Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 18, 1849, Image 1

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'44 our - nor
111 - 1 E Subscriber will Sell, at Private
Sale, his
Woodcfitlc Valley Farm,
'tear the Cuess RoAna, in Pot ter 8c alker town
"hi pa, Huntingdon county, occupied by David
ityerirt, containing about 290 Acreri, 200 of
Which are cleared and under cultivation, with a
urge new
Two Story Dwelling
ir: _..ta:DuaGscts. s ,
I A TENANT 11 0 C S E,
i large Bank Fern, Wagon l-hed, Spring house,
flog house, and eery other necessaty building.
On this tract is an extensive
Bed of Fossiliferous Iron Ore.
Any information will be given by Mr. Eoyeart,
on the premieee Gen. A. P. V% ileon an-I Mr.
George Jeekson of Huntingdon, or the eubecri•
her in Harrisburg.
Dec , mher 4, 1999.
Real Estate at Fhblie Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to
imblie sale, on the premises. on
Saturday the 29th day of Derember inst.,
Id 10 o'clock A. M., the foil 'wing real estate.
late of John Miller Esq., of the borough of Hun-
Linear:rt. deed, t emaining unsold, viz
A I those two adjoining lots of ground en the
southerly side of Hill street in said borough.
bounded by lota of VI imam Ward on the West,
and the i•resbyterian church lots on the East,
each of said lots fronting 50 feet on Hill street
and extending in depth 200 feet to Allegheny
Street, and being lots No. 82 and 83 in the plot'
bf the town, with a large
EMI U.1.5=5 atop
part frame and part big a large fame stable
With a stone basement, and a tan yard and large
fratne tan house thereon. The title to the above
property is indisputable.
Trams or—One-half thd purchnse mo
ney lobe paid on the confirmation of the sale, and
the ,exidue in one year thereafter with interest
to he secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. M. F. ( AMPBELL, Cleik.
Attendance will to given ty
JACt )13 hl H.I.ER, Trustee.
Uuntingtlan, Dec. 4, 1949.
DB viritte of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
on the premiss, by the undersigned Executors
of the last will of Matthew Garner, lateof Penn
township, Huntingdon county, dee'd, on Satur
dry 2241 day of December next, at 11 o'clock A
M., a
Tract of Land,
situate in Hopewell township, adjoining lands
on which John Beaver now resides and others.
The above valuable tract of land is well worthy
the attention of purchasers. Any person wish
ing to view the premises can call upon the sub
Terms.—One third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one
year thereafter, and one-third in two year,
with interest from confirmation orst.le, tobe se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Dec. 4, 1819,
adgent for the sale of Southworth Manu
facuring Co's Writing Papers.
Wliarehotole No. 3 Minor St
100 cases of the above superior Papers now in
Store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest
market prices. consisting in part of—
Fine thick Flat lops, 12, 14, 15, and 10 lbs..
blue and white.
Superfine Medium and Demi Writingb, blue
and white. _ _
Extra super and superfine Folio Posta,blue and
white plain and ruled.
Superfine Commercial Poste, blue and white,
plain and ruled.
Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and
:-upeitbie and fine Bill Papers, long and broad.
superfine and fine Counting• House laps and
Posts, blot arid white. _ _
Extra sliver Congress Cope and Letters, dain
and ruled, blue and white.
Extra super Congtees Caps and Letters, gilt.
Superfine Sermon Caps and Poets.
Superfine blue linen thin Letters.
Extra super Bath Posts, blue end white, plain
and ruled.
Emhroidered Note Papers and Envelopes.
4.l,awyer's' Brie( Papers.
Superfine and line Ceps and Posts, rued and
plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri
1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Pa
pers, Bonnet Board., white and assorted Time,
Tea, WI upping, Envelope, 'wooded and blue Me
diu:nit, t ap wrappers. Hardware Papers, &c.
July 10, 1849.-6 m.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon Coun
ty, to distribute the fund in the hands of
Jonas Rudy, Surviving Executor of
George Rudy, dee'd, amongst those en
titled to receive the same, will attend
for that purpose at his residence in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday, the
4th day of January next, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., when and where all persons in ,
terested may attend.
Dee. 11, 1849.
1)Y order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting
don County, the undersingned, appointed
Trustees by said Court, will expose to sale on
the premises, by public vendue or outcry, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. end 2 of'-
clock P. M. on
Monday the 17th day of December, 1849,
the Real Estate of John Miller, dec'd, consist
ing of a tract of land, situate in Union township,
Huntingdon county, containinr,
339 ACRES,
and the usual titldwance. Said land adjoins
lands of Matthias Miller, Henry Dell, John
Chilcoat's heirs, Michael Querry, &c., having
thereon erected a cabin house and log barn, a
small stable and granary. There is a good ap
ple orchard on the premises.
TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and one
third in one year thereafter, and the remaining
one-third in two years after confirmation—with
interest, to be secured by the bond and mort
gage of the purchaser. By the Conrt,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Nov. 20 18.19.) Trustees.
Town Lots for Sale.
THE undersigned, Executors of the
last will of 'Matthew Garner, late of
Penn township, Huntingdon county, deed, will
expose to sale on the premises, by public Ven
due or outcry, on Saturday the 22d day of De
cember, at 3 o'clock P. M., eight or nine Town
Lots, situate in the village of Marklesburg, in
said township and county.
Terms.—One-half of the puachase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale and the residue
in six months thereafter. Attendance given by
Dec..l, 1819.]
Orphans' Court Sale.
fIY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cour
Of Huntingdon county, will be exposed ti
sale on the premises, by public vendue or out
cry, on Saturday the 29t4 day of Decembe
1819, a
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Ker, James
McDonald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, is within a
convenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and Canal, and is well tambered, which ren
ders it very valuable, and . offers a profitable
speculation to purchasers.
Terns.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
! cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk,
Attendance given by
Adm'r of John Wiley, dec'd.
December 1, 18.19.
Anditolois Nolite.
rpHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
I Orphans' Court to distribute the moneys in
the hands of M. Crownover, administrator of
Daniel Glazier, late of Henderson township,
dec d, to and among the creditors of said dec'd,
gives notice that he will at tend for said purpose
at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 29th day of December 1849. All
poisons having accounts against said dec'd are
notified to present tiresome or be debarred from
coming in upon the funds.
'l'llo. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor.
Deeettiber 4, 1E49.
Teachers U
1.71VE Male Teachers wanted, to lake cherge
1 of the Common Schools in Cass townsUp
un tingdon county. Competent Teachers will
be employed for the spice of three or four months
to continence any time previous to the let of
December 1849. Application made to
Prest. !board of School Directors.
November 20, 1849.
Female Boarding and Day School.
THIS School to now in successful operation.
The Rey. len AEI. W. V 1 Ant, Pastor of the
Spruce Creek and Birmingham
congregations, is Principal. asvislitY a worthy
and efficient female Teacher, Mis A. M. Rem,
This School is located in the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa.. one of
Hlipost healthy villages east of the Allegheny
'lair). The course of instruction is full and
thorough, embracing all the English branches
usual y taught in Selectl,cliools. It will be con
ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to
Ire the text hook. Parents and .gua diens who
attach any value to the religious training of their
children and ward. will find this school worthy
of their patronage. The Pupils may bard with
We Principal and Will be treated as members of
his family. Tuition and board will be moder
ate. For further particulars apply tc the Prin
cipal 01 to any of the undersigned, who earnest
ly recomrend v school to the patronage of the
public. Ph° second quarter of the present term
will commence on the seventeenth day of July
John Owens, W. Caldwell,
John Graffiti., Geo. Guyer. Rev,
JOlllll k. M'Caltan, James Clarke,
Thomas M. Owen., S. S. Dewey,
Birmingham, Aug. 21,1849,
J. & 3. IW. ROWE,
Broom & Wooden-ware Store,
No. 63 North Third Street,
ERS in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bas
kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus
ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking
Eastern-made Wooden-ware
of every description, &c.
at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Broomcorn at the factory,
Sept. 11th 1849.
13Y virtue of a writ of Levari Facies issued
1.) out of the Cqurt pf Common Pleas trf Hun
tingdqn corrnty, I Will exPOke to sale at public
eatery, on the premises, on Saturday the 29th
day of December, inst. at one o'clock P. M.,
all that certain tract of land situate on the wat
ers of Stone creek in Henderson township, ad- I
joining lands of the heirs of David Newingham,
dec'd., Nathan Gorsuch, dec'd., and others, con
taining 116 acres and 112 perches, (except 35
acres and 159 perches of said tract, now iq pos
session of John Miller, which has been released
from the lien of the mortgage,) having a house
and barn thereon, and a considerable part therof
Seized and to be sold as the property of
Samuel Miller, dec'd, with notice to Terre ten
3d Dec., 1849
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of A/11 7 1D EBY, late of Shirley
township, Huntingdon Co., dcc'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingelsims ordoma.ide against
the same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to JACOB EI.Y,
Nov. 13, 1849--6 t. Administrators.
C a
AME to the premises of the subscriber,living
in Porter township, Heart's Log Valley,
sometime in the month of October, 2 SITE KS
one between 4 and 5 years old, red and white
spotted ; the other in black, between 2 and 3
years old, and having a slit in the right ear mid
a hole in the left. The owner is requested to
c ome forw ar d, prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be disposed
'ol according to law. JOHN BLACK.
November 27, 1849.
And another and the Latest Arrival of
.17' DORS EY 4 .111.4GUIRE'S
DORSEY & MAGUIRE, thankful for past '
favors, most respectfully inform their old
customers and the public in general, that they
have juiX received another large assortment of
FALL and WINTER Goons, consisting of every
variety of
Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress toads,
and goods of all kinds usually kept in the most
extensive stores.
Groceries, Hardware, Qtteenstaare,
&c. &c. &c. &e. &c. &c.
G:jeall and examine our GOods.
Huntingdon Dec. 4, i 999.
The linglo•Sa,vons hare Come .11g-ain !
T HE a Public are respectfully informed
. Sz W. *artott
have just received the largest and best assort.
ment of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, comprising all the
various articles generally kept at other stores,
with the addition of a great many articles new
or offered for sale in this place. Their stock con
sets of
Sattinems, Vestings, Tweed cloth, Kentucky
Jeans, Canton Flannel,Fls nnels of all colors,
Table Diaper, Muslins, Calicoes, Ginghams,
Mouslin de (nines. Cashmeres, Mcrinoes,
A Iliaccas, Silks, Mull Jacconct and
Cambric Muslins, Linen Cambric,
Silk ar.d cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture check & caleoes, gloves,
Shawls and Trimmings.
lirete.y and Boys' Boas and 81toes,
Cloth and Glazed cape, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glasses, bed Blankets Carpets, &c.—
rhey have also an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and Queensware,
They have a lot of Bonnets of the very latest
style. They have also 11 great variety of Cedar
Ware, such as Tubs, 13uckets. Baskets of ell
kinds. SALT, FISH, end PL \ I , TER• All
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
be bought at any other establishment east of the
They are determined to sell off their old stock
of Goods at and under cost. Look out for bar
gains !
Huntingdon, October 30, 1849.
Cutiom. cza ass un cs+ Ext
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 27, 1819.
PURECTnTCeniratecr ExTractOT Lemon, a
genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Olfice.
November 27, 1810.
APRIME article of Black Tea, Young fly_
son, Imperial and other Teas, just opened
November 27, 1819.
A SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receiv
/1 eclat CUNNINGHAM'S.
November 27, 151 P.
Let in the light of the fair sun,
And leave me here alone;
This hour with thee must be the last,
My dear unsfibtted one.
Thy bier waits in the silent street,
And voiceless men are there ;
While in sad, solemn intervals,
The bell strikes on the air;
Thropgli the bare trees the Aiiiumn wind
With rustling song complains
To the deep vales and echoing hills,
In sad funereal strains.
And this is death ;—these heavy eyes,
This eloquent, sweet face,
Where beauty throned in ittriticence,
Sat with celestial grace.
The limbs whose chiseled marble lines
But shame the sculptor's skill,
In more than mortal slumber wrapt,
Unconscious, cold and still.
Seal up the fountains of mine eyes,
This is no place for tears ;
These are but painted images,
That mock my hopes and fears.
Backward, this little hand in mine,
Feeling thou still art here,
I truce the blissful joys and cares
That filled thy short career.
The bright intelligence that gleamed
From out these infant eyes—
Seems still to point with blessed beams
The pathway to the skies.
But this is death ! beneath vrhose touch,
Cold unrelenting power,
Beauty's unwithered garlands fall,
To perish in an hour.
Take up the bier, and bear it hence--
It were in vain to weep ;
But gently, and with noiseless step,
As to the couch of sleep.
The measured journey to the grave,
Is (lark to him w•ho fears
To scan the blotted memories
Of unrepented years. '
To us who bear this child to day,
No pang like this is given ;
The door we shut upon its tomb,
Encloses it in heaven.
A Truthful Sketch
It is said that the best and most up
right men will sometimes err, a sage say
ing, which we are not at all disposed to
controvert. Of one thing, however, we
are certain—that Mr. Clementinus Pol
lard is a good and conscientious man;
and yet scarcely a day is ever added to
Ina span of years in which he does not
fall into some shameful error. This is
owing no doubt, to the very exhuber
ance of his good nature.
He a fond and doming husband, and
would not have his spouse acquainted
with the odd capers he cuts when from
under her guardian wing, for all the gold
of California's mines. Yet he does some
times play most singular freaks, partic
ularly when under the influence of the
celebrated 'anti-cholera mixture.' But
what has this to do with the gray over
coat 1 Hold a little, most gentle reader,
and we will explain.
Did you ever know a clever man who
did not, at same period of his life, drink
a 'little too much 1' If you ever did,
you have the advantage of your humble
chronicler. There is something about
a warm-hearted, generous soul, which
seems to lead him into all sorts of irreg
ularities, whilst the cold, calculating ;
wintry spirit retired within its own pre
cincts, refuses all social communion, and
finally passes from the sphere of his
earthly career without having conferred
a blessing upon one of God's creatures.
But what has this to do with the 'Gray
Overcoat 1' We will detain you no lon
ger, but proceed at once to our brief sto
It was a cold and gloomy night in
December ! The wind whistled, the
window shutters cracked, and the leaf
less boughs of the trees beckoned to and
fro like unhappy spirits returned from
the 'land of dreams.' In short, it Was
just the night for a glass of hot punch;
and so thought our friend, Mr. Clemens
tinus Pollard. Accordingly, the night
had fal 4 advanced before be attempted
to wend his way homewards. This was
by no means an easy task, in his then
condition, with about sixteen punches
on board, and an unusual 'caving in' of
the lower limbs. As he stepped into
the street the lights seemed to dazzle
his sight, and cause him to halt a mo
ment for reflection. But a moment suf
ficed; and guided more by an instinct
than by reason, lie took the correct di
rection of his lodgings, which, after di
vers halting, meditations, soliloquies,
and curvings, he managed to reach in
safety. And now the decisive moment
had arrived—a moment of fearful im
port, as it embodied his future peace or
misery. At least so thought Mr. Cle
inentinus Pollard.
'Oh ! my father,' he muttered, as he
stood, or rather tottered, on the door-
steps, 'What a fool I hove been. Drunk
—hic--drunk, by hokey. How am Ito
keep it from my wife. I would'nt have
her to know it for a cool, (hie) a cool
hundred. Never mind, (hic) never
mind! I'm equal to the emer—hie—
gency. Steady, steady, old fellow; and
do your best licks now at walking.'
With this worthy determination our
friend buttoned his grny overcoat closely
to his bosom, and gently unlocking the
door, slowly and cautiously ascended
the stairs: With a prudence arid a fore
sight very unusual in one in his con
dition, he clung tightly to the railing,
and thus managed to reach the cham
ber where his better half was sweetly
reposing, in perfect security. 'Alt !'
thought he to himself, '1 am althxys
right--never let down in my life—never
caved in.' And thus self congratulated
lie proceeded to disrobe himself, prepar
atory to n pleasant slumber 'in the bo
som of his family.' He first took off
his gray overcoat, carefully hang it on
the back of a chair, and then taking off
his hat, laid it on the overcoat. Thus
far all went well. But now came the
'tug of war,' in the conflict with a wet,
and tight fitting boot. Of all troubles,
this thing of pulling off boots is the most'
difficult and distressing to him who has
'imbibed' too freely of the joy giving
cup. 7'ight men and tight boots were
never well yoked together,
and to get
rid of the boot when the 'clock tells the
hour for retiring,' is the height of in
genuity—the grand triumph of its pOs
sessor. And what renders the matter
worse, is the miserable, body. paining
practice of wearing 'straps,' which com
pels a man to take off pantaloons and
boots together. Mr. Clementinus, un
fortunately, on the occasion of which
we speak, wore straps, and this proved
fatal to him; for had the boot been ta
ken off; he would not have fallen into
the error which proved his ruin. He
forgot however to unbutton his suspen
and so all his efforts to clear himself
of his pedestrial incumbrance proved
abortive. He struggled and worked for
near nn hour, and yet the boot would
not yield a 'peg.' At length becoming
wearied and provoked by his long an d
arduous exertions, he raised himself
from the chair, when to his alarm and
amazement he saw a man dressed in a
gray overcoat and wearing a black hat,
quietly sitting in his spouse's arm chair.
A sudden clap of thunder on a clear
and cloudless day could not have more
astounded:him. He gazed in silent won
der upon the intruder for a moment—
but a moment only—and then forgetting
in his fury, his inebriated condition, and
all the care and caution he had used to
conceal it from his wife, lie rushed for
ward and demanded of the man with
the gray overcoat' what he meant by
thus invading his domicile. But the
stranger sat, unmoved by the infuriated
demand of Clementinus. This so much
enraged our friend that he could stand
it no longer, and so seizing a chair and
raising it aloft, he rushed upon the si
lent occupant of the arm chair, and
with a single blow, broke the chair in
to a hundred fragments, and knocked
the man, who this nothing more or less,
than his own inoffensive gray overcoat,
into a cocked hat. The 'noise and con
fusion ' occasioned by this terrible on
slaught, awoke the hitherto sleeping
spouse, who, in her turn, by wild and
hysterical screams, awoke the neigh
bors and finally aroused a policeman,
thinking that some awful murder
had been committed, forced open the
front door, and followed by a half a doz
en other persons, bounded into the room.
Poor Mr. Pollard. What was he to do
in his dreadful dile mina
He first turned with humble implo
ring looks to his wife but no relief, no
hope could he find there. Thu gray
overcoat had done the work—and, poor
man, he never expected and alas we
fear he never will hear the last of that
night's adventure. He dismissed the
watchman and his followers, with a hic
cough and something that sounded more
like a curse than a blessing, and with as
much philosophy as he could command
retired to bed, not to sleep, but to expi
ate his crime by a patient endurance for
the remainder of the night, of the un•
ceasing clatter of woman's tongue.
What a busy, stirring scene is life—
and yet how little there is of reality in
all the millions are striving after. Here
is one madly rushing after a phantom—
he says he is pursuing pleasure. Poor
fool ; does he think to find pleasure
among courtezans and debauchees 1—
' Pleasure is like a timid maiden, who
flies when she is pursued, and bestows
her company upon those only who are
content to abide with her plainer sister,
A writer over the signature of 'Hero
ic Age,' in the Washington Union, says
he would as soon steal a bheep as hold
office under General Taylor.
Not doubted. The one will suit his
inclination—the other is above his ca
pacity.—Navanva Rep.
VOL, XIV, NO. 49
Anecdote of John Jacob Actors
Do you ever trust, Mr. Astor;' -
'quired Mr; K. do not trust strangers #
sir,' was the reply, unless they furnish
satisfactory city references.' 'Theft;
quoth Mr. K., 'the skins I hate seleeted
must suffice for this time,-' and paying
for the same he departed. In the after—
noon of the same day, just before the
sailing of the New Bedford packet; the
young trader returned for his lot of forth
Throwing the whole pack on his back,
he left the store, but had not proceeded
a dozen yards from the store, when Mr.
A. called his name, bidding him entire
back. 'Sir,' said Mr. A., `you may hate
credit for any amount of goods you re
quire, provider , they are to be found in
my store.' 'But,' stammered Mr. K.
but my dear sir, l can give you no city
references---I am a stranger here.'
ask no other recommendation,' respond
ed the rich merchant, than that alreedp
furnished for yourself. The man who is
not above his business need Lever hesi
tate to apply to John Jacob Astor or
credit.' flius commenced a trade be.
twecn two merchants, which was eon. ,
tinued to the mutual satisfaction and ad ,
vantage of both (or a long term of years.
Mr. K. is now one of the most eminent
capitalists in New Bedford.
A Hint to tie Idle.
THE AXE.—The other day I Was hold
ing. a man by the hand as firm in its
outward texture as leather, and his sun
burnt face as inflexible as parchment ;
be was pouring forth a wad.: of con
tempt on those people who complain that
they eon find nothing to do, as an ex•
cuse for tieddming idle loafers:
Said I, 'Jeff, what do you Work at 1—
You look hearty and happy ; what are
you at l'
'Why,' said he, .1 bought me an axe
three years ago, that cost me two dol•
las ; that wus all the money I had ; I
went to chopping wood by the cord ; I
have done nothing else, and I have
earned more than six hundred dollars.
I have drank no grog, paid no doctor,
and have bought me a larin in the Hoo
sier State, and shall be married next
week to a girl that has earned two hun
dred dollars since she was eighteen.—
My old axe I shall keep in the drawer,
and buy me a new one to cut my wood
After I left him, I thought to myself
'that axe,' and 'no grog.' rhey are two
things to make a man in this world.—
That axe! And then a farm, and a wife!
the best of all.
A Bravc Irishman.
An Irishman who was a soldier of the
revolution, and of Warren's brigade, was
suddenly stopped near Boston by a par.
ty, during a dark night ; a horseman's
pistol was presented at his breast, and
lie was asked to which side he belonged.
The supposition that it might be a Brit.
ish party rendered his situation extreme.
ly critical. He replied, think it would
be inure in the way of civility, just to
drop a hint which side you are pleased
to favor.'
'No,' testily said the first speaker;
'declare your sentiments, or die!'
'Then I will net die with a lie in my
mouth. American to extremity I Do
your worst, you snalpeen
The officer replied, 'We are, your
friends : and I rejoice to meet with a
man so faithful to the cause of his coun
READY WIT. -A countryman the oth
er day, for information, asked an Hiber
nian, who was busily engaged in the
street, driving down stones, 'Pat, when
will you get this street donel'
'How do you know my name was
Pat V inquired the Irishman.
'Why, I g,essed as much.'
'Then,' replied Pat, 'since you are
good at guessing, you may guess when
the street will be finished.'
Be Flam.—The wind and the waves
may beat against a ruck, planted in a
troubled sea, but it remains unmoved.
Be you like that rock, young man. Vice
may entice, and the song and the cup
may invite. Beware—stand firmly at
your post. There is glory in the thought
that you have resisted temptation and
conquered. Your bright examp!e will
be to the world what the light house is
to the mariner upon the sea shore. It
will guide hundreds to the port of virtue
and safety.
THE dying charge of the late Alfred
Bishop, of Bridgeport, to his son, was
--- , ..Serve God pad your coubtry, a , 7d be
benevolent." The substance of many
essays is embraced in this short sew
Judge Hart of Cincinnati, lately
caused the 'criminal box' to be taken out
of court, on the ground that no man need
be disgraced before he is found guilty ,
of crime. A Judge with a heart.