THE GREAT CURE CHAS. G. JOHNSON, of Bristol. Who was pronounced incurably fixed 271 the last stage of Pdlmonary Con sumption, by two skillful Phy- sicians. Mr. Johnson was rescued from death's door by the use of Schneck's Pulmonie Syrup—hav ing been prostrated all winter. Ills case was witnessed by several of the most respectable citizens of thin state, whose names aro a ppe nit eil to his certificate. Read ! Read ! and be con vinced that Schneck's Pulmonary Fyrup is the only certain cure for Consumption. Bristol, Pucks county, Prr. Sept. 21, 1810. Dn. J. H. Scnsece, —DearStr,—l am induced from a sense of justice totvards you, as well as duty to the public, to make known one of the meat hopeless and extraordinary cures, in soy 0 person, that you have ever had the pleasure to record. Indeed, I regret my inability to pe nny, in truthful colors, my consuming disease, and the remarkable chance which Schneck's Pulmonary Syrup effected in so short a time. I was taken some time pravioue to December 1848, with a heavy cold, producing incessant coughing, accompanied with acute pain in the right side, pains in the back, under the right shoulder, having heavy night sweats, high fevers &c., which made me so nervous and restless as , t t product utter prostration. AII these ufflictions increased with such violence, that on the 4th of January lust I sent for my family phyachen. He attended me faithfully, and prescribed every thing thit medical skill could suggest, but without ef fect. I found myself gradUally growing worse, and my hopes of recovery lessening as my dis ease increased. My cough became distressing ; my pains severe; end, extremely debilitated, I lost all ambition in life, and gave up to a melan choly depression. My physician examined me, end Informed me I had an apneas on the upper part of my liver and lower part of one of my lungs. Notwithstanding all this rkill, I grew worse, but with that tenacity with which we all cling to life, I concluded to leave nothing undone, end cdTPfd in a consulting physician, Who fully concurred' with my own, and pronounced my case an ex tremely critical one. Ile thought I was in im minent danger—saying my disease "was one that Is seldom if ever cured." All this time I was en diving sufferings that made life burdensome ; ex periencing great pain in coughing ; expectora ting from a pint to a quart of nauceous matter avery 21 hours, and gradually sinking under the werkning progress of my disease. At this stage of my i Incas, my friends in Bristol suggested the use of Schneck's Piemonte Syrup, but know ing the many expedients resorted to for the pur pose of draining money from the afflicted, I hes itated. My friends, however, insisting, I was prevailed upon to try its virtues. I commenced taking the Syrup about the first of March, and used several bottles before I had any confidence in it. I then begun to experience a change for the better, and continued it till I had consumed ten bottles, when was so far relieved' an CO' lie able to visit Dr. Schneck in Philadelphia. Ile examined me, and pronounced my right lung of but in a healing con titles. .He recom mended the further use of the Syrtp, which I continued till I consumed 15 bottles, and found myself once more restored t t health. 1 will fur ther add, that the consulting physician, seeing the 'tenon of the medicine, fully approved its use. 'Po give the reader some idea of the severity' of my case, and the rapid cure affected by the Syrup, I will state that my usual weight in health was 177 pounds, which was finally re ducted by my sufierings to but 121 pounds. Yet, on the first of this month, (September,) I weigh , ed 174 pounds, thus gaming in a few months 53 pounds, and within three pounds of my heaviest weight. It is not in my power to convey, in the short space of this certificate, the convincing proofs of my remarkable cure, or the particulars of the asonizing afflictions through winch I hose passed ; but to those who will take the trouble to call on ine, at Bristol, opposite Pratt's hotel, I ales!l take pleasure in detailing every particular. In conclusion, I deem it my duty to urge upon every person who may have the premonitory symptoms of this fatal disease, not to delay one hour, but to call upon Dr Schneck immediately. Hia skill in the treutment of this complaint, and prompt detection of diseased parts of the lungs by means of Ills Stethescope, added to my own miracu'ous cure, fully sarisfiesme, that had I ear lier submitted myself to hie core, I should have escaped much suffering; but reeirained by doubts and suspicion, which !nuke us all naturally skep tical in regard to the , firtues of a medicine when first introduced, I resisted the importunities of My friends till almost too late ; andyillifell only us a last resort, resolved to tekilli el cure." 'l'o those afflicted as 1 have been, agisitt let me say, hesitate no longer, my own case is presented to you as convincing evidence, that when all else fails your last hope is in Dr, Schneek'sPulmonie *Syrup. I have also for the satisfaction of ilibee who may be strangers to me, appended to this cer tificate the names of gentlemen well known in the walks of public and private life, and whose standing in society admits of no cavil or doubt in regard to their testimony. CHARLES G. JOHNSON. We the undersigned, residents of Bristol and vicinity, are well acquainted with Mr. Johnson, and know him to have been afflicted as he states above. We also know that he used Schneck's Pulmonie Syrup, and have every reason to be lieve, that talkie medicine he owes his preserva tion (runes premature grave. The known in tegrity end position in society of Mt. Johnson, however is a sufficient guarantee to the public of the truth of this etatement. LEWIS T. PReaT, Prart'e Hotel. tE , WIIteM!. WHARTON, Merrha at. CHESTKII STMIDEVANT, Coal dealer. JOHN W. BRAY, Merchant. /AMES M. HARLOW, Clergyman of the Yreebyterian Church. fe. B. HO T, Hotel, Butliegtoe: JiAMBS R. SCOT T ,•Irieek agent L.. PACKER, Coal' agent. WitiTA Fe C. PARSONS, at E. Romiaayi,,, Laboratory, 44 Prune street', Philadelphia, Bristol, gsyrenrber 24, 1:849. Prepared am) mid by I. H. Schneck at hie Laboratory S. H. Corner of Coate & Meehan' tits. Phila. and by T. K. &mimeos, Huntingdon. G. H.Sveirran, Waters:lee, Idextrrea &Mc Wuxi am, Brae Cieeii, Moon): & Swoop., Alexantlaiii. Kassi.xa & Blue., Mill Creek ; and by agents generally throughout the United States. Price 411,00 per bottle, or $5,00 per hart doz. Nov. 20, 1849.-Iy. SXIV-)'l2Za. AFINE assortment of Violins, Flstes, An cordeons. Banjos, Musical Boxes, &c., with Preceptors for each instrument ; for bale at rather Time's aim Nov. 0 ; '4l. I);EFF & MILLER. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY, R. O. M'Gill and W. B. Zeigler. E subscribers have now started, and will I have on hand a general assortment of cast ings, consisting of Cooking Stoves, Air-tight, Parlor, Ter-plate, Wood and Coal stoves—all of which are new patterns not before introduced into this section of country. Also, a variety of Plough patterns of the kinds now in use. A general assortment of Hollow-ware castings, con slating of Kettles, Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Puns,' &c., &c. Miscellaneous articles, such as Wag on Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Soles, Smoothing ' lions, Ito ling Mill and Forgo castings, 'A lu do,. Crates for cellars, Lintles and sills for hou spa; SW) Weights and Water Pipes ; also Swcg rvils and Mandrels fot' BlacksmhltS, made to order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve ry article in our line on the most reasonable terdis for Cash, end will take all kinds of coun try produce and old metal in exchange for cast ings. The Foundry is situated at the Southern end of Huntingdon, along the canal, where one of them eon always be found, or at the 'Pin and Btoveshop of W. B. Zeigler, North End c6e nor ofMarket New:l in Htnitingdon. One of them being a practical Moulder, and experienc eilin the business, feels confident that they will render satisfaction to all who may favor them with a call. R. C. hIcGII-L, W. B. ZERiII.EB. Huntingdon, Oct. 2, 1949-Om. Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north winds breath, And stars to set; but all— Thou had all seasons for thine own, 0, Death ! earVirb MO Oritanuntat Juniata ?B a s b t i a n b e l Is 117:a n t u . facturing MARBLE YARD,JOHN IL WHITTAKE, 9111 E subscribers wish to inform the public Respectfully begs leave to inform his friends 1 that they have just receivedd trout Phtladel- and customers and the public generally ,that he phis, a large stork of the has built a large and commodious shop immedi- Pure White American Marble, ately in the rear of the public house of John and are prepared to execute any orders for IA hitteriter, Sr., on the halik between the river Tomb Stones, &c., in the neatest area nierst and canal, where lie will constantly keep on workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice.. hand furniture of all kinds, of the best quality, Persons wishing to procure stones &c., will embracing all defied ptions,kinds, styles and va make application to A. W. KINNEY, only tray- rieties of parlor, medium and plain household ening agent, or address KINNEY & SELLER, furniture, which will be offered for sale of the William:iblirg, Pa. very KINNEY & SELLER Wallah *burg, Oct Pio R 19-Irn. Ladie'g and Gentlemen WALK IN find sec the best assortment of Goods in our place. Beal quality of Alen's Boots and Shoes, fine and coarse. Fine cork-soled men's call skin boots. Men's water proof boots. Men's gum and buffalo socks,best qualty. Boys . iistl Children's but quality of boors: Ladies Morocco shoes, half gaiters & low bunts best quality: • Ladies best quality of gum shoes and also men's silk hats and cloth caps of best quality & latest fashion, and also a variety of other articles: Noctographic paper of ali colors, for sole cheap: LEVI WESTBROOK. Oct. 1810. NEW GOODS. CHEAPER THAN EVER, ! ' Dorocp &Hamar. HAVE just opened at their old Stand a new and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, The stock embraces Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati nets; Vcstings, Croton Cloths, Cashmeres and Cashmeretts, Tweeds, Mohair Cords, Drillings, Velvet Cords, French Cassimeres, Doe Skin do., white and fancy Marseilles, &c. A splen- - did assortment of Ladies Die Goodsi An elegant assortment of striped, figured and plain Silks, Bareges, Challey, Muslin de Laines, A Ipaccas, Lustres, Ginghams, Lawns, Mulls, Jaconets, Bombazines, striped and plaid Mus lims, &c. Also a large and elegant assortment of Calicoes and Muslims. A large and carefully selected assortment of RE.4DY .111.11 DE CLOTHLA'G which will be sold at prices to suit purchasers. Besides this they have hardware, Queensware, Glassware, and an unparalleled supply of GROCERIES. All of which will be sold at a mall advance on cost—at the Cheap Stand of DiHISEY & MAGUIRE. Huntingdon, Otc. 2, 1819. The .diwlo-Saxons have Come ..?gain GRAND EXHIBITION! rpHE Public are respectfully inforrYie'd that 33. Sz U.5.-iwtort have just received the largest and heat al mentof Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this place, comprising all t various articles generally kept ut other stores', with the addition of a great many articles nev , or offered fur sale in this place. Thole steak con. slots of CLOTHS, C../ISS 'XERES, Sattinetts, Vestings, Tweed sloth, Kentucky Jeans, Canton Flannel,Flannels of all colors, stile Diaper, Mullins, Calicoes, Gingliams, ouslia de laines, Cashmeres,Merinoes, Ipaccas, Bilks, Mull Jacconet and Cambric Muslin., Linen Cambric, Silk ar.d cotton handkerchiefs, Fur. nilure check & calicoes, gloves, Shawls and Trimmings. LADIES' SHOES, 111eu'., and Boyt' Boots and : 4 1; oec, Cloth and Glazed cape, Cravats and Suspenders, Looking Glasses, bed Blankets, Carpets, &c.— They have also an extensive assortment of Groceries, Hardware, and Queensware, They have a lot of Bonnets of the very latest style. They have also a great variety of Cedar Ware, each ats Tubs, Buckets. Baskets of all kinds. SAM'', risti, and PI. ASTER. All ef these elides will lie sold as low as they can lie bought at any other establishment east of the Alleghenies. They are detetnsited Co' serf oft their old stock Of &oda titer%) wider coat. Look act' for bar gains r Runtingdoit, October 30, 1 . wai ches t Watches!! rp'fft sulfsetilier has just received froth 1 another choice lot of GOLD AND SILVER' WITCHES, which makes his coact again couipfote. Yr you want a good watch at the very lowest prim:slow is your tithe. July 19, 1849. 3. T. 800,17. A PURELY VEGFTABLE tIFDICINE Worstlefts Vegetable Restorative Pills HAVE been gradually but surely coming into favor, among the families of this Country for some years past. They have done this entirely through their great worth no n FAMILY MED ICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and humbug snch as is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine tins been done. The pills are offered for sale and hove and will continue to be sold by all the principle store keepers. The proprietors claim for their Medi cine the following advantages over all ciihets— viz: They aro PURELY V EGETALthE.— They are CERTAIN TO OPERATE. Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with E4ITA L BENEFIT by they wog est INFANT and the STRONGEST MAN— Their efficiency in Fevers, Ague, Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor bus, &c.. has been proven upon thousands.— They area Certsin Cure for Worms. The pro prietors possess a certificate from a gentlemen in St. Louts who was cured of a TAPE WORM'ty the use of them. Try then, they *ill not fail. Travelling agent for the State of Pennsy Iva nia—CnAnm.s P. Amv.T. For sale, price 25 • • cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, withfull directions by the following agents in Huntingdon 1' fromas Read & Son. Huntingdon. Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia. J.M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co. A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory N 0,141. Chesnut street Plriladelpnia. January 23,1840-It, ZOVVEST RAi'llS In order to accommodate the public With ail kinds cf wont in his line of business, he has just supplied himself With a large lot of the bast quality of Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Poplar, and all kinds of Veneering of the most popular fashion. Ho will offer neither botched or half finished work for sale, and will at all times sub mit -his work to the most rigid inspection. Merchants, Professional men, Farmers, Me chanics, Hotel Proprietors, Laboring men—all, ore invited ;.o call and examine his furniture,be fort purchasing elsewhere. "Seeing ra believ ing' Collins will be made on the shortest notice, of either Cherry, Walnut or Poplar, as may be de. sired, and funerals attended. Ile flatters !Mimi( that by industry and close attention to hisbusiness, be will be able toplease all who may give him a call. Old furniture will at and:nes be repaired in the neatest and most durable manner, at low rates. All kinds of country produce Will be fa ker' in exchange for furniture, repairing, &c. Huntingdon, Mal 0'; 180. N. S. LAWRENCM.- ✓bent for the rile of Southworth Mont , facuring Co's Writing Papers. Whorehouse No. 3 Minor SI PHILADELPHIA 100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to tho trade at the lowest market prices, eonsisting in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 The.. blue and white. Elyperfine Medium and Demi W'ritingb, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts,blue and white. plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, ',rain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-Houre Cops and Posts, blue and white. Extra E super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. txtra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue cnd white, plain. and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. . _ "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and tine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri ces. Also, 1000 reams vehtto and assorted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, W rapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap wrappers, Hardware Papers, &c. July 10, 1949.—Gm. Wake up, Citizens t Wake up ! Wonderful 'ilitction in the Prices of k Clothing at the Hall of Fashronl bALIFORNIA GOLD Does not produce an excitement mitial to that of cheap Ready-mede Clothing now opening at the' Hall of Fashionl' by li. & W. SNARE, corner Room of Snare's Itow, opposite John Whittaker's Tavern. Th. ful for past favors, we respectfully in prm o ornena.and the public generally that we hava ju t received and are now opening a splendid a r rtment of Fall and Winder Clothing, Our stock consists of fine black French Dress and Frock Coats, Drab French, Beaver and Mackanaw Over-coats, Tag Rona and black cloth Sacks, Cloak, of all kinls, Business Coats, Pea Jackets, &c- A fine assortment of cassimere Pants, consist ing of fine black, medium, fancy French of dif ferent styles—andcassinets, A great variety of Vests, such as finiVilatin, silk velvet, plaid, cash mere, &c. Fine Shirts from $l.OO to 2.50. Woolen and Cotton, knit under Shirts, Drawers and Stockings. Bosoms, collars, French and other Suspenders. A fine asssortment of boy's clothing. - New etyles of Hate and Caps, Boots& Shoe., Umbrella., &c., in fast every thing usually kept in Ready-made Clothing Stores, and of qualities calculitted to please and accommodate the public. you wish to keep up with the times and theliions, call at the "Hall of Fashion." B. & W. SNARE. Huntingdon, Sept, 18, 1849. if E California Gold wedding rings f ora sale N it gtl t . Oct. 30, 1819. J. & J. M. ROWE, Broom & Woodon-ware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, ONE DOOR ABOVE ARCH, EAST SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS AND WIIOLESALE DEAL- Ens in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Cedar-ware, willow and French has kets, shoe and wall Brushes, Dus ters, Scrubs, Mats, Blacking Eastern-made Wooden-ware of every description, &c. at the lowest market prices. Cash paid for Broom-corn at the factory. Sept. 11th 1849. • Olin Fever, Dumb Use:lnter mittent &Remittent revers Bc, all the various forms of Bilious Diseases SPEEDILY& •E ' sg U atm' This excellent compound, which never fail rd tile cure of Vet& and Ague, is fur sale by the proprietor's agents, 'l'. READ & SON, Hunt ingdon ; L. G. KESSLER, Mill Creek. [l7- WHAT IS THE MATTER with me, Doctor? What is the cause of this sallow complexion, jaundiced eye, depression of spirits, plan in the side and shoulder, weariness of body, bitter taste in the mouth? Such is the inquiry, and such the symptoms of many a sufferer! It is the liver which is diseased, and the Cholegogue is the remedy always successful in curing it. 'fry it, and judge for yderself. roe sale by obese Mimed agents. ID- BETTER DIE THAN LIVE, if am to be tortured from day to day with this terrible Agur, exclaims the poor sufferer whose ifc has become a burden from the racking parox rams of on intermittent, and Whose confidence in human aid iv destroyed by the failure of rem edies to produce th 3 protnised relief. Such has been the situation of thousands who ore now rejoicing in all the blessings of health from the use of Dr. Osgood's India Cho!now. In no instance does it fai' to effect a speedy and perma nent cure. For ride by abbVe wanted agents. Row few who tiffillt Wright anions the thinking few, How many never think, but only think they do." citr - THE SENTIMENT IMPLIED in the above exclamation is on no sulject more fully exemplified than on that of health. But few give it a single thought, and fewer still re flect upon it with the observation nod good sense which matters of minor consequence receive. As observation teaches the tact that Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue is a never failing remedy in Fever and Aguc, good sense would surely indi cate its prompt and immediate use. For sale by the atirve named agents. June 26. 1849. , ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. T HE subscriber respectfully annornices to the I public that he is prepared to do work of all kinds connected with the Foundry business, in the best manner, and on the moat reasonable ferrea. Ho has constantly on hand wagon boxes, ploughs and plough castings, hollow *are, and stoves of various kinds arid si d es. 'the cooking stoves which he manufactures are inferior to none in the country, and are warranted to perform tho various operations of cooking and baking in a manner equal to any, and superior to most.— He has these stoves calculated for either wood or coal. He has lately procured patterns for wend end pallor stoves, which for beauty and excellence cannot be excelled. Also, doves for offices, shops, &c., such as egg stoves, cannon stoves, and others. He invites persons desirous of purchasing to give him a cell, as he is deter mined to sell as good an article and at as low prices as can bo obtained at any other place. WILLIAM GRAFFIUS. May 8, 1848-Iy. C. J. NNEEDLER, Wholesale Boot, Shoe and Bonnet Ware- hodse. N 0.136 North 3d St., (opposite the Eagle Aotel) PHILADELPHIA, IS now receiving about 3000 cAtiss Faxen PALL GOODS, direct from the Manufacturers, —such as Mays and Boys Tut ex KIP and CALF BOOTS and BK. ANS, with a great variety of WOMENS LA. Boars AND &WES, both city and Eastern Manufacture. This stork is got up expressly for country trade and will be sold cheap. Mcactuvrir are invited to call And examine. August 21, 1849-3 m. NOTICE. To Farmers and Others, Philip L. Fox Esq. is duly authorized to con tract, as agent of the company, for the deliiery on the line of the Penn. Rail Road, of all the cross ties that may be required, botweed Hunt ingdon and the upper Tyrone forge. Persons disposed to furnish ties in small or large qnantities, are requested to confer with Mtn Olson the subject—by letter directed to . Huntingdon, or by personal interview. J. EDGAR THOMPSON Chif Engineer Penna. R. R. Co. Oct. 23d 1819-1 mo. Executors'. Notice Estate of C. , I7'HaRYNE auRiiND, late of Mortis township, deed. NOTICE is hereby given that letterstestamem , Lary have been granted to the undersigned onthe estate of Catharine Aurand, late of Morris township,deeetuted. Persons knowing themselves indebted will come forward and make payment; all those having claims will prosentthem duly au thenticated forsettlement. ISRAEL GRAFIUS, kxecutor. October ft% 1849.] MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SIIOULDERS, LARD & CHEESE, LANK DEER SALE AT T 1 Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER, & Market St. Wharf, PIIILAD2LPIIIA. j Sep. 11, 1819.-3 m 1S ANDBONDS FOR HIS OFFICE. LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phitiladelphia. Office No. 159 Chestnut Street. Capital $300,000. CIIARThII YxnrsrceL (IONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on U the most favorable wins, receive and execute Timms and receive deposits on interest. The Cr pital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS et stated peri ods to the insurances for life. This plan of in surance is the most approved of, and is more generally in use, than any other in Great Britain,' (where the subject is best understood by the peo ple, and where they have had the longest expe rience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan. The first BONUS was appropriated in Decem ber 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured tinder the oldest policies ; to 8 3-4 per CM., 7 1-2 per cent., &c. &c. on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making on addi tion of $100; $87,60; $75, &c. &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent. on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment of the company, The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thus: I I A mt.ofpol.and Insured. Bonus or bonus payable Addition. at the party's ,decease. $l,OOO $lOO,OO 151,100,00 2,500 250,00 2,750,00 4,000 400,00 4,400,00 2.000 I 175.00 2,175,00 5,000 437,50 5,437,50 No. b 8 I es 88 „ 205 i 276 333 Pamphlets oontaining the table of rates, and explanations of thesubject ; forms of application and further information can be hnd at the office, gratis, in person or by hotter, addressed to the Pi esident or Actuary. II W. RICHARDS, President. JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. May 8, . 1849 -ly Wholesale and Retail CLOCK STORE, No . 238 Market St, above Screnth South PHILADELPHIA. LTHOUGH we can scarcely estimate the 11 value of Titus commercially, yet by calling at the above establishment, JAMES BA RBElt will furnish his friends, among whom heincludes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beau tiful and perfect INnitx for marking its progress, of whose value they can judge. His extensive stock on hand, bonstantly chan ging inconformity to the improvements in taste and' style of pater and workmanship, consists of Eight-day and 'l'hrrty•hour brass COuxrrNo stauus, PARLOIt, HALL, CHURCH and ALARM CLocKs, French, Gothic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive con nection and correspondence with the manufactu rers ho finds he can put at the LONVEPT CAFill FIG URE in any quantity from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. Clocks repaired and warranted—clock trim mings on hand. Call and eec me among them. JAMES BARBER, 238 Market St. Phila., August 28, 1849. BIItAILNGIIAAI Female Boarding and Day Selma rphis School is now successful operation. I The Rev. ISRAEL W. Wsito, Pastor of the Spruce Creek and Birmingham Presbyterian congregations, is Principal, assisted by a Worthy and efficient female Teacher, Miss A. M. REED. This School is located in the borough of Bir mingham, county of Huntingdon, Pa., one of the most healthy villages east of the Allegheny mountain. The course of instruction is full and thorough, embracing all the English branches use's(' y taught in SelectSchoels. It will be con ducted on Christian principles. The Bible to be the textbook. Parents and gal: dians who attach any value to the religious training of their children and wards will find this school worthy of their patronage. The Pupils may board with the Principal, and will be treated as members of his family. Tuition and board will be moder!' ate. Fur furtfier particulars apply he the Prin: cipal 01 to any of the undersigned, who earnest ly recommend his school to the patronage of the public. The second quarter of the present term. will commence on the seventeenth day of July inst. John Owens, W. Caldwell', John Gnaws, Geo. Guyer, Rev, John K. M'Cahan, James Clarke,. Thomas M. Owens, S. S. Dewey, Janice Bell. Birmingham, Aug. 21,1849. THE GREAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPiIa. riIITANKFUL to the citizens of Huntingdon I and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of CHINA,GLA SS AND QUEENSWARE Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and sin gle pieces, eithea of Glass, China, or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had elsewhere— h IN FACT AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PR:CES, AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS In greater variety than over before offered in the FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. Wo would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least be plea sed to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest china and tho cheapest the world' produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chestnut Street. Phila. Sep. 26, 1849.—1 y. PRIv4TE sclllooll4, FOR the inteltectual and Moral` training of youtg personk and children of both sexes, kept by J. A. HALL, in the now Academy building, Huntingdon, Pa. Tho fall session will couttnenco on MONDAY, Tug Br,i Ihr ON OCTOBER, INOT. For par ticulars apply to the Teacher. _ _ _ REFERENCES, leev. John Peebles, Samos Steer, Esq., Dr. A M. Henderson, 1%1'1%3'11)11es Maguire, Maj. W B. Zeigler, Hon. John. Kerr, Maj. 1). MjMur. trie, Hon. George Taylor, and James Clark. FISH ./IND FOR ut the Cheap Store of Oct 10, '4'9.) GEO G WIN G IE EX' S OXYGENATED BITTERS, FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENEEAL DEBILITY, &c., &c., &c. This medicine is an excellent tonic. It im- parts health and vigor to the digestive organs mid thus strengthens the whole system. Hence it hi just the thing for spring, when so many need something strengthening. Let every one read the following cases, and if you have one or mord symptoms like thoge mentioned, don't fail to try this infaluable medicine. Severe Case ofDyspepoirs. Frbm R. P. STOIV, .ilsst. Clerk U. S. Muse Representatives. Wasniscixox , D. C.,June 15,1846. Dn. GEO. B. 011Eme ,--Dear Sir—l feel it nor' only a pietist' b, but a duty, to make known tce you and to the public, (if yon desire it,) the slur; prising effects of the " Oiygonated Bitters," relieving me from that most discouraging diaor. der, Dyspepsia. I hate been afflicted for about seventeen years with the usual attendant symp: toms, viz: constipation of the bowels, headache, pain in the chest, flatulence, acidity of the stout• ach, and severe nausea ; and for months at a tints not the least particle of moisture would appear on the surface of the chest or limbs, and most of the time I was extremely bilious. I have used various remedies, have been strict in my diet,' have been dosed with calomel and emetics day after day by physicians, but all to no gucd put pose. Hearing of the wonderful effects of the "Oxygenated Bitters," in the cure of Dyspepsia,' I procured sonic as a last resort , have used four bottles of the medicii e, and find the bad symp toms all removed, and myself once more in the enjoyment of health. None but the Dyspeptic sufferer, who has felt all the horror. of the dia.' ease, can at all appreciate the value of the medi cine. I most sincerely hope that all will make trial of the medicine, and with me be able to re joice in the return of health. Lad" , Cured of Neuralgia. From Rev. TH0.11.18 KIDDER, of Vermont. WI rumen, Vt.,Aug.B,l 846. Dann Sin t—lt gives me great pleasure to in form you that the Oxygenated Bitters," with which you furnished my wife, has wrought a cure in her case. About two years since, toy wife was violently attacked with neuralgia in the face, through the chest, in the wrists and ankles. So violent was the disease, added to of general derangement of the female system, that her strength was completely prostrated, her flesh . wasted, and she rendered miserable indeed. I feel grateful for the restoration of her health, end in duty bound to give publicity to tine above facts, that others similarly afflicted may know where to seek fur cure. Truly your friend, THOMAS KIDDER. From Hon. .111 - RON .L.dffiRENG E, of Mass. "For some twenty years I had suffered severe• ly from humeral Asthma. I was compelled to' sit up one-third of the night, and the rest of the' time my sleep was interrupted by violent fits of coughing and great dill'. Ity of breathing. In all my attendance upon our courts I never went to bed in Northampton in twenty years but twice, and then was compelled to get up. Now I lie in teed without dillieulty, and sleep soundly. I took the Oxygenated Bitter.," according to' directions. The violent symptoms immediately abated, and perseverance in the use of tie tem edv has removed rill its troublesome consequen ces. l'he value of such a remedy is incalculuide, and I hope its virtues may be widely diffused Dia its beneficent agency extensively employed." G !MIN & Fevre. nem, General Agents, No. 26,• South Sixth St, Philadelphia. Sold wholesale and retail by Timm. READ & i SON, Huntingdon, Pa. Price-431.00 per bottle: six bottles for $5.00. May 8, 1849. BLIND MANUFACTORY. 11. CLARK Venetian Blind Manufticturer, Sign of the Golden Eagle, .A^o. 139 & 113 South 2d Street, below Dock St., PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS always on hand a frge and fashion able assortment of Wins and Disallow SLAT WIN,,ow BLINDS, manufactured in the' best manner, of the best materials, and at the 'lowest cash prices. Hoeing refitted and enlarged his establirliment,. lit is prepared to complete orders to any amount' at the shortest notice, Constantly on hand an assortment of ftlititonang :W1 11141 re of every variety, manufactured expressly for his own sales; and purchasers may therefore rely on a good aYriele. cr:/ . o'pen in the evening. Orders horn a distance packed carefully, and' sent free of porterage, to any part of the city. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, Aug. 21,1899-Iy. CROMELIEN &. BROTHER, Commission Merchants, 11111.014TtRS OF VIMTIEZh COGNAC: 13H-CO.IES, HOLLAND GIN, AND DEALERS IN Vas, Segars, 4''e. No. 11 Walnut Street, PHIL./IDELPIII.4. cc) .- Consignments of Western and Southern , Produce solicited, p) June 12, 1849. !Manufactory of Pocket Books, etc, • No. Chesnut St., above Second, PHILADELPHIA. rr HE subscribot respectfully solicits public ati tention to his superior and tasteful stock 6 , Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Banker's Cases, and other finecullery. Bill Books, Gold Pens and Pencils ; Dressing Cases, Seger cases, Card cases, Chess Men, Port Monaics, Back Gammon Board's, Puns, Dominoes, &c. His assortment consists of the most fashiona ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent workmanship embracing every desira ble fancy pawn, which he will at all times be' prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or re tail on the most pleasing terms. rePurchasers who tlesiro to furnish them selves with articles of the cot quality will consult their own interests by calling at this establish ment. P. H. SMITH, Pocket Busk Manufactuier, Aug. %8, r.,2; Cheoitut Si- J. A. riALL