Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 22, 1850, Image 3

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    Speech of A. K. Cornyn, Esq.
Resolutions of instructions to our Senators
and Representatives in Congress on the subject
of flogging in the Navy, having been offered in
the lower branch of our State Legislature some
time since, came up in order on the 11th inst.,
and were opposed by Jas. M. Porter, principal.
ly on the ground that the Legislature has no right
to interfere in National Legislation.
On the following day Mr. Cornyn made a
speech in opposition to the views expressed by
Mr. Porter, a report of which we clip from the
Pa. Telegraph.
Mr. CORNYN said
It is, Mr. Speaker, with great reluctance, in
deed, that I venture to join issue with the dis
tinguished gentleman from Northampton (Mr.
PORTER.) In any controversy I may have With
that gentleman on this floor, I must necessarily
suffer—and if I consulted my own feelings I
would remain silent. But, Sir, I did not come
here, I was not sent here to consult my own
fears and inclinations, and to shrink from the
discharge of any responsibility justly devolving
tan me.
The question before the House is an import
ant one, as I view it, in itself considered; but
the views taken and arguments urged by the
gentleman from Northampton have invested it
With additional importance. The practice of
instructing our Senators and requesting our Rep
resentatives in Congress, is not a new one; it
had its origin with the formation of the Govern
ment, and in no State has it been more repeated
ly resorted to than in Pennsylvania. Indeed,
the right to do so has scarcely ever been question.
ed in this Commonwealth. True, there may
have been time, and occasions when there were
doubts as to its expediency or propriety; but
the right to do so has been admitted.
And why should it not be 1 The gentleman
says the National Legislature legislate for the
Union—for the Nation, flint being their peculiar
'province; while the State Legislatures are con
fined within the limitb of their respective States.
Grant it, sir, that we have no right to legislate
Inc the Union, for it would be idle as well as ab
surd to pretend that we had. Bdt the National
Legislature are bound to legislate for us. We
are part and parcel of the Union, and therefore
deeply interested in their action. And if it is
for us they legislate—if we are either elevated
or depressed by their action, why shall we not
be permitted to make known to them our views
feelings and inclinations in regard to all mea
sures that we deem of importance to the State ?
Has it come to this, that the National Legisla
ture are so far removed above the people,
beyond the State Legislatures, that we date
not respectfully address them, and make known
our wants and wishes 1 Upon " what meats do
this Congress feed that they have grown so
great 1" No, sir; we have a right to talk to
them, and there is a propriety in the exercise
of the right. And it is a right which I hope
will neither be relinquished nor abandoned
while we continue so deeply interested in the
action of the National Government. We speak
for the people of this great Commonwealth; we
are their accredited, organized and acknowledg
ed agents; we are directly from them, and are
presumed to reflect their will. In this country,
thank Heaven, all power is entrusted to the peo
ple. They have all power to make and unmake,
as to them seemeth best. They are more mu-
Mp3tent than a British Parliament, and I rejoice
that it is so. Would to God it were SO in every
land and nation of the eat th ! Then the eye of
the patriot would not rest, and sicken as it rests
on those dart and dismal spots 'there cruelty
and oppression hold absolute dominion. Hunga
ry—noble, but devoted Hungary—would not lie
prostrate to-day, with "her life's-blood ebbing
fast away," and the heavy beet of a remorse
less oppressor on her neck. The immortal
Kossuth and the intrepid Bern would not be
houseless and homeless wanderers in a foreign
land; and Italy—around whose painfully ,nter
eating history still linger classic but melanchol
ly recollections—would not 'at this moment lie,
bound hand and foot, in the iron fetters which
despotism has forged upon her. No, sir; it is
because the people in those countries have rtn
power, that their rights are thus disregarded,
and their liberties and privileges overthrown.
But in this land it is not so ; the people are the
sovereigns, and they can enforce obedience to
their will at pleasure. And if the people have
the power, and we are their appointed agents to
act and speak for them, why shall we not do
so 1 The right of instruction arm the duty of
obedience was an early and a favorite doctrine
of the Democratic party, and its abandonment
at this time is but another of the many eviden
ces going to show most conclusively, that the
pr.ent Democratic party possesses but the
name, while the Whig party are devoted to its
p r p . . _
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
is interested and deeply interested in
the resolutions of the gentleman from
Centre, (Mr. MEEK.) If this flogging
in the Navy be a relic of barbarism, at
war with humanity, and a deep and dam
ning shame to a free people, does not
part at least of the infamy and disgrace
rest on Pennsylvania! Must she not
bear her portion of that load of sin and
guilt 1 And it is a disgrace, sir, as well
as a burning shame to the Government
tolerating it. What, sir! an American
citizen ! a prouder title than that of a
Romon citizen in her palmiest days, to
be cowhided like a forgiving and forget
ting dog! his spirit broken, his pride
subdued, and his manly Independence
gone ! For what, sir, can more effectu
ally wound the spirit, chafe the soul,
and destroy all self-respect, than the in
fliction of the odious punishmennt in
question 7 And shall we not be permit
ted, as freemen, to manifest our deep
abhotrence for it, and to ask, respectful
ly, our Senators and Representatives in
Congress to use their influence in wi
ping it front the statute book 7 If they
will not hear us; if they turn a deaf ear
to our entreaties, we at lenst have done
our duty. Pennsylvania has spoken
through her State Legislature, and has
placed herself on the record against It.
Her conscience will be clear, her fair
fame unsullied.
But, sir, if there ever was a time in
the history of this country when it was
peculiarly appropriate that the State
Legislatures should speak, and speak in
no measured terms, especially the free
States, this is the time. Not that the
Legislature of Pennsylvania should ar
rogate to itself powers not delegated to
It and not possessed by it, but that it
should express its views fully and fear
lessly in relation to the great questions
in which the State is interested. In do
ing this it cannot be said that she is en- 1
crouching on the rights of Congress, or
travelling beyond her jurisdiction. The
gentleman from Northampton contends
that the powers of the National, as well
as the State Governments, are clearly
defined, and that neither should attempt
to encroach on the rights of the other.
This I do not intend to question ner do
I undertake to say that the Legislature
of Penns,Wean has power to legislate
beyond the limits of the State ; but I do
undertake fa say, that as a constituent
part of this Union, she may express her
views, Make known her wishes to Con
gress, without being chargeable with any
infringment on the rights of the Nation
al Government.
The gentleman further Urges that we
were sent here for the prpose of pas
sing such laws as the wants and inter
ests of the people of the State require,
and that in undertaking anything for
eig'n tO this purpose c we undertake the
performance of that with Which we were
not intrusted. This argument{ if it
proteS anything, proves too eituch. ft
would forbid the introduction and pas
sage of the resolutions the gentleman
himself offered a few days since, moving
an adjournment of the House in/Medi
ately after the rending of the Journal, in
honor of the Bth of January—the day
rendered memorable by the brilliant vic
tory gained by Gen. Jackson over the
British forces on the plains of New Or
leans ; and would also forbid the esual
tribute of respect paid to the birth-day.
of Washington. It will be therefore read
ily seen, that this view of the case is
I have already said the time is appro
priate, not for abandoning or relinquish
ing this right, but for its free and full
exercise. The South, in their Legisla
tures, are now speaking to their mem
bersof Congress, requesting and instruc
ting them on the must important and vi
tal questions that now agitate and threat
en the union of these States. They are
sustaining and encouraging their mem
bers of Congress in their hostility to a
fair system of American Protection—
that measure in which the people of
this Commonwealth are deeply and vi
tally interested. Take from us Protec
tion to American industry, as has been
done, and you rob this State of her
greatness; you crush her power and her
strength, and prevent her from disclo
sing her vast and untold resources, The
present policy, and the one sought to be
fastened upon us, is fatal to American
labor, placing the freemen of this coun
try on an equality with the serfs and pan•
pers of Europe. It is a policy which,
if persisted in, will close our mines of
wealth, silence the hammer of every
forge ; extinguish the fire of every fur
nace ; and thereby throw out of employ
ment thousands of honest laborers, and'
rob their suffering families of the means
of subsistence. And arc we to sit tame
ly by and send up no voice, long and
deep and loud, against this destructive
measurel Are our rights to be invaded,
our interests destroyed by the action of
the National Legislature, and we not be
permitted to protest against it 1 Can
that doctrine be correct which teaches
silence and submission under such cir
cumstances 1 Must the intended vic
tim, at whose life is aimed a deadly blow,
make no effbrt to avert it 1 and dare it
not resist With unflinching firmness the
Bands of its destroyer 1
But that is not all, sir. The South
are, at this time, in their State Legisla
tures urging upon Congress the proprie
ty of extending and perpetuating the dark
and infamons curse of Slavery over ter
ritory now free. This question is, per-'
haps of all questions, the most impor
tant nt this time, and one in which the
people ought to feel the deepest and'
most lively interest. The issue between
Freedom and Slavery has been made up ;
the contest has commenced, and it is im
possible either to avoid or evade it.—
The free States must take their stand
either for it, or against it. There is no
middle ground to occupy, Nothing is
now left but base submission on the one
hand, or noble resistance on the other.
And shall Pennsylvania shrink from the
avowal of her sentiments, and yield her
conscientious conviction of duty 1 Will
it do to set up a doctrine here which will
be to her as an imperious interdict to
her interference,
and prevent her from
exercising upon Congress, in the settle
ment of this question, that Influence to
which her high position entitles her 1
Shall tongues be mute when deeds are wrought,
'Which well might sharae extremest Hell?
Shall freemen lock the indignant thought
Shall pity's bosom cease to swell 1
Shall honor bleed I—shall truth succumb
Shall pen and press and soul be dumb 1
Omo.—Dates from Columbus down to
the Sth inst., show that confusion still
prevails in the Senate. Mr. Swift read
a speech and closed with a resolution to
remove Mr. Blake from the Speaker's
chair. The debate which lasted all day,
consisted of personalities. Charges of
falsehood were made and retorted, and
the vocabulary of billingsgate almost en
tirely exhausted. The House adjourned
without transacting any business.
Reuben Wood has been nominated for
Governor by the Locofoco Free Soil Con
TEXAS.—Sho Legislature of Austin
was progressing with the business of the
session, at the latest dates (30th ult.)—
The Santa Fe question still continued to
ekcite both Houses. A Mr. David Daw
son *vas killed at his ranche, abort 3
miles above the Sun Patricio on the 28th
ult., by four Mexicans. The object it
seems was plunder. Two of the mur
derers had been arrested,
Terrible Tragedy hi New Jersey.
Xurder of a husband and IV:fel—We
learn from the Patterson (N.-J..) Char
dint, extra,that that comMtmity has been
throWn into great elcitement in conse
quence of the murder, on Monday night,
of two persons, residing three miles from
Patterson. The victims are John S.
Van Winkle and his wife, an aged coup
le and long residents of the country.—
The atrociens deed Was accomplished, as
there appears no doubt, by one John'
Johnson, a laboring farmer, The Guar- ' I
dan says:
The murderer, some two or three'
years since worked for his victim as a 1
farmer, and at the time was employed
by some of his neighbors in the same
capacity. It would seem that Johnson
effected an entrance into the house ,
through an upper window, by means of
a ladder, and descending to the bed room
of his victim below, accomplishing his
Murderous purpose by first attacking the
wife, who slept in front, then the bus-!
band, and again the wife.
The second attack appears to have
immediately deprived the wife of life;
the husband is still living, but his death
ie momentarily expected by the atten•
ding physicians ; such is the extent of
his wounds. The chief instrument used
appears to have been a knife, though the
husband bears the marks of a hatchet.—
Each received several stabs in different
parts of the body, including the abdomen
and the sight which the bodies presen
ted when discotered was a molt har
rowing one, the bowels of the husband
especially protruding and lying by his
side. The floor and bed were saturated
with blood, as may be supposed from the
nature and number of the wounds.
A boy only slept in the same dwel
ling.—Aroused by the noise in the room
below, and ascertaining on descending
and softly opening the door, the butch
ery going on within, he silently left the
house and alarmed the neighbors, but
the bloody murderer made his escape be
fore they arrived. The fresh snow, how
ever, enabled his pursuers to track him,
who soon succeded in finding and arres
ting him. He had in his possession
some of the clothes of Mr. V. W., and
bore about him unmistakable marks of
guilt. He is now in our jail.
His object was doubtless money,
(which however, he seems not to have
obtained,) as Mr. V. W., is known to
possess great wealth, probably amoun
ting to $lOO,OOO, though a plain unos
tentatious farmer. It is gratifying that
I the inhuman wretch has been arrested,
but the punishment which is sure to
await him cannot atone for the deed it
self. It Cannot restore the harmless wife
to life, nor save the husband from a spee
dy death. It is proper to say, that
Johnson has borne a good character
when sober, but when drunk, he is little
better than a trirtdMan, as we are infor
med by those who have long known him.
Election Day at Sacremento City.
The California correspondent of the Tribune
tells the following story
To-d a y is election day, and the polls have
just closed. All good old customs have been
transferred to this State, and accordingly we
had rain for twenty-four hours. This digging,
nevertheless turned out 105 votes, dll of which
were " for the Constitution." As there are
two or three candidates for State offices in the
place, the drumming up of Vetere gave one a
fresh reminiscence of home. The choosing of
candidates from lists, nearly all of whom were
entirely unknown, was very amusing. Names,
in many instances were made to stand for prin
ciples; accordingly a Mr. Fair got many votes.
One of the candidates, who had been on the riv
er a few days previous, wearing a high crown
ed silk hat, with narrow brim, lost about twen
ty votes on that account. Seine went no furth
er then to vote for those they actually knew.
One took the opposite extreme, justified him
self in this wise :—" When I left home," said
he, " I was determined to go it blind. I went
It blind to California. and I'm not going to stop
now. I voted for the Constitution, and I have
never seen the Constitution. I voted for all
the candidates, and I dont know a d—ned one
of them. Pm going it blind all through, I am."
The Californians and resident Mexicans who
are entitled to vote, were in high spirits, on ex
ercising the privilege for the first time in their
lives. It made no difference what the ticket
was; the fact of their having voted very much
increased their self importance, for to-day at
The American Board of Commissioners
for Foreign Missions, has tinder its
charge 25 missions, embracing 103 sta
tions, and Calling into existence the ser
vices of 158 missionaries, 9 of *hem
are also physicians, 5 licensed preach
ers, and 7 physicians, hot ordained.—
There are besides 24. other Male, and
208 female assistant misSicntries, ma ,
king in all 402 laborers sent from this
country, Associated with these are 30
hatiVe preachers, and 100 native helpers.
The whole number of persons, therefore,
under the direction of the Board, and
laboring in its mission, is over 530.
Ga-A watchmaker in Liverpool, has
succeeded in drilling a hole through a
sixpence edgeways. The diameter of
the hole in the coin is the four thou
sandth part of an inch in size, and bare
ly sufficient to admit a fine hair,
ID-The London United Service Ga
zette has reasons for "boldly announ
cing that the question of abandoning
Canada, as a British colony, has been
the most absorbing topic, (with the Cab
inet) and we learn, from authority in
which we are apt to place firm reliance,
that it has been all but determined to
give up Canada, as a dependency of the
British Crown."
On Thursday the 17th inst. by nev. S. IL
keit!, Mr. axonne 1 1 1cFsi rn, to Mies
Atussi.e.mAN, both of Sinking Valley, Blair
On the 2d December 1849, in the city of Lon
don, JOUN TODUCNTER, (brother of Thomas
TodhUnter of this county) aged 63 years.
The " Eirterpian Pend" will give a concert
in the Don't House of this place on
'rnesday Evening, January 29.
Doors open at 6 o'clock. Performance to com
mence et 7—Admission 25cts.
Tickets to be had at the Stores arid Hotels.
Estate of JOHN 1111.11PSON late of
Clay t.., Huntingdon county, deed,
NOT ICE is hereby given that betters of
Administration on said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment and those having claims or de
mands against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
Jan. 22, 1850-6t.] Administrator.
T"E"Santa Fe" Warehouse, Store
room, two Dwelling Houses, &c.,
situated on the Pennsylvania Canal and Central
Railroad, 12 miles east of Huntingdon, in Hun.
tingiion county.
The buildings are New and commodious, being
erected the past year ; the Warehouse and Btore
is doing on excellent business ; it is the nearest
point to the public improvements for the exstern
end of Huntingdon and Bedford counties, an ex
tent of country twenty-five miles south.
One of the dwellings is large, and well cal
calmed fora public house where one is much
needed. The Pa. Railroad Company is making
a depot et this point, which will improve the
business much. It is a desirable place for a man
of business.
It the above property is not disposed of before
the first of February next, it will be rented on
that day at public out-cry.
Possession on the lot of April next.
Apply to James Kelly on the premises.
Santa Fe, January 8, 1850.
'Lewistown Democrat will copy and pub
lish 3t.
Clothing 2 Clothing
- WOU d ll respectfully infant his customers
public generally, that he bee still
on hand a general assortment of well tilade
which he will sell unusually cheap for cash.
Those who want bargains would do well to
call soon.
January 15, 1850.
To the Ladies and gentlemen of Huntingdon
and all those wishing to purchase good arti
cles at their true value we would suggest the
propriety of calling on NEFF & MILLER, the
only real opposition in the watch, Jewelry, and
Silverware line in this "neck of woods."
They are selling goods at such unprecedented
low rates that perscne in want cannot fail to
No. 1001 Market square,
Huntingdon, January 15. 1850.
Watches, Clocks, ievtelry. &c.
PERSONS attending Court are respectfully
invited to call at SCOTT'S CHEAP
JEWELRY STORE, nod inspect his superior
assortment of WATEuss, JEW E. &c. He is
weekly receiving additions to his stock, which
is large and well selected, and sold on very mod ,
erate terms.
January 13, 18t°.
Tt o
I t r e
s i u l i o . u c g e
r ail s Lot, t a t li t e li r e dr u g i n n c g
• • tion of Bath and Washington ai l ment,
in the borough of Huntingdon, will
be offered at phbllc sale, on
Thursday, the 24th inst.,
at 2 o'clock, P. M.
TERMS:—One half the purchase mo:icy to
be paid on taking possession of the property—
the remainder, with interest, in two equal annual
payments, to be secured by bond and mortgage.
Possessiod to be given on the &est day of April,
The premises can be inspected at any time, by
calling on the proprietor.
(0-Seieral building lots, fronting on Moore
street, can be had at private sale.
, .
Huntingdon, Jan. I, 1850.
Dissolution of Partnership.
T"Epartnership heretofore existing between
John R. Hunter and Samuel Milliken, trading
in morchandize in the borough of Petersburg,
Huntingdon county, was disliolved by mutual
cdnscnt on the 26th day df December, 1849.
The business will ho continued end the accounts
of the Gem settled by John R. Hunter.
PURE Concentrated Extract tif Lemon, a
genuine article far sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
Not'ember 27, 1549.
'Helmut Hooks for the Holidays.
pHE subscriber has just received from
1 Philadelphia, a small but handsome
assortment of Gift Books—some richly bound,
with gilt edges, magnificent engraving. and H.
!unlimited frontispieces. Amongst the lot may
be found—The Romance of Nature; the Ivy
Wreath ; the Friendship Offering ; The Snow
Fluke ; The Rose of Shams; The Gift of
Friendship ; Odd Fellows Offering ; Gems of
the Poets ; Bibles and Hymn Books ; The
Christmas Blossom ; The Rosemary ; Walker's
Musical Gift for 1850—and a few smaller illus
trated books for children. J. T. SCOTT.
Dec.2s, 1849.
Axels. Springs, Bsc.
TUST received and for sale a new lot of Axels,
J Springs, &c., at the Shop of ROBERT
GRAFIUS, Alexandria:
Doe. 18, 1849:
VINEGAR, of the best kiwi, for sale at
Nov. 27, 1819. CUNNINGHAM'S.
.SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receiv ,
"ovember 27, 1849.
List of Leticrs
I)F.MAINING in the Post Office at Hunting
don, Pa., on the Ist day of January, 1850, &
which if not lifted on or Lefore the lot day of
April next, will he sent to the Geneva! Post
Office as dead letters.
Learned James
Bisan John Learned Theopholis
Blair Jackson Leary Daniel
Blake William Lesberger Mayer
Boggs J. C. Lctford Thomas 2
Borkman Tobias Lynn Patrick 2
Borp John Lisberger Si Dorsh
Boyd Mr. Lyden John
Brady Barony Itlr
Brady Rev .1 C Madden Dutton
Brackbill Nancy 2 Maher Patrick
Britt Peter Mahoney James
Brannells James Mason Robert
Bulger Daniel Mayo John
Bulger Patrick McCallion Philip
Burke Bridget McCann James
Burke John McCiutney William
Burke Thou it McCartney John 2
C McCartey William
Campbell Alexander McClure James
Cantwell Daniel McCormick Michael 2
Cantwell Daniel or Ed.McCool James
Quinn McCourt James
Carte Patrick McCullough George
Carter Richard McDonnell William
Clarke Peter 2 McGill Chas.
Cohen Isaac McGovern Patt
Collins James MeGrein Patrick
Cooke John McHugh Patrick
Corcoran Pall McKeigh Robert
Corbin Nicholas MeLairghlin Patrick
Cowden Charles C Meara Daniel
D Merman Patrick
Danenhour James Miller B F
Deasey Charles Millear Jacob
Deely Francis Moore S
Dodson Stephen • Morgan J
Doles John Mulinially John 2
Donahoo Patrick N
Donnlen Edward Nathan Abraham
Dorsey Michael Norris William B
Dowling William Nusbaum Victor
Doyle John 0 P
Oakman Joseph
Eagan M. Pollett Samuel
Earnest Henry Price James
Etinger John qlt
Evans William Quigley Fenton?
F Racine Gustave
Fispatric John Rapp Alfred
Foly John Reynolds Mr.
Frederick Augustus Rlittle Dr.
Fulton James Ridden Michael
G Roarke Daniel
Gertrude Roarke John
Gibbons William Robison Miss Mary
Gill Patt 'Rodgers Michael
Gorman Patrick Ross John
Graham Thomas S
Graham William T Sankey Miss Julia Ann
Grout Richard Saul Anthony
H Sealey Bernard
Hale Mrs Mary M. 2 Sharer John 2
Gall Sarah Shea John
Hamilton II Shultz Mrs. Catharine
Halphonright Jorge Simpson James
Hazlet James Simpson William
Henderson James 2 Slatman Charles
Hill S Smith James
Hogen John Smith Philip
Houseman Charles Snee Michael
Hutchison Benjamin Sprowell Francis
dl Stall Mi. Christiana
Irvin James Steel Miss Susan
Johnston James Stephens James
K Stewart Thomas
Kaufman II G Stewart Samuel
Keller George W
Keilt) , John Waite Eli
Kerney John Walsh Michael
Kelgan John Walsh Patrick
Killey Andrew Ward Phill
Kierman William Watson John
King Hngh Weaver John
Kin.' John II Weston William
Kuhn Anthony Whalen Patrick
I , White Miss Mary
Lary Dennis J Wilson Henry
Wilson James
Persons inquiring fdr letters do the above
List will please say they are advertised.
17 - Two cents in addition to the regular
postage charged on advertised letters:
Huntingdon, Jan. 8,1850-3 t.
Opposite the Post Office, Hunting
don, Pa.
THE undersigned would respectfully Inform
his friends and the public in general, that he
has his
z. - )Ezick at. O 3 da aCD C)
fitted by ih a superior and comfortahlestyle, and
is prepared to accommodate all who may favor
him with their custom, with elegant, fresh BAL.
TrmoßE OYSTERS, served up in a style that
cannot be surpassed. Be has It roolt, fitted up
expressly for LADIES and GENTLEMEN.
PRIVATE PARTIES can he furnished With
a room onshort notice.
FAMILIES furnished with oysters by the
dozen or larger quantities.
CAKES of all kinds baked to order at his es
The undersigned hopes by strict attention to
business, and unreltured effort to please, to merit
and receive a liberal port ion of public patronage.
December 11, 1849.
Reward--InfOrmation *anted.
MARE left the residence of Bene
dict Stevens, about two thonths ago.
he is a laige dark hy, 'Hine in the left fore
foot and no shoes on,behind. Any person know
ing where she is, will please inform the under
signed, by sending a few lines to Orbisonia P. 0.,
Huntingdon counts. JAS. M. STEVENS.
January, 1, 195b.-4t
Corner of Market Street and
Market Square,
rpHls old establiahod Hotel, has undergone a
thorough re-painting, papering, &c., during
the last season, and is now the most desirable
slopping place at the Capita/.
Members of the Legislature and others visiting
Harrisburg are invited to call,
Large stabling attached to the Hons.
112 -- N. B.—Charges moderate.
WM. T. SANDERS, Agent.
December 11, 1849,-3m.
IVOTICE is hereby given to the mem
hers of the Cumberland Valley Mu
tual Protection Company of bickinson township,
Cumberland county, Pa., that an essessment of
six per cent has this day been laid in the pre
miurh notes of said Company, by the Hoard ;
which amount le directed to be paid to the Trea
surer of said Company, according to the charter
end by-laws. By order of the Hoard.
A. G. MILLEft , SWF,'
January 15,1830,
. 0 /I c.
. \
) i' ft i r
. c :.4:1:44/
.1" T. SCOTT has just returned from New
, York and Philadelphia with a large and
brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, consisting in part of
Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent Levers,
Gold Hunting do, do. Hunting do.
Gold Anchor do. do. Anchor do.
Gold Lepines dn. Lepines.
and Verge Watches of all sorts and gnat ties in
endless varier.
Eight day and 30 hour brass Clocks. Also.
Diamond Breast Pins and finger rings; Gold
Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal
chains; Gold Pencils and Pens ; Ear Rings ;
Bracelets, and other Jewelry in great variety,
which for beauty and excellence, cannot be ex
celled. Also Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons,
and Butter Knives ; Silver Speck. ; *edgers'
fine Pen-kives ; Accordenns ; Pocket Books;
Perfumery ; Envelopes ; Note Paper ; Wafers;
Port Mcnies; Combs ; Hairand Clothes brush
es ; &c., &c.
This stock vre can assure our friend and the
public has.been purchased unusually low, and
will be sold at a smaliadeance. Give ua a call
and judge for yourselves.
Iluntingdon, November 6, 1319.
The rlnglo-Sa.runs have Come !
HE Public are respectfully informed
$. Se: Et. *arton
have just received the largest and beat apaort.
merit of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, romprising all the
various articles generally kept at other stores,
with the addition of a great many articles ne,
or offered for sale in thin place. Their stock can
asta of
Sattinetia, Vesting., Tweed cloth, Kentucky
Jeans, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors,
Table Diaper, Muslin., Calicoes, Gingham.,
Mouslin de Wines, Cashmeres, Merinoes
A Ipaccas, Silks, Mull Jacconet and
Cambric M uslins, Linen Cambric,
Milk nil cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture check & cal icoes, glove.,
Shawls and Trimmings.
Men's a d Bans' Boots and Shoes,
Cloth and Glazed cap, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glaases, bed Blankets Carpets, &c.—
They have also an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and queensware,
They have a lot of Bonnets of the very latest
style. They have also a great variety of Cedar
Ware, such so Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all
kinds, SALT, FISH, and PLASTER. AB
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
he bought at any other establishment east of the
They are determined to sell off their old Stock
of Goods at and under coat, Look out for bar
gains !
Ituntingdob, October al, 1849.
E3® .:dxx.•azia 8 8
0,,--- ; n e Wsto ck of
and Watches,
, Jewetrv,c;;ft ,station aty ,
,L , ‘ pe,fanr ;7 o,pv,S.e
ff R /
which is positively the largest, best
and most fashionable, and cheapest
assortment ever offered for sale in the place.
Having in their employ one of the best work
men in the State, they can most confidently en
gage to repair Clocks and Watchesas cheap and
as well as it can be done in any of the Eastern
The public are politely requested to call and
test the truth of our declarations. The proof
is in trying.
N. B. The highest prices given for old gold
and silver.
Remember No. 1001 Market Spare, Hun
tingdon, Pa.
October 30, 18.19.
Wake up, Citizens t Wake up
Wonderful Reduction ift the Prices of
Clothing at the Hall of Fashion ! !
Does not prodbee hn excitement equal to that
of cheap Ready-Made Clothing now opening at
the Hall or Fashion.' by H. & W. SNARE.
Corner Remit of Snare's Row, opposite John
Whittaker's Tavern.
Thankful for past favors, we respectfully in
min one customers and the public generally that
we have just received and are now opening a
splendid assortment of
Fall and Winter Clothing,
Our stock consists of fine black French Drees
and Frock Coats, Drib French, Beaver and
Macksnaw Over -coats, Tagliona aid black cloth
Z=.acks, Cloaks of all kinds, Business Coats, Pea
Jackets, &c.
A fine assortment of caseimere Pants, consist
ing of tine black, medium, fancy French of dd . -
ferent styles—and cassinets, A great variety of
Vests, such as fine satin, sin: velvet, plaid, rash
' mere, &c. Fine Shirts tram $l.OO to 2 50.
Woolen end Cotton, knit under Shirts, Drawers
and Stoekiags. Bosoms, collate, French and
other Suspenders. A ine &assortment of boy's
Nev:tyles of Hata and Caps, Boots& Shoes,
Umbrellas, &c., in feet every thing usually kept
in Ready-made Clothing Stoles, aed of qualities
calculated to please and accommodate the pul.l. c .
If you wish to keep up with the times and
fashions, call at the "Hall of Fashion."
B. & W. SNARE.
Huntingdon, Sept, 18, 1849.
- •
Ladies and Gentlemen
✓lnd see the best assortment of Goods
in our place.
nest quality of Men's Boots and Shoes, fine
and coarse.
Fine cork soled men's calf skin bouts.
Men's water proof boots.
Men's gum and bulTalo socks,best quaky.
soya int! Children's bent quality of booty.
Ladies Morocco shoes, half gaiters & low boots
best quality.
Ladies best quality of gum shoes and also
men'a silk hate and cloth cape of beet quality &
latest fashion, and also a variety of other anklets
Noctographic paper of ali colors, for eats cheap.
Oct. 2.1, lh lJ.