Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 29, 1850, Image 1

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    - ?1(i'• -,:tn-tir(gbon
tCB or No.
i r here are two little words that re use,
NVithout thinking from whence they came,
tut if you will listen to my muse,
• The birth-place of each I will name;
The one came from Heaven to bless,
• The other was sent from below,
What a sweet little angel is Yes!"
What a demon like dwarf is that No!"
And "No" has a friend he can bi t,
To aid all his doings as well;
In that delicate arch it lies hid,
That adornes the bright eye of the belle ;
Beware of the shaildowy frown,
Which darkens her bright brow Of snow,
As bent like a bow to strike down,
Her lips give 3ou death with a "No."
But. , Yes" has a twin sistnr sprite—
'Tie a smile you will easily guess--
That sheds a more heavenly light,
On the do ngs of dear little “Yes;"
Inereasine the charm of the lip,
That's going some lover to bless,
Oh, sweet is the exquisite smile,
That dimples and plays around "Yes."
si Still seems it stranz,er that thou shouldst live
• • This is a miracle."
In the year 1783, a stranger made
his appearance in Philadelphia, whose
singular manners and some what min
gled style of dress, attracted general
attention. He kept no company, asso
slated with no one, none knew his lotig•
ing place ; he was never seen to eat or
drink ; a strange mystery surrounded
him, which none could penetrate or
solve. He was evidently in possession
of great wealth ; this was ascertained
in a manner equally as mysterious as
were his action and manners, the nature
of which we will nut detail here.
A sale of old paintings in Second
street, in one of those old•feshioned
houses, whose age is identified with
that of the city, 'attracted an unusual
crowd, and among the numbei was seen
the mysterious stranger. No common
motive or idle curl isity seemed to have
drawn him there, fur as the varw is
pictures were put up, he viewed then'
with the.most critical eye, and, it was
observed at the time, equal attention.
Among the paintings was one of the
original portraits of O:iver Cromwell,
at the sight of which the stranger laugh
ed outright ; but it was so Wild, unnat
ural and sepulchral. that a shudder as
at the presence of scimething awful
thrilled the crowd.
Picture after picture Was sold, with-
Out exciting any peculiar notice, beyond
the expression of approbation which
some beautiful Speciniens of art elicited
until one was announced as being the
likeness of Pontius Pilate The stran
ger's eyes glared; his countentinde
changed front a pale cattaiierouti hue to
the complexion of, as exuressed by a
gentleman present, "a painted nevil !"
S, intense was his gaze upon the pic
ture. that he scarcely noticed the curi
osity his own conduct had excited, 'and
the words, it ache !Itishe !" escaped
him rather as a mental thou:At than us
an exclamation. He tittered no other
words, his lip moved as froM a convul
sive emotion, and when the auctioneer
demanded Who thus the purchaser 1"
the sudden announcement ', I ant !" from
the stranger, startled the whole compa.
ny, and when he seized the painting and
rushed from the room, it seemed as if
the atmosphere had been relieved from
a noxious vapor, for all who were pres
ent felt as if something oppressive had
been taken from their breasts, and they
breathed more freely; and, as the auc
tioneer observed, bid equally so."
I heard this vivid and fearful legend
in my youth and it left art impression
on my mind time could not obliterate,
and after circumstances have added to
the interest and wonderment of the sub
In 1822 I was travelling in the sduth
of France. It was evening when I ar ,
rived at a wretched hovel near the vil
la2e of L A storm was approach
ing; dark and portentious clouds were
careering through the sky, end the deep
thunder was rolling and rumbling in the
distance. Vived flashesollightning shot l
fiernss the intensityof the darkness, liken
forted messengerofthelotver regions. No
ticing 11 sort of shed, I immediately rode
up to it, knocked at the door; which be
ing almost immediately opened, I enter
ed what appeared to be a'sumeWhot Com
fortable room.. 13ut what attracted Inv
attention most, was the appearance of
the host. There was something wild,
fearful and strange in his looks. His
dress and style were different from aity
tOng I had seen before. He spoke not,
but pointing to a stool, I seated myself,
without as yet exchanging a single word;
indeed Could not bring my tongue in
connection with the words I wished t 3
speak. It seemed palsied but not with
fear; a sort of indescribable fullness
about my throat and head left no room
for the 'acuities to operate. 1 was ht.
terally locked-jawed. This fee'ing pass
ed an-ay, and a few words from the stran
ger soon lessened the pain of oppression
I had suffered.—Casting my eyes around
the room, they rested upon a painting
of a peculiar and very antique appear
ance. I examined tt somewhat minute
ly, too much so, perhaps, for the rules
of etiquette, but I could not resist the
temptation. n corner I noticed in
pencil mark : Lot No. 23, J. J. P., Phil
adelphia.—. Pontius Pilate."
This painting," 1 observed, "
pears to have been in Philadelphia."
" It was, and what is there remarka
ble in that ?" was his reply
" Nothing, Sir."
"I purchased it there thyself; at pubs
lie auction."
"You purchased it!"
Heavens what a thought flashed across
My brain. Thli Was, perhaps, the same
individual, the same dress, age, and ap
pearance, as described by those who
saw the '• Mysterious stranger in 178:1."
hde these thoughts were vividly call
ing tip the various titles connected with
the stranger's history, his eyes were
fixed lipon me.—Such eyes neter glared
on a human creature!
"Stranger thins than these, young
man have occurred," he observed, "with
out exciting esperi d wonder. The mere
existence of a paintin7, and in my pos
session, has nothing mysterious about
it, as your looks would imply."
I must confess, sir," I remarked,
there does seem something curious in
this picture, apart from the subject of it
as it was sold at auction, in the city of
Philadelphia, some years ago, and con
nected with which —"
"There was a wild and romantic story.'
But there is a mystery attached to it,
which if explained, would startle you
far more than could all the imaginary
horrid ones, horrified into seeming re
ality by the pen of Lewis. The paint ,
er of that picture was a Flemish artist,
and this work was produced by him
when only twenty years of age ; his
name I will rot mention—he died in a
mad house! He painted it in the aisle
of the cathedral at El —x, in the
year 1307, from an original painting,
which I brought frcon the Holy Lund!'
I stared at the individual as he stood
before me, iu awe, but not in reverence;
for there was a mockery on his lips, and
a hellish expression on his countenance
that awakened fears for my personal
safety, any attempt upon which 1 was
determined to resist with all the power
1 was master of, and I felt capable of
doing. so, even against odds. With this
resorve,l observed—
You mast have erred, sir, when you
said this picture was painted in 1337,
froth an original you brought from the
Holy Land 1"
" Young man, yrin are ctitiedl. 'et
I have riot erred. Time and space are
riot linked to me, nor to my fate, nor I
to them. I live for one common event!
until that occurs the events of life are
to me as passing clouds: Matter and
motion are the seedadary Causes which
in me produce effects.—Look at ins,
young man, nay start 1 shudder
ed as 1 gazed, " and 1 will tell YOU more
aye more than mortal ears have heard
before ! Listen--" he placed his mouth
close to my ear and whispered.
" Gracious heavens," I exelahned.
" Silenee—listen again--" Again he
whispered-1 started back—there stood
before me the .Mart of ages! . .
, t Aye," he went on, " I have seen
whole cities consumed; men, women
and children butchered—all—all but
myself swept away from Cle eai•th. Na
tions, empires, and kingdoms rose and
fell ; towers, palaces and sculptored
marble have all crumbled to dust, and
left me a living monument of their his
tories. Yes, they are written here—
here in characters of blood l"
" And yeti are—"
"Listen," and as he spoke he drew
from his inner vest a small miniature,
"iook at that ; view it well—aye, gaze
again—did you ever see a face like un
to tt 1 is there nut heaven in every lin
eament 1 Alt, you Start—gaze again—
look at that mouth, those eyes the flow
ing locks. Alt f 1 see him now as 1 did
that awful. moment, when bending be
neath the weight of the e rcr§, our
vior was on his way to Mount Calvary."
I could hear no more—my hair stood
on end—my linibs shook—tny eyes be=
clime fixed—the fearful being stood like
the Archfiend before me; his height
wits towering, and it seemed as if it
was growing and expanding in my sight.
I gasped for breath and shouted, in ac•
cents of horror—
,' You are
The Wanderinj Jew!" was his re
1 fell back in a swoon ; how long
remained 1 know not, but when I came
to myself all was darkness, the thunder
rolled in fearful loudness, the lightning
flashed, and the fain st+it3 pouring in tor
rents—the .'Mysterious S t ranger and pic
ture were gone!
NOTE.—The legend connected with this most
extraordinary character is to the following ef
fect :
" Acheverous woo a porter at the gate of
Pontius Pilate, and when our Saviour passed out
bearing the cross, " Acheverous struck him
w th a stick, and exclaimed in bitter mockery,
" Go faster, Jesus ."'—" Aye," answered our
blessed Redeemer, "hat thou sltalt remain till
come again!" From that dark and eventful
period, has the doomed man wandered over the
earth; he has been seen in every land, and in
every ale. Voltaire and Volney both speak of
him, and if it be that an individual has so been
cursed, then, indeed,have T seen and conversed
with the WANDERING Jaw."
Popular Recreation.
Can anything be more lamentable to
contemplate than a dull, grim, and vi
cious population, whose only amuse
ment is sensuality 1 Yet wlitit
expect if we provide no rtleans of recre
town ; if we never share our own pleas
ure with our poorer brethren ; and if the
public buildings which invite them in
their brief hours of leisure are chiefly
gin palaces) As for our cathedrals and
great churches, we mostly have them
well locked up for fear any one should
steal in and say a prayer, or contem
plate a noble work of art without pay
ing for it ; and we shut up people by
thournnds in dense towns, with no out
lets 'to the country but those which are
n•uarded on both sides be dusty hedges.
Now an open space near the town is one
of nature's churches; and it is an im
perative duty to provide such things.—
Nor, iodeed, Should we stop at giving
breathing places to crowded multitudes
in great towns. To-provide cheap :oco
motives as a means of social improve
ment. should be ever in the minds of
legislators and other influential persons.
Blunders in legislating about railways,
and absurd expenditure in milking them
are a far greater public detriment than
they may seem at first sight. Again,
without interfering too much, or attemp
ting to force a '•Book of Spurts" upon
the people f who in that citse would be
resolutely dull and lugubrious, the be
nevolent employer of labor might exert
himself in teeny ways to encourage
healthful and instructive amusements
amongst his men. He might give pri
zes fur athletic excellence or skill; lie
might aid in establishing zoological gar
dens, or music meetings, or exhibitions
of pictures, or mechanic's institutes.—
These are things in which some of the
great employers of labor have already
set him the example. Let him remem
ber how much his work people are de-
prived of by being confined almost to
One Spot; and let him be the more anx
ious to enlarge their minds by inducing
them to take interest in anything which
may prevent the "ignorant present" and
its low &ire§ fititri absorbing all their at
tention: Ha has Very likely some purl
suit or some art in whidii ha takes espe ,
cml pleasure himriself, and which gives
to his leisure hours perhaps its greatest
charm ; lie may be sure thatthere are
many of his people Who could be triode
td share in some degree that pleasure or
pursuit with him. It is a large ; a sure,
and certainly a most pleasurable benefice
to provide for the poor such opportuni
ties of recreation or means of amuse
ment as 1 have mentioned above. Nei
ther can it be set down as am all a trifling
matter. Depend upon it, that man has
not made any great progress in humani•
ty.who tides not care fur the leisure hours
and amusements of his fellow-men.—
The Claims of Lai)or.
Too KIND.—An old servant, drinking
to the health of his young mistress, who
was that day made a bride, said, wish.
her many happy returns of the day 1'
Some will do anything rather than
own a fault, though every thing depends
upon owning it. Seneca's wile, to con•
eeal her own blindness, asserted that
the world was in darkness.
[I:P -A. law has been passed in the
Cherokee nation, malting it the duty of
the Sheriffs, to search for xi , hiskey; and
if futind, to spi!l it on the *round.
le No Mistake at all Sir,"
A sailorpurchasedsome med
ecines of a cele brated doctor, demanded
the price.
" Why," says the Doctor, "I cannot
think of charging you less than seven
and sixpence,"
. -
" Well, I'll tell you what," replied
the sailor, " take off the odds, and
pays you the balance."
, Well,' returned the doctor, we Won't
quarrel about trifles.'
The sailor laid down a sixpence, and
was in the act of walking off, when the
doctor reminded him of the mistake.
'No mistake at all sir i ' said the sailor,
'six is even and seven is odd, all the
world over; so I wish you a good day.'
'Get you gone,' said the doctor, 'l've
made four pence out of you as it is!'
,SDAY, JANUARY 29, 1860.
Exciting Affair at Liniai
The Washington correspondent of the
Baltimore American details the follow
ing particulars of a gross - insult by an
English tipsart to the family of Col. Pat
ter, of Maryland, the American Consul
to Valparaiso. The manner in which
Col. Potter resented the insult will eli
cit front every American the highest
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 1850.
News has just reached this city of a
personal rencontre which took place at
Lima, on the 10th of the last month be
tween your fellow-citizen, Col. Zabdiel
‘V. Putter, the newly appointed Consul
of the United States at Valparaiso, and
the Hon. Henry Stephen Sullivan, ne
phew of Lord Palmerston, and Her Bri
tannic Majesty's Chnrge'd Afiltires near
'the Government of Chili, the particulars
of which as well as 1 can learn are as fol
On the 9th of December last, it seems
that Col. Potter with his family, being
en route for Valparaiso, stopped at Lima
►t being necessary that the steamer
should lie by several days at Callao in
order to take in a sappy of coal. Col.
Potter took lo,lgings or himself and fain
, ily at the French hotel. After having
taken his rooms in the hotel, into which
he was shown by the landlady in person,
and as he supposed comfortably lodged
with his family during the stay of the
steamer at Callao, lie walked out in com
pany with a "compagnon du voyage" to
take a view of Lima and its novelties
and curiosities.
Cul. Potter had not long left his lodg
ing:- before the Honorable Henry Ste
phen Sullivan with his family stopped
at the hotel and deliberately walked up
to the rooms whir-h had been assigned
to Col, Putter and family, and took for
cible possession of them, and turned
Mrs. Putter and her infant child out of
doors. Mrs. Potter besought him with
tears in her eyes to await the return of
her husband, who would only be absent
for a few minutes, but it was all in vain.
Hi:kßritish nobility told tier that she
was only a common American cook, and
ordered her out with her child in her
arms ; directing a servant to find other
apartments fur her, Gen. Herrera, who
occupied rooms near those taken by Col.
Potter, was appealed to by hlrB P., and
he and his daughter, Mrs. Mickle, went
with her to the Charge and besought
hint to await the return of Cal. Potter—
hut this appeal also was without effect.
Mrs. P., wits again ordered out of the
room, and as she left in tears this accom
plished funettonary and chivalric gen
tleman taunted her with words of this
sort—“Mamma, don't whip me-- Pil be
good next time—l will."
Some time alter this brutal occurrence
Col. Potter returned to the hotel, when
he was informed of What had transpired;
and as soon as lie could hear the stdry
he called Oprin Mr. Sullivan, who had
gone out. After a short time he called
again, but was told that the gentleman
was not in. Like a true American gen
tleman, COI. P., declined to disturb the
faintly of this Royal Offended or in the
least to take advantage of his absence
but went immediately to a hotel in the
Plaza and procured other lodgings, it be
ing then nearly night.—Early next 'oor•
ning he again repaired to the room of
the Charge and found hint this time "at
home." He requested him very polite
ly to accompany hint to the apartments
of Gen. tErrera, in order to have .an
explanation of the disgraceful conduct
to Mrs. Potter on the prev:ous evening.
Mr. Sullivan coolly declined the request,
and told Cul. P. that it was he (Col. P.)
%Om mast make the apology to his Lord
ship; Upon this Col. Potter adminis
tered a well merited and well applied
chastisement, mincing him un:il they
were both compietly exhausted with the
effort—the one in the passive, the other
hi the active sense.
This just retribution was witnessed
by a large number of gentlemen, among
whom were several Englishmen, and ev
ery body agreed that Potter was entire
ly in the right.—lt is needless to add
that as soon as the news spread over the
city of Lima there was a universal burst
of admiration of Potter's conduCt en the
one hand and of condemnation of Sulli
van's on the other. It is hoped that this
affair will teach Lord Palmerston's ne
phew that an American citizen, at home
or abroad is not disposed to brook any
insult, even from one who is of blood
kin to his lordship and a high functiona
ry of her British majesty, and he may
also profit by this lesson and learn how
to recent an injury himself hereafter.
The general sentiment here is that
Col. Potter ought not to be allowed to
enter upon the ditties of his consulate,
but that he ought at once to be promoted
to be at least Charge d'Affaires to some
one of the Sou* American Republics.
-=.)'o l / 1 1)/,‘ 1 1/(0.7)ti 4
Message of President Taylor
n reply to a Resolution of Congress,
calling for information in relation to
the organization of a Territorial Gov ,
eminent in California :
TIIF. HOUSE•' JAN. 21, 1850
To the House of Representatives of the United
States :—I transmit to the House of Represen
tatives, in answer to the resolution of that body,
passed on the 21st of December last, the accost
,'tallying reports of tizads of Departments, which
contain all the official imormation in the pos
session of the Executive asked for by the reso
On coming into office, I found the military
commandant of the department of California ex
ercising the functions of a civil Governor in that
Territory ; and left as I was to act under the
treaty of Gaudaloupe Hidalgo ; without the aid
of any legislative provision establishing a gov,
ernment in that Territory, I thought it best not
to disturb the arrangetnent made under my pre
decesidr, until Congress shOuld take some action
on that subject. I therefore did nut interfere
with the powers of the military commandant,
1 who continued to exercise the functions of civil
Governdr, as before ;
but I made no such ap
pointment, conferred no such authority, and
have allowed no increased cdmpensation to the
commandant lbr his services.
With a vsew to the faithiul execution of the
:reaty, so far an laid in the power of the Execu
:ire, and to enable Congress to act ut the Tires
. .
ent session, with as full knowledge and as little
difficulty as possible, on all matters of interest
in these territories, I sent the Hon. Thomas
Butler King, as bearer of despatches to Califor
nia, and certain officers to California and New
Nexiro, whose duties are particularly defined in
the areompairying letters of instruction address
ed to them severally by the proper departments.
I did not hesitate to express to the people of
those territories my desire that each territory
should, if prepared to comply with tne requisi
tions of the Constitution of the United States,
form a plan of a State Constitution and submit
the same to Congress, with a prayer for admis
sion into the Union as a State; but I did not
anticipate, suggest, or authorize the establish
ment Many such Government, without the as
sent of Congress, nor did I authorize any gov
ernment agent or officer to interfere with or ex
ercise any influx ce or control over the election
of delegates, or over any convention, in making
or modifying their domestic institutions, or any
of the provisions of their proposed constitution;
on the contrary, the instructions given by my
orders were, that all measures of domestic poli
cy must originate solely with themselves—that
while the Executive was desirous to protect and
defend them in the formatiOn Of any government,
republican in its ciiaracter, to he at the proper
time submitted to Congress—yet it w•as to be
distinctly understood that the plan of such a
government must, at the same time, be the re
sult of their own deliberate choice, and originate
with themselves, without the interference of the
1 am unable to give any information as to
laws passed by any supposed government in
California, or of any census taken in either of the
territories mentioned in the resolution,as I have
no infcirmatiOn on these subjects, as alreadY sta
ted. I have not disturbed the arrangements
which I found had existed under my predeces=
sor. In endorsing an early application by
. the
people of the territories for admission,as stated,
I was actuated principally by an earnest desire
to afford Id the wisdom and patriotism of Con
gress the cipportunify of avOiding angry dissen
tions among the people of the United States:
Under the coastitution, every State has the
right of establishing, and from time to time al
tering its municipal laws and domestic institu
tions, independently of every other State, and
of the general government, subject only to the
propositions and guarantees expressly set forth
in the Constitution of the United States. The
subjects thus left exclusively to the respective
States were not designed or expected to become
topics of national agitation. Still, as tinder the
Constitution, Congress has power to make all
needful rules and regulations respecting the ter
ritories of the United States, every new acqui
sition of territory has led to discussions on the
question, Whether the system of involuntary set ,
vitiide, which prevails in many Of the States,
should, or should not, be prohibited in that ter
ritory I rhe periods of excitement from this
cause, which have hitherto occurred, have been
safely passed ; but during the interval, of what
ever letig,th, which may elapse before the ad
mission of the territories ceded by Mexico, as
States, it appears probable that similar excite
ment will prevail to an undue extent. Under
these cirenn,tences, I thought, and still think,
that it was my duty to endeavor to put it in the
power of Congress, by the admission of Cali
fornia and New Mexico as States, to remove all
occasion for the unnecessary Agitation of the
publ:c mind. It is understood that the people
of the western part of California have limited a
a plan of a State Constitution, and will soon
submit the same to the judgment of Congress,
and apply for edinission as a State. This course
on their part, tho Ugh in accordance with my
wish, was lot adopted exclusively in consequence
of any expression of my wishes, inasmuch as
measures tending to this end had been promoted
by the 'Akers sent there by my predecessor,
and were already inactive progress of execution
before any communication from me reached Cal
ifornia. If the proposed constitution shall, when
submitted to Congress, be found to be in com
pliance with the requisitions of the Constitution
of the United States, I earnestly recommend
that it may receive the sanction of Congress.
The part of California not included in
the proposed State Of that name, is be
lieved tie be uninhabited, except in a set
tlenient of our countrymen in the vicin
ity of Salt Luke.
- A
claim has been advanced by the
State of Texas to a very large portion of
the most populous district of the terri
tory, commonly designated by the name
el NeW Mexico. If the people of New
Mcxico had formed a plan of State gov
ernment for that territory, as ceded by
the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo; and
had been admitted by Congress as n
State, our constitution would have af
forded the means of obtaining an adjust
ment of the question of boundary with
Texas to a judicial decision. At pres
ent; however, no judicial tribunal has
the power of deciding that question, and
it retriaint, for Congress to devise sortie
mode for its adjustment.
Meanwhile, I submit to Congress the
question whether it would be expedient,
before such adjustment, to establish
territorial government, which by incluz
ding the district so claimed, would prac
tically decide the question adversely td
the State of Texas—excluding it, would
decide it in her favor. In my opinion
such a course would not he expedient,
especially as the people of this territory
still enjoy the benefit and protection of
their municipal laws, originally derived
from Mexico, and have a militiary force
stationed there to protect them sgainst
the Indians. It is undoubtedly true that
the property, lives, liberty and religion
of the people of Nev: Mexico are better
(protected than they ever were befor,
the treaty of cession. Should Congrestt
when California shall present herself for
incorporation into the Union, annex a
condition to ner admission ns a State
aff'ecting her domestic institutions, coon
trury to the wishes of her people, and
even compel her temporarily to comply
with it, yet the State could change her
constitution at any time nfter admission
when to her it should seem expedient.—
It is to be expected any attempt to deny
to the people of the State the right of
self. government in n matter which peen
liarly affects themselves will infallibly
be regarded by them a" an invasion of
their rights ; and upon the principle laid
down in our own Declaration of Inde
pendence, they will certainly be sustain
ed in there resistance against it by the
great mass of the American people.—
To assert that they are a conquered pee•
pie, and must sobmit to the will of their
conquerers in this regard will meet with
tio cordial response among the American
Great numbers of them are our own
countrymen, not inferior to the rest in
intelligence and patriotism, and no lan ,
gunge of menace to restrain them iri the
exercise of an undoubted right, substan
tially guranteed to them by treaty of
cession itself, shall ever be uttered by
me, or encouraged and sustained by per
sons acting under my authority. It is
to be expected that, in the residue
of the territory ceeded to as by Mexico,
the people residing there will, at the
time of their incorporation into the
Union as a state, settle all questions of
domestic policy to suit thettsclves. No
material inconvenience till result from
the ivattti for a short petiad i of a govern-
Merit established by Congress over that
part of the territory which lies east
ward of the new erase of California, and
the reasons for My opinion, that New
Mexico will, at no very distant period ;
ask for admission into the Union, and
founded upon official information, whicl. ;
I suppose, is common to all who have
cared to rnake inquiries on the subject.
Seeing, then, that the question which
now excites such painful sensations in
the country will, in the end, certainly
be settled by the silent effect of causes
independent of the action of Congress,
I again submit to your wisdom the poli
cy recommended in my annual triVsSage,
of awaiting the salutary operation of
those causes—believing that we shall
thus avoid the creation of geographical
parties, and secure the harmony of feel
ing so necessary to the beneficial action
of our political system.
Connected as the Union is, With the
remembrance of past happiness, the
sense of present blessings. end the hope
of future pence and prosperity, every
dictate of wisdom, every feeling of du
ty, and every emotion of patriotism,
tend to inspire fidelity and devotion to
it, and admonish us cantionsly to avoid
any unnecessary controversy which can
either endanger it or impair its strength
—the chief element of which is to bo
found in the regard and affection of the
people for each other.
Washington, Jan. 21st, Ibso.
CONGRESS.— W hen Mr. Gallatin was. it
member of Congress in the year 1796,
TenneSsee was admitted as a State into
the Union, and sent her first member to
ashington. One day, when in his
seat in the House, Mr. Gallatin noticed
a tall, lank, uncooth looking indifidual,
with long locks of hair hanging over hi 2
brows and Ince, while a queue hung
down his back, tied in an eel skin. The
dress of the indiiidual Was singular—
his manner and deportment that of a
backwoodsman. The appeat anee of -so
singular a character on the floor of the
House of Representatives, naturally at
tracted attention, and a member at his
side asked who he was. Mr. Gallatin
replied that it was the member for the
new State. 'Well,' said his friend, 'he
seems just the sort of chap one nii&t
expect front such an uncivilited region
as Tennessee.' The individualin gees.
Lion was Andrew Jackson.
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