Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 11, 1849, Image 1

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T-171131130 MA.23214
THE under;iiikted designees of Blairand Mad
1 din, will'seD on tho prentifee, on Wednee.
Any 19th fifty of December, 1849,
Melinda hen 'Works,
siteate on the Aughwick creek, in Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county. Pa., and within
few Milee of the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail
road. The works consist of a k harcoal Furnace
arid Forge nearly new, and Sow Mill, all in good
order, and the usual and necessary houses and
buildihgs attached therero, together with about
520 acrea 'of land adjoining the works, about 70
acres c'eared and in a*good elate of cul'ivation,
and the remainder of the premises is timber and
woodland upon which route iron ore has been
Numd caqveuirt to the Furnace.' •To any per
son wiahinz to engage in the iron business, the
above works eVer great inducements ; they ore
located in it healthy and thriving neighborhood.
irtere labor and materials are comparatively
cheap.. ' geed ore can be had 'convement to the
Furnace, and timber at very moderate prices;
the, Aughwick creek gives ample water power
at all seasons of the year,
• .Also—On the same day, brie Trail of Land
in Springfield township, 75 acres
well in saved „and a good quality of land,lying
un Angliwick creek.
• Also—Will be sold oti Thursday the 2'..ith day
of December 1849, one tract of slate land, con
tsinni; too
acres, in Dublin township, well im.
moved and iii good state of cultivation.
Also—On the same day will otter for sale a
'limber of lots Of ground in the villagi,of C lays.
ville, in Dublin township.
Also—On the same day, about 70 acres of
timber land in Cromwell township, part lying in
mhade Gap, where there is a good seat for water
works, and good water power.
Also—On the same day, a Litt), of limestone
land, in Dublin township containing about two
hundred noes, well improved and in a good state
of cultivation.
Also-95 acres of timber land adjoirling the
Attendance given and terms mode known on
duy of sale. THOS. E. ORBISON
taner. MADDEN.
Nov. 27, 1849.
MHE 'Subscriber will Sell, at Private
j_ Sale, his
Woodcock Valley rutin,
near the Cnoss ROADS, in l'ot ler & IVallier town
ship., Huntingdon county, occupied by David
Enyeart, containing about 280 Acres, 200 of
which are cleared and under cultivation, with a
large new
Two Story Dwelling
; ; zu 615 cza•
a large Bank Harn, Wagon Shed, Spring house,
hug house, and c :cry other necessary bnilding.
On this tract is an extensive
Bed of l'ossiliferouB Iron Ore.
Any information will be given by Mr. Enyeart,
on the premises Den. A. P. NN loon and Mr.
George Jackson of Huntingdon, or the subscri
ber in Harrisburg.
December 4, 1849.
Real Estate at Public Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans ;Court
I. of Iluntingdon county will be exposed to
public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday the 20th day of Derember inst.,
at 10 o'clock A. M., the foll , iwing real estate,
late of John Miller Esq., of the borough of Hun
aingdon, dcc'd, remalniug unsold, viz :
All those two adjoining lots of ground on the
southerly side of Hill street in said borough,
hounded by lots of William Ward do the West,
and the Presbyterian church lots on the East,
oath of said lots fronting 50 feet on Hill street
and extending in depth 200 feet to Allegheny
street, and being lots No. 62 and 83 in the plait
the town, with a largo
ca) au as
part frame and part log, a large fiatma stable
with a stone basement, and a tan yard and large
frame tan house thereon. The title to the above
property is indisputable.
Timms or :"ALE.—One-half the purchase mo
ney tube paid on the confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. M. P. CAMPBELL, Clink.
Attendance will be given by
Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1949.
BB virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
on the premise, by the undersigned Executors
of the last will of Matthew Garner, lateof Penn
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, on Satar
day 22d day of December next, at 11 o'clock A
Tract of 'Land,
situate in Hopewell township, adjoining lands
on which John Beaver now resides and others.
The above valuable tract of land is well worthy
the attention of purchasers. Any person wish
ing to view the premises can' call upon the sub
Terms.—One third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one
year thereafter, and one-third in two years,
with interest from confirmation ofeLle, tobe se
curefl by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk,
Attendance given by
Dec. 4, 1819,
GOLD PENS, with diamond points and sil
ver handles, can be had at Father Time's
office for the small sum of 75 cents. Who'd a
thank it i NEF F & MILLER.
II. Y orderof the Orphans' Court of Iluntizw
don County, the undersiogred, appointed
Trustees by said Court, will expose to sale on
the premises, by public vendue or outcry, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and '2 o'-
clock P. M. on
Monday the 17th day of December, 18 0,
the Real Estate of John Miller, dec'd, consist
ing of a tract of land,.situete in Union township,
Huntingdon county, containin4
339 ACREtS,
and the usual allowance. Said land adjoins
lands of Matthias Miller, Henry Dell, John
Cbikoat's heirs, Michael Quarry, &c., having
thereon erected a cubin house and log barn, u
small stable and granary. There is a good
Orchard on the premises.
TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and one
third in one year thereafter, and the remaining
one-third in two years after confirmation—with
interest, 'to be secured by the bond and mort
gage of the purchaser. ,By the Conrt,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Nov. 20 1819.] Trustees,
. Town Lots for Sale.
THE undersigned, Executors of tho
last will of Matthew Garner, late of
Penn township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, will
eXpose to sale on the premises, by public Ven
due or outcry, on Saturday the 29d day of De
' rember, at 3 0'1.104 P. M., eight or nine Town
Lots, situate in the village of Marldeshurg, in
said township and county.
Terms.—One-hali of the puachase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale and the residue
in six months thereafter. Attendance given by
Dec. 4,.18 W.] Exceutors.,.
Orphans' Court Bale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
Of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to
sale on the premises, by public venduc or. out
cry, on Saturday the 29th day of December
IS-19, a
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Tier, James
McDonald and others. The said tract of land,
lies along the Kisacoquillas valley, is within a
conyenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and Canal, and is well itmleted, which ren
ders it very. valuable, and offers a profitable
speculation topurchasers.
Terms.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the 'residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M, F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
of John Wiley, dee'd.
December •1, 1819.
A udi tor's Notirr.
rpflE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
I. Orphans' Court to distribute the moneys in
the hands of M. Crownover, administrator of
Daniel Glazier, lute of Henderson township,
decd, to and among the creditors of said clec'd,
gives notice that he will attend for said purpose
at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 29th day of December 11149. Ail
persons having accounts against said dec'd are
notified to present the same or be debarred from
coming in upon the funds.
TllO. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor .
December 4, 1849.
Teachers H anted.
rIVE Mule Teachers wanted. to take cherg6
L of the Common Schools in Cass towns Lip
Huntingdon county. Competent Teachers will
be employed for the space of three or four months
to commence any time previous to the lot of
December 1849. Application made to
Prost. Board of School Directors.
November 20, 1840.
Female Boarding and Day School.
HIS .School to now in successful operation.
The Rev. ISIIIAEL W. 1A AHD, Pastor of the
Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterian
congregations, is Principal, assisted by a worthy
and efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. Rant.
This Shoal is located in the borough of Bir
mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa.. one of
the most healthy villages east of the A Ilegheny
mountain. The course of instruction is full and
thorough. embracing all the English branches
usual y taught in SeleetSchoels. It will be con
ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to
be the textbook. Parents and gum diens who
attach any value to the religious training of their
children and wards will (Ind this school worthy
of their patronage. The Pupils may Maud with
the Principal and will he treated as members of
his family. Tuition and board will be moder
ate. For further particulars apply tc the Prin•
cipal of to any of the undersigned, who earnest
ly recommend his school to the patronage of the
public. The second quarter of the present term
will commence on the seventeenth day of July
John Owen., W. Caldwell,
John Grafting, Geo. Guyer. Rev,
John K. M'Cahan, James Clarke,
Thomas M. Owens, A. S. Dewey,
LIMN , Bell.
Birmingham, Aug. 21, 1849.
3. & J. M. ROWE,
Broom it Wooden-ware Store,
.NO. 63 .A'orth Third Street,
ERS in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes,
Cedar-ware, willow and French bas.
kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus
ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking
Eastern-made Wooden-ware
of every description, &c.
at the lowest market prices.
Cash paid for Broomcorn at the factory
Sept. 11th 1849.
13 Y virtue of a writ of Levari Facies issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, I will expose to sale at public
oatery, on the, premises, on Saturday the 29th
day of December, inst. at one o'clock P. M.,
all that certain tract of land situate on the wat
ers of Stone creek in Henderson township, ad
joining lands of the heirs of David Newingham,
dec'd., Nathan Gorsuch, dec'd., and others, con-
Mining 110 acres and 112 perches, (except 39
acres and 150 perches of said tract, now in pos
session of John Miller, which has been released
from the lien of the mortgage,) having a house
and barn thereon, and a considerable part therof
Seised and to be sold as the property of
; Samuel Miller, deed, with notice to Terre ten
M. CRO \MOVER, shit
3d Dec., 1819.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of D,,IVID EBY, late of Shirley
township, gitntingdon Co.; deed.
N'T`"is hereby given that Letters of Ad
minieltation on said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingclaims ordema.ids against
the some to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to JACOB EItY.
Nov. 18, 1849-6 t. AdminiBtrata, e.
CAME to the premises of the subscriber,livlng
in Porter township, Heart's Log Valley,
sometime in the month of October, 2 STEERS,
one between 4 and 5 veers old, red and white
spotted; the other is black, between 2 and a
years old, and having a slit in the right ear and
a bole in the left. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be disposed
of according to law. JOHN BLACK.
November 27, 1840.
- •
And another and the Latest Arrival of
curAr STORE,
H ORSEY & MAGUIRE, thankful for poet
j favors, most respectfully inform their old
customers and the public in geeral, that they
have just received another large assortment. of
FALL and WINTER Goons, consisting of every
variety of
Ladies & Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
l and goods of all kinds usually kept in the most
extensive stores.
Groceries, Hardware, Queens:rare,
&c. &c. &c. &C. &C. dm
and examine our Goods.
Huntingdon Dec. 4, 1849.
The .4nglo-Saxons have Come ~gain !
T H t % t Public arc respectfully informed
J. sm ap ton
havejuet received the largest and best assort
ment of
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brought to this place, comprising all the
various articles generally kept at other stores,
with the addition of n great many articles nev
er offered fOr sale in this place. Their stock con
es ts f
Sattinetts, Vesttngs, Tweed cloth, Kentucky
Jeans, Canton Flannel, Flannels of all colors,
Table Diaper, Mullins, Calicoes, Ginghams,
Mouslin de laines, Cashmeres, llerinoes,
Alpaccas, Silks, Mull Jaccnnct and
Cambric Mullins, Linen Cambric,
Silk ard cotton handkerchiefs, Fur
niture check 3. ca'icoes, gloves,
Shawls and Trimmings.
Men and Bog Boots and Shoes,
Cloth and Glazed caps, Cravats and Suspenders,
Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets, Ace.—
They have also an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, and Queensware,
They have a lot of Bonnets of the very latest
style. They have also a great variety of Cedar
Ware, such as Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all
kinds. SALT, FlBll, and PLASTER. All
of these articles will be sold as low as they can
be bought at any other establishment east of the
A Ileg hen ice.
They are determined to sell oft their old stock
of Goods at and under cost. Look out for bar-
Pi ii " untingdon, October 30, 1849.
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at CUNNINGHAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 27, 1819.
PURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
genuine article for sale at CUNNING
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
November 27, 1849.
FR E. 14111 'WEAS.
aPRIME article of Black Tea, Young Ily
son, Imperial and other Teas, just opened
November 27, 1819.
A SUPERIOR article of Cheese jest receiv
November 27, 1819.
Supposed Murder of Dr. Psirkman.
Arrest of Prof. Webster
The city papers mention that a great
sensation has been produced in Boston
by the supposed murder 'of a wealthy
citizen of that place, named Dr. Park
man. Several days ago he mysterious
ly disappeared, and no clue of him could
be obtained. On the 30th ult., howev
er, ns we learn by a telegraph despatch
in the North American, the mutilated
remains of a body supposed to be that
of Dr. Paricman were found under the
Boston Medical College, where he was
last seen' allie i end suspicion at once
settled on Dr. John Webster, one of the
'Professors of the institution, as the mur
derer ! Ho was immediately arrested
and lodged in jail. When arrested he
displayed great agitation. So far how
ever the evidence is only of a circum
stantial character. The excitement in the
city, growing out of his arrest, was so
great that the authorities found it neces
sary to order out the military to prevent
a popular outbreak.
Ihe Boston papers of Monday are
filled with the details of the investiga
tion into the circumstances attending
the supposed murder of Dr. George
Parkman, and which beveled to the ar
rest of Prof. Webster, of Harvard Uni
versity. It appears that in the early
part of the month of November, Dr.
Parkman called at Professor Webtiter's
lecture room, in the Medical College in
North Grove street, while the Profes
sor was engaged in delivering a lecture
before the students, and waited until the
lecture wns over, and the students had
all left. He then asked Professor Web
ster for the money due him, and after
some conversation, in which both par
ties were considerably excited, Profes
sor Webster desired him to wait until
the 23d of November, as all the tickets
for the lectures, engaged by the stu
dents, had not been paid for, but would
in all probability be by that time. Dr.
Parktnan, it is stated, left the building
doal excited. On Thursday af
ternoon November 22d, Dr. Parkman
called .at the residence of Professor
Webster, in Cambridge, who being ab
sent, he left word with his wife, that he
he wished to have her husband call
at his (Dr. Parkman's) house the next
morning.. On Friday morning, Novem
ber 23d, the day after, about 9 o'clock,
Professor Webster called at Dr. Park
man's house in Walnut street, the Dr.
being out, he left word for him that he
could pay him, if he would call at his
room at the College soon after 1 o'clock.
Dr. Parkman, Professor Webster states,
called at the Medical College about half
past one o'clock, and was paid by him
(Webster) $183,01, whichamoun't was
to take up two notes and cancel a mort
gage. Dr. Markman gave up the notes,
but had not the mortgage with him.—
He, however, said he would go and can
cel it. This transaction, Dr. Webster
says, took place at the counter in his
lecture room, and that Dr. Markman left
the room through the door near the main
entrance to the building.
Since half past one o'clock on Friday
the 23d, the titne he was seen by a num•
ber of people to enter the College, twill.
ing of a reliable nature has come to light
as to his whereabouts. He was seen to
enter the College, but no one has been
found who r ritt , him come out of it ; and
this fact produced an impression in the
minds of a number—more strongly in
that of Mr. Kingsley, Dr. Parkman's a-
ent—that he never did come out of it
The College is built upon walls which
rest upon piles, and the tide ebbs and
flows through apertures underneath the
basement floor, between the compart
ments formed y the walls. One of these
compartments forms what is termed the
vault underneath Professor Webster's
laboratory. There is a trap door to the
compartment next to that used by Prof:
Vt ebster, situated some forty feet from
the water closet. Littlefield descended
through this trap door on Friday, with a
crow-bar, and knocked an aperture in
the wall near the water closet, and dis
covered, about 4 o'clock that afternoon,
portions of a human body, which had
been washed by the sea': These por
tions were the pelvis, the right thigh,
and the right leg. Littlefield immedi
ately proceeded to Dr. Bigelow's office,
and acquainted him with the fact, as we
understand, in the must excited manner,
saying, have found it !' and repeating
these words so often that Dr. Bigelow
took hold of him and told hiNa to be qui
et—that he acted like a crazy man.
Dr. Bigelow went to the City Mar
shal's office that afternoon, and informed
Mr. Tukey of the discovery which had
been made, who immediately, with some
officers, proceeded to the college and
found it was so. Mr. Tukey then gave
directions for the arrest of Professor
Webster,and officers Clapp, Stark weath
er, and Spurr, proceeded to his residence
r • °our,
in Cambridge in a carriage for that pur
pti#e. They arrived at the house about
nine o'clock, just as Dr. Webster was
showing a visiter out. The officers met
him at the gate and, told him that the
college officers were met in consultation
on the subject of Dr. Parkmau's disap
pearance, and had sent for him to attend
it. He made no objection, and while on
the way to Boston he conversed cheer
fully and freely, and, referring to Dr.
Parkmau's having been at the college,
said that he stopped at the doctor's house
on Friday morning, and requested him
to elll at the college for his money be
tween I and 2 o'clock that day. The
carriage was halted at the jail, and the
party went into the office, and then, for
the first time, Dr. Webster began to pre
ceive that there was something strange
in the proceedings of the officers, •and
asked what they had come to the jail for
when their destination was the college
in Grove street, remarking, also that
they had come out of the way. Clapp
then said—" Dr. Webster, it is no use to
disguise our purpose any further. You
are under arrest, on suspicion that you
know something about the death of Dr.
Parkman, parts of whose body have been
found under your laboratory. We shall
look no more for the body." Upon
hearing this accusation, Dr. Webster
staggered backwards, as if struck to
the heart, and uttered various exclama
tions about his family and children and
also saying—" The villain I I am ruin
ed;" or, "The villain ! He has ruined
me." All who were present agree that
he did not say that he wag "betrayed."
One of the officers thinks, from some
broken sentences that he caught, that
the prisoner said something about some
one having placed the limbs where they
where found, for the purpose of obtain.
ing the reward, and that the discovery
of them there would involve the prison.
er's ruin.
His excitement was intense, and he
exhibited symptoms of convulsions.—
Water was handed to him, but he could
not reach it to his mouth, nor could he
get any down, when the glass was held
to his lips. When asked it he was wil
ling to go to, the medical buildings with
them and see what they had found there
lie expressed his perfect willingness to
do so; but he was so weak and over
powered by his emotions, that he was
unable to get up and walk, and had to'
be taken to the carriage by the officers
of the jail: From the jail he was car
ried to the medical buildings.
Arrived there and in his own room,
the portions of the body that had been
discovered were shown to him. On see
ing them, he instantly went into the
most violent convulsions, and cried for
water. Water was handed him, and at
the first sight of it, he. repulsed those,
who offered it with as much violence as,
would a person writhing in the deepest I ,
agonies of hydrophobia. He seemed to
be in a perfect tempest of internal tor
ture. The sight of the water crazed
him! He appeared wild, ghastly, filled
with fear ! He fairly writhed with tor
ment! The scene was truly a terrific
one to those who were compelled to be
hold it, and probably will never pass
out of their memory. It was already
eleven o'clock at night, and a supposed
murderer had grown frantic on their
showing him the mutilated corpse of
his unhappy victim! It was a sight to
curdle the coldest blood, and fill the
stoutest man with terror ! Tragedies,
with scenes like this in them are often
played, but rarely enacted ! _
. In this state of convulsions and fren
zy he continued for some time, and noth
ing could be drawn from him. He was
carried back by the officers to the jail
and their confined.
After he returned to the jail the pris
oner became somewhat more calm. Ile
stated that no one had access to his up.
artments in the College but himself, and
could not have such access but with his
keys. He not only had the keys of
those nopartments in his possession, but
also the key, a large one of the water
closete under which the remains were
found. This closet was within the la•
boratory, and not accessible from with
out that appartment ; and the door was
locked when the limbs were found below.
Saturday morning brought with it
still further discoveries. Officer Rice,
in arranging things in the laboratory,
found, in a recess formed by the brick
work of the furnace and chimney, a tea
chest, apparently filled with specimens
of minerals, but emitting a strange odor.
Re at once upset the chest, and found in
the bottom, embedded in hemlock bark,
the left thigh and half roasted trunk of
the body. The skin had been wholly
burned or stripped off from the trunk.—
The thigh was only stained with the
bark. All the parts found are such in
size that they may very well have be
longed to Dr. P.'s body. The missing
portions, and supposed to have been
burned up, are the head, contents of-the
VOL, XI V, NO, 48
body, left leg and foot, arms and hands,
and right foot.
Among the secondary facts, it may be
stated that four bloody- toe'ete Were
found in the vault, a very large Clasp
knife, with hunting figures on the blade,
was found with the trunk in the tea
chest ; some grapples, made of cod hooks
with lines and lead sinker attached,
were found in Dr. Webster's apparatus
room. This room is in the rear of tha
lecture room, and connected with it by
a door. On the inner side of the appa
ratus room is a large closet. Near the
door of this closet, on the floor, com
mence scattered marks of blood, which
extend the whole length of the apparatus
room, and appear on nearly every step
of the stairs leading from the room down
j into the laboratory. Dr. Wcbster's offl-
J elal duties as a professor required of
him no handling of bodies, nor was It
'allowable to have subjects in that part
of the building. On Sunday a pair of
trousers, marked with Dr. Webster's
name, and with marks of blood upon
them, were found in the large closet ;
also, under a settee in the room, a pair
of slippers, mat ked with spots of blood ;
also, a small saw, with a blood stain.
On Saturday afternoon, Col. Pratt,
Coroner, summoned a jury of inquest,
and at 4 o'clock they proceeded to the
college, examined the remains as they
were laid out on a board, and the con
tents of the furnace, and then passed
them into the hands of Drs. Winslow,
Lewis, Martin Gay, and J. B. S. Thatch
er, for such further examinations as can
be made of them.
The doctors mentioned entered nun
the investigation on Sunday, and found
fragments of calcined bones from each
of the missing pasts of the body. There
was something like the appearance of a
wide stab on the left side of the trunk,
but it was not made absolutely clear
whether she incision was made before or
after death.
Dr. Parkman was very wealthy, and
had been for many years largely en.
gaged in real estate transactions, and
in loaning money on mnri u s a ., 1-ht
occupied a high position, and by mar
' riage is connected with the first families
of Boston. He is a brother to the Rev.
Francis Parkman. One of his sisters
married the late Edward Tuckerman,
gs q ., and another, his brother Joseph
Tuckerman, the distinguished divine;
it third sister is the wife of Robert G.
Shaw, Esq., the eminent merchant.—
Dr. Parkman lost his wife several years
since. He has two children—a son and
daughter, and has left a large circle of
highly respectable relatives and friends
to mourn his melancholy death. Dr.
Webster has been more successful in
acquiring fame us a scientific man, than
in making money, and was in debt to
Dr. Parkman. Out of this relation
sprung disputes between them.
Dr. — Webster has been, for upwards
of twenty years, Professor of Chemistry
at Cambridge. He has a wide circle of
acquaintance, and has maintained
throughout life an unblemished reputa
tion. He is about 50 years of age, and
has a wife and four children. He has
paid a strict attention to the duties of
his profession, and his conduct has been
marked by uniform sobriety and stead
iness. His disposition was frank and
open, his manners lively and social; he
was esteemed by all who knew him as a
good citizen, and a peaceful neighbor,
and a kind an affectionate husband and
father. In every moral and intellectual
characteristic, he might be regarded as
one who was placed beyond the suspicion of a
tendency to the commission of crime.
'rho excitement created on Saturday morning
did not last over night. The disclosures at the
College formed the general subject of converse
' tion yesterday, but there was not at any time—
to our knowledge—either on Saturday, or yes
terday, any indication of riot displayed. rho
largest collection of people at the College, at
any one time, did not exceed 150 persons, and
ninny of the visiters were most respectable cit
izens. The military received orders at an early
hour on Saturday, to be in readiness in their ar
mories. This order was not confined to the
Boston companies alone: Two companies of
Infantry at Roxbury, received a similar order,
and were " up in arms" all Saturday night.
We heard from Leverett street jail last even
ing. Dr. Webster had become more calm, but
still manifested some excitement. He slept
sound during Saturday night. An officer in his
cell constantly.
Tue BODY Or Dit. PARKMAN Intxrirtnn.—
Boston, Dee. 4.—The teeth and jaw found in
Prof. Webster's grate have been identified by
Dr. Keep, the dentist who operated on Dr.
a short time since. The jaw also
taken at that time.
The family of Dr. P. has claimed the body
for interment, and have had the same enclosed
in a leaden box preparatory to burial. The bo
dy has a stab in the ribs, through into the cav
ity of the chest.
'Professor Wcbster is still in prison, and re
mains perfectly calm.
A little boy hearing his father say that
'there is a time for all things,' climbed
up behind his mother's chair, and whir•
pering in her ear, asked when was the
proper time for hooking sugar out of the
sugar bowl !