_ ckfc nniitt,obOtt BY JAS. CLARK. tee the Journal: GETHSEMANE , Tat deepning shades of night', litihg o'er elf the plaint's of Judea. The lofty peak of Carmel', the vine-clad hills, the Palms, and cedars of Mount Lebanon, were all shrouded in darkness. O'er the Hofy Land, tier cities, towns, temples, and palaces; the river Jordan, Tiberias' Sea, and Olivet, nights sable curtain' had been spread, and her dark sceptre swayed unomfesfect. 'Twos the hour of rest. The way-worn traveller, tarn ed for shelter, and sweet repose, to the hospita ble inn. The sheperd penned his flocks within the fold, and in Ills tent sought rest, and sleep, after the cares Cr the departed day, all things Were hushed in silence. The feathered' throng, that warbled merily in the sun beam, were now hushed, and in the distant grove, silently stretch ed their parental wing, o'er their infant brood. But midst this scene of sweet tranquility envy, malice, and hatred, rested not ; for in the hall of the lofty Caiphas, were assembled the priests, scribes, elders, and rulers, dehatieg how they might best crucify the meek and lowly Jesus. And thus while they, with envy and malice rankling in their breasts, were devising foul means, to bring down the thunderbolts of ruin, upon the head of the Lord hair Saviour, He, isolated and alone, in the Garden of Gethsemane, with no sound to disturb the stillness of the ni,e,lit, but the low murmering of the brook Cedron, as it gurgled o'er its pebly bed ; with no shelter save heaven's dark blue canopy, kneeling upon the cold ground, prayed, and in his agony the sweat and blood trickled from the overcharges! veins upon his temples—and there, behold him as his groans pierce the midnight silence ; he cries Father if it be possible, may this cup pads from me, nevertheless not my will but thine be done." These groans and prayers, the heavens with pity moved, and God the Father, commissioned, from his courts, Angela to go and minister strength and suppoit to his auflering Son. But now, a light pierces the midnight dark ness ; the harried tread, the clangor of arms, the gleaming of weapons in the torch light, all give notice of the approach of an armed throng. On, an, they come amid the "clang of helmit, , error!, and shit ld," and formest of them all, Oh ! tease, Oh 1 black ingratitude, he who for money betrayed his friend comes, drawing near, with feigned reverence and fear, cried Hail ! Master, and rinds a kiss betrayed his Loan AND SAVIOUR, while at the deed, both Hall and Earth recoiled, aghast. Huntingdon March tith, 1856. Sentence ofDr. Webster for the Mur der of Dr. Geod Parkman, Bos.rorf, April 1, 1850. tit. Webster wan brought into Court this merntng at S minutes to 0 o'clock to receive the solemn sentence of the law. He looked gloomy in the extreme, but collected aml cretin. The Court room was densely crowded, as were the avenges fending to it. At 10 minutes past 10 o'clock the Court came in, including the Hon. Richard Fletcher, who had not attend ed the trial. After some minutes of silence, Mr. Attorney General Clifford, narrated the facts of the indict ment, trial and verdict, and moved the Court that the final sentence be now pronounced. The prisoner rose, and was asked by the Clerk what he bad to show why sentence of death should not be pronounced against him. The prisoner bowed and took his scat in silence: Chief instice Shaw then addressed him in the following words Jona W. Wails-m -1n meeting you here for the last time, _to pronounce that sentence which the law has affixed to the high and aggravated offence of which you stand convicted, it is im possible by language to give utterance to the deep conscioussness of responsibility, to the keen sense of sadness end sympathy with Which We approach this solemn duty. Circumstances which all who are here may duly appreciate, but which it may seem hardly fit to allude to in more detail, render the performance of this duty on the present Occasion. Unspeakably painful. At all tissues and under all circumstances, a feeling of indescribable solemnity attaches to the utterance of that stern voice retributive, which consigns a fetlow-being to at Untimely and ignominious death; but when we consider all the circumstances of your past life—your various relations in society—the claims upon you by others- - the hopes and expectations you hare cherished, with your present condition and the ignominious death which awaits you, we are oppressed with grief and anguish. Nothing but a sense of imperative duty, imposed on us by the law, whose officers and ministers we are, could sustain us in pronouncing such a judg ment. Against the crime of wilful murder, of which you stand convicted—a crime at which humani shoi:m ddseorsr society -a ga crime rerde everywhere, withabhorrence— ftl under ar f the taw has denounced its severest pennities in these few, simple, but solemn and imptesslve words ; .i , Every person who shall commit. the crime .of murder, shall suffer the punishment of death for the same." The manifest object of this law is the protec tion and security of human life, the most im portant of a just and paternal government. It is made the duty of,this,Court to declare this penal ty against any one who shall hove been found guilty, in due course pf the Administration of justice, of having violated this law. It is one of the most solemn arts of judicial power which an earthly tribunal can be called upon to exer cise. It is a high and exemplary manifestation of the sovereign authority of the law, as well in its stern and inflexible severity, as in its pro tecting and paternal benignity. It punishes the guilt) , with severity, in order that the right to, the enjoyment of life—the most precious of all rights, may be more effectually secured. By the record before us, it appears that Yoh have been indicted by the Grand Jury of this county for the crime of murder; alleging that do the 23d of November last, you made ah as , saLlt on the person of Dr. George Perkman; and by acts of violence, you deprived him of life, With Malice aforethought. This is alleged to have been done within the apartments of a pub lic institution, in this city, the Medical College, of which you were a Prefessor and instructor, upon the person of a man of mature age, well knOwn and of extensive connections in this community, and a benefactor of that institution. The charge of an offence so aggravated, in the midst of a peaceful community, created an in stantaneous outburst of surprise, alarm and terror, and was followed by universal and in tense aAxiety to learn, by the results of a judicial proeetiling; Whether this charge was true. The day of trial came. A court was organized to conduct it. A jury, almost of your own choos ing, was selected in the manner best calculated to insure intelligence and impartiality. Counsel were appointed to assist you in conducting your defence, who have done all that learning, elo quence, and skill could accomplish in presenting your defence in its hest aspects. A very large number of witnesses were carefully examined, and, after a laborious trial of unprecedented length, conducted, as we hope, with patience and fidelity, that jury have pronounced you guilty. To this verdict, upon a careful revision of the whale proceedings, I am constrained to say, in behalf of the Court, that they can perceive no just or legal grounds of exception. Guilty ! How much, under all these thrilling circiumstances, which cluster around the case and throng our memories in the retrospect; does this single word import ! The wilful, violent and malicious destruction of the life of a fella w-man, in the peace of God and under the protection of the law—yes, of one in the midst of life, with brighr hopes, warm affections, mutual attachments, strong extensive and numerous—making life a blessing to himself and others. We allude thus to the injury you have inflict ed, not for the purpose of awakening one unneces sary pang in a heart already lacerated, but to remind you of the irreparable wrong done to the victim of your cruelty, in sheer justice to him whose voice Is now hushed in death, and whose wrongs can only be vindicated by the living action of the law. If therefore you may at any moment think your case a hard one and your punishment too severe—if one repining thought arises in your mind or murmuring word seeks utterance from your lips, think, oh think, of him instantly de prived of life by your guilty bond. Then, if not 4).4 to all sense of retributive justice—if you have any compunction arising from your conscience—you may be ready to exclaim in the bitter angush of truth, I have sinned against Heaven and my own soul. My punishment is just. God be merciful to me a sinner ! " God grant that your example may afford a solemn warning to all, especially the young. May it impress deeply upon every mind the salutary lesson it is intended to teach—to guard a , minst the indulgence of unhallowed and vindic tive passion—to resist temptation to every selfish, sordid and wicked purpose—to listen to the warnings of conscience and yield to the claims of duty; and whilst they instinctively shrink with abhorrence from the first thought of assailing the fife of another, may they learn to reverence the laws of God and society, design ed to secure the protection of their own. We forbear from obvious cot: sidera lions from adding such words of advice as may be some times thought appropriate an occasions like this. It lies only within our province on occasions like the present, to address the illiterate, the degraded, the outcast, whose early life has been cast among the vicious—the neglected, the abandoned, who have been blest with no means of moral and religious culture; who have never received the benefit of cultivated society nor enjoyed the sweet and ennobling influences of home. To such an one a word of advice upon an occasion so impressive, may be a word fitly spoken and tend to good; but in a case like this, where these circumstances are all reversed, no word of ours could be more efficacious than the suggestions of your own better thoughts to which we commend you. But as we are assigned, this last sad daty of pronouncing sentence, which is indeed the voice of the law and not our own, yet in giving utter ance we cannot do it with feelings of inditfer ence, as a format and official oat. God forbid that we should be prevented from indulging anti expressing those irrepressible feelings of in terest, sympathy and compassion which arise spontaneously in our heart. We most sincerely and cordially deplore the distressing condition Into which crime has brought Iron, and though we have no word of present consolation or of earthly hope to offer you, in this hour of your affliction, yet we de. voutly commend you to the mercy ofour [leaven ty Father, with whom, in his abundance of mercy, and from whom we may all hope for pardon and peace. And row, nothing remains, but the solemn duty of pronouncing the sentence which the law fixes for the crime of murder, of which you stand convicted, which sentence is, that you, John W. IVelister, be removed from this place, and be detained in close custody in the prison di this county, and thence be taken at such time as the egectitive goVerntrient of this Common wealth may, by their warrant appoint, to the place of execution, and there be hong by the neck until you are dead—and may God, of his infinite goodness, have mercy on your soul NASSO, Incidents of Saturday night and Sunday. It is understood that the jury, after going out on Saturday night, at first deliberated in silence for ten minutes. They then voted on the ques tion Whether the remains were those of Dr. Geo. Parkman. There was an unanimous "yea.' On the second question, whether Dr. Webster murdered film, there were eleven yeas and one nay. The nay came from Mr. Benj. H. Greene. He stated his point of doubt, and after some discussion he declared it removed. The family of Dr. Webster was not informed atilt, verdict the night it was rendered. Friends, however, undertook the task of preparing their minds for it. The awful disclosures were made to them on Sunday morning by Mrs. Wm. E. Prescott. The scene was most heart-rending, and the wails and shrieks could not be conceal ed from the passers by. Every effort has been made by their friends to assuage the grief of the afflicted wife and daughters, who, up to a late hour, confidently expected an acquittal. HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1850; A letter of condolence was presented them on Sunday afternonn, signed by the heads of all the principal families of Cambridge, including the Mott. Edward Everett, Jared Sparks, Prof. Norton, Judge ray, ike.- The immense cfnwil retired from the court month and its vicinity in silence and without the least disturbance. Jute Fay gave it up that his friend, Dr. Webster, was a guilty man aftrr hearing his own speech on Saturday evening. Anecdotes or the cruelty of Dr, W. in early lira are now told by vertions who were then acquainted with him. THE BATTLE OF MOUNT TABOR. Our renders, we arc convinced, will feel a thrill of something deeper than pleasure, in reading the spirited descrip tions which follows, from Headley's 'Sa cred Mountains Forty•seven years ago, a form Wins seen standing on Mount Tabor, with which the world has since become fami liar. It was a bright spring morning, and as he sat on his steed in the clear sunlight, his eye rested on a scene in the vale below, which was sublime and appalling enough to quicken the pulsations of the calmest heart.—That form was Napoleon Bonaparte, and the scene before him the fierce and terrible "BATTLE OF MOUNT TABOR" From Naza reth, where the Saviour once trod, Metier had marched with three thousand French soldiers forth into the plain, when 10, at the foot of Mount Tabor he saw the whole 'Turkish army drawn up in order of battle. Fifteen thousand in fantry and twelve thousad splendid cav alry moved down in majestic strength on this band of three thousand French.— K leber had scarcely time to throw his handful of men into squares, with the cannon at the eagles, before these twelve thousand horses, making the earth smoke and thunder as they came, burst in a headlong gallop upon them.. But round those steady squares rolled a tierce de vouring tire, emptying the saddles of those wild horsemen with frightful rap idity, and strewing the earth with the bodies of rulers and steeds together.— Again and again did these splendid squad rons wheel, reform and charge with deafening shouts, while their uplifted and flashing cimeters gleamed like a forest of steel throng!' the smoke of bat tle, but that same wasting fire received them till those squares seemed bound by a girdle of flame, so rapid and con stant were the discharges. Berme their certain and deadly aim, as they stood fighting for existence, the charging squadrons fell so fast that a rampart of dead bodies was soon formed around them. Behind this embankment of dead men and horses, this band of warriors stood and fought for six dreadfal hours, and was still steadily thinning the ranks of the enemy, when Napoleon debouched with a single division on Mount Tabor, arid turned his eye below. What a a scene net his gaze. 'The whole plain was filled with marching columns and squadrons of wildly galloping steeds, while the thunder of cannon and fierce rattle of musketry, amid which now and then teas heard the blast of trumpet:, and strains or martial music, filled all the air. The smoke of battle was rol ling furiously over the hosts, and all was confusion and chaos in his sight. Amid the twenty-seven thousand Turks that crowded the plain and enveloped their enemy like a cloud, and amid the incess ant discharge of artillery and musketry, Napoleon could not tell where his own brave troops were strugling, only by the steady simultaneous volleys which showed how discipline Was contending with .the wild valor of overpowering numbers. The constant flushes from be hind that rampart of dead bodies were like spots of flame an the tumultuous and chaotic field. Napoleon descended from Mount Tabor with his little band, while a single twelve pounder, fired from the height, told the wearied Kleber that he was rushing to the rescue. Then for the first time lie took the offensive, and poured his enthusastic followers, on the fallen foe, carrying death and terror over the field. Thrown into confusion, and trampled under foot, that mighty army rolled turbulently back towards the Jordan, where Murat was anxiously writing to mingle in the fight. Dashing with his cabalry among the disordered ranks, he sabred them down without mercy, and raged like a lion amid the prey. This chivalric and romantic warrior declaredtliat the remembrance of the scenes that once transpired on Alount Tabor, and on these consecrated spots, came to him in the hotest of the fight and nerved him with tenfold cour age. As the sun went down over the plains of Palestine, and twilight shed its dim ray over the rent and trodden and dead covered field, a sulphurous cloud hung around the summit of Mount Tabor. The smoke of battle had settled there where once the cloud of glory rested, while groans and shrieks and cries rent the air. Nazareth, Jordan and Mount Tabor, what spots for battle-fields! Roll back twenty centuries and again view that hill, The day is bright and beautiful as then, and the same rich ori• ental landscape is smiling in the same sun. There is Nazareth with its busy population—the same Nazareth from which Richer marched his army ; and there is Jordan rolling its bright waters along—the same Jordan along whose banks charged the glittering squadrons of Miirat's calvery ; and there is Mount !Tabor—the seine on which Bonaparte stood with his cannon ; and the same beautiful plain where rolled the smoke of mortal combat. But how different is the scene that is passing there. The Son of God stands on that height and castS his eye over the quiet valley through which Jordan winds its silver current. Three friends are beside him; they have Walked together up the toil- some way, and now the foirr stand, mere specks on the distant summit. Far away to the north-west shines the blue Medi terranean—all around is the great plain of Esdrtekin and Galilee—ertstivard, the lake of Tiberias dots the landscape, while Mount Carmel lifts its naked sum mit in the distance. But the glorious landscape at their feet is forgotten in a sublimer scene that is passing before them. The son of Mary— ! die carpenter of Nazareth—the wanderer with whom they have eaten and drank, and travelled on foot many a weary league, in all the intimacy of companions and friends, be gins to change before their eyes. Over his soiled and coarse garments is spread ing a strange light, steadily brightening into intenser beauty, till that form glow with such splendor that it seems to wa ver to and fro and dissolve in the still radiance. - The three astonished friends gaze on it in speechless admiration, then turn to, that familiar face. But 10, a greater change has passed over it. The man has pat on the God, and that sad and solemn countenance which has been so often seen stooping over the couch of the "dying, and entering the door of the hut of poverty, and passing through the streets of Jerusalum, and pausing by the weary wayside—aye, bedewed with the tears of pity—now burns like the sun in his midday splendor. Meekness has given wny to majesty—sadness to daz -1 zlinn. glory—the look of pity to the ffrandure of a God. A Landlord Gratified. A Yankee—but whether he was a tra der or not, I can't say—stopped at a tav ern, 'away up north, in the State of New York, called for 'fixitts,' and after swal lowing a pretty considerable bill, retired. Meanwhile the landlord and interlopers were busily engaged in conversation.— By and by, Yankees and Yankee tricks were discussed. The landlord informed the bar-room• company there was a live Yankee in the house, and if twere pos sible, he would have a trick or two out of lath before he left, while the aforsaid hangers-on were to be witnesses. After a 'jleasant smile,' all round, at the land lord's expense, they left. Next morning, landlord and company were ready to snap at Mr. Yankee, as soon as ho made his appearance. Break fast being over in walks Jonathan, with an air peculiar to folks ldeoun east,' paid his bill, and was about to depart, when the landlord accosted )aim with : "You, it is plain to see, sir, are a Yankee. Can or will you oblige as with trick or two, for I assure you we nre willing to be tricked if you can do it." " Wall, donno' bout that, flee done rt few in my time, but donno as I kin dew anythilf smart this mornin.'" "Oh do. Let's have a trick," cried the eager crowd. " seein' it's yeou dew itjest to please yer ; but 1 swow, you mustn't git read." - "Olt no, not at all," says the land• lord. " I'll go his security," chimed old rum- Doss. "I reckon," says Jonathan 'yew sell a prodigious sight of liquor in these parts, and good tow. Yeou've a pipe of wine down cellar, eh 1" "Oh, rale stuff, too, I can tell you." " Wall," says Jonathan, "come along all yeou that want to behold the miracle performed ;" and down they went into the cellar. The said pipe was point.ci out. "Neow," says the Yankee, "gen• tlemen, yew see that pipe of wine, dew yeou I A nod of assent went the rounds of the crowd. "Wall, neow, I can take brandy out of one end, and gin out of Cother." " Do it, and you can take my head for a football," exclaimed the landlord. Jonathan coolly drew from his pock et a large gimlet, and bored a hole in one end of the pipe, which hole the landlord was requested to cover with his thumb. lie did so; and soon a hole was bored in "tother, while he end." Jonathan kept a sober phiz during the operation, and requested the landlord to stop up the 4ourna. tether, while he went after somethin' to put the denied stuff in. The land lord complied with his request, and streched across the pipe, resembling a man-o-war's man about to receive a doz en with the "cat." Jonathan meanwhile decamped, lie did. The landlord's back began to ache, and he began to think the Yankee was a long time getting vi als to put the liquor in. Soon the vials of his wrath began to boil over, and words too deep for human ears were struggling for utterance, and he, holding on, endeavored to keep the wine from leaking out. Soon the hoax began to leak from the out-siders.- By a•nd by, one gave a laugh, and guessed the land lord was done a teethe the brownest he'd ever seen ; and then did'nt tike walls of the old cellar ring again with bursts of laughter T Well, they did. The landlord raved and swore almost —no, he was a deacon in the church ! And at last he broke forth with, 'Dog my eternal eats, if I hain't been tricked by the confounded Yankee." He tried to get some one of the crowd to supply his place, but old Rumnose never let a good opportunity slip ; he though it would be well, inasmuch as the landlord had allowed himself to be tricked by Mr. Yankee Doodle, that he (the land lord) should treat all bawls, which hat, ing promised faithfully to do, they re-a., leased the landlord from his tiresome po sition after losing his patience and some of his wine. The Fero and the Printer. " When Tamerlane had finished blin ding his pyramid of seventy thousand human sculls and was seen standing et the gate of Damascus, glittering in steel, with his battle axe on his shoulders, 'till fierce hosts filed out to new victo ries and new carnage ; the pale looker= on might have fancied that nature was in her death throes ; for havoc and des pair had taken possession of the earth— the sun of manhood seemed setting in seas of blood. Yet it might be on that very gala day of Tamerlane, a little boy was playing nine pins in the streets of Metz, whose history was more impor tant to man than that of twenty Tamer lanes. The Tartar Khain, with his shag gy demons of the wilderness, "passed atvay like a whirlwind," to be forgotten forever ; and that German artisan has wrought a benefit which is yet immea surably expanding itself through all countries and through all times. What are the conquests and expeditions of the whole corporation of captains, from Wal . ter the Pennyless to Napoleon Bonepart, compared with these moveable types of Faust ! Truly, it is a mortifying thing is the metal which he hammers with such violence ; now the kind earth will soon shroud up 11:s bloody footprints; and all that he achieved and skilfully piled together, will be but like his own canvass of a city camp—this evening loud with life, to-morrow all struck and vanished—a few earth-pits and heaps of straw, for here as always, it continues true that the deepest force is the stillest ; that, as in the fable, the mild shining of the sun shall silently accomplish what the fierce blustering of the tempest in vain essayed. Above all, it is ever to keep in mind that, not by material, but 1 by moral power, are men and their ac lions governed. flow noiseless is thought ! No rolling of drum, no tramp of squadrons, or immeasurable tumult of baggage-wagons attends its move ments. In what obscure and seques tered places may be heard the medita ting which is one day to be crowned with more than imperial authority ! for kings and emperors will be among the minis tering servants; it will not rule over but in all heads—and with these its solitary eombinations of ideas, as with magic formulas, bend the world to its will ! The time may come when Napoleon him self will be better known for his laws than fur his battles, and the victory of Waterloo prove less momentous than the opening of the first Mechanics' Insti tute.—Carlyle. We often censure the con..inct of oth ers, when, under the :,ame circumstan ces, we might not have acted half so welt. There are some who live wishout any desig n at all, and only puss in the world like straws upon a river; they do not go, but they are carried. Nothing can so fortify the heart a gainst vice, as the love of n virtuous woman. If you would avoid the State prison, therefore, tie yontself to calico as soon as possible. For the morals there is nothing like the "dimity" af ter all. It is even ahead of rattan. Sombody thinks that if nature had de• signed a man to be a drunkard, he would have been constructed like a churn, so that the more he drank, the firmer he would stand. VOL. XV, NO, 15, WHEN' GREEK MEETS GRIME", &C.— , One of those unhappy fanatics, who positively insist upon the' dissolution of the Uniorivreceived a terrible beating oh Tuesday evening; which Was brought about after this fashion 4.: The fanatic held in his hand tion for disunion, to which he was soli. citing signatures. Unfortunately het stopped an Irishman, and requested hie name. " What good can my name do you 1" inquired the Emerald Islander. "The time for action has nt length come ;• the infamous slaveholders of the South must lie put down—the slave must be freed, the constitution --" " What are you palavering about 1" said Pat impatiently.. "The Union must lie . dissolved !" em• phatically replied the fanatic. " The what screamed Pat. " The Union," said the petitioner. " Is it destroy the country ye mane 1" "Any thing, so we free the slave." " No*, ain't licru a putty Illackguardl" exclaimed Pat. , t Take care what you say, sir." it Tunder and turf, ye spalpeen—but it's meself that has the notion to break every bone in your unmannerly ear case." Beware, sir." la it threat'ning me ye are 1 Take that—and tfiat—and that," shouted the patriotic Irishman, as he emptied his fists right and left into the face of the fanatic who in vain tried to oppose so , unnata•rxl a demonatriition. A crowd soon gathered,. and patriotic Pat was suffered to escape; when the facts were evplained.—Citylrem. SIR H. L. ButwEresi%LtrnFssro.—We are glad to notice the spirit which has. been awakened by the publication of the manifesto of the• British minister in favour of the tariff' of 1846. The Whig press of the interior is speaking out boldly on the subject, and we most sincerely hope and believe that the• appearance of this ministerial epistle• will have the effect of opening the eyes• of many who have hitherto been incredu lous as to the real character of the pree sent tariff. The Miner's Journal, in refering to the subject, says : "The question is now presented to the American Congress in a plainer light than ever—it is whether the Brit ish or American petition shall be gran ted--whether the laborers of England or those of America, shall be fostered by the hand of our governnent! What will the iron manufacturers of our State —a state whose future prosperity des pends on the measures of government— say to thisi Can they quietly witness such desecration on the part of the Brit ish governmenti We trust they will be ready to exclaim with Mr. Stnnly, from North Carolina—" How dare the British minister interfere with our domes tic policy!" Of course, Congress will not follow the advice (1) but legislate in a manner that will promote the inter ests of America, regardless of the disa greeable effect" it would produce in other nation, and teach foreign minis ters that we tire able to take care of ourselves, and will not permit such in solent Interference in our domestic af fairs." Laughing in the Pulpit. Said Mr. C-, a Presbyterian minister of some notoriety, I never laughed in the pulpit only on one occasion, and that came near procur ing my dismissal from the ministry. About one of the first discours.:s I was called to de liver, subsequent to my ordination, after read ing my test and opening my sithject, my atten tion was directed to a young man with a very foppish dress, and a head of exceeding red hair. In a slip immediately behind this young gentle. man sat an urchin, who must have been urged on in his deviltry by the evil one himself, fat I do not conceive the younstet thought of the jest he was playing off on the spruced dandy in freest of him. The boy held his fore-finger in the hair of the youni; man about as long at a blacksmith would T. nail rod in the fire to heat and then an his knee, commenced pounding his finger in imitation of a smith making a nail. The whole thing was so ludicrous that I laughed, the only time that I ever disgraced the pulpit with any thing like mirth. MR. CALHOUN'S SPEECH.—The Balti• more Patriot in referring to Qtr. Cal houn's speech, says : "In few or none of its conclusion* do we agree—in none of its anticipations of evil to result to the Union from what Congress may do or mny not do, can we share—and to the bent of the argument —the dissolution of the Union—winch swayed the author's mind, we are unal terably opposed." THE WEBSTER WATCH..-.-FirtSen eubscribers, all of which Eastern merchants, have united to purchase the very best plain gold . watch that can be got in New York city, to be attached to the heavy gold chain already prepared, for pre sentation to Daniel Webster. The watch and chain will be the most aplended establishmeot of the kind ever got up. I I