Reta Men of Merchandise. Classification of Dealers and Retailers of Mer shandies In Huntingdon county, by the Ap praiser of Mercantile Taxes" for the year com menting the let day of May A. D. 1850, viz Amount Class of License. 4lesandria Borough. -- Bucher & Porter 12 $l2 50 John N Swoop. 44 12 50 Charles Porter 13 10 00 Donis & Walker « 10 00 Michnel Sm.ler 14 7 00 George B Young 7 00 Barret Toumship. A NV Graff & Co.* 14 John Cresswell & Co. " Gillum & Frank Irvine J J & Co. Brady Township. Ressler & Brother 12 do for Pat. Med. 4 Irvine, Green & Co. 13 Washington Buchanan 14 do for Pah Med. 4 Birmingham Borough. James Clarke 13 James Bell 14 Ettinger do Brother John R Thompson Cass Township. Read & 11111 Duff 13 James Henderson 14 Clay Township. E B Orbison & Co. 13 Cromwell Township. Thob E Orbison & Co. !sett & Wigton George Sipes David Etnier Dublin Township Brice X Blair & Co James Cree Franklin Township. G&.l H Stonebraker 11 Shorb Stewart Ic Co. John S 'sett 13 J W !Vattern & Co. 14 !sett & Harnish 44 John Conrad Huntingdon 130 ough Fisher' M'Murtrie & Co 12 J and %% Saxton George G win Dorsey Or Maguire " Thomas Read le Son 13 do for Pat, Med. 3 William Dorris 13 Moses Stmt.@ Peter Swoope 14 Dr William Swoop. " William Stewart' T K Simonton do for Pat. Med. 4 A Willoughby 14 B & W Snare Jacob Snyder Neff & Dliller 14 James T Scott IS Levi Westbrook Jackson To wnship. E& A Stewart • 14 William Cummins Robert M'Burney II John A Wright &Co 13 Hopewell Township. Wigton & Moore 13 James En trek in Henderson Township. Henry Comprobst 14 Morris Township. Geo %V Patten & Co. 13 Geo H Steiner 12 do for Pat. med. 4 Irvine & Kessler 14 Joseph Law Steiner & M'Williams Law & Fetterhoof Porter Township. S Hatfield & Co. 13 Joseph Green & Co. " Petersburg Borough. Abraham Cress well 12 John R Hunter Irvine & Marks 14 Shirleysburg Borough. John Long & Co. 13 Henry Brewster John Lutz" 14 David Fraker William Johnston Shirley Township. Samuel H Bell 13 Aaiun. & Sharra James Kelly & Co, " Penn Township. Frank & Nell'' 13 A & E Plummer Tell Township. A C Blair & Co. 14 Jacob Filmalee Springfield Township. Robert Madden, of H L 4 Tod Township. -- James Anderson* 14 Horatio Trex ler & Co. " Mordecai Chi!cote Vision Township. Glasgow & Brother 14 Walker Township. James Campbell* 13 Given & Orlady West Township. Cunningham & Myton 13 Warrzorsmork Tp. Benj. F. Patton 13 Abedaego Stevens Joseph B Shugarts 14 William Giles* Joshua R Cox* WAREmovsze. Morris Township. Sorrell tfr Mytinger 14 DlSTlLrossiza. Darras Township. /tots, and Patel Massey 9 George Eton 'freely Township. Jae Jno AlcDonald goswdl Totons4ip. Leonard Weaver 10 Penn Township. I Juniata Cabinet Manufacturing Isaac Fr John Peightal 10 5 00 ZI stablishme nt. Tod ownship. John Hoover 10 5 00 JOHN H. WHITTAKER, BREWER. Respectfully begs least to inform his friends alexa i ndrin Borough. and cuatomeis and the public generally ,that he Henry Foekler 9 8 00 has built a large and commodious shop immedi ately in the rear of the public braise of John Classification of Beer, Oyster and Eat- I V 1 hittakey, sr., on the bank between the rivet ing houses, for the year commencing and canal, w here be will constantly keep on Ist day of April A. D. 1850, viz : hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality, emh• dein g all descripti ohs, kinde., styles and va• ,Ilexandria Borough. \V L Phlilips 8 5 00 furniture, which will be offered for sale at the W L Philips 8 5 00' i very Brady Township. John Montgomery° Ilenderson Township James M. Foster 10 50 7 50 7 00 10 00 Huntingdon Borough, Louis Schneider" Henry Africa David Hazzard Smith & Ritter Catharine He!fright* Yno M' caningham itobt De CorseV4 12 50 5 00 10 00 7 00 5' 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Petersburg Borough. John Nelson . Morris Washington Sissler" Thomas Isenberg* Samuel Seigle* James Kelly* Porter Town Ship. John Nelson* fo' 0' 7 00 fo' 00 Walker Township. Joseph Douglas Ttarriorsna rk Tp. John Cramer* 8 Those 'hailed thus (') sell liquor , Nor tea is hereby given to the above named dealers in Merchandize, &c., that I will attend nt the Commissioners Office in the borough of Huntingdon, Oil h ursday fire f fCh daY 01 . APYil next, , the the pU'rpOse of hearing person, who ma)/ desire to appeal front the above classifica tion, as the amount of their sales for the preci ous year. 1.0 00 KY 06 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 15' 00 , 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 AnY person selling Patent Medicines yearly to the amount of $lOO, or more, in connection With other merchandire, is required by law, to pay an additional lieeil . rte. Any person keeping an Eating Denise &c, whose yearly sales shall amount to $OOO or more, or shall carry on a Dis tillery or Brewery, or shall sell Patent Medi cines without a license, is liable to' be ittir'cted and fined $2OO or more, as provided for in the Act of Assembly passed 10th April 1810. If the above license fees are not paid to the Connty Treasurer, or not exonerated by the undersigned, he is directed to see for and recov er the same, adding ten per cent to the licence for his troubre; 1. sStrrii REA I), Appr. of Mercantile Taxes. March 19, 18.50—it. Encourage Your Own Mechanics. Saddle and Harness Manufactory. WILLIAM GLASGOW j I TOULD respectfully inform his VV friends and the public nt large ; thnt he ddnt in ties the abode lousiness in Main street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo site the store of Rend & Son. 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 All kinds of HARNESS, and SAD DLES of a superior kind, BRIDLES, in short, every thing in his line of bu siness, will be manufactured on the shortest notice, of the best materials, and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can be had at any other establishment in tho county. He is thankful for the liberal patron. age already extended to him, and hopes try strict attention to business to receive a cdatinuante of public favor. [l:7—A large assortment of SADDDES READY MADE, always on hand, and made in superior style. ED- Hides, and country produce gen erally, taken in exchange for work. March 5, 1850. 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 12 50 5 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 TOWA LOTS FOR SALE. rptlE undersigned, Executors of the j_ last Will of Matthew Garner, late of Penn township, Huntingdon county, deed, will expose to gale on the premise., by public Ven dee or outcry, on Someday the Gth dap of April next, at 3 o'clock P. M., eight or nine town lota, situate in the village of Maikleaborg, in mid township and county. Tiatms--Ono-half of the purchase money of be pad on cortartuation of sale, and the residue in six months thereafter. Attendance given by JOHN GARNER, GEORGE GARNER. March 5, 1850. Executors. 12 50 12 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 4IIDiTOR'S 110fiiCEi tugt undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court, Auditor to ascer tain liens or debts against the estate of Charles Biotherline, dee'd, and the amount (tithe intei est due from said estate to the administrator of Elizabeth Brotherline, deed, and to apportion the &dance to, and among the hair, of the said Charles Btotherline, dec d., wilt attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Hunting. don on Saturday the 30th day of March next, at I o'clock P. M. when and where all persons interested can attend. 10, BRUCE PETRIKIN, Marc, 5,1886. Auditor. 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 id 50 7 00 7 (10 7 00 Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned. appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Conrt of iftintingdi n county. to marshal the assets, &a., in the hands of Jona than Elias, Administrator of Jaeoit, late ofTod townahip said county, decensed,• hereby notifies all persona interested in said estate, that he will attend for the said purpose at his office in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 30th day of March Mat., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. J. SEWELL STE IVART, Hr atingdon, March 5, 1850, Auditor. 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 1 00 10 50 10 50 Administrator's Notices T ETTEHS of Administration have been gran ted to the subscriber upon the estate of Gcottos Snam.zweanosn, late of Warrieramark township, deceased. All persona having claims *ill present them duly authenticnted, and those indebted are requested to make payment to HAYS HAMILTON, Feb. Ig, 1850. Administrator. 700 8 00 8 00 6 00 FISH AND SALT, rOR ie.e at the Cheap Store of Oet 16, '49.) CEO GWfl 5 00 LOWEST RATES In order to accommodate the 'midi, with all kinds of work in his line of business, he has just supplied himself will' a large lot of the bast civility of Cherry, CYohitit, Maple, Poplar, Ifhtl all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. He will offer neither botched or half- finished work for sale, and will et all times sub mit his Work to the most rigid inspeetion. Merchants, Professional men, Partners, Me chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, are invited to calf and examine his fore purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing is believ ing." Coffins will be made on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de sired, and fmerals attended. 7 15 00 8 5 00 15 00 10 00 8 5 00 " 5 00 7 50 it 5 00 7 50 00 He flatters liiinvelf that by industry and close attention to hishusiness, he will be able toplease all who may give him a mill. 7 15 00 15 00 15 00 4 15 00 Old furniture will at all time. be repaired in the neatest nail most durable manner, at low rates. All kinds of country produce will he ta ken in exchange for fdruiture, repairing, exc. Huntingdon, May Co, 1840. 8 7 50 a GROMMLIZIN 8i MIELOTIIER, Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OF 'ID 311 IN W 3 11209 COGNAC BRANDIES, HOLLAND AND DEALERS TN Tcas„ Segars, A•c. ..16 4 0 . 1 1 Walnut Street, PHI .L.,1 DELP H 1.4. (Cr Consignments of Western end &Willem Produce solicited. ,D) June 12, 11,49. 7 50 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE Of Valuable Heal Estate. DY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' L) Court of Huntingdon county, the following described trset of land, late the properly of Abra ham Long,tiee'd, will be sold as follows, viz: On Friday the sth day of April next (A. D. 1850) at and on the premises ; all that valuable tract of Lime Stout Land of the first quality sit uate in Dublin township, Huntingdon county, near Cie Burnt Cabins, and known as the -Cab ins Farm" containing about 197 acres and 28 perches ; hitting about 1 . 25 acres eleare I and un der good fence. and in the highest state of culti- Idtion—havingthefeorr a log dwelling house and stable, and two never fulUog springs of water. Will also be sold at the same time and place; two contiguous and adjoining tracts of land, in the said township of Duldimsaid county, bound ed by lands of Thomas W. Neely, tall., and eth ers, containing 90 acres nto e or less, and hav ing afore°n a good stone dwelling house a small portion cleared and cultivated. The whole thereof will be sold as one tract, ALSO, at the house of David Fraker, in the borough of Shir!eystArg, on Saturday the Irk day of April next A. D. 1850, at 1 o'clock I'. M. A tract of Mountain land wel; timbered lying on the Black Log Mountain in Shirley township adjoining lands of Samuel H. Bell and others ceatnining 88' acres more or less. Tanns.—Oat third of the purchase money to ha paid on the confirmation of the sale, one third in one year interest, and the remain ing third at the death of the widow with inter est thereon during her life to be paid annually and to be secured by bonds and mortgage. Any information will be given by William McLain of Dublin township, Gen. A. P. Wilson at Huntingdon, or by the subscrifiers at SlOrleye burg, huntingdon county. By orde. of the Orphans' Court, M. F.CAMPBELL. WM. B. LEAS, SAM'L. Trustees. r0).19, 1850. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale on the premises, by the under. signed Executors of the last will of Matthew Garner, Into of l'enn township, Huntlugdan county, deed., on Saturday the 6th day of April next, at 11 o'clock A. M., a TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hopewell township, adjoining lands on which John Beaver now resides and others. The above valuable tract of land is well worthy the attention of purchasers. Any person wish ing to view the premises cen call upon the sub scribers. Ts:Rms.—One third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one year thereafter, and one-third in two years, with interest front confirmation of sale, to be se cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court. M.F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attends:lde given by JOHN GARNER, GEORGE GARNER, March S, 1850. Executors .9DMINISTR.ITORS' NOTICE. Estate of WM. STEWART, late of Dublin township, elcc'd. Mallet is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of Wm. Stewart, late of Dublin township, Hunt. co., dec'd, hare been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted tonsil estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mand. againstthe same to present them duly au. tbenticated for Feb. 26, 1850 M. &, i. M, ROWE, 63 North Third Sreet, above .arch, PHILADELPHIA. 1500 Hoz.Corn Broom., 500 doz. Painted Buckets ; 500 nests Willow Market Baskets ; 600 " Cedar Tubs ; 800 Staff and Barrel Churns; together with the largeetatock of N illow, Cedar and Eastern Woodware ever offered in thecity. N. B. Cash paid at all times for broom corn at our factory. Feb. 26, 1860. THE GREAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Htintingdon I and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of CHINIA,GLASS ANDQUEENS WARE Dinner &is, Tea Sets, Toilet &le, and sin gle pieces, cithea of Glass, China, or Stone Were, sold in quantiited Eo evil purchasers, for lees than they can be had elsewhere— IN FACT AT LESS THAN lIOLtISALA PRICES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than ever before offered in the FANCY CHINA to great variety very cheap. We would Invite any person of ding the city fecall and see as—they will at least be plea sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest china and the cheape.vt the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut Street. Phi!a, Sep. 25, 1849.-Iy. pifiNTINGDON FOUNDRY, R. C. IVI'GiII and W. Z. Zeigler. , T , HE subscribers have now started, and will I have on hand a general assortment of cast ings, consisting of Conklin; Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of coumry. NIS°, tt ♦afietjt of Plough patterns of the kinds row m use. A general assortme h t of Hollow-ware castings, con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag do Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Ito ling NW! and F orge castings, 'k% in slow Grates for cellars, birdies and sills for hou ses, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg At nil, and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, mode to order on the shortest notice. We will selleve ry artMle fn eve line on the most reasonable terniVfor Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce ard old metal in exchange for cast ing, 'the Foundry is situated et the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where ono of them can always be found, or at the Tin and Stoveshop of W. B. Zeigl,, North East cor ner ofMarket Sgulre in Huntingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc ed in the business, feels confident that they will render satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. WAHL!, W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 2,1349-6 m. CITY HOTEL World respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public generally, that he has leased the above large and well known Hotel. 't he location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his entire attention, that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction' tet all who may fuSo'r him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very liberal sup port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure them that he will spare no pains or expense to resider the CITY Horst worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 18 y. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! his W ° CU s i t ' o p m r e e r s r acr h i r d o e l e r a v n n b o o u d n y ce e I s h e ' t ° l:e d has removed his store from his old stand, to the room a few doors below, on the same side of the street, and but two doors from William Dorris' Store. In addition to his old stock, he has just received on elegant assortment of which he is prepoicd to tell as cheap, if not a little cheaper, than can be procured elsewhere. His stock consists of Dry-Goody, Groceries, hardware, Drugs, (ST., 4'c. Thankful for past favors he would resi.ect ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It wi I always give him p'easure to use his utmost exertions to render satisfaction to those who may deal with him. Feb. 10, 1850. - 1)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court j) of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale on the premises, by public vendue or out cry, on Satorfloy,Me (ilk day of April, 1850, a TRACT OF LAND, situate in Brady township, in said county, con taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James floss, Jesse Yocum, James Ker James McDonald, and others. The said tract of land lies along the Kisacoquillaa valley, is within a convenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail road and Canal, and is well timbered, which renders it very valuable, and offers a profitable speculation to purchasers. Alms.— The half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue in one year therearter, with icterest, to he se cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser, By the Court, M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance given by WILLIAM V. MILLER, Arlm'r of John Wiley dec'd. February 26, 1950. l'lt IVA TE SCIIOOI4, FOR thelntelfeettrat and Moral trainin g of young persons and children of both sexes, kept by J. A. HALL, in the new Academy building, Huntingdon, Pa. The fall sermon will commence on MONDAY, Toe BTir DAY orr Ocroasn, INST. For par ticulars apply to the Teacher. THOS. W. NEELY, JOHN BARRON. Administrators. J. A. HALL. ' REFERENCES. Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A. 14. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W. B. Zeigler, Hon. Johr Kerr, Maj. D. McMur trie, Hon. George Taylor, and James Clark. CllllEtSg., A SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receit. ed at CUNNINGHAM'S. November 27, 1819. LEMON EXTRACT. PURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a genuine article for sale at CUNNING HAM'S, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 1819. 41 &, 4* NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A, H umwr REMOVAL. T. K. SIMONTON Orphans' Court Sale. Chair and Farnilnre `Q,P'eratr4 ca LV. ab en) utga se 8 Up Stairs above Peter Swoope's Stare and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three doors east of .McKinney's Hotel. THE undersigned has dgein corn , al meileed the above business in all its ((ask various broYfeliesi and is now pre. pared to etZoilltilotlate all who may /---, I favor him with their custom on the moat reasonable terms. He 'pistil's keeping on hand all kinds of CHAIRS dud FultNrrtmE, from common to the most fashionable sty'e,snd made in the nines durable manner, which he will sell low for cads or country produce. All kind,' of Lumber taken in exchange for Chars or furniture. COFFINS will at all times be kept on band, er,d funerals attended in town, and shortly in town and country, as he is getting a splendid Herse mode for the accommodation of the public. Hocsts •ODICIYI PAINTING attended to as THO. ADAMS. 11 untingdon. October 30, 1849. Cn For the Purchase and Sale of REAL ESTATE' rpHE undersigned, believing ilita an 1 Agency of this character would be an accdinmedafidtiand an advantage to both the purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has condu cted to open one nt his oilier in Huntingdon. All business of this kindentrusted to him, and all commUnicat l idtiS motto hint, stilt teceive his prompt and diligent attention. He will adver tise when requested, either in his own name or in the name df the owner, as may be desiraule, in one or bdth of the newspapers of the county, add iteany other newspaper that may be desig nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and sellers, and connunnkote between them. A full arid minute description of the property •'efts improvements, supply of water, conveni ence to markets, schools, churches,and the terms of sale, most accompany the request of any per son who wishes his real estate advertised or of fered for sale ; and some description, as definite as po'ssi6ie, of the quality, kind and value, or the premises desired to be ',might, must be giv en by those who wish to purchase. All communications relating to the business of this Agency will lie confidential if desired. The subscriber is in communication with a similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be able through it to bring property offered for sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun ty purchasers. OV'T s cfage most be paid on all letters sent. P. S.—Several desirable properties are now offered for sale. For further particulars inquire of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR, Attorney at Lasv. Huntingdon, ru,, Nov. 20 ‘ 1819. LIFE UNSURANCE. The Girard Life insurance Annuity and Trust Company of l'lthiladelphia. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street. Capital $300,000. CuAirrLit i'LIIPETUAL (10NTINUE to make Insurancev on Lives on j the most favorable terms ; receive and execute l'iusts and receive deposits em psterest. • The Cr pitul being paid Lord invested, tn. gether with accumulated premium fund. affords a perfect Brcurilll to to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. - The Company add a BONUS at stated peri ods to the insurances for life. This plan of in surance is the most approved of, and is more generally in isse, than any other in Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by the pen pie, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kind I, 87 are on this plan. The first ItONO'S Misappropriated in Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest policies ; to 8 3.4 per cent., 7 1-2 ?er cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making on addi tion of $100; $87,50; $75, &c. &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment of thacomf any._ . The operation of the AON US veal he @ern by the following exaMptcsfrom the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: A int.afpnt.und Policy. Insured.. Bonne or tfatitnt payable Addition. et the party's ; decease No. 58 $:00.00 1;1,100,00 250,00 2,750,00 400,00 1 4,400,00 175.00 2,175,00 437,50 5,437,50 $l,OOO 2,500 4,000 2,000 5,000 Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and explanations of thesubject; forms of application and further information can be hod at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the President or Actuary. B W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, 1849.•1y Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE, No. 238 Markel St., above Seventh, South side, PHILADELPHIA. ALTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the value of Tim}, commercially, yet by calling at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER will furnish his friends, among whom heinclades all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect Ism for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging in conformity to the improvements in taste and style of patern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and Thirty-hour brass CouNrixo nouse, PRlTLfrif, HALL, Owner, and Axon! Cure., French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers he finds he can put at the luster coca FlG van in any quantity from one to a Ifioutrand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. C.locks 'repaired and warranted—clock trim mings on hand. Call and see die among them. JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1849.. TILE RIMIEST PRICE, PAID in CASH, for OLD GOLD & SILVER at the "cheaper" Watch and Jewelry Stare No. 1001 Market Square. Bear in mind that they kayo a workman who is unequalled in RE• rAIaIKB CLOCKS & WATCHES. NEFF & miitEn. Fob. 13, 1850. THE GREAT CURE CHAS. G JOIINSON 3 of Bristol. Who was pronounced incurably fixed to the last stage of Pulmonary Con sumption, by two skillful Phy sicians. Mr. Johnson was rescued from death's door by the use of Schnook's Puhnonic Syrup—hav ing titert prostrated all winter, His case was witniAtt , tity several of the mast reapeetsbli citizens or 1104 state, whose unman sew append. ed to his certificate. Read I Read I 5ink.h0,,.... vinced that tidlaieck's Pulmonary tt , yrup is thit only certain cure for Conattniptiort. ristol, Burks gangly, Pa. ff , ept. 21,1849. Da. I. If. Srutcacite —Dear Str,—l am induced' from a sense of ju'itifde to.JoCtia you, as well as' duty to the public, to make knoW9l ode of the most hopeless and extraordinary Corea, in mi eum person,. that you bane ever bitfth'ef plttteure' Co record. Indeed, I regret my inability to pot , tray, in truthful colors, my consuming disease; and the remarkable chance which Sclitieck'e Pulmonary 14 rep effected in en short a time. _ . I was taken some time prJoious to Derefflhef 1818, witta heavy cold, producing PYcessant coughing, aceoropaffldtl Witti acute pain in the( right tide, pains in the hack, mader the right shoulder, having heavy lifght swear., high fever. &c.. which made me FO nerl l 6fis and restless as bi produce utter peosfintiOn. AII these N1 . 114-fiend . increased vllfh tacit iiiailence, that on the 4th of January 'oat I sent fur my family physician. Hu attended me faithfully, and prescribed ever/ thing that medical skill could suggest, but witl.ont ef fect. I found myielf gradually growing warts, and my hopes of recciVery lessening as my dia.' sate increased. My eafflgli'llecame distressing my 'mini severe; arid, eamethely debilitated. I lost all omlution Ili fife, and gave tilt It a Melan choly dep ession. My physician exafflined me, and informed me I had an abates. on the upper part of my liver and louver part of one of my lungs. Notwithstanding all this ekill.l grew WOW!, but with that tenacity with which we all cling to life; I concluded to Irave nothing undone, and cancel in a consulting physician, who fully concurred' with toy own, and prominced my case an ex tremely critical one. lie o:ought I was in im minent danger--saying my disrase "was one the is seldom if ever cured." All this time I w as en' doling sullerioga that mode life burdensome ; ex periencing great pain in coughing ; expeciora Ling from a pint to a quart of nauccous matter every '2l hours, and gradually ricking under Oaf weakning progress of my daces.. At this stager of my i Ines., my Mende in Plittid suggested' the use of Schneck's Pulmotfic Syrup. but know ing the many expedients retorted to for the par- - pose of draining money from the afflicted, I lies , itated. My friend., however, intirting, I was prevailed upon to try its virtue.. I commenced' taking the Syrup about the first of Marrh, and used several bottlet before 1 had any cradefice in it. I then began to experience a clintsge ?de the better, and continued it till I had consumed' ten limit., when I was so far relieved as to ho able to visit Dr. &hoed in Philadelphia, Hu examined me, and pronounced my right Tung 0- fettled, but in a healing con !hie.. 11, ' , coin . mended the further use of the Syrup, which I continued till I consumed IS battles, and found myself once more restored bi health. 1 Ad* far , ther add, that the consulting physician. seeing tf,i action of the medicine. NOV approved its use. To give the reader some idea of the severity of my ease, and the rapid cure affected by the Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in health area 177 pounds, which was finally re duced lay my sufierings to but 121 pounds. Yet, on the first of this mouth, (Seplember,3 I weigh ed 174 pounds, thus gaming in a few months 53 pounds, and within three pounds of nay heaviest Weight. It is not in my power locative'', in the abort space of this certificote, the row hieing proofs of my remarkable cure, or the rtirticulate of the ' (mixing afflictions through which 1 Iwo pressed ; but to those who will take the trouble to call on me, at BrOstut, apposite Prott's ttftek I shall take pleasure in detailing (very particulat. In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon every person who may have the premonitory symptoms of this fatal dieease, not to delay one hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately. His skill in the treutinent of this complaint, and prompt detection of diseased pane of the lungs by wens of Iffla Stethescope, added to any own mimeo ous cure, fully satisfiesme, that had 1 0411• lienaubmitted myself to his care, I should have escaped much suffering; hut restrained by doubts and suspicion, which make ua oli naturally skeps tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when first introduced. I resisted the importunitiga of my friends till almost too late; and yielded only as a last resort, resolved to kill or cure." To those nfilicted as I have been, again let me any, hesitate no longer, toy own case is presented to you as convincing evidence, that when all 'elso fall, your last hope is in Dr, Schneck's Pula/runic Syrup. I have also for the satisfertiota of dims who may lie atrangera to me, appended to this car tifica`e the names of gentlemen we'll known in the walks of public and private life, and where standing in society admits of no cavil or doubt in regard to their testimony, , CHARLES r,. JOHNSON. We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson, and know him to have been afflicted as he states above. We also know that he used Schneck'e Pulmonic Syrup, and hive every realms he hc lieve, Ilia to this medicine he owes his preeerra lion from a preinature grave. The knoim in tegrity snd posPion in society of Mr. Johnson however in a sufficient guarantee to the public of the truth of this statement. • LE WIS T. PRATT, Print's Hotril. LEWIS M. W H A RTON. Merchant. CHESTER - STURDE VAN I', Cod deafer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. JAMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the Presbyterian Church. S. H. HOLT, Hotel, Burlington: JAMES R. SCOTT, Boob agent: A. L. PACKER, Cool argent. WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. &moor* Laboratory, 44 Prune etreet, Philadelphia, Bristol, September 24, 1849. Prepared sod sold by J. H. Schneck at his. Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coate & Marshalil Sta. Phila. and by T. K. Si storrroic, Huntingdon. G. H.STEINNO, Waterstreety STarmatt & Mc W/LtIAMS, SPrOCO Credo, MOO. & SWOO., Alexandria. KIKSBLEII & BRO., Mill Creek, . • anti by agents generally througtout i ffie United States.. i;cice $ f ,A 0 per trottfe, dr $5,00 per half doz. Nov. 20, 1849.-Iy. Oa tr. CD Clla GO A GENERAL assortment of groceries just II opened and for sale atCuNntsonsta's Gro cery and Confectionary estublishment, directly eppositethe Post Office, Huntingdoli. Novernber27, 1949.