GREAT NEWS! THE People, both in town and coon try, will be delighted to learn that DORSET & MAGVLRE have just received from the Eastern cities, a splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering, as usual, at most aston ishing LOW PRICEd. Their stock compri ses cverythirs that the wants of the People re quire, and is made up, in part, of the most ex tensive variety of all the vasious styles, selected to suit all tastes, of Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, &c. We neither wish to boast or deceive, in regard to the superior quality or the low pric es of our goods, and hence invite the public at large to cull and examine lot themselves. It will give us pleasure at all times to show our goods. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. DORSEY & MAGUIRE Huntingdon. April 2, 1850. vsa q. CID La Book and Stationary Depot. 111-1 E subscriber respectfully informs 1 the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicinity, thr t he has commenced business in the stand formerly occupied by I. Dorland, opposite I:out's Hotel, and having made arrangements with the Philadelphia Merchants to have con stantly on hand, upon commission, the following general assortment of BLANK BOOKS, consisting of Ledgers, Day Books, receipt, pare looks and Justices Dockets. Also—every de scription of writing and deed paper, white and colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol board, tissue paper, &c, BLANK DEEDS &C., Black, blue and red inks, ink powder, quills, we. fern, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes, lead pencils, indisn rubber, water colors, &latch and slate pencils. SCHOOL HOOK S. ,f every description, of late editions kept con stantly on hand. LARGE FAMILY BIBLES, Pocket Bible. and Testaments, Hymn and Psalm Book., Prayer Books, &e., Fancy Note Paper and Envelops, of every variety, A !bums, portfolios, pocketbooks, annuals, fancy boxes, wafers and sealing wax, visiting cards, bead purses, penknifes and every variety of fancy goods. Novels, Song Books, Music, Misesla. neous works, &c. PERFUMERY, consisting of extracts for the llnnt!kerchief, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Cologne, drc. Also—Cigars of the choicest brands, Chew ing tobacco, &c. HORACI W. SMITH March 26,1850. lIIATINGDON AND BROAD—TOP.• RAILROAD. 1)00K8 wilt be opened to receive subscrip _ll lions for stock in the ifratingdon and Broad Top Railroad Company at the public house of Thema. Wallace in the borough of Huatingdon on Alonduy the 22d day of April, at Bedford Forge in the county or Bedford on Friday the 19th day of April, and at Martinsburg, Blair Co. on Friday the 26th day of April next. Some of the undersigned Commissioners will attend at the times and places above mentioned, to receive the subscriptions of all person* entitled by law to subscribe for stock in said company. 'fhos. Fisher, Isaac Cook, A. P. Wilson, Jos. Crissman, John G. Miles, James Saxton, John McCahan, James Entrikon, David Blair, John Ker, Levi Evans, Alex. King, Jacob Cress well, Matthew M. Peebles James Patton, CommiestonPra. March 26, 1850. REMOVAL. Scott's Watch, Clock, and Jewelry HEMS Z a AS been removed from the corner opposite William Dorris' Store to to the room formerly occupied as the Post Of lice, directly opposite the Sons of Temperance Hall. His friends and the public are respect fully invited to give a call. March 26, ISM. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. TRE subscribers to the cnpitol stock of the Spruce Creek and Philipsburg Turnpike Road Company, will take notice that an instalment of ten per cent. on their stock will be required to be paid to the subscriber in War riorsmark town, on the first Monday of each month successively until all is paid, commen cing on the first Monday in Muy next. A fail ure to comply will subject the subscribers to the payment of the penalty of one per cent. per month according to the provisions of the acts of Assembly in this case made and provided. BENJ. F. PATTON, Treasurer. March 26, 1850. -- BOAT FOR SALE. rPHE subscriber offers for sale a Tide L Water CANAL BOAT, now laying in the Canal at the first Lock above Jackstown, which will be disposed of low fur CAM. Apply to THOMAS READ, Esq., Linn• tingdoo, or the subscriber in Cassville Huntingdon county. JAMES McILDUFF. Karch 5,1550. PEACH TUEEB. HAMMOND will have i.l Huntingdon r on the 9th and 10th of April, a choice lot of Immolated peach trees. Meat of the kinds are selected from his own orchard, and co slat only of the very choicest varieties. The trees have largo roots. Among the very beat are the Yellow A them, hite Luscious, Rare Ripe, slid Coles Morris ,ed. • April 2, 1850, 6 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THAT sealed propoaals will he received of the house of James Chamberlain, in War riersmark town, up to 4 o'clock P. M., of Satur day, the 6th day of April next, for the construc tion of from 8 to 10 miles of the Spruce creek and Philipsburg Turnpike road, commencing at the Spruce creek and Watcrstreet Turnpike. Plane, specifications arid conditions will be exhibited on day of letting. Security will be required floin contractors for the fulfilment of their contracts. JACOB r 3. MAT'PrliNdiee'ry. March 16, 1650, filEtutiennuasz.laso LAST FAST CLOTIIING LINE. Z. & W. SNARE, Heve just received and are now open a well selected and mammoth assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, for men and boys, consisting of every thing usu ally kept in clothing stores, and a variety of fan ey articlea unusually kept in them. Our stook is superiorto any other ever brought to Hun tingdon, and in not inferior to any other ever between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Presuming it unnecessary to enumerate a long list of low prices, as the establishment has been long and favorably known as the louse for sel ling cheap and fashionable do thing. H. & W. SNARE. March 25, 1850-3 m. EncOurage Your Own Mechanics. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. WILLIAM GLASGOW WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public at large, that he continues the above business in Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo site the store of Read & Son. All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES, in short, every thing in his line of bu siness, will be manufactured on the shortest notice, of the best materials, and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can be had at any other establishment in the county. He is thankful for the liberal patron. age already extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business to receive a continuance of public favor. CP-A large assortment of SADDDES READY MADE, always on hand, and made in superior style. D .- Hides, and country produce gen erally, taken in exchange for work. March 5, 1850. AFINE assortment of Roussel's and Baud's perfumery, for sale by NEFF & MILLER. April 2, 1850 SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. W O m % : i t call re v t i h: l 3 t t a n t g te i h t e i o c n t t o y f M w e r i c h h e a t n t t s largeand and rich assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, received by late arrivals fi om France, such as Glace Silk. for casing bonnet., Fancy Bonnet and Cop Ribbons, Plain Mantua and Sattin Ribbon., from No.l to No. 12, French and American Artificial Flowers, White and colored Crapes, French C hip Hat., Fancy Nets and Laces, Fancy Trimming., Quilling., Crowns, Tips, Covered ‘A halebone., Buckrams, Cane, &c., Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade. March 26, 1850.-Im. Executors , Notice. Estate of WILL WILLI4.M WESTONIate of Henderson t Huntingdon county, dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Lettere Testamentary on said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All person. in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to THOS. FISHER, Executor. March 12,1850-61 CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. r 11E undersigned, having lately dissolved the partnership existing between them, have still on hand a number of CARRIAGES min BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite the attention of purchaserd. Any person need ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a call as they will sell on the most reasonable terms. . _ - . ADAMS & BOAT, March 19, 1850, AUDITORN 'ICE. MILE undersigned having been appoint ed by the Judges of the Court of Coin. mon Pleas of Huntingdon county, an Auditor to distribute the proceeds arising from the , sale of the personal property of Frederick H:Jennings, will attend for that purpose at his office in Hun. tingdon on Friday the sth day of April next at 2 o'clock P. M., where all persons interested can attend if they eee proper. JOHN SCOTT, Jr. March 12, 1850.-4 t. CHEESE. A SUPERIOR. article of Cheese just reeeiv A ed at CUNNINGHAM'S. November 27, 18 t 9, SHERIFF'S SALE. By the Sheriff of Bedford County. DY virtue of an order in Partition of the Court . 0 of Common Pleas of Bedford County, to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Bedford Forge, in Hopewell Townahip, Bedford County, on Friday the 19th day of April, A. D., 1850, at 10 o'clock, A . M., the hallowing described tracts of land, viz : Nu. 1. One tract of land containing 237 acres and 90 perches, about 50 acres cleared and under , fence with. a wo Story Stone and Weather hoarded Dwelling House,s fire Forge, Iron house, large Coal House of Stone, Blacksmith's Shop, Carpenter's Shop, Store House and Office, large Stone Smoke House, Granaries, Stabling for about 30 head of horses, 13 Tenant Houses, Saw Mill, and other out-buildings thereon erected, ' also, a good apple orchard; situate on both sides of "Yellow Creek," in Hopewell Township, af fording the best water power in Pennsylvania, I l and well known as the Bedford Forge Property. No. 2. One other tract of land adjoining the above, being part of a tract of land granted by . the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Edmund Milne, containing 107 acres and 8 perches, more or less, with the improvements. Na. 3. One other tract of land, adjoining the I above, being part of a tract of land for which a patent was granted to John Ring and Peter I Swoope, said part containing 237 acres, more or less, with the improvements. No. 5. One other tract of land, adjoining the above, purchased from John Snider, by deceas ed, recorded in Book 0, page 523, containing 08 acres and 48 perches, more or less, with the improvements. No. 0. One other tract of land, situate in the Gap of Tussey's Mountain, on both sides of Yel low Creek, surveyed on a Warrant granted to Samuel Davidson, containing 135 acres and 120 perches, more or less. No. 7. One other tract of land, situate in said Township of Hopewell, between Tussey's Moun tain and Coote Hill, on Chesnut Run, purchased from John McElney, by deceased, recorded in Book W, page 423, containing 200 acres, more or less. No. 8. One other tract of land, situate in said Township, adjoining lands of John Piper, Wil liam Piper and others, granted by the Common wealth of Pennsylvania to Samuel Livingston, by patent dated, 14th February, 1841, contain ing 439 acres and 129 perches, more or less. No. 9. One other tract ofjand,adjoining the above, grunted to the said Samuel Livingston, by patent dated 15th March, 1810, containing 151 acres and 130 perches, more or less. No. 10. One other tract of land adjoining tract in purpart No. 8, surveyed on a Warrent in the name of Anna Cook, containing 93 acres and 157 perches, more or less. No. 11. One other tract of land, situate in Providence Township, in said County, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of John Moore, dated Ist March, 1794, containing 400 acres, more or less, - - No. 12. One other tract of land, situate in Hopewell Township, adjoining lands of Frede rick Dubbs, Daniel Steel, Lane's Heirs and oth ers, purchased from Alexander Reed, containing 269 acres and 96 perches, more or less. No. 1.1. One other tract of land, surveyed on a Warrent in the name of John Foster, dated 21st June, 1793, containing 2-15 acres and 80 perches, more or less. No. 15. One other tract of land, adjoining the above, surveyed on a Warrant to John Foster, dated 20th June, 1786, containing 80 acres, more or less. No. 17. One other tract of land, surveyed on a Warrant to Philip Dykes,dated 20th June, 1700' containing 468 acres, and 19 perches, more or less. No. 10. One other tract of land, being moun tain land, adjoining purport, No. 1, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of Stephen Moder, contain ' ing 402 acres and 57 perches, more or less. No. 28. One other tract of mountain land ad joining purpart, No. 27, and situate in Ravin's Gap, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of Han nah Montgothery, containing 432 acres and 62 perches, more or less. No. 43. A tract of land situate in Middle Woodberry Townahip, Redford County, adjoin ing, lands of David Stuckey, George Replogle and others, containing 335 acres, more or less, being part of a larger tract surveyed on a War rant in the name of John Replogle dated May 6th, 1766, about 130 acres of . which is cleared and under fence, with two Log Dwelling Houses Double Barn and other out-buildings thereon erected, also an apple orchard,— Being that part of the lands in said Writ men• Honed, not taken by the Heirs at the appraise• ment. Trams or SALit.-One third of the put chase many in hand and the balance in two equal annu al payments thereafter, without interest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds or Bonds and Mort gage before the acknowledgement of Deeds. ANDREW J. SNIVELY, Sheriff Sheriff's Offiee, Bedford, March 5, 1830. Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Establishment I.SHN H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and customers and the public generally ,that he has built a large and commodious shop immedi ately in the rear of the public house of John hittalter, Fa., on the bank between the river and canal, where he will constantly keep on hand furniture of al; kinds, of the best quality, embracing all descriptions,kinds, styles and ea rieties of parlor, medium and plain household furniture, which will be offered for sale at the very LOWEST RATES In order to accommodate the publi, with all kinds of work in his line of business, he has just supplied himself with a large lot of the bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. He will offer neither botched or half finished work for sale, and will at all times sub mit his work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited to call and examine his furniture. be fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ ing." Coffins will be made on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de sired, and funerals attended. He flatters himvelf that by industry and close attention to hisbusiness, he will be able toplease all who may give him a call. Old furniture will at all times be repaired in the neatest and most durable manner, at law rates. All kinds of country produce will be ta ken in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c. Huntingdon, May 29,1849. OFROBIZELIEN & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OF .01132 W-11 WNITIM COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS IN Teax, Seaters, ‘Ve. No. 11 Walnut Street, PHI L 4 DELPHI 4. crj. Consignment. of Western end Southern Produce soliciled„p) June 12, 1949. THE GREAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. rpTIANKFUL to the citizens of Huntingdon I and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of CIIINA,GLASS AND QUEENSWARE Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and sin gle pieces, claw. of Mass, China, or Stone Were, sold in quantities to milt purchasers, for lees than they con be had else Wher— e FACT AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety titan ever before offered in the City. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. I (•• We would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least be plea sed to walk around our beautiful st , re, and to . view the finest china and the cheapest the weild produces. Very reeperlfully, TYNI)ALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut Street. Phila. Sep. 25, 1949.-Iy. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, R. C. 11/X l Gill and W. D. Zeigler. (11HE subscribers have now started, and will 1 have on hand a general assortment of cast ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate. Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortme h t of Hollow-ware castings, con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, ' &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Rolling Mill and Forge castings,l , l in dow Grates for collars, Unties and sills or hou ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipe. ; alas Swag Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortcut notice. We will sell eve- I ry article in our line on the most reasonable I terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where one of them can always be found, or at the Tin and Stoveshop of W . H. Zeigler, North East cor ner ofMrrket Square in Huntingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc ed in the business, feels confident that they will render satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. McGILL, W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 2,1849-6 m. CITY HOTEL 41 & 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. H HIRST Would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public generally, And he has leaseet the above large and well known Hotel. The location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his entire attention, that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very liberal snp. port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure them that he well spare no pains or expense to render the CITY HOTEL worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1819-Iy. REMOVAL. N. GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! T. K. SIMONTON WOULD respectfully announce to his old customers, end every body else, that he has removed his store from his old stand, to the room a few doors below, on the same side of the street, and but two doors from William Dorris' Store. In addition to his ofd' stock, he has just received an elegant assortmentof LW M`Z;l3)l:gil(Mg which he is prepared to sell as cheep, if not • little eheUper, than can be procured elsewhere. His stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, 4w., 4-c. Thankful for put favor. he would rest:act fury solicit a continuance of public favor. It wi I always give him Wean., to use hi. utmost exertions to render eatitfaction to those who may deslwith him. Feb. 111, 18.50. E. C. SUNIMERS. J. N. BAT., New Arrangement. CARRIAGE & WAGON hIANUFACTORY. Summers dc Ball, UTOULD respectfully inform the public that VV they have purchased from Henry Smith, his tools, stock, Bre., belonging to the above depart ment of his business, and that they will carry it on for the present, in all its various branches, in the shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They are prepared to execute all orders in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, Carts, Wheelbarrows, dm, made to order, of the beet materiels, end at tea• sonahle pt ices. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles. done on the shortest notice. .Those wanting neat, cheap and durable articles in their line of huainesa, arereapectfully requested to Rive them a call. keb.26, 1850. M. 84, J. M. ROWE, 63 North Third Sreet, above arch, PHILADELPHIA. 1500 Doz. Corn Brooms, 500 doz. Painted Buckets ; 500 nests Willow Market Baskets ; 000 o Cedar Tube ; 800 Staff and Barrel Churns; together with the largest clock of W illow, Cedar and Eastern Woodware ever offered in thecity. N. B. Cash paid at all times for broom corn at our factory. Feb. 26, 1850. LBIION MITYLAAT'. PURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, genuine article for sale at CUNNING. HAM'S, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 1849. Musical Instruments. VIOLINS, flutes, guitars, flageolets , V accordeons, banjoes, and musica boxes, for sale by NEFF MILLER. April 2, 1850. Chair and tourniinre 'zQr as• aza aa 2 Up Staffs above Peter Swoope's Store and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three doors east of .AfcKinney's Hotel. me l n ' c ti od E t u h t e id a e h rs o igned has again coma all various branehe v s e ' boa:diner in iits7-77-• pared to accommodate •° now pre. 7thefavor him with their all who may custnin nu most reasonable terms. Mr. Johnson was rescued from death's door by the use of Schneck'a Pulmonla Syrup—hav ing been prostrated all whiter, Hie caie ARS witnessed by several of the moat respeetable citizen. of this state, whose names are, oppend- NI to his certificate. Read I Read ! and lie con vinced that Schneck's Pulmonary Syrup is the only certain care for Consumption. Bristol, B nri county, Po. 3 . Sept. 21, 1849. Dn. J.H.Sunxece, —DearSir,—l am indneed i nein a gent* of justice towards you, as well at duty to the public, to make known one of the most hopeless and extraordinary cures, in my' Won pereon,that you have ever had the pleasure to record. Indeed, t regret my inability tb pot: tray, in truthful colors, My consuming diocese . ; and the remarkable chance which Schneck'd Pulmonary Syrup effected in so short o time. I was taken some time pr.ivious to December 1848, with a heavy cold, producing ihcessant coughing, accompanied with acute path in the right side, pains in the bark, undtsr the right shoulder, having heavy night sweals,bigh fevers &c., which made me so nervous and restless as to product utter prostration. All these afilictiono increased with such violence, that on the 4111 of January lust I sent for my family physician. He attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thing that medical skill could suggest, but without ef fect. I found myself gradually growing sorer, and my hopes of recovery lessening ae my dis ease increased, My cough became distressing ; my pains severe; and, entremely debilitated, I lost all ambition in life, and gave choly dep• cosion. My physician examined me, and informed me I hod an absess on the ni per" part ofmy liver and lower part of one of . my lungs. Notwithstanding all this skill, I grew worse, but with that tenacity with which we all cling to life. I concluded to have nothing undone, and celled in a consulting physician, who fully concurred with nay own, and pronounced my case an ex tremely critical one. Ile thought I was in im minent danger—eaying my disease ' , wits one ilia is seldom Weyer cured." All this lime I wee en during sufferings that made life burdensome ; et periencing great pain in coughing ; exp.-tore flog from a pint to a quart of nauceous matter every 21 hours, and gradually einking under the weakning progress of my disease. At this stage of my i lness, my friends in Bristol suggested the use of Schneck's Pul mom Syrup, but know ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes- LIFE INSURANCE. Rated. My friend., however, insisting, I was prevailed trpott to try its virtu.. I commence d The Girard Life insurance Annuli) , and taking the Syrup aboot the first of March, and Trust Company .of used severel bottles before I had any confidence Office No. 139 Chestnut Street. in it. I then began to experience a ehaege for the better, and continued it till I had consumed Capital $300,000. ten bottles, when 1 was so far relieved ne to 1 , 0 CHARTER Penetern... able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. Be I 'IONTINUE to make 'neurone., on Lives on examined me, and pronounced my right lung 0f %,,) the inset favorable terme r receive and execute fected, but in a healing condition. He recom- Ti trete and receive deposits on interest. mended the further use of the Syrup, which The Ci pital being paid up and in -vested, to. continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found gether with accumulated premium fund. affords myself once more restored to health. I will fur s perfect security to to the insured. The pre. thee add, that the consulting physician, eeeing the miurn may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or action of the medicine, fully approved its use. quarterly payments. To give the reader some idea of the severity The Company add a BONUS nt stated peri- of my curie, and the tepid cure affected by the oda to the insurances for life. This plan of in. syrup, I will state that eur usual weight in eurance is the most approved of, and is more health was 177 pounds, which woo finally re generally in use, than any other in Greet Britain, duced by my sufferings to but 121 pound.). Yet, (where the subject is best understood by the pea. on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh ple, and where they have had the longest cape. ed 174 pounds, thus ginning in a few month. 53 rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 weight. It is not in My power to convey,•in the are on this plan. I ehortepace of this certificate, the convinci ng proofs of my remarkable cure, or the pai Reuters The first BONUS was appropriated in Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum of the agonizing afflictions through which I have insured under the oldest policies ; to 8 3-4 per paused ; but to those who will take the trouble to cent., 7 1-2 per cent., &e. &c. on others, in pro. ' call on me, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, I portion to the time of standing, making en addi- shall take pleasure in detailing every particular. tion of $lOO ; $87,50; $75, &c. B,re. to every in conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of every person who may have the premonitory symptoms of this fatai disease, not to delay ono hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately. more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid, end without increasing the annual payment of the company. I His skill In the treatment of this complaint, and The operation of the BONUS will he eeen by prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs the following ozonip i re f reni t h e Life In s urance by means of his Stetheacope, added to my own Register of the Company, thus,: t miracti sus cure, fully satisfiesme, that had I ear ' tier submitted myself to his care, I should have escaped much suffering; but restrained by doubts and suspicion, which make us all naturally skep tient in regard to the virtues of a medicine when first introduced. I resisted the importunities of my friends till almost too late ; and yielded only as a last resort, resolved to kill or cure." To' those afflicted as I have been, again let me say, hesitati no longer, my own case is presented to you as convincing evidence, that when all eleo fails your last hope is in Dr, Schneek'sPulmonic Syrup. I hove also for the satisfaction of those who may be strangers to me. appended to this err tificate the names of gentlemen well known in the walks of public and private life, and whose standing in society admits of no emit or doubt in regard to their testimony, CHARLES G. JOHNSON. We the undersigned, residents of 13: laud and vicinity, are well acquainted with Ste. Johnson, and know hint to have been afflict.' ns he states above. We also know that he used Schnee', Pulmonic Syrup, and have every reason to be lieve, that to this medicine he owes hio preserva tion from a premature grave. The known in tegrity and posifion in society of Mr, Johnson however is a sufficient guarantee to the public of the truth of this statement. LEWIS T. PRATT, Print's, Hotel. ,LEWIS M. WHARTON, Merchant, CHESTER STURDE VA NT, Coal dealer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. JAMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the Presbyterian Church. S. B. HOLY, Hotel, Bur . ington. JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent. A. L. PACKER, Coal agent. WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E, Romer, Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia,• Bristol , September 24, 1849. Prepared and sold by J. 11. Selioeck at hies Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coats & Marshall Ste. Phila. and by 'l'. K, SIMONTON, Huntingdon. H.Sehr on», Waterstreet, STEINER & MCWILLIAMS. Spruce Creek. Moot.: 8c Swoore, Alexandria. & Ban., Mill Crock, and by agents generally throughout the United States. Price 51,80 per bottle, or $5,00 per half doe. Nov. 20, 1849.-Iy. fie intends keeping on hand all kinds of eilAtlts and FURNITURE, from common to the most fashionable sty's, and made in the most durable manner, which he will sell low for cash Of country produce, All kinds of Lumber tebeh 111 exchange for Chars or furniture. COFFINS will all times be kept on hand, anti funerals attended in town, and shortly In town and country, di he is getting a splendid }hrs. made for the accommodation of the public. Dow , AND SIGN PAINTING attended to as 'l'HO. ADAMS. Huntingdon. October 30, 1849. (I)lX 3 r-1n1.1Z2 For the Purchase and Sale of REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, believing that an Agency of this character would be an accommodation and an advantage to both the purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon. All business of this kind entrusted to him, and all communications sent to him, will receive his prompt and diligent 'attention. lie will adver tise when requested, either in his own name or in the name of the owner, as may be desirable, in one or both of the newspapers of the county, and in any other newspaper that may be desig nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and sellers, and communicate between them. A full and minute description of the property --its improvements, supply of water, conveni ence to markets, schools, churchesond the terms of sale, must accompany the request of any per son who wishes his real estate advertised or of fered for sale ; and some description, as definite as possible, of the quality, kind anti valise, of the premises desired to he bought, must be giv en by those who wish to purchase. All communications relating to the business of this Agency will be confidential if desired. The subscriber is in cdrarnunication with a similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be able through it to bring property offered for sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun ty purchasers. 07 'Postage must be paid on all letters sent. P. S.—Several desirable properties are now offered for sale. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber. DAVID BLA TR, Attorney at Law. linntingifon, Pa., Nov. 110, 1819. A mt.of pol.and m (ord. Donna or bonus payable Addition at the party'. ;decease. 1 Policy. $ :00.00 151,100,00 250,00 2,750.00 400,00 4,400,00 175.00 2,175,00 437,50 5,437,50 No. 58 $l,OOO „ 88 I 2,500 „ 205 . 4,000 1 „ 276 1 2.000 I „ 333 5,000 Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and explanations of the subject; forme of application end further information can be had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuary. 11 W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, 1848.-ly Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE, No. 238 hiartee st., above Seventh, Seath Jae, PHILADELPHIA A LTHOUGII we can scarcely estimate the /1. value of Tim): commercially, yet by calling at the above establishment, JA MEB BARBER will furnish his friends, among whom heincludes ail who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect Isne.x for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of patent and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass Couarrixo- ROUSE, l'Auxon, HALL, exotica and Axanm Cu:lces, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers he finds he can put at the LUWEPT casts FIG URE in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. Cocks repaired and warranted—clock trim mingson hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1849. FISH JIND S4LT, FOR see at the Cheap Store of Oct 16,'40.] GEO GWYN 1010 LANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR II SALE AT THIS OFFICE. PURE California Gold wedding rings for sale by NEFF & MILLER. Oet. 30, 1819. THE GREAT CURE CHAS. Cr. JOHNSON , of Bristol. Who wqs pronounced incurably fixed in the last stage of Pulmonary Con; sumption, by two skillful Phy- Piciiffts. CC% az.= cra CID fiGl3 o A GENERAL assortment of groceries just L 1 opened and for sale at CUNNINGIIAICE Gro cery and Confectionary estaldishawdt, directly oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon. Noveinher27, 1449.