Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 26, 1850, Image 4

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Of Valuable Real Estate.
lgaT virtue of en alias order of the Orphans'
.1) Court of Huntingdon county, the following
described erect of land, late the property of Abra
ham Long,tiec'd, will be cold as follows, viz :
On Friday the sth day of April next (A. D.
1860) at and on the premises ; all that valuable
tract of Lime Stone Land of the tiret quality Ai
wa, in Dublin township, Huntingdon county,
near Vie Burnt Cabins, and known as the
ins Farm" containing about 197 acres and 28
;Hushes; having shout 125 acres clea re I and un
der good fence. and in the highest state of 'culti
vation—having thereon a log dwelling house and
stable, end two never foiling springs of water.
Will also be sold at the same time and place,
two contiguous and adjoining tenets of land, in
the said township of Dublin.said county, bound
ed by lands of Thomas W. Neely, Esq.. end oth
ers, containing 80 acres mo e or le., and hav
ing thereon a good stone dwelling house a small
portion cleared and cultivated. The whole
thereof will he sold as one tract.
Ate - iO. at the house of David Fraker, in the
borough of ~hir'eysburg, ou Saturday the 6th
day of April next A. D. 1850, et 1 o'clock I'. M.
A tract of NI .uutain lend wet timbered lying on
the Black Log Mountain in Shirley township
adjoining monde of Samuel H. Dell and others
containing 86 acres more or less.
Tzams.—One third of the purchase money
to ha paid on the confirmation of the ante, one
third in one year wit interest. and the remain
ing third at the death of the widow with inter
est thereon during her life to he paid annually
and to he secured by bonds and mortgage.
. ..... .
Any informatioa will be given by William
McLain of Dublin township, Oen. A. P. Wilson
at Huntingdon, or by the subscribers at Shirley.-
burg, huntingdon county.
By wile- of the Orphan.' Court,
Feb. 19, 1850.
To the Honorable Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions, &c., of Huntingdon
county, at -9pril Term 1850.
The petition of Jamcs K. Hampson of
Brady township in the said county re
spectfully showeth : That he occupies
and still continues to keep that well
known Brick Tavern house in the said
township, heretofore used and occupied
by him as a pubic house of entertain- -
ment, and is desirous of continuing to
keep n public house at the place afore
said for the ensuing year. And he
would prey your honors to grant him a
license to keep a tavern at the said place
for the ensuing current year. And he
will pray &c.
The subscribers citizens of the town
ship of Brady in the county of Hunting
don, respectfully reccommend the above
petitioner and do certify that the inn or
tavern above mentioned is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers, and that the
petitioner above named is of good re.
pute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room to ac
commodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers.
Washington Buchanan, James Simp
son, sr, Wm Buchanan, Fredk Snyder
Thomas Gilbert, Conrad Yother, Mat ,
tin Getz, Francis Holler,., Philip Hol
ler, Isaac Woolvertoni John' Brown,
Lloyd Meredith ; David Pro v e; Robert
Mattson, Jotin D'aVid Fos
ter, John Weston.
March 12, 1850.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions Sic., of Hunting•
don county, at Term, 1850,
The petition of Samuel Steffey of Jackson
township in the county of Huntingdon respect ,
folly ahoweth : That your petitioner is desiroiaf
of keeping a public house or tavern in the house
he now occupies as a public house being on the
road from Pinegrove to Lewistown &c., that he
has provided himself with necessaries for the con•
minium° and accommodation of travellers and
strangers. he therefore prays your honors to
grant him a license to keep n house of public
entertainment in said honor Ind he will pray &c.
We the subscribers do certify that Samuel
Steffey the above applicant is of good repute for
honesty and temperance and is well provided
with house room and conveniences Lc lodging
and accommodating strangers and trayelleis
Samuel Rudy, Henry Selfrige, John
Wilson, George Rudy, George Wil
son, John Rudy, George Wilson, Sam
ul Bicket, Christian Hartmen, David
Mitchell, William Mitchell Sr, Robert
Barr, Daniel Troutwein, William Hoff
March 12, 1850.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BY virtue . of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, will be
exposed to sale on the premises, by the under
signed Executors of the last will of Matthew
Garner, late of Penn township. Huntingdon
county, deed., on Saturday the 6th day of April
next, at 11 o'clock A. b 1 , a
situate in Hopewell township, adjoining !snag
on which John Heaver now resides and others.
The above valuable tract of land is well worthy
the attention of purchasers. Any person wish
ing to view the premises can call upon the sub ,
scribers. _ _ .
TERMS.—One third of the perchare money
to be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in
ono year thereafter, and one-third in two yeare,
*with interest from confirmation of sale, to he se
erred by bond and mortgage of the purchaaar.
B'y the Court.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attenda.tee given by
March 6, 1960.
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTERS of Adinitrietration base been gran
ted to the subscriber anon the estate of
GaoROK SHELLENBEAGER. late of \\ arrioramurk
township, deceased. All persons having claims
will present them duly authenticated, and those
intiebuid requesited to make payme
T nt to
Feb. It 1,450,
Callforuis Gold wedding for sale
0 3 :1 30, 1040
LPutith3llfles , SE3ollicei.
THE undersigned assign, et , of Weir and
Madden, will sell at Shale Gap, on Tuesday
the 2d . day of April 1850, One cract or Land,
containing 150 acres, in Dublin township, well
improved and in a good state of cultivation.
Also—On the some day, wi I offer l'or sale a
number of Lois of Ground in the village of
Cloysville, in Dublin township.
Also—A tract of limestone lend, in Dublin
township, containing about 200 acres well im
proved and in a good state of cultivation.
Also—NA ill be sold on the premi es, on
Wednuerlay, the 3d day of April, 1350, filo
Melinda Iron Works,
situate on the Aughwick crerlt in Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county, Pa., and within
a few miles of the Pennsylvania ( anal and rail.
road. TheVtorksco si-t of ir Ch rcoal Fur
nace and Forge, nearly new, and Sow Mill, all
in good order, and the usual and necessary hou
ses and buildings attached thee , to, together aith
about 5'20 acrea of land adjoining the Works,
about 70 acres cleared and in a good state of
cu Ovation, and the remainder of the premises
is timber and woodland upon which some iron
ore has been found convenient to the Furnace.
, 'l'o any person wishing to engage in the iron
business,the above Works offer great induce.
'seats; they are fM , ete.3 in a healthy and thri.
vibg riSikliborhood, where labor and maltrials
are comparatively cheap. Good ore can be had
convenient to the Furnace, and timber at mod
erate prices; the A ughwick creek gives ample
water power at all seasons of the year.
Also—en the some day, one tract of land in
Springfield tornship, containing '25 ecr.% e'en
irriprOVerl, sari a,good quality of land, lyiht on
Anghvnick creek.
Attendance given and terms made known on
day ofsale. THOS. E. ORDISON,
A ssfgfiets;
Feb. 26,1856'.
. .
Orphans' Court Sale.
B Y .f ,i H r t ounti
n r
ga orderdon oonf
tthe will Orphans' ren s'
e a
:ipo.,d Court to
sale on the premises, by public vendue or out
cry, on Satarday,th, oth day of April, 1850,
situate in Brady township in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross. Jesse Yocum, James Ker James
McDonald, and 'others. The said tract of rand
lies along the kisacoquillas valley, is wit'iin a
convenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and Canal, and is well timbered, which
renders it very valuable, and otters n profitable
speculation to purchasers.
Trams.— The half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation al see, and the residue
in one yaar therearter, icitlr interest, to be Se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
Fy the Court,
M. F. C'AMPB'ELL, Clerk.
Attendance g-ia,Ori by
Ado* ofJohn iley dec'd.
February 26, 1850.
Auditor's Notice,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
est ed, that the undersigned has been ap
pcdryfed Prinlitor l.y the Court of Common Pleas
of HUnfington county,to distribute the proceeds
of theSheritY's sole of the real estate of John
Ake, amongst the lien creditors, &c., end that he
has appointed Eritjay, the 22d day of March' nrxt,
et 1 o'clock P. M., at his office iri the borough
of Huntingdon, for making said distribution;
at which time and place all persons interested
may attend if it*Y think proper.
.10111 , 1 REED, Auditor.
Feb. 26, 1850.-41.
WOULD respectfully announce to his old
customers, and every body else, that he
has removed his store from his old stand, to the
room a few doors below, on the same side of the
street, and but two doors from William Dorris'
store. In addition to his old stock, he has just
received an elegant assortment of
'JD CD) ap-M,
which he is prepared to Fell' as chenp, if net a
little cheaper, than can be procured elsewhere.
His stock consists of
Dry-Goods, Groceries,
Drugs, 4-c., 4-c.
rhankful for past favors he would res , Pct.
ful y solicit a continuance of public favor. It
wi I always give him p'easure to use his utmost
exertions to render satisfaction to those Who may
deal with him.
Feb. ;9, 18.50,.
M. &,1, M, ROWE,
_ .
63 North Third Sreet, above .drch,
1500 Doz. Corn Broome,
500 doz. Painted Buckets ;
- 500 nests Willow Market Baskets ;
600 , o Cedar Tubs ;
800 Staff and Efarrel ('horns;
together with the largest stock of V% illow, Cedar
and Eastern Woodware ever in thecity.
N. R. Cash paid at all times for broom corn
at our factory.
Feb. 26, 1850.
Venetian Blind ManuftiCturer,
Sign of the Golden Engle, No. 139 &
143 South f2d Street, below Dock St.,
T 7 E EPS always on hand a large and fashion•
Ix, able assortment of WIDE and Dlsa now
Sr it WlNews?' BLINDS, manufactured in the
};tali matifrer, ,of the beat materials, and at the
lowest cash prrem
Having refitted andedarged his eatablishment,
he is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortest notice,
Constantly on hand art assortment of
fnaltagang ffurniture
of every variety, manufactured expressly for his
own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on
a good article.
Open in the evening.
Orders front a distance packed carefully, and
sent free of porterage, to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1840-Iy.
r~ ~~~~~0
A FINE assortment of Violins, Flates, Ac
cordeons, Banjos, fitisical Boxes, &c., with
Preceptors for each instrument ; fot sale at
Father Time's office
Nev. 4 3, '49
50 Margaret Smith's :ieirs
195 John Morgan
WHEREAS, by an act of the General ! 450 64 James McMullin
; 4 411 80 Peter alerts
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "-J . /7g act to amend an 4(3): 9 riB9 Henry Kline
act directing the mode of selling unseated, 406 Peter Lcc khart
lands for taxes and other purposes," pas- ' 406 Henry Harris
sed 13th March, 1815, and the other ' 367 87 Samuel Jarvis
nets upon that subject, the Treasurers of : 4 4 V, 1 3 5 0 8 k i T h e : r a p h e l n i e l ton
the several counties within this Common- ! 440 80 Jacob Canote
wealth are directed to commence on the 233 82 William Savory
2nd Monday in June in the year 1816,1932 115 Ruhanna Calhoun
and at the expiration of every two years 107 12 William Taylor l
thereafter,. and adjourn froth day to day, Springfield.
if it be necessary so to do, and make / 271 Margaret Smalley 's heirs
. 420 102 Nathan Old
public sale of the whole or any part of , 270 Benjamin Cross
such tracts of unseated land, situate in 284 94 George Weaver
the proper county; as will pay the num, 401 41 John Kin, '
ages of the taxes which shall then have i 1 100
200 Shepherd Hook
remained due and unpaid for the space ' 150 John MeCahan
of one year before, together with all 250 Richard Ramsey
costs ne.:essarily accruing by reason of llO John Paywell
such delinquency, &c: 1, JOHN A. Tell.
DOYLE, Treasurer of the county of 4 3. rs It'l Samuel Kim;
Huntingdon, do therefore hereby give ! 41.1 10 John Pease
notice that upon the following tracts of , 431 30 Adam Clen
unseated land, situate as herein descri- ! 395 113 George Truman
I bed, the several sums stated are "the ' 314 31 John Caldwell
To rs
of the taxes, respectively, 1 401 Polly Chambers
due and wipe' ' for one year : and that, ,I 9 . 1 , John Mood
in pursuance of the direction of the n-1300 Njcholas.Crufn
foresaid act of Assembly, 1 shall ; on Mon.' 9. 95 George Knobbaugh
day the 10th day of June next, at the 400 Johanna Houston
, 00 Henry Hubble
Court House in the borough of Hunting- : 300 John Phillips
don, commence the Public Sale of the 311 George Buchanan
whole or any part of such tracts of un-; 97 William Galbreath
400 Razin Davis
seated lands, upon which all or any part
010 James Witee
of the taxes herein specified shall then ' Union.
be due, and continue such sale by ad- 1. 0 ,
4 154 Robert Bell
journment until all the tracts upon which 1 426 43 Robert Moor
the taxes shall remain due and unpaid, 298 69 John Covenhover
be sold.i 357 73 Samuel Bell
JOHN A. DOYLE 1 6o Sarah Elliott
' , 200 John Sell (pt. tract)
Treasurer of Huntingdon county. 1, 15 John Grover
Treasurer's Office, e ; too Richard Plowman
Alarch , 1850. i I 26 18 Benjamin Elliott
i 294 37 William Ewing
.4mount of taxes due and unpaid on the 291 37 John Haley
following tracts of Unseated Lands, up
. 1:22 31 John Hall
to and including the year 1848: 1 81 132 Joshua Lewis
A. Pr. Warrantees or owners. Taas. I Tf'est,
Barree Township.
371 Jonathan Austin
436 Robert Austin
437 20 Moses Vanost
400 Robert Simpson
399 William Sherman
433 83 George Bickham
140 George Green jr
433 83 Cadwallader Evans
336 Philip Sickle
54 Lewis Igow
411 Abraham Duffield
416 Jesse Hawkins
302 44 Joseph Webb
364 72 David Ott
412 Frederick Bates
378 37 Benjamin Gebbs
331 31 Adam Foulke
435 85 Samuel Ayres
356 88 Andrew Bingham
.109 47 Eavy
43 39 Andrew Bell
40 Charles Kelley
170 John Wiley
220 Levi King
300 John George
310 61 DotseY Bert
413 126 Ephraim Galbreath
29 Peter Cornelius
408 James Rankins
Thomas Green
200 William McClain
140 William Bingham's heirs
416 88 Titus Harvey
421 John Forrest
47 71 Mordecai :Massey
033 67 Zephaniah Wakefigil
400 43 Henry Hill
426 24 Thomas Smith
280 71 Jacob Keith
622 Jacob Schuyler and pt. of
Philip Deviner
92 20 John Conan
11 John Farmer
60 Mary Jourdal
383 John Light
204 29 James Whitehead
174 140 A P Knepp
120 William Worrell
40 Henry Gates
4 80 JAM' Ftift
John Whitehead
150 James Clark
388 103 William Trotter
353 George Randale
414 George Wilport
397 Henry Stever
400 Thomas Russel}
400 Thomas Ralston
400 David Ralston jr
400 George Hill
400 David Ralston
100 Ephraim Jones
401 141 John Wright
400 John Brown
437 65 Jonathan Priestly
400 George Hess
420 24 Samuel Canon
400 William Steel
200 George Tallman
400 James Fulton
70 William Dorris
400 Samuel Marshall
400 Robert Caldwell
400 Mathew Simpson
400 James McCune
400 John Fulton
400 John Galbreath
400 Joseph McCune
400 Batton
30 Greenbury Dorsey
849 87 Ann Brown
408 80 Mary Brown
70 E B Dorsey
429 62 Elizabeth Brown
485 152 Andrew Carte
446 112 John Capp
416 102 Robert Irwin
fee William Smith
150 William Smith
100 Jacob Nett
400 Ruth Green
277 Henry Green
46 CO Eleszer Wallasters
401 William Smith
316 34iehael Walltce (heirs)
404 A P Wilson
200 John 310Cahan
100 Elisha Shoemaker 4 60
$6 72 437 William Mitchenor 8 73
7 76 I 428 Thomas Mitchenor 8 55
7 76 397 James Watson 7 94
7 30 379 Robert Watson 7 56
7 21 ' 102 John Watson 8 04
6 4t7 511 Thomas Cummings 7 43
2 40 313 Robert Young 7 05
7 78 . 10 William Reed 50
9 07 , 67 William Dorris 64
159 220 John Jackson 2 59
~, I 131 William Faster 2 63
''' . 21 David Leonard 81
3 25 , Walker.
3 87
2 38 100 Georg. Catwalt (pt tract) 2 22
,- 2 90 200 Jacob Moyer 6 60
3 3 100 John Patton 3 33
- 30 Sarah Elliott 90
00 .
2 61 1 " Charles Smith 320
7 00 I 939 Richard Smith 11 .14
-122 39 Hugh Laurish 10 61
3 213 Rudolph Laurish 10 29
30 • 110 Samuel Finley 2 74
2 33 437 18 John Patton 11 87
John Carl 15
1 , 37 499
061 99 John Kerrso n 1 2
-475 The following real estate upon which
2 47 personal property cannot be found suf
ficient to pay the taxes, returned by the
9 80 13 several collectors, is charged with the
5 63 taxes thereon assessed for the year 1848,
1 05 and will be sold as unseated lands, in
4 56 pursuance of the directions of the 41st
section of the act of Assembly, entitled:
2 30 "An Act to reduce the State debt and to
2 0
i 0 ,-, 8
incorporate the Pennsylvania Canal and
Railroad Company," approved the 20th
2 31 April, 1844 :
6 64 Barree Towns-Alp.
20 00
1 Lot and house, George Johnston 52
21 30
14 80 1 Lot and house. Solomon Hamer 38
180 acres and saw mill, Charles Ash 3 85
Spriegfteld tp.
200 Michael Nourse 2 08
1 Lot Martin Gates 'l6
2 Lots Elizabeth Curby 30
.4lexandria Borough.
Ground rents on lots
Elizabeth Brown's heirs 3 53
1 Lot Thomas Johnston 90
31 10
6 8!
8 95
6 32
6 79
6 00
1 25
.11 D .111 INI ST R TO RS' NOTICE.
Estate of IVIII. STEIV ART, late of Dublin
township, dee'd.
lcr ericx is !reset:, given that Letters of Admin
istration on the estate of Wm. Stewart,
late of Dublin township, Hunt. co., deed, ha,
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims or de
mends againatthe same to present them duly au•
thenticated for settlement. to
Feb. 26, 1850.
' 0 rat the "cheaper" Watch and Jewelry Star
No. 1001 Market Square. Bear in mind thee
!,", they Nava a workman who is uneqtralled in RLi
10 emintwor CLOCKS & WATCHES.
Feb. 12, 1850.
Great Inducements to Perkons In
Want Mr a good Watch.
NEFF & MILLER having received addition
al suppliers of Gold and Silver Watches, of
every description from London, Liverpool, and
Switzerland importations, are now prepared to
furnish the very best article at a price far below
any ever offered, of the same quality, and which
cannot be undersold by any other store this side
of Philadelphia. Every watch will be well reg
ulated and warranted to be as good as represented.
They have also received a large and beautiful
stock cf Jewelry, of the newest styles, which has
been lately purchased and will be sold unusually
1001 Market Square, Huntingdon,
January 29 1850.
FISH afirD
170 R see at the Cheap Store of
f Oat ts,'4o.) GEO GWiti
24 13
11 70
THANKFUL to the citizens or Huntingdon
and its vicinity for their increased custom,
we agnin request their company to view ourlarge
and splendid assortment of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sers, Toilet Sets, and Jin
gle pieces, eithea of Glass, China, or Ston e
Ware, cold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
lees than they can be had elsewhere—
In greater variety than ever before offered in the
city. -
FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap.
We would invite any person visiting the
city to call and see us—they will at least be plea
sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to
view the finest china and the cheapest the world
Very respectfully,
No. 219 Chestnut Sheet.
Phi!a. Sep. 25, 1849.-Iy.
R. O. **Gill and W. Z. Zeigler.
fiIHE subscribers have now started, and will
I have on hand a general assortment of cast•
lags, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight,
Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all
of which are new patterns not before introduced
into this section ofcountry. Also, a variety of
Plough patterns or the kinds c, tv in use. A
general assortmer t of Hollow-ware castings,con
rioting of Kettles. Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans,
&c., &c. Atisco laneous articles, such as Wag
on Boxes, Slei and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing
Irons, Ha ling Mill and Forts° ...tiny, NA in
doer Orates for celftirs, kintles and silk fdr 558-
sea, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg
Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to
order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve
ry article in our line on the host reasonable
terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun
try produce and old metal in exchange for east
fn ge• The Foundry is sittrated rrt the Southern
end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where one
of them can always be found, or at the Tin and
Stoveshop of W . Zeigler, North East nett
ner ofMarket Square in Huntingdon. One of
them being a practical Moulder, and experienc
ed in the business, feels confident that they will
render satisfaction to all who may favor them
with a call. R. C. McGill..
Huntingdon, Oct. 2. 1549-6 m.
Wholesale and Retail
No. 238 117zrh rt St., above Seventh, South side,
ALTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the
value of Ti siE commercially, yet by calling
at the above establishinent, JAMES BA RLIEII
will furnish his friends, among whom !lei ndudes
all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau
tiful and perfect [sax, for marking its progress,
of whose value they can judge.
His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan
ging in conformity to the improvements in taste
and style of 'lntern and workmanshtp, consists of
Eight-day arid Thirty-hour brass CousTrixo
nousx, PARLOn, HALL. CHURCH and Axanst
Cr.crexs, French, Gothic and other fancy styles,
as well as plain, which from his extensive con
nection and correspondence with the manufactu
rers he finds he can put at the Low EsT CActi era-
Use in any quantity from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
!Cddlts repaired and warranted—clock trim
mingson hand. ('all and see me among them.
JAMES BARRP:R, 238 Market St.
Phila., August 28, 1849.
And another and the Latest Arrival of
TIMMY & MAGERE, thankful for past
. 1 J favors, most respectfully inform their old
customers and the public in general, that they
have just reveled another large asgortinerit of
FALL and WINTER Goo., consisting of every
variety of
Ladies Ss, Gentlemetak Dregs' Goods,
and goods of all kinds usually kept in the must
extensive stores.
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, 4,
&c. &c. &c. &e. &c. &c.
'''Clill and examine our Goods.
Huntingdon Dee. 4, 1949.
41 & 43
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and well known Hotel. The
location is one of the very best for business
men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention, that he will be
able to render perfect satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their custom.
He returns thanks for the very liberal sup
port already extended to him by his friends of
Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and
begs leave to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the CITY HOTEr,
worthy of their continued support..
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1819-Iy.
IJOR the Intellectual and Moral training of
young persons and children of both sexes,
kept by J. A. HALL, in the new Academy
building, Huntingdon, Pa.
The fall session will commence on Morinar,
T. e•rn DAT ON OCT.., INST. For par
ticular. apply to the Teacher.
Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A
M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W.
13. Zeigler, Hon. Johe Kerr, Maj. D. McMur•
trie, Hon. George Taylor ; and James Clark.
A SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receive
11 ed at CUNNINGHAM'S.
November 27, 1819.
of Bristol.
Who wat pronounced incurably fixed to
the last stage of Pulmonary Con;
sumption, by two skillful Phy
Mr. Johnson was rescued from death's soot
by the use ill Schneck'. Pulmonie Syrup—hav
ing been prostrated all winter. His cave was
witnessed by several of t4e most respectable
citizens of this state, whose append ,
ed to his certificate. Read ! Reiil l ' a nd be con
vinced that Schneck's Pulmonar rup is the .
only certain cure for Consumptiolta'r
Bristol, Burks rountA . ?
Sept. 21, 1849. ,A4lO.
3 ,
Da. J. H. St:execs, —DearSir,—l am ' , laced
from a sense of justice towards you, ae 'II .e
duty to the public, to make known one of '-b. .
moot hopeless and extraordinary cures, in m .
own person, that you liaim ever had the plceiure
to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to poi:
tray, in truthful colors, my consuming ifiderted . ,'
and the remarkable chance which Schneck'if
Pulmonary Syrup effected in so short a time.
I was taken some time prsvious to Decefflhei
1848, with a heavy cold, producing incessant
coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the'
right side, pains in the back, under the right
shoulder, having heresy night sweats, high fevers
&c., which mode me so nervous and restless as
to product utter prostration. AII these affliction.
increased viith suCli,iinfente, that on the 4th of
January last I sent for my family physician. lid
attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thinie
that medical skill could suggest, but without ef
fect. I found myself gradually growing worse,
and my hopes of recovery lessening as my diet:
ease increased, My cough became distressing
my pains severe; end, extremely debilitated, I
tort all ambition in life, and gave up to a melan
choly dep: eseion. My physician examined me,
and informed me I hail an absess on the upper
part of my liver and lower part of one of my lunge,
Notwithstanding all this chill, I grew worse, but
with that tenacity with which we all cling to life,
I cdtrelnded to I, eve nothing undone, and called
is a consulting physician, who fully coxicUrred
with my own, and pronounced My case on ei
tremely critical one. lie thought I was in im
minent danger--enying my disease "was one the
is seldom if ever cored." All Ibis time I was en
during sufferings that made life burdensome ; ex
periencing great pain in coughing ; eipeciPa
sing from a pint to a quart of nnuceous matter
avery 21 hours, and gradually sinking under the
weakning progress of my disease. At this stage
of my Line., my friends in Matol suggested
the use of Schneck's Pulmonic Syrup but know
ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur
pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes
itated. My friends, however, insisting, I was
prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced
taking the Syrup about the first of Moral, and
used several bottles before I had any confidence
in it. I then began to experiences charge for
the better, and continued it till I had consumed
ten bottles, when I was so far relieved as to bd .
able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. He
examined me, and pronounced my right lung af
fected, but in a healing con lition. He recom
mended the further use of the Syrup, which I
continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found
myself once more restored to health. I will fur
ther add, that the consulting physician, seeing the
action of the medicine, fully approved its use.
To give the reader some idea of the severity
of my case, and the rapid cure affected by the
Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in
health was 177 pounds, which *as finally re
duced by my sufierings to but 121 pounds. Yet,
on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh
ed 174 pounds, thus gaining in a few mouths 511
pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest
weight. It is nut in my power to convey, in the
short space of this certificate, the convincing
proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particular,'
of the agonizing afflictions through which I hate
passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to
call on me, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel,,l
shall take pleasure in detailing every particular.
In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge epee .
every person who may have the premonitory
symptoms of this fatal disease, not to delay one
hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately.
Hit skill in the treatment of this complaint, and
prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs
by mane of his Stethescope, added to my own
mirscu'ous cure, fully satisfies me, that had 1 ear
lier submitted myself to his care, I should have
escaped much suffering; but restrained by doubt.
and suspicion, which make us all naturally skep
tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine whets
first introduced. I resisted the importunities of
my friends till almost too late ; igul yielded only
as a last resort, resolved to " kill or cure." To
those afflicted as I have been, again let ine say,
hesitate no longer, my own case is presented to
you as convincing evidence, that when all else
fails your last hope is in Dr, Schneek'sPulmonic
Syrup. I have also for the satisfaction of those
who may be strangers to me, appended to (bisect
tifica'e the noes of gentlemen well known in
the walks of public and private life, and whose
etanding in society admits of no cavil or doubt in
I regard to their testimony.
We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and
vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson,
and know him to have been afflicted as he states
above. We also know that he used Schneck's
Pulmonic Syrup, and have every reaeou to be
lieve, that to this medicine he owes his preserve--
Bon from a premature grave. The known in
tegrity and position in society of Mr, Johnson
however is a sufficient guarantee to the public of
the truth of this statement.
LEWIS 'l'. PRATT, Prart's Hotel.
LEWIS M. W H A RTON. Merchant.
CH ESTE 11 STURDE VANT, Coal dealer.
JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant.
JAMES M. lIAItLOW, Clergyman of the/
Presbyterian Church.
S. B HOLT, Hotel, Burlington.
JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent.
A. L. PACKER, Coal agent.
WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Roussel's
Laboratory, 44 l'rune street, Philadelphia,
Bristol, September 24, 1849.
Prepared and sold by J. H. Schneck at his
Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coats & Marshal,
Sts. Phila. ant! by
T. K. SIMONTON, Huntingdon.
G. H.STEtirea, Woterstreet,
Itloone & Swoops, Alexandria.
KESSLER & Duo., Mill Creek,
and by agents generally throughout the United
Price $l,OO per bottle, or $5,00 per half doz
Nov. 20, 1849.-Iy.
03.11. OD CEO
AGENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
NovembarlY, 1849.