Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 22, 1850, Image 2

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The “Hustinonoa JOURNAL" is publiehedat
the following rates, viz : $1,75 a year, if paid
in advance ; $2,00 if paid during the year, and
$2,60 if not paid until after the expiration of
the year. The above terms to be adhered to in
all ease,
No subscription taken for less than six months,
and no paper discontinued until all arriiiages
are paid, unless at the option of the pilbbnher.
Seams or Ma. Comfy:v.—ln another column
will be fowls' a report of Col. Cornyn's remarks
in reply to James M. P'o'rier, Esq., on the right
of Instruction; and in opposition to the barba
rous practice of flogging in the Navy. We have
read this speech with great pleasu're; it is
right In sentiment, chaste and elegant in style,
and some of the allusions touchingly eloquent
and beautiful. We observe that all the Harris
burg correspondents of the different papers,
speak of Mr. C's remarks in the highest terms
of praise.
G2' The "Shippensbitrg Newt" is becoming
reckless. It charges us with disapproving of
the appointment of A. J. JON., Esq., as Post
master at Harrisburg, and says it is not surpri
sing that after our advocacy of such a "political
traitor" as Collector Lewis, we shoulddenounec
such a true-hearted, hard-working Whig as A.
J. Jones. We are not very thin shined, and
hence not usually easily roiled at being misrep
resented. But the charge of the "News" is
so gross, malicious, wilfully false and uncalled
for, that we cannot pass it by without deserved
notice. We del not disapprove of the appoint
ment of A. J. Jones, but on the other hand pub
licly approved it. A few weeks since, how
ever, we complained of the failure of the
mails, as we had a right to do, and "inclined
'to charge the fault on the Harrisburg office."
And then remarked, "if we are correct," &c.
We made no positive charge, although we were
assured at the time that the derangement in the
mails had been caused at the Harrisburg office—
since; we have been informed that the fault is
with the Railroad Company.
But we cannot understand this fierce attack
upon us at this time: Has i! been made at the
instigation of the Harrisburg Postmaster 1 If
so, we should like to know it. We can hardly
think the editor of the "News" would voluntari
ly thus assail its; yet we have observed for some
time, that the "News" has inclined to favor
the little clique of "rule or ruin" Whigs in this
State, who have at all times been ready to at
tack, and, if in their power, destroy the best
Whigs in the State, should they happen to fan
cy they stood in the way of their ambition.—
Even Wu. F. Jduf:srox himself, who rescued
Pennsylvania frdm the grasp of Locofocoism,
would not escape the attacks of this clique, only
for the fact, that the honest Whig masses of
Pennsylvania stand around him like a wall of
adamant, rendering him inipervions to the poi
soned shafts of these political assassins.
How any paper, professing to support Gen.
Taylor, cart stigmatise one of his highest offi
cers in this State as a"political traitor," with
out any evidence, is more than we can under
stand. We are inclined to believe that Collec
tor Lewis is a much truer Whig than many of
his accusers.
Fires in Lewistown.
Two fires occurred in Lewistown last week ;
one in a stable belonging to F. McClure, and
the other in a new t*b story frame building,
belonging to This: F. Shull, which was entirely
consumed; and a biiilding attached to it, designed
for a bowling alley, was also partly burnt. The
Gazette attribtites these fires to incendiarism.
The Gazette says that three young men were
arrested on Tilesday evening, on suspicion of
having fired Shull's boWling alley, and after an
examination before a Jbstice of the Peace, com
mitted for trial. tine has been released on bail
and the others are now ih jail, but whether they
intend to remain in that rickety cbneern until
the April Court we cannot tell. 'rho evidence
against them is circumstantial but strong., and
inless they can show there whereabouts at the
time by good testimony, it may go hard with
them. We forbear giving names for the pres
ent, as we cannot call then gifilty of so heinous
an otrence until convicted.
Locofocos of this cOu r.ty held a Coun
ty Convention last week, and appointed Major
T P. Came BELL Representative delegate td the
State Convention to nominate a Canal Commis
sioner. Gen. A. P. W11.517N Was iccbdimended
fur Senatorial delegate. A resolution instruct
ing the delegates to support the nomination of
Col. Joan CRESSWELL, as the LocofOco candi
date for Canal Commissioner, was adopted. We
doubt whether the Locofoco party Of Pennsylva
nia can be induced to nominate so decent and
gentlemanly a man as Col. Cresswell.
1:9"On our first page will be fonnd a letter
from Harrisburg which should have appeared
last week. And notwithstanding we requested
.our correspondent to mail his letter one day
earlier, we have received none this Week.
State 'Treasurer.
We learn by this morning's mail, that the Lo
cale. Legislative caucus held on Saturday eve=
nbig, nominated Gen. John M. Bickel for State
Treasurer. He was terminated on the twelfth
ballot. fhe principal eaudidates were Messrs.
E. A. Penniman, Arnold, Plummer and Kane.—
The election would take place yesterday.
n 7" All the criticism yet expended on the
President's Message is confined to a verbal er
ica which originated in one ofthe offices where
the document was printed ! If this isn't doing
a large biteincs• en a %marl capital, we don't
Iliserx what is,
Small Notes.
We have never been able (says the Chambers
burg hitelligencer) to account for the dislike
shown by the presses of the opposite party to
the small notes which at present constitute the
prinelpal currency of the interior, except by at
tributing it to their anxiety first to depreciate
their value, and then charge the loss sustained
by holders, to the Whig party. Our merchants
mechanics and laborers will bear us Out in the
assertion that nine tenths of their ordinary bu
siness transactions, are perfdrmed with this
currency, and no peson of common sense,
amongst us, not even a Demodiatic" editor,
would refute to make' a tate, or to teeeiVe pay
ment of a claim, because he could only be paid
in small notes--- , Oroiided they are the issue of
solventbanke. Not only are they gladly received,
but their absence Would be felt as a seridtrs in
convenience tOttif classes. A t all eVents, where
find what is fhe difference, in principle, betveten
large and small notes '1 Why should the mitni
mutt) be arbitrarily fixed at five dollars 1 It
might with as much reason be insisted that no
banks should issue notes 9f denominations less
than orie hi/rated Or One thousand dollars. Such
a limit, hoWever, outdid not answer the wants,
of the people, we have, therefore, fifties, twen
ties; tens and fives for convenience. Ones, twos
and three's ate issued fOr the Sadie reason, and
the fact that (het are sdwillifiglY accepted in
payment of debts, is the best evidente df their
It must be admitted that some restraint should
be placed upon the circulation of paper of this
description, to protect the ignorant and unwary.
There are at present circulating in Pennsylva
nia about five millions of small notes issued by
banks and companies, in other States, the great
proportion being from New York, Ohio, Mary
' land, kentucity and Indiana, and we frequently
meet with them from New Jersey; Rhode Island
;and Connecticut. With this deluge of foreign
shin plasters surrotmding its, it is impossible to
avoid ittipOsition without a detector as a pocket
companion, and eten this to prove an effectual
safe guard should be renewed daily, lion, iy:
It is to be hoped that the day is not far dis
tant when this foreign trash will be kept beyond
the limits of the State, and its place supplied
by the issue of our banks, with whose condition
all may be easily acquainted, and whose solven
cy, under the present system, is guarantied by
the State. lly the way, we would feel greatly
obliged to any of our friends for some real, true,
sensible objection to the circulation of small
notes, not based upon their abuse.
The Slavety Ottestion in Kentucky.
Governor Crittenden, in his late Message,
talks upon this subject like an honest man and a
patriot. He scorns the idea that any real Amer
ican can advocate a dissolution of the Union.—
While he sympathises, as we earnestly do, with
both the North and South, he deprecates the
doctrine of distinion as calculated to lead to the
most fearful calamities ; and he almost Uses Cur
language, when he says that there will lie found
in Congress, on the eteiting subject which has
given rise to the late agitation and alarm, a wise
' forbearance and a Wise patience, that will secure
us from danger ; and that the very men who,
in the heat and contention of debate, have spo
ken most boldly the language Of defiance and
menace to the Union, will not be hindmost in
making sacrifices for its preservation. —. fel.
Mayor Barker.
We mentioned the fact in our last that Joe
Baiter, convicted and imprisoned for street
preaching, had been elected Mayor of Pittsburg,
and felt rather inclined to express the opinion
that the gddd people of the "smoky city" had
disputed themselves by so doing. But it would
seem from the new Mayor's commencement,
that he will probably do something towards
improving the morals of his constituents. A
Pittsburg paper says :
He (Barker) entered on his duties, On Satur
day last, and during the morning disposed of a
number df cases of rowdyism, &c. A tavern
keeper made complaint to him of a drunken man
having broken his vritalows, after getting drunk
in his house: As it was the man's first offence,
he fined him 67 cents and costs, and let him go,
and he NVariied the doggerv-keep, to beware
how he conducted his hdttse in futilre, as he was
determined On punishing as well the men who
made the drunkards as those who got drunk.—
lie also gave his officers instructions to return
the names of all proprietors of drinking, gam
bling and other establishments, who hail viola
ted the law in keeping open houses On the Sab
bath day.
Congressional Conimittees.
The political, or rather spctiOnal, character
of the standing committees of the House of Rep
resentatives will appear from the following
The Slave States send 91 Representatives to
Congress) the Free States 110. There are 37
standing committees in the House, 19 of which
have Chairman from the Slaves States-18 from
the Free States. A large portion of these com
mittees however, have no political power or in
fluence whatever, the important, influential
committees being; Ways and Means, Claims,
Gommerce, Public lands; District of Colimbia,
Manufactures, Indian affairs, Naval Affairs,
Foreign RelatiOns, Territories, Post Office and
Post Roads, Military Affairs, Judiciary.
Of these thirteen important House comrnit
tees, nine have Chairman from the Slave States,
the Free States jour—seven of the thirteen have
a Majority of members from the Slave States,
and in evety instance, save one, where the
Chairman is ftdm a Free state, the majority of
membets Composing the Committee are from
the Slave States, and yet theta Is constant and
continuous complaint and dendnciation from the
Slave States, of Northern intolerance and ag
gressiOn.—Cinrinnati Gazette. "i•
Ccr Sonic of our editorial brethren contend
that if each subscriber of their respective papers
would procure an additional name, their present
list would doubled! Now we should like to
see this experiment tried on the part of our sub-
scribers. What say you 'kends 1 Will each
one volunteer to do his part towards testing the
philosophy of this calculation 1
Profits of Plank Roads.
The bill introduced into the Legislature by
Mr. Cornyn, authorizing the construction of a
Plank Road from Huntingdon to McAleavey's
Fort, has passed the House, and will doubtless
soon pass the Senate. For the information of
those who will be expected to construct thin
road, we clip from an exchange Paper the fol
loWing in refetence to the profits derived by
stockholders in such roads:
There is one gratifying fact in relation to the
plank roads, which cannot be said of railroads,
canals, steamboats, banks or any similar stock,
and that is this -.Those who have heen inter
ested in plank roads, and watched their progress
have learned by experience, that no plank road
has ever yet been constructed that proved a
losing concern to the stockholders.—Experience
has shown that the people will seek these roads
end NMI Ose thorn; acid unlike the railroad, they
are enterprises invariably as beneficial to the
steak holders as to the ',Mille.
The Waterville and Utica raid, nineteen
&fifes Itfrig, and costing $34,000 has just declar
ed a dividend of ten per cent. payable to the
stockholders on demand, ten per cent. laid by
for repairs.
The Utica and Bridgewater road, t wenty
miles long, and costing $40,000 pays twenty
five per cent regularly.
The Boonville road pays twenty-two per
The Watertown road pays twenty-five per
The Forea and Johnson road, four miles long
and cost $B,OOO, pays regularly fifteen per cent.
New York is now adding immensely to her
facilities of internal intercourse by means of
Plank Roads. Utica, Oswego or perhaps Rome
have hithertO taken the lead in their construe•
tion, but they are fast becoming all but univer
sal. They are probably not less than one thou
sand miles in aggregate extent at present, and
are bring rapidly extended. When wisely loca
ted, they pay liberal dividends to their stock
holders, while their advantages to the public
may thus be elucidated : Over the old roads, a
teamster, span of horses and wagon would in
"good going" transport one ton thirty-five miles
per day, at a net average cost of $2,50. In bad
weather the load must be much smaller, or the
distance traversed would be less. On a Plank
Road the same team will transport 2i tons at
least forty miles miles per day in all seasons, at
a cost, including tolls, of s3.t„ or less than half
the farmer expense.—New villages are spring
ing tip and old ones being renovated by virtue of
Plank roads. They form important feeders to
Rail-rdads, and obviate the stagnations of busi
ness hitherto attendant on foul weather. In
short, they are roads that the people of any sec
tion even half settled can make without calling
on distant capitalists for aid; they are construct
ed of timber not otherwise valuable, mainly by
labor when it is least needed in other pursuits,
and have already added vastly though noiseless
ly to the comfort and substantial Wealth of our
people. Success attend them !
Serious ACCideht.
DANVILLE, January 8, 1850.
A serious accident happened in the rolling
mill yesterday morning. The large fly-wheel,
weighing from 25 to 30 tons, burst assunder and
scattered the roof and machinery at a tearful
rate. Pieces weighing 3,4, and even 6 tons,
were hurled through the roof, crushing every
thing before them. One man only was slightly
injured—a very providential escape indeed, con
sidering the number of hands at work, The
damage cannot be less than $lO.OOO ; it may
reach $30,000, It Is believed to haie been done
by sonic Villain, who threW a piece of iron be
tween the cogs of the main wheels, when the
whole machinery was in full operation. A
piece of iron was found corresponding with a
mark in the broken cogs; which was known to
be in a distant part of the mill on Saturday.—
This unfortunate affair throws hundreds of la
borers nut of employ and upon the community
without any means of supporting themselves.—
The repairs cannot be made for some time to
come; and I question whether the mill will ever
be started again before we have an attetatlon in
the Turin.
N. 13. The wheel Was gOing at the tate of
about GO revolutions per minute, When the acct=
dent happened.
The Peter Pence of the United States.
The Pope, in a letter to the Archbishop of
Baltimore, to which is attached " his own sig
nature," expresses much obligation to those of
the Catholic denomination in the United States,
who have sent him the handsome amohnt of
money stinie time since collected in his behalf.
Ile says he considers the very seasonable pres
ent as an " evidence of singular piety, faith and
devotedness"—as a token of " filial regard, es
pecially amid the tribulations and afflictions,
which the head of the church suffers." He a
wards to the archbishop and his " fellow. bish
ops" the praise they " deserVe for the pecunia
ry contribution," a portion of which only he
had then received, and gives them his " apos
tolical benediction." The Pope's " Nuncio"
also assures the archbishop that the Pope will
" most bountifully impart his apostolic benedic
dictions to the good catholics of the United
States and theit chief pastors," Who have raised
so handsome a contribution.
al Intelltgencer publishes a correspondence be
tween Gov. Seabrook, of South Carolina, and
Mr. Bentoni of Missouri, in which Mr. Benton
acknowledges the receipt of the South Carolina
resolutions approving the southern convention
and promises to lay them before the people of
Missouri. The convention is to be held at
Nashville on the first Monday in June, and Se
nator B. very dignifiedly accepts this early time
for trying the slavery issue in Missouri, where
he considers the sentintents of the people to be
against it.
Distisios PETITICINS FROM TIM NdßTl.l,—The
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, never at a
loss far something on which to lay violent hands,
are engaged in circulating a petition for seces.•
,ion frOm the Union. These fanatics seem jeal
' ous of the attention bestowed dpan their disun
ion allies Of the South, and seem determined to
have a larger skate of the public notoriety than
they have recently enjoyed.
ID.It is estimated that one drunken
man in every ninety, is annually convic
ted of crime, while the average number
of temperance men annually convicted
of crime is one in 4,164.
'Tom, stnnd out of the Way of that
illoW do you know that he's a gehtle•
man 1'
'Why, li wears a stand•up collar and
swears r
Distinguished Hungarians in Wash
The Hungarians arrived at Washington, on
Tuesday last, and called on the President and
the Secretary of State, by whom they were very
handsomely and cordially received, and were in
formed that this government had not only au
thorized an agent to acknowledge the indepen
dence of Hungary, and to be the first to welcome
her into the family of nations in case she had
succeeded in the late revolution, but that our
Minister at the Sublime Porte, had also been
instructed to use his good offices in behalf of
Kossuth and his brave companions, and to send
them, if in his power, to the United States, in
one of our vessels of war if any should be about
to return from the Mediterranean, where they
Would find a hearty welcome, and be met with
genetous sympathy by every true American.
The ilaytien and Dominican War.
Jamaica papers received by the Cherokee,
gives a report that the forces of the Dominican
Repnblic have invaded the territory of the Em
pire of Hayti, end that the Dominican fleet had
bombarded and dest7oyed the Haytien towns and
villages. The town of L'Anse, a Pirre, was
redeced to ashes. The Haytien schooner Char•
lig Was captured near Aux Cayes. A sloop and
six boats were taken and stink, with 25 of the
cteW killed, and 18 taken prisoners,
Another Locofoco Martyr.
Mr. B. F. Brown, author of the life of Gen.
Vass, and nominee of the Locofoco party for
Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives,
has been detected in enormous frauds upon the
Government, and has actually fled the Capitol.
He Would have been arrested on Sauttlay night
last ; but for his hasty flight from the city. Thus
is every day increasing the list of Locofoto Mar
tyrs to the searching inquiries being made by the
present Administration into the conduct of those
who immediately preceded it.
THE PAitioilis Muitoca.—The New Orleans
Delta, published an anonymous letter, dated
Washington, Texas, in which the writer says
that Dr. WEBSTER is innocent of the murder of
Dr. PARKMAN, and that he himself is the guilty
one, and is on his way to California. The let
ter is regularly postmarked and addressed to
the Delta, and bears the signature of • 4 Onon-
Ass." It is written on coarse paper, and is
quite illiterate in its style. The Editors think,
that it is not a hoax.
OPPICERS OP THE Hot:m-0n Saturday the
lower Douse of Congress adopted a resolution
to postpone the election of Doorkeeper and
Post Master, until the commencement of the
next Congress. This, if not re-considered,
will retain Mr. HORNER and Mr. JouNsrox, the
old officers.
STATE LtananisN. ,, ..Thomas C. McDowell,
who was consul to Brazil under Mr. Polk, has
been elected State Librarian.
Manycann U. S. SKNATOR.-The election,
by the Legislature of Maryland, of ex-Governor
Pratt, to the U. S. Senate for the unexpired
term of the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, and also f o r
the succeeding full term of six years, will give
as much satisfaction to the Whigs of other
States, as to these of Maryland, and iv a well
merited reward for services of the most impor
tant character rendered to his State whilst ad
ministering its high executive trusts. In Mr.
Pratt the Whig party will have a firm and faith
ful representative, and the administration or
Gen. Taylor a steadfast supporter,
than 50 cars were received in one day last week,
at the depot of Messrs. Craig, Bellas & Co.,
agents of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
with 152 tons of produce, consisting of flour,
butter, eggs, poultry, &c.
Fealty of the South.
The N. 0. Commercial Bulletin, in speaking
of the course of Messrs. Toombs, Stephens &
Co., says that indppencient of their desertion of
the Whig cause they have inflicted a greater in
jury on the South, by their conduct, than the
balance of their lives can atone for or repair,
were their days even spun out to the length of
those of the antediluvian Patriarchs. They will
not, however, let ua hope, go « unwhipped of
koSsath's Familyb
Advices from Vienna by the Cambria,
inform us that the liberat,on of Kos
suth's relations from prison is extended
to his children, who were provided with
a Protestant tutor. His mother and sis
ters, who have just been dismissed from
their prison at Pesth, are expected in
Vienna, where it is believed they will
apply for passports for Turkey,
Twenty Pilots Drownedi
An English paper contains a melan
choly account of the loss of twenty pi
lots attached to the Shield station, who
were drowned in a humane attempt to
rescue the dreW of a wrecked Vessel.—
After having reached the wreck their
life-boat capsized, and twenty out of the
twenty-four who had so generously man
ned her sank ohe by one to a watery
grade in the presence of those whom
they had gone to rescue,
Dreadful Deaths
------ ---
The Wheeling Gazette says a man
named James Gad was found on Mon
day morning among the fragments of
rock, at the base of one of the steepest
precipices of the stone quarries near
that city, He had fallen the preceding
night in a state of intoxication, over the
precipice, a distant of about forty feet
and though none of his bones were bro.
ken, he was frightfully bruised and oth
erwise injured, internally, it was thought
sufficiently to produce death. He had
commenced slipping at the summit of
the hill, some 50 feet from the cliff from
whence he finally fell ; the marks of his
struggling hands and feet were plainly
traced in the snow.
From Washington.
But little has transpired at Washington du
ring the past week. The House has not yet
succeeded in completing its organization. On
the 15th inst., Mr. Gloshenner, loco, of this
State was elected Sergeant-at-arms. Several
ineffectual attempts have since been made to
elect a Doorkeeper.
The Slavery questionlias been under debate
n the Senate during the week, on the resolu
tions of he 1 111-trnnt Legislature, introduced by
Mr. Phelps. These resolutions are couched in
pretty strong language toward Slavery, and their
introduction added new fuel to the flame of south
ern feeling. Several warm and exciting speeches
were made on both sides—or rather between the
two Free Soil members and the Southern ones ;
the Northern Whigsdid not tyke any part.
During this discussion, Mr. Davis of Missis
sippi used the following exciting language:
'• If gentlemen came here to insult fine section
of the Union—to dissever and distract
they were here to bring about a civil war-Atere
then let the first battle be fought."
On the 15th, in the Senate, Mr. Bradbury oc
cupied nearly the whole day in the delivery of a
set speech, advocating his resolution calling on
the President for information in regard to the
causes of the removals from office which have
been made since March last. Mr. B's. speech
was but a repetition of the slang indulged in by
the locofoco press since the election of General
Taylor, and in attempting to cite precedents
for his course, Mr. Bradbury was ludicrousely
On the 16th, the House consumed the whole
day in ineffectual attempts to elect a Doorkeep-
In the Senate, Mr. Benton submitted a bill
for a reduction, by purc:iase, of the boundaries
of Texas, the excess of territory to be admitted
into the Union as a State, when it shall contain
a population of one hundred thousand—the con
sideration to be fifteen million of dollars. This
bill was met by a counter poposition from Mr.
Foote, who not only accused Mr. Benton of
stealing his thunder," but charged him with
stigmatising all who differed with him (Mr. B•)
on the slavery question as fools." Mr. Foote's
bill also provides for the erection of a new State
out of the exterior Territory of Texas, to be
called Jacinto. He meant, he said, that the
new State should be a Slave State, although the
bill was silent on the subject. Mr. F. support
ed his bill in a long and characteristic speeeh, in
the course of which he made several attacks, of
a personal nature, on Mr. Benton. Before ad
journing, the Senate held an Executive session,
Os the 17th the proceedings are wholly with
out interest. In the House, five ineffectual bal
lots were taken for Doorkeeper. In the Senate
most of the day was consumed in useless debate
on a resolution asking for infortnation which had
already been prepared in compliance to a simi
lar resolution which had passed the Douse, rel
ative to the organisation of the territorial gov
ernment in California.
On the 18th the Senate was not in session,
having adjourned from Thursday over to Mon
day. In the House, the whole day was spent
in fruitless efforts to elect a Doorkeeper. It
being understood that the President had sent in
two communications, in compliance with a res
olution calling for information in regard to Cal
ifornia affairs, &c., several attempts were made
to have the same read ; but the House refused
to suspend the rules for that purpose.
Wasu:Nnron, San. 18.
Mr. Allen A. Hall. of Tennessee, who has
occupied the post of of Register, has been ap
pointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
I regret to state that the Hon. John C. Cal
houn is confined to his robm, seriously indispo
sed. He Was attacked with pneumonia on Wed
nesday night last.
Heavy Defalcation.
A despatch from Washington, under the date
of janilarY 15, says :
The accounting officers of the Treasury De
partment certify that the balance on the books
of the Department against Prosper M. Wetmore
late Navy Agent at New York, is one hundred
and eighty one thousand five hundred and eighty
dollars and seventy nine cents. Mr. Prescott
Hall, U. S. District Attorney for New York,
has received instructions to institute summary
proceedings against Mr. Wetmore, under the
provisions of the well known act of Congress for
cases of this kind,
Mr. Wetmore is one of the political martyrs,
so much sympathized with by locofoco presses
and orators.
Court Proceedings.
the following cases Came before the Court of
Quarter Sessions last week and were disposed of
to the manner herein stated.
Common wealth vs Dorsey &Valuer. In
dictment, Fornication and lanstardyVerdict of
guilty at November Sessions—new trial grant
ed, which resulted in another conviction. The
Defendant's counsel again moved for a new tri
al—the court refused to entertain the motion.
Deft. not sentenced, but bound over to appear
at next sessions.
Cbmninnweatth tie Jas.7ietlp. Charge,"rip
pling House. Deft. discharged by proclama•
time, prosecutor not appearing.
Commonwealth vs Daniel Womelstlorj 4.
Rithard -Tones. Indictment, for removing land
marks. Continued to next Term.
Commonwealth vi Jas. 3. Lawrence, Ed
ward McGovern, John McGovern and others.
Indictment for obstructing highway. Verdict
Commonwealth vs Elias Mayo. Indictment
for passing counterfeit money. Continued to
next Term.
Conunonn'ealth is Henry Snyder 4- Wm. Col
lin:. Indictment for Conspiracy & Assault &
Battery with intent to kill. Verdict, not guilty.
Commonwealth vs Jonathan Lytle and others.
Indictment for Kidnapping. Continued.
Commonwealth vs Owen Sullivan. indictment
for Assault & Battery. Verdict guilty. Fined
$l, and costs.
D . Father Matthew arrived at Charles.
ton (S. C.) on the 3d inst., and met with
a warm welcome from the citizens, who
gathered in large numbers to great him.
Foreign News.
The steamship Canada, with two weeks later
intelligence from Europe, arrived at New York
last week, We give the following abstract of
her news
Cotton, with an improved feeling, has advanc
ed one quarter of a cent per pound in the Liver
pool market.
The Corn market with a moderate tone, has
somewhat improved.
. --
Besides the following items the news is
Accounts from Vienna and Berlin, of the 22d
ult., state that a rebellion of a most formidable
character had broken out in Servia, in Sclavernia
and the military boundaries are up in arms
against the Austrian Government.
- It is said that Russia has been intriguing to
get up this insurrection, in order to have both
Austria avid Ttlitkey elitirery dependent upon
her. The proof is that Russian agitation is dai
ly growing mute Open add dal'ing, and the in
credible activity of the agents of that power
leads to the coheluaion'that riliarigitinery entan
glement will sphedily break out betweenlhussia
and Turkey:
The Prince of Servia has already teiliYed
pay the tribute due to the Porte, of 34,000 do-
cats,- and the arming of all male adults is being
carried on with the greatest possible activity,-
WithoUt any one knowing where the arms come'
The death of Geetge Washington La Fayette;
son of Geq. L., is annollirced by letters from
Paris. ffe accomphrilet hit flther in the final
visit to the United St r afes, and deser'OedrV shared
the manifestations and regards of the Arnerican
people. in all the relations of life, he enjoyed*
the warmest est i eent itf Ftarice ; he never
swerved from his republican principles and' the
example of the illustrious parent. His dissolu- -
lion took place at Lagrange,. the family seat:
By an arrival last week from Chagres, the
N. Y. Tribune has two weeks later Weill
gene! from California.
The canvass of votes cast at the State election
shows that about 15,000 were given in all, a
smaller number than that of the citizens enti
tled to vote, and much smaller than was antici
Peter H. Burnet is elected Governor, and
John McDougal lieut. governor.
'The members elect to the IJ. S. House of
Representatives are George W. Wright and
Edward Gilbert.
All the gentlemen are locofocos. Of the com
plexion of the Legislature or the prospect as to
the candidates for U. S. Senator, there is noth
ing decisive to be added to the advises by the
Panama, which were up to Nur. 15.
No disturbance of any kind hail occurred here
or in other regions of California since the sail
ing of the last steamer.
Public order through the whole country is
Labor is becoming constantly cheaper at San
Francisco, on account of the great number of
persons coming down from the mines to spend
the winter, and seeking occupation in every de
partment of industry.
The prices of vegetables are enormous, owing
to their scarcity, and, in fact, the necessaries
of life generally are much higher than they were
at this time last year.
Heavy boots are now selling at San Francisco
at the rate—almost unimaginable to any one bus
a Californian—of ninety-six dollars a pair.
The growth of this city is still without paral
lel even in the records of magic. It now num
bers twenty thousand regular inhabitants to
say nothing of the vast number of its tran
sient population.
Commerce with other ports is growing more
and more active, end the bay no longer presents
the spectacle of a desert of inactive ship
ping. The departures of vessels during the
month of November equalled the arrivals in
number; and the trade with all parts of the Pa
cific is not only becoming active but regular,
and is steadily undergoing a vast increase.
The quactity of gold dug still continues to
The carpenters at Sacremento city made
strike tot higher Wages as they were only paid
$l2 a day, whereupon the contractors settled
the difficelty by raising their wages to $l6.
($7" The St. Paul Pioneer states that
the county elections in Minnesota have
gone In favor of the "People's party,"
the only organisation opposed to the
Democratic party,
The Cherokee Indians, it is said,
design to apply for admission into the
Union in a few years, and with that view
they are exceedingly anxious to compete
with the whites in all kinds of improve
cently some 400 Catholics are said to
have gone over to Protestantism, and
about 30 dissenters have joined the Es
tablished Church.
oz:7 - The Legislature of Georgia has
passed a law repealing all laws or parts
of laws, civil and criminal, forbiding
or in any manner restricting the impor
tation of slaves into that state, from any
other slaveholding state in the union.
Ei=- The present law of Maryland pro
hibits the introduction of slaves into
that state ; but we learn from the 13alti
more Clipper that Mr. Harris has obtain
ed leave to bring in a bill to abolish all
restrictions, and to permit slaves to bo
brought to Maryland at pleasure.
ID-The poplar or aspen, whose trem
ulous leaves vibrate to every undulation
of the atmosphere, according to a super
stitious tradition in the Highlands of
Scotland, is the tree from which the
Saviour's cross was made, and on this
account its leaves were smittin with
perpetual restlestness.
(Ga.) Banner announces the death of
the oldest Inhabitant of that vicinity, in
the person of Mr. Daniel Hale, of Frank
lin county, who expired in the I t9th
year of his age, leaving, at the time of
his death, a son 76 years old, a grand
daughter 44 years of age, and a great.
grand daughter 22 years of age, all in
good health.
New Orleans papers continue daily to
express fears of a renewal of the flood,
and to complain that nothing is doneby
the officials to wand off the danger.