Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 04, 1849, Image 3

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    ID-Mrs. Levin, the lady of the Hon.
Lewis C. Levin, has been found guilty
of an assault and battery upon a young
gentleman of Maryland, and sentenced
to pay a fine of $3O. The assault con
sisted in striking him several blows with
a riding whip, for having as she alleges
insulted her while traveling on the pub
lic highway in her carriage.
TIVIt IDADELPIIIA MusEum.—The old and
t•aluable collection of curiosities, paintings &c.,
the largest in the country, was sold at Sheriff's
sole on Monday merhing, and prehased by Mr.
I'. T. Bahurn, for the trifling sum of $3,500.
The best portions of it will be added to Mr.
Barnum's Museum. Its original cost was
More than $lOO,OOO.
The flour market has been nearly at a stand
gluing the past week. The demand for shipment
ontinuep limited, and only 2a300 bbls common
brand sold at 4,573 per bbl. For city consump
tion, the sales are limited at previous rates.
lire FLOUR, is but litte inquired after. Sales
tit $3,00 per bbl.
CORN MEAL 'nag deelibeil 25 cts. per Uhl.
Soles of 500 Übls. Penn'a. nt $2,75.
If 4 nAm—Salei of 5a6,000 hu. ,
good and prime
red at $1,0:3,11,01, and white at $1,11a1,12.
RTE—nut little offrring. We quote Penne,
nt tlsc.
Coax—ls dull. Sales of 2000 bu. old yellow
at 59c.
OATS sell slowly, Southern at 2900ei per
Wilissav is scarce. Sales in tibia. and
at 27a271jc., with further sales.
SEEDS—There is very little cloverseed
coming in, and the ,market is firm at old rates.
We quote at for old and new seed. Tim
othy is in steady demand, with sales in lots at
t 244. Flaxseed is selling at 1-16 cts. mea
. ,
IRON—The market continues stagnant and
dull, and prices in the few sales making are
within the range of $19a20 for Anthracite, $2l
for Scotch, and s2aa2.o for Charcoal Pig, on
time. A small sale of northern Blooms was
made at $1.5 cash. .
On the 20th tlt, by tho Rev. H. Heckennan,
Mr. WM. B. SMITH, of Barree tp. to Miss S.
J. GOODMAN, of Mill Creek, Hunt. co.
Grehtterst Vaticly in Town.
For the accommodation of all who are fond
L 4IIOOIID 1141171111 a.
outs SCHNEIDER, respectfully inform,
his friends and the public generally, not
only in the borough of Huntingdon, but through
out the county, that he has just completed his
arrengenten is for the season by being prepared
to accommodate the wants of the peoplo, from
tottering.old ago down to the equalling babe.—
To be brief; he continues the BAKERY, and
has always on hand
bf till kinds. He has oleo a very extol - ibis° as-
Bodin: tit of
which he will sell wholesale and rhtail. Also,
all hinds of
and a very large assortment of
He has also a very good supply of superior brand
Tea, Cnffee, .Sugar, Cheese, Cranberries, Huns
inu, Crackers,
Spices of all kinds.
Sperm and tallow CRnines, Soap, and an assort•
Incest of Perfumery.
He is at all times prepared to furnish his fables
with Fresh Oysters, done up in the best and
meet palatable style, at the shortest notice. His
rdbms are comfortably fitted up for the accom
stuadatien of Ladies and gentlemen.
Thankful for past favors, ho hopes by strict
attention to the wants of all ages, to merit a
continuance of the same.
Huntingdon, nee. 4, t 849.
And anoder and the Latest Arrival of
cumAr STdRE,
Tt 0118E1' & MAGUIRE, thankful for past
if favors, moat respectfully inform their old
Customers and the public in general, that they
have just received another large assortment of
FALL and WisTsu Goons, consisting of every
variety of
Ladles & Gentlemen's Dress Goottj,
and goods of all kinds usually kept in the most
extensive stores.
.Hardware, Queens mare, 6 ,
lIATS & CAPS. 4 -- -\
&c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c.
ofirCell and examine our Goods.
Huntingdon Dcc.4, 1849.
Dt virtue a a writ of Levari Faclas issued
1 . ) out of the Cedtt of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, I will expose to sale at public
batcry, on the premises, on Saturday the 29th
day of December, inst. at one o'clock P. M.,
all that certain tract of land situate on the wat
ers of Stone creek in Henderson township, ad
joining hinds of the heirs of David Newingham,
dec'd., Nathan Gorsuch, dec'd., and others, con
taining 116 acres and 142 perches, (except 39
acres and 159 perches of said tract, now in pos
session of John Miller, which has been released
from the lien of the mortgage,) having a house
end bun thereon, and a considerable part therof
Seized and to be sold as the property of
Samuel Miller, dec'd, with notice to lerre ten
9d Dee., 1849
runHE Subscriber will Sell, at Private
I Sale, his
Woodcock Valley Farm,
near the Cease ROADS, in Potter & Walker town
ships, Huntingdon county, occupied by David
Hnyenrt, containing about 280 Acres, 200 of
which are cleared and under cultivation, with a
large new
Two Story bwellini
so s --.lclL)mmcea.9
a large Bank l'arn, Wagon hhed, Spring house,
hog house, and every other necessary building.
On this tract is an extensive
Bed of Fossiliferous Iron Ore.
Any information will be given by Mr. Enyeart,
nn the premiers Gen. A. P. %Nilson and Mr.
George Jackson of Huntingdon, or the subscri
ber in Harrisburg.
Deormber 4, 1849.
Real Estate at Public Aalea
T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county will be exposed to
public sale, on the premises, on
Saturday the 20tle day of Drrentber
5110 o'clock A. H. 5 the following real estate,
late of John Miller Esq., of the borough of Hun-
tingdon, deed, remaining unsold, viz:
All those two adjoining lots of ground en the
southerly side of ffill street in said borough,
bounded by lots of lA' illiam Ward on the West,
and the Presbyterian church lots on the East,
each of said lots fronting 50 feet on Bill street
and extending in depth 200 feet to Allegheny
street, and being lots No. 82 and 83 in the plan
of the town, with a largo
, k,:•"! ). 1.'
part frame out part log, a large frame stable
with a atone basement, and a tan yard and large
frame tan house thereon. The title to the above
property is indisputable.
Tents or SALt.—One-half the purchase mo
ney lobe paid od the confirmation ofthc sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter with interest
to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance will be given by
Huntingdon, Dec. 4, 1949.
DB viriue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sole
on the prom's, ' by the undersigned Executors
of the last will of Matthew Garner, lateof Penn
township, Huntingdon county, deed, on Satur
day 2:211 day of December next, at 11 o'clock A.
At., a
Tract of Land,
situate in Hopewell township, adjoining lands
on which John Beaver now resides and others.
The above valuable tract of land is well worthy
the attention of purchasers. Any person wish
ing to view the premises can call upon the sub
Terms.—Ono third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, one-third in one
year thereafter, and one-third in two years,
w;th interest from confirmation ofst.le, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser:
By the Court.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Dec. 4, 1849. Executor,
Town Lots for Sale;
1-1 E undersigned, Executors of the
last will of Matthew Garner, late of
Penn township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, will
expose to sale on the premises, by public Von
due or outcry, on Saturday the 22d day of De
relabel., at 3 e!eleet P. M., eight or nine Town
Lots, situate in the village of Marklesburg, in
said township and county.
Termo..=-One-half of the puachase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale and the residue'
in six months thereafter., Attendance given by
Dec..l, 1819.] Eteentor.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Dl' virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
D Of Huntingdon cbtinty, will be exposed to
sale on the premises, by public venchie or out
cry, on Saturday tho 2911 c day of Deternotr
1849, a
_ _
situate in Brady township, in said county, con
taining 188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
of James Ross, Jesse Yocum, James Ker, James
McDonald and others. The said tract of land
lies along the Kisacciquillas valley, is within a
convenient distance of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and Canal, and is ,dell timbered, which rea
ders it very valuable, and offers a protitabld
speculation to purchasers.
Torins.—One-half of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue
in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court. M, F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Attendance given by
Adner of Johns Wiley, der'll.
December .1, 18.19.
Audiforls Nolice.
rpHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
I. Orphans' Court to distribute the moneys in
the hands of M. Crownover, administrator of
Daniel Glazier, late of Henderson township,
dee'd, to and among the creditors of said dec'd,
gives notice that he will attend for said purpose
at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 29th day of December 1849. All
poisons having accounts against said dec'd aro
notified to present the same or be debarred from
coming in upon the funds.
I'llo. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor.
December 4, 1849,
Teachers IF anted.
FIVE Male Teachers wanted, to take chug°
of the Common Schools in Cass township
Huntingdon county. Competent Teachers will
be employed for the space of three or four months
to commence any time previous to the Ist of
December 1849. Application made to
Pleat. !loud of School Directors.
November 20, 1849.
61-3 Cents Reivard.
lAN AWAY from the aubscri
‘ bar residing rear MoConnelatown,
Huntingdon county, on the 12th of
ti an indentured apprentice to the
Farming beelines. Said Hamilton
about 16 years of age. All per
sons ore forbid trusting or harboring said boy on
my account. IiENRY J. SWOOPE.
Nov. 20, 1849.
rpHE undersigned assignees of Blair and Mad•
I den, will sell on the premises, on Wednes•
day 19th day of December, 1849,
Melinda Iron Workt,
situate on the Aughwick creek, in Cromwell
township, Huntingdon county, Pa., and within
a few miles of the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail
road. The works consist of aI. harcoal Furnace
and Forgo nearly new, and Saw Mill, all in good
order, and the usual and necessary houses and
buildings attached therero, together with about
520 acres of land adjoining the works, about 70
acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
and the remainder of the premises is timber and
woodland upon which some iron ore has been
found convenient to the Furnace. To any per
son wishing to engage in the iron !Mein..., the
above works offer great inducements ; they are
located in a healthy and thriving neighborhood,
where labor and materials are coinparatively
cheap. Good ore can be laud convenient to the
Furnace, and timber at very moderate pricte
the Aughwick creek gives ample water power
at all seasons of the year.
Also—On the some day, one Tract of Land
in Springfield townehip. contnit.ihg 75 acres
well brit:roved, and a good quality of land,lying
on Aughwiek creek.
Also—Will he sold on Thursday the 20th day
of December 1899, ono tract of slate land, con
taining 150 acres, in Dublin township, well im
proved and in a good state of cultivation.
Also—On the some day will offer for sale a
rigmber of lots ofgruund in the village of C lays
ville, in Dublin township.
Also—On the same day, about 70 acres of
timber land in Cromwell township, part lying to
Shade Gap, where there is a good seat for water
works,and good water power.
Also—On the same day, a tract of limestone
land, in Dublin township containing about two
hundred acres, well improved and in a good state
of cultivation.
Also-05 acres of timber land adjoining the
above tract.
Attendance given and terms made known on
day of sale. TIIOS. E. ORIHON
Nov. 27, 18 , 19. Assigne erc
Cra. a. CD) CID
A GENERAL assortment of groceries just
opened and for sale at C lINNINGIIAM'S Gro
cery and Confectionary establishment, directly
opposite the Post Office, Huntingdon.
November 27, 1819.
DURE Concentrated Extract of Lemon, a
r genuine article for sale at CUIINPNO
HAM'S, opposite the Post Office.
November 17, 1810.
Aiql.IME article of Black Tea, Young Hy
son, Imperial and other Teas just opened
November 27, 1819.
SUPERIOR article of Cheese just receiv
11. ed at CUNNINGHAM'S.
November 27, 1819.
VINEGAR, of the best kind, for sale at
Nov. 27, 1819. C UNN INGH AM'S,
/ - - N i -- , „
: 7 ) '..)
- , •
JT T. SCOTT has just returned from New
, York and Philadelphia with a large and
brilliant assortment of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry, consisting in part of
Gold Patent Levers, Silver Patent Levers,
Gold Hunting do, do. Hunting do.
Gold Anchor do: do. Anchor do.
Gold Lepines do. Lepines.
and Vette Watches df all sorts and gitalities in
ehdless variety.
Eight drijr and 30 hoar brass Clocks. Also,
Mankind Breast Pins rind finger rings ' • sold
Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. ; Gold Medal
chains ; Gold Pencils and Pens ; Ear Rings ;
Bracelets, and other Jewelry in great variety,
which for beauty and excellence, cannot be ex
celled. Also Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons,
and BUtter Knit eS ; Silver Specks ; Rodgers'
fine Pen-kives ; Accordeons ; Pocket Books;
Perfumery ; Envelopes ; Nine Paper ; Wafers;
Port Monies; bombs ; Hairand Clothes brush
es ; &c., &c.
Thiel stock we can assure our friends and the
public has been purchased unusually low, and
will be sold at a small advance. Give us a call
and judge for yourselves.
Huntingdon, November 0, 1810.
Another Flag Hoisted !
,10.%. 1
07 s' z, 414
~..\_, ii ‘,.., 0 , .,, -
4._ 4, s 0,
iz„, .
-___,, _ - 4
.....„4 4 /„..
' . , At
• , ' i ...t,V . Of"
„ I , 1 ~,•, '17'11"
OUR SIDE AHEAD !—We have the best
Stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c., in
the placei and prices nothing at all why, neigh
bor, we give these articles away. Remunera
tion pshaw, who thinks of it. Our aim is the
public benefit and not our own. Only give us
a call, and we know you will laugh at every
thing in the shape of a rival.
No. 1001 Market Square.
Huntingdon, Nov. 0, 18.10.
Administrator's kotice.
Estate of DrIVID EBY, late of Shirley
township, Ilientingdon Co., dcc'd.
NOTICE in hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on said estate have been grant
dd to the undersigned. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those havingclaims or domande against
the same to present thdm duly authenticated for
settlement to JACOB EBY,
Nov. 13, 1810-13 t. Adnaniatralors.
DURE California Gold wedding rings for saki
Oct. 30, 1810.
Itejnirt of the Grand Jury,
On the subject of a FREE BRIDGE
across the Juniata River, at H'nting.
don, November 1849.
"The opinion of the Grand Jury is, that it
would be too burdensome for the County at
present to build s Bridge where the viewers
have reported ; but the Grand Jury would re
spectfully recommend the County Commission
ers to appropriate from the funds of the county
the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars fot the pur
pose of assisting the petitidners to pitrchase the
Toll Bridge at the Turnpike, now built, for the
purpdee of making the said bridge free."
JOHN R. HUNTER, Foreman.
to pursuance of the above proceedings, on the
part of the Grand Jury, a number of the stock
holders, owning a majority of the stock of the
Juniata. Bridge, 4-c., met, and on due consider
ation, adopted the fblloWing resolution :
Resolved, That Wn.r.iitm Griaisom, tat.,
President of the Juniata Bridge Company, he
and is hereby atithorized, on application being
made to him from a prdper source, to enter in
to a contract for the sale of the si,. is of the
aforesaid Bridge, so as to made it free for trav
el, and in case the parties disagree as to tering,
he is further authorized to refer the subject to
three disinterested pursonu, to be chosen by the
parties, whose decision shall be accepted by the
Resolved, That the fardgbing proceedings be
published ior the infbrrhation of thcise concerned.
Signed . by order, CONRAD I.IU,CITER,
November 27, 1819, Chairman;
nAME to the premises of the subscribefilising
U in Porter township, Heart's Log. Valley,
sometime in the month of October, 2 STEERS.
one between 4 and 5 years old, red and white
spoiled ; the other is black, between 2 and 3
years old, and baying a slit in the right oar and
a hole in the left. The owner is requested to
come forward, provo property, pay charges and
take them away, otherwise they will be disposed
of according to law. JOHN 111. AUK.
November 27, 1949.
z)) 1_,:._.g.11.13 1_
For the Purchase and Sale of
MILE undersigned, believing that an
1 Agency of this character' would be
an accommodation and an advantage to both the
purchaser and seller of Real Estate, has conclit
ded to open one at his office in Huntingdon.
All business of this kindentrusted to him, and
all communications sentto him, will receive his
prompt and diligent attention. He will adver
tise when requested, either in his own name or
in the name of the owner, us may be desirable,
in one or both of the newspapers of the county,
and in any other newspaper that may be desier
natedj and endeavor to procure purchasers a nd'
sellers, and communicate between them.
A full and minute description of the property
—its improvements, supply of water, conveni
ence to markets, schools, churches,and the terms
of sale, must accompany the request of any per
son who wishes his real estate advertised or of
fered for sale ; and tome description, as definite
as possible, df the quality, kind drld value, of
the premises desired to be bought, must be giv
en by those who wish to purchase.
All communications relating to the business
of this Agency will be confidential if desired.
The subscriber is in cominunicatiop with a
simile", agency in Lancaster, Pa., and will be
able through it to bring property offered for
sale to the immediate notice of Lancaster coun
ty purchasers.
la.. Postage must be paid on all letters sent.
P. S.—Several desirable properties are now
offered ISr sale. For further particulars inquire
of the subscriber. DAVID BL AIR,
Attorney at Law.
Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 20, 1819.
1)Y order of the Orphans' Court of blunting
don County, the untlersingned, appointed
Trustees by said Court, will expose to sale on
the premises, by public vendue or outcry, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'-
clock P. M. on
Monday the 17th day of December, 1849,
the Real Estate cif John Millei, d'ec'd; consist
ing of a tract of land, situate in Union townshili,
Hantingdan county, coutuinin4
339 ACRES,
and the usual allowance. Said land adjoins
lands of Matthias Miller, Henry Dell, John
Cbileoat's heirs, Michael Querry, &c., having
thereon erected a cabin house and log barn, a
small stable and granary. There is a good ap
ple orchard on the premises.
TI of the ptlrehnse money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and one
third in one year thereafter, and the remaining
one-third in two years after confirmation—with
interest, to be secured by the bond and mort
gage of the purchsser. By the Conrt,
.111._F,CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Nov. 20 1819.] Trustees,
-1 dim , pliblic, that to meet their wants, he
has established a pea' line Of MA tr. STAGES, be
tween Jackstown, Huntingdon county, and
Chamberoburg, Pa. The Coach leaves Jacks
town at .1 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, Wednes
day and Friday of each week, and ChamberS
burg at the same hour on Tuesdays Thursday
and Saturday. It reaches its destieatibn at 3
o'clock, P. M., on the same days.
THE ROUTE through which the line pass
es, over a good road, is celebrated for the beau
ty and picturesque character of the country.
Leaving Chambersburg, the coaches stop for a
short time at Strasburg, Fannettsburg, Burnt
Cabins, Shade Gap (the seat ofllliLc wood Acad
emy, under the direction of Messrs. McGinnis)
Orbisonia, Shirleysburg, Mt. Union—where it
intersects the Pennsylvania canal—toJackstown.
At the last named place it connects with the
Packet and Stage Lines between Philadelphia
and Pittsburg.
At Chambersburg, it connects with Daily
Lines to Philapelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Ha
gerstown, Mercersburg, and intermediate pla
The Wants of tho people at the extremes of the
road and throughout its whole length have indu
ced the subscriber to embark in this enterprise,
and as the Fare has been fixed extremely low,
and every arrangement made to insure the safe
ty and convenience of passengers, he trusts to
be liberally patronized.
Oct. 18, 1819
(1 OLD PENS, with diamond points and sil
-1 ver handles, can be had at Father Tiine's
office for the small sum of 75 cents. NVlto'd a
thank it 1 NEFF & MILLER.
Orphans , Court Sale of
rtiHE following described Real Estate,
lute the property of Abrultatn Long,
dec'd, in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans'
Court, will be exposed to public mile on the
premises, at the followingtimes and places, vit:
On Wed nesday, the MA day of December
next, at 10 o'clock A. M., there will be offered
for sale on the premises, near the residence of
William McLain, in Dublin township, Hunting
don, county, the four following tracts, to wit :
All that valuable
of the first quality, situate in Dublin township,
Huntingdon county, near the Burnt Cabins, and
known as the Cabins Farm,containing 197 acres
and 28 perches more or less ; the said tract hav
ing abotit 125 acres cleared, and tinder good
fence, and in the highest state of cultivation=
having thereon a Log Dwelling House and Sta
ble. and two never failing springs of water.
ALSO— , A small Trutt of Land, situate in
Dublin township, Huntingdon County, former
ly by Samuel Findley, and lately . occu
pied by the widow of said dec'd, containing
ins' about 28 acres, neatly ell of which is clear
ed and under good fence, and having thereon a
Log Dwelling House and barit, and an excellent
Orchard of Fruit Trees.
ALSO—Two contiguous and adjoining tracts
of Lanu,, in the said toWnship of Dublin, In said
cdtint, hounded by lands of Thomas W. Neely,
Esq., and others, contalhing SO acres more or
less, and having thereon a good stone Dwelling
House—a small portion cleared and cultivated.
The whole thereof will be sold as one tract.
ALSO—A Tract of Land situate in said
township and county, bounded by lands of Sash ,
uel Findley's heirs, Franklin county line, lands
of %SriWain Phillips, and others, containing 100
acres, more or less—being well timbered.
On Thursday the 27th slay Deermler, at 10
o'clock A. M., on the premises, at the house of
John J. Harman, in Cromwell township, in said
county, the following tracts of land, to wit :
valuable tract of land, a good portion of whirls
is of the first quality of limestone, containing
IGA oats,
more or less, about 100 acres of which are clear
ed and cultivated, about 1 mile from Roelchill
Furnace, and about i miles from Orbisonia,
and on the main road from Huntingdon to Chum
bersburg, and having thereon a large two story
log house, stone spring house, and a new frame
bank barna never failing streamof water runs
through the farm.
At, - SOOn the same ddy, at 3 o'clock V. M.,
on the premises in Orbisonia, a frame dwelling
house, blacksmith shop, and big stable, and the
lot of ground, now occupied by John 13. Stains.
On Pride?, Ho 281 h day el December next, at
10 o'clock A. that large and valuable
tract of land situated in Black Log valley, Shir
ley township, in said county, well cultivated,
containing about 200 acres more or less, a large
portion of which is cleared and under good
fence—having thereon a log dwelling house and
barn, and an orchard.' Block Log creek runs
through the prefflises, and talents a first rate
water power fOr a Saw Mill or manufactory,
and surrounded by an abundance of the best tim
ber. The said tract of land is about two miles
from Shindle's Tannery. Alsoa tract of
Mountain Land,
well timbered, lying on the Black Log moun
tain, in Shirley township, adjoining lands of
Samuel H. Bell and others, containing SO acres
more or less.
TERMS.—One third of the purchase money
to he paid on the confirmation of the sale, one
third in one year with interest, and the remain
ing third at the death of the widow, with inter
est thereon during her life, to be paid annually,
and to be secured by the bond and mortgage of
the purchaser. Any information will be given
by William McLain of Dublin township, John
J. Harman of Cromwell township, Samuel Long
of Shirley township, or Gen. A. P. Wilson at
Huntingdon, or by the subscribers at Shirleys
burg, Huntingdon county.
By order of the Orphans' Court,
M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk.
Nov. 20, IS M.] Trustees.
I 8 not now very generally expected, stillgreat
excitement has recently been produced in
Huntingdon by the arrival of a most splendid
assortment of
Fall and Winter G ood s,
at the old and popular stand of
C=l.7qr 4m o
Market Squctre, Huntingdon,
His stock comprises Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, Cutlery, Caps, Shoes, Boots, Muffs
Unue!' as. Bonnets, &c. He has a splendid as
sortment of French, English and American
_ .
Dassinets and Jeans in great variety. Also,
iteady-made Cloth inp., of all kiiids,
A carefully seleCted variety of Silks, Merinos,
Minims, Cashmeres, Dclaines, Prints,
Ribbons, Laces, &c.
ak Well as eery variety of
Litlies :brass and l'rintmitig Goods
All of which will be sold at prices to compete
with anything in the place, as he is determined
that no one can or shall undersell him for cash
or approved country produce.
Those desiring good goods and fine styles, at
low prices, arc respectfully invited to call soon
at his store where they will find the above fully
verified. GEO. GWIN.
Huntingdon, October 9, 1849.
91HE Hungarians not satisfied! an
other Grand attack on the agent's
OYSTER HOU:vE! ! Thousands aro slain
! ! The Excitement stilt Increasing,
notwithstanding the Agent's great efforts to
alloy their thirst for Blood ! ! Hundreds
are attracted to the scene of action to see this
brilliant establislunent,and all have come away
satisfied that it is the finest Oyster Saloon in the
world ; and in addition, Agent's Oysters are of
the most superior quality. He has inst received
this day an entire stock of Confectionary, to
which the attention of the Public is invited.—
Thankful for post favors he still hopes for a eon
, ties once.
If you want to know where this fine establish
ment is, just step down into Railroad Street, one
door above William Stewart's Store, you there
will see the sign of tho Red Curtain—That is
the place, 11 ENRY AFRICA.
Huntingdon, November 6,1849.
A GOODassortment of well finished Saddles
lIJW on hand and for sale at the Saddle and
Ilarness Manufactory of Win. Ulasgow, °pp° ,
alto the Pest Office, Huntingdon.
Iluating.loo, August 7, 1849.
.7.•,:isow - zr z - .. -- vala-rua. 8 8
HAVE this morning received, at the
stand of H. K. Nere & Brio., an e.
-, new stock of
am" , ,,i. Clocks and /Watches,
(....._____ Je w elr y, Cutlery, Stationary,
7i — V. efetnery .0.p,4 -, •,
. . , which is positively the largest, best
and most fashionable, and cheapest
assOrtment ever offered for sale in the place.
Having in their employ one of the best work
men in the State, they can most confidently en
gage to repair Clocks and Watches as cheap and
as well as it can be done in ally of the Eastern
The public are politely requested to call and
test the truth of stir declarations. The proof
is in trying.
N. B. The highest prices given for old gold
and silver.
Remember NO. 1001 Market Square, Iltip
tingdon, Pa.
October 30, 1919.
41 & 43
Would respectfully inform his friends an:l the
travelling public generally, that he has leased
the above large and Well known Hotel. 'the
location is one of the fiery best for business
men in Philadelphia, and he flatters himself that
by giving it his entire attention, that he will he
able to render perfect satisfaction to all wild
may favor him with their custom.
fie returns thanks-for the very liberal sup
port already extended fo bith by hie ffiertds of
Ititntin•don and the neighboring counties, and
begs leave tb assure them that he will spare no
pains or expense to render the CITY HOTEL
worthy of their continued support.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1812-Iy.
/run Proprietor of Ibis large and well known
1 Hotel, would respectfully inforin the publit
that it has recently been enlarged, repainted in ,
side and outside, newly popered, and thoroughly
renovated throughout. Thin hos been done at a
very large expense, and with the view of keeping
pace with the improving taste and spirit of the
age. Ile now flutters himself that he can ac
commodate his friends in a style beyond the abil
ity of any other landlord at the' eat of Govern
trent, Ho has in fils employ attentive and obli
gingservants, Cooks of long expr - rionce, and Ito
is determined to spare no eXpellAl! to furnish his
table with the very beat that can be pioctired in
the market. It is with great confidence in his
ability to render entire satisfaction, that ho in. members of the Legislature and others to
make his house their stopping place while in
Ho would beg leave to return jtis sitlerro
thanks to his friends on the Juniata. for the very
liveral support heretofore extended to his house,
and respectfully solicit a continuance of their pa
tronage. W. COVERLY.
Hatrisburg, 0ct.30,19•19-3m.
Chair and Furniture
D.'. LE - 7 (ID Ft-6Am
Up Stairs alone Peter Swoope's Store
and Sheriff Crownover's office, and three
dbbrq cast of .4lcKinney's Hotel.
THE undersigned has again com
l., menced the above business in all its
various branches, and is note pre
-I?ared to accommodate all who may
lavor him with their custom on the
most reasonable terms.
He intends keeping on hand all kind. of
CHAIRS and FURNITURE, front common to
the most fashionable sty'e, and made in the most
durable manner, which he will sell low for casts
br coul . l!ry . produce.
MI kindeof Lumber taken in exchange for
chairs or furniture:
COFFINS will et all (kilos be kept on hand,
and funerals attended in town, and shortly in
tothn and country, as he is getting a splendid
hearse made for the accommodation of the public.
Muss AND Sias Pancrixo attended to as
usual. THO. ADAMS.
Huntingdon. October 30, 1849.
A Ilharding School for'Young Men,
Shadc Gap Huntingdon county, Pa,
REV. T. Y. m'aINNEs, A. AND T. li. W.
TILE Winter Session will continence on the
first Wednesday of November, and continue five
months. The et urse of inatruction embraces all
the branches necessary to prepare young mete
either for the higher classes in College, or for
the studies of a profession and the active htini
acre of life. Tho Academy building is new,
commodious, end in every way adapted to the
accommodation of a large number of boarder..
['he location is distinguished for its healthful
sees and religious character of the surrounding
community. It is easy of access, being on the
stage route connecting Chambeinburg with the
Central Railroad at Drake's Ferry.
I I TERMS ern Sassiox.—For Orthography,
Reading and writing, 5; Arithmetic, Gecgra
' phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philos.
phy, Astronomy, l'hisiology, Chemistry, &e. g;
Mathematics, Greek and Latin Languages, $l2
French and German, each $5. Boarding, exclu
sive of fuel & light, $1,25 per week. For reference
or fui thor particulars address
Shade Gap, Oct. 30, 1849.
l3:7l3lair . County Whig please carry 4t
ZE'2fT_ - . l cq=3. - ;ZM
Estate of Daniel liurftitan,fse,
NoTic,: is hereby given to the Dews anti
legal representatives of Daniel Kul (man, tleed,,
late of Union tp. Huntingdon co.,and to all others
interested, that by virtue of a writ of Partition
and Valuation. issued out of the Orphans' Court
of said county and to me directed, an Inquestivas
held to part and divide or value and appraise, all
that certain tract, piece or parcel of lend, situate
in Cass tovenship, lluntingilont eouttty, adjoining
lands of Lewis Stever, Philip Kurfutan, Conrail
Kurfinan and Peter Koffman. and Shirley's
Knob, containing about two !miima and sixty
acres or thereabouta, being the farm upon which
the said Daniel Kurfinan resided at the time of
his death—and that at the November term of said
court a Rule was granted on sai I heirs, &c., to
appear at the January term of said court, on the
second Monday ( Nth day,) and to chow cam.
it' any they have, w hy tine Heal Estate of said
deceased should not be sold.
Nov. 27, 180 44.