Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 29, 1850, Image 4

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cf Bristol.
Who wit pronounced incurably fixed io
the last stage of Pulmonary Con
' - samption, by two skillful Phy
Mr. MnAoo was rescued from death's door
trir she ussinf &linden's Vulinottia byrup—bay.
Ist; bsen prostra etl all winter. Ilia era. woe
witnesse.t by severnl of the most respectable
ettisons of this state, whose II tippruie-
Eni to his cerliticete. Rl•ad I Read t and be con
'Awed that -woneek's Pulmonary ,yrup is the
only strfain curt fur Consumption.
Bristol, Batas county, Pa.
Sept. 21, 1849.
Dn. J. n. caetscit. —Dear Str,—.l am induced
form 4 sans* of justice upwards you, as well es
duty to the public, to Intake khown one of the
Os h 'pelves and extraordinary cgfee, in my
out per . , that you have ever had the pleseure
tit record. Indeed. I regret my inuhility to pit
tray, in truthful colors, my consugiing disease,
.0 its root irkable chonge which Schneck •
Pgimmiscy ..y cup effected in so short a time.
I was taken stone time pisvietl4 la December
1818, with a heavy cold prthfueles incessant
soughing. accompanied with acute pain in the
vigor ode, raine in the back, utiile• the right
shoulder, hoeing heavy night trweate,high lever.
des•, which tirade ow so nervous and restless es
prosiugo utter prostration. All these silk:lions
increased with puck violence, that on the 4th of
J inU try laid I sent for my faintly physician. He
attended me faithfully, and prescithed every thing
thtt in theat skill could sliggeet but without ef
fect. I found myself gradually growing Wars.,
end my hopes of recovery lessening as my dis
cs. increased. My cough became distressing ;
my psi.. severe; and, e: tremely debilitated, I
loot all ambition in life. and gave nett, a melan
choly dap eir.ion. My physician examined toe,
and informed me I hail an Melees on the upper
part tank , " liver and lower pelt done of lily lungs.
fflidwithstentling all this ekill.l grew worse but
with that tenacity with which we all cling in life,
I conclu , lntl to I Ave nothing undone, and called
in a consulting physician. who fully cutter rred
wits illy own, and pronounced my ease nn ex.
trendy critical tine. 1 e !tonight 1 was in im
minent '!anger--say ing my disease •'wad one the.
is seldom Weyer cured." All dd. tind I woe en
du big sufferings that mule life IlUrdeneoltie ; ex
parjencing gre4t pain fu COUghtlig ; en pectora
ling from a pint to a goat' of notemoue matter
every 21 hours, and gradually sinking under the
weskoing piogrees of my discs.. At this stitge
of my t My friends in 14 Wel suggested
if. use of thihneek e Put motile Syrup hot knew.
ing'ths many expedients ream ted to for the par.
peas of draining money from the affit•ted, a hes.
hated. My Mends however, insisting. I was
prevailed upon to try its virtue.. I commenced
taking the Syrup about the fort of Mardi. and
used revers! bottle • before I nod any confidence
ho it. I then began to ex [...relive a eldailge tier
the better, and continued it till 1 had eitisumed
to bottle., when I Wee en ler relieved as to lie
able to vied Dr. Selin.,ck in Philadelphia. He
examined me, anti pronounced ony right !wig ef
fected, but in a heeling con Idiot. He recoil•
numiled the further tier of the Syrup, which 1
continued till I consumed 15 bookie, end found
Invalid °ace inure restored t • health. 1 trill fur.
thee ailihtlist the consulting physician. seeing the
settnn of the medicine. fully app oved its use.
Ts give the recite noise idea of the severity
of my ease, and the tepid cure affected by the
rop, I wi.l elate that my usual weight in
health was 177 pound., which way finally re.
dared by my sutiet lugs to but 12l pound... Yet,
en the first of this !Judith, (eleptember,) I weigh
ed 173 pounds thus ginning in ir few months 53
pounds, and within three pounds of vny heaviest
weight. It is not in my power toconvey, 111 the
short spare of title certifica , e, the convincing
praises ot• my rein, kettle cum cr the I•articulate
of the a.iiniting offitetiono through whitehei e
pursed; but to those who will tote the trouble to
cull oilme, at Liriatol, opposite Prott's hied, I
s:t ill take pleasure in detailing t very particular.
In cum:fusion. I der: in it my linty to urge open
every person who inn have the preinenitary
sy tap ,tins of this foal ili•eave. hot In delay vile
how : but to call 111.1) Dr Schneek immediately.
His sold in the treotinent et this complaint, and
prompt detection of diseesed lidiva of the lung.
try ine.toir of :,!1 Stethesimoti, added to my. inn
mireeo ous cure, fully Sidisttes me, that had I ear
lier submitted myself to his cure. 1 'Mould have
escaped intich eutfeting; but restrained by doubts
em s 1 •uvpuion, which make 1,, ,Ili u.uurnlly sleep.
heel in ',cord to the virtues of a medicine when
first tor...loved. I resisted the importunitiee trf
my friend. til almost too late; anti yielded only
as II laid rrso t, resolved to kill or cure.!' To
Choirs. afflicted an I have been again let me say,
hesitate ter longer, nor tient Mot is presented to
♦nn as convincing eyehole., rho w h en all d i .
foils your lasi hope is in Dr. &Myrick's Pit Minnie
Sy •up. I Ilen e Men for the eidisfeetios of rhon.
Who may he strangers 10 me appended to this cer
the names of gentlemen well known in
the walks of public and !divide life, and whose
Mending in imeiety admits of no cavil or doubt in
regard to their testimony,
We the unileisigneil. residents of Bri.tril anti
viainity. are weft icquitinted with Mr. Johnson,
end know hint to have been afflicted as lie ewe.
those. We also know that he used Schisceles
Pohnonic yrup. anti h or evcty rens,ol t o b e .
heat, Cott to title medicine he owes hie preserva
tion from a premature gra,. The k11 , ,,,1Y
legrity anti pu,Pinti in society of Mr Johnson
hoarser is a Nisfflcient guarani. to the public of
gh a troth of this statement.
J.,P,Wid V. PRAT P. l'rart'a
L WI:4 H Nterehant.
l'E ST LIRDEVAN T, Cool dealer.
JMIN W. 139 AV. Nlelt•ti grit.
JAMES C ergyman of the
Presbyterian Church.
iota. t lotri. Bur ington.
J A 4E...3 H. NCO rr. Book agent.
A. 1. PA lig ER. Coal aural.
lotl , nratory, 44 l'rune st reet.Pliilutlelphi a,
Sept.mber 24, 1,49.
Prepared al•d paid lay 11. Schneek at hip
Labor.finry .E. Corner of Costs et l'ilarbli4ll
Philp and by
T. K. sim,orrov. titintinotton.
O. R.N.,. a IN re. Waleratlef t.
&McWILLIAms. Spruce Creek.
-WOO.. Alexandria.
& Crerk.
and by agent. generally throughout the Cutter]
Price SISIO per bonle, or $5,00 per laulf dos
Nov. 20. 1849.-Iy.
3. O 9 LP 1139 ca
AGENERAL as;ortment of groceries hist
opened and for sale at CVNIINAHANCS Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
oppositethe ro,t Office, Huntingdon.
Trovembirt 27, 150.
41 & 43
Would respectfully inform his friends and the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and well known Hotel. The
location is one of the very best for buSiness
men in Philadelphia, arid he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention, that he will be
able to render perf-ct satisfaction to all who
may favor him with their custom.
He returns thanki for the very I:beral sun
port already extended to him by his friends of
Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and
kvigs leave to assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the CITY Horst.
worthy of their continued support.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, ri4o-Iy.
UARRIS myna, PA,
THE Proprietor of this large and well known
I Hotel.. twirl respectfully inform the public
that it has recently been enlarged, repainted ins
stile and outside, n..wly papered, and thoroughly
renovated throughout. This has been done nt El
very large expense, and with the view of keeping
pace onith tine improving tHelf. and spirit of the
age. He now timers himself that he can ac
commodate his friends in a style beyond the sin -
it) , of any other landlord at the :-eat of Govern
ent , He hap in his employ attentive and obli
ging servants, Cooks of lam experionee, rind lie
is determined In spare no expense to furnish hie
table with the very lest that Call Ire procured in
the market. his with great confidence in his
abiltty to render entire satisfaction. that he in-
ViIPS inemnera id' the Leaislatule and others to
make his house their stopping place while in
ile would beg leave to return his sincere
thanks to his friends on the Juniata. for the very
Herrn' support heretofore exttroled to his house,
and respectfully solicit a continenree of their pa
tronage. W. CO VERLY.
Hai risburg, Oct. 30,1849-3 m.
R. C. TU'Gill awl W. B. Zeigler.
I 11 E subscribers have now carted, nod will
have on hand a gencra asgorlinent of cast
ings, error: Ling of Cooking Slaves Air-tight,
Parlor, 'Fee-plate. Wood oral Urrail struierirtl
of which are new patterns nut before introduced
into this section of country. Also, a variety of
I lough patterns of the kinds umw to use. A
general aq.ortme t of Hollow- ware castings.ron
..i.,lll,Z of Kettles Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pant,
Ste., etc. klisce Inneous articles, such as Wag
on !loxes, Ste( Hllll Sleigh Soles. Smothing
Irons, Rr Nag 11.11 sod F,lrge caurting., h% in
dow Grate. for cellars, Irintlnn .111.1 Silk for hou
ses. Sash Weights and Writ, Pipes ; also Swag
At vile and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to
order on the shortest notice. We trill sell eve
ry article in our lire nn the most rem-enable
terms for Cash, an d will take all kinds of moot
try ',roan, .cl old metal in Isr lumpr for r ast
lugs. The Foundry is situated at thr Southern
end of lluntiupdun, slang the cans!,
of them can always be found, or at the Tin and.
etoyeArrir of W. It. Zeigle.. Plot th East cor
ner oflilerkiiit'Snthre in Huntingdon. One of
them' Mini a martini! Moulder, and experienc
ed in the business, feels confident that they will
render a rtisfaction to all who may favor them
with a call. MeGILL.
Hunti*lon, Oct. 2, 1'849-Bm.
This excellent ertinlinuntl, which never fail
n the cure of Fever &hit Acne. is fl.r sole by the
t.oprieter's agents. T READ & SON, Hunt.
ngdon ; L. U. KESSLEA, Mill Creek.
me, Doctor I What it the cease or thin
complexion. jaundiced eye. dryer .Inn of spirits,
pain in the ride and 'Moulder. tcranneer of body,
bitter taste in the mouth? `uch in the inquiry,
and ouch the oymidoino of many a sulferel! It
is the Harr which is diseaoed. and tho eholagoeue
is tire remedy shearer Fucer.ful in curing it.
Try it. and judge fur yourself. For sole by
abuse named ogento.
I am to be tortured from duy to day writ, ri i t.
horrible Ague, err taims tire poor sufferer whose
life has become a Willett from the racking parox
ysms of an interthittent, and whose confidence
in human aid it destroyed by the failure of rem
edies, to produce th 3 prinitised relict. ouch hoe
been the situation of thousands Who are now
rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the
ore of Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogne. In no
instance dues it fail to effect a speedy anti perm:
neat cure. For sale L.) above named agents.
.• flow few who think aright among the thinking
How many never think. but only think they do.'i
in the above exclaination in on no subject more
fully exemplified than on that of health. lint
few give it a single thought. and cram' stilt re
nnet upon it NM the obnervation arid good 'refine
which matters of
.minor einineyaence receive.
An olmervation teaches the net that Dr. Ongood's
India Gholngogue in a never failing remedy in
Fever mill Ague, good sense would ninety indi
cote its prompt and intraeditti use. For sale by
the above named agents.
June 26. ,649.
J. & J. WY. ROWS,
Broom dr. Wooden-ware Store,
No. 63 North Third Street,
Ens in all kinds at Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bas.
Lets, shoe and Wall Brushes, Dila
ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking
Enstern.mnde Wooden.ware
of every description, &c.
at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Broomcorn at the factory
Sept, 11th 1849.
&c., &c., &c
This medicine is an excellent tonic. It
parts health and vigor to the digestive organrand
thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it is
just the thing for spring. when no many need
something strengthening. Let every one read
the following cases. and if you have one or more
symptoms like those 1 lieu. tioned, don t fail to try
thin invaluable medicine.
Came of Dyspepsia.
From R. P. STOW, Eq., Asst. Clerk
U. S. House Representatives.
Warm' au•r,. , D. C.. June 15.1846.
Dn. Cho. U. Uitxxs:--Dear ISir-1 feel it not
only a pieces e, but a duty, to make known to
you and to the public, (if you desire it.) the cur•
wising effects of the • Oxygenated Bitters," in
relieving me from that most discouraging dieor
d e r, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about
seventeen years with the usual attendant symp
toms, viz: constipation of the bowels. headache,
pain in the chest, flatulence acidity of the stom
ach, and severe nausea; and fur months at a time
nut the least particle of moisture would appear
on the surface of the chest or limbs, and most
of the tune I was extremely bilious. I have u.eJ
various remedies, have been strict in my diet,
hove_ been dosed with calomel and emetics day i
after day by physicians, but all to no puff per
pose. fleeting of the wonderful ellect• of the
, •0 xygenated flitter.," in the cure ol Dyepepsia,
I procured some as a lust resort , have used four
bottles irt the nu•dici e, and find the bad symp
toms all removed. and myeelt once more in the
eiljo !tient of health. None but the Dyspeptic
sulfeier, who hue felt a I the bolters dt the dis
ease, can at Lill appreciate the valtie of the medi
cine. I most sincerely hope that all will make
trial of the medicine, and 'shit me be able to re
joice in the return of heerhh.
Lady Cured of Ncuraion.
From Rev. THO.I/.13 KIDDER, of
iyusun. Vt..Aug.51,18413
Ecan Sin:—lt gives me great pleasure to in
form you tlial ti.e '• Oxygenated little.," With
Which you furnished thy wile, ht. %slough' a
cure iii her case. About two years oilier, my
whit Was violently attacked %lib 111 walgia in
the face, through the cheat, in the wrists and'
ankles. Su violent was the disease, added to a
general derangement of the telltale vy stem, that
live etrcugth woo CUfilfileldy proattall tl, her flesh'
wetted, and she rendered inueetuble indeed. I
feel grateful fur the restoration at her health, and
in duty bound to give put limy to the above
facie, that hinters siniihirty afflicted may know
where to week fur cure. Truly your tritihtl.
of diass.
For eomo twenty years I rod suffered severe
ly from (tumoral Asthma. I was cOnipelled to
sit up one-third of the night. and the rest ul the
time my sleep was niteri upied by violent fits of
coughing and great dither try ut breathing. In
all my attendance upon our court. I never went
to bed in Northampton in twenty years but t,‘ ice;
and then woo compelled to get up. Now I
iu bid without dillieulty, and sleep soundly.
took the • Uxygenated Bitters," according to
directions. The violent ay mourns immediately
abated, and perseverance ID the use of t, e rem
edy has removed all its troublesome consequen
ce.. l'he value ut ouch a remedy is inealcutable,
and 1^ hope its virtues may be widely diffused and
its beneficent ,gentry extriisisely employ ed. '
Lill KEN & F LeTCH'6rl•lieeeral Agents,No, 26 5
South , huh St, Philadelphia.
Sold wholesale arid retail by THOMAS READ lk
Sder,fiuntinadon, l'a.
Price—V.oo per bottle: six bottles
for $6.61.
M 4 8 1840.
And aunt/ter and the Latest Arrival of
41' DORSEY 4- .41.RGUIRE'S
=wi' 5T011.17,
H ORSEY & MAGUIRE, then!ifu! for pact
jJ favors, most recpeeifully inform their old
customers and the public in aenercl, that they
have just received another large arciortinent of
Fc.i.t. nod WINTEIL Goons, cunvisting of every
va rimy of
Ladies & Gentienien , s Dress Goods,
and goods of all kinds usually kept in the most
extensive motes.
Groceries, Hardware, Queensfeare,
&c. &c. &c. &c. &c.
L7enll and ex.rnine our Goods.
Huniingdun Dec . 4, 1949.
T H s E i Su i b . seriber will Sell, at Private
Woodcock Valley Valli*
near the Chose noel's, in Poiler & 14 alker town-
ships, Huntingdon calmly, occupied by David
Enveart, containing about 280 Acree, 200 of
which are cleared and under cultivation; with a
large nest
l'wo Story Dwellin g
IH -zrciDuuziG3®e
a large Bank Porn, Wagon :..hed, Spring hour*,
hog house, and eery ocher neceatery
On this !reel is an ex ieasi,ve
Bed of Fossiliferous Iron Ore.
Any inform...too will be given by Mr. Eoyeert,
on the premiere Gen. A. P. V ilium anti Mr.
George Jeekeor, of Huntingdon, or the eubseri
ber in Harlieburg,
Dec mber t. 1849.
A GOOD assortment ..l well flnisLed Saddles
now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Harness Ntinufactory of Win. Glasgow, oppo
site the Poet Office, Huntingdon.
Fl o vo iv lon. %WWI( 7. 1849.
A SUPERIOR article or Chees. just reeeiv.
November 27, 1859.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and
Trust Company of Phhiladelphia.
Office No. 159 Chestnut Street.
Capital $300,000.
1 CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on
‘../ the most favorable terms, receive and execute
'Tintou and receive deposits on Interest.
The Cr Oat being paid up and invested, to
gether with accumulated preiniutn fund. affords
a perfect security to to the insured. The pre
en= may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated pert+
oda to the insurance. for life. This plan of in
surance is the moat approved of, and is more
generally in use, than any other in Brest Britain,
(where the subject is best understood by the peo
ple. and where thry have had the longest expe
rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117
bile insurance Companies there, of all kind., 1117
are on this p:an.
The first 'BONUS was appropriated in Decem
ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum
insured under the oldest policies; to 8 3.4 per
cent. 7 1-2 ,er cent., Sc.n &c. on others. in pro
portion to the time of Mending, making an addi
tion of $100; $87,50; $75. &c. &c. to every
1,000, originally insured, which is at: average of
mote than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment of
the company.
The operation of the BONUS will he eeen by
the following ex empire from the Life Insurance
Register of the Company. thug:
A nit. of pol.and
&Heylnsured. Bonus or bonus payable
Addition at the party's
sioo.oo 151.100.00
250,00 2,750.00
900,00 4,400,00
175.00 2,175.60
437,50 5,937,50
No. 53
Pamphlets oontainina the table of rates. and
explitnations of thesubjeci; forma of application
and further infoiniati,ii can he had at the office,
ermis, in person or try letter, addressed to the
esident or Actuary.
B W. RIC H ARDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary.
May 8. 1849.-1 y
Wholesale and Retail
No. 238 Market St., above Sevent h , South side,
ALrl . lOllOll we can scarcely estimate the
value of Time commercially, yet by calling
at the above establishment, JAMES BARBER
will furnish his friends, among whom heincludes
all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau
tiful and perfect INDEx for marking its progress,'
of whose value they can judge.
His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan
ging in conformity to the improvements in taste
and style of patern and workmanship, consist. of
Eight-day and Thrrty-hour brats Coimrio
novas, PARLOR, 'HALL, Causes and ALARM
C.c.s, French, Gothic and other fancy styles,
as well as plain. which from his extensive con
nection and correspondence with the mxnufactu
rers he finds he can put at the LOWEPT Conn FIG.
CRC in any q '
u'antity from see to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the eccoraey.
C °eke repaired and warranted—clock trint
mings on hand. Call and see me among them.
JAMES BARKER, 238 Market St.
Phila..Auguat .28. 1899.
Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills
HAVE been gradual!) but sure!) coming into
favor, among the families of ibis County) for
some years past They have done this entirely
through theirgreat won't as a FAMILY !OLD
WINE. Agencies have been appointed but ntr
pulling and humbug each as is resorted to by
quacas to eell their medicine has been done.
The pills are offered for sale and have and will
continue to be sold by all the pi inciple store
keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi
cine the following advantages over all othere—
viz: They are PURELY Vl' GETABLE.—
They are pERTAIN '1 0-OPERATE. Their
operation is FREE from all PAIN. They con
be used with EQUAL I'ENEFIT by theyoting
Their efficiency in Fever., Ague, Headaches,
Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mar
• bus. &c.. has been proven upon thousand.—
They area Col tsin Cure for Wormy. The pro
prietors possess a certificate from a gentleman in
St. Louts who was cured of n 'TA PE WORM by
the ace of them. Try them they will not fail.
Travelling agent for the State of Perinsylva
nia—t Hut, . I'. AMET. For sale. price 25
cents a box containing FIFTY TILLS, withfull
directions by the following agents in Huntingdon
Thomas Read & Son. Huntingdon.
Tilolll. E. Orhison, Orbisonia.
Lindsey, llollidayrburg, Plait Co.
A. WEEKS & Co.
Proprietors, Laboratory No 141. Chesnut street
Ph iladelperia.
January 211,1849-Iy.
Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north winds breath,
And stars to set; but all—
Thou hest all seasons for thine own, 0, Death!
eartnb Rub Ornamental
phia, a large stork of the
Pure White Amer'Can Marble,'
and are prepared to execute any ordds for
Tomb stones, &c., in the neatest and most
workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice.
Persons wishing to procure stones &c., will
make application to A. W. KINNEY, only trav
elling agent, or address KINNEY & SELLER,
William.burg, Pa. . .
Williamsburg, Oct 16,1819-3 m.
PRIV %Tr. NC1104114,
FOR the Intellectual and Moral training of
youne persons and children of both rime.
{um by J. A. II %LI., in the now Academy
budding. Huhiingdnn.
The fall session will commence on MOTMAT,
ticulars apply to the Teacher.
Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A.
M. Henderson, Mr. James Magmrr, Maj. W.
B. Zeiler, Hon. Johr Kerr. Maj. D. MeMur.
trie, Hon. George Taylor, and James Clark.
OLD PENS, with diamond points and ail
vet handles, can be had at Father Time's
office for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a
thank it 1 NEFF & MILLER.
TS not now very generally espected,still great
excitement haa recently been produced in
untingdon by the arrival of a most splendid
surtment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
at the old and popular stand of
Market Square, Huntingdon,
His stock comprises Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Cutlery ,Caps, Shoes, Boots, Mut&
timbre! ea. Bonnets, &e. He has a splendid as•
sortment of French, English and American
Gasminets and Jeans in great variety. Also,
Ready-made Clothing, of all kinds,
A carefully selected variety of Silks, Merinos,
Alpacces, Cashmeres, Delnines, Prints,
Ribbons, Laces, &c.
as tvell as every variety of
Ladies Dress and 'Trimming Gbods :
All of which will besold at prices to compete
with anything in the place. as be is determined
that no one can or shall undersell him for earth
or approved country produce.
Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at
low prices, ore respectfully invited to cull sonu
at his store where they will find the shove fully
verified. GEO. GWlrf.
Huntingdon, October 9, 1899.
o s ati t y e a
geltn's -
THoEtheHruGra ng anrdianas nottiack n
OYSTER HOU,E! ! Thousands are slain
nighil ! ! The Excitement still Increasing,
notwithstanding the Agent's great efforts to
allay their thirst for Blood ! ! Hundreds
are attracted to the scene of action to see this
brilliant estahlishment,andall have come away
satisfied that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the
world ; end in addition, Agent's Oysters are of
the most superior quality. He has just received
this day an entire stock of Onnfectionarv. to
which the attention of the Public is invited.—
Thankful for past layout he still hopes fora con
If you Want to know wherethie fine eetahlish
ment is,just step down into Railroad htrect, one
door above V% itliam Stewart s Store, you there
will see the sign of the Red Curtain—That is
the place, HENRY AFRICA.
Huntingdon, November 6,1899.
A Boarding School for - Young nen,
Shade Gap Huntingdon county, Pa.
REV. J. Y. AOGINNES, A. M., AND J. H. W. 31
THE Winter Sedition will commence on the
first Wednesday of November, and continue five
month.. The ci urse of instruction embraces all
the branches necessary to prepare young men
either for the higher classes in College, or fur
the studies of a profession and the active busi
ness of life. The Academy building is new,
commodious, and in every way adopted to the
accommodation of a large number of boarders,
The location is distinguished for its healthful
ness and teligions character of the surrounding
community. It is easy of access, being on the
' stage route connecting Chambeisborg with the
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
TE.11,414 e'en Sisittorr.—For Orthography,
Readlng and writing, $5; Arithmetic, Cet gra
pey, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philos°.
pity, Astronomy, I hisiology, Chemistry, &c. $5;
Mathematics, Greek and Latin Languages, $l2 ;
French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclu
sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per Week: Il'or referen'ce
of fur ther particulars addresa
ehnile Gap. Oct. 30, 1849.
Irr'Brair Coubty Wlii'g, please copy 4t
Chair and Furniture
N_Ase ell up as) cm, cr) Lou CSEt
Up Stairs above Peter Swoope's Store
and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three
doors east of McKinney's Hotel.
THE undereigned has again cont•
j menced the above btfainess in all its
4/1 various branch., and is now pre.
---.,..- pared to accommodate all who may
( ( favor hint with their custom on the
most reasonable terms.
He intends keeping on hand all kinds of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to
the most fashionable sty e, and made in the most
durable manner, which he will sell low for cash'
or country produce.
MI kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for
chairs or furniture.
COFFINS will at all time he kept on hand,
unerals attended in town, and shortly its
town and country, as he is getting a splendid
Herse made for the accommodation of the public.
IiOrDE ♦ND SIGN PAINTING attended to as
Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
M') U ,, L — g - 3 T.l Za
For the Purchase and Sale of
THE•undersigned, believing that an
Agency of this character would be
an accommodation and an advantage to both the
purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu
ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon.
All business of this kind entrusted to him, and
all communications sent to him, will receive his
prompt and diligent attention. He will adver
tise When requested ; either in his own name or
in the name of the owner, as may be desirable,
in one or both of the newspapers of the county,
and in any other newspaper that may be desig
nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and
sellers, and communicate between them.
A full and minute description of the propeety
—its improvements, supply of water, conveni
ence to markets, schools, churches,and the terms
of sale, must accompany the request of any per
son who wishes his real estate advertised or of
fered for sale ; and some description, as definite
as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of
the premises desired to be bought, must be giv
en by those who wish to purchase.
All commtmieations relating to the business
of this Agency will be confidential if desired.
The subscriber is in communication with a
similar agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be
able through it to brine property offered for
sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster cowl.
ty purchasers.
I:l7`Postage must be paid on all letters sent.
P. S.—Several desirable propertiPs are now
offered• for sale. For further particulars inquire
of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR,
Attorney at Law.
Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1840.
FOR yea at the Cheap Store of
Oat 18,'49.) GEO GWIN
Greatest Variety in Town.
For the accommodation of all who are fond
(ft IDOL 4721T4a.
LOHM t:,12 NEWER, reepeetfully informs
hie friends and the public generally, not
only in the borough of Huntingdon, but through•
out the county, that he has just completed hie
arrengemente for the eoaeon by being prepared
to accornthadate the wants of the people, from
tottering old ego donn to the equalling babe...
To be brief: he continues the BAKERY, and
hae always on hand
of all kinds. Ho hae also a very entensite ee
Boylan:at of
which he will mall whole ate and retail. Also,
all kinds of
and a very large assort6idid of
L c-4'CD
He has also a very good supply of superior brand
Tea, Ceitee, Sugar, Cheese, Cranberries, Horn
inv, Crashers,
Spices of all kinds.
Sperm and tallow Candles, Soap, and ah auoe.
meet of Perfumery.
lie is at all times prepared to furnish hie tablea
with Fresh Oysters, done up in the best and
moot palatable style, at the shortest notice. Hie
rooms ire comfortably fitted up for the accoe
motlation of Ladies and gentlemen.
Thankful fur past favors, he hopes by strict
Intention to the wants of all ages, to merit a
continuance of the name.
Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1849.
Venetian Blind Manufacturer,
Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 &
1.13 South 2d Street, below Dock St.,
KEEPS always, on band a large and fashion.
able assortment of WIDE and NAIMOR
SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manufactured in the
bent manner, of the beat materials, and at the
lowest cash priers.
Having refitted and enlarged his establirhment,
be is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortest notice,
Constantly on kind an assortment of
plait °gang _furniture
of every variety, manufactured expressly for his
own sales. and purchasers may therefore rely on
a gond article.
Cry: Open in the evening.
Order. flora a distance packed carefully, Old
sent free of porterage, to any part of the city.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21.1849-Iy.
Manufactory of Pocket Books, etc.
No. 52fi Chesnut St., above Second,
THE subscriber respectfully solicits public at
tendon to his superior and tasteful Mock o
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
Banker's Cues, and other fine cutlery.
Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils.
Dressing Cases, Seger casee,
Card cases, Chess Men,
Port Menthes, Back Gammon Boards,
Purees, Dominoes, &c.
His assortment enneisis of the must fashiona
ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmatiehip embracing onset desire., We fancy pntern, which he will at all times be
prepared Cu exhibit and furnish wholesale or re.
tail on the most pleasing tenni,
d.,7—Purchasers who desire to furnish them
selves with articles of the l o st quality consult
their own interests by calling at this establish-
Meta. F. H. SMITH,
PoCket Book Manufacturer,
Aug. 28, 1849.-6 m. 52d Chesnut Bt.
3uniata Cabinet Manufacturing
Respectfully begs leave to inform hie friends
and cuetometa and the public generallv,that be
has built a large and commodious chop immedi
ately in the rear of the public house of John
hittaker, t.r., on the bank between the river
sold canal, where ho will constantly keep on
hand furniture of al kinds, of the best quality,
emit , acing all descriptions,kinde, at) les and vi.
rieties of parlor, medium and plain household
furniture, which will be offered for sale at the
totvint RATES.
rn order to accommodate t he pul•li. with alt
kinds of work in his line of !Arsine's, he bee
just supplied himself with a large lot of the
Nast quality of ( harry. 'Walnut, Maple, Poplar,
and ell kinds of Veneering of the moot popular
fashion. He will offer neither hatched or half-
finished work for sale, and will at all times sub•
mit his work to the moat rigid inspection.
Merchant., Professional roen, Farmer.. Me.
ebonies, Hotel Proprietor., Laboring men—alt,
are invbe'd to call and examine his furniture. be:
fore purchasing elkewhere. •"Seeing I. belie..
Coffin. will be elude On the ahortett notice,
either Cherry, Walnut or Poptor, as may be de.
aired, and funerals attended.
He flatters him‘elf that by industry and class
attention to hi , .busineea. he will be able topleata
all who may give him a call.
Old furniture will at all time. he repaired in'
the neatest and most durable manner. et low
wen. All kinds of country produce will hi la.
keo in exchange for furnilnre, repairing, &e.
Attntinedon, May f:9, 1899.
exopsEraErg ad, zat.olniza,
Commission Merchants,
1701111/ WZNIA. gr ,
Team, Sega rs,
.No. II Walnut Street,
Qr COirignnienld of Western and bontheru
June IS, 184 W.
? Produce volicited.,cf)