THE JOURNAL. comer ,RINCIPLIS....4UPPORTUI DT TIITR.I NUN TINGDON, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1850. TEAMS : The "HUNTIMIIIION JOURKAI." is publishadat the following rates, viz SI,TS a year, if paid in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and $2,30 if not paid until after the expiration of She year. The above terms to be adhered to in all . . No subscription taken for leis than six months, and no paper discontinued until all arrearagea are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. DEMOCRATIC WHIG COUNTY MEETING. The Democratic Whigs and all friends of the National and Sate administrations, of Hun tingdon county, are requested to meet in.COUN- Tif MEETING on Y EVENING, Aram 9, MO, for the purpose of choosing a Represen tative Delegate to the Whig State Convention, to nominate a Candidate for Canal Commission er, and selecting Conferrees, to meet similar Conferees from the counties of Bedford and Blair, to select a Senatorial Delegate to said Convention. A general attendance is request ed. By order of the County Committee. JAS. CLARK, Chairman. W. B. Zeigler, Seey. U7' Such of our mubacribers as have changed or Intend to change their residence., will please leave information of their location at the office. ecreot. CORVIN and Hon. S. CALVIN, have oar thanks for favors. Pay Up. We expect those indebted to on for subecrip lion, job work and advertising, to replenish our exhausted purse next week. Those of our friends whom we have been indulging for some years past, will not complain now if we insist en the payment of their bills. We have had and still have many heavy expense■ to me,t. and will therefore be compelled to collect the accounts due us. New Advertisements. Those of our business men who sell chow and who have furnish id themselves with goods that they can with confidence recommend, it will be seen, have advertised their Spring Goods in our columns. Turch hould always bear in mind that those who advertise are the most enterpris ing business men, have the best goods and sell the cheapest. Sir, & Maxima hare removed their Jewelry Store to the well known corner formerly ac e:vied by Col. D. Buoy, and latterly by Jas. T. Scott, where they have opened a most brilliant assortment of Watches, Jewelry, rocket Knives, &e. Call and see them. Poem & MARVIRE, Ced. Geo. Gw•tr, and Fume, M'Mvet nix & Co., Have all received their Spring and Summer Goods, during the past week. These gentlemen• are all honora ble busbiess men, have most elegen4 aesor:ments, and are selling remarkably cheapt Private school.—Mr. J. A. HAI.. still continues his private school in the new Academy building, in this place. This school, on account of the unrivalled ability of its teacher to impact' instruction to the yaung, has been liberally patronized ever since it w•as opened, up to the present time. See card. llrrWit Trees,—We have frequently heard it remarked by farmers and others, that the Cultivation of superior fruit has been very mm neglected by the citizens of this county. This should not be the case. Every farmer should devote A portion of his time to cultivating good yru:t, of every variety. Mr. H. HAMMOND, from York county, will be in Huntingdon next week with a choice variety of young Peach Trees, and we would advise our farmers, and citizens gen erally who have ground to plant in, to provide themselves with some of Oese trees. Whig Couniy Me ~ling. We hope to seea large turn out :t the Whig County Meeting on Tuesday evening nett. The situation of public ;Airs demand the en; nest attention of the People of the whole country: Let then the Whigs of old Huntingdon turn out in their strength, and give expression to their views on all subjects of public interest. Meetings are being held in all the cities, towns and villages of the South, to C 1411,611 the senti ments of the People of that section, and hence if becomes the imperative deny of the free men of the North to speak out also. Gov. Johnston's Message. This able paper will be found on our first page. We bespeak for it a careful perusal. It is so plain in its atyle, and truly Pennsylvanian in its spirit, that it requires no elucidation, and commendation is unnecessary. We venture to say that this message expresses the sentiments entertained by at least nine•tenths of the People pf Pennsylvania. The Tariff. On Friday last the Resolutions relative to the Tart " came up in order in the House of Rep olives at Harrisburg, bat the House refused to go into their consideration by a vote of 46 to 46 ! The Locofocos appear determined to sustain the British Minister at Washington , in his opposition to a modification of the present Tnriff. ConviastavroNs.--The U. S. Senate on the 11th inst., confirmed the appointments of the Pon. Wm. C. Rives, Minister to France. Mr. Marsh, Minister to Constantinople, and Mr. W. t. P. White, Post Master at Philadelphia.— Several other nominations have been eonfirmed Ones that time. trrourt commence' in this county on Mott sy newt. Base Insinuation. The insinuation contatnud in the last Globe that Messrs. COMM and King " were a party concerned" in the passage of the act, affecting the erection of is new free bridge at this place, from mercenary motives, exhibits a malignity and recklessness on the part of the editor, that we did not conceive him capable of. And the insinuation not Only affects the gentlemen named but is also directed against an old and highly re spectable private citizen of Walker township, in this vicinity. If war Representative., by neglect, allowed the passage of an Act affecting the interests of the People, it is well known that they also al lowed the passage of an amendment which strips that act of all its objectionable features. And hence we think the account is squared. No one is injured, and why sho u ld there be any excite ment on the subject I It is well known that acts of a private character are daily passing without the members generally understanding their provisions. The act complained of, telates to bridges on the Juniata generally; and says nothing about the Huntingdon Dtidge specially. It was read by the member from Juniata, and passed through the Legislature without exciting any special attention. 'the monopoly-hating democracy of the blouse never attempted to strangle the little monster, but looked span it complacently, as it swiftly passed through the different stages, from a quiet little bill to a most important Law. How did this happen I Does the Globe charge all the members with recoil• ing a "consideration." if so, we repel the charge ; for however anxious the anli-corpora t:on Lncofocos of the Legislature might have beets to receive arguments, such as are general. ly used to change their siesta in regard to cor porations, we would not from any motive, so vilely slander one of our neighbors,s to suppose that the gentleman having charge of the bill would be guilty of gratifying their anxiety. In regard to the insinuation made against the reputation of Messrs. King and Cornyn, it needs no refutation. At Harrisburg their characters are above reproach. In the House Mr. Cor nyn is looked upon as one of the most efficient, , high minded and influential members. this whole bearing is honorable to himself and cred itable to his constituents. In the Senate, we can say the same of Mr. King. We do not want to defend these gentlemen for any neglect of duty f but we do feel it incumbent upon us to speak oat when such monstrous attacks, merely to gratify patty spleen, are made on their fair fame. Dr. Webster% Trini, The testimony in this important trial, has been too voluminious for publication it our paper. The Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday last says: This trial is nearly closed, the coun sel for the defence having commenced his closing argument. The defence mainly rely upon Dr: W.'s former good character and upon technical objections to the indictment to save him from conviction. They endeavored fo show that Dr. Parkmart Was seen subsequent to the time uthen the alleged murder was committed, and that there are reasonable doubts about the identity of the remains found being those of Dr. Park , man. Relying on the reputation of Dr. Webster ; and throwing doubt upon the fact of the murder and the identify of , the remains, they trust that the chain of evidence Will be broken, and that the government will fail to make our a case: Many of the sanguine friends of Dr. Webster, who have all along felt confident in his inno cence, manifest much• trepidation, the Boston Mail says, at the ground assumed; and look upon it as in a great measure yielding the case. It has been assumed with greet' positiveness that the whole matter would lie clearly proved to be a conspiracy. P. S.—THE VERDICT.—Since 1110 above was in type, we learn from the papers that the Jury in the above case returned a vcr nict Guilty, after three hours deliberation. The pritionor, Dr. Webster, was deeply effected on the rendition of the verdict. Canal Commissioner. The Harrisburg 'Plow, aide in the course of a well timed article, calling the Whigs of the State to their duty, suggests the re-nomination of HENRY M. FuLLatc, Esq., fot Canal Connis oioner, if he will again accept the arduous posi tion of Whig standard-bearer in the contest, and proceeds to show by a comparison of the votes for several years back, that Mr. Fuller posses ses a popularity at the North enjoyed perhaps by no other man, while his experience and zeal eminently fit him for the station, and render Wm the most likely to bring out the full vote and the united strength of the party. The popularity of Mr. Fuller at home is clearly pro;'en by the fact that Luzerne county, which gave 6:2unk in 1817, 1279 majority, in 1819 gave Mr. Gamble but 571 majority ; and his strong positioo in the North generally is shown by a comparison uf the majorities in the north eastern counties, in 1848 and 1819, which the Telegraph furnishes, from which we find that he made an inroad upon the opposition vote in those counties of over two thotsand ! And this was accomplished when Mr. Fuller was opposed by a Northern man, taken up solely with a view of commanding the vote of the North, and shaping all his opinions and efforts to that end. Mr. Fuller would make a strong candidate, and if elected, a good officer ; and we cordially unite with the Telegraph in urging his renomination by the Philadelphia Convention. The Union. The Southern allies of Northern Locofocoism seem to be getting ashamed of the threats they so lustily thundered forth tavorabtoto .7 dissolu tion of the Union. Clemens, Jefferson Davis, Foote, &c., who were the sentinels of Loco focoism in the Senate, and who were on the floor u dozen times every day, spicing their speeches with tirades against the Union, are now seldom heard from, with the exception of Foote, who is becoming quite attached to our Confederacy.—The people are sot yet ready to lend themselves to the breaking down of Gen. Taylor's administration by a dissolution of the Union, and Locofocoism will find itself foiled in this instance as it has been in every other. The Union will be preserved and Gen. Taylor will be sustained; so Locofocoism must try some other expedient again to get into power,—Leb. Pennsylvania Legislature. We are without our usual Harrisburg letter this week. The Pa. Intelligencer informs us that a bill has passed the Legislature making the Auditor Genera!, Surveyor General and Deputy, or County Surveyors, elective by die people— each to hold their offices for three years. A bill has also passed the Senate giving to the peo ple the election of Prosecuting Attorneys. A bill to accomplish the latter purpose passed the Legislature of 1347, but was vetoed by Gov. Shank, under the advice, we suppose, of the l present Democratic editor of the Nevaerre.— ' Then the party cried hallelujah to the Governor far his veto. Nose the party vote for the elec tion of Prosecuting Attorneys. What change has come over the spirit of their dreams 1 The cause Is evident. We now have a Whig Attor ney teneral, and the Prosecuting Attorneys are as a general matter Whigs. That a Whig should bold office grates terribly upon the nerves of Locofocos, and in order to prevent this calami ty as much as they can, they vote to give the selection to the people. Well, while we despise the motives which induced the passage of this bill, we heartly approve the measure. It always seemed to us that the election of these officers should be given to the people, and hence we opposed, while the. Globe and other Locofoco papers, approved Gov. Shank's message vetoing the bill giving the election of Prosecuting Attorneys to the People. • On the 2Gth ult., the Speaker laid before the Senate a message from the Governor, returning without his approval ; the bill incorporating the North Lebanon Railroad Company, on account of the "hasty legislation" manifested in the passage of the 4th section. The bill as original ly reported was for a few miles of railrcad, but the full-moon faced Senator from 'Crawford, Mr. Brawley, whose genius and ambition never rises above paltry trickery, adroitly inserted the fourth section, giving road companies throughout the State very extensive powers, and in this shape our wise-acres at the Capitol passed it, Gov. Johnston, however, promptly vetoed it, and on its return to the Senate he was sustained by a vote of 28 to 2. We agree with the Lewistown Gazette, that there is ample room for the exercise of the veto power this winter at Harrisburg, for never before have we bad more hasty and indiscreet legislation, or more monopoly bills, and we hope the Gover nor will freely use the power vested in him. We are no advocate for the veto When a legisla tive body deliberately passes hues, but when smuggling, and log-rolling, are the order 01 . the day, LET THE SLEDGE-HAMMED nE FEEELY The following is an abstract of a bill relating to fences which has, we believe passed both Houses: , 4 No person shall be entitled to damages from injuries done to' his or her cropsdand, or prem ises, by the horses,. cattle,• swine Or sheep .of another person, unless such clops, land or prem ises arc enclosed by a substantial fence at least four feet' and a half High., That this net shall not interfere with the recovery of dam ages, done by horses or cattle as aroTesaid f known to the owner or keeper' thereof to be breochy." The Tariff—What is Congress Doing. Congress has now been in session nearly four monthis, and What has been done for the benefit of the count: / t t very one will join us in say ing nothing! iqot the first movement has been tntelt in'flevor of the great and important inter ests of the Union. At the very outset before they were organized, the Slavery question was thrust upon the House, for the double purpose of preventing any action upon the Tariff; and needlessly embroiling the nation in a contest calculated, (as it is intended,) to absorb all oth ers. But 'his game hes been, played quite long enough. The disunfonists, Locofocos, and tree• trade advocates must not expect to stifle the voice of the people, however much they may that of their representatives in Coney.s. The life, the welfare, the only hope of the laboring men of the North are not to be ruthlessly cast aside, trampled down or neglected by the South ern cry of "Slavery in danger." And the Northern men who take more interest in, protec ting and extending the power of rich slave lords over their property in man than in protecting the rights and welfare of the poor man of the North who earns a livelihood for himself and family by "the sweat of his brow" in daily toil, must expect to be called to such an account of their stewardship as will not be most agreeable. It will not do for these men to say, to their constituents that they could not have done any thing for the north if they had even tried. The people know better. They believe that there is a clear majority in the House of Represen lives in Congress who dare riot go against a bill for such an increase of the Tariff as will place our manufactures at least upon an equal footing with those of Europe, so' as to give the home market to our own citizens. And the excuse that such a bill would not pass the Locofoco' Senate will not be taken to exonerste . Northern Representatives from doing their duty. Let a just and proper Tariff bill be passed, affording protection to the labor of the North, and if the Senate refuse to pass it, the responsibility will rest mills deem—and wo be to the Northern Sen ator who refuses to do his duty I His constitu ents will not forbear to visit upon him their long pent wrath and "fiery indignation." The question is unanimously pressed upon all sides : "Will not Congress give us a new Tar a, after all that has been said and done for it 1 Are we still to suffer under the Tariff of 1846, with ruin and distress at our doors ?" The Message of the President and the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, showed that the Administration are right, and ready to reflect the sentiments of the people upon this subject. All that is wanting is action and perseverance on the part of their representatives, and this they expect and demand. The Tariff is the ouiy question in which they feel a very deep in• terest. It strikes home to their families and firesides, and they will pardon no laggard action on the part of their representatives. We warn them of this fact, and call upon them to redeem their pledges either positive or implied, and that without further delay, if they expect to pass safely the ordeal of public opinion.—Pa. Tale- Proceedings of Congress. The Slavery Question still ocenpiesthe atter tion of both Houses, and yams ertongh have been spun on that subject to last for fifty years. In the Senate, on Tuesday, on a motion Made by Mr. Foote that some territorial bills be made the special order at an ettrlyllay,a regular scene came air between bins and Mr. Benton. The latter believing the motion to have been made —as it doubtless was—''or the purpose of post poning the achnisSion df ealifdrnia, gave notice to those who desired her adMissidn that they must now stand by her; whereupon Tolle iepli ed with much warmth, indulging in a cdariti personal attack on Mr. Benton. Mr, B. eitPliin ed, when Foote again sustained his reputation for billingsgate. Mr. Benton—l pronounce it cowardly It) giire insults where they cannot be chastised. Mr. Foote ma—Loud cells of "braeh. Mr. Benton—ls a Senator to be blacktiluraell day in and day out 1 Mr. Foote (in his seat)—ile is a blackguard I cries of "order," "order!" Mr. 13ctiton (resuming)—ls language to be used here which could not be used it: an oyster cellar, grocery or tavern 1 Mr. Foote called to order. Mr. Benton (continuing)—Are such things to go on 1 Sir, it is time to stop them, and if per sons use such language here, in a place where a cudgel cannot be applied to them—the voice of public indignation must be brought to bear upon them, until public sentiment can make them be have with the manners which are due to the Sen ate. The Vice President repeated the cell to order. Renton—•-Well, sir, let the words objected to be taken down in writing in accordance with the rule. After some tither colloquy, Mr. Foot mid, if the door was not thrown open to him by Mr. Benton, he could not proceed farther. He inti mated, however, that ne stood by ail h, had said, and if Mr. Benton would proceed in the matter he was ready to meet him% Mr. Dickenson moved to lay the motion pen din• on the table, Which Was agreed to. The nitercatiou was renewed on Wednesday with but little if any abate ment of the heat and intemperance of the day before. After the ordinary rotine business of the morning was gone through with, Mr. Benton rose to it personal explana tion. Alluding to the report of Senate proceedings cif yesterday, be stated that his remarks were reported accurately, but complained with much warmth of the report made of Mr Foote's remarks. He exonerated the reporters entirely, Intimating very distinctly that he knew ' Mr. Fotite had reported himself. He de nted the right of any Senator to change or modify a single expression in a per tonal matter. As reported, Mr. Foote was represented car have said that Mr. Benton was shielded; by his age, his open disavowal of the obligations of the laws of honour, and his senatorial priv ileges. This Wns never said, and if it lind been, it was false. Let any man offer him insult where it could be prop erly clinstized, and he would soon learn his age. He had borne much indignity in silence, but having once noticed it, lie would now give notice to the Senate that if it forgot that it was the American Senate, and failed to protect itself from the use of language which would not be permitted in the veriest brothel in the suberbs, he would henceforth protect himself from all indignity and insult, cost what it may. Mr. Foote, in reply, contended that lie had made no unjustifiable alteration in his speech. He avowed the report as his own, but contended that he had ad ded nothing not absolutely necessary to fill blanks left by the reporters, be cause of their inability to hear. He admitted that he had omitted a para graph, referring to the affair of honor between Mr. Benton nod Mr. Butler, and he had done so at the suggestion of friends, who considered allusions to the affair, when settled, not strictly proper. As to the particular passage objected to, he asserted that it differed in no par ticular from the expression used by him. In conclusion, he wanted to know if Mr. Benton meant fa say that he• does consider himself amenable - to the laws of honor 1 1 do, said Mr. Foote, and if he does, let him. say so; and I. know my course. Baltimore Conferencei The Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, made the following allotment of ministerial services for the fluntingdiin dis trict : T. H. W. Momion, P. E. Huntingdon—William R. Mills, A. E. Maclay Lewistown Station—Samuel V. Blake. Lewistown Cia cuit---James Ewing. J.. 8. C. Posh. Warriorsmark—B. IT. Crever, F. H. Richey. Bald Eagle—Henry Hoffman. Birmingham-- , .Jacob S. AeNTarry: Clearfield—Geo. Berkstresser. West Clearfield—James Gamble. Sinnamahoning.L—Thomas Fulton. Bellefonte—Alem Britlain. Penn's Valley—• Westley Howe. Mitflit,..Ephraim M'Cullum.• Bloomfield—J. W. Elliott. Newport—Oliver, W. Champion PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD —Another letting on the Western Division of the Pennsylaania Railroad is to take place on the 18th of April. We understand that this letting embraces the contin uous line to within forty miles of Pitts burg, and all the difficult sections of the remainder, so that it is in effect the put ting of the whole Western Division un der contract, as the lighter Divisions, although let at a subsequent day, will be finished as soon as the heavy . work. Heath of the Hon. Jno. C. Calhoun. This morning's mail brings the news of the death of the Hon. Joins C. CALHOUN, United States Senator from South Carolina. He breathed his last on Sunday morning last, at his residence on Capital Hill, in Washington City. None of his family save one eon, were present. Per the Journal X Free Bridge. _ , MR. eLsax...-Widle nearly all agtee, Thal there should be a free bridge across the Juniata at Huntingdon, I propose MI6 your leave to p.r`e tent to the public, my views on 'the subject. The onestion presented it, sifould the (.10,4nty Commissitnets erect at the expense of the coun ty a new bridge %cross, tlflyiver opposite Mont • gomery street, or Would Abe More expedient to buy the Toll Bridge, at the western end of the Town? For my part, I would have no objections to having two free bridges, but it seems that this result is not likely to happen soon. You pub lished in the last Journal, an act of Assembly lately passed, under which, I believe the coon !), Cbtrimissioners have now authority to buy the toll bridge, in case they deem it expedient. In that act, there is a mode pointed out for re terring to referees, the :nice to be paid, in case of a disagieetnent,tth that subject r and 'lee poW er to buy to nut totem away, by the subsequent Act, %i'hai would it cost to build a new bridge at the place mentioned, with bu't a sinde Cruel- I Judging from the price of lumber and labor, and the prices heretofore paid for such Bridges, a sJlistantial one cook! not he built for less tltaii $3 , 500. For who? could the but the 'l'oll Bridge 1 The company has of fered it at $3500, and if that should be eonsid ered too high, the stockholders are willing to submit the price to three disinterested men. 'Phis is a good, substantial bridge, and we should bear in mind, that it has two trackg,--Alint it is located at a point where the Turnpike crosses the river, and at which it would he more con venient for the great majority of the travellers to cross.—Besides at a town to and from which there is much travelling by men, women And children, on foot and otherwise abridge with a double ?rack in much safer, than such as is pro. posed to be built. A hew bridge with two tracks would cost from $5OOO to $6OOO at the least, and it would be unwise and unsafe, to build a bridge at the town with only a single track. On the score ofcbeapness and security end al•n tsf convenience, in avoiding the bad road on the southern bank of the river, would it not b• most expedient to make the Toll Bridge free, by pay ing a reasonable price for it I Thus much as to expediency. If then it he expedient to buy the Toll Bridge it should at once be bought and made free. But some are ready to say that the stockholders should not be paid for it, because it has been productiva, yielding a grind per tentage on the investment. 'Faking it for granted that it has paid well, would that be arty reason why the courtly should spend mote motley In buiiiiing a neNt bri•lge titan would buy fhe old one. When the. stock was taken it was considered a doubt ful investment, and has always been considered precarious in consequence of Hands. The pres ent Bridge has been and still is h great conven ience, and advantage; and if putting a new Bridge in the neighborhood would virtually ren der the stock worthless, would it be just to in jure the stockholders by depriving them of their property and by taxing theni compel them to contribute to that which thus afeeets them when they are willing to make thdr bridge free upon being paid, es-en less than it would cost the county to build such an one I We are then met with the suggestion, that there are a few of the stockholders who are rich and selfish, and therefore deserve no sympathy,—not even jus tice. They forget that among them are persons in but ordinary circumstances, also six widows and a Clergyman, who lately resided among us, and whose benevolence and correctness of de portment, endeared him to all who knew him. Such persons take but a narrow and contracted view of the effects of the course they advocate. How would a merchant or a hotel keeper like such reasoning, and such conduct as applied to themselves I 'Fbey have hail a large profit on their commodotre.., and have become wealthy. Would it be right to set fire to their houses, and destroy their meals of further enriching them selves out of those things in which they have invested their money 1 Would it be considered right for the county, prepe,ty was need ed for the public use, to take it without paying for it, especially if they were willing to give their property to the county at a fair price. Believing the facts I have stated to be true, I cannot help coming to the conclusion, that the county should, as a matter of expediency, buy the Toll Bridge, and at the same time avoid do ing injustice to many citizens. Election of Judges. MR. CLARK :-Sinee, the amendment to the Constitution, making the Judges elective by the people, has passed two Legislatures, and will be the people for their approval or rejection at the next general election, it is im portant that we should examine the question carefully before we coat MU votes. It is gen• emit) , known that in 1847 the State of New York made sr new Constitution which contained a provision similar to that which has just pass. ed our Legislature making all judges elective. As experience is the admitted test of truth I beg to ler before your readers extracts from two leffers, written within the last few weeks, from the Sthte of New York, on this subject. The first is from an intelligent physician residing in the interior part of the State, and is as follows, to wit : • " We are much pleased with an elective Ju diciary in our State. We think we have much morn competent Judges, and that there is an ad ditional stimulus—viz, a desire to please the eleetbrs, to push business forward with greater alacrity. But as to the aggregate or all salaries I paid so little attention to the subject that I .confess my ignorance." The second extract is from an intelligent ter mer who is now a member of the New York Legislature, and is as as follows, to wit: I have copied from the official reports of the expenses of the Judiciary system under the old Constitution in 184.1 and under the nett• Con stitution in 1819" (From these it appeare that the expenses of the old system in 1844 amount to the sum of $1.10,019 09, and under the new system of 1819, to the sum of $94,048 35.) " You will discover," he continues, " that the expenres, not withstanding the increase or pop ulation and business, have not exceeded much over 75 per cent. of the expense of the old way. The election of Judicial officers by the people has, so far, operated confessedly well. There is no difference of opinion on this point, although those opposed to such manner of selection en deavor to account for it on the grbond that the first selection of candidates should be expected. to be the best. But I believe the people al ways will make a good selection. By appoint ment the ermine was made to clothe the limbs of many a mere political hack, whose reward for party service and dirty work never could have come from the ballot box. Both political parties are careful now to select candidates against whom scandal and reproach can not be brought. And the result is that the successful Judge presides with no marked partiality—no rancorous, embittered, party feeling. The mass of litigation in our State now reaches its limit in one year, owing to the rapidity of de spatch on the part of the Court.. It formerly in some cases wasted nearly an age in "drag giag its slow length" to a termination. But the proverbial delay of our Chancery Comte we hope will soon be one of the bitter but dis tant rimembrances of the past. Permit me to say that I am and always have been of the opinion that the Nearer you go to the people with the conduct and character of all their servants, the better sorvants, in every lapacity end ikaien, the people will have." 41lut've only one fact chi nettion t ion Penusyrvan.a, frith math less hslsinrss and :ni t tich smaller population then dew York, paid her Judges, byThe appreprialitn bill of 1919, the sum of $101,929 66. Yours, &c. T. Butler King's California Report. This document tens rend to the Presi• dent nod his Cabinet on Monthly, and occupied two hours and n half in tea: ding. The Journal of Commerce has a di gest of . the topics upon which it treats, which nre, the population of the .coun try—its agricultural resources—eve:it and production ol" the *Opera! region— the commerce nutl tinVigst ion of Cali forn kt—the legislation necessni y for the territory—nnd, especinlly, iu reetit4 fe• the disposition of the gold beating lands helorigiatt, fo rho United Stmts.: The populatilm of fie rt'clfintry is now about one hundred and t %eerily thousand.: An aceeslatt to the population 4 fmmi gration, during the year beginning at' the next dry season—on the first of May —is estimated at two hundred thou-; sand. The agricultural capacities of the State are vastly greater than has been heretofore represented. There is a vest extent of pasture lands, unsurpassed' anywhere in the world, in verdure and rchness. The wild oats grow sponta-- neously all over the plains, yiieltiittg an annual crop nt the rate of forty black , per acre. Any number of cattle and sheep may be raised. Two hundred thousand bend of cattle must be brought into the country during the next two years. The e.ittie were formerly !tiled for their hides, which was the chief nr , tick of' export; and they were worth hut four dollars a bead; but now they are' worth twenty or thirty dollars a heed. Calltornia is especially adapted to •wool growing ; a gentleman was about to Import ten thousand sheep from Mex- , ico, with a view Logo into that business. The future value of the vineyards is represented as very great. As to the commerce of the country, he estimates the value of imports nee ded in California from the Atlantic 'States, for the next year, nt four mil( lions of dollars in flour, six millions itt lumber, sod two millions in other arti cles. As to the article of lumber, its price is now ift7s per thousand, and can. not be lower, because it is below the cost of labour necessary for cutting ands sawing lumber in California. It can be carried to California for $2.1. n thou , sand ; and supposing it to cost 1020 here, it mi) continue to pay. The gold region is described as ez, tending live or six hundred miles from the South to the North, and from , forty to sixty miles in width, from the East to West. It rises gradually in an plain from the Sacramento Val'ey, to the elevation of 4,000 feet at what are called the Foot Hills. Between these hills and the Sierra Nevada, a number of streams have their source, and take their course through the Foot Hills, westward. Mr. King examined twelve of these rivers, and found tFiein all very rich in gold. The territory. on the North is very rich in gold i and the .conclusion is inevitable, from all the facts, that the whole quartz plain, con taining three thousand square miles, is full of gold bedded in the quartz, mud some of which, disintegrated from the quartz b 3, the torrents, may he found in dust and lumps in the beds of the st Founts. JrSTICE, The whole number of foreigners in the region, who are gold hunters, is fif teen thousand. There have been but seven thousand American gold hun ters. The Chilions and the Sonoro peo ple came in crowds, and have mimed off twenty-five millions. The Ameri cans hove procured fifteen millions. The . Chilians are expert diggers. • The amount of gold•already procured, is forty millions: Ihit forty millions more will be procured during the coin ing dry season—say (rota May till No vetnber. The regular mining operations in the solid quartz rock will soon begin, and can be continued during the wet as twell as the dry season. Mr. King estimates the amount of gold which will , be procured, from the Ist May, 1851, till the Ist: Noventber, 1852, at one hundred millions. reAe commends that the lands be re taiced as public property forever,—and as a perpetual resource for the pubbc exchequ3r: To the workers and diggers of gold, he proposes to grant permits, at the rate of tin ounce of gold for each pound. For the encouragement of regular mi ning operations, he proposes to grant leases of a limited number of acres, to persons or companies, at a small per centage on the amount of gold procured. SANTA .ANNA.—We may shortly ex pect a renewal of civil troubles in Mexi co, with Santa Anna at the head of a faction or an army. .This worthy sail. ed from Kingston, Jamaica,. for Cartha gene on the 17th of March but it' is be— lieved that his ultimate destination is Mexico. In that republic, there have. been recently several attempts at revo— lotion in Santa Anna's-favour, which al though they were put down by'the goy— ernment, may be looked upon as feelers,. put out to try public sentiment ip antici pation of the arrival of the redoubtable leader,