Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 02, 1850, Image 3

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    A Cltat rot TRt w Alt e.—An Inge•
ttious casuist in the 'Providence Journal
wishes to be informed, supposing it to
be true, s e i hirged, that 13righain
Young, of Deseret, the Mormon leader,
*as twentysix wives, whether the es
tablishment Of this new and peculiar
institution of polygamy at Brigketm,y in
Deseret, would entitle Brigham to Mas
sachusetts er Rhode Island with his
twentyssia wives 1 The Jou rrral thinks
it is teem* that, according Ye 'tie Cal
houn dOettine, Weald at least have
the right to carry them into any terrh
tonal government.
PIIILADIIMItIA, March 29,185 S
, There it no change CO notice inthe Flour mar
ket. The inactivity which we have noticed for
the lasttwo weeks still continues, and the de
mand for shipment is limited. Holders demand
$4,75 a 4,81; per barrel for common and geed
shipping brands; but the sales are trilling. Sales
to the city dealers at sl,Bl} t 05,25 for common
find extra brands.
Rye Flour ie dell, Small sales at $2,874.
Corn Meal has declined GI cents per barrel,
gals. Of flee handred barrels at 82,50
Grain—Wheat is in limited demand, and pri
cal are barely supported. We quote Red at
$1,04 a 1,05, and Whrte at $l,lO a 1,11 per bosh
In Rye, nothing Aoitig , .
Corn continues dull of sale Any only a
bushels yelliSJi , 001 d at 53 cts., afloat.
Oats=We 406th Sbuthern at 32 a 33c. and
Vennsylirania at 35c. pet bushel.
At the residence of Matthew M'Ccra, in
ftpringfield townshiperce . r. co. Pa., on the
bth ult., M. .I'ol-11V NELSON, Jr., foircnerly
this county, aged 16 yetis.
In this Borough on the 27th ult., CATitantmt
YtnoiNlo, daughter of W. B. and C. Zeigler,
aged .11 months and 13 days.
naafi ngdon Co. Medical Society.
A meeting of the Society will be held in
Huntingdon on Tuesday April 9, at I o'clock,
P. M. A general attendance is requested.
H. ORLAIIY, See'y.
April 2. 1650
PRIVATE 51:11001,,
- pon the Intellreton! end Moral training of
11 young persons and children of both PeTPA,
kept by 1. A. I-1 %Li., in the new Academy
building, Huntingdon, Pa,
The aping session will commence on MOTOAT,
TRI 22d DAT OP APRIL INST. POT particulars
apply to the Tractu r,
J. A. HAM,
R•r. J. Moore, A. P. Wilson, .1. S. Stewart .
R. M A lister, Cup; Messrs. D. M'Mortie, W.
It. Zeigler andJ. N. Prowen; stage twin, lion.
George Taylor and Col. lames Clark.
April 24..
Pay 41—Last Notice.
All per:ion; kr;oving themselvea indebted to
the late firm of Bwoope & Moore, Alexandria
re requested to make immediate pay men:.
All accounts remaining unpaid up to ffnv. I.
1850, will be left in the bands of a proper officer
for collection. The hooks of tte film will be
Nettled at the old stand.
J. N. BWoOPE .
Alexandria, April 1, 1840.
v 7 E take this method of informing our friends
V and the public generally, that owing to
an increase of business we have removed our
Watch, Jewelry, and Variety Store,
to the large room on the corner of Hill and
streets, formerly occupied by Col. D.
Buoy es a Watch and Jewelry Slate.
We have just returned from the eastern cities
with a •ery large and handsome assortment of
Fine Gold and Silver Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery,
Fire arms, Musical Instruments,
Stationary, Perfumery,
Candlabras, and Fancy .Irtieles.
Notwithstanding these article. now demand
e hitcher price in the eastern market than former
ly, we beet purclia , ed our goode remarkably
low, and are determined to cell (lunar.
N. R. The ilighcat price. paid Io Coal% for
ield 'void and
April 11,
. XitifERWAILE. -
TABLE, tea and salt spoons, butter
and fruit knives, anger icings, forks
and puree clasps made of coin, for sale
April 2, letid,
OF every description, from sl to
$lOO, received and for sale by
April '504 NEFF & MILLER.
A SPLENDID assortment of the
nest knives and scissors manufac
tured by Rodgers and Wostenholm, for
sale by NEFF & MILLER.
April 2, 1850,
A ND other pistols, rifles and shot
guns, (imported) double and single
barrels, percussion caps, game bags,
powder flasks, &c., for sale by
April ‘2, 1850,
FINE assortmebt of Roussel's and
A Ilauers perfumery, for sale by
April 2, 1850.
Musical Instruments.
"VIOLINS, flutes, guitars, flageolets,
V. accordeorls, banjoes, and musical
boxes, roe sale by NEFF & MILLER.
April 2, 1850,
rpHE room recently occupied by Ned'
L & Miller as a Watch and Jewelry
Store, is for rent. Apply at the CHEAPER
Watch and Jewelry Store, Buoy's corner.
April 2, 1850.
Tl E ry, P ‘ e v7l P lt bo d t eli i gZte t ro n l'enadrneotant-
moRIBET d& 1 112.11,411NCR11
have just receiver Prom, the Eastern cities, a
splendid assortment of
which they are offering. as usual, at most estrin
ish'ing LOW PRICE'S. Their stock compd.
ties everything that time Wants of the People re
quire, anti is made np, in part, of the most ex
tensive variety of all the vattecrs styles, oriented
to suit all tasted, of
Ladles Its. Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
Boats, Shoes, Haig and Caps, flardrtre,
Queenswore, Groceries, &a.
%Venni( her Mob le boaster deceive, in regard to
the superior quality Or the low prices of our
goods. and hence invite the public at largo
In call and examine hit themselves. it will give
us pleasure at ell times to show our goods.
Thankful for past favors, we lope lty strict
attention to business to receive a liberal share of
public patronage.
Husaing,tott, April 2, 1856.
New and Splendid Assortment or
las just been received at the Cbeap
and popular Stand of
gs• co tr. cno COS •cvcr tt
%4lttrke? Square, liwitindore
HIS stock has beta stlecteci with
great core, with n view to cheap•
netts and Food quality, and rnmprires. in part,
Cloths of all kinds, French, Belgian end Fancy
Cassimeres, Kentucky deans, Croton, Oregon,
and Tweed t, lathe, Vesting., Flantrele and
Drillings, and a variety of Cot ton good. for aunt.
met' wear, Muslin de Laines, French Lawns,
and Scarfs, tilorwla and Handkerchiefs. Alpnc
ens, Merin., a large assortment of Calicoes cf
the newest at) Its and nt low prices, Earlston.
French, Scotch and Domestic Ginglinms and
Baliorinerr, French and Irish Linens, Checks,
Bed Ticking., Muslinsand r.;lieetings, Ac., die.
Having heretofore been honored by a large
patronage from the Ladies he has procured the
most elegant assortment of
Ladies' Dress Cocas,
ever brought to the interior of theBtetc. Moo:
notes Shoes, Bats and Caps, Groceries,
Hardware, Quernstvare; &c.,
nnil a great sariety of good' of all kinds. In
abort lie is prepared to offer
Great Bargains
to those who favor hint with their custom. All
are invited to call and judge for themselves. It
affords hint pleasure to exhibit his goods at all
All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex ,
change for goads. (i1; 1 0. W
April 2, 1850.
1 UST received at the "OLD LOCUST
j CORNER." the following very desirable
articles from Pittsburg, viz:
1,000 lbs. Sugar cured and Canvassed
2,000' .• P;ain cured do,
200 Prime Cream Cheese,
300 Venison Hams.
Six bushels white soup beans ; and
twenty barrels
Superior corn brooms, zinc wash
boards, twilled begs, lard oil, star
candles, (a new article,) bed cords, &c.;
all of which will be sold on reasonable
We have vise just received and open
ed our splendid stock of Dry Goods,
Groceries, boots trod shoes, bonnets.
hats and cops, ready mode clothing, &c.,
just received from Philadelphia. As we
are determined to
purchasers are earnestly invited to call
and examine our stock, when ; we have
no doubt, they will be ratistied that our
goods are excellent in quality and rea•
sortable in price.
Huntingdon, April 2, 1850.
Travel as .ftgents for the History of
r pHE subscriber now publishing the 1174t0-1
1 ry of the Mexico'? War. including Biogra
phical sitetch es of the lives of Generals Taylor,
Scott, Worth, Wool, Twiggs, Quitman, nod sev
eral others of the most distinguished officers.—
film/Crated with rturrotoas Engravings and Por
By John Frost L. L. Dr
A number of enterprising and intelligent men
of good character, are offered profitable employ
ment, in circulating by subscription the above
work in Hontingdcn county, and other counties
in the State of Pennsylvania.
The terms, which are very liberal, will be
given on application to the subscriber, post
paid. This work will never be sold in Book
stores, but exclusively by agents at a reasona
ble and uniform price.
H. MANSFIELD, Bookseller and
Publisher. 134 Volk et,
April 2,18i0.] New Haven, Connecticut.
TT HAMMOND will have io Huntingdon
on the 9th and 10th of April, a choice lot
of innoculated peach tree.. Most of the kinds
are selected from his own orchard, and co,sist
only of the very choicest varieties. The trees
have large roots. Among the very best are the
Yellow A lberg. Vl' . bite Luscious, Rare Ripe, and
Cole. Morrie red.
April 2, MO,*
PDIME California Gold wedding rings for sale
Oer. 30, 11149,
Tll AT pealed. &peals will be received nt
the house 'of Jiintra Chamberlain, in War
riorsmark town, tip to 4 o'clock P. M., of t...lattir
day, the 15th May of Aril nest, for the construc
tion dream Bin 19 miles of the Spruce creak and
Philipsburg Turnpike roatl,ronimeneing at the
Spruce clOek and Waterstreet l'urnpikv, Plans,
specifications eiirl conihtiutis will be exhibl;eil
Joy of SCritrity will lie ropilreti from
contractors for The fulfilment of Their contracts.
MATT 'l Eav'ry.
March 26, I 86'0.
Scott's 1111 a -. VAVtlry
41 1 : - .—ri.)'
HAS been removed from the &Srtibr
opposite William Dorris' Store to
to the room foritieYlY occtiYtied ai the Post Of
fice, directly opposite the tioni of Tettperarlce
Hall. Hit friend:sand the petille are respect
fully to give e cell.
March 00, WO.
THE subscribers to the cnpitol BMA
of the Spruce Creek and Philipsburg
Turnpiltv Road Company, Will take tiotice that
an instalment often per cent. on their stock will
Tiri required to be paid to the subscriber in War,
riorsmork town, on the first Monday of each
month successively until all is paid, tointnen
e'ing.On the trot Monday in May next. A fail
are to comply will sublect the subscribers to
the payment of the penalty anne per cent. pet
Month according to the provisions of the nets of
Xsienthly in this Case nt nl nail provided.
March 76, rrefamt Pr.
Prom Philadelphia,
1)11 SP Morns the citizens ni
IL litintingdon and vieiniiy, thal he will open
Btoremont ut Cum's Hotel,Witere he will °Mit
for sale during next A rill Men
A new invention of Spectacle., for ilistatit or
close reading, with gold, silver,tortoiae-shell and
Wel frames. and a new arid improved satiortmefil
of Perilocal ground flint glasses of his own man.
ufacture. He would particularly call the 'Wen.
Lion of the public to his
and for persons who have been operated upon
for the cataract of the rye, and to his new kind
of glasses and l'onservers of the sight made of
the best flint and azure Glass. Good Glasses
may be known by their shape, exact centre.
sharp and highly polished surface. The quali
ties are to be found in a high degree in his glasses.
*YIDS°, Spy and Quizzing Glasses, of
every size and quality; Telescopes,
Magnifying and Opera Glasses,
Microscopes, &c., &c ,
with different powers, together with every eerie•
ty of articles in the Optical line not mentioned
re Optical and other instruments and 61ays.
es carefully repaired on short notice. He cat
slwa::s select glasses to snit the vision of thi
person as he sees them, upon the first trial. Hi
will remain in Huntingdon but a short time, du
ring Court session, and those in want of thl
shove articles will please give hits a call. 11 ,
will if required, go to any respectable hutii,
where his services may lie wanted.
March :6, 1950. .
RAVING located himself in Huntingdon, re•
17 spectfully begs leave to offer Isis proles•
sional services to the citizens, and vicinity.
Office in the new Brick Row, nearly opposite
the. Court House.
Huntingdon, March 5, 1850
AV ,dairv - owfdiat.
1850, under the hands and seals of the Hon.
George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Plsne, Oyer and Terminer anti general
jail delivety of the :oth judicial district of Penn
syivania, composed of the counlire of Hunting
don, Mifflin and Union, and die Hons. James
Gwin and John Stewat t, his associates, judgea of
thecounty of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ftp
pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every
indiettner le and presentments, made or taken fat
or concerning ollcritnes,Which Icy the laws of the
Commonwealth are made capital or felonies of
death and other oflences,crimes and misdemeanors,
which have been, or shall be committed or perpe
trated within said county. or all persons who are
or t hall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for
cruises aforesaid, 1 am commanded to make pro
lamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter *Sessions
and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 211
Monday (and Bth day) of April 1850. and
those who will prosecute the sand prisoners, lie
then and there to prosecute them as rt shall be
just, and that all justices of the peace, coronet
and constables within the said county, be then
and there in their proper persona, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said tiny; with their records,inquisitions,
ex.uninations and remembrances, to do those
thingewhich to their office respectively appertain.
111,17'111E W CROWNOVER, Sheriff.
March 12,- 1860. I
g E e
. A O B , p
lionreceptotroi Pleas
a directed e by co
o the
ty df Huntingdon, bearing ti st the 101 h day of
Jan., A. D. 1850.1 am commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick that a Court of Common P1,1'14%011 Le held
at the Court House m the borough of Huntingdon,
in the county of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday
(end 18th day) of April A. D. 185', for the
trial of all issues in said court, which remain un
determined before the said judges, when and
where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the
trial of said issues re required.
9TTHC tit CR 0 WNO VE R ,Sherift
Htlntingdnn,March, 15, 1850. # •
THE subscriber offers for sale a Tide
I Water CANAL BOAT, now laying
in the Canal at the first Lock above
Jackstown, whieh will be disposed of
low for CASH.
Apply to THOMAS READ, Esq., Hun•
tingdon, or the subscriber in Unssvinc,
Huntingdon county.
March 5, 1850.
LAST PAST tonna, LiNt,
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}pre just received and are now open•
ing a well selected and Mammoth
assortment of
Spring and Swint Weis tiothinA
for men aril boys. consisting of every thing usu.
ally kept in clothing ,terra, and a variety of fan
ey ankles minimally kept in them. Our stnek
in superior to any other Veer brought to Hun
tingdon, and is not inferior to any other ever
hetneen Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Prrst•ming it unnecessary to etittrnetate A long
list of low mites, as the establishment ban been
long and favor ably known as the louse for sel
ling cheap and fashionableclo
March :5, 1850-3 m
.Wn. 4.5 South Second Street,
`‘A7011.11.1.1 cull the attention of Merchants and
Milleners visiting the city, to their large
and rich assortment of
received by late arrivals f ow France, such as
Glace :tart for easing bonnets,
Fancy Bonnet arid Cap Ribbons,
Plain Mantua and Sattin Ribbons, from No. 1
to No. 12,
French and American Aitifivial Flowers,
White and colored Crapes,
French hip Huts,
Purley Nets and Laces,
fidnry Trimmings, Quillings, Crowns, Tips,
Covered IN Italebones, Burt:rams, Cane, Ace.,
Together with every article appertaining to the
.Millinery trade.
March 26, 1850.—tm.
I.r_S 'au aa 11 rsa Ca (32)
Book and Stationary Depot.
rpHE subscriber respectfully informs
] the citizens of Huntingdon and its
vicinity, the t he hes commenced business in the
stand formerly occupied by I. Dorland, opposite
Clout's Hotel, and having made arrangements
with the Philadell hie Merchant. to hone con
stantly on hand, upon commission, the following
general assortment of
consisting of Ledgers, Day Books, receipt, pass
books and Justices Dockets. Also—every de
script= of writing and deed paper, white and
colored pasteboard, plain and perforated bristol
board, tissue paper, &c,
Black, blue and red inks, ink powder, quills, wa
fers, inkstands, steel pens, sand and sand boxes,
lead pencils, Indian rubber, water colors, slates
and slate pencils.
SCHOOL 11001kgv
of every description, of late editions kept con
stantly on band.
rocket Bibles and Testaments, Hymn and
Psalm Books, Prayer Books, &e.,
Fancy Note Paper and Envelops,
o f every variety, A Ilium, portfolios, pocketb3oks,
annuals, rani, boxes, wafers and scaling wax,
visiting cards, bead purses, penknifes and evert ,
variety of fancy goods.
Novels, Song Books, .llusie,
nsous works, &c,
consisting of clitoris for the flUntikerchicf,
Soaps, Shaving Cream, Cologne, &c,
Also—Cigars of the choicest brands, thew
ing tobacco, B,e.
March 26,1830,
Constantly on hand and
SALMON, for sale by
PORK, Market Street Wharf,
LARD & CHEESE, j March 26, 1850.--.3m,
BOOKS will be opened to rocelVe subecrip.
tions (or stock in the grail nydon and Broad
Top Railroad Company at the public house of
Thomas Wallace in the borough of 11u,itingilon
on Monday the 22d day of April, at Bedford
Forge in the county or Bedford on Friday the
19th day of April, and et Martinsburg, Blair Co.
on Friday the 26th day of April next. Some of
the undersigned Commissioners will attend at
the times and piece. above mentioned, to receive
the subscription. of all persont entitled by law
to subscribe for stock in said company.
Thos. Fisher, Isaac Cook,
A. P. Wilson, Jos. Crissman,
John G. Miles, James Sexton,
John McCahan, James Entriken,
David Blear, John Ker,
Levi Evens, Alex. King,
Jacob Cress well, Matthew M. Peebles
James Patton, Commissioirrs.
March 26, 1650.
vthailirrS. Mt&
' llw the 15 he*iir 14 lietaord tolithfkv
t • Y virtue of tn tract in N.1'61011,31' the botitt:
, of Common Pleas el Betifohl Canty, td'
ifecteit, there wishwishbe exposed to Pt'blie Sale; i
'at the Bedford Forge, in linpeael4 Tranship,
Bedford County, on Frilly the 19th day of April,
A. D., 9840, at lOo'clock, A. M., the tellovving
described tracts of land, viz:
No. I. tine tweet of lend containing 237 acres'
rind 96 perches about 20 acres cleared and under
fence With o "(Co Story Rohe and Weathef
' boarded D Welting 11005e,5 t re Forge, troll holfse,
large Coal House of Stone, Bineksmith'a Shop,
Carpenter's Shop, Store /louse end 016ce, forge
Stone Smoke Horse, Granaries, Stabling for
about 30 head of horses, 93 Tenant Saw
Mill, and other out-buildings thereon efectell,
also, ar,3od apple •oreharilt situate on both sides
, of ' , Yellow Creek," in IlOpewell Township, 6f
fording the beat water power in Pefil'itylvania,
and well knr an ts the Bedford Forge Property.
No. ?. One other tract of land adjoining the
nliVve, Being putt of a tract of told granted by
'the Commonwealth Of Peoasylvania to Edmond
Milne, rontainiag 107 actea attl'Et perches, more
dr leas t with khe improvernents:.
No. $. One Other tract of land, adjoining the
being Part of tt tritt.t of land for which a
patent was granted to John King and Peter
Snmore, mid part containing 237 acres, more or
less, with the improvements:
No. 5. (inc Other pack of hind, adjoining the
above, purchased iron John Snide'', by deceits.:
ed, recorded in Book 0, page /523, confaining 68
acres and 48 perinea, nrOre or less, with thd'
No. 6. One other tract of land, situate in the
Cap of Tussey's Mountain, on both sides of Yel
low Creek, surveyed on a Warrant granted to
'3,tmnel DaVidson, containing 132 acres and 120
iierches, more of less.
No. 7. One other tract of land = situate in said
Is ou'mhiP of flo.eewell, between 1 tAseYN Moan'
4ain and Coate Htll, on Chesnttt Itun, purchased
from John McElney, by &ceased, rectirde'd in
Hdpk W, page 423, coutr.ining .100 acres, more
or less. . . .
One other tract of land, situate in said
ToWn,hip, adjoining lands of .161111 Viler, Wil
liam Piper and others, granted by the Common
wealth of rennsyhrania to Samuel Liringston,
by patent dated, 11th Febrilary, 1811, &Inlaid-
Ing 410 emit and 129 perches, more at lest.
No. 9. One other tract of land, adjoining the
above, granted to the said Samuel Livingston,
by patent dated 15th March, 1810, containing
1.51 acres and 130 perches, more or less.
No. 10. One other tract of land adjoining tract
in purpart No. 8, surveyed on a Warrent in the
name of Anna Cook, containing 93 acres and 157
perches, more or less.
No. 11. One other tract of land, situate in
Providence township, in said County, surveyed
on a Warrant in the name of John Moore, dated
Ist March, 1791, containing 400 acre*, mac Ot
No. 12. One other tract of land, sittatte in
Hopewell Township, adjoining lands of Frede
rick Dobbs, Daniel Steel, Lane's Heirs and oth
ets, purchased from Alekantler Reed, containing
289 acres and 96 perches, more dr less.
No. 11. One Other tract of land, surveyed on
a Warrent in the Mode of Mitt Foster, dated 21st
June, 1793; containing 215 acres and 90 ketches,
more or less.
No. 15. One other tract of land, adjoining the
above, surveyed on a Warrant to John Foster,
dated 29th June, 1786, containing 80 acres, more
or less.
No. 17. One other tract of lona, surveyed on
a Warrant to Philip Dykes,dated 29th June, 1796
containing 468 acres, and 19 perches, more or
No. 19. One other tract of land, being moun
tain land, adjoining purport, No. 1, surveyed on a
Warrant in the name of Stephen Moder, contain•
irnt 402 acres and 57 perches, more or less.
No. 28. One other tract of mountain land ad
joining purpart, No• 27, and situate in Ravia's
Gap, surveyed on a Warrant in the name of Han
nah Montgomery, containing •132 acres and 62
perches, more or less.
No. 43. A tract of lend situate in Middle
Woodberry Township, Bedford County, adjoin
inw lands of David Stuckey, George Replogle
and others, containing 335 acres, more or less,
being part of a larger tract surveyed on a War
rant in the name of John Replogle dated May
6th, 1766, about 130 acres of which is cleared
and under fence, with two Log Dwelling Houses
Double Barn and other out-buildings thereon
erected, also an apple orchard,—
Being that part of the lands in said Writ men
tioned, not taken by the HeirS at the appraise ,
Ten MS or SALE.-One third of the pin cliftse
;cony in hand and the balance in twOecitial annu
al payments thereafter, without interest, to be
secured by Judgment Bowls or Bonds and Mort
gage before the acknowledgement of Deeds.
Sheriff's OIPo•e, Bedford, March 8, 1850.
I Academy will take place en
Trednehlag, 29th duel:, at If °Wad A. 11.,
commencing with the anniversary Address before
the Literary Societies of the Instittrtion, and af
ter various exercises In declamation and com
position, concluding with a debate upon the
subject of slavery. The friends and patrons of
the institution, and the community generally,
are respectfully invited to be present.
March 19, 1850.
9 , 11 E undersigned, having lately dissolved the
partnership existing between them,
still on hand a number of CARRIAGES AND
BUGGIES of superior finish, which they wish
to dispose of, to which they respectfully invite
the attention of purchasers. Any person heed
ing a Carriage or Buggy should give them a
call as they will sell on the most reasonable
AtiAMs & stmt.
Atarch f 9,
THE undersigned having been tlppoint
ed by the Judges of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Huntingdon cdunty, an Auditor to
distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of
the personal property of Frederick H. Jennings,
will attend for that purpose at his office in Hun
tingdon on Friday the sfh day of April next at
2 o'clock P. M., where all persons interested
can attend If they see proper.
March 12, 1850.--lt.
Estate of Samnel Steel, dec'd.
Executors' Notice.
ALL persons interested in the estate of Sam ,
bet Steel, late of the borough of Hunting.
in the connty of Huntingdon, deed, ate
hereby notified that letters testamentary on the
estate of said deceased, was this day grimed by
the Register of said county, to the eubscrihere.—
All persona having claims or demands against
the estate of acid decedent, ere hereby notified to
make known thu same Without delay to the sub
' scribers residing in the borough of Huntingdon
aforesaid, where those indebted to said decedent
are also notified to call and pay the aunts due by
them respectively. JAMES OWIN,
March 4, MO. E.meutott
tuttclty vAlta of ter44 ts•
end (let, t. tikw ht htiocia,
tit di nit wt - deo. 0611 rt tit)Wmi its the bor+
nigh eft4utiTibgthßtl;6tl' Ai.mttles , the lath
dtly of April next, at lb tt'eltmk,
tit Pvtlit Vt ndlft Ms *lite ty, tit' fellow
itig ckeetibtd Proretty % Vitt t
A'eforthwit'v right, title mit) itilrfcbt it%
aid tcn tnttein ttert nr 1411.14 (14 firstly
wittlthip, rotitt httzut
too suet, lrinreor Fein, tiljnining intith loom
Lents Davit! MIII kto, Joileef kivin & Us, lOWz
ing theieun er.cltd n Log I init., mid rabin .
barn, invle torch. n).— nimbi ti) AV Ter t Vey, ovii,
tieined. taken it .orteutiak taxi in l latt.t as gtt
prnreetY of James hilly.
All eleretulabes rl g ht,ttt e and in olikt
to teeertein tot of round, situate in itollensburt
in the township of Walker, containing Olt (*elle.
front, running book teb feel, *nil No. atror
ding tolho plAn nt said toven, sa)oinitig
Cittipl3tll, ens Ikllin Shrivet, having tber's,lll
ereetede tom eters frame dwelling h.ontes, two
shops; * good welt of water and I ;Imp in **ll,.
hit paled ants in good aunt it ,
ken in exreultin, an& to be sold as the proven) ,
of Psniel &Ver.
To, vot..ot grOuhtl In the Borou6 nt Xler'
airttill, being lot" 'No. It ilittl tY in tt g tre4,- riot oftclid borough. fronting emit 'boy
feet upon the turnpike, at:d ettentling bark 160
lett, 'gaining a lot or eta nine! apyiret un tint
east and unreel on the Weal, heVing thereon
erected a teen altiry photer - ed An!ring hotter . %
a frame kitchen and a "table. &tied' Phil laktn
in eireebtion, nod to be sold' fif the prepefly oti
Jacob Kough
A teilain Iroct bf land, 'situate is rsWe End'
West townships, fluorination county, cuntain•
ing on, hundred and thirty-six acres, more of
less,Vroonded try lands of John Horning,
ham conch jr., Henry Sower, Bmi Panda of Wit
Ilaro touch end Adorn CS}lcit's heirs, tro‘v ill
rho posficeasinn of ichidna Decker mu! formerly
oVvtled by Valentine Pcialttat. To he sold in
pursuance of a writ of partition on order of sale;
All that certain one story brick plastered buil*
ding in the borough of Huntingdon. fronting
Hill street, between 11111 and Allegheny r•treeti;
adjoining lois of A. P. Wilson and int claitnetl
by 11, b. 5t Wm. McMurtrie, bring in front oh
said Hill street 50 fret, depth 34 feet, with chan
cel and vestry room 15 feet square, and the lot
and piece of ground appurtenant thereto. cited
and taken in execution, and to be sold as the
properly of the Hector and Church Wardens and
Irtstrymett of Si. John's Church, Fluntingdoily
'Owner', or reputkd owners, and therlka B. Calls'
bon, contractor,
ATI that certain mint nr parcel or land lying
on Stone mountain, in jack son township, con
taining 437 acres, more or lees, ntljnitiihg 16mlit
of Robert Cu mmins and ithern, *Attain ed' In the
NOM lerionaihrere i'ing no improve•
menla thereon. 4'eizetl, taken 1h execution, and
to be sold as the' proberty of F. A. Jennings
M. CrtOWNOIVER,Sherift •
Silveira Office,
Wer.tingelon, March 12, 1850..
New Arrangement
Summers ik Dalt,
WOULD respectfully inform the public th a t
V they have purchased from Henry Smith, MP
tools, stork, &v., belonging to the above deport
ment of his business, arid that they will carry it on
for the present,• in all its t.arious branclie ,, , in
the shop heretofore occupied' by Mr. Smith. Thee
are prepared to execute all ordei s in their line en
the shortest notice' hnti Most reagbhahle termr.
COriages, 13uggries, Wagons, Sle,gh,
Carts, Wheetbafrotrs,
made to order, of the beat inntethi sr, and at r rtr
@onside picot,
Repairing of Felt kinds of vehicles, done Tri the
shortest notice.
wantsog neat, cheap and clursbt,
'widen in their line of hnsimeey, nrcreprecifully
'regOestrti to give them a call.
Yeb.l6, 1850.
Estate of WILL 1.4.41 WESTON/ate bf
Henderson t... Huntingdon county, dec.'W
Testamentary on said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. hit persons in
debted to said estate ere requested to make im
mediate payment and those hoeing etairds or de.
monds against Sire same to prescdt them duly
authenticated for settlement in
11105. FISHER,
March 12, 18517-6 t
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to nll per
sons concerned, that the following
named persons have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office at Hunt
ingdon, and that the said accounts will
be presented for confirmation and al
lowance, at the Orphans' Court, to be
held nt Huntingdon. in and for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the
10th day oh April next, to wit :
I. James Clark, Executor of the last
tvill and testament of Elizabeth Shnier,
late of Shirley township, deed.
2. John McCulloch, administrator of
John Scullen, late of the Borough of Pe
tersburg, dee'd. •
3. William Porter, administrator, de
bonis non of Cornelius Davis, late of
Jackson township. deed.
4. Jane Gregory, surviving executor
of the last will and testament of Wes
ley Gregory•, late of West township,
deed, .
9. Vvi!Ham B. Leas & Samuel MeVit•
ty ; administrators of Abraham LonVitte
of Shirley township, dec'dl
6. Thomas Ftsher i Guardian of the
minor children of .ease Johtia,' late of
Shirley township, dec'd:
7. John Maguire; Guardian of 'the Ai
nor children of George Hyle, late of the
Borough of Alexandria, deed.
8. John Biimiziarger, and :Martin Hau
ser, administrators ofiJohh RaMliniger,
late of Warriorsmark township, deed.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Rogristo,,
lb:Oster'. Office,
Huntingdon, March. 11, 130.