....._ dir.6 0 i 2 ° nni-Aftqrbixtl c_, • T ,e , ,',.: UFII 1,7, / • ,a, ; ;b4-3'61: ' 1 4 All i 4 ....... '' ' .4. , " ..,... ...., - i , ..- ~,......_. -V. ../.11 ~. BY JAS, CLARK. the Grave. BY MRS. C. E. DA ?Witt There are no pangs for those who rest Within the silent tomb ; No thoughts disturb the tranquil breast, In that perpetual gloom, /Vhich shrouds us from all mortal fears, arth's disappointments and its teats. rah, no, there are are no chains for those That worldly storms have driven, To that dark chamber of repose, The last to us that's given. The last lone unmoles ted spot, Where want and care and grief come not. bur minds arc full of earth, we live Unheeding life's decay; While unprepared for Heaven, we give Our souls to sin away. Turn then ye heedless, turn and weep, Nor let the immortal spirit sleep. SPEECH OF MR. WINTHROP. The following remarks made by Hon. R. C. Winthrop recently in Congress, on the all ab sorbing topic of the day, will be read with in lerest : Mr. WINTHROP had refrained from entering into a discussion of a question so much debated, preferring to wait until some practicable plan should be proposed. The President was at the helm, and, by the blessing of God, he trusted that he would be hailed as the pilot who had weathered the storm. He then referred to the unmannerly and gross attacks which had been made upon him by Mr. Johnston, of Tennessee, and Messrs. Root, Giddings and others ; one side saying that he had, while Speaker, so form ed the Committees as to injure the interests of the South, and on the other that he hod betray. ed the North, and had recently dodged the Wil mot Proviso. Ten years ago, when he was a candidate for Congress, he said that if it was his fortune to be elected, he woilld deem it to he his duty not to agitate the subject of Slavery ; that he had no sympathy with any fanatics, and that whenever the interests of the North were assailed he would defend them—a plague on both houses ! has been his constant exclama tion. He thanked his God that he was incapa citated from coutenancing altruism in any way. If he had the approval of the ultraists he should inquire in the language of one of old, « What evil thing have I done, that they should speak well of me 1" As to Mr. Root's resolution, instructing the Committee on Territories to bring in territorial bills, with the Slavery re striction, he regarded it as frought with the greatest mischief—hence he voted to lay it on the table t and he came to the conchision that the honorable member, Mr. Root, for the sake of a miserable notoriety, put in peril a cause of which he professed to be the proudest advocate. If the resolution had been pressed on the House, all hope of Legislation would be at an end, and California not admitted daring this Session. If the Wilmot proviso was dead, its death lies at the door of Mr. Root; and the ep itaph on the tomb ought to be, « Here lies the victim of the restless vanity and headstrong rashness of the gentleman from Ohio, who held 'lt up deliberately to receive its death blow." It was a fatal blunder—that resolution—but Mr. Winthrop bad sought the favor to say to his constituents and his country, that these gentle- men are not proper judges of his votes. There has never been a party under the cloak of phil anthropy that has been so vituperative and abu sive as the free soil sect. He did not believe that there was ever witnessed, in the history of this or any other country, such audacity and false statements as the presses of their party have exhibited ;—he had his share of it, and more than his share, here and at home. There was a nest of vipers in his district, who had been biting a file, and having broken their own teeth, they want to use the teeth of honorable members of this House. He produced proof to show that the charge of Mr. Giddings, that lie wer.t into a Whig caucus in 18-18, and made a war speech, was false. He regarded the admis sion of California, as a State, as the first mea sure to be accomplished by Congress, and he would do all in his power to effect that result. He did not believe that slavery can be extend ed, without the sanction of positive law, and that he did not intend to give to this his aid. He believed that the plan proposed in the especial message of the President, was the best, if not only, plan which can be adopted. He spoke of no abstract plans ; we must aim at something practicable—what we can accomplish, and not what we wish to accomplish. He believed in his own soul that peace can be preserved, and the Union maintained, and the Northern princi ples sufficiently vindicated by adopting the course recommended by the President. He spoke the sentiments of Faneuil Hall—not those who there met in the Anti-slavery Convention declaring war on every body—but the senti ments of intelligent, patriotic fremen, Who will be remembered for generations to come, when he said the Union must, at all hazards, be pre served. Although he had been abused for the expression there made by himself, he repeated, Our country—whether bounded by the Sabine or the St. John's, or however otherwise bound ed, be the measurement more or less—our coun try is to be cherished in all our hearts, and de fended by all our power." During the delive ry of the above remark he was several times applauded, and members gathered around him to hear the better. The Shortest CUt to Wealth. The Baltimore Argus says: --- A newspapers essay on the benefits of advertising is generally supposed to be dictated by self-interest, and is therefore looked upon with suspicion ; but unde niable facts carry conviction with them. Six or seven years ago Dr. S, P. Town send, was probably not worth $l,OOO. From the time he commenced manufac turing his sarsaparilla he had expended more than $lOO,OOO on advertisements, and he retires from the business worth about one million of dollars. His profits have been in a direct ratio with his dis bursements to the news press; and last year when his outlay in advertising ex ceeded that of any previous season, we understand that his net profits reached the almost incredible sum of four thou sand dollars. The Death of A Siaaers Come with me to yonder apartment. Stretch ed upon a bed lies a man Whose earthly exis tence is shortly to be terminated. He has lived many years in vain, defying God and resisting his Mercy. He steeled his heart, closed his eyes, and turned a (leaf eat to . the invitations of him who was able to succor and to save. No love was sufficient to arrest him and bring him to the cross. The servant of God pointed him to the coming wrath, the deep misery of the second death, the vengeance of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the hour of death, the resurrec tion, the day of judgment, and a future existence beyond the grave. But all was in vain. Noth ing was able to penetrate his sealed conscience. Now behold him near his latter end. Death has doomed his victim, and rapidly is he accom plishing his work. Writhing and moaning un der the lashes of a guilty conscience, he cuts. his God, he blasphemes his maker, and raises his arm in impious defiance against approaching vengeance. The future is dark and dreary to him. No ray of light breaks through it to af ford one moment of consolation. Rapidly wast ing away, his soul becomes more distressed. Satan is ready for his prey. No kind angels wait to waft his spirit to realms of peace. No Saviour stands by to support and lead him through the dark valley. No music, save that anticipated in the pit of despair, strikes upon his ear. And now the brittle thread of life is almost broken. A few more beatings of the pulse, and time with him shall be no more on earth. His friends listen in vain for some evi dence that at the eleventh hour he may have been accepted. Hark ! that long drawn breath ! The spirit has taken its flight; but oh! to the regions of utter despair. The door of mercy is now forever closed. The spirit will never more strive; the atoning blood of Christ have no effi cacy. Forever and forever must he live in eternal misery, without the slightest alleviation of his tortures. The most harrowing accusa tion will be, ye knew your Master's will but ye did it not. Prom the Malta's (Texas) Telegraph A Wild Woman of the Navidad. About a year since an account was published in the Victoria Advocate re specting a strange creature, whose tracks had been discovered on the banks of the Navidad ; near Texana. The foot marks of this creature resembles those of a woman, and a report was circulated to the effect that a wild woman had made her retreat in the forest of the Navidad. Within a few weeks several attempts have been made to capture this singular being. Mr. Glasscock pursued it for several days with dogs, and at one time approached so near it as to cast a lasso upon its shoulders. It, however with great adroitness, eluded the snare, and fled to a dense thicket where it could not be traced. Mr. Glasscock states that he was near a small prairie enclosed by the border forests of. the river, when the creature emerged from the woods and ran across the prairie in full view. It was about five feet high, resembling a human being, but covered with hair of reddish brown color. In its hand it held a stick about six feet long, which it flourished from side to side, as if to reg. ulate its motions and aid it when run ning at full speed. Its head and neck were covered with very long hair, which streamed backward in the wind. It ran with the speed of a deer, and was soon out of sight. The dogs pursued it, and came so close upon it at a small creek, that it was compelled to drop its stick, which was taken by its pursuers. This sticic is about six feet long, straight and smooth as if polished with glass. Sev eral other persons have repeatedly seen the creature, and they all concur in rep resenting it as a human being, but. so covered with shaggy hair as to resemble an ou rang outang. It has frequently ap proached the houses of the settlers in that neighborhood during the night, and stole various articles; among other things it carried off a quantity of towels, one or two books and has taken several pigs. One of its nests was found in the forest in which were several napkins fol ded up just as they were taken. A bill for washing was also enclosed in the Bible. The footmarks of this strange being have often been traced in the bot tom of the Navidad, but it has eluded all attempts to capture it. The old set tlers in that section say that these foot marks have been noticed for ten or twelve years, and that several years ago there were footmarks, indicating that three of these creatures were in com pany. Within the last year the foot marks of only one have been noticed.— Mr. Glasscock intends to collect a pack of good hounds and resume the pursuit, and he is confident that he will succeed in capturing it. [3:7-Smithers says he always travels with a "sulkey"—that is, he always goes with his wife, who eontives to be obsti nate and out of humor from the time they leave home till they get where they are going to. The only time she ever smiled, he says, was when he broke his ankle. HUNTINGDON, PA,, TUESDAY, MARCH 19, NO. The Blasphemer's Death. There is something so terribly start ling in the following facts, and so fear fully exemplifying the grevious sin and extreme peril of blaspheming, the name of the Eternal, that had we not made minute arid careful enquiry, even among the Very haunts of those living where the occurrence took place, we should be lieve the whole to be an exaggerated ru mor of some ordinary and every day casualty, rather than the awfully-true narrative of a dreadful judgment. On the morning of Sunday last, a married woman, residing in the Friars' Field, named Sarah Morgan, was obser ved with an infant in her arms, near her own house, disputing with a woman named Elizabeth Volan. A quarrel of a very violent character s so far as words wetit, shortly afterwards ensued, and in reply to au observation made by the woman, Sarah Morgan exclaimed that she hoped God Almighty would strike her blind, deaf, dumb and stiff, if she did not revenge herself upon her in a particular manner. Almost directly she staggered, let her child fall from her arms to the ground, and would herself appa rently have fallen but that her neighbors immediately assisted her into the house. Dr. Stack was promptly in attendance who, we need scarcely remark, continu ed to render her every assistance which medical skill and humanity could sug gest. From the moment that she was thus mysteriously stricken to the hour of her death, at half-past one o'clock on Wednesday morning, the unly words she uttered, and just after she was borne in, were, 4-Lord, have mercy on my poor soul—have mercy on my poor childen !" and then her voice failed her, and she became dumb, her sense of hearing was destroyed, her eyes became glassy and sightless, and in about sixty hours from the moment in which she was struck down, Death placed his icy hand on her and she became a corpse. This fearful event has produced a painful sensation even among the abandoned creatures of the locality in which it occurred.—Mon mow Is (Eng) sllerlin. About Compromise. The New York Tribune, in a lengthy article on the difficulty between the North and the South, asks, "What is that difficulty ; What need is there of Com promise; When the adversaries ofFree Labor had the power, did they ever ac cord a compromise to its champions 1— When Louisiana—a slaveholding terri tory almost as large as civilized Europe —was bought with the Treasure of the Nation and annexed to this country, what share of it, what counterpoise to it. was given or offered to Free Labor 1 When Florida was bought, what was done for the North in requital 1 When Texas was thrust into the Union, what was the concession to Freedom 1 There was in deed a pretence, a show of giving us the territory North of , Itideg. 30min. but in the first place Texas had rightfully no acre within a hundred miles of that line, and in the next place, if she had had, no foot of it was secured to Freedom. All was to be Slave Territory until Texas should choose to slice it off into a sepa rate Free State—that is, until the sky shall fall, making larks as plenty as Inns quetoes. No—slavery has never yielded an inch by way of compromise when she had the power to hold it. It is only when the strength is against her that: there is talk of Compromise." Interesting Anecdote. Two young Americans after comple ting their education in Europe weretrav elling with the view of perfecting them selves in their classic studies. Thus en gaged, they were sojourning for a short time in Vienna. One day while crossing one of the streets, an Austrian officer of high military rank, came dashing along at a furious rate on horse-back. One of these Americans apprehending that the horse would run aganst him, raised a small cane, with the view of turning the horses head, wherupon the officer struck him with his whip; upon ascertaining the address of the officer he demanded satis faction of him; which demand the officer treated with contempt, ridiculing the idea of his responding to an unknown American boy. In this strait the two young gentlemen laid their grievance before the American representative at that court. Our charge immediately ad dressed the officer, and after recapitula ting the fact, informed him that he must either apologize or give the satisfaction required, and that in the event of his fail ing to do so lie would over his own sig bature,as the representative of the Amer icun government, publish him in every leading paper OR the continent as a pol troon. It is needless to add that this de mand was immediately followed by an ample apology of the Austrian officer. But it is proper to add that this govern ment was then honored in the person of Mr. Stiles.—Wash. Union. From the London Weekly Times. Vie World is Full of Beauty. There is a voice within me, And 'tis so sweet a voice, That its soft lispings win me, Till tears start to mine eyes; Deep from my soul it springeth, Like hidden melody; And evermore it singeth This song of songs to me This world is full of beauty, As other worlds above; Anil if we did our ditty, It might be full of love I If faith and loving kindness Passed coin 'twixt heart and heart, Old Bigotry's dark blindness And malice would depart. If men were more forgiving, Were kind words often spoken, Instead of scorn so grieving, There would be few hearts broken. When Plenty's round us smiling, Why wakes this cry for bread; Why are crushed millions toiling, Gaunt— clothed in rags—anted 1 Let the law of bloodshed perish, Wars gore and glory, splendor— . . And men will learn to cherish Feelings more kind and tender. Were we true unto each other, We'd vanquish Hate and Crime, And clasp the hand of a brother, In any land or clime ! If gold were not an idle, Were mind and merit worth, Oh, there would be a bridal Betwixt high heaven .d earth ! Were truth an littered language, Angels might talk with men, And God—illumined earth shall see The golden age again, For the leaf tongues of the forest— The flower-lips of the sod— The birds that hymn their raptures Into the ear of God— And the sweet wind that bringeth The music of the sea, Have each a voice that singetlx This song of songs to me; This world is full of beauty, As other worlds above ; And if we did our duty, It might be full of love." Stealing from the Printer. When a subscriber removes, or for any other cause omits to take his paper from the office at which it is left, and does not come and settle for his paper nor ordet it stopped, but leaves it to the postmaster to inform us that the paper is not taken from the office, what do you call it 1 Not exactly stealing but it amounts to the same thing. It takes money out of pocket, for the paper costs money. We have had some cases of this kind. A man does not take his pa per from the office. We are not infor med of it for perhaps three months. At last we are informed by the postmaster of the fact. The paper is not paid for the time it was taken out, nor for the time it was not taken. The subscriber has moved away, or nt least does not l i come and settle. Again, a paper is left in our box. The subscriber takes it out for a While, but finally omits to take it. We still put the paper in the box. We don't know perhaps where he lives, and have no means of seeing him. What is to be done"! We know of but one way, and that is to publish the names of such persons as treat us thus, and in this way, get information with reference to them. We shall therefore adopt this rule, that when a subscriber removes, or omits to take his paper without settling with us, or giving us any ~ord, we shall adver tise him as we would anything else which had been lost. Are we not right in laying down such a rule, in self de fence.—Urbana Expositor. Glorious Thing to Die. Mr. N. R. Cobb, of Boston, so much noted for his benevolence, a short time before his death said : "Within the few last days, I have had some glorious views of heaven. It is indeed a glori ous thing to die. I have been active and busy in the world. 1 have enjoyed it as much as any one. God has prosperd me. I have every thing to tie me here. I am happy in my family ; I have prop erty enough ; but how small and mean it appears when we are on a sick bed I Nothing can equal my enjoyments in the near prospects of heaven. My hope in Christ is worth infinitely more than all other things. The blood of Christ! th: blood of Christ." SIMPLE CURE FOR CROUP.—We find in the Journal of Health the following aim , pie remedy for this dangerous disease. Those who have passed nights of utmost agony at the bedside of loved children, will treasure it up as an invaluable piece of information. If a child is taken with the croup, instantly apply cold water, ice water, if possible, suddenly and freely to the neck and chest, with a sponge.— The breathing will almost instantly be relieved. So soon as possible let the sufferer drink as much as it can; then wipe it dry, cover it up warm, and soon a quiet slumber will relieve the parent's anxiety, and lead the heart in thankful ness to the Power which has given to the pure gushing fountain such medical qualities. (1 4 •i o ol,lritcti s i o t. 7 The Farmer is not Properly Estima- It is a lamentable fact that the farmer does not occupy that elevated position in society which his occupation justly entitles him to. He is looked upon as a being quite below the lawyer, physi cian, divine, artist, merchant's clerk.— To be a farmer is to be nobody, a mere clodhopper, a digger of bogs and ditches, end dung heaps, and free to wallow in the "free soil" he cultivates, provided he never seeks to elevate himself above that position in which the world calls "good society." Hence comes the de sire of "the boys" to escape not so much the drudgery of their employment, as from the idea that they are looked upon sand estimated as mere drudges. What blindness, folly, and false ph;l - is this! The result of these false promises is, that the "professions" are crowded to the starvation point; clerks not only go begging, but become beggars, or worse ; merchants are mul tiplied, and good old fashioned labor op pears to be going out of fashion. While we would give all due honors to professions, the farmer, who is the producer of all, both in food and raiment, that adds to the comfort and sustenance of the human family, need not feel below the occupations that gain their support from the folly, pride, misery and wick edness of their fellow creatures. If the aspirations of farmers were half as strong to elevate their sons ns farmers as it is to make them merchants or pro fessional men, or perchance loafers, we should soon be taught to look, to the Agricultural class fur the best bred, as well as for the best fed men in Ameri ca.--(Barmen's .ddlress. To Young Ladies. Who are the women that sow dissen sion in society—the tale bearers—the whisperers of scandal 1 The really well informed and accomplished 1 Those who enjoy the best books, love to rend aloud to their friends, luxuriate in high toned poetry—covet the conversation of instructed people, and are able to bear pert in it themselves 1 It is not neces sary to answer this question. It is un deniable that even sincere piety encoun ters a most formidable obstacle in the emptiness which has led to a habit of gossip and detraction, while an utter distaste to whatever is low and false, protects even the mere woman of the world from this class of faults. On whom does this life of care and trial fall soonest 1 On her who has made its every day frivolities her object, or on the stu dent of nature, of character, of books, whose thoughts have something on which to rest, little dependant on fortune, and not all on fashion 1 Who torment us by a petty, prying curiosity which has nev er been exercised upon objects of real interest 1 Who that knows how to val ue books, will be likely to run mad after dress and vulgar show.—.llrs. Kirkland. The Best Reecommendation. A youth seeking employment - in New York, on inquiring at a certain store, if they wished a clerk, was told that they did not. On mentioning the reccommen dations he had the merchant desired to see them. On turning over his carpet bag to find his letters, a book rolled out on the floor. "What book is that 1" said the merchant. is the Bible sir," was the reply. "And what are you going to do with that book in New York ?" said the merchant. The lad looked seriously into the merchant's face, and replied "I promised my mother I would rend it every day, and I shall do it," and burst into tears. The merchant immediately engaged his services, and in due time he became a partner in the firm, one of the most respectable in the city. Mississippi on a High Horse. The report of the committee on State and Federal Relations is now before the Senate, in which it is recommended to place $250,000 at the disposal of the government to be used in case Mississip pi is thrown on her reserved rights in the great contest between the North and South on the Slavery question. A contemporary respectfully reminds the sovereign State of Mississippi that there is a small balance of several mill ions of dollars due from her to certain creditors, a part of which her Legisla. ture has reputiated, but another portion simply stands over from year to year un paid, principal and interest. if she has any $250,000 to disburse in any way, we affectionately advise her to apply it "on account." !" ejaculated an anxious guardian to his lovely niece, as he en• tered the parlor, and•saw her on the sofa in the arms of a swain, who had just popped the question and sealed it with a smack—What's the time of day, now'!" "I should think it was about half•past twelve,'" was the cool reply ; "you see we are almost one." VOL XV, NO. 12. EARLY RISING.-A talented physician remarks that "Early rising is the stepping stone to all that is great sad good. Both the mind and the body are invigorated by the practice, and mnch valuable time is gained that is lost to the sluggard. It is the basis upon which health and wealth is founded. The ear ly morning is the best period for reflec• tion and study ; for it is then after re freshing sleep, that the mind is most vig orous and calm. The statesman, as well as merchant arrange plans for the com ing day, and all passes smoothly; while he who wastes his morning in bed loses much of the most valuable commodity in life—time—which is never regained. Early rising will often make the poor man rich—the contrary will too often beggar the wealthiest. It will do much towards making the weak strong ; and the reverse will enfeeble the strongest. Second sleep often produces headache and languor. There is nothing more true than that—' He that loses an hour in the morning is seeking it the remain der of theday." All of our greatest men have been early risers ; for instance— Newton, Franklin, Wellington, Shako peare, Milton, Reynolds, Hunter, El don, Erskine." A LONG SERMON HAD IN ITS EFFECT 3.-... A minister. having preached a very long sermon, as his custom was, some hours after asked a gentleman his opinion of it; he replied that '"Twos very good, but that it had spoiled a goose worth two of it." Court Affairs—April Term 1850. TRIAL LIST. FIRST trEEK. Joseph et al vs Martin Gates' Adm'r. John Loughry vs Geo W Mcßride. Jacob Goosehorn's exr's vs Cath Refiner's adm Chas. Dull vs Martin Walker. Daniel Brough vs Jas. Entriken. Allen, Wilson'& Co vs Martin Gates' adm'r. Jno Savage's Trustees vs Adam Houck. Same vs Jno P Sehneer. Same vs Piper & Aurandt. Matthew Garner's ex'rs vs Sebastian Keely Reed Goe for use vs Martin Gates' adm'r. Wm Harper vs Jas. Wilson. Jno Savage's Trustees vs John Fisher. Elias Hoover vs Daniel Teague et al. Wm. Welsh va Nathaniel Kelly. Matthew Garner's ex'rs vs Daniel Kjler. Ewing for Gates vs James Ewing. Lewistown Bank vs Hardman Phillips. D. N. Carothers vs Blair & Madden. James Ewing vs Ewing & Gates. SECOND WEEK. Joseph Gagnon vs Robert Miller. J E Thompson et al v. John W Swoops. John Wingard vs Jacob Brubaker. Sarn'l Ha rvey & wife vs John Potts et al. Reliance Trans. Co, for use vs Martin O'Friel et al. Dan'l Kurfman's adm'r vs Robert Speer. Thorn. Cissney vs Gideon Shearer. Nathaniel Kelly vs Anthony Murry & Co. McGill & Gratfius vs E F Shoenberger. Eli Walls vs James Walls. Robert Madden vs John Madden. Wm Filey vs Jacob Miller & Co. E F Shoenberger vs Elisha Shoenberger. Mitchell for Mcßurney vs Mitchell, Voce and Alexander. Jas. Wall vs Eli Wall. Harlin Q Harris vs Martin Gates'adm'r. Smith and Rhodes vs George Schell. Decor & Green vs Thomas T Cromwell. Abr. Cresswell vs Hardman Philips. Martin Gates' adm'r vs Owen Coplin, Christian Prough vs James Entriken. John Fetzer et al vs John List. GRAND JURORS. Shirley, John Brewster, Samuel Backus, Yno Potts, William Shure, Cass, Michael Bow man, John Stever ; Porter, William Christy, Alexander Stitt ; Dublin, Hugh Campbell ; Franklin, Benjamin Craine, John Ingram ; Walker, John Dean, John Hastings; Penn, Sol omon Fink, John Garner, Jr; Clay, Kenzie L. Green; Cromwell, Daniel Logan; Henderson, William Porter, William B Zeigler; Hopewell, Eli Plummer; Union, Zachariab Pheasant; Spi ingfield, William Ramsey; West, Thomas F Stewart; Jackson, John Smith. TRAVERSE JURORS. FIAST WEEK. Henderson, John Albright, Jacob Fockler, Thomas L States, James Saxton ; Barree, Ales. ander Bell, James Forrest, Wm Hughes, John Logan, James McCrum ; Warriorsmark, David Beck, jr, Ab Stevens, Wm Wray, Samuel Wil son; Clay, Wm Cunningham, Wm Cornelius, Jacob Gehrett, Geo D Hudson, Geo Hudson; Porter, Hugh Cunningham, Jacob Herncane, John Hewett, John Laporte, Daniel Piper, Charles Porter; West, Abraham Cresswell, Jacob Porter, John Thompson ; Spriuglield, John Duffy; Penn, Wm Dean, Abraham Speck; Cromwell, John Fowler, Fred Harman jr ; Tod, Geo Height; Walker, Patrick Lang, James Webb; Brady, John K. Metz; Dublin, Thos. W Neely; Jackson, Thos Osborne, Joseph Os born, Wm A Oaks, Robert Stewart; Morris, Benj. Sprankle ; Cass, George Smith, Caleb Swoope; Shirley, John W Withington. SECOND WILE West; Wm Armstrong, Nicholas Cresswell, John R Hunter, Adam Lightner, Wm Vande vender ; Tod, John Bumbaugh, Joan Gehrettjr. Charles Mickley; Barree, Robt Cunningham: Dublin, Wm Doyle, Atchison Hudson; Shirley, Peter Etnyre, Benjamin Lease ; Henderson, Samuel Friedly in., David Snare; Franklin, Wtr; Gardner, Hays Hamilton, Jacob S Matters, Da vid Matters, James Travis ; Tell, J. G Har per, Geo Wilson ; Casa, Geo Heaton; Walker, Geo Hawn, James Robb; Morris,Joseph Isen berg; Jackson Philip Kemp, Jno lOsburn, Sanel Stewart , (elder); Springfield, David Lena*: Brady, James Lane, Richard Plowman ; Penn, Samuel Reed ; Cromwell, Benjamin Rinker Porter, Wrn Sisaler.