FROM WASHINGTON. ilr. a Clars 9Propoßition to Settle the Slavery. Question., Correspondence of the North American WASHINGTON, Jun. 29. Mr. Clay has fulfilled the expectation which was occasioned by the announce ment made though this correspondence, and offered a compromise for the adjust ment of all the questions appertaining to the territory acquired from Mexico. As the publication of the proposition will have been anticipated by telegraph, it is only necessary to refer to its prdnfinent features, for the purpose of elucidating the remarks which are proper to this im portant occasion. In brief, then, Mr. Clay Proptities io eatis6 , the North and South, by. admittin,,4 California as a State with suitable boundaries; by assuming the debit of Teids; iiti consideration of her relinquishment of the territory known as New Mexico; by establish ing territorial governments over the country not included within the limits bf California, without the proviso ; by providing legislation for the better re covery of fugitive slaves ; by abolishing the slave trade in this District, and de claring it inexpedient for Congress to abolish slavery without the consent of Maryland and the people of the District and payment for the slaves. Mr. Clay supported his proposition in a speech characterized by great ability and eloquence, and took up the resolu tions seriatem, defending each in its ap propriate order, and maintaining that all were necessary to the ndoption'of a com promise in which both sections could concur. There were passages in this effort, in which he appeared for the preservation of the Union, and invo iced the patriotism of both parties that were worthy of his best days, and will survive while his fame as a statesman and orator endures. When about con cluding, he expressed the hope that the resolutions would not be discussed at present, but be allowed to lie over and be printed, with a view of enablinc , the Senate to consider them maturely before being debated. But it was evident from the moroetit that the resolutions were read, that the South was not satisfied, and Mr. Clay had hardly resumed his seat, before Mr. Butler, Mr. Berrien, Mr. Rusk, Mr. Foote, Mr. Mason, Mr. Davis, of Miss., Mr. King and Mr. Downs followed each other in quick succession, with expressions of dissent to the principles which the proposition asserted. Mr. Mason, who is usually moderate and composed, al lowed himself to become deeply excited, and denounced the resolution which de clared that, as slavery was now exclu ded by law in the territory, it was not necessary to irripose a restriction: He contended that this admission or assump tion surrendered the whole question, and with such a conviction, he could not sup port the compromise. Mr. Davis, of Miss. took extreme ground, and attempted td prove that the position now occupied by Mr. Clay was inconsistent with the course he had adopted twelve years ago. lie said that cinder compelled him to declare that he would sustain no compromise which did not extend the Missouri line td the Pa- cific, and concede the distinct recogni tion of slaVery south of that parallel. Mr. Clay was evidently moved ut this announcement, and at the intimations which had been thrown out, that, as a Southern Senator, he was deserting the sectional interests which he ought to sustain. He took occasion to vindicate the consistency of his present policy, End then to meet the particular sugges tion of the Senator from Mississippi in regard to the recognition of slavery, by affirming that no human power Could in duce him to vote for any measure which proposed to extend slavery tiorth or South of the Missouri line. This sentiment was expressed with a solemnity and emphasis whtch seemed to electrify the Chamber, and was an etvered, from the galeries, with marked demonstrations of applause, which the presiding officer with difficulty suppres sed. After some further discussion, the subject was postponed until Tuesday next: The Comprbmise presented by Mr. Clay affects too many important inter ests and involves consequences too seri ous to be treated with levity. His expe rience, the patriotic motiVes by which he is influenced, and the public position which he occupies, entitle him to the justice, of A calm . and honest examina tion of the proposition in all its parts.— If it fails to receive that favor which its author naturally expects; it may sug gest4e basis of an arrangement that Will be more acceptable to the country. Neither Mr. Clay, nor any one else, could hope, in offering a compromise, to accommodate the extreme opinions of either section, or to rally a cordial and prompt support upon its first presenta tion. Compromise implies mutual con cession; and, in the present excited con dition'of sectional feeling, an exaction like this is accompanied with serious embarrassments. Entertaining, as an humble individual, what may be tegar ded as conservative views on this sub ject, I am free to say, for one, that this proposition asserts some doctrines, and fails to assert others, which strike me, at the outset, as presenting decided ob jections to its support. This conviction may be modified by reflection or by amendments covering the difficulty.— Othvp, whose opinions are of more con- sequence to the public, have expressed similar inclinations, and it is, therefore, due to Mr. Clay, and to the question, that it should be measured according to all its relations before public judgment is pronounced. This proposition, so far as it relates to the territory, differs materially from the recommendation of the Preiclent, in not recogniting the boundary adopted in the constitution of Caltfortfia, and in establishing territorial goiernfnents.— Opinion may be honestly diiided upon the Volley of these respectiJe views; but there are Considerations which would seem to giV'e a decided adiantage to at least a portion of the recommendation of the President. If the question of limits is raised on the admission of Utti' ifornia now, who can foresee what the result will be hereafter 1 The example of Michigan, in which an issue of boun dary was raised with Ohio, cannot be cited with force or propriety. One was a contiguous territory, within reach of every proper influertee ; the other is re moved by thousands ofrOiles, and strong ly inclined to try the experiment of an independent government: Southern Senators ; on the Democratic side, disclosed enough of theit policy to-day to satisfy the public that the mis givings expressed in my recent letters, as to the admission of California, were well founded, and predicted upon the most reliable information. If California earl be kept out by their votes, and by the aid of Northertt allies who sympa thise with their sentiments; her Senators and Representatives will be sent brick; with the proof in their hands that the party which professed most friendship for California was that which, in the hour of trial, exerted every power and influence to defeat her admission into the Union. INDEPENbfNT The Common Schools of Pennsylvania. The tables accompanying the report of the Superintendent of Common Schools in this State, exhibit the following condi tion of the Schools, not including those in the city and county of Philadelphia : Whole number of districts, 1370; aver age time that the Schools were open, four months and twenty-six days ; whole number of teachers, 10,237; average salaries of male teachers per month, $l7, 47; average salaries of female teachers per month, $10,32; whole number of scholars, 393 232 ; average number in each school, 43 ; average cost of teach ing each scholar, per quarter, $1,42; State appropriations to the districts ac cepting, $182,883; taxes levied in the accepting districts, $599,932 ; expense for school houses, $146,144; expense for instruction, fuel and contingencies, $562,930. The Mitchell Family. The editor of the .dlbany Journal, in writing from Washington, locations hay. ing met at the President's levee two sis ters of Mitchell the Irish Patriot, whose efforts to enfranchise his down trodden country have been rewarded by exile and outlawry. They are in Washington with their mother, under the protection cif a younger brcitlier, to whom secretary Ewing gai+e n clerlcship, the duties of which he is discharging faithfully. The father of Mitchell was a Presbyterian clergyrtian settled at Newry, The family are well educated and agreeable; THE WOOLEN TRADE.—The Boston At las expresses the opinion that our annu al production of Wool is not lets than 70,000,000 pounds ; and that it is worth at present prices, about $25,000,000. The importation of 1848 was 11,000,000 pounds, valued at $857,000. This whole quantity is worked up by our own peo ple; and the fabrics made from it are consumed in this country: DARK AND' CoLv.=ln an tfccount of the recent expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, it is stated they were eight days without seeing the sun, and had the thermometer fifty degrees below zero.— They served out their rations of fith proof brandy by chopping it up with a hatchet, it being frozen solid. We don't believe they're troubled much in that re gion with fleas or bed bugs. re-The number of hogs slaughtered in Cincinnati, during the recent season, is stated by the Gazette at 380, 555 head including those killed in Covington.— This statement shows a deficiency com pared with the number killed the p•evi one season, of 29,452 head, and Is pre , aimed to be correct. MARRIED. On the 30th ult. at Locust 14111 Farm, Frank lin county, Pa., by the Rev. Wm. Paxton, W.M. DORRIS, Jr., Esq., of Huntingdon, to Miss ELIXARETH DAVIDSON, of the former place. THE MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Feb g, 1850. The Vfour market coniinues inactive. A sale of 500 barrels common brands for export at something less than $5 per barrel. For city uee, the sales are limited at $5 a 5,121 for com mon, and $5,25 a 5,75 for choice lots and ex tra. Rye Flour we quote at $2,94, and Corn Meal at $2,75 per barrel. GRAIN-Wheal ie steady at $1,06 a 1,07 per bushel for goed and prime Red, and $l,ll a 1,15 for White. CORN-There is but a limited amount offer ing. Sales of new Southern yellow at 57 cents. OsTs—Sales of Pennsylvania of 35 cents per bushel. Viuisest —Sales at 21 a 25 cents in hhtls and battels. RECEIPTS 7AND, L EXPENDITURES Of Huntingdon County from the 6th day of January A. D. 1849; up to, and in eluding, the 10th day of January, A.D. 1850. Receipts. 1846 Samuel A. Boggs', Ilen4erson $l2 59 Jam. Ilampson, Union 14 47 Charles Cowden, Barree 287 06 John Zentmyre, Franklin 286 71 18-17 J 11 Stonebreaker 70 00 John Anderson, Penn 90 79 ' William Ramsey, Springfield 6 66 ' George May, Tell 116 07 1848 John S Miller, Barren 420 39 ' Joseph T. King, Brady 61 29 ' Daniel J Logan, Cromwell 236 44 ' Conrad Cullman, Cass 39 10 ( Arch. McNeal, Clay 90 57 ' Wiled Harper, Dublin 214 62 4 John Conrad, Franklin 212 05 ' John Flenner, Henderson 81 ' Ahr'in Bumbaugh, Hopewell 2 53 D S Bell, Jackson 427 54 4 Joseph Law, Morris 226 44 ' William M'Garvey, Shirley 387 34 II Madden of 11., Springfield 80 97 ' Samuel Burdge, Tell 70 55 ' Mord. Chilcote, Tod 180 35 ' Levi Smith, Union 68 25 ' Vincent Stevens, Warriorsmark 174 24 ' Samuel Ewing, West _. 709 87 Peter Thompson, Walker 154 50 1819 John Stewart, manor Barree 332 12 Joseph M'Cracken, Brady 420 15 John Stever, Cass 157 00 Michael Stair, Cromwell 2 , 13 12 Daniel Curfman, Clay 56 00 James Neely, Dublin 218 00 Daniel Conrad, Franklin 841 00 Will. L Snyder, Henderson 1225 31 Daniel Bumbaugh jr. Hopewell 130 00 John Jackson, Jackson 032 84 John Davis, Morris 240 38 Abr'm Speck, Penn 439 87 Alexander Stitt, Porter 1098 47 Benjamin Leas,Shirley 393 92 Jacob Baker, pringfield 50 00 David Heekadorn, Tell 140 00 Herirk Elies tcid, 105 00 Jacob H Unidn 150 00 John Thompson jr., Walker 501 53 Peter Grazier Esq, Warriorsmark 758 50 George Wilson, [(neat 1050 67 Amount of money loaned the County by Daniel Neff 5 0 0 , 1 00 70 Same by William Orbison, Esq. 6 Amount of bonds given to thp follow in. persons for bridge orders held by'thern, and deposited in the coun ty Treasury receipted, viz : Bond to James Entrekin 9110 00 William Walker 1008 37 4 John R Gosnell 629 20 William Orbison, F:sqr. 89.1 21 Amount received of D: Snare, Esq.; balance of Judgment of Hunting _ _ don couuty vs. Henry Harker, S . Cc. 10 97 County tax on unseated lands 94 17 Road 41 63 School 4 , 56 83 , M Crownover, Esq., Sheriff's fines . _ _ _ and Jury fees of 1818 208 00 Same of 1819 ,273 00 Amount received of James Steel, Esq., purchase money of old Court House and Jury lines 146 00 Amount of redemption money on un seated lands received since lest set- tlemrnt Expenditures. Attorney General and others on crim inal prosecutions $ 781 95 Grand and Traverse Jurors, Cryer, 'li pstaff, &v. 3146 38 Constables making returns, adverti sing Spring Elections, notices, &c. 264 64 Assessors 467 00 Judges, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections 589 60 Sundry persOns premiums on wild cats and foxes 286 00 Road and Bridge viewers 211 00 Inquisitions on dead bodies 31 62 Commissioners, Daniel Teague in full of 180. 12 50 Robert Cummins 43 00 Same in full of 1849 U 7 00 Jdshtia Greenland id full of 1848 13 50 di Same on account df 1819 76 50 William Hutchison in full of 1818 21 00 Additors, L 4 Kessler 6 00 Jcirrieri Galant 9 00 William Ramsey 12 00 Smyth Read in full as clerk to Cord= missioners for 1848 175 00 John Reed Esq., on account of his salary as counsel to Commission ers for 1849 30 00 Jane Keim Washing for county pris oners 20 oo Mary Gibson for sweepidg and sernb iq the C II 23 00 David Snare, Esq., ecists before hiM on proceedings to collect licences / 61 Alexander Carman for building coal holm 79 00 John Kerr and Jacob Fockler furnish ing wood to Jail 83 00 John Scott jr. auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register and Re corder for 1848 15 00 J J Clyde, furnishing blank assess ments 7 37 David Blair, Esq., professional servi ces rendered the county in cases of Huntingdon county vs Michael Bossier, &c., &c. 20 00 John S belt and Henry Butts, secu curing timbers of Bridges taken away by the flood of 1817 21 00 John Shaver, Esq., interest_ on a bridge Order paid by him and inhis possession 30 00 leorge Jackson, boarding Jurors in the case of Commth vs Henry itel fright 25 00 W H King care and attention given to Court House 0 00 M Crownoht, Esq., Sheriff, quel ling insurrection of Irish and oat= era nedr Binning - haft, alt Owed by the Court 100 00 William Dorris Agent of R P Smith ground rent 4 00 F B Wallace Esq., pdstage 3 13 Isaac tdeff, Treasurer, for blank book 2 00 W B Zeigler, cook stove &c. for Jail 39 37 H Zimmerman, for election boxes 2 00 T T Cromwell Esq., Road Damages —laying out a State road through his property 114 56 Jacob Miller Esq., for making a gen, eral index of papers in Register's' office &c., by direction or Cart Common Pleas 303 50 Theo H Cremer Esq., Prothonotary and Clerk Q 3, fees and furnishing stationing for the courts &c. 131 42 Sundry persons refunded taxes and costs of lands sold at Treasurer's &ilea 60 02 Sundry SuperVisers, road• fax on on , . seated lands 90 63 Sundry §cbnolyreasurers school lax on unseated lands Sundry pefstins fot merchantlize for Court House and Jail Interest paid State Treasurer on Dr. State tax Dr. J B Ltidenimedical att. to coun ty prisoners 26 30 J & W Saxton and others for coal 125 25 County printingi James Clark 136 30 William Lewis 82 00 Whittaker & Rapnond 2 00 W K Rham and Henry Myers, relay ing carpet in the court house, &c. 30 16 Henry Myers, cutting firewood &c. 25 90 Sundry persons for repairs to Jail and court house Z„i Bridges John Rs'berfson on account of bridge at Drake's Ferry J and 0 Coplin in full of bridge a cross Raystown branch, near James Entrekins 453 00 Same in full of bridge at Graysport 135 00 William Walker, in full of bridge at Alexandria Aafon Stains, in full of bridge ad) nos tiiighWic li g creek, Cronrkefl tp S P Wallace and George Patton, on account of Bridge at Union Furnace James Entrakin, in full of bridge at Vandevanders John M'Combe ' in full of bridge across crooked creek Alexander Carman and Eli Harris, In full of bridge at Barree Forge 029 30 James Burke, in full of bridge across the little Juniata river, near Daniel Brims, Frankstown tp., now Blair county Eli Harris, on account of bridge across Aughwich creek, Shirley township 75 00 Samuel Shell, filling up abutment of bridge near James Entrekins 30 00 John Donelly same 39 00 James Steel Esq., late Prot:i'y, coats _ _ on sundry suits of Com'rs vs delis. quent collectors &e. M Crownover Esq., Sheriff, for sum moning Jurors, boarding prisoners, and conveying convicts to the Peni tentiary for the years 1848 and '49 822 85 Same, nmount paid by him for pump at Jail &c. 30 00 Same, for cleaning rooms for prisoners 10 00 By ain't of note of M Crownover Esq., Sheriff, balance due the • county for moneys collected by him, the same being charged to the Treasurer BY balance due Treasurer at last set tlement SUndry persons, redemption money of unseated lands sold by Treasurer Treasurer's commission on $30,701 95 qt 1 per cent. Balance iu the Treasury In testimony of the correctness of the alio, account, we have hereuntoset our hands this 11t1 day of January, A. D. 1850. JOSIIITA GREENLAND, WM. HUTCHISON, ISAAC PEIGIITAI.. Commiss 'one a. Attest, .1 Sue•rn READ, Clerk. We the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon Bounty, do hereny rectify, that we have etatr!- ined the orders of the Comrnisrioners of said Hunty, and the receipts for the sante edr the past year, and find a balance in the Treasury df eighteen hundred and thirty:six dtilars add sev; elity-five cents. Given under our hands this 11th day of Janua ry, A. D. 18.10. . _ 19862 36 JAMES GILLAM, WM. RAMSEY, THOMAS FISHER, February 501, 1850.-1 Auditors, County Tax: List of outstanding balances due 9th January 1850, by:he following Collectors : 1810 S Robinson, Allegheny $466 33 1846 Charles Cowden, Barree 29 01 Jacob Rough, Porter 352 08 1817 Lemuel Green, Cass 17 46 1 Thomas %V Neely, Dublin 20 00 J H Stoncbraker, Franklin 181 39 William B. Smith, Jackson 24 58 1818 Daniel J Logan, Cromwell 39 03 Conrad Curfman, Cass 00 John Conrad, Franklin 187 90 William M'Garvy, Shirley 131 71 Robert Madden of H, Springfield 28 40 1 Mordecai Chilcote, Tod 39 50 , Levi Smith, Union 9 60 1819 (John Stewart, manor,Barree 988 42 John Stever, Cass 53 22 (Daniel Curftnan, Clay 126 41 (Michael Stair, Cromwell 132 68 1 'Mamas Neely, Dubl?! 100 76 Daniel Conrad, Franklin 298 49 ' 'Wank] Bumbaugh jr.. Hopewell 161 51 , •John Jackson, Jackson 85 95 ilaahn Davis, Morris 405 79 a Menjamin Leas. Shirlry 505 98 a (Jacob Baker, Springfield 106 01 • llavid Heckadorn, Tell 87 03 a 'Henry Elias Tod 205 67 a 'Jacob H Miller, Union . 9 45 ' (John Thom'psdiiji., Walker ,167 15 •Peter Grazier Esq., Warriorsmark 93 00 a (George Wilson, West 268 1-1 $1833 44 • Since paitl in full. f Since paid in part. J. GREENLAND, WNI. HUTCHISON, Com'rs. ISAAC PEIGHTAL. J. W. THOMPSON; Atrorney-al-Law HAVING removed to Hollidaysburg will at tend promptly to all legal business entrusted to him, in Blair and adjoining counties. Office No. 6, in the Court House. J0n.29,1850. WATCHES I WATCHES ! Great Indneententß to Perions in Want of a good Watch: NTEFF & MILLER having received addition- Of al supplies of Gold and silver Watches, of every description from London, Liverpool, and Switzerland importations, are now prepared to furnish the very best article at a price far below any ever offered, of the same quality, ar•.d which cannot he undersold by any other store this side of Philadelphia. Every watch will be well reg ulated and warranted to be as good as represented. Mei have also received a large and beautiful stock cf Jewelry, cf the newest styles, which has beedlately purchased and will lie sold annually low. 1001 Merkel Square, Huntingdon, Januiry 29 1850. LEMON EXTRACT. PIME Concentrated Extract of Lembn aerialne article for sale at CUNNING HAM'S, opposite the Post Office. November 27, 1819. SADDLES. A GOOD assortment of well finielied Saddles now on hand and for pale at ate Saddle and Harness Manufactory of Win'. Meadow, °lvo bite the Punt Of f ice, Huntingdon. BOUNTY APPE &LS. THE dndetsigned. Commissioners of Hun tingdon County, hereby give notice to the taxsblo intiabitants, the owners and agents of real end persdnal property, tillable for county and State purposes, and the Innkeepers Who have been returned according to raw, within the coon ty of Huntingdon, that an appal for the bene fit of all persons interested will be held for the several townships within said county, betwebn the hours of 9 o clock A. M. and 3 P. M., as follows : 20 ob 89 .10 30 00 For the township of hopewelf, at the house Jrmea Entrekin, on Monday, the 18th Jay of February. For the township of Penn, at the echodt hafre near Jacob Humbaugh's, tin Tuesd* the 111th February. Ft, the township of Waticcf, at the bonne of Jacob M . Gahey, on Wednesday the 211th Feb.. ruary. 62 lkit 00 For the township of Porter, at the from of Michael Sias er, on rhureday the 2lst February. For the township of Morris, at the Hollab of A. L. Aloyer, on Friday the 22d February. For the township of Franklin, at the haute of George W. Mattern, on Saturday the 23d Feb ruary. 1608 37 700 00 Fir the township of Warriorsmark, at the school house in the 'own of Warriorsmark, mt Monday the 25th February. For the township of West, at the house of Jo seph Forrest, on Tuesdiy . the 26th February, For the township of Banco, at the house of James Livittgatun, on Wednnedny the 27th Feb- GOO 00 12 63 20 319 00 For the ltivthrihip of Rekdoh, dt the Rotise of Honey Reif, idgt, on 'Fhb rsday the 28th Feh . y. For die tdtvnship of Henderson, at the Corti rnissioners office, Oh Friday the Ist day of March. For the tclit , dship of Union, at the house of r2acharidh Phbasant, on Saturday the 2d Mech. For the township of Coss, At the dthool house iii Coalmine, on Monday the 4th March. For the township of Tod. at the house of Gen. Keith, on Tuesday the sth March. For the township of I. lay, at the house ofJohn Runk, on Wednesday the Gth March. For the township of St•ringfield, at the School house near Hugh Madden, Esq., on Thtirstldy the 7th March. 441 CO 75 03 For the township of Dublin, at the hobtre of Matthew Taylor, on Friday the Bth Match: For the township of Tell, at the sdlictol house, near Nicholas Gooshorn's, on Brtturdsy the 9th March. For the township of Cromwell, tit the house of David Etnire, on Monday the 11th March. For the township of Shirley, at the house of David Fraker, on Tuesday the 12th March. For the township of Brady, at the house of James Lane, on Wednesday the 13th March. When and where all persons who consider themselves aggrieved by the triennial assessinent or valuation of their property, professions, occu pations, &c., are hereby notified to attend and state theit grievances if they think proper. ' The Commissioners, fdr the information of all concerned, stale that they are Wand hy taw not to make any alldwanee or abatement oh the vrtb tuition of any redi estate in any other year than that in which the triennial assessment is made, excepting whchi bdildings or other irdprovements have been destroyed sUbkquerttly to such trien nial assessment. 185 92 574 60 50 63 MI 42 1836 75 t 19,862 36 kiSHITA GREENLAND. WILLIAM HUTCHISON, ISAAC PEIGHTAL. Commissioners. January 29, 1850.-3 t ./iD.IILAISTRATdi' S NO TICE. Estate of JOIIN H.d.iIPSON late of Clay t". Huntingdon county, dec'd: YoTIGE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on said estate have tiech grunted to the undersigned. All perdoits in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated fcir settlement to itILLIAIII WHITE. Jan: 22, 1850-61:) Wake up, Citizens ! Wake up ! Won.derful Reduction in the Prices of Clothing at the Hall of Fashion ! ! IiALIVORNIA GOLD Does not produce an excitement equal to that of cheap Iteady-made Clothing now opening at the , Hall of Fashion.' by B. & 4Y. SNARE, cornet Room of Snare's Row, opposite John Whitl Abets Taiern. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully in rim our customers and the public generally that we have just received and ore now opening a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, Our stock consists, of fine black French Dress and Fro& Coats, Drab French, Beaver and Mackshaw Over-coats, Taglions at,d black sloth Sacks; Cloaks of all kinds, Business Coats, Pea Jackets, Lkc- A fine assortment of cassimere Pants, consist irig of fine black, medium, fancy French of dif ferent styles—and cassinets, A great variety of Vests, such as fine satin, silk velvet, plaid, cash mere, Fine Shirts from $l.OO to 2.50. Woolen and Cotton, knit under Shirts, DraWers and Stockings. Bosoms, collars, French and other Suspenders. A fine asssortment of boy's clothing. NeNety lee of Hats and Caps, Boots& Shoes, Umbrellas, &c., in feet every thing usually kept in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of qualities calculated to please and accommodate the pubic. If you wish to keep up with the titnes and fashions, call at the "Hall of Fashion." B. & W. SNARE. Huntingdon, Sept, 18,1849. PUBLIC BENEFIT!! To the Ladies and gentlemen of Huntingdon I and all those wishing to purchase good arti cles at their true •aluo we would suggest the propriety of calling on NEFF & MILLER, the only real opposition in the watch, Jewelry, and Silverware line in this •Meck of woods." They are selling goods at such unprherhutfett low rates that perscna in want cannot fait to purchase. • No. 1001 Market agnale. Huntingdon, January 15, 1950: Watches, Clocks; Jewelry. Ac.• PT)ERSONS attending Conn are respectfully invited to cell at SCOTT'S C HE A P JEWELRY STORE, and inspect his superior assottnient of WATCH., JEWELRY, ate. He is weekly receiving additions to his stock, which is (ergs end well selected, old' sold on very Mod erate terms. January 15, 1850. TA'E' largest and most handsome assortment of Valentines ever published, just received and lot sale at unusually low prices, by NEFF & MILLER. Sammy 20, ISSO. Limit of Letters F.MA WING in the Post Office at Hunting- It don, I'a., on the lst day of January, IRSO, & which if not lifted on or before the let lay of April nest, will be sent to the General Poet Office an dead lettere. Learned James Risan John Learned Theopholis Blair Jackson Leary Daniel Blake William Lesberger Mayer Bongs J. C• Letford Thomas i Bbikman Tobias Lynn Patrick 2 Born John Lisberger & Dorsh Boyd Mr. ' ' Lyden John Brady Bordny M Brady fie , J C Madden Dutton Brackbill NincY 2 Maher Patrick Britt Peter Mahoney James Brunnells James Mason Robert Bulger Droner Mayo ,John Bulger Patrick McCalliba Ph:li? Burke Bridget :4cCann James Burke John MccaltrteY William Burke Thos . 8 Mc C artney Jobti 2 IC . - . .. • Met:Arley William (arnpbel! Alexander Mee hire James dcliitwell Daniel McCormick Michael 2 Cant Well Daniel or Eil.MeCool James Quinn McCourt James Carte Patrick Alec ultotth,George Carter Richard lijcDonnell Williani Clarke Pet, 2 McGill Chds. Cohen Isaac McGovern Patt Collins James MaGrein Patrick Cooke John McHugh Patric kr Corcoran Pact McKeigh Robert Corbin Nich.-.Lis McLaughlin Patrick Cowden Charles C Meara Daniel 1) Mennan Patrick Danenhour James Miller li F Deasey Charles Milker Jac,* Deely Francis Moore S Dodson Steithen Morgan J Ddieti JAC, Mulchahy hilt! Donahoo Patrick ilf Donnlen Edward Nathan Abraham Dorsey Michael Norris William B Dowling William Nusbaum Vietcit Doyle John 0 P E ()Annan J6seph Eagan M. Pollett &mind Earnest Herir Price James F.tinger iiihrl 4/ R Evans WilliaM t/itigley Fenton fi r Racine Gustaiye FisPatiic John Rapp Alfred Foly John Reynolds Mr. Frederick Aiignsfus Thule Dr. Fulton James Ridden Michael G Roarke Daniel Gertrude Roarke John Gibbons William Robison Niss Mar,' Gill Patt Witten Mithael Gorman Patrick Rbss ft!ha Graham Thomas , 0 Graham William T Sankey Miss Julia Ana Grout Hichaid Saul Anthony H Seeley Bernard Hale Mrs Mary M. 2 Sharer John 2 Hall Sarah Shea John Hamilton II Shultz Mrs. Catharine Hulplionright Jorge'Hpson James Flatlet Janice S'irlitisaii itilllittn Henderson James 2 Slatman Charles Hill S Smith James Mogen John Smith Philip Houseman Charles Snee Michael Hutchison ilenjamin Sprowell Francis i Stall Miss Christiana Irvin James Steel Miss Susan Johnston James Stephens James . K. Stewart Thtimas Kaufman 11 G Stewart Sa'muel Keller George Vir Keilty John Wallr Eli Kerney Johti Walsh Michael Kelgan John Walsh Patrick Killev Andrew Ward chill Merman Williard Watsdn John King Ilugh Wetiber John King John 11 Wesion William Kuhn Anthony Whalen Patrick —_.. L . White Miss Mary Lary Dennis 3 Wilson Henry Wilson James . Persons .inquiring for letters on the above List will please say they are advertised. it[k Two cents in addition to the regular p'estage charged on advertised letters. PETER C. SWOOPE, P. M. Htintingdon, Jan. 8,1830-3 t. NEW OYSTER SALOON. Opposite the Post °Moe, Huntinga don, Pa. rpiiE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and Ilie public in general,rhat ho has his u:Psoacti.zr. Eit3enaariCSCad fitted up in a superior and comfortable sty le, and is prepared to accommodate all who I.:ay favor him with their custom, with elegant, fresh ItAI.. TIMORE OYSTERS, Served up in a style that cannot be surpassed. Ile has a room fitted up expressly for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. PRIVATE PARTIES can be furnished with a room on short notice. FAMILIES tuiniehed with oyster. by the dozen or larger quantities. I. A,K STdi ad kinds baked to order at his en. tahlisittneiit. undersigned hopes by strict attention to business, and unrelaxed effort to please, to merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM. December 11, 1849. WASHINGTON HOUSE, Corner of Market Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA 91.9 s old established Hotel, hoe undergone a' 1 thorough re-painting, papering, &c., during' the last si•ason, and is now the most desirable slopping place et the Capital! . . IqembrrB of the Legislature and others visiting Harrisburg are invited to call: Large stabling attached to the lionat: 07 — At. ff.—Charges viareerat',.... Wl4. — T. SANDERS, Agent Dacember 11, 1849.-3 m. NOTICE. MOTICE is hereby given to the mem ' _Ol bers of the Cumberhencl Valley Nil. lust Protection Company of Dr.ekiliion tothaShip; Cumberland county, Pa., that dfi asseastnent of sir per cent has this day been NM in the pre mium notes of said Company, by the Board ; which amount is directed to be'paid to the Tree surer of said Company, aecording to the charier and by-laws. By order of tire Board. A. 6. MILLER , Seery. January 75, 1850. ClOthing S Clothing JACOB SNYDER WOULD respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that he has still on hand a general assortment of well rands WINTER CLOTHIN G , which he will sell unusually cheap for cash. Those who want bargains would do well to. call soon. January 15,1850,