To Boys and Girls. Never tell a lie, or half or quarter of a lie. Many boys who know well enough what n sneaking dirty thing it is to lie, will yet twist the truth, or.deceive a lit tle bit. This is about as bad, and a good deal more cowardly, than a plump falsehood. If a boy does something wrong, either through ignorance, care lessness or accident, and then tells one half truth and one half lie about it, he might almost as well have told the full untruth that he did'nt do it at all. Now see how the spirited, manly, true-heart; ed, clear-tongued boy will do, after an error : he resolutely determines to acknowledge it, without being afraid of any body's anger—to tell it just aa it was. I never in my life knew any one to be injured by telling the truth in this way'; but I have seen many a boy, and man too, who was looked upon with contempt, and thought poor ly of, because he would tell sneaking lies, or half lies. The worst sort of untruths—those which are deliberately made up—stories told about people, or little stories magnified into big ones— prove the teller of them to be a worth less, impure and mean person. The liar is indeed despicable both to God and man. On the other hand, nothing is more beautiful than a strict ly truth telling young person—who nev- - er varies from the truth—who is open, candid and above deceit. To become so, a boy should strive hard—should determine to become so—and he will become so, and remain so. Besides it is so easy to speak the truth—mil so very hard to arrange a plausible false hood—which even then, will in all like: lihood be found out nineteen times out of twenty. To take the least thing, the least trifle (if it be worth only a cent, or even less,) which does not belong to you, is a crime not only to be punished by law, but puts a black drop in the heart, and soon er or later brings the doer to shame. This is an act so wicked and disgrace ful, however, that 1 do not think it like ly to be committed by those who will read these lines ; and I will say nothing further than that if a boy in whom 1 felt an interest ever descended to the wretched meanness of pilfering, or ta king the smallest article which was not his, it would go to my soul in many a long deep stab—one of the sharpest and bitterest in the world.—Brooklyn Eagle. Signs of a Poor Farmer* He grasses his mowing land late in the spring. Some of his cow's are much past their prime. He neglects to keep the manure and ground from the sills of his building. He sows and plants his land till it is exhausted before he thinks of manuring. He keeps too much stock and many of them are unruly. He has a place for nothing, and nothing in its place. If he wants a chisel or a hammer he cannot find it. He seldom does any thing in stormy weather or in an eve• ning. You will often hear of his being in the bar-room talking of hard tiines.— Although he has been on a piece of lartd twenty years, ask him for grafted apples and he will tell you he could not raise them, for he never had any luck. His indolence and carelessness subject him to many accidents. He loses cider for *ant of a hoop. His plough breaks in his hurry to get in his seed in reason, because it was not housed ; and in har vest, when he is at work on a distant part of the farm, the hogs break into the garden for want of a small repair in his fence. He always feels in a hurry, yet in his busiest day be will stand and talk till he has wearied your patience. He is seldom neat in his person, and gener , ally late to -public worship. His chil dren are late at school, arid their books torn and dirty. He has no enterprise and is sure to have no money; or if he must have it, makes great sacrifices to get it ; he is slack in his payments, deals altogether on credit, and purchases every thing at a dear rate. You will see the smoke out of his chimney long after day light in winter. His horse stable is not' daily cleansed, nor his horse curried.— Boards, shingles, and clapboards are to be seen off' his buildings month after month, without being replaced, and his windo.t s are full of rags. He feeds his hogs and horses with whole grain. If the lambs die or the wool comes off the sheep, he does not attribute it to want of care and food. He is a great borrower, and seldom returns the thing borrowed. Ho is a poor husband, a poor father, a poor neighbor, a poor citizen, and a poor christian. DR. BELKNAP AND OPPOSER S.-A rough countryman asked Dr. Belknap, One day if he really believed there was such a man as Job. The Dr. took the Bible and made him read. "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job." You see the Bible says so." So it does," drawled out the man ; "and I don't know anything to' the con trary:' ....Neither do 1," said Dr. Belkaap, and thus ended the inquiry. In a mixed company, hearing a per son speak in a very fine manner against the Christian religion, he asked. Have you found one that is better 1" And the reply being in the negative, he added, " When you do, let me know, and I will join you in adopting it."—Life of Dr. Belknap. D'EPTIIS OF THE OCEAN.—Capt. James 'toss found 15,000 feet west of Cape Good Hope,Which is the height of Mt. Blanc, and he sounded with the plummet 25,400 feet or 27,600 English feet, ivith out touching bottom, west of St. Helena. Dr. Young assigns to this Atlantic thd depth of a league ; that is 13,400 feet ; and to the Pacific Ocean a league and a third, or about 18,000 feet. Certain inland seas, like the Mediter- I ranean and Caribbean, have greater depths than would be expected from their proximity to the land ; and seem to be sunken basins, the form of which is connected With the volcanic phenom enon of which they are the seat. The, narrowest part of the Strait of Gibraltar is nut more than 960 feet below the sur face; but a little further towards the east the depth falls suddenly to 3000 feet ; and at the south of the Coast of Spain and of the Sierra Nevada, a depth of 5400 has been ascertained. The eastern part of Mediterranean is of less depth. STIIANSE DECISION.—The Cincinnati Commercial of the 19th ult., gives the following strange decision of the Court of Boone county, Kentucky. Two per sons named Robinson and House, each had a horse. They looked exactly alike —perfect matches. Robinson's was . lost stolen ; or strayed, and he, for the first time seeing House's animal, brought suit for recovery. Numerous witnesses were brought on the stand some of whom tes tified that the animal was Robinson's, and others that it was House's. The patties agreed to submit the ease to the judge ; who decided that the animal should be sold,- and the money be equal ly divided, and if another animal undis , tinguishabie from the one in question, should be found, and be claimed by eith er or both of the parties such animal shall be sold, and the proceeds divided, as in this ease. A SCRUPULOUS WITNESS.—An eminent lawyer was employed in an action against the proprietors of the Rocki ugham Coach. On the port of the defendant the coach man was called. His examination in chief being ended, he was subject to the leader's cross examination. Having held up the fore finger of his right hand to the witness, and warned him to give a precise answer to every question, and not to talk about what he might think the question meant, he proceeded thus : "You drive the Rockingham coach 1" "No, sir, Ido not." " Why man, did you not tell my learn ed friend so this moment V' "No sir, I did not." Now, sir, I put it to you—l put it to you on your oath—do you not drive Eire Rockingham Coach V' "No, sir ; I drive the horses!" NOT ENGAGED BUT MARRIED.—Some ridiculous mistakes occur among for eigners at times, owing to the different meanings applied to the same word in our language. During the absence of a physician of our acquaintance the oth= er day, a gentleman called to see him ; and rang the bell at the door. The sum mons was answered by a Dutch servant girl, of whom he inquired if the Doctor was in. No." t , Was his lady in 1" . Yes." 6 , Vitas she engaged 1" The grit looked at him a moment while a curious expression settled on her fea tures, as she replied, ~ Why, no, she is already married !" The gentlemen sloped. YANKEE MERCHANT.-A native born down Easter, who is now 'out West' selling dry-goods, advertises his stock of prints as follows , The largest and most extensive stock of French, English, and American goods ever west of Milwaukie. To save time in describing this vast stock of prints, we'll just cut the story short by giving y ou the dimensions as measured by our Civil Engincer--'Commencing at the south east corner of said pile of prints, running due north 24 feet ; thence at right angles, 4 feet; thence south 24 feet; and thence north 4 feet to the place of beginning—being three cords, more or less—it being understood that said pile of prints is 4 feet high.' That man will go ahead: The Sabbath. The sabbath is God's special present to the working man, and one of its chief objects is to prolong his life, and pre serve efficient his working tone. In the vital system it ants like a compensation pound ; it replenishes the spirit, the elas ticity and vigor, which the last six days have drained away, and supplies the force which is to fill the six days sue- , ceding ; and in the economy of existence it answers the same purpose as, in econ omy of income is answered by a saving bank. The frugal man who puts aside a pound to-day and another pound next month and who in a quite way, is always' putting up his stated pound from time, to time, when he grows old and frail, gets not only the same pounds back again, but a good many pounds besides. And the conscientious man who husbands one day of existense every week—instead of allowing the Sabbath to be trampled and torn in the hurry and scramble of life treasures it devotedly up—the Lord of the Sabbath keep it for him and in length of days and a hale old age; give it back with usury. The savings bank of hu man existence is the weekly Sabbath. SHERIFFS SALES. JDY virtue of Sundry writs of Lev, Fa. and Vend. Ex, now in my hands, 1 will sell at the Court House, in the bor ough of Huntingdon, on Monday the 14th day of January next, atlo o'clock, P.M., at Public Vendue or outcry, the follow ing described Real Estate, viz : All of the defendant's right, title, and interest in and to a certain tract of land, situate in Jack son township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Henry Lee, Thomas Walmer, Haley, and others, known as the Blacklick tract, containing about 334 acres, having there on erected a two story log house, two out-hou ses, cabin barn, about 70 acres cleared. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of Joseph Vance. ✓iLSO, - • - • All the right, title and interest of defendant in and to all that certain tract of land, situate in Tod township, Huntingdon county, containing about 13.1 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Steel, Esq., Adam Houck, Benjamin Baker, having thereon erected a two story log dwelling house and log barn, about 80 acres cleared, a large apple orchard, and in good con dition. Taken in execstion and to be sold as the fito perty of John Ake aLsq, All that certain tract of land, mid all the de fendant's right, title and interest in and to said land, situkte iriTell township, Huntingdon coun ty, containing about 80 acres, more or less, ad joining lands of George Gooshorn, Esq., Sam uel Book, and others, having thereon erected at two story log house and cabin barn, about 60 acres cleared, with a good limestone spring hereon. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of Nicholas Gooshorn. ALSO, • • • - A certain lot of ground situate in Jackson township, Huntingdon county, containing about 2 acres and 142 perches; adjoining lands of John Campbell and Samuel Stewart, having thereon erected a two and a half story frame house, frame stable, and a milk house, with a well of water and some fruit trees, all cleared and in grass. Taken in execution and to sold as the proper ty of David Mitchell. .11LSO $ - - A certain piece or parcel of ground containing two lots in the town of Watersville, in the foWnship of Blair, in Blair county, havingthere on erected a two story frame house, belonging to the defendant. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro• perty of John R. Martin. A certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situ ate in the township of Jackson, Huntingdon county, (being part of a tract surveyed on war rant to Thomas Edwards, dated 9th June, A. D. 17740 bounded and described as follows . beginning at a white oak, thence south forty-five degrees sixteen and two-tenth perches to a post, thence South twenty-one degrees east thirty-six and a half perches to a gum, thence south two and a half degrees east one hundred and one and one-tenth perches to a post, thencesouth eleven and a half degrees east one hundred and one and one-tenth perches to a post, thence north fifty eight and one-quarter degrees eastforty-six per ches to stones, thence north forty-six degrees east sixty-six perches to a white oak, thence north forty-seven and a half degrees west one hundred and sixty perches to the place of be ginning, containing fifty-eight acres and twenty six perches and allowance, together with all and singular the buildings, rights and liberties there to belonging. Taken in execution and to be sold as the pro perty of William Burchfield, John Irvin, George Boat, Samuel Edminston and George W. John ston, partners now or lately trading under the firm of Birchfield, Irvin & Co. M. CROWNOVER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Huntingdon, Dec. 18, 1849. 1. License Petition. To the Honorable Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, 4-c. of Huntingdon county. TUE Petition of Zechariah Pheasant, of Union township in said county, respectfuily represents : . . That he is well provided with house room, stabling' and other conveniences fot keeping a public house of entertainment for the accommo dation of strangers and travellers, where he now resides, on the road leading from the public Works to Chilcoattown, or Cassville, in said township. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep an Inn or tavern in said house, and he will pray, .2. PHEASANT Dec. 18, 1819.. We the undersigned, citizens of Union town ship, do certify that we are well acquainted with Zechariah Pheasant, the above petitioner, that he is a man of good repute for honesty and tem perance; that the Inn or tavern proposed to be kept by him is necessary to accommodate the public, and entertain strangers and travellers ; and that he, the said petitioner, is well provided with house room and conveniences for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers. W. S. Hampson, William Eastep, Charles Geisinger, Jordan H. Wright, Wm. Geisinger, Michael Boden, Levi Wright, Ethen Chilcote, Thomas Irwin, Samuel Dean, G. W. Hampson, Enoch Chilcote, B Franklin Glasgow Levi Smith, Simeon Wright, , Jacob Walls,. .. JlEntriken Glasgow, W. F. Campbell Jas. Dean. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's Office at Hunt ingdon, and that the snid accounts will be presented for confirtnation and al lowance, at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the coun ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 16th day of January next, to wit: 1. Solomon Taylor and Samuel C. Charlton, Administrators of George Taylor, late of Spring field township, deceased. 2'. Samuel Drake,Executor of the last Will and Testament of amuel Drake, late of Hen derson township,dec'd. 3. Nancy Ball, administratrix of Josiah Ball, late of Jackson township, deed. 4. Jacob Longenecker and Thomas F. Stew art, Administrators of Jacob Longenecker, late of West township, tree& 5. Moses Swoops, Administrator of Cassan dra Leech, late of Union township, dec'd. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. Register's Office, Huntingdon, Dec. 14, 1849. Axela. Springs, &e. TUST received and for sale a new lot of Axels, Springs, &c., at the Shop of ROBERT GRAFIUS, Alexandria. Dec. 18, 1849. NEW STAGE LINE. •.ng public, that to iuc., has established a ne N line of MAIL STAGES, be. tween Jackstown, Huntingdon county, and Chambersburg, Pa. The Coach leaves Jacks town at 4 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, Wednes day and Friday of each week, and Chambers burg at the same hour on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It reaches its destination at Li o'clock, P. M., on the same days. THE ROUTE through which the line pass es, over a good road, is celebrated for the beau ty and picturesque character of the country. Leaving Chambersburg, the coaches stop for a short time at Strasburg, Fannettsburg, Burnt Cabins, Shade Gap (the seat of Milnicood Acad emy, under the direction of Messrs. McGinnis) Orbisonia, Shirleysburg, Mt. Union—where it intersect'. the Pennsylvania canal—to Jackstown. At the last, named place it connects with the Picket and Stage Lines between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. At Chambersburg, it connects with Daily Lines to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Ha gerstown, Mercersburg, and intermediate pla ces. The wants of the people at the extremes ofthe rood and throughout its whole length have indu ced the subscriber to embark in this enterprise, and as the Fare has been fixed extremely low, and every arrangement made to insure the safe ty and convenience of passengers, he trusts to be liberally patronized. ABNER ISENIIOUR. Oct. 18, 1819. Z3CENn.r 2...R'n111 4 =ll 2 2 NEFF & MILLER HAVE this morning received, at the old stand of H. K. NEFF & 800., an entire new stock of Clocks and Watches, 4 .‘ Jewelry, Cutlery, Stationary, Perfumery Soaps, 4-c., \. which is positively the largest, best " and most fashionable, and cheapest assortment ever offered for sale in the place. Having in their employ one of the best work men in the State, they can most confidently en gage to repair Clocks and Watches as cheap and as well as it can be done in any of the Eastern cities. The public are politely requested to call and test the truth of our declarations. The proof is in trying. N. B. The highest prices given for old gold and silver. Remember No. 1001 Market Square, Hun• tingdon, Pa. October 30, 1810. CITY HOTEL. 41 & 43 NORTII THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A. II HIRST Would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public generally, that he has teased the above large and well known Hotel. The location is one of the very best for business men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that by giving it his entire attention, that he will be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. He returns thanks for the very liberal sup port already extended to him by his friends of Huntingdon and the neighboring counties, and begs leave to assure them that he will spare no pains or expense to render the errit HOTEL worthy of their continued support. Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1810-Iy. COYERLY'S HOTELS HARRISBURG., PA; 111 E Proprietor of this large and well known I Hotel, would respectfully inform the public that it has recently been enlarged, repainted in side and outside, newly papered, and thoroughly renovated throughout. This has been done at a very large expense, and with the view of keeping pace with the improving taste and spirit of the ago. He now flatters himself that he can ac commodate his friends in a style beyond the abil ity of any other landlord at the'Seat of Govern ment, He has in his employ attentive and Orli , gingservants, Cooks of long experionce, and he is determined to spare no expense to furnish his table with the very best that can be procured in the market. It is with groat confidence in his ability to render entire satisfaction, that he in vites members of the Legislature and others to make his house their stopping place while in Harrisburg. He would beg leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends on.the Juniata, for the very liveral support heretofore extended to his house, and respectfully solicit a continuance of their pa tronage. W. COVERLY. Ha;risburg, Oct. 30,1849-3 m. ALEXANDRIA F ITN DR Y. m HE subsciiber respectfully announces to the I public that ho is prepared to do work of all kinds connected with the Foundry business, in the best manner, and on the moat reasonable terms. He has constantly on hand wagon boxes, ',toughs and plough castings, hollow ware, and stoves of various kinds and sizes. The cooking stoves which he manufactures are inferior to noue in the country, and aro warranted to perform the various operations of cooking and baking in a manner equal to any, and superior to most.— He has these stoves calculated for eithor wood or coal. He has lately procured patterns for wood and parlor stove:., which for beauty and excellence cannot be excelled. Also, stoves for offices, strops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon stoves, and others. Ho invites persons desirous of purchasing to give him a call, as he is deter- mined to sell as good an article and at as low prices as can be obtained at any other place._ WILUAbt GRArinus, May 8,1848-Iy, PRIVATE SCHOOL, FOR the Intellectual and Moral training of young persona and children of both Bete., kept by J. A. HALL, in the now Academy building, Huntingdon, Pa. The fall seesion will commence on MONDAT THE BTH DAY ON CTTOBER,INST. For pa ticulare apply to the Teacher, J. A. HALL, REFERENCES Rev. John Peebles, James Steel, Esq., Dr. A M. Henderson, Mr. James Maguire, Maj. W B. Zeigler, Hon. John Kerr, Maj. D. McMur• trie, lion. George Taylor, and James Clark. VIN EGA R, of the best kind, for 'ale at Nov. 27,1849 w CUNNINGHAM'S,. WAR WITH FRANCE 7 S hot now very generally espeoletLatitlgteat ewitement has recently been produced In Huntingdon by the arrival of a must splrotliJ assortment of Fall and Winter Good s, at the old and popular stand of CM.CEOCE. CRIV2PaEIEts, Model 4 4 19tia00, Huntingdon, His stock comprises Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, eutlery,Caps, Shoes, Boots, Mulls Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c. He has n splendid as sortment of French, English and American CLOTHS, C.dSSIMERES AND VESTIJVWS, _ . Cassinets and Jeans in groat variety. Also, Ready-made Clotking i of all kinds, A carefully selected variety of Silks, Merinos, Alpacces, Cashmeres, Detain., Prints, Ribbons, Laces, &c. as well as every variety of Ladies Dress and 'frintmin'g GOOds : All of which will be Bold et p vices to compete with anything in the place, as he is determined that no one can or shall undersell him for cash or approved country produce. Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at low prices, are respectfully invited to call soon at his store where they will find the above fully verified. GEO. GWIN. Huntingdon, October 9, 1849. AWFUL DISCLOSURE! T H o E the l r funar Grandia Hungarians attack n ot o s n atzgi e ed .l ! gent's OYSTER HOUSE! ! Thousands are slain nightly ! ! The Excitement still Increasing, notwithstanding the Agent's great efforts to allay their thirst for Blood ! ! Hundreds are attracted to the scene of action to see this brilliant establishment, and all have come away satisfied that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the world ; and in addition, Agent's Oysters are of the most superior quality. He has just received this day an entire stock of Confectionary, to which the attention of the Public is invited.— Thankful for past lavers he still hopes for a con tinuance. If you want to know where this fine establish ment is, just step down into Railroad Street, ono door above William Stewart's Store, you there will see the sign of the Red Curtain—That is the place, HENRY AFRICA. Huntingdon, November 6,1849. OKLIC.'I.MI Estate of Daniel hurfnian, &c. NOTICE is hereby given to the Hetre and legal representatives of Daniel Kul rum, dee'd„ late of Union tp. Huntingdon co.,and to all others interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition and Valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county and to me directed, an Inquest was held to port and divide or value and appraise, all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Cass township. Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Lewis Stever, Philip Kurfman, Conrad Kurfman and Peter Kurfman. and Shirley , . Knob, containing about two hundred and sixty acres or thereabouts, being the farm upon which the said Daniel Kurfman resided at the time of his death—and that at the November term of said court a Rule was granted on sail heirs, &c., to appear at the January term of raid court, on the second Monday (14th day,) and to show cause if any they have, why the Heal Estate of said deceased should not bo sold. MATTHEW CROWNOVEH, Sheriff. Nov. 27, 1849-6 t. MILNWOOD ACADEMY. A Boarding School for Young Min, Shade Gap Huntingdon county, Pa. REV. J. Y. TeGINNES, A. AND J. it. W. :11'. GINNES, A. M., PRINCIPALS, THE Winter Session will commence on the first Wednesday of November, and continue five months. The ci urso of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the studies of a profession and the active busi ness of life. The Academy building is new, commodious. and in every way adapted to the accommodation of a large number of boarders, The location is distinguished for its healthful ness and religious character of the surrounding community. It is easy of access, being on the stage route connecting Chambeisburg with the Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry. TERMS PER SESSION. -For Orthography, Reading and writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, l'hisiology, Chemistry, &e. $8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin Language., $l2 ; French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclu sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per week. For reference or further particulars s ndd res. JAMES Y. M'GiNNES, Shade Gap, Oct. 30,1849. CO'Blair . aounty Whig please copy 4f. Chair and Furniture c0n.662 Up Stazrs above Peter Swoope's Store and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three doors east of McKinney's Hotel. THE undersigned has again com e menced the above business in all its i "6 117 I various branches, and is now pro , ..:..., pared to accommodate all who may / ( favor him with their custom on the most reasonable terms. He intends keeping on hand all kinds of CHAIRS and FURNITURE, from common to the most fashionable style, and made in the most durable manlier, which he will sell low for cash or country produce. _ _ All kind; of Lumber taken in exchange for chairs or furniture. COFFINS willall timos be kept on hand', and funerals attended in town, and shortly in town and country, as he is getting a splendid hearse made for the accommodation of the public. HOOSE AND SIGs PAINTING attended to as usual. THO. ADAMS. Huntingdon, October 11:r, 1849'. !SADDLES. A GOOD assortment of well finished Saddles now on hand and for sale at the Saddle and Harness Manufactory of Wm, Glasgow, oppo site the Poet Office, Huntingdon. Huntingdon, August 7, 1849. COLD PENS. COLD PENS, with diamond points and oil ver handles, can be had at Father 'rime's office for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a thank it 7 NEFF & MILLER. FISH ../IND S./'LT, FOR sa!o at the Cheep Store of Oct 16, '49.] GEO GWIN 6ilt/s S OXYGENATED 1111"rERS, FOR TUE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENEEAL D BOY/ &c. This medicine la en excellent tonic. It im parts health and vigor to the digestive organs and thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it ie instill° thing for Hitting, when so many need something strengthening. Let every one read ' the following cases, and if you have one or more symptoms like those mentioned, don't fail to try this invaluable medicine. Severe Case ofDyspepsin. From R. P. STOW, Esq., .asst. Clerk U. S. House Representatives. Warta' :votes, D. C.,June 15,18415. Dn. Gao. B. Gaxars:—Dear Sit—l feel it nos' only a pleasure, but a duty, to make known to' you and to the public, (if you desire it,) the stn , prising effects of the " Oxygenated Bitters," id relieving me froth that most discouraging disoi der, Dyspepsia. I have been afflicted for about• seventeen years with the usual attendant symp toms, viz: constipation of the bowels, headaehei pain in the chest, flatulence, acidity of the atom: ach, and severe nausea; and for months at a time not the least particle of moisture would appear on the surface of the chest or limbs, and moat of the time I was extremely bilious. I have used various remedies, have been strict in my diet,. have been dosed with calomel and emetics day after day by physicians, but all to no guct/ pur pose. Hearing of the wonderful effects of the "Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia; I procured some as a last resort , have used four bottles of the medich e, and find the bad symp toms all removed, and myself once more in the enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic eulThrer, who has felt all the horrors of the dis ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi cine. I most sincerely hope that all will make' trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re joice in the return of health. Lady Cured of Neora lain. From Rev. 7HO✓4IJIS KIDDER, of Vermont. Winuson, Vt.,A ug. 8,1846. Desn Sin:—lt gives me great pleasure to in you that the " Oxygenated Bitters," with which you furnished my wife, has wrought a' cure in her case. About two years since, my wife was violently attacked with neuralgia in' the face, through the chest, in the wrists and• ankles. So violent was the disease, added to a general derangement of the female system, that her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. 1' feel grateful for the restoration of her health, and in duty bound to give pullicity to the above facts, that others similarly afflicted may know where to seek for cure. Truly your friend, THOMAS KIDDER. From Hon. MYRON L.dWRENCE, of Mass. "For some twenty years I had sulTered severe. ly from humoral Asthma. I was compelled to sit up one-third of the night, and the rest of the time my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great diffici Ity of breathing. Ire all my attendance upon our courts I never went to bed in Northampton in twenty years but twice, and then was compelled to get up. Now I lie in bed without diflieulty, and sleep soundly. took tho Oxygenated Bitters," according to directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance in the use of the rem edy has removed all its troublesome consegnen , Phe value of such a remedy is incalculable. and I hope its virtues may be widely diffused and , its beneficent agency extensively employed." Gates & FLErcuxn, General Agents, No. 26, South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by THOMAS Rosa 8c Sox Huntingdon Pa. ' Price—sl.oo per bottle: six bottlog for $5.00. May 8, 1849. BLIND MANUFACTOIif H. CLARK, Venetian Blind Manufaeturer, Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 413 143 South 2d Street, below Dock St., PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS always on hand a large and fashion , able assortment of WIDE and NARROW SLA/ WINDOW Biases, Manufactured in the best manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices. Having refitted andenlarged his establishment, he is prepared tee complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice, Constantly on hand an assortment of gotattogang ffitynitutt of every variety, manufactured expressly for his oWn sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. g Open in the evening. Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent free of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, Aug. 2'l, 1840..—1 y. OROBTEILIEN & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS OP lina3lllAll 17,11110 a COGNAC BRANDIES, H014.4„N1) GIN, AND DEALERS IN Teas, Segars, •Ve. No. 11 Wawa Street, PHILIIDELPHIA ca . Conaignmenla of Western and Southern , Produce solicited.,C9 June 12, 1899 IVL :anufactory of Pocket Dookklc7 No. 52h Chesnut St., above&._ •," PHILADELPHIA. 4' • THE subscribes respectfully solicit: public a$ tention to his superior and tasteful stock efr Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Banker's Cases, and other fine cutlery. Bill Books, Gold Pens and . Pencils,. Dressing Cases, Seger cases, Card easels, Chess Men, Port Monaice, Back Gammon Boardi e Purses, Dominoes, &o. His assortment consists of the most fashions.- Me and modern style., of the finest quality arta excellent workmanship embracing every desira ble fancy patern, which he will at all times bs prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re , tail on the most pleasing terms. 07• Purchasers who desire to furnish them selves with articles of the best quality wilt consult their own interests by calling at this establish. ment, P. H. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, Aug.2B, 1849.-Bm. b2i Choonut fit