Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 05, 1850, Image 2

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IIL TIX(DON, TUESDAf:-MH--5,7-ffla.
The "111/NTINCIDON .101..RNAT" ii published at
the following rates, viz $1,15 a year, if paid
la savanna ; 1r,42,9* if paid during the year, and
$2,50 if nut paid until after the expiration of
the year. The above tertni to be adhered to it,
all eases.
No subscription taken for levy than six months,
•nd no paper discontinued until nil arrearages
are paid, unle4s at the option of the publibhet.
rhte3" is dt s ,ferred fur Want of room,
until next wlek.
non. WM. 11..n.*A ten, will please accept citir
Munk. for a copy of his remarks relative to
grants of land to titmearian ciiles.
Cot. Cornyn, of the House and Messrs. Kfrig
slid' Cunningham of the Senate, will please ac
cept 900 thanks for far fiorn
. Space will not permit is to more than briefly
refer to our new advertisements this week.—'
Dr. J. P. Dosser offers his professional servi
nee .to the public. Dr. P. graduated with.hon
mr,ispossessed of acultivataiond naturally via
.orous mind, and. We hare, frequently heard corn- ,
-Petent judges speak in the most flattering terms
of his 'medical acquirements. Wnl' lUtnscaw
advertised hie Saddle and Harness Manufactory.
Mr. G. makes good work, is industrious, and of
course is bound to prosper. It will be seen by
a change in the advertisement, that.J. N. BALI:
Is associated with E. C. Suaisinari; tit the Car
riage end Wagon making business. hires M':
knuep advertises a Canal , Boat for sale. A.
G. Cr:arm:offers tbr Vale' a number of horses,
fa., on lqeinday next. The Executors of Mat
thew Garner offer valuable real estate for sale.
The County Treasurer advertises a sate of un-
Seated lands. Anaitor's notices aril ri number
of tavern license petitions will'also be fritnd in
advertising columns. •
Col. Cornyn's Speech.
. .
On the first and fawn pages of this papir.
will be found the Speech of Mr. Cornyn on the
•lectioil'ol Judges. The Pa. Telegraph pub;
lished this speeA, and paid its author the fol
lowing handsome compliment
irMr. Cornyn's !perch is en able one ; the
"thealatsst that has or w:11 be made on that-side
of the question. We appreciate his, posit ion as
a membar of the House, and hie arguments a
gainst the .change proposed ; for it must he ad
mitted, on all sides, thnt the election of .liidges
id an experiniera, which can only 'be test-.d by
a trial, and is a oherige from the views held by
the Conventional 1837, and the members of the
bar of Englan and of this Stnte, so radical, that
many may well fear to embrace it. •
But the' people following the example of New
York and some of the other Staten,' tipper, de
termined to try the experiment, and it la impos
sible to thwart their, Mr. Cornyn, in the po
sition he takes, has shown not only a patriotism
'but an independence liecoming a representative,
Of the people. which we believe will he pftiper
iyappreciated by his constituents. He is ter
no (awning • sycophant on thk - Miestion,
bat, only hesitates to rush upon untried ground."
TheCOnunittee Appointed to Cen
sure Mr. Hall.
. .
The • ComMttee appointed at the instance of
the Canal Commissioners, to censure the' Whig
State'Treastirer for redeeming,' the credit df the .
State, by promptly paying the Stare interest
without resorting to loam, is stilt continuing
Ili !shore et Ilarrisburg. Prom the outcry
made against Mr. Ball, by the Canal Commis
sioners and their Lecorbeo echos, the public
had a right to expect the disclosure of some
oObrrnous derilection "or duty on his yak.'
The 'Pa. Telegraph informs us that the as
Sounding facts disclosed by the evidenc'e, are,
that . the Messrs. Norris were paid a cer-'
tain draft at the Barrisburg bank; 'in fiinds Upon
'which they were obliged to submit to a loss of
three-eighths per cent., in the Way of exchange,
end that Masers. J. P. Anderson and Jenkins
were aubjecfed to delay in drawing the money
upon certain orders, one for a space of two
weeks, and the other for a epace of about six
weeks; while it .is also in evidence that the
long delay in cashing the latter, must ha i •e aris
en from the fact, that it was not again present- ,
ed at the Treasury, in the mean time, for pay
ment, and could not, therefore, have been soon
er paid. It will also be observed,, that both
Anderson and Jenkins depose, that they have al
ready drawn the full amount of the appropria-
Ilona to their divisions, far the fiscal year 1810,
though it does sot end until the Ist of May next.
NCITS of the facts. yet proved, establish any
thing like a deriier Goo of duty on the part of
Mr. Ball. The reason assigned for the delay,
4n every case, was a just and a proper one. It
wasiunirormly, either that there was so money
jn the Treasury at the time, or else that he did
tiot Wish to pay out the •old notes of the relief
*tie, which•he had been enjoined by an act of
the Legislature to cull in and cancel.
Counterfeit RelietNotes.
We understand a counterfeit of the denamina
tion of $2,. purporting tb be of the, re-issue of
the relief notes of the Farmers Bunk of Lances
ter, which is calculated to deceive those who
Are not; good judges of money. The engraving
Pftilescounterfeit is much coarser than that of
the genuine,. In the vignette of the genuine
ill, s column Rf smoke can be seen distinctly
curling: aver the roofs of the farm buildings.
This is not the cave in the counterfeits, Look
out for they), • . •
filoOn News.—A resolution has been offered
in the State Senate to adjourn sine the on the
We hope it will pass. The has
drod'daya w9H be upon the 10th of that month,
410004 iiityoilVbe reduced one half, and of
&IMO' Menttiere will disperea;
From our latest reports from Washington, we
are happy to observe that a better state of
feeling is beginning to manifest itself. Early
last week Foote, of the Senate, intimated that
unless something was done before Saturday last
to conciliate the South, <, eircumsttatees" of a
most terrible nature would - ocoV. And Clem
ens, of Ala., declared that ti the discusSion con
tinued until Saturday, ‘, it would not be jri
the power of moo to save the Union.. The
declarations of these traitors, however, are
treated 'ts ith about the same ccnsideration that
the prophecies of Father and his
pies received from sensible people. No atten
tion will be paid to their idle vaporing about
dissolution t• if they should attempt any overt
act of treason, Oen.. Taylor will quietly cause
theM to be arrested and hang, and the Union
wilt move on as if nothing had happened: •
In thi Ilotisci Mr. Tod:111;s, who was very In
•Camatory at the commencement of the session,
matte-quite a conciliatory speech the other day.
Mr. Dotty has given notice that he will intro
duce a bill in a feW 'for the admlssitin Of
California with her present boundaries. No
move has yet been made to enter upon the le
gitimafe tYdsinesii of the'Session.
The 14egislatures.
We have nothing of special interest from liar
risburg this week. 'Our usual. letter has failed
us. The. Bank bill was under disenssion during
: the mbst of the week; in the House. Forrest,
the tragedian, ti citizen of New York is at. Hai
asking our Legislature to grant him a
divorce from his wife. We think he had better
apply to the courts or the Legislature of. hisown
State. As Mr. F. is a gentleman of wealth, the
borers" at Harrisburg will doubtless tinder
takellis case, We see if they canbora hts
bill through both Ilotises.
Cot. t. J. us,Ei!, of Harrisburg, has
been Ypfiliinted by the Postmarrer G ,, neral, mail
ag,unt from ITerrisbur,g to McVeytown. We
congratulate friend Unger on 'his 'ilpiwintment,
and the department on making so good a selec
Col. U.' wag: One or the l'euii4lvania
volunteers in the war with Mexico, and served
with distinction is a Lientenaiit in the 'Ca'meron
Cr A duel was arranged between Col. Davis,
Senator from Miss., and Col. Bissell,
M. C. from Illinois, last week, in consequence
of some remarks made
,by the latter relative to
Elie battle of Buena Vista. Col. B. contended
that undue credit was claimed by the Mississip
pi ooliinieeri under command of Col. D. Set
, ondi vOere chosen, weapons and distance fixed
on, and all things ready for the fight on last Fri
day: happily, however, Gen. Taylor inter
fered, and succeeded in healing the wounded
~‘ honor" of the gentlemen, without a resort to
arms. Old Zack seldcim fails in anything Ile
Mr. Winthrap and his Enemieg.
The aboVe named gentleman, who, ever since
his election to the S.peakeiship by the Whigs
of the last Congress, has been the special object
of the abuse of diddings, Root, and their fellow
fanatics, rose in his seat the other day, and ad
ministered to these gentlemen a mqst. withering
rebuke. A Washington letter says t
The scene during Mr. Winthrop•s speech was
most Tire galleries were thronged
with art eager and attentive audience, and the
House were gathered in the centre of the Hall
intensely . listenin4. A pin might •have been
heard to ?all during the pines of his speech.
His excoriation Of Messrs. Root and Giddings
was . withering. The biter it may be recollect
ed, falsely cliarglid• hiM some two years ago,
with making A speech in Caucus in favor °Elbe
Mexican war. Though repeatedly denied, Gid=
dings insited upon reiterating it. When Mr.
Winthrop alluding, to the charg e, held up a bun
dle of lettet s 'from membersof Congress proving,
that he did not even attend the tatiCttl, , stal sha
liiiig them at Giddings, told hire eirpres
sion.of intense seem, ibnt he should not be per
mittedlo villify and bl:older him with iniv.inity
Secure of exposure, • even the Fidel face of the
gentleman irom Ohio" related, as he beheld
perhaps the ghosts of a deceived ; constituency,
opening their eyes lb his delinquencies. -
Mr. Winthrofr briefly declared biniself in faviar
of the policy of ten. Taylor, the admission of
California, and non•actton, with regard to , the
Territories: The annduneeinent. excited no
little feeling.
Gee. Taylor and the Disunionist&
• I3y the following extract froth a privatd letter
from . Washington, to the editor of the Lancaster
Tribune, it with beseen that Old Zack has warp
ed disunionist, in advance of what they may ex
pect front him, should they attermit to carry out
Their treasonable threets against the Union t
The PrOsident is very firm, and the Southern
members are in frill possession of his views.—
A committee of them inquired in an interview
with loin if he had expressed himself ready to
maintain the ITillon at any Cost. Ife teplied
that he bad- , --that he should - hlockadd evety
Southern port in case of an armed resistance to
the collecting of the customs—that he should
not interpose the regular Army, but should call
for volunteers from the Northern and Western
Stute', putting himself at their head, and should
pour out his Mood, if iteeditil; itt defence of the
Union. Ile is confident that the people of the
Southern States would themselves put down any
attempt to break forcibly out of the Union.—
When told that the Southe'rn mernbers would in
a certain contingency, secede and go home, he
quietly remarked that there would be enough
more goad men ready to their places.
Slavery Meeting in Philadelpitiai
The Lecofocos lately held a Union Meeting at
Philadelphia, and adopted resolutions going the
whole length in favor of the South and against
the North. These resolutions talk as impudent
ly ttbout Northern aggression, as if they were
written by the most ultra slaveholder in the
South. 'l , 6:h "base bowing of the krie . „ , to the
dark spiritof slavery" by men who claim to be
citizens of good old Pennsylvania, is degr'ading
to the last degree: There is a good deal of op
position, we learn, to this movement, among
the rank and fife Lacolocos of the vity and coun
ID.•The bank of Danville wits opened
for business on last toesday. The notes
of this institution will be kept at par in
Philadelphia, and redeemed at the Um
ard Bank. , •
The Slavery gaestionln the Peansyl-
ianta Legislature.
• The North American contains the Report of
the two branches of the Committee in the low
tionse of the State Legislature, to whom the
question of Slavery was referred.
These reports are very long and elubokate,
one is from the majority anti the other Nun the
minority. The North Ametican sari:
•That of the majority is from the pen of an
old politician, (Beaumont) and presents argu
ments, which, however disguised by plausible
sophistications, are such as reason reJolts from;
while at the samo tisie it inferentially, invites
to action , Whieh 'every freeman's /cdnlciencr ,
molt utterly Condemn.' The minbrify report
on the other band, embodies the true
vania doctrine—the doctrine which its 'Leais
lutbre and people have asserted constantly since
the foundation of the Commonwealth—and to
which all true and faithful Men within.the hoed
ets tif flip State are determined to adhere, not-
Vilthstanding the threats and menaces of mad
men. abroad. and the- miserable critging of ten homm
.The. minority report'which the North Amer
ican here td warmly endorses, instructs the
Senators and representatives- of Pennsylvania,
in Congress, to vote against the admission of
..Pterritory as a State into the Union, unless
the farther introduction of. Slavery or involon
tairserVitude, encept for the 'punishment of
-crimes whereof the party shalt have been duly,
couvieteily shall be prohibited, and , all children
born within the said territory, afterits adirds-
I .
Mon into file Union as s State, shall tie free, but
may be held to service until the age of 29 years.
RIOT IN Sr. Louts.-The St. Look Republi
.can of the 18th, states-that on the previoaa al
terniin, Leahey, the o Monk of La Trappe,"
.attempted- to lecture at Corinthian Hall on what
he designates , 4 an expose of Rombnism." A
crowd was assembled, and the friends df the
lecturer, upon sign.): disturbance beiti4 Made,
'drew - knives, pistols; Sic. A general riot being
immi'n'ent, the police hurried the lecturer out of
the room to a cab. The' crowd 'followed the
cab, hurling-missiles and breaking the windows
of the vehicle. The lecturer 'etcaped into the
cafice of Rev. Dr. Bullard; attached to the Ist
Presbyterian church. There he was kept in
safety 'till the excitement subsided. He was
- ftnallytaken back in Safety to his hotel. '
The Pacific Raifroad--A !legion*.
A company has been organized in St.• Louis,
and is about commencing operations, for a rail
road from St. Louis to Jefferson city, and thence
to some point to the western line of the Stale,
will, a view that the same may be continued,
I hereafter, westwardly to the Pacific Ocean.
Thus is commenced an• important link Odle
great railroad chain that is ultimately to unite
the Atlantic and Pacific ocean's, and the import •
once of the enterprize cannot be over-rated, It
is the first effort on the part of the people o'f
Missouri in the tattstruction of 'railroads, and
from their present zeal they seem anxious to
•Make up for previous indifference. • • •
The Great Question.
•It is diflienit to realize the face, ihrit,
ere the American Republic . has Ifdd tin
existence of three-fourtliii of a century,
'its representatives should be seriously
deliberating on the question whether the
Union shall be preserved or dissolved.—
It appears so unnatural, so monstrous,
to agitate such a question, that it can
hardly be believed possible, that this is
die business upon which the American
representatives are seriously engaged
There is every inducement to continued
harinony. The nation never was more
prosperous, nor was a brighter or more
glorious future ever presented to this or
any other country—and yet faction is
dissatisfied, and seeks to mar present
happiness and future prosperity by in
volving the nation in an unnatural and
bloody internal conflict. I3oasting that
we are the only free nation on earth,
shall tr.: give the lie to our professions
by destroying our institutions and cut
ting each other's throats? Shall we
"ery havoc and let'alipt.hc dogs of war"
among ourselves, bacanse each cannot
sway the legislation of the country to
the gratification of his OWD views?—
Were We tdadt so madly as to dissolve
the Union, well might we expect; and
richly should we deserve, that God
would punish us for our ingratitude, ant ,
make us a by-Word and reproach among
the peoplt of the ciarth-'—fOr if ever there
was a nation which had peculiar cause
for thankfulness to Providence, it is the
United States.—Clipper.
Laying of the Corder Stone of the Wash
ington Monument at Richmond.
RICHMOND, Va., Feb. 22.
The procession in honor of laying the
corner stone of the Washington Monu
ment in this city, was the largest and
most imposing ever got up here. Crowds
from the surrounding country, the mil
itary from Petersburg and Fredericks
burg were present, and joined in the
procession, which teas over one mile in
length. General Taylor was must en
thusiastically welcomed at every point.
He rode in an open carriage drawn by
four horses.
The Governor of the State, the mem
bers of the Legislature and other dig
nitaries were present. There was tt
slight snow in the morning, but it soon
cleared up, and we have delightful
weather. All passed off handsomely.—
The President ,made a beautiful and
chaste speech, befitting the occasion.—
Crowds of people pressed around him,
and his visit throughout was flattering
in the extrdrop:
• The President subsequently reviewed
the Cadets of the Virginia Military In
stitute, and afterwards participated in
the military festivities of the day. • It
watt.a day which will not soon be for
!gotten by patriot hearts.
Deplorable State of Affairs in Wash.
We are beginning to reap some of the bitter
fruits of the Mexican War and the acquisition of
more Territory. Our national Congress, in
stead as heretofore of meeting and legislating
for. the public interests, is now in a State 9f an.
archy. A large body of 'the members are lrOund •
to each other to resiSt all. legislation until their
sectional notions prevail. Disunion is daily ad
vocated in both ends of the Capitol. And seri
ous apprehensions are none entertained that blood
will fq 071 fie w 011, the fioqr of Congress This
deplorable state df thMis.; all Mutit,now admit,
is fairly harielitle to the Territorial acquisi
tion consequent upon the Mexican War. The
following extruct from the Washington corres
pondent of the North American, explains itself:
• .....
Wlrti Mr: Foote introduced his mo
tion yesterday, to refer his resolution
proposing territorial governments for
California, Deseret and New Mexico, to
a select committee of thirteen, he accom
panied it with a certain strain of men
ace and grave admonition, which de
serves some attention and which I fare
bore from noticing at the time, in ordor
to give bib the advantage of revising
his remarks. I find in the Union of this
morning the following passage. After
speaking of, the nedeSdity of immediate
action on the subject of .slavery; he
says: "So help me Heaven, if nothing
is done this week, there will occur Cir.;
cOmstances which, in my 'opinion, must
inevitably take place, the nature. of
which 1 will not more than allude to,
which will render all compromise im
practicable. I know the facts to which
have alluded." A plain translation is
easily made. Gov. Doty's resolution
inStructing.the Committee on Territories
to report a bill for the admission of Cal.
ifornia with her present constitution and
boundaries, will come tip on Monday,
& the scenes which occurred a fortnight
ago will be renewed under more aggra
vating circumstances. It is by rid Means
improbable that violence may be resor
ted to on that occasion, or that under the
influence of passion and irritation, scenes
may occur which may be attended With
the most lamentable consequences.—
Whatever may be the impression abroad
or however much a portion of the press
may labor to distort the facts, it is un
doubtedly trite that a large number of
inernbers in the House go armed, and
that may have been induced to prepare
themselves for a sudden contingency
who have heretofore abhorred the prac
tice of wearing concealed weapons. If
I was at liberty to tell all that I really
know on this subject, I could astound the
public with the disclosure of facts which
are hardly suspected even here, except
among the initiated. A deliberate plan
was formed only three . days ago, to pro
voke a personal rencontre on the floor,
and under circumstances which must
belie been followed with bloodshed. The
parties consulted, advised postponement,
and the scene was saved. Bia while this
disposition exists, and is encouraged by
being allowed to be the topic of Eonsul
tation, it is easy to see that a collision
may occur at any moment.
Excitement at Frederick.
SINGULAR CASE.—There has been con
siderable excitement at Frederick, Md.
in regard to the sudden death of a son
of Mr. George A. Cole. A correspon
dent of the tjagerstown Mail says
Alter being kept for the period of four
days; he was placed in Mr. Hart's vault,
in the Lutheran el'ave-yard, with the lid
of his 'coffin open, as there were very
seirous doubts. whether or not ho was in
a trance. 'His disease, the doctors say,
was the erysipelas, the only indication
of which was a small pimple on his lip,
causing much swelling, and of which,
in the short space of three days, he died.
Many persons have daily visited hiS re.;
main, and all express their doubts.—
Though in this state for more than two
weeks, his cheeks are as rosy and fresh
as *then in good health ; his lips, at first
so'ineWlmt blue, notv have a very natural
and life-like color, and his limbs are as
pliant as ever ; not having the rigidity of
death at all—his eyes are not at all sunk.
en, but natural as when in robust health.
There is not, as yet i the least appear
ance of decay, and no offensive smell.--
His parents visit him daily, to aseertalif
if any change has taken place, either
for better or worse. Though doctors
say he is dead, many persons in the
community doubt it. Doctors are not
infallible. He was fifteen or sixteen
years of age, fine looking and intelligent.
On Sunday ho was in excellent health,
enjoying himself with his companions ;
on Wednesday night lie was declared
a corpse. Such is life:
telcg,rephic despatch frOm New
Orleans, States that On the 21st alt:, the
decision in the great Gaines case was
'announced: The Court have. decided
against Mrs. Gaines on nearly every
point, dismissing her bill. The decis
ion was giv'en by Judg M'Caieb, of the
District Court s Judge M'Kinly With
ID-fion. William Strong, representa•
Live in congress from Berks county, has
published 'a letter to his constituents, in
which he announces his determination
not to be a candidate for ro•clecuon.
England there ore now, under
the care of Roman Catholic denomina
tions, six hundred and seventy-four meet
ingliouses, eight hundred and eighty
clergyman, thirteen monasteries, forty
one convents, eleven colleges, and two
hundred And fifty schools.
The America arrived at Boston on
Monday last. Her news had been pre . .
vioosly telegraphed from Halifax.
The English parliament had been op.
ened and ! the. Queen's speech de.kiveled,
and favorably received. Itlaments.the
death of . the .late Queep Dowager, and
speaks of being , 'at peace with all the
world"--congratulates the country on
the improved condition of commerce
and manufactures—regrets the difficid
tieS between the landed proprietors and
their tenants—recommends legislation
not deferred in the matter.
" In conclusion, her majesty hopes
and ,believes, that by cotnbining,liberty
with order--by preserving what is val
uable and amending what is defective,
the legidature will sustain the public
institutions as the abode and the shelter
of a free and happy people."
As anticipated from the movement re•
cently going on for the revival of the
protective duties on corn, an amendment
to the address from the houses of par•
!lament, was moved in the commons by
•Sir John Folope, and in tilt lords by Lord
Standhroolce. The amendment was to
the following effect :
" We rregret, however, to be compel
led huririblyto represent to your mnjes
ty that ih "many 'parts of the United
Itiligdom,ancl especially in Ireland, the
various classes oryour majesty's 'sub
jects connected with the cultivation of
the soil, are laboring under severe dis
tress, mainly applicable, in cir.opinion,
to recent legislative enactments, aggra
vated by the pressure of local taxation.
This amendment was lost in both Hou
ses by an overwhelming Majority. ,
Intelligence from Ireland is still more
heart-rending. Cultivation seems stag
nant, and traders more depressed than
in the first of her sufferings. The tide
of emigration to the United States has
again set, but unfortunately for the peo
ple this means is not left now to escape
from local tyranny and destitution. The
neighborhood of Liverpool has been vis
ited during the days of Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, with the most se
vere Storm encountered sine& 1839. The
loss of the S. P. Whitney, of New York
is reported to hive occurred in the gale.
Another expedition in starch of Sir
John Franklin has been resolved upon.
Ott Friday night; Lord John Russell
gave a full exposition of his views an
regard to general colonial policy, in tno-.
ving for a bill ttf regulate Australia. He
concluded his speech by station- the prin
ciple upon Which the colonial policy of
the governnient was founded were the
maimed:lnce of the free trade system to
the fullest extent.
FRANCE . . --Serious isturiance in Paris.
—On nod since Monday, Paris hits . been
in n state of siege in consequence of
series of disturbances created by the
mob of Rue St. Martin and St. Antoine.
The police authorities came to cut down
certain of the trees of liberty planted
during the revolution. From facts which
by the way, are rather conflicting', it
would appear that when- the order for
the destruction of these last earbleins of
the liberty of the French people werdis
sued, large cl'otvds gathered around and
decorated the'rii with various symbols of
and that the police, acting under
orders from the executive, proceeded to
cut thetn down.
Ll;TtsT.—Paris, Thuescin'y
The city is (pith The police are sta
tioned at such of the Trees of Liberty
as arc still standing-, and do not allow
loiterers to congregate there.
Great Union Meeting in New York.,
NEW YORK, Feb 25- 1 -10, I'. M.
'the Union meeting, irrespective of
party, at Castle Garden, to-night, is - a
tremendous aflitir. It is variously esti
mated that there are from six to ten
thousand persons assembled;
'The erecting was called to order by
Gen. Sandford.
Mayor Woodhull was unanimously
called to preside, assisted by a number
of Vice Presidents and Secretaries.
Gen. Scutt is present on the platform.
When he took his seat he was most en
thusiastically cheered.
Mr. Whiting and other's have addres
sed the meeting in most patriotic strains.
They favor the compromise resolutions
of Mr. Clay. Their text is , "The Union
must and shall be preserved." The sen
timents uttered elicit the most deafen
ing applause ; and the greatest unanimity
of feeling prevails.
At his residence in thin herein!), an Tuesday
the 9.6111 ult., Mr. SAMUEL STEEL, in the 81th
year of his age.
In Alexandria, Pa., on Monday the 25th ult.,
Mrs. EMzsneTn Mown, formerly of Northum
berland, Pa., aged 79 years. The deceased had
for many years been a member of the visible
Church of Christ, and by her exemplary life and
peaceful death, gave evidence, that although for
her 44 to live Was Christ, to die was gain." And
if, as we believe, she is now in the enjoyment
of that rest for which she sighed, how much be
yond finite conception, is her condition ameliora
ted. And if allowed to speak from her felici
tous repose, how would she entreat her rela
tives, acquaintances and all beneath the eon, to
strive with untiring assiduity, highest and ho
liest ambition and itrextinguishable zeal, for the
4 , inheritance incorruptible"--the kingdom ev
lasting—the crown imperishable and the glory
In this borough on the 27th ult., ABIGAIL
Swoops, daughter of Peter and Mariak C.
Swnnpe, aged .5 months And a' dais.
THE subscriber :offers for sale a Tide
Water CANAL BOAT, now laying
in the Canal at the first Lock above
Jackstown, which will bo disposed of
'owlet .CAMi.
Apply to TIIOIIIAS REAn,lEsq., Hun.
vngdon, or the subscriber in Cassville,
March 5, 1850,
Encourage_Your Own Mechanics.
WOULD respectfully, inform hi.
1 V V friends and the public at large, that
he continues the above business in
Mafn street, Huntingdon, nearly oppo
site the store..of Read do Son.
MI kinds of HARNESS, and SAD=
DL•ES of a superior kind, BRIDLES,
in short, every thing in his line oflti
siness, will be manufactured on the
shortest notice, of the best materials,
and as cheap, if not cheaper, that can
be had at any other establishment in
the county.
n is thankful far the liberal patron-
age already extended` to him, and hopes
by strict attention to bugiiiiiis to receive
a continuance of public favoi:
March- 5, 1850.
THE undersigned, Exe'enttire of ,thee
last will of Matthew Garner, late of
Penn township, Huntingdon county, dee'd,•wili
expnee to sale on the premises, by public Yen
due or outcry. on Saturday fAs 3tA day of
April next, at 3 o'clock P. M., eight or nine
town- I to, situate in the village of Metklesburg,
on said township and county.
Tvites--Orte-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of stile, and the residue
aia months thereafter. Attendance given by
March 5, 1850,
qll-1E undersigned appointed by the
I Orphan's Court, Auditor to eacer
tein liens or debts against the eatate of Charlie
13iutherline, dee'd, and the amount of the inter
est due from said estate to the adminietrator of
Elizabeth firotherlinr,dec'd, and to apportion the
bilance to, and among the heirs of the ash!
Charles Brotherlino, dec d.. will attend for that
purpose at his office in the borough of Flpntinf.don on Saturday the 30th day of March Obi t,
at I o'clock P. M. when and where all pew*
interested can attend.
Marc!) 5 1E50,' Anduor
subscriber will sell at public sale, to the
highest bidder, iu the borough of Hunting
don, on
.11onday, the 11th day of March,.
at 11:: o'clock, the following personal property,.
to wit
Eleven 4etts• of Horse Gears,
1 Six-horse Wagon, bed and cover,
1 Six hw•ae wagon and bed,
I six horse wagon, 2 two horse wagons, 3 cost
beds, 3 ore beds, all tools necessary for a Fur. ,
nace in blast, with a variety of other articles..
The property is in possession of R H McCoy,
EN:, of liontingdon, to' whom purchasers are
referred.. , A. G. CURTIN.
March 5 . , 1850
AVING located himself in Huntingdon, re
-1 l spedtfully begs leave to offer his profed•
sional services to the citizens, and vicinity.
Office in the new Brick Row, nearly oppotife
the Court House.
HtmtirtgdOn, March 18.50.
fhb the heir. and legal rep esentativea of Al ,
exander Ramset , late of Bpringfichl town.
chip, Huntingdon county, deceased :
You are hereby notified that the Orphan.'
Court of said county did ot January Tern, :last,
grant a rule on you to come into said Court on
the the first day of April Term (2d Monday d
pril) next, and accept or refuse to take the nett
estate of the Alexander Remasy, deo'd, at
the valuation thereof ; When and where you may
attend for that purpose if you think proper.
M CROWNOVER, bhorift:
March 6,1.850-4 t.
Auditor's Nirtice.
rrEE , undersigned. appointetlAuditor by tiff!'
I_ Orphans' Court of fluntingrit n county, to
marshal the assets, &c., itr the hands ofJona
than Eli., Administrator of Lena Erase, rite
of Tod township said county, deceased, hereby
notifies al persons interested in' said estate, that
he will attend for the said purpose at his office
in Huntingdon, on Saturdey the 30th day of
March init., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
Ili ntingdon, March 8 , 1850. Auditor.•
To the Honorable Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions, &c., of Hunting:
don county, Fie April Term, 1850,
• The petition of A. Carmen, of the borough. of
El untingclory, respectfully represents i• That tte
is desirous of continuing to keep a public honer
of entertainment Millet old and established stand
where ho now'resides ; that he is provided witty
ell necessary conveniences for the accornmoda,
lion of sit angers end travelling,. Ile therefore'
prays your Honors to gr&nt him a liceri•se, and he'
will ever pray, &c. A. CARMON.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough.
l of Huntingdon, in said county, do certify that
tavern or house of entertainment at the above
mentioned stand is necessary for she accommo.
dation of the public avid to er fermi* Wears'
and travellers; that tito petitioner ahove'narned,
is a man of good repine for honerttf and temper
ance, and is well•protiaed with house room and
other convertiented for the accommoJation Of
the public anJthe entertainment of strangers' and
James Clark, W Rothrock, John Ar
mitage, John N Prowell, C.Couts, David
Colestock, George A Steel, D Nerving
ham, Thomas S Kyler, T B Miller, WTI'.
Liam Johnston, W B Z eigler, John Flan