Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 25, 1849, Image 1

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r 44-7,0 main on
HE Subscriber will Sell, at Private
Sale, his
Woodcotk valley Farm,
hear the Cum Roans, in Potter & Walker town
nips, Huntingdon county, occupied by David
Enyeart, containing about 280 Acres, 200 of
*bid) are cleared and under cultivation, with a
litrge new
Two Story Dwelling
• 2-n-CQD M. 23 CS. a
s large flank Barn, Wagon Shed. Spring house,
hog house, and every other necessary building.
On this tract is an extensive
Bed of Fossiliferous Iron Ore.
Any information will be given by Mr. Enycart,
on the premises Gon. A. P. Wilson and Mr.
George Jackson of Huntingdon, or the subscri
ber in Harrisburg.
Decrmber 4, 1849.
Heal Estate [at Public Sales
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to
public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday the 2911 t day of Derember inst.,
at 10 o'clock A. M., the following real estate,
late of John Esq., of the borough of Hun
aingdon, dec'd, remaining unsold, viz
All those two adjoining lots of ground on the
southerly side of Hill street in said borough,
bounded by lots of William Ward on the West,
and the Presbyterian church lots on the East,
each of said lots fronting 60 feet on Hill street
and extending in depth 200 feet to Allegheny
street, and being lots No. 82 and 83 in the plan
of the town, with a large
part frame and part log, a large fiaino stable
with a stone basement, and a tan yard and large
frame tan house thereon. The title to the above
property is indisputable.
TeaMs oe tia..—One-half the purchase mo•
nay lobe paid on the confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in ono year thereafter with interest
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance will he given by
Huntingd3n, Dec. 4, 1849.
“flgent for the sale of Southworth .MOnu
facfuring Co's Writing Papers.
Whorehouse No. 3 Minor St.
100 cases of the above superior Papers now in
store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest
market prices, consisting in part of--
Fine thick Flat Cape, 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs..
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and white. _ _
Extra super and superfine Polio Posts, blue and
white, plain and ruled.
Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and
Supet fine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad.
Superfine and fine Counting• House Caps and
Posts, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Lettere, plain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Poste, blue end white, plain
and ruled.
• ---
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
'Lawyer's" Brief Papers.
Superfine and Eno Cape and Posts, ruled and
plain, blue and white, various quantice and pri
Also, 1000 roams white and assorted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue,
Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me
diums, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, ikc.
July 10, 1849.-6 m.
Female Boarding and Day School.
This School is now .in successful operation.
The Rev. lair sy.t. W. Vl' sun, Pastor of the
Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterian
congregations, is Principal, assisted by a worthy
end efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. Riau.
This School is located its the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa., one of
the most healthy villages east of the Allegheny
mountain. The course of instruction is full and
thorough, embracing all the English branches
usual.y taught in SeleetSchools. It will be con
ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to
be the textbook. Parents and guru diens who
attach any value to the religious training of their
children and wards will Gcd this school worthy
of their patronage. The Pupils may board with
the Principal and will be treated as members of
his family. Tuition and board will be moder
ate. For further particulars apply tc the Prin
cipal or to any or the undersigned, vvlio earnest
ly recommend . his school to the patronage of the
public. The second quarter of the present term
Will commence on the seventeenth day of July
John Owens, W. Caldwell,
John Grainig, Geo. Guyer, Rev,
John K. M'Cahan, James Clarke,
Thomas M. Owens, 8. 8. Dewey,
James Bell.
Birmingham, Aug. 21,1849.
Teachers If mated.
IVE Male Teachers wanted, to take charge
of the Common School. in Cass township
un tingdon county. Competent Teachers will
be employed for the spsee of three or four months
to commence any time previous to the Ist of
December 1840. Application made to
Proud. Board of School Directors.
November 20, 1849.
NvHEREAS, by precept to me directed, da
ted at Huntingdon, the 24th day of Nov.
1849, under the hands and seals of the Hon.
George Taylor,
President of the Court of
Common Pleas , Oyer and Terminer and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn
sylvania, composed of the counties of Hunting.
don, Mifflin and Union, and the Hone. James
Groin and John Stewart, his associates, judges of
thecounty of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap
pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every
indictments and presentments, made or taken for
or concerning all crimes,which by the laws of the
Commonwealth are made capital or felonies of
death and other oflences,erimes and misdemeanors,
which have been, or shall be committed or perpe.
tutted within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated, for
crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to make pro.
lamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions
and Common Pleas, will be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 2d
Monday (and 14th day) of Jan. 1850, and
those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be
then and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all justices of the peace, coronet.,
and constables within the said county, be then
and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, with their records,inguisitions,
examinations and remembrances, to do those
thingswhich to their office respectively appertain.
Dec. 18 1849, 5"
WHEBEAS,by precept to me diiected by the
Judges of the Common Pleas of the coun
ty of Huntingdon, bearing test the 24th day of
Nov, A. D. 1819, I am commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole baili
wick that a Court of Common Pleas, will Ito held
at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon,
in the county of Huntingdon, on the 35 Monday
(and Slot day) of Jan, A. D. 1850, for the
trial of all issues in said court, which remain un
determined before the said judges, when and
where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the
riot of said issues are required.
Huntingdon, Dec. 18 1849. $
Orphans' Court Bale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
Of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sato on the premises, by public vendue or out
cry, on Saturday the 2914 day of December
1849, a
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross '
Jesse Yocum, James Ker, James
McDonald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, is within a
convenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and Canal, and is well ft mbered, which ren
ders it very valuable, and offers a profitable
speculation to purchasers.
Terre.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M, F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Ads,'r of John Wiley, deed.
December 4, 1819.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court to distribute the moneys in
the hands of M. Crownover, administrator of
Daniel Glazier, late of Henderson township,
decd, to and among the creditors of said deed,
gives notice that he will attend for said purpose
at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 29th day of December 1849. All
persons having accounts against said dec'd are
notified to present the same or be debarred from
coming in upon the funds.
l'llo. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor.
December 4, 1849.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon Coun
ty, to distribute the fund in the hands of
Jonas Rudy, Surviving Executor of
George Rudy, dec'd, amongst those en
titled to receive the same, will attend
for that purpose at his residence in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday, the
4th day of January next, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., when and where all, persons in
terested may attend.
Dec. 11,1849.
J. ti 3. rd. ROWE,
Broom dr. Wooden-ware Store,
No. 63 North Third Street,
ERS 111 all kinds of Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bas
kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus
ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking
Eastern-made Wooden-Ware
of every description, &c.
at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Broom-corn at the factory.
Sept. 11th 1849.
MIRE California
r by
Oct. 30, 1819.
Constantly on hand
and for sale by
J. PALMER, & Co.
Market St. Wharf,
Sep. 11, 1849.-3 m
;old wedding rings for sale
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facies issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun.
tingdon county, I will expose to sale at public
oatcry, on the premises, on Saturday the 29th
day of December, inst. at one o'clock P. M.,
all that certain tract of land situate on the wat
ers of Stone creek in Henderson township, ad
joining lands of the heirs of David Newingham,
dec'd., Nathan Gorsuch, dec'd., and others, con
taining 116 acres and 112 perches, (except 39
acres and 159 perches of said tract, now in pos
session of John Miller, which has been released
from the lien of the mortgage,) hating a house
and barn thereon, and a considerable part thcrof
Seized and to be sold as the property of
Samuel Miller, dec'd, with notice to Terre ten
3d Dec., 18.14.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of D4VID .EBY, late of Shirley
township, Huntingdon Co., dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims or demands against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to JACOB EBY,
Nov. 13, 1849-13 t. Administrators.
nAmE to the premises of the subscriber,living
U in Porter township, Heart' s Lo g Valley
sometime in the month of October, 2 STEERS
ono between 4 and 5 years old, red and white
spotted ; the other is black, between 2 and 3
years old, and having a slit in the right ear and
a hole in the left. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be disposed
of according to law. JOHN BLACK.
November 27, 1849.
And another and the Latest Arrival of
./1T DORSEY 4, .111.8GUIRE'S
pORSEY & MAG UIRE, thankful for past
favors, most respectfully inform their old
customers and the public in general, that they
have just received snot her large assortment of
FAIL and WINTYR Goons, consisting of ovory
yariety, of
Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
and goods of all kinds usu ally kept in the most
extensive stores.
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, 4.c.
&c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c.
ell and examine our Goods.
Huntingdon Dec. 4, 1849.
The anglo-Saxons have Come again I
T HE Public are respectfully informed
as ton
have just received the largest and beet assort
ment of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, comprising all the
various articles generally kept at other stores,
with the addition of a great many articles nev-
or offered for sale in this place. Their stock con
s. te of
Sattinetts, Vesting., Tweed cloth, Kentucky
Jeans, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors,
Table Diaper, Mustier, Calicoes, Ginghams,
Maudlin de mines, Cashmeres,Merrnoes,
A Ipaccas, Silks, Mull Jacconet and
Cambric Muslin., Linen Cambric,
Silk mai cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture check & calicoes, gloves,
Shawls and Trimmings.
/lien's and Boye'Boots and Shoes,
Cloth and Glazed emu, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets, &c.—
'They have also an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and Queensware,
They here a lot of Bonnets of the very latest
style. They have also a groat variety of Cedar
Ware, ouch as Tube, Buckets. Baskets of all
kinds. SALT, FISH, and PLASTER. All
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
be bought at any other establishment east of the
They are determined to sell off their old stock
of Goods at and under cost. Look out for bar
gains !
Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
CO.LIA al) ci 6s
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale atCoNNlNcm.tat's Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 27, 1849.
PURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
November 27, 1849.
A PRIME article of Black Tea, Young Hy
soon, Imperial and other Teas, just opened
November 27, 1819.
A SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receiv
November 27, 1819.
Whittier, the Quaker Poet, has written the
following beautiful lines, to welcome Frederi
ka Bremer to America t
To Frederika Brand'.
Welcome from thy dusky Norland,
Daughter of the Vikings bold /
Welcome to the sunny Vineland
Which they sought and found of old
Soft as lapse of Silga's waters,
When the moon of Summer shines,
Strong as winter from his mountains,
Roaring thiough the Northern pines,
Swan of Aho ! we have listened
To thy saga and thy wag,
Till a household joy and gladness
We have known and loved thee long
By the mansion's marble mantel,
By the long-walled cabin's hearth,
Thy sweet thoughts and Northern fancies
Meet and mingle with our mirth,
Anil o'er weary spirits keeping
Sorrow's night watch, long and chill,
Shine they like the sun of Summer,
Over midnight vale and hill.
Sweet eyes smile for us in Norlandi
Household forms we love are there;
In their bitter grief of parting ;
And their bridal joy we share.
We alone are strangers to thee,
Thou our friend and teacher art ;
Come and know us as we know thee,
Let us meet thee heart to heart I
To our household homes and altars,
We, in turn, thy steps would lead,
As thy loving hand has led us
O'er the threshold of the Swede.
Or the way Bill Green helpt get oat the
The young ladies had collected at
Mrs. Frugal's for the purpose of assist
ing her in "getting out a quilt." Of
course the young men found out excu
ses for being there ; some to court, some
to see, some to be seen, some for fun,
and some to kill firm?. ; but, Bill Green
was there for the identical purpose of
"helping to get out the quilt."He was
a soft handed, taper fingered, assuming
kind of what pm might call—in his
own estimation—"a ladies' man." The
weather was very cold, and it Was some
what difficult for a bashful young man
to get to the fire; nevertheless Bill was
thar, on the side of the quilt text to the
fire ; monopolizing the conversation, and
to some extent, very much to the annoy
ance of some, the fire too. There was
some warm policy in Bill's volunteer
ing to help quilt—he could have a seat,
and with a little impudence, (an abund
ant supply of which he had always on
hand,) he could be next to the fire.
Aniong those excluded from the fire
was Dick Justice, he was a native Tex
'an. Ho had just returned from a wild
cat hunt, and was as cold as a miser's
charity. Now, there was as much dif
ference in Bill and Dick, as there would
be between freezing to death and being
roasted alive in a bake oven. Dick was
a full blooded Texian—none of your im
ported stock.
Dick had an old grudge against Bill,
and just at this phenomenon of frigid
weather, he had no inclination to keep
cool, and let Bill monopolize the con
versation and more than his portion of
the fire; under the pretext of being
there to help quilt. The ladies Were
shivering with cold.
"Boys," says Dick, "I'll have him
out, and we'll all see some fun as a coin.
pensation for my trouble. Whenever
you hear a mighty fuss in the quilting
room—you'll all scatter, every one of
you ; and, as soon as you see Bill come
out, advise him to run, to travel for his
" Good, good," unanimously exclaim.
ed the boys.
Dick walked, or rather rung himself
into the room where they were quilting,
and took a seat just back of Bill's chair.
Bill forgot that he had " come there for
the identical purpose of quilting,' and
had turned round facing the fire, and
was giving the ladies, (the gentlemen
being excluded for want of room,) a
brief history of a college life and pic
nic parties. In the meantime Dick had
slyly tied one skirt of Bill's overcoat to
the corner of the quilt. Then he placed
himself right between Bill and the fire,
and commenced telling about " killin'
Mexicans, shootin' injins and huntin'
bars,'—without stopping to punctuate
his story, or looking to see if any one
was listening. He was determined to
attract Bill's attention by monopolizing
a little himself. Bill endured the in
trusion until his toes, and his interest
in his story were waxing cold. He then
with'a long, flowry prelude to the com
mand, very abruptly ordered Dick to
stand a little on one side if he pleased,
and watt till he finished his conversation
before he commenced telling about his
injins, bars," Sec.
. " Heaven and yearth !" said Dick
"Bill Green is that you 'I You are the
very specimen of human natur I have
(-. , l,
been wanting to get hold of to petrify
as a sample of modern exotics. Now,
if you dont leave here in less time than
it would take a wild cat to devour a
goslin, I'll make a momentary scabbard
of your body for old Bowie
And with a yell that caused scores of
shrieks from the ladies, he made at him
with an old Bowie in his hand. Bill
saw the knife, that was enough for him;
he made a bounce and a spring, that
was but little retarded by the slender
threads with which the quilt was tack
ed in the frames.
"Stop him, stop him," cried Dick
cutting and tearing the ireads that im
peded Bills escape, pretending that he
was trying to cut his way to him.
" Murder! murder !" cried Bill.
"Run, Bill, run," shouted the boys
vvith a fit of laughter that thawed their
joints, and produced a market for ped•
tars in the thread and button line.
" Mercy, mercy," screamed the la•
" 011 5 my quilt," said the kind lady
" Catch him !" said Dick.
"Murder, murder I"Crled Bill at the
top of his voice, and disappeared with
as much speed as the dread of steel and
the encumbrance of a quilt would per
The cotton may be seen to this day,
sticking to the plum bushes in the
neighborhood through which Bill made
his escape.
Elegant Extract.
At the Great Railway Convention
held in St. Louis, to consider the prac
ticability of communication between the
Atlantic and Pacific, the Hon. Thomas
Hart Benton made a speech of immense
length, but of intense interest through
out, concluding with the following lofty
and inspiring conceptions of the future
glory and destiny of the United States:
" We live in extraordinary times, and
are called upon to elevate ourselves to
the grandeur of the occasion. Three
and a half centuries ago, the great Col
umbus—the man who was afterwards
'tarried home in chains from the New
World which he had discovered—this
great Columbus, in the year 1492, de
parted from Europe to arrive in the
east by going west. It was a sublime
conception. He was in the line of suc
cess, when the intervention of two con
tinents, not dreamed of before, arrested
his progress. Now '
in the nineteenth
century, mechanical genius enables his
great design to be fulfilled. In the be
ginning and in the barbarous ages, the
sea was a barrier to the intercourse of
nations. It separated nations. Me
chanical genius, in inventing the ship,
converted the barrier into a facility.
Then land and continents became the
obstruction. The two Americas inter
vening have prevented Europe and Asia
' from communicating on the strait line.
For three centuries and a half this ob
stacle has frustrated the grand design
of Columbus. Now in our day mechan
ical genius has again triumphed over
the obstacles of nature, and converted
into a facility that which had so long
been an impassable barrier. The steam
car has worked upon the land, and to a
degree far transcending the miracle
which the ship in barbarous ages, work
ed upon the ocean. The land has now
become the facility for the most distant
communication, the conveyance being
invented which annihilates both time
and space. We hold the intervening
land; we hold the obstacle which stopped
Columbus ; we are in the lino between
Eur Ope and Asia.
We have it in our power to remove
that obstacle, to convert it into a facili
ty, and to carry him on to his land of
promise and hope with a rapidity, a pre
cision and a safety unknown to all ocean
navigation. A King and a Queen start
ed him upon his great enterprise. It
lies in the hands of a Republic to coin
plete it.. It is in our hands— we, the
people of the United States, of this'
nineteenth century. Let us raise our
'selves up. Let us rise to the grandeur
of the occasion. Let us complete the
grand design of Columbus, by putting
Europe and Asia into communication,
and that to our advantage, through the
heart of our own country. Let us give
to his ships, converted into cars, a con
tinued course, unknown to all former
times. Let us make the iron road, and
make it from sea to sea. Let States and
individuals make it east of the Missis
sippi, the nation make it west. Let ue
now, in this convention, rise above ev
erything sectional, personal or local.
Let us beseech the National Legislature
to build the great road upon the great
national line which unites Europe and
Asia—the line which will find, on our
continent, the Buy of San Francisco at
one end, St. Louis in the middle, the
national metropolis and great commer
cial emporiums at the other; and which
shall be adorned with its crowning hon-
VOL. XIV, NO. 50
or, the collossal statute of the great
Columbus, whose design it accomplish
es, hewn from the great mass of a peak
of the Rocky Mountains, overlooking
the road—the mountain itself the pe
destal, and the statue a part of the
mountain—pointing with outstretched
arm to the western horizon, and saying
to the flying passenger, there is the east'
there is India.
Western Eloquencer
At the recent presentation of a flag
from the ladies of Cass county, (lad.,)
to the Democrats of Pulaski, the orator
of the occasion, a big red headed, doable
jointed fellow, made a most patriotic
speech, from which we select the follow.
ing touching morsel :
'FELLOW CITIZENS —Not alone in out
district is Democracy with its head and
oars erect like a geese, but the whole
world is on fire with locofocoism, which
is eight and a half per cent. worse than
fihillerism. In France, where the very
bricks of the human side walk were
down-trodden and herringboned by the
cunning of Whiggery, they now glory
in being free France ! glorious France!
where celestial soups arc distilled from
discarded bootsoles, and the epigrastrum
is titivated by the fragrancy of frogs
stuffed with garlic, is now a free Re
public I [Mr. G. fanned himself.]—
Germany feels the shock to the bottom
of her beet-vats; and the cry of free•
dom, rousing the coiled tip sausages of
Bologna, encompasses Italy with the
links of liberty ! The time of despots
is come! The dinner bell of tyranny
has rung the oppressors to their last
meal ! Henceforth and forever our an
cestors snatched the burning brand of
regeneration from the hands of timid
posterity and planted it deep in the bow
els of the future! Let it grow.
'But the end is not yet, (the end of
his speech.) The Sirocco of a monied
desolation sheds its crocodile tears over
the infuriated instincts of toothless
wretchedness throughout all England,
and the cry among her thirsty and mil
dewed millions is for 'gin I gin ! and no
worth r Tilts Is Lbw ca wt.
even while I speak to you, rings in the
ears of Queen Victoria, and causes her
to falter in her fruitful career! The
depot of Russia turns Prussian blue at
his fate, and Austria gapes in dismay
at the owl that tells of the approaching
knife that is raised to wrench her apart
at the hinges.
'And is there no room for reform in
free America 1 Can all dons they like)
May some of us do nothing '1 Have we
any liberty of consciencel Fellow cit
izens! I hope that the news from Fn.-
laski will sweep the vagrant act and oth•
er black laws from Indiana--/ do. Gen
tlemen, taket his flag! fair hands wrought
it, and bold hands carried it ! Cherish
it in your heart of hearts—and should I
ever die, my proudest wish would be, to
be interred in the meanest puddle in Pu•
A Mob Quelled By Prayer.
The Pittsburgh Gazette relates the fol•
lowing incident, as received from the
late Sheriff of the country, Mr. Forsyth.
Mobs have been quelled sometimes by
discharges of musketry, but we never
before heard of one subdued by prayer.
Pittsburg mobs must be more reverent
than those of some other quarters.
Sometime in the course of the past
year he, Mr. Forsyth, was called upon to
exercise his authority for the suppres
sion of a large disorderly meeting, some
where in the suburbs of the city. At
the time of his arrival on the ground
there way every manifestation of an im•
mediate and violent outbreak, and while
he was deliberating about his duty in the
he was approached by the Rev.
Mr. Kirkland who acted so conspicious
a part in the late trials in our court, with
a request that lie would let him try the
efficacy of prayer on the excited passions
of the throng.
The Sheriff' replied that he doubted
much the success of such an expedient,
but that he was willing to make the ex
periment.--Mr. Kirkland immediately,
assumed a station a little elevated above
the multitude, and poured fourth appnr•
antly from the fullness of a Christian
spirit, a prayer most appropiate to the
occasion. immediately after he corn•
menced, those arround him became calm
some of them very reverently took oft
their hats, and when, at the conclusion,
he raised his hand and in the most sol
etnn manner pronounced the benedcition
with which congregations are usally
missed, the mob dispersed as quietly as
a congregation retiring from Church,
leaving the Sheriff no further necessity
for the exercise of his authority.
SUIT FOR SLANDER. —Tile trial of Judge
Pierce, for slandering a clergyman at
Brooklyn, has resulted in a verdict of
six cents damages sad six cents costs.