Mr. Webster and the Hungarians. An interesting scene occurred at the Astor Iloute, f l / 4 1 eve York, on Monday of last week, between the eminent llungarian Exiles, now there, and Mr. Webster. The venerable Ujh any, late Governor of Comorn, was introduced kith all his suite, to Mr. Webster, by Count Vas, late Hungarian Diplomatic Agent. who has daring his four months' residence, acquired Much of the English language. M. Ujhazy addressed Mr. Webster as follows : Ste--Strangers, and in a strange land, in the initist of of our misfortunes, we come to Amer= td seek an Asylum here. Power cannot Stretch its hands so far as to reach us in this Western world. Here we are safe, arid We feel ourselves secure: In one of your late speeches you expressed a sympathy for us in the midst of our distress which has penetrated mit hearts. We thank you. We pray you to encourage the same feelings, to continue in the same sympathy, and so to mitigate our sorrows. We look to Atnerica for kindness and protec tion. We look to you, sir, for counsel and for eonsolation and that Power which sees all things, and governs all, will not fail in its re ward to your generous Thal: This being translated to Mr. Webster, he took M. Ujhazy by the hand, and Made the fol lowing eloquent and appropriate reply: I give you my hand with great pleasure. We lire glad to see you and your friends. The effort which you have so gallantly made for Hungari an Nationality and Hungarian Liberty has won bur hearts. We welcome you to these Western shores. We are honored that you have sought an asylum here from the political misfortunes which you have suffered at lidme: Our sympa thies are with you and for yowl and for those ob jects of your affections which you have left be hind you. The whole American people take an interest in your efforts for Liberty and Inde• rmdenee. The blow of power which struck down your hopes fell heavily also on our own hearts. In the midst of your misfortunes, you come far away to a land of strangers in search of safety. Here you find it. Here, we assure it to yon. No enemy's hand shall harm or touch you. Hungarians, you are all welcome ! You, i‘vho have come, and your friends who shall come, will find here sympathy, protection and security. Again I say, sir, your gallantry, row love of Liberty, and your misfortunes, have made you welcome to all Americans. When these remarks were translated by Count Vas to Ujhazy, the latter was deeply affected, and desired the Count to answer, that C,od whuld riot forget such considerate and such generous simpathv. Extravagance in Expenditures. The Washington Republic gins replies to a favorite 'argument' of the Union against the Whig party : As to the allegation that the lVi n gc 'favor extravagance and profligacy in the expenditures of the public money.' Will the Uniendo us the favor to point to a single Whig peculator or de faulter We have never heard of one. This cor tupt thibe were counted by scores and hundreds in the (lays of Jackson and Van Buren. They va•ere ferreted out by Wisennd Peoton, and held tip to the scorn and indignation of the country, no:withstanding all the efforts of corrupt Speak• ers in packing committees of investigation. Notwithstanding the vials of wrath that were poured out upon the Whig reformers by the Richmond Enquirer, and other venal and mer cenary. Journals, the developement of Locofoco extravagance and profligacy was complete.— The people rose up en mamas and hurled the vorruptionists from the powers they hail abused and the places they had dishonored. General Ilarrison was elected President in consequence of the popular trust in his integrity. Mr: Ty ler commenced his executive Career as a Whig, and retained enough of the Whig elements to the last not to disgrace himself or the country by any pecuniary meanness or dishonesty in his appointees. For four years we heard nothing of public defalcations. The Treasury at last was safe—for it was under the care of a chief magis trate who had been a Whig. But no sooner was the old regime restored, than Locofoeoism was found with its arms in the strong box, and the career Of shameless plunder and default again comm.nced. It was concealed from the people. Mr. Mason knew of defalcations--and was dumb. Mr. Polk knew of defalcations—and was dumb. Gen. Taylor comes into power. The def aiencies a"e discovered, & made known to those who are concerned to know what becomes of the public money ; and forthwith all the opposition journals come up to the defence of the default er., vouch for their innocence, and prove every thing that can be proved by assertion—but with- Out flouring back a single dollar of the missing Money into the Treasury. . . . The public debt is in - creased $50,000,000 in four years—during which the Whigs are abused for scrutinizing appropriation bills, and de nounced as 'moral traitors' for not voting all the money that is asked for by Locoforoism 'with out winking, without blinking ;' and now the very elite of the Democracy, sleek with the unction of palm oil, emerge from the bowels of their gold mines, to indite hypocritical para- Fr/mho about the profligate extravagance of the Whigs 1 Shame where is thy blush Texas---Bold Talk. Our young sister whose " Lone Star" has been added to the constellation of the States, threatens the General Gov ernment with War, if she is not allowed to retain that portion of New Mexico wAish she claims. In his last message tl;7tovernor talks boldly as follows : 41 The public lands in that section— Santa Fe—were all pledged for the pay ment of the national debt of Texas, and if the General Government should rob the State of her lands, it should be ar raigned in the Supreme Court of the na tir an a thief, and as a thief, should be voelled to pay a proper forfeit.— , ' will maintain her rights against every adverse claimant. If the Gener al Government will place itself in the position that Mexico occupied before annexation, Texas will be forced by circumstances beyond her control, to re. tume her old position! She was then at war with Mexico, and if the General Government assumes the position of Mexico, Texas will be at war with her. The result is inevitable." SUICIDE OF A BOY SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE !—Ai New Buffalo, Michigan, a boy about 16 years of age, named William Maudin, cut his throat on the 28th ult., while laboring under a fit of passion, produced by an infliction of punishment by his mother. The boy died the fourth day after the casualty, LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. Serious Difficulty between Austria and firtunias DY THE STEAMER HUMANLY. PRUSSIA. -A telegraphic despatch re ceived from Berlin, via Cologne ( announ ces that the Austrian cabinet had made a formal protest against the convocation of a German parliament at Erfurt, and that in the despatch containing the pro test the Austrian government alluded to the probability of armed interference by Austria in the aflairs of Germany.— The same telegraphic account stated that the Prussian government had an swered the Austrian despatdh by a dec laration that Prussia would maintain her position. These accounts have been sub stantially confirmed. A letter from Berlin s to the Morning Chronicle, says : .‘ At the end of Octo ber, Prince Schwartzen'ourg, in a des , patch to the Prussian government, poin ted out the dangers that were likely to arise from the convocation of this Par liament insisting on the revolutionary tendencies to which it would give birth and on the reaction that would be felt, not only in the Austrian States, but in Prussia likewise." On the 30th October, Peussia replied that she had duly weighed all those con siderations, but that more elevated and pressing motives urged her to persevere in the plan. As regards real dangers, she would know how to meet them.— Austria has now gone a step farther, and has formally protested against the convo cation of the Parliament. If lam well informed, and I have reason to believe that I am, the last despatch addressed by Prince Schwartzenburg to the Prus sian government, insinuates that even should the case require it, Austria will not hesitate to have recourse to an armed intervention. Behold us once more on the eve of a serious conflict. A Cabinet Council was held the day before yesterday. The council first ad opted the Election Law of the Parlia ment. Each State will introduce such modifications as its organization may re quire. The Cabinet Council was then occupied with the reply to the Austrian note. The ministry adopted a most im portant resolution. A despatch, in reply to that of Prince Schwartzenbuo., has already been sent to Count Bons'dortf the Prussian Envoy at Vienna. Prussia, is this document, maintains, with energy, her right to car ry out the limited federation—a right formerly guaranteed. To the Austrian's despatch of armed interference, Prussia replies that c'she awaits it." Accounts from Berlin of the 24th ult., state that after a debate of several days the upper chamber had declined to re turn to the old Constitution. They di vided no less than sixteen times, eight of which were by name. The Cologne Gazett announces, in a telegraphic message from Berlin, that the King has signed the law for the elec tion of representatives to the German parliament, to be assembled at Erfurt. FRANCE. —Parliamentary Disputes.— The personal quarrels of the members of the legislative assembly terminated in more than half a dozen duels, and have occupied the chief attention of the Parisians during the week. M. Pierre Bonaparte has figured in as many as three or four of these encounters. None of the contests have ended fatally, but they have increased to such a degree that the government threatens to stop them by very stringent laws: ATTEMPT TO ABROGATE UNIVERSAL. SUF FRAGE.—The modus operandi of modify ing the constitution is still the increas ing subject of discussion. It is now sug gested to change the legislative assem bly into a constant body, by the addition of 150 members, and this new body be invested with the power of electing the President; of extending the term of his office to such n period as many avoid the necessity of a frequent appeal to univer sal suffrage. TILE AUSTRIAN AND PRUSSIAN DIFFI. CULTY. Considerable alarm has prevail• ed during the week in consequence of the increasing unsatisfactory state of relations between A ustria and Prussia. Tun Km—From Constantinople the news only confirms the previous pacific course of events. It is confidently sta ted that the British fleet has received orders to withdraw from the Dardan elles, and that it is indeed by this time at Malta. Nothing further has transpired res pecting the whereabouts of the Polish and Hungarian fugitives. The Russian Ambassador, M. Titoff, has once more been admitted to an inter view with the Grand Vizier, and diplo matic relations may be presumed to be renewed between Russia and the Porte. The Russian ministry was excessively annoyed by the presence of the British fleet in the Dardanelles, which he decla red a violation of the treaty, and has, it is said, refused to enter into negotiation until the English shall have quitted the Straits, The Vienna correspondent of the Daily News, writing on the 21st ult., says, 'Letters of the 10th from Constantinople mention fresh subjects of dispute be tween Russia and Turkey, in conse quence of the energy with which the uni ted diplomacy of England and France has followed up its victory on the refugee question. It is said that the Porte is al so determined, at the expiration of the stipulated term, to withdraw those eon cessions in favor of Russian commerce, over other nations, which at present exist. Affairs in Canada. The Independent, a very excellent newspaper published in Toronto, the present seat of GoVernment in Canada, in agitating the subject of annexation with untiring zeal, is continually bring ing forward arguments in favor of peace ful annexation, which must exert an ir resistible influence upon the judgement and convictions of the Canadian people, and which cannot therefore fail to be at tended with the desired results. The editor recently made a tour to the Eastern section of the Province with a view to ascertain the real state of pub lic opinion upon the subject of nnnexa tion and he communicates the result to his readers with unmingled satisfaction. In Montreal he found the advocates of annexation had become fused into oue harmonious party. The old party ills. tinctions are completely broken up, and the only parties now known are the an nexationists and the anti-annexationists. Nobody asks whether you are radical or tory. These terms are almost wholly disregarded. Another striking feature in the change of feeling is the perfect good temper with which the question is discussed, and it is the chief topic of discussion everywhere. The Montreal Association has set to work in good ear nest. An office has been taken in Great St. James street, and the services of an ef ficient paid Secretary engaged: The 'Sinews of War" being the first and most important consideration, a sub scription has been set on foot, and judg ing from the commencement made, a large sum will be raised to aid in the distribution of correct information. The nucleons of similar associations already exist in every town in the country. All that is required is organization. At Quebec the subject is likewise attracting general attention. The editor called upon a number of lending and influen tial merchants and others of British or igin, in this city, who were favorably disposed to annexation. There is no room to doubt that Quebec, as well as Montreal, will return two annexation members at the next election, On board the Quebec steamers the editor met many persons from various parts of the Eastern townships, all of whom asserted that nineteen-twentieths of the people will go for the southern (annexation) alliance. Among other passengers he met an English Wesleyan minister, whose duties had made him extensively acquainted with the position, wants and sentiments of the English portion of the eastern townships. This minister had became a thorough convert to the necessity of annexation, and he gave it as the result of his own observa tion, that nineteen out of every twenty of the native population in the eastern counties were in favor of annexation. The Ministerial portion of the French party is every day growing "small by degrees, and beautifully less." From present indications, it is considered cer tain that almost every constituency in Lowes Canada will return annexation candidates two years hence. Such then, the editor says is the state of public feeling in Eastern Canada..-- , The prospects of the annexationists in Western Canada are, it is also said, equally favorable. The League party in the Johnston district, which is com posed to a large extent of United States Loyalists, who settled in that part of Canada in great numbers, has declared in favor of republican institutions. They have also condemned, in the most un. ptialified terms, the proceedings of the anti-annexationists in Toronto. The Proper Mode. The following is the best thing we have read lately. If all the editors could have an opportunity to treat those whose curiosity leads them to examine matters with which they have not the least bus iness, as Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, treated his "chap.," it would have a salutary effect: " WE FIXED THAT CHAP.-A few days ago, a gentleman (1) came into our sanc tum, took off his hat picked up a bit of manuscript, and commenced reading, very closely. We reached over and took a letter out of his hat, unfolded, and com menced reading it. He was so busy that he did not discover how we were paying him off in his own Coin, until we asked him what it was his correspondent was writing to him about a woman ? "Why look here, Squire," says he, "you surely are not reading my private letters'!" "Certainly, sir," said we, "you are read ing our private manuscript." He was' plagued, begged us not to mention his name, promised to do so no more, and we quit even." TRUE.—The low attacks of the oppo sition press upon every man who does not agree with them, is exciting the dis gust of every respectable citizen. The City Item, a literary paper, whose editor is a Democrat, in an article on the abuse of Governor Johnson by the Locofoco papers, says "Personally, we have no acquaintace with Gov. Johnson, we but know him in his Executive capacity, and cannot but feel that those who continue to assail him from party motives, dishonor our Com monweath as well as throw discredit on their own integrity." Oa" HON. JAMES 13UCTIANAN, it is stated has addressed a }otter to the Hon. JAre*s McLANAHAN, bearing on the present aspect of the Slavery question, and pro posing a means of settling it. The let ter is to be published soon after the or ganization of the House. If the Ex-Sec retary can settle this vexed question he can do more that) most other folks. Elegant Books for the Ifolidatli. 1_ HE subscriber has just received from Philadelphia, a small but handsome assortment of Gift Books—some richly bound, with gilt edges, magnificent engravings and luminated frontispieces. the lot may be found—The Romance of Nature; the Ivy Wreath ; the Friendship Offering ; The Snow Fluke ; The Rose of 1-haron ; The Gift of Friendship; Odd Fellows Offering ; Gems of the Poets ; Bibles and Hymn Books ; The Christmas Blossom ; The Rosemary ; Walker's Musical Gift for 1550—and a few smaller illus trated books for children. J. 'l'. SCOTT. Dec. 25, 1849. How to Please your Friends. CALL at Seoirs Cheap Jewelry Store and purchase a fine Ring or Breast Pin, Gold Pencil. Card Case, or some other suitable article to be found there, and present it to your friend during the liolhdaye. Dec. 25, 1849. sozaanikle PRZSENTS ! THOSE wishing to make Holliday Presents, will find a rich variety of suitable articles by calling at the Jew elry Store of NEFF & MILLER. Dec. 25, 1849. ma:a-emu?. CIAME to the residence of the subscriber, V.) about the Ist of November last, a small dark brindle Bull, with a white face, and some white on the belly and legs, no mark observed on his ears, probably about two years old. The owner in requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take said Bull away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. JOSEPH PARK. Cass tp., Huntingdon co., Dec. 2.5, 18.19. STRAYED. A Spreckled HEIFER, about 'WU one and a-half years old, came to ipolisr A the residence of the subscriber, in Porter township, Huntingdon co., on the 20th day of November. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. JOHN K. HYLE. Dec. 25, 18{9.• Notice, THE stockholders of the Juniataßridge Company in Huntingdon county, are hereby notified that an election will be held at the house of Christian Conte, in the borough of Huntingdon. on Tuesday the eighth day of Jan uary next, for the purpose of electing One Presi dent, six Managers and one Secretory and Trea surer for said Company, to serve during the en suing year. By order of the Board, JAMES GWIINT, Seery Dec. 18, 1819. N. B.—A general meeting of the Stockhold ers Is requested for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject of making the Bridge free for travel, &c., by a sale of their interest therein. W. 0 R BISON, Pres'i of the Board. NEW OYSTER SALOON. Opposite the Post Office, Hunting• don, Pa. rpliE undersigned would respectfully inform I his friends and the public in general, that he has his c=p7.avacE•ac , as ma co CD au fitted up in a superior and comforiable style, and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom, with elegant, fresh BAL TIMORE OYSTERS, served up in a style that cannot he surpassed. He has a room . - fitted up expressly for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. PRIVATE PARTIES can he furnished with a room onshort notice. FAMILIES furnished with oysters by the dozen or larger quantities. CAKES of all kinds baked to order at his es tablishment. The undersigned hopes by tortct attention to business, and unrelaxed effort to pleas - e, to merit and receive a liberal port ion of public patronage. J. M. DUNNI.NGHAM. December 11,1849. WASHINGTON HOUSE, . Corner of Market Streeit and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. rimiis old established Hotel, hes undergone a j_ thorough re-painting, papering, &c., tlurihg the lest season, and is now the most desirable slopping place at the Capital. Members of the Legislature and others visiting Harrisburg are invited to call. Large stabling attached to the House. u A r . B.—Charges moderate. WM. T. SANDERS, Agent. December 11, 1849.--3 m. .11DMINISTIMTOR'S NOTICE. TLETTERS of Administration de b a n d s non uponthe estate of Samuel D. Miller, late of Warriorsmark township, deed, have been grant ed to the subscriber by the Register of Hunting. don county. All persous having claims against said estate wi I present them to me, and those indebted are requested to make immediate pay ment. JOHN G. FL ECK, Attar, Dec. 11, 1849-61. Tyrone tp., ./IDATIJV'ISTRaITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of MOSES ST.JIRR, late of Cass township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. NNOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment and those having claims or de mands against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to CALEB SWOOPE, Dec. 11, 1849-6t.] Adminietretor. Last Notice. AlLpersona indebted to the Into firm of GEM MILL & PORTER, either by note or book account, are requested to call and pay the same on or before the let day of January next. The books are now in the hands of John Gemmill, who will make settlement with any who may call. GEMMILL & PORTER. Alexandria, Dec. 12, 1849, Ceentest tariely in Town. GENERAL DEPOT For the accommodation of all who are fond or OZD 114RTIErla. LOUIS sCHICEIDER, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, not only in the borough of Huntingdon, but through out the county, that ho has just completed his arrangements for the season by being prepared to accommodate the wants of the people, from tottering old age down to the squalling babe.— To be brief: he continues the BAKERY, and has always on hand FRESH BREAD, and CARES of all kinds. He has also a very extensive es sortmcnt of Conterttostarg, which he will lien wholesale and retail. Also, all kinds of FRUIT and NUT S, and a very large assortment of He has also a very good supply of superior brand CXG.B.ItS and TOBACCO. Also, Tea, Coffee, &Igor, Cheese, Cranberries, Mont- Inv, Crackers, 4.e. Spices of all kinds. sperm and tallow Candles, Soap, end en assort. rnent of Perfumery. FRESII 01 STERS. He is at all times prepared to furnish hie tables with Fresh Oysters, done up in the best and most palatable style, at the shortest notice. His rooms are comfortably fitted up for the accom modation of Ladies and gentlemen. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to the wants of all ages, to merit a continuance of the same. LOUIS SCHNEIDER. Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1849. Huntingdon County, SS. _ 4-slg At an 1 ira Court hel at i v. ,. Huntingdon t in ph an n d s' for sail co u nty 44%, on the second Monday and 12th day Vetp ti of November A. D. 15 1, G. before the Hon. George Taylor, Esquire, President, and James Gwin and John Stewart, Esquires, Associates &c. On motion of J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., the Court granted a Rule on the heirs and legal rep resentatives of William Ewing deceased, to come into Court on the first day of January Term next, to show cause why the Real Estate of said deceased should not be sold. And ordered that personai notice be given to the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased living within the county, at least twenty days before the Ist day of January Term next, and six week's pub lication in one newspaper published in the coun ty, one copy of which tube sent to the nearest post office of those residing out of the county. Certified from the records, under seal of said Court at Huntingdon, the 2Gth day of Novem ber A. D. 18.19.. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk, Notice. riIHE heirs and repiesentatives of Alexander 1 Ramsey, late of t- , pringfield township, Hun• tingdon county, doc'd, are hereby notified, that in pursuance of a writ of partition, or valuation, issued out of the Orphans' Court of said county, an inquest to make pettition or valuation of the real estate of the said deceased, situate in said township, will be held by me on the premises, on Thursday the 3d day ofJanuary next (1850): when and where all persons interested may at tend. Di. CROWNOVER, Sheriff, December 4, 1849, Lr_Sca.) uast3cs• des UaCira FOR SALE. DI" Order of the Court of Common Pleas of ll Huntingdon county, the undersigned, True. tees of William Mcierran, will offer for sale on the premises, on Saturday the sth day of Janua ry, 1850, a good 7 1 14 11 DlVOlat and STA RIX, and isms sear or GacruNts, nit uote on Spruce creek, in the village of Mechan icsville. Huntingdon county, fronting on the Waterstreet and Spruce creek turnpike road, es the property of said Willi:n hicrerran. Terms of sale hill be made known on the day of sale. JOHN CONRAD, GliO. W. AIArPERN, Dec. 11,1849. Trustees. CIDLg-i - aZIZi For the Purchase and Sale of REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, believing that an Agency of this character would be an accommodation and an advantage to both the purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclu ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon, All business of this kind entrusted to him, and all communications sent to him, will receive his prompt and diligent attention. He will adver tise when requested, either in his own name or in the name of the Owner, as may be desirable, in one or both of the newspapers of the county, and in any other newspaper that may be desig nated, and endeavor to procure purchasers and sellers, and communicate between them. A full and minute description of the property —its improvements, supply of water, conveni ence to markets, schciols, churches,and the terms of sale, must accompany the request of any per son who wishes his real estate advertised or of fered for sale ; and some description, as definite as possible, of the quality, kind and value, of the premises desired to be bought, must be giv en by those who wish to purchase. All communications relating to the business of this Agency will be confidential if dealt ed. The subscriber is in communication with a similar agency in Lancaster, Pa:, and will be able through it to bring property offered for sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun ty purchasers. 13 - Postage must be paid oh all letters sent. P. S.—Several desirable properties are now offered for sale, For further particulars inquire of the subscriber. DAVID BLAIR, Attorney at Law. Huntingdon, Fa., Nov. 20, 18-19. $25 REWARD, `VITAS stolen on the night of the sth of \o- VV vember, 1849, from the stable of the sub scriber, living in Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pa., a LARGE BAY MARE, five years old, has a small white stripe on the forehead, a little white above the posture of the right hind foot, heavy mane and tail, mane rubbed a great deal. Twehty-five dollars will be given for mare and apprehension of thief, or fifteen dollars for mare. GEORGE ROW, December 11, 1849. WATGIUS. CLOCKS, ArN, 4 • JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. T SCOTT ha. just returned from Ned► York and Philadelphia with a large and brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, consisting in part of Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent Levers, Gold Hunting do, do. Hunting do. Gold Anchor do. do. Anchor do. Gold Lepines do. Lepines. and Verge Watches of all sorts and qualities in endless variety. Eight day and 30 hour brass Clocks. Also, Diamond Breast Pins and finger rings; Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal chains; Gold Pencils and Pens ; Ear Rings; Bracelets, and other Jewelry in great variety, which far beauty and excellence, cannot be ex celled. Also Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons, and Butter Knives ; Silver Specks ; Rodgers' line Pen-kives ; Accarderms ; Packet Books; Perfumery ; Envelorres ; Nate Paper ; Wafers; Port Monies; Combs; Hairand Clothes brush es ; .B;c., Ike. This stock we can assure our friends and the public has been purchased unusually low, and will be sold at a small advance. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. Huntingdon, November 6, MD. Another Flag Hoisted ! 3117ZZ &I HUZZAII OUR SIDE AHEAD !—We have the beet Stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., in the place, and prices nothing at all ; why, neigh• bor, we give these articles away. Remunera tion ! pshaw, who thinks of it. Our aim is the public benefit and not our own. Only give us a call, and we know you will laugh at every thing in the shape of a rival. NEFF & MILLER, No. 1001 Market Square. Huntingdon, Nov. 6, 1849. Ladies and Gentlemen WALK IN .Rnd see the best assortment of Goods in our place. Best quality of Men's Boots and Shoes, fins and coarse. Fine cork•soled men's calf skin boots. Men's water proof boots. Men's gum and buffalo socks,best Boys ind Children's beat quality of boots. Ladies Morocco shoes, half gaiters & low ',Gobi best quality. Ladies best quality of gum shoes and also men's silk hats and cloth Caps of best quality & latest fashion, and also a variety of other articles•. Noctographic paper of ali colors, for sale cheap: LEVI WESTBROOK. Oct. 23, 1819: HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. IC C. MGM and W. Z. Zeigler. THE sUbseribers have now started, and will have on hand a general assortment of cast ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight. Parlor, Ten-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castings, con sisting of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Pans, &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing Irons, Rolling Mill and Forge castings, Win dow Grates for cellars, Lintles and sills for hou • see, Sash Weights and Water Pipes ; also Sweg Anvils and Mandrels for Blacksmiths, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonable terms for Cash, and will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in eithange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where ono of them can always be found, or at the Tin and Stoveshop of W. B. Zeigler, North East cor ner ofMarket Sgulre in Huntingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc ed in the business, feels confident that they will render satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. McGILL, W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, Oct. 2,1849-6 m. Wake up, Citizens 1 Wake up 1 Wonderful Reduction in the Prices of Clothing at the Hall of Fashion ! ! CALIFORNIA GOLD Does not produce an excitement equal to that of cheap Ready-made Clothing now opening at the' Hall of Fashion.' by B. & W. SNARE, corner Room of Snare's Row, opposite Juhn Whittaker's Tavern. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully in r,rm our customers and the public generally that we have just received end are now opening a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lThr stock consiste of fine slack French Drcari and Frock Coate, Drab French, Bearer and Mackanaw Over•coote, Taglion, ai.d black cloth Sacks, Cloak, of all kinJo, Business Coats, Pea Jackets, &c. A fine assortment of caseimere Pants, consist. ing of fine black, medium, fancy French of dif ferent styles—and cassinels, A great variety of Vests, such as fine satin, silk velvet, plaid, cash. mere, &c. Fine Shirts from 4;1.00 to 2.50. Woolen and Cotten, knit under Shirts, Drawer. and Stockings. Bosoms, collure, French and other Suspenders. A fine assortment of boy's clothing. New styles of Hats and Caps. P,eols & Shoes. Umbrellas, &e., in feet every thing usually kept in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of qualities calculated to please and accommodate the pubbc. If you wish to keep up whit the times and faehiona, call at the "Hall of Fashion." B. & W. SNARE. Huntingdon, Sept, 18,1849. BLANK DEEDS AND BONDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.