SHERIFF'S SALE. I Retailers of Merchandise. fly Sheriff of Bedford County. Claasification of Dealers and Retailers of Mer- BY virtue of an order in Partition of the Court : chandize in Huntingdon county, by the Are. of Common Pleas of Bedford County, to me ; ptaiser of Mercantile Taxes" for the year corn directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, I fleecing the Ist day of May A. D. 1850, via • at thef Bedford Forge, iii Hopewell Township, I A mount Bedford County, on Friday the 19th day of April, I Class of License A. D., 1850, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the lollowing alexandria Borough, described tracts of land, viz Bucher & Porter No. 1. One tract of land containing 237 acres and 96 perches, about 50 acres cleared and under John N Swoope fence with a wo Story Stone and Weather- Charles Porter boarded Dwelling House,s fire Forge, Iron house, Dorris & Walker large Coal House of Stone, Blacksmith's Shop, Michael Sissler Carpenter's Shop, Store House and Office, large George B Yonne' Stone Smoke House, Granaries, Stabling for about 30 head of horses, 13 Tenant Houses ; Saw Barree Township. Mill, and other out-buildings thereon erected, A W Graff & Co.! 14 also, a good apple orchard; btuat e on both sides John Cresswell & Co. " of "Yellow 'reek," in Hopewell Township, al. Gillam & Frank fording the best water power in Pennsylvania, and well known as the Bedford Forge Property. Irvine J J & Co. No. 2. One other tract of land adjoining the Brady Township above, being part of a tract of land granted by Kessler & Brother 12 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Edmund I do for Pat. lied. 4 Milne, containing 107 acres and 8 perches, more Irvine, Green & Co. 13 or less, with the improvements. No. 3. One other tract of land, adjoining the Washington Buchanan 14 above, being part of a tract of laud for which a do for Pat. Med. 4 patent was granted to John King and Peter B irmingham Borough. Swoope, said part containing 237 acres, more or less with the improvements. James Clarke No. 3. One other fleet of land, adjoining the I James Bell above, purchased from John Snider, by deceas- Ettinger &T3rother ed, recorded in Book 0, page 523, containing 68 John R Thompson acres and 48 perches, more or less, with the Cass Township. improvements. No. 6. One other tract of land, situate in the Rend & Gap of Tussey's Mountain, on both sides of Yet- James Henderson low Creek, surveyed on a Warrant granted to Clay Th wns fa i , Samuel Davidson, containing 135 acres and 120 B Orbison & Co. perches, more or less. No. 7. One other tract of land, situate in said Cromwell Township. Township of Hopewell,between Tussey's Moun- 'rhos E Orbison & Co: rain and Coote Hill, on Chesnut Run, purchased 'sett & Wigton. from John McElney, by deceased, recorded in George Sipes Book W, page 423, containing 206 acres, more Or Toss. David Etnier Na. 8. One other tract of land, situate in said Dublin Township. T unship, adjoining lands of John Piper, Wil- Brice X Blair & Co e Piper and others, granted by the Common- James Cree •iitth of Pennsylvania to Samuel Livingston, Franklin Township. he intent dated, 14th February, 1811, contain-132 acres and 129 perches, more or less. jG& J H Stonebraker Ni. 0. One other tract of land, adjoining the Shorb Stewart & Co. above, granted to the said Samuel Livingston, John S 'sett by patent dated 15th March, 1810, containing J W Mattern & Co. 151 acres and 130 perches, more or less. No. 10. One other tract of land adjoining tract Ise'tt & Harnish in purport No. 8, surveyed on a Warrent in the John Conrad name of Anna Cook, containing 93 acres and 157 I Huntingdon Po ough perches, more or less. Fisher' M'Murtrie iSc Co 1/ No. 11. One other tract of land, situate in J and NA x ton Providence Township, in said County, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of John Moore, dated George Gavin Ist March, 1794, containing 400 acres, more or Dorsey Jr Maguire less. Thomas Read' Son No. 12. One other tract of land, situate in do for Pat. Med. Hopewell Township, adjoining hinds of Frede rick Dubbs, Daniel Steel, Lane's Heirs and o th- i William Dorris ers, purchased from Alexander Reed, containing Moses Strouse 289 acres and 96 perches, more or less. ! Peter Swoope No. 14. One other tract , of land, surveyed on a Warrent in the name of John Foster, dated 21st D r Vsilliam ""''Pe June, 1793, containing 215 acre! and 80 perches, ' William Stewart* more or less. T K Simonton No. 15. One other tract of land, adjoining the I do for Pat. Med above, surveyed on a Warrant to John Foster, A w rrro'l __ (y r " dated 29th June, 1786, containing 80 acres, more'lf B & W Snore or less. No. 17. One other tract of land, surveyed nn a Warrant to Philip Dykes,dated 29th June, 1796 containing 468 acres, and 10 p2rches, more or less. No. 19. One other tract of land, being moun tain land, adjoining purparr, No. li. smlreyed on a Warrant in the name of Stephen Moder, contain ing 402 acres and 57 perches, more or less. No. 28. One other tract of mountain land ad joining purpart, No. 27, and situate in Itavin's Gap, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of Han- nah Montgomery, containing 432 acres and 62 perches, more or less. No. 43. A tract of land situate in Middle Woodberry Township, Bedford County, adjoin ing lands of David Stuckey, George Replogle and others, containing 333 acres, more or less, being part of a larger tract surveyed on a War rant in the name of John Replogle dated May 6th, 1766, about 130 acres of which is cleared and under fence, with two Log Dwelling Houses Double Barn and other out-buildings thereon erected, also an apple orchard,— Being that part of the lands in said Writ men tioned, not taken by the Heirs at the appraise- TEEMS OF SALE. -One third of the pui chase anony in hand and the balance in two equal annu al payments thereafter, without interest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds or Bonds and Mort gage before the acknowledgement of Deeds. ANDREW J. SNIVELY, Sherd Sheriff's 018-e, Bedford, Korth 8, tBlO. EXECUTOR'S AVTIC E. Estate of W L 1.14 M IV ES TON late of Henderson t . Huntingdon county, NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having claims or de. manda against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to THOS. FISHER, Executor. March 12,1830-61. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, rinn undersigned, having lately dissolved the partnership existing between them, have still on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES of superior hniish , which they wish to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite the attention of purchaserd. Any person need ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a call as they will sell on the most reasonable terms. ADAMS & BOAT. March 19, 1850 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appoint ed]. by the Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdon county, an Auditor to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of th• personal property of Fr”iferick H. Jennings, will attend for that purpose at his office in Hun• tingdon on Friday the sth day of April next at 2 o'clock P. M., where all persons interested can attend if they see proper. JOHN SCOTT, Jr. March 12, 1850.-ret. Estate of Sanznel Steel, dec'd. Executors , Notice. ALL person. interested in the rotate of Sam uel Steel, late of the borough of Hunting the comity of Huntingdon, deed, are hereby notified that letters testamentary on the estate of said deceased, was this day granted by the Register or said county, to the subscribers.— All persons haviag claims or demands against the estate of said decedent,. , e hereby notified to mike known tho same without delay to the enb scribers residing In the borough - of Huntingdon aforesaid, where those indebted to said decedent are also notified ti) call and pay the sums due by teem respectively. JAMES GWIN, GEO. A. STEEL, Executors. nerd 4, 1850, 12 $l2 50 12 50 13 10 00 10 00 14 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 50 44 7 00 13 10 00 LT 00 . 7 00 13 10 00 I'3' TO 00 10 00 T 4 7 00 7 00 Jacob Snyder Neff & Miller James T Scott Levi Westbrook Jackson 7'ownship. E & A Stewart William Cummins Robert M'Burney John A Wriaht & Co Hopewell Township Wigton & Moore James n trek fry Henderson Township Henry Comprobst 14 Morris Township. Geo W Patten & GCl`. 13 Geo H Steiner 12 do for Pat. med. 4 Irvine & Kessfer 14 Joseph Law Steiner & rWilTiams " 13' 10 00 10 00 7 00 44 7 00 Law & Fetterhoof Porter Township S Hatfield & Co. 13 Joseph Green & Co. 4 , Petersburg Borough. Abraham Cresswell 12 John R Hunter Irvine & Marks 14 Shzrleysburg Bo rough. John Lone & Co. 13 Henry Brewster John Lutz. 14 David Fraker William Johnston Shirley Township. Samuel 1-1 Bell 13 Ask ins & Sharra James Kelly & Co.* 44 Penn Tow” ship. Frank & Neff* 13 A & E Plummer Tell Township. A C Blair & Co. 14 Jacob Filmalee Springfield Township. Robert Madden, of H 14 Tod Township. James Anderson* 14 Horatio Trex ler & Co. 4. Mordecai Chilcote Union Township Glasgow & Brother 14 Walker Township. James Campbell. 13 Given & Orlady West Township. Cunningham & Myton 13 Warrtorsmark Tp. Benj. F. Patton 13 A bedaego Stevens Joseph B Shugarts 14 William Giles* Joshua R Cox • W AR EHOUSES. Morris Township Horrell 4 Mytinger 14 DISTILLERIES. Barree Township. Robt. and Datil Massey 9 George Bell Brady Township. Jas & Jno McDonald 9 Hopewell Township. Leonard Weaver 10 10 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 " 7 00 15 00 it 10 00 10 50 7 00 1° 700 10 50 14 10 50 Penn Township. (sane cqr John Peightal 10 5 00 Tod Township. John Hoover 10 5 00 BREWER. alexandria Borough. Henry Fodder 9 8 00 Classification of Beer, Oyster and Eat ing houses, for the year commencing Ist day of April A. D. 1850, viz : alexandria Borough. W L Phlilips 8 5 00 W L Philips 8 5 00 Brady Township. - _- John Montgomery* 7 15 00 Ifenderson Township. James M: Foster S 5 00 Huntingdon Borough. Louis Schneider* 7 15 00 Henry Africa 10 00 David Hazzard 8 5 00 Smith & Ritter " • 5 00 Catharine He!frtght* ~ 7 50 Jno M Caningham 5 00 Robt De Carney* ~ 7 50 Petersburg Borough John Nelson 12 50 5 00 10 00 7 00 5 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Morris Township. Washington Sissler' Thomas Isenberg* Samuel Beigle* James Kelly* Porter Township. John Nelson* Walker Township, Joseph Dong las Warriorsm rk Tp John Cramer* Those narked thus (') sell liquor. NOTICZ is hereby given to the above named dealers in Merchandize, &e., that I will attend at the Commtssicniers Office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Thursday the 11th day of April next, for the purpose of hearing prsonc who may desire to appeal from the above classifica tion, as the amount of their sales for the previ -0113 year. ••• - 10 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Airy person selling Patent 'Medicines yearly to the amount of $lOO, or more, in connection with other merchandize, is required by lass, to pay an additional license. Any person keeping an Eating House &c, whose yearly sales shall amount to $5OO or more, or shall carry on a Dis tillery- or BrevAry, or shall sell Patent 'Medi cines without a license, is Itable to be indicted and fined $2OO or more, as provided for in the Act of Assembly passed 10th April 1810. If the above license fees are not paid to the County Treasurer, or not exonerated by the undersigned, he is directed to sue for and recov er the same, adding ten per cent to the licence for his trouble. .T. SMYTH READ, A ppr. of Mercantile Taxes. March 10, 1050-Ir. Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Establishment. I.HN H. WHITTAKER, Respectfully begs lean( to inform his friends and customers and the public gent rally .that he has built a large and commodious shop imnictli ately in the rear of the public house of John 'u\ hittaker, Sr., on the bank between the rivet and canal, where he will constantly keep on hand furniture of al kinds, of the hest quality, embracing all desc•riptions,kinde, styles and vn• rieties of parlor, (within( end plain household furniture, which will he off( red for sale at the very LOWEST RATES. 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 In order to accommodate the publi. with a ll kinds of work in his line of business, hr has just supplied himself with a large lot of the bast quality of C berry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. He will offer neither botched or half finished work for sale, and will at all times sub mit his work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited' to call and examine his furniture. be fore purchasing elsewhere. •Seeing is believ ing." 7 00 10 00 12 50 5 00 7 00 7 00 Collins will be made on the shortest notiee, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de= sired, and funerals attended. 10 00 10 00 He flatters himself that by industry and close attention to hishusiness hr will he Ole tuplease all who may give him a COL Old furniture will nt nil:times he repaired in the neatest and most durable manner, at row rates. All k inds of enuntry produce will he ta ken in exehnnge for rorniture, repairing, Lke. Huntingdon, May 29, 1849. 12 :50 12 50 7 00 CROIVIELIEN cRt BROTHER, Commission Merchants, IMPARTERS OF' 111 1 01lli it IT ‘ 1 \1 7 17711E COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS IN Teas, Segrars, No. 11 Walnut Street, PIIIMDELpHy.g. ccy• Consignments of Western and Southern ProJuco solicited. hine 12, 1,19. 10 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00. Encourage Your Own Mechanics. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. WILLIAM GLASGOW TITOTY LD respectfully inform his VY friends and the public at large, that he continues the above business in Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo site the store of Read & Son. All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES, in short, every thing in his line of bu siness, will be manufactured on the shortest notice, of the best materials, and as cheap, if not cheaper, that cart be had at any other establishment in the county. He is thankful for the liberal patron age already extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business to receive a continuance of public favor. 117-A large assortment of SADDDES READY MADE, always on hand, and made in superior style. 11 - 2. Hides, and country produce gen erally, taken in exchange for work. March 5, 1850. 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 8 00 8 00 S 00 5 00 THE GIIFAT CHINA STORE OP PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Huntingdon I and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view ourlarge am 'splendid assortment cf CH NA,GLASS ANDQUEENS WARE Dinner Sets. Tea Se's, Toilet Sets, and sin isle pieces, elites of Glass, China, or Stone \%'are, sold in qtrantities to stilt purchasers, for less titan they can he had elsewhere— IN FACT AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES, AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than ever before ornred in the FANCY CHINA it? quat variety very cheap. r,:j , We would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least he plea , sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest china and the cheapest the milli] produces._ Very respectfully, TYNDALE &. MITCHELL, Aro. 219 Chest nut Sheet. Phi!a. Sep. 25, 1849,-Iy. RUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, C. and W. B. Zeigler. 1 1 11 E subscribers have now started, and will have on hand a general assortment of cast- ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, Ter-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new palterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds row in use. A general assortmei.t of Hollow-ware castings,con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens . Skillets, Pans, &e. !Risco' Igneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons. Ito ling Mill and Forge castings, V 1 in door Grates for cellars, Linden and sills for hou ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg At silo and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, mode to order on the shortest not ice. We will sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonsble terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the ennui, where ono of them can always be found, or at the 'tin and ktoveshop of kV. B. Zeiglf Noith East cor ner ofMnrket Square in Huntingdon. One of them being n practical Moulder, nod experienc ed in the llUSilleSel, feels confident that they will rendersitisfactionto all who may favor them with a call. H. C. NIcOILL, W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 2, 19.19-Gm. 5 00 7 15 00 15 00 44 15 00 15 00 8 7 50 8 5 00 7 50 CITY HOTEL 41 & 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. U lIIRST Would respectfully inform his friend's and the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above large and well knower Hotel. The location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his entire attention, that he will he able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very liberal sup port already extended to birn by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure then] that he will spare no pains or expense to render the CITY Ho•rEt. worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 181U—ly. REMOVAL. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! T. K. SIMONTON 'MOULD respectfully announce to his old VI , customers, and every body eke, that he has reasoned his store from his old stand, to the room a few doors below, on the same side of the street, and but two doors from William Dorris' store. In addition to his old stock, be has just received an elegant 'imminent of which he is ['replied to sell as cheap, if not a little ekotper, than can be procured elsewhere. His stock consists of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, ci.c., Thankful for post favors he would real Pct. ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It wi I always give him p'easure to use his utmost exertions to render satisfaction to those who may deal with him. Feb. 19., IBA. SUPERIOR article of Cheese just reeeiv. 1 rd at CUNNINGHAM'S. November 27, 1819. LEMON EXTRACT, PURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a eenoine article for sale at CUNNING- TrAws, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 18.1 g. M. &, J. M. ROWE, 63 North Third Sreet, above PHILADELPHIA. 1500 D0z 507 . d C o o e r . rt p ll t i r t o , o t o tri d , s auckets ; 500 nests Willow Market Baskets ; 600 " De.her Tabs ; 800 Stall - and Barrel Churns; together with the largest stock of Vt illow, Cedar and Eastern Woodward ever offered in theeity. N. B. Cash paid at all times for broom corn at our factory. Feb. 26, 1860. E. C. SUMMERS. J. N. BALL. New Arrangement. CARRIAGE & IVAGON MANUFACTORY. Summers ds Dail, ' V O t D h a y purchasedrespectfully informro henry ySmith, his pu b lic ii that h tools, stuck, tkc., belonging to the above depart ment of his business, and that they will carry it on for the present, in all its %Mil)ae branches, in the shop heretofore occupied by Mr. Smith. They are prepared to execute all ordets in their line on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs, Carts, Wheelbarrows, &c., made to order, of the best materials, and at tea. sortable in ices. --- 11cpeinng of ell kind. of vehicles, done on the mhortest notice. o; . 'l`holie wanting neat, cheap and durable articles in their line of business, arerespectfully requested to Rive them a call. Feb. 26, 1850. '3K? ea 1 - Pcs)..Zra ca) OD Tx:a as 8 Up Storrs above Peter Stroape's Store and Sheriff' Crownover's Ogee s and etre* doors east of McKinney's Hotel. THE undersigned hae again com• menced the above business in all itt various Wenches, and is new pre• pared to etccommodate all who may ( favor hint with their custuln on the most reasonable term's. He intends keeping ,ttt hand all kinds of CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from eommon to the most feshiiinable sty .e, and made most durable, mariner, which he will sell low for cash or country produce. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for Chars or furniture. COFFINS will at all limos lie kept on hand, oral funerals attended in town, and shortly In town and coubity, as he is getting a splendid fferso nettle for tho accommodation of Ike public. Dot's. AND SION PAINTING attended to as 'l'HO. ADAMS. IT untingdon. October 30, 1.849. THE undersigned, believing that an Agency of this character a would be an accommodation and an advantage to both the purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon. All business of this kindentrusted to him, and all commuonicatiotis-senfro•hfm, will re ce iv e hi s prompt and diligent attention. He will adver tise when requested, either in his own name or in the name of the owner, as may be desirable, in one or both of the newspapers of the county ; and in any other newspaper that may be desig nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and sellers, and communicate between them. A full and minute description of the property —its improvements, supply of water, conveni ence to markets, schools, churches,and the terms of sale, must accompany the request of any per son who wishes his real estate advertised or of fered for sale ; and some description, as definite as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of the premises desired to be bought, must be giv en by those who wish to purchase. All communications relating to the business of this Agency will be confidential if desired. The subscriber is in communication with a similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be able through it to bring property offered for sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun ty purchasers. 'Postage must be paid on all letters sent. P. S.—Several desirable properties are now offered for sale. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR, Attorney at Law. Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1819. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phhiladelphia. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street. lON'FINUE to make Inttrrances en Lives on kj the most favorable terms, receive and execute flume and receive deposits on interest. The Cr pital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fund, atfords ape/fee:security to to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or gonrterly payments. The t . ....'oni}any ada o BONETB at stated peri. oils to the ineurances for life. This plan of in• suranee is the most approved of, and is more generally in use, than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is hest understood by thepeu ple, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 ore us this plan. The arst . BONUS was appropriated In Decent , - ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest policies ; to 8 3.4 per cent., 7 1-2 ?er cent., &c. &e. on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making an audi tion of $1 my $87,50;. $75, &c. &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment of the company. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: I Amt.orpol.and Polley Insured. Bonus or bonus payable Addition at the party'. ;decease. No. 58 I $l,OOO $.00.00 151,100.00 89 2,600 250.00 2,760.00 205 4,000 f 400,00 4,400,00 270 I 2.000 I 175.00 2,175.60 333 5,000 I 437,50 5,437,60 CHEESE. Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and explanations of thesubject; forms of application and further information can be had at the office, garlic, in person or by letter, addressed to the esiden t or Actuary. 13 W. RICHARDS, President. JNO, F. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, 1849.-ly Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE, No. 238 Market St., above Seventh, South side, LTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the 11 value of TIME commercially, yet by calling at the shove establishment, JAMES BARBER will furnish his friends, among whom heineludes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful arid perfect lairs, for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of paters and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hoer brass COUNTING HOUSE, PAIL LOR, HALL, CISUNCII and ALARM CLOCKS, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers he finite he can put a t the LOWEPT rosin plo -1.711 I: in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant theaccuracy. Clocks repaired and warranted—clock trim mings on hand. Call and see me among them. JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1849. FISH ./IND S./2LT, FOR aa!o at tha Cheap Store of Oct 16,'40.] GEO GWIN, BLANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Chnir and Furniture Q:E)a_gl* LlCMra For the Purchase and Sale of REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE. Capital $300,000. OH•ARTI•A Pimpzarst. PHILADELPHIA THE GREAT COliE CHAS, G JOHNSON, of Bristol. Who was pronounced incurably fixed :►S the lase s t age of Pulmonary Con sumption,by two skillful Phy. sicieds. Mr. Johnson war rescued from death's rfOor by the use of Schneck's Pulmonic Syrup—boo. ing been prostrated ell winter, 1 - 11 a case wee witnessed by several of the most respectable citieens of this mate, whom names are Append.. ed to his certificate. Read t Read and be con vinced that tichneek's Pulmonary syrup fa tbe only cc:lain cure for Consumption. eonnty, Pa. sot. tf, fe4l. DR. J. H. SCIMECK, r,—tam ithlbeed from a eense of justice towards you, as well si linty to the public, to make known one of the moat hopefees end extteordiriery clime. in nit, own person. that yen have ever had the pleasurlf torecord. Indeed, I raged my inability to pot , tray, in truthful color., my consuming diem*. and the remarkable chance Whibit Pulmonary Scrap effected in in ehort e time. I was token some time pfatione to at 1848, with a heavy cold. produring incessant coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the right ride, pains in the back, undei the right shoulder, having heavy night sweete, high fevers &c., which made me so nervous and restlem ae to produc3 utter prostration. All three affliction. increased with such violence, that en the 4th of January hat f sent for my fintrq pfiysiiien. Ale attended me faithfbily, and preemilied every thing that medical skill could enggest. hut without et ' rect.. I found myself gredually growing waree, and'my hopes of recovery lemening ise my dis ease increased. My cough heroine dierreming ; my paint severe; end, eztremrly debilitated, I loaf all embition in life, and gave up toe melan choly den. cation. My physician examined me, and informed me f find an anemia on the beper part of my liver and loWer parrot one of my lunge. Notwithstanding nil fhb, chill, I grew worse. but with thartemmity with which we all cling to life, I concluded to I, aye nothing undone, and called in a consulting physician. who fully concurred with my own, and pronounced my care an ex tremely critical one. He thought I wire in im minent danger--raying my Jima. "was one this 18 seldom Weyer cured." AIP t hie time I was em during sufferings that mode life frordeneome ; ea periencing great pain in coughing; ex pectorw tine from a pint to a quart of naucenue metier avery 24 hours, and gradually sinking under the weakning progress of my disease. At this siege of my i Iness, my friends in Bristol suggested the uao of Schneck'a Pulmorne Syrup. but know ing the many expedients resorted to fur the pur pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes hated. My friends, however, insisting, I was prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced taking the Syrup about the first of March, and used several bottles before I had any confidence in it. I then began to experiences charge for the better, and continued it till I had consumed ten bottler', when I was so for relieved as to he able to viait Dr. Schnuck in Philadelphia. He examined me, and pronounced my right lung af-- teeter], but in a healing con Mien. He recom , mended the further use of the Syrup, which I continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found myself once more restored to health. I will fur ther add,that the consulting physician, meing the action of the medicine, fully approved its use. To give the reader some idea of the severity of my caae,end the rapid cum affected by the Syrup, I will elate that my usual weight in hearth was 177 pound., which was finally re duced-by my sufferings to but Mb pounds. Yet, on the first of thin month, (September,) I ar eigh ed 174 pound., thus gaining in a few months 53 pounds, and within three pounds of my beavieet weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the short space of this certificate, the convincing proofs of my remarkable cure. at the funicular. of the monicing efflictions through which I have prmed; bar to those who will Mkt , the trouble to i cull on me, at Warfel, opposite Pratt's hotel, I /hall take plenum in detailing every pirtieelar. Ireconclueion, releem it my duty to urge upon 1 every person who may have the premonitory I symptoms of this fatal dieease, not to delay one 1 hour, but to call upon De Schneck immediately. Hia skill in the treatment of this complaint. and prompt &nem'mt of diseased parts of the kings by means of hie Stethearope, added to my own miracu one care, fully eatiofieeme, that hail ear hereutimitred myself to his care, I should have escaped' much. tweeting ; but restrained by doubt. and suspicion, which make as all naturally akep tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when first introduced. I resisted' the imporrunitiee of my friends till almost too late f and yielded only as a lam resort, resolved to kill or cure." To those afflicted ee I have been, again let me say, hesitate no longer, my own case is presented to you as convincing evidence. that when all elm fails your last hope it in Dr, Schneck'sPuimenic Syrup. I have oleo for the satisfaction of those who may he strangers to me appended to t h is err tificaM the names of gentlemen well known in the walks of public and private life. and whom mantling in society admits of no cavil or doubt its regard to their testimony. CHARLES G. JOHNSnN. Welke untleisigned, residents of Bristol and a be laPv b e n' u o v d l y e : o 'n :n h o. i a w c Wa t r St are 7 1 "P r a h u l Is khc n e n:l a i ov l u iv : h a gi u ;n v eh : t b n i d : :h t s e e t every hc e t ... :M r ed h e t dr a hi ir s e l o j p :u h :::: " :t n Eo l lion from a premature grave. The known in tegrity and poei'ion in society of Mr. Johnson however is a eufficient p of the troth of this etetement. LEWIS T. PRATT, Prart's Hotel. LE WIS M. AN' HA RTON Merehaut. CHESTER STURDEVANT, Coe! dealer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. JAMES M. HARLOW, C.ergyman °Mho Presbyterian Church. 8. B HOLT, Hotel, Burlington. JAM ES R. SCOTT, Book agent. A. L. PACKER, Cool agent. WISTAR C. PARSONS. at E. Itoneeeris Laboratory, 44 Prune erreet, Philadelphia, Bristol, September 24, 1849. Prepared mid sold by J. H. Seleaseck at liim Laboratory S. L. Corner of Cost. & Marshall Ste. Phila. and by 'P. K. Si monxoe, Huntingdon. G. H.Sret ern, Wateratreet, Brum. & McWILLIA74II. Nome Creek, Moona & Swoore. Alexandria. K & END, Mill Creek, and by agents generally throughout the United State*, Price $l,OO per bottle, or ss,od per half dos Nov. ZO, iil49.—ly. co• cie ti cla 441 c, 11 GENERAL assortment of groceries just opened and for sale at Cmintmostast's Gro cery and Confectionary establishment, directly oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon, November 27, MP: