Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 26, 1850, Image 4

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    Ashes and Lime for Plum Trees.
Ftiend Reed :—II have in my garden
a plum tree, which for three or four
years past, has borne very full ; but
not until this year has one of the plums
been sound.
They all were bored, or rotted, and
fell from the tree before they were ripe.
Two or three other plum trees, of a dlr.
erent kind, which have borne less, shared
the same fate. Last year, a young tree,
which stood near an ash leech, and
which had never borne before, produced
a solitary plum, and that was sound.—
This suggested the idea that its preser
vation sVas owing to the ashes which
had been scattered around the roots of
the tree. Following out this hint thus
given, I last spring spread ashes and
lime with manure and salt, around all
my trees. The result has been, that
they have all borne this year more than
usual, and most of the fruit has been
sound. The result I ascribe, in part, to
the ashes and lime. The same, I find,
is recommended by 'An Old Digger.'—
And the conclusion is obvious, that al
kali enough will destroy the young in-.
sects as they lie burrowed in the ground
or attempt to emerge from it in the
spring. If in this way sound plums
can he raised, it will be found a very
easy way. Let some of your readers
try the experiment and note the result.
S Canaan, Ct., Oct. MO.
The Blues.
The editor of the Bangor Mercury,
who writes with a great deal of common
sense on all subjects, gives the following
proscription fora fit of the blues, wheth
er indigo or otherwise :
" They are oftentimes the creatures of
habit, and live only by toleration. Bad
digestion, a cloudy day, a fit of senti
mentality, begets them, and then, like
spirits of ill omen, they flit around us,
an invisible web, to check our progress.
But a magic word dispels them ns the
crowing of the cock does the spectres
of the night. An old gentleman once
told MC that he had made a discovery,
which had been for many years of infi- -
nite value to him, and that was that Blue
Devils never ride on horseback. So•ynu
will find, my friends, they never go on
a brisk walk—they never visit gymna
sium—they play ❑o w , cket or foot ball--
they never read Charles Lamb. or Theo
dore Hook or Tom Hood. They may
saunter along with you beneath the sol
emn elms, or through the quiet walks of
the cemetery—they will bend with you
over the pages of Byron, or Bulwer—
they may inspire your solitary musings
anywhere. But act ion—resolve—soc:. ,
ety—eage•—pursuit—healthy, vigorous
throught—all these are enemies, and
from these they will always fly."
si What do you ask for this article 1"
said Obadiah to a modest young Miss in
one of our shops.
Fifteen shillings, sir, it is a superb
"You are a "little dear," are you not!"
said Obadiah.
Why, all the young men tell me so,"
she replied, dropping her eyes and blush
ing. Obadiah came straight away.
The ./Inglo-Saxons have Come ..Igain !
THE Public are respectfully informed
- trz us. *arton
hive just received the largest and beet aesort
ntent of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, comprising all the
various articles generally krpt at other stores,
with the addition of a great many articles nev
or offered fur sale in this place. Their stock con
sins of
Sattinette, Vestings, Tweed cloth. Kentucky
Jeans, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors,
Tattle Diaper, Muslinv, Calicoes, Gtnghnme,
Mouslin de (nines. Cashmeres, Merinocs,
Alpecas, Silks, Mull Jncconet and
Cam‘tria Muslins, Linen Cambric,
Silk ar.d cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture check & ca 'Mom gloves,
Shawls awl Trimmings.
Alen's and Bob,' hoot,, and Shoes,
Cloth and Glazed cap, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets,
They have also an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and Q ueensware,
'they have a lot of Bonnets of the very latest
style. They have also a great variety . of Cedar
Ware, such as 'Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all
kinds. SALT, FISH, and PL STER. All
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
be bought at any other establishment east of the
They are determined to sell off their old stork
of Goods at and under cost. Look out fur bar
gains !
- Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
PRIV VIE Xellooll.,
VOR the Intellectual and Moral training of
I young person. and children of both Metes.
kept by J. A. LL, in the now Academy
building, Huntingdon, Pa.
The fall seafion will commence on MONDAY,
Tug Bco Don ON OCTOBAR, INDY. For par.
Coulon apply to the Teacher.
Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A.
M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W.
B. Zeigler, Hon. Johr Kerr, Maj. D. MeMor
trie, Hon. George Taylor, and James Clark.
GOLD PENS, with diamond points and sil
ver handles, can be had at Father Time's
°lice for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a
thunk it T NEFF & MILLER.
APRIME article of Black Tea, Young fly
son, Imperial and other Teas, just opened
Novernber 27, 1949.
Of Huntingdon County from the 6th day
of January A. D. 1849, up to, and in
eluding, the 10th day of January, A.D.
1816 Samuel R. Beni, Henderson $l2 59
ja'mes Hampson, Union 14 47
Charles Cowden, Barree 287 06
John Zentmyre, Franklin 286 71
1817 J H Stonebreaker '' 70 00
John Anderson, Penn 90 79
William Ramsey, Springfield 6 66
' George May, Tell 116 07
1818 John S Miller, Barree 420 39
Joseph T. King, Brady 61 20
4 Daniel' Logan, Cromwell 236 4,1
Conrad Cur(man, Cass
' Arch. McNeal, Claw 9O 57
' William Harper, „Diiblin 214 02
, John Conrad, Franklin 212 05
' John Flenner, Henderson Si
' Abr'm Bumbaugh, Hopewell 2 53
' D S Bell, Jackson 427 54
' Joseph Law, Morris 226 -14
' William M'Garvey, Shirley 387 5.1
1 R Madden of H. Springfield 86 97
' Samuel Burilge, Tell 70 55
' Mord. Chilcote, Tod 180 35
' Levi Smith, Union 68 2.5
' Vincent Stevens, Werriorsmark 174 24
' Samuel Ewing, West lO9 87
. - . .....
' Peter Thompson, Walker 151 SCI
1810 John Stewart, manor Barret) 332 12
' Joseph M'Cracken, Brady 420 15
' John Stever, Ca. 157 00
' Michael Stair, Cromwell 213 12
' Daniel Curfman, Clay 56 00
' James Neely, Dublin 218 00
' Daniel Conrad, Franklin 841 OD
' Will. L Snyder, Ilendersob 1 . 225 5!1 .
' Daniel BuMbatigh jr. Hopewell 130 00
' John Jackson, Jackson 032 84
John Davis, :Morris
g Abr'm Speck, Penn 439 87
' Alexander Stitt, Porter 1098 17
' 13:enjarnin Leas, Shirley 393 92
c Jacob Baker, Springfield 50 00
' David Heckadorn, Tell 110 00
. Henry Elias, Tod, 105 00
g Jacob 11 Miller, Union 150 00
1 John Thompson jr., Warlter 501 53
g Peter Grazier Esq., Warriorsmark 758 50
' George Wilson, West 1056 07
Amount of money loaned the County
by Daniel Neff 500 00
Same by William Orbison, Esq. 605 70
Amount ofbonds given to the follow
ing persons for bridge orders held
by them, and deposited in the coun
ty Treasury receipted, viz :
Bond to James Entrekin
William Walker
John R Giasnell
William Orbison, Esqr.
Amount received of I). Snare, Esq.,
balance of Judgment of Hunting
don comity vs. henry Harker, &c.
County tax on unseated lands
Road '
AI Crownover, Esq., Sherif f 's fines
and Jury fees of ISIS
Same of ISIS
Amount receilted of James Steal,
Esq., purchase money of old Court
House and Jury fines
Amount of redemption money on un
seated lands received since last set
tXpend iture's:
Attorney General and others on crimL
inal prosecutions $ 181 ff'S
Grand and Traverse Jurors, Cryer,
Tipstaff, &c. 3146 38
Constables making rlturns, adverti
sing Spring Elections,notiees, &c. 261 64
Assessors 467 00
Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of
Elections 589 60
Sundry persons premiums oh wild
cats and fokes • 286 00
Road and Bridge viewers 211 00
Inquisitions on dead bodies 34 62
Commissioners, Daniel Teague in full
of 1818 12 50
" Robert Cummins 43 00
" Same in full of 1819 27 08
" Joshua Greentand in'
full of 1818 13 50
" Same on account of
1819 76 50
" William Hutchison
in full of 1818 21 00
Auditors, L G Kessler 6 00
" James Gillam 9 00
" William Ramsey 12 00
J Smyth Read in full as clerk to'Com
missiohers for 1818 175 00
John [feed Esq., on acemmt of his
salary as counsel to Commission
ers for 1819 30 00
Jane Keim Washing for couhty pris-
oners 20 00
Mary Gibson for sweeping and scrutp ,
ing the C H 23 00
David Snare, Esq., costs before him
on proceedings to collect licences 2 01
Alexander Carman for building coal
79 00
John 'Carr and Jacob Fockler furnish
ing wood to Jail 83 00
John Scott jr. auditing accounts of
Prothonotary, Register and Re
_ _
corder for lei Ft 15 00
J J Clyde, furnishing blank assess-
ments V 7 37
David Blair, Esq.,professionsf servi
ces rendered the county in cases of
Huntingdon county vs Michael
Bossier, &c., 2D 00
John S lsett and Henry Butts, seen
curin.° timbers of Bridges taken
away by the flood of 1817 21 00
John Shaver, Esq., interest on a
bridge order paid by him and in his
possession 30 00
George Jackson, boarding Jurors in
the case of Commth vs Henry Hel
fright 25 00
W H King care and attention given
to Court house
6 00
M Crownnver, Esq., Sheriff, quel
ling insurrection of Irish and oth
ers near Birmingham, allowed by
the Court /00 00
William Dorris Agent of 1 .0 Smith
ground rent 4 00
oe B Wallace F.sq., postage 3 13
Tarlac Nell, Treasurer, for blank book 2 00
W B Zeigler, cook stove &c. for Jail 39 31
11 Zimmerman, for election boxes 2 50
T T Cromwell Esq., Road Damages
—laying out a State road through
his property
Jacob Miller Esq., for making a gen
eral index of papers in Register's
office &c., by direction of Court
Common Pleas
Theo II Cremer F.sq., Prothonotary
and Clerk Q S, fees and furnishing
atationaay for the courts &c. lit 42
Sundry persons refunded taxes and
costs of lands sold at Treasurer's
Sundry Supervisors, road tax on un
seated lands
Sundry School Treasurers school tax
on unseated lands
Sundry persons for merchandize for
Court House and Jail
Interest paid State Treasurer on
State Tax
Dr. J B Luden, medical att. to coun
ty prisoners 26 50
J & W Saxton and others for coal 123 25
County printing, James Clark 136 50
William Lewis 82 00
Whittaker & Raymond 2 00
W K Rham and Henry Myers,relay
in3 carpet in the court house, &c. 30 16
Henry Myers, cutting firewood &c. 22 96
Sundry persons for repairs to Jail
and court house
John Robertson On account of
bridge at Drake's Ferry
1 J and 0 Conlin in full of bridge a
-1 cross Raystown branch, near
James Entrekins 453 00
Same in full of bridge at Graysport 155 00
William Walker, in full of bridge
at Alexandria
Aaron Stains, in full of bridge gloms
Aughwick creek, Cromwell tp
S P Wallace and George Patton,
on account of Bridge at Union
39 10
James Entrakin, in full of bridge
at Vandevanders
John M'Combe, in full of bridge
across crooked creel;
Alexander Carman and Eli Harris,
In full of bridge at Barree Forge 829 30
James Burke, ih full of bridge
across the little Juniata river,
near Daniel Bruns, Frankstown
tp., now Blair county
Ell Harris, on account of bridge
across Aoghwich creek, Shirley
township 75 00
Samuel Shell, filling up abutment
of bridge near James Entrekins 30 00
John Donelly same ao 00
James Steel Esq., late ProtYy, costs
on sundry suits of Com'rs vs delin
quent collectors &c.
M Crownover Esq., Sheriff, for sum
moning Jurors, boarding prisoners,
and cohteying convicts to the Peni
tenfiary for the years 1818 and 'l9 822 86
Same, amount paid by him for pump
at Jail &e. 30 00
Same, for cleaning rooms for prisoners 16 00
By ain't of note of M Crownover Esq.,
Sheriff, balance due the county for
moneys collected by him, the same
being charged to the Treasurer
By balance due Treasurer at last set.
Sundry persons, reilempatm Money of
tihSetit'ed Inds sold by Treasurer $O 61
Treasurer's commission on $30,761 95
at 1i per cent.
Balance in the Treasury
210 38
900 00
629 20
894 21
10 97
91 17
91 63
56 83
In testimony of the correctness of the above
account, we have hereunto set our hands this 11th
day of January, A. D. MO,
Attest, J SMVED READ, Clerk.
20g Cfo
213 00
186 00
We the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon
county, do hereoy certify, that we have exam
ined the orders of the Commisrioners of said
county, and the receipts for the same for the
past year, and find a balance in the Treasury of
eighteen hundred and thirty-six dollars and sec.
enty-five cents.
Given under our hands this 1 lth day of Janua
ry, A.D. 1850.
February sth, 1850.—t Auditors..
19862 36
County rax:
List of outstandibg balances dile 9th January
2850, by :he following Collectors:
1810 S Robinson, Allegheny $466 33
1816 Charles Cowden, Barree 29 01
' Jacob Kough, Porter 352 08
1817 Lemuel Green, Cass 17 46
' Thomas W Neely, Dublin 20 00
' J H Stonebraker, Franklin 181 39
' William B. Smith, Jackson 21, 58 -
1818 Daniel 3 Logan, Cromwell 39 63
' Conrad Curfman, Cass 3 00
' fain Conrad, Franklin 187 90
' William M'Garvy, Shirley 131 71
6 Robert Madden of H, Springfield 28 40
' Mordecai Chilcote, Tod 39 50
' Levi Smith, Union 9 60
1819 fJohn Stewart, manor,Barree 488 42
' John Stever, Cass 53 22
' (Daniel Curftnan, Clay 126 41
' (Michael Stair, Cromwell 132 68
4 flames Neely, Dublin 10.0 76
' Daniel Conrad, Franklin 298 49
' tpanielßumbaugb jr., Hopewell 261 51
' •.lohn Jackson, Jackson 85 95
' fJohn Davis, Morris 405 79
' t Benjamin Lean. Shirley 505 98
' (Jacob Baker,Springfield 106 04
David Hec kadorn, Tell 87 03
' "'Henry F.lias, Tod 205 67
' •Jacob H Miller, Union 9 45
' fJohn Thompson jr., Walker 167 15
' •Peter Grazier FAT., Warriorsmark 93 06.
' tGeorge Wilson ; !rest 268 14
$4835 44
• Since paid in full. I Since paid in part.
WM. HUTCHISON,} Com'rsr.
THANKFUL to the citizens of Huntingdon
I and its vicinity for their increased custom,
we again request their company to view our large
and splendid assortment of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and sin
gle pieces, chiles of Glass, China, or Ston e
Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
less than they can be had elsewhere—
In greater variety than ever before offered in the
FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap.
We would invite any person visiting the
city to call and see us—they will at least be plea
sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to
view the finest chins and the eheape4 the world
Very respectfully.
No. 219 Chestnut Street.
Phila. Sep. 25, 1849.-Iy.
A FINE assortment of Violins, Elates,
cordeons, Banjos '
Musical Bones, &c., with
Preceptors for each instrument ; for sate at
Father Time's office.
Nov. 6,'49. NEFF & MILLER.
111 56
353 50
00 02
PO - 63
20 00
of Bristol.
Who was pronounced incurably fixed zn
the last stage of Pulmonary Con
sumption, by two skillful Phy.
39 40
30 00
Mr. Johnson was rescued from death's door
by the use of Schneck's Pulmorfic Syrup—hav
ing been prostrated all winter, His civic wad
witnessed by several of the most respectable
citizens of this state. whose names are append
ed to his certificate. need f Read I and be con
vinced that Schneck's Pulmonary Syrup is the
only certain Cure for Consumption.
59 62
1104 00
Bristol, Burks ootinty, Prs.
Sept. 21, 1849.
Da. J.B. SCIINtCIC, —DearSir,—l am induced
from a sense of justice towards you, as well as
duty to the public, to Make known one of the
most hopeless end extraordinary cures, in my
own person, that you have ever had the pleasure
to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to por
tray, in truthful colons, my constrinin'g disease,
and the remarkable chance which Schneck's
Pulmonary Syrup effected In so short a time.
I was taken some time previous to December
1 1898, with a heavy cold, producing incessant
coughing, accompenied with acute pain in the
right side, pains in the back, under the right
shoulder, having heavy night sweats, high fevers
!Lc., which made me so nervous and restless as
to ptoduc.r utter prostration. AII these afil:ctions
increased with such violence, that on the 4th of
January last I eent for my family physician. He
attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thing
I that medical skill could suggest, but without of
' feet. I fouhd myself gradually growing armee,
and my hopes of recovery lessening as my dis
ease increased. My cough became distressing ;
my pains severe; and, extremely debilitated, I
lost all ambition in life, and gave up to a melan
choly depression. My physician examined me,
and informed me I bail an alums on the upper
prat of my liver and loWer port done of my lungs.
Notwithstanding all this skill, I grew worse, but
with that tenacity with which we all cling to life,
I concluded to have nothing undone, and called
in a consulting physician, who fully concurred
with my own, and pronounced my case an ex
tremely critical one. He thought I was in im
minent danger--saying my disease "was one ilia
to seldom if ever cured." All this time I was en
during sufferings that made life burdensome ; ex
perlencing great pain in coughing ; expectora
ting from a pint to a quart of rianceous matter
every 24 hours, and gradually sinking under the
weakning progress of my disease. At this stage
of my Elites!, my friends in Bristol suggested
the use of Schneck's Pulmonic Syrup. but know
, ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur
pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes
! iteted. My friends, however, insisting, I was
prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced
taking the Syrup about the first of March, and
used several bottles before I had any confidence
in it. I then began to experience a charge for
the better, and continued it till I had consumed
I ten bottles, when I Nion • so far relieved as to be
able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. He
examined me, and pronounced my right lung af
fected, but in a healing con lition. He recom
mended the further use of the Syrup, which I
continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found
myself once more restored to he a l t h. I w ill
ther add, that the conen4ting physician, seeing he
action of the medicine, fully approved its use,
1608 11
'7OO 00
600 00
12 63 20
349 00
44/ 50
75 63
ISS 92
571 60
551 IS
1836 75
$19,662 36
rev give the reader some Wei; of the severity
of my case, and the rapid cure affected by the
Syrup, I will stale that my usual weight in
health was 177 pounds, which was finally re
duced by my sufierings to but 121 pounds. Yet,
on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh
ed 174 pounds, thus gaining in a few months 53
pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest
weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the
short space of this certificate, the convincing
proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particulars
of the agonizing afflictions through which I have
passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to
ca ll on me, et Bristol, opposite Pratt'. hotel, I
shall take pleasure in detailing every particular.
In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon
every person who may have the premonitory
symptoms of this fatal disease, not to delay one
hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately.
His skill in the treatment of this complaint, and
prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs
by means of his Stethescope, added to my own
miractf ous cure, fully satisfies me, that had I ear
lier submitted myself to his care, I should have
escaped much suffering ; but restrained by doubts
and suspicion, which make us all naturally skep
tical in regard to the virtues of a medicine when
first introduced. I resisted the importunities of
my friends till almost too late ; and yielded only
as a last resort, resolved to 'r kill or cure." To
those afflicted as I have been, again let me say,
hesitate no longer, my own case is presented Id
yoc as convincing evidence, that when all else
finis your last hope it in Dr, Schneck's Pulmonic
Syrup. I have also for the satisfaction of those
who may be strangers to me, appended to this cer
tiacate the names of gentlemen well known in
the walks of public and private life, and whose
standing in society admits of no cavil or doubt in
regard to their testimony.
We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and
vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson,
and know hint to have been afflicted Oa he states
strove, We also know that he used Schneck's
Pulmonic Syrup, amt have every reason to be
lieve, that to title medicine he owes his preserva
tion from a premature grave. The known in
tegrity and posi'ion in society of Mr. Johnson
however is a sufficient guarantee to the public of
the troth of this statement.
LE wra T. PRATT, Prares Hotel.
CHESTER STURDE sirirllT, Coal dealer.
JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant.
JAMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the
Presbyterian Church.
S. li HOLT, Hotel, Burington.
JAMES R. SCOTT, Book agent.
A. 1,. PACKER, Cnal agent.
WISTAR C. PARSONS, at E. Roussel'a
Laboratory, 44 Prune street, Philadelphia,
. -
11restol,Septem6er 24, 1849.
Prepared and sold by J. H. Schneck at hie
Laboratory S. E. Corner of Coats & Marshall
Ste. Phila. and by
'P. K. Simi...N. Huntingdon.
G. IL STEINZII, Waterstreet,
8-raraxit & Mt:WILLIAMS. Spruce Creek.
Moose. & Swoorn, Alexandria.
KESSLER & BRO., Mill Creek,
sad by agent. generally throughout the United
Price $l,OO per bottle, er $5,00 per half doz.
N0v.20, 1849.-Iy.
(MtU.= ap (354:raft co as
AGENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
oppositethe Post Office, Huntingdon,
November 27, 1819.
Inot now very generally expected, atillgreat
I excitement has recently been produced in
Huntingdon by the arrival of a most eplendid
assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
at the old and popular stand of
CES. coo az) . aer •:sKr f 1 Eva 0
Market Square, Huntingdon,
His stock comprises Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, eutlery,Caps, Shoes, Boots, Muffs
Umbrellas, Bonnets, &r. He has a splendid as
sortment of French, English and A merican
Cassinets and deans in great variety. Also,
Ready•made Clothing, of all kinds,
A carefully selected variety of Silks, Merinos,
Alpacces, Cashmeres, Delaines, Prints,
ilibbons, Lett*. &t.
as well as carry variety of
Ladies Dress and Trimming Goads
All of which will be sold at prices to codgete
with anything in the place, as he is determined
that no one ea'n or shall undersell him for cash
or npproOed country produce.
Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at
low prices, ate respectfully invited to call soon
at his store where they will find the shove fully
verified. GEO. G~VI'IV.
Huntingdon, October 9, 1849.
Chair and Furniture
'Q;Zi'clanuatal - 12. ca) ca) Gs 8
Up Staffs above Peter Skoope's Store
and lgherdt Croknover's bffice, and three
doors east of , McKinney's Hotel.
TIIE undersigned has again corn
menced the above business in all its
, fairies branches, and is now pre
(, pared to accommodate all who nay
favor him with their custom on the
most reasonable terms.
lie intends keeping on hand all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURIIITUR.E, from common to
the:mast fashionable sty 'c, and made in the most
durable manner, which he will sell low for cash
or country produce.
_ _
• ---
All kinds of Lumber token in exchange for
Chars or furniture.
COFFINS Will at all timos be kept on hand;
nr, d funerals attended in town, and shortly in
town and country, as lie is getting a splendid
Heron made for the accommodation of the public.
Henna AND SIGN PAINTING attended to as
Huntingdon, October 30,1849.
For the Purchase and Sale of
THE undersigned, believing that an
Agency of this character would be
an accommodation and an advantage to both the
purchaser and'seller of Real Estate, has conclu
ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon.
All business of this kind entrusted to him, and
all communications sent to him, will receive his
prompt and diligent attention. He will adver
tise when requested, either in his own name or
in the name of the owner, as may be desirable,
in one or both of the newspapers of the county,
and in any other newspaper that may be desig
nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and
sellers, and communicate between them:
A full and minute description of the property
—its improvements, supply of water, conveni
ence to markets, schools, churches, and the terms
of sale, must accompany the request of any per
son who wishes his real estate advertised or of
fered for sale ; and some description, as definite
as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of
the premises desired to be bought, must be giv
en by those who wish to purchase.
All communications relating to the business
of this Agency will be confidential it' desired.
The sabscriber is in communication with a
similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be
able through it to bring property offered for
sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun
ty purchasers.
0:7 - Postage must be paid on all letters sent.
P. S.—Several desirable properties are now
offered for sale. For further particulars inquire
of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR,
Attorney at Law.
Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1819.
The Girard Life insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of Fhhiladelphia.
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street
Capital $300,000.
i'ION'fINIJE to make Ineurances on Lives on
%..) the most favorable ierms, receive and eleetate
Timms and receive deposits on interest,
The (.4 pital being paid up and invested, to
gether with accumulated premium fund. error&
a perfect securilll to to the insured. The pre
mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated peri
ode to the insurances for life. This plan of in
surance is the most approved of, and is more
generally in uee, than wry other in Great Britain,
(where the subject is best understood by the peo
ple, and where they have hod the longest expe
rience,) aseppears from the fact, that out of 117
Life insurance Companies there, of all kindo, 87
are on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropriated in Deems.
ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cenr.on the sum
insured under the oldest policies; to 8 3-4 per
cent, 7 1 - 2 ?er seat., &c. &c. on others. in pro
portion to the time of standing, making en addi
tion of $100; $87,60; $75, &c. &c. to every
1,000, originally insured, which is an average of
more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid,
and without Increasing the annual payment of
tho company. _ . _
The oPerition of the BONUS will be seen by
the following examphsfrom the Life Insurance
Register of the Company. thus:
. I Atut.ofpol.and
Policy Insured. Bonus or bonus payable
Addition at the party's
No. 58 \ $l,OOO
„ 89 2,500
„ 205 , 4,000
„ 276 2.000
„ 333 5,000
Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and
esplawittione of thesubject; forme of application
and further information can be had at the office,
gratis, in person or by letter, addressed to the
Pt esident or Actuary.
B W. RICHARDS, Preaident.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
May 8, 1849.•1y
I'ron pale et the Cheep Store of
I: Oat 16,'49.J GEO GWIN
Greatest Variety In Town.
For the accommodation of all who are fond
(6 , so 10 %wan • c ,
LOUIS SCHNEIDER, reepectfully inform.
his friend. and the rublic generally, not
only in the boreugleof Huntingdon, but through•
out the county, that he bas just completed his
errongement's foi 04.e:teen by being prepared
to accommodate the wants of the people, frog
tottering old age down to the equalling babe.—
To be brief: he continues the BAKERY, and'
has always on hand
of all kinds. fief...leo a very extensive as ,
sortmcnt of
which ho will sell wholesale and retail. Also
all kinds of
RUlrr an& NUTS,.
and a very large aSsotttneht of
Kl a 'aprZio
lie has also a very good supply of superior brand''
A Iso•
Tea, Cafie, Svgar ' ss
Cheese, Crakherries, Ha.
Crackers, 4.e.
Spices of all kinds.
Sperm and tallow Candles, Soap, and an assort
ment of Perfumery.
He In of all limes prepared to furnish his tabled
with Presh Oysters, done lip in tilt hest and
most palatable style. at. the sheetest notice. His
rooms are crimfortably fitted up tttr the accom
modation of Ladies and gentlemen.
Thankful for past favors, he hOPer! by strict
attention to the Wants of all ages, to merit a
continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1849.
Venetian Blind Itlanufacturer,
Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 &
143 South 2d Street, below .Dock St.,
KEEPS always on hand a large and fashion
able assortment of WIDE and NARROW
SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the
best manner, of the beat materials, and at the
lowest cash prices.
Hirving refitted and enl'argedßi'seetaMiAment.
fie is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortest notice,
Constantly on hanl an assortment of
Itiallogang _furniture
of every variety, manufactured expressly for his
own sales. and purchasers may therefore rely on
a good article.
rr Open in the evening.
Orders from a distance packed carefully, and
sent free of porterage, to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1842-Iy.
Manufaotory of Pocket Books, etc.
No. 521 Chesnut St., above Second,
THE subscriber respectfully soliths pnblic at
tention to his superior and tastefril stock o
.'Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
Banker's Cases, and other fine cutlery.
Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils.
Dressing Cases, Seger cases,
Card cases, Chess Men,
roil Merle., Back Gammon Boards,
Purses, Dominoes, &c.
His assortment consists of the most fashiona
ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmanship embracing every desira
ble fancy paters, which he will at all times be
prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re
tail on the most pleasing terms.
it.,7 , Purchasers who desire to furnish them- -
selves with articles of the best quality will consult
their own interests by culling at this establish ,
meat. F. H. SMITH,
Pocket Book Manufacturer.
Aug. 'a, 1849.-6 m. b2i Chesnut St,
Juniata Cabinet Manufacturinr
Respectfellv begs leave to inform his friend*
and customers and the public generally Allot he
has built a large and commodious shop immtdi ,
ately in the rear of the public house of John
Whrttsker, Fr., en the bank between the river
and canal, Where he will constantly keep on
hand furniture of al kinds, of the heel quality,
embi acing all descriptions, kinds, styles and va•
rieties of parlor, medium and plain household'
furniture, which will be offered for sale at the
In order to accommodate the rem!. with all
kinds of work in his line of business, he hoe
just supplied himself with a large lot of the
bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and all kind. of Veneering of the most popular
fashion. He will offer neither botched or half. ,
finished work for sale, and will at all times sub.
mitt his work to the most rigid inspection.
Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me
chanics, Hotel Proplietors, I.shoring men—ally
are invited to call and examine his furniture, be
fore purchasing elsewhere. N Seeing is Wiley.
Coffins will be made on the shortebt notice, of
either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de
sired, and funerals attended.
He flatters hirmelf that by industry and title.
attention to hisbusineas, he wi}l be able topless,
all who may give him a call.
or I'llra - hare will at ',Nines be repaired ha
the neatrat and moat durable manner. at low
rate.. All kinds of country produce will he la- ,
hen in exchange for furniture, repairing,
Huntingdon, May 29, 18S/.
R 1,100,00
Commission Merchants,
NUMB El( (5 CD
Teas, Segars,
No. 11 Walnut Street,
crift Consignment. of Weeiern and Souther*
Produce eolirited.,ol)
Jon* It, 1849.