jewelry, &c. which he will sell on terms highly edvantageous to purchasers. Those in need would do well to give him a call. Remember that he has removed his store to the room directly opposite the Bons of Temper- ance Hall, and three doors west of T. Read & 6on'a afore. [May lB , 1850. To Farmers and Men of Business. CAN Dials AND GUANO. gni E subscriber offers, at the lowest rates, in any quantity to suit purchasers. GENUINE PERUVId7JV GUJINO. and a variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OILS. Manufacturers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and Consumers, are invited to call. GEO. W. RID G WAY, No. 87 North Wharves, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia. April 9,1850.-2 m. 100 CLOCKS OF every description, from $1 to $lOO, received and fer sale by April 2, '50.) NEFF lc MILLER. ORPIiAriV COURT SALE. A. Valuable Limestone Farm. TY virtue of an order of the Orphan.' Court of Huntingdon county, will be ex posed to pub lic sale, on Saturday, i11e2911, day 4 ~ 2 1 1 A TRACT Or 1. tarp, hate the estate of Wm. Ewing, deed., situate in West and Berme townships, adjoining lauds of John Stryker, Dr. Mordecai Massey, Robert Mas sey, James Ewing's heirs, and others,coniaining 226 ACRES, more or less; n large part of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with an apple Orchard of good fruit thereon, and a two story stone 111 .1: Dwelling House, and u large Frame Bank Darn, thereon erected.— Also a corn crib, wagon shed, spring house, ard oilier buildings. The above is sit un te in a fine settlement, and the land is of the best qunlity, end is one of the most valuable farms in Huntingdon county. Trams or SA ..E.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the ante— nna third in ono year thereafter, with interest— and the remaining third at and immediately after the death of the widow of said deceased, the in- terest thereon to be paid to the said widow an• nunlly and regularly during her life, the whole to be secured by the bonds and mortgages of'the purchaser. By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance given by JAMES EWING, Administrator. May 21, 1850. TWO VALVABLE FARMS FOR SALE. frHE subscriber will offer at public sale, on I the premises, on 2Yeurstlay the 20th of JlOlO next, the following described property, lying in Springfield township, Huntingdon county. One Tract containing 243 ACRES. about 120 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a one and a half story log HOUSE and Ws Barn, with two good springs of nev " f er failing water on the pre'inises, con venient. There are good meadows, also Peach and Apple ORCHARDS. 4;'; This tract being situated convenient to Aughwick creek, there is a first rate site for a Mil! or ally other water works.- There is a permanent 13rick Yard on this tract. It is adjoined by lands of J. Baker, B. Stevens and D. Lane. Also, at the same time and place, a tract con. taining - 112 ACRES, more or less, adjoining Melinda Forge, in Crom well township, about fifty acres of which are cleated, about 4 acres are in meadow, all in a good state of cultivation. There is „-,--;,U; - a first rate apple and peach Orchard, ; ; ; p 5 .,";.. aT . WO STORY FRAME HOUSE, with a spring of excellent water convenient. This tract adjoins lands of J. Gratz and P. Itooper. Teems.—The one half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the 1 residue in two or three payments to suit pur chasers, with bonds and mortgages. SAMUEL I - 10i.':ftENBERRY Springfield tp., May 21, 1830. THOMAS .LtcasoN, 'nom,. E. FRANKLIN, Blair county. Lancaster county. DAVID 11/I'MURTRIE, WILLIAM, Huntingdon co. Lancaster county, JASISS GARDNER, BICII'LL R. BRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. CENTRAL PENN/. BANKING HORSE, OF 'RUYAN, GLEIM & .CO. Offiee on Allegheny St., aim doors west of th Court House, and nearly opposite Post Office, HOW DAYS B U FIG, PA. rp}lE Company is now ready to transact busi :pmts. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such tares an are usually allowed by Saving! , Institutions. Transient ee posites received, payable on demand. H. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. Administrator's Notice. Estate of JO FIN P. DORSEY, late of Hue tiagdon Borough, Deceased. LETTERS of Administration have been grant• ed to the subscriber upon the estate of Jane P. DORSEY, !ato of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd All persons having claims will present them du. ly authenticated for settlement, and those in• debted are requested to make payment. CREENEERRY DORSEY, Adm'r. May 21, 1850.-ot. NOTICII IS hereby given to the public that I have this day purchased at Constable's sale, at the re. silence of Wm. Eastep, Union township, Hun tingdon county, the following property, viz : Two thirds of ten acres of Wheat in the ground, two thirds of nine acres of Wheat, do., two thirds of five acres of Rye do., two thirds of six acres of Oats do., one Cow and one year old Calf, a Windmill, four Shoats and four Pigs, all of which property I leave in the care of said Wm. Eastep until 1 see proper to take it away. GEORGE SMITH. May n-21, 1550. ICE CREAM. LOUIS SCHNEIDER WOULD respectfully inform the public that he is prepared to serve up ICE CREAM at his establishment, in the best style. He has fitted up a SALOON especially for the LADIES and made such arrangements for the accommo dation of all as cannot fail to please. He will also be prepared to furnish PRIVATE PARTIES with any quantity of Ice Crean' desired. May 21, 1850. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY AND ~~~ ~~.sco~o ITAVING purchased the stock of said Foun • II dry, I am prepared to do all kinds of work such as Machine, Forge and Mill Casting.; STOVES—air-Tight, Coal and Wood Parlor Stoves, Coal and Wood Cook ing Stoves of superior pattern; Wood and Coal Stoves of all kinds; Wagon Boxes; Hollow Ware, 4-c. too numerous to mention; nod all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron work, made to order, and kept un hand. Spouting at 12 cents per foot, Copper Purups4c, Old metal taken in exchange —also all kinds of produce, ROBERT GRAFIUS, Alexandria, April 23d, 1850, ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale on the premises, by public vendue or outcry, on Saturday 1/ic 29th day of June, 1.850, • A TRACT OF LARD situate in Brady township, in said county, con taining 188 acres more or less, adjoining lands at James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Ker, Jas. M'Donald and others. The said tract of land lies along the Kisaconitillas valley, is within „ •convenient distance of the Pennsyl -,.!-4 vaunt Rail Road and Canal, and is Well Timbered, • _ _ _ which 7iders it very valuable, sud offers a pro fitable speculation to purchasers. The above tract will be sold whole or in par cels to suit purchasers. Tsars.—The half of the,purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secu red by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, M. F. CAstrairt.r., Clerk. Attendance given by WILLIAM V. MILLER, Adm'r. of John Wiley, dec'd. May 21, 1850. Dissolution of Partnership. All persons interested will take notice that the co-partnership heretofore existing between W. B. Zeigler and R. C. M'Gill, trading under the name of R. C. M•Gill & W. 13. Zeigler, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm, or having any claims, will please call and settle their account.. The books will be found with R. C. at the Huntingdon Foundry. R. C. M'G ILL, W. B. ZEIGLER. May 1.1-21, 1950. TO LEIUBERMEN STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE, AN ENGINE of fourteen borne power, has only been in use one year. The boiler is 33 inches diameter and 28 feet long. There is II sheet iron chimney 10 feet high belonging to it. The raw has n twenty-eight inch stroke. The engine and mill is all in complete order, and will be sold very cheap. Inquire of - . KESt.:4I.EIi & 13R0., Mill Cloak, Huntingdon co. Pa, May 21, 1850.-3 t. Auditor's Notice, rrHE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the .1 Court of Common Plea. of Huntingdon co., to distribute the money arising front the Sheriff'. sale of the Real Estate of DAVID ALrecrixt.t., among the Lien Creditors and those entitled, will attend for that purpose at the office of J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., on Saturday the 22d day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. H., when and where all persona interested may attend, if they see proper. J. K. HENDERSON, Huntingdon, May 21,1850.-4 t. TARE NOTICE THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lie that he is determined to sell SCHOOL BOOKS at a reduction of 25 per cent. on the former prices. Cobb's Spcning Books, 10 cents. Reader, Part Ist, 10 " .6 2d, 12 " 11 3d, 15 " Rose's Ariihmatic, 22 " Copy Books, 5 and all other school books in proportion. May 21, 1850. HORACE W. SMITH NOTICE OTICE hereby given that the books of the 1.1 Petersburg and Shaver's Creek Turnpike Road Company will ho opened at the house ol Joseph Forrest, in the Borough of Petersburg, on the fourth day of June, 1850, for the purpose ol taking subscriptions to tho stock of said company. JonN M'Ccrt.tocit, Jolts R. HUNTER, JosYPil FOSIIEST, WM. Moods, DI:NRY DAVIS. Petersburg, May 21,1850. Pay Ups—Last Notice. All persons knowing themselves indebted ti the late firm of Swoop( & Moore, Alexandrh l'a,are requested to make immediate payment All accounts remaining unpaid up to 1850, will be left in the hands of a proper office for collection. The books of the firm will to settled at the old stand. WM MOORE. J. N. SWOOPE, Alexandria, April 1, 1840 Jacob Africa's Estate. THE undersigned, Administrators of JACOB AFRICA, deed., hereby give notice that they have left the hooks and accounts belonging to the estate in the hands of Daniel Africa, Esq., for settlement. Persons having settlements to make are therefo, requested to call upon him on or before the let day of July next.... W. S. AFRICA A. J. AFRICA. May 7, 1850 DANIEL AFRICA, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 03 OFFICE fY NIA Rli FT STRERT, HUNTINGDON, PA. April 30, 1830. __.9IIFTLERV. A SPLENDID - 17sToTqr7tent of the fi ll nest kn;ves and scissors manufac tured by Rodgers and Wostenhohn, for sale by NEFF & MILLER. April 2, 1850. Runaway Apprentice. RUN away from the subscriber, residing in .Walker township, Huntingdon co., about 2 years since, JOHN HANSON, an indented A ppren ticeto the farming business. Said apprentice was a colored boy, and the public are cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account, as will pay no debts of his contracting. May 21, 1850. 3t. JOHN LEWIS. s EVIL E CP. All accounts on the old books of J. sArroN, end also of J. & W. Saxton, standing for six months or more,must be settled up immediately. May 7, 1850. `china Crape shawls. just received at V J. & W. SAXTON'S Store. May 7, 1850. MORE EIP SUGAR.—A superior article of fip Sugar just received at.J. & W. SAX TON'S store. play 7, 1850. N assortment of Pittsburg Glassware jus received by J. & W. SAXTON. May 7,18 M. pOFFEE at 12 cents.—An excellent article just received and tor sale at J. & W. SAXTON'S store. VINEGAR, Homily, Golden Syrup Molass es, LusciouB Luxury, &c., constantly for sale at Marks' Ciadectionary. [May2l. NEFF Si. MILLED, SURGEON DENTISTS. n rFICE hours from 8 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6 1.,./ P. M. S. W. Corner of Hill and Montgom- ry streete HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, GLAZING AND PAPER HANGING SAMUEL G. BAKER, RESPE.C . I . FULLY informs the public that he has commenced the above business in the Bor ough of Huntingdon. lie is located one door east of the Post (Mice. where he will he pleased to attend to the calls of all who may wish to em ploy his services in any brunch of his businebe. Nay 7. 1850.-3 m. LW WM. U. PEIGIITAL, & rIN the let day of June next, will open A k j SPLENDID STOHE in the room formerly occupied by John N. Prowell.opposite Wallace Hotel, where goods will he sold in such terms as cannot fail to prove highly advantageous to pur. chasers. The highest market prire will lie paid at all imee, IN CASH, fur %Vlmit, Rye and Corn, and other country produce will be taken in en dtenge fur geode. Huntingdon, April 30, 1850. CASH SYSTEM! Goods Reduced to 20 per Cent! The Latest Arrival of the most Fashionable Goods, at the Cheap Store of J. & W. SAXTON. T& W. SAX - TON inform the public that they r_J hove just received a splendid assortment of the most fashionable Goods, consisting of every variety of !miles' and G'entlemens' Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, and Dry Goods of all kinds. Also n fresh and superior assortment of Groceries, Bonnets, Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, Queens ware, Glassware, Cedarw are, Baskets, and every kind of goods usually kept in the most extensive stores. Hav ing purchased their goods low, they are determined to sell them very cheap, at only 20 per cent, Their old stock of Goods will he sold at cost. May 7, 1850. EJD QUARTERS FOR Groceries & Confectionaries 101-IN M. CUNNINGHAM IlAs just recei Jed a choice stock of the...ries, Confectionaries, &e. He respectful!) invites his custom! as and the public generally to call and examine his °sentiment. Huntingdon, April 23, 1850. Dried Beefaed Cheese, rOR sale at the Cheap Grocery and Confec j2 tionary of J. M. CUNNINGHAM. Auditor, SPICES. A LL kinds of Spices for sale at CUNNING II HAM'S Grocery and Confectionary. A Variety of Articles, oo numerous to mention, for sale at C UN NINGHAM'SS Confectionary and Grocery Head Quarters. Coffee, TeaS and Sugars. LkFRESH supply just opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Grocery and Conte, iionary. LA by T . SUGML—Elegant Fip Sugar for sale 1. M. CUNN/N011,31. NOW FOR THE BARGAINS! w and Splendid ✓assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Has just been received at the Cheap and popular Stand of cz) n cza CM•Qneanz a Alarket Square, Huntingdon Pa. HIS stock has been selected with great care, with n view to cheap seas-and rood quality, and comprices, in part, Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian and Fancy Cassiineres, Kentucky Jeans, Croton, Oregon, nod Tweed loth., Veatings, Flannels arid Drillings, and a variety al Cotton goods for sum mer wear, Mouslin de Lnines, French Lawns, and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Alpac cas, Merinos, a large assortment of Calicoes et the newest styles and at low prices, Earlatun, French, Scotch and Domestic Gir.ghains and Balzorines, French and Irish Linens, Check., Bed 'Pickings, Muslins and Sheetings, &c., Atm Having heretofore been honored by a large patronage from the Ladies he has procured the moat elegant assortment of Ladies' Dress Gocds, ever brought to tho interior of the Stnte. Also Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &c., _ _ ands grent variety of goods of ull kintle. In short he is propared to offer Great Bargains to those who furor hint with their custom. All nre invited to call and judge for theinielres. It affords him pleasure to exhibit his goods at all times. All kind. of Country Produce token in ex change for goods. GEO. Ci WIN. April 2, 1850. GRuiAT NEWS ! HE People, both in town and coon T try, will be delighted to learn that DORSET & MAGUIRE' have just received front the Eastern cities, a splendid assortment of WRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering, as usual, at most °stmt. fishing LOW PRICES. Their stock compri. sea everythirg that the wants of the People re quire, and is made up, in pert, of the most ex tensive variety of all the vaticue styles, selected to suit all tastes, of Ladies & Gentlemen's Dregs Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queenvware, Groceries, &c. We neither wish to boast or deceive, in regard to tho superior quality or the low prices of our goods, and hence invite the pu'alic at largo to call and examine foi themselves. It will give us pleasure at all times to show our goody. • Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention to bu.iness to receive a liberal share of public patronage. DORSEY & MAGUIRE Huntingdon, April 2,1850. RagS Rags!—The highest price paid in cash for lisgs,ai the Huntingdon Book Store. May 21. Hon si.r. W. ISmirn. Greatest Variety in Tarn at the GENERAL 111E1'OT, LOFS SCHyEIDsR HAS just laid in a very heavy stock of nil nINIII9 or Onocanl ye and CONFECTIONARIES. &c•, which he invites his old customers and the public generally to examine. His stock of Goods is very large, consisting of every variety to suit the wants of the people. Huntingdon, April 23d, 1850. [May 7, 18.60, All Kinds of Groceries. rIOF FEE, Teas, Suzars, Molasses, Choenlato v kik fresh supply just received at SCHNEI DER'S General Depot. Confectionary A GREAT variety of choice Confectionary 'l_ for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. Fresh Breadand Cakes F all kinds always on hand at the Bakery. of U LOUIS scuNkIDER. Sperm and Tallow Candles, and Soap ON hand and for sale at SCHNEIDER'S Gun. oral Depot. Superior Brand Segars i F various kinds just received and for sale at U LOUIS SCHNEIDER'S. Spices of all Kinds tOR sale nt SCHNEIDER'S Grocery and 12 Confectionary. Cheese and Craeker3 r, OR sale at SCIINEIDER'S Confectionary and Grocer; Depot. Raisins at I'2 cts. per pound. A GOOD article of Raisins at 124 ctn. per lb a for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. VIN AU. i t SUPERIOR nrticte of Vinegar for sale at SCHNEIDER'S. Fluid, and Fluid T amps. SUPERIOR Fluid, and Fluid Lamps received and for sale by LOUIS SCHNEIDER. RANDY. —Superior Brandy, in bottles, I) for sale by Louis ens EIDER. Z 1173 .- Por t and Madeira Wine, of sil l!), perior quality, in butt es, for mile by Loris SCHNEIDER. Fruit and Nuts Or all, far sale at SCHNEIDER'S, THOMAS READ, AK DEALER IN Gold and Silver Wa(cites, T..tas , Nps_recE)aLn, No. 55 Nonni Tuunu ST.F.T, BELOW Alum, PHILADELPHIA. Watches and Jewelry of every description neatly repaired and warranted. ' His friends and the public gen• n ally, visiting Philadelphia, ale invited to give him a call, as he i,elsconfknt that he can furnish articles in his line of such quality and price as will give universal ratisfaction.— Tho trade will be supplied with Watcher, Jew elry, &c., on cheap as they can be procured else where. Philadelphia, April 23, 1830. .‘)OTEIEV11211111T John Narks in the Field. The subscriber has open. d a very neat GRO CERY and CONFECTIONARY in the East end of the Exchange Hotel. Market Square. Hun tingdon, in the room formerly occupied by Neff and Miller ns a Jewelry Store, where articles in his line can be hod cheap for cosh ur country produce. Ills stock consist. of „ Coffee of diflerent qualities, Tea, Young Hyson, Imperial end Black, sugar, from 0/. to 11 eta per lb, Chocolate, Sweet Spiced. Tobacco, Snuff and Segare. Corn brooms and Whitewash Brushes, Best Table and Baking Molasses. Soap, Fancy and Rosin, Candles, Mould and Sperm. • Rice and Starch, Twine and Candle Wick. Congress Lemon and Oranges, Fancy and side Combs, Beth Brick, Table Salt, and a general assortment of CARES, RAISINS. NUTS and CANDIES, all of which I am prepared to sell at a very email profit. JOHN MARKS. April 23d, :850.-3m. SILVERWAMM TABLE, tea and salt spoons, butter I and fruit knives, sugar tongs, forks and purse clasps made of coin, for sal, by NEFF & IldttLEs, April 2, 1850. Administrator's Notice.. Letters of Administration have been granted to the subscribers upon the estate of Por sit DEC.., of West township deceased. All per. cons having claims will preFe.ut them duly authenticated, and those indebted are requested to make payment to NICHOLAS C. DECKER, MARY DECKER. AdoinistratorS.. April 23d 1850. Farmers of Huntingdon County. PRP; NOCK - 8 Patent !Seed Planters, for Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats, the beat machine of the kind now in use, kept constantly for sale at the Red Warehoase, Huntingdon, These Planters will save 15 pet rent in tahor, and • 24111 pet cent in grain over the old aloha] of Harrow,. Mg. Alio Self• Sharpening Plows and CO: Shellers of the latest and most improved style. GEORGE HARTLEY. April 23d, 1850.-3 m.--pd. SIIERIFFALTY. To the Demorratic Whir , Video, and Ci ens Ilantingion County. 1 T the request of many friends, I have been induced to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing fell elec tion; subject, however, to the derision of the County Convention, to he held in August next. I pledge myself, if nominated and elected, to dis charge the duties of the office impartially and honestly, to the best of niy ability. 1113N.1.1111EN F. GLASGOW Union town , liip ' April 50, 1850. CIA RSA!' \ U 1.1. i, a tine article. forsul4tit 0 Mark,' Co.:, ti .nary. [May 2..